Mr. nif Mm rt,ttpl. rkfier Sleen of I.ostine was Reserve ing talk. Mrs. Nancy Coyle of vice station there. Rosemary Trump, who has been employed Observer, La Grande, Ore., Thur., Aug. 20, 1959 Page B itiove to Lewiston. Idaho. Sunday, August 18, returning the same evening. They visited their granddaughter. Mrs. It. A. (Shir Grand Champion. In their age groups Linda Keeler won championship in horsemanship; and Treva Cowan of Wallowa was reserve champ Walla Walla was secretary and each member signed the register. A cousin of Mrs. Spencer Trump who is a divinity student gave the Thanks before the huge din ner. The younger members en jeyed swimming, baseball, bicy cling while the older members did a lot of visiting and getting acquainted with members who had never been here before. This is the sixth reunion of the fam ily and it is hoped it will be an iiiiiual affair. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bartmess are spending their vacation at the home ol her parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Spencer Trump. Zora Belle will teach the first g. ide at Howard school in Eu,r.e this i J). Don is employed at a ser had special services Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zelke Jr., and four children of Hermiston came Saturday to the Herchal Scott home. They will visit there and at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zelke Sr. of Enterprise. For the first time in eight years Mr. and Mrs. Grover John son had all eight of their child ren home at the same time. They came for the Johnson family re union and visited for a week with relatives and friends. Those ol Elmer City, Wash., Mrs. Mer in tugene mis summer, came home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Arel Henry of Boise spent Sunday visiting friends in Wallowa. While here they attended the Church of Christ. Rev. and Mrs. James Sinclair and to sons of Ashland are vis iting friends here for a couple of weeks. They are making their headquarters at the Don Scott home. Rev. Sinclair was min ister at the local Christian church fbr two years, before going to Ashland where he has a pastor ate. He favored the congrega tion with a special song, ac companied on the organ by Mrs. Sinclair Sunday morning, and uit (Winona) Holloway and daughter of Lancaster, Calif., Mr. ley) Crawford. and Mrs. Joe Johnson and two Mr. and Mr Fverett Dixon ion in grooming and showman children of Pullman, Wash., Mr. Mr T.,m Johnson and six WALLOWA (Special) David Hamilton, after visiting hit par ents in Junction City, has pro ceeded to Portland where he will' Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coleman and grandchildren, Louise and David, went to La Grande Satur day evening where they met their weot to Portland last Monday to ship. The Johnson family reunion was held Sunday, Aug. 16, at the Wallowa Lake state park with ap proximately 190 members pres ent. They were the direct descen dants of Isaac and Tom Johnson and Sina Johnson Varner, and each branch of the family were ripresented. . Pictures of each family group were taken, as well as pictures of the different gen Trursday. The trip was partly on business, but they attended (lie Centennial Exposition and went to Jantzcn Beach while there. At ttiA A. II Gai at rnfi.rnrise children of Corvallis. Ore., Mrs. Walter (Maybeth) Wilson and three children of Marion, La., Mrs. Roy (Grace) Moores and Mrs. fpencer (Millie) Trump, both of Wallowa. Mrs. Wilson and chil nron ."amp the first of the month mer me Armed Services. Mrs. Josephine Push return ed to Wallowa Friday of last week after a visit with friends in Boise and Payette, Idaho. Funeral services for William Lurklow were held at the Wallo wa Christian church Tuesday at 11 a.m. Mr. Uarklow ppsscd way, after a protracted illness, at Wallowa Memorial Hospital di.ut.htcr, Mrs. Melton. Mr. and Mis. Jack Werst have returned from Seattle where they have spent their vacation with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rny Southwick 2nd children returned Sunday evening after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Teel of Lewiston, Idaho. on Monday Pat Emmons of Ent and have made a longer visit. erprise was Grand cnampion m horsemanship and Unda Keeler of Wallowa was the Reserve Grand They will leave soon tor tneir home. Champion. coming from distances were, Mr. In showmanship and grooming. Bill Butner of was eration groups. Grover Johnson of Wallowa acted as chairman and Mrs. Frank (Ellen) Alander West Germany's population of Prineville, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. John (Dorothy , George and son density is about 10 times that of Grand Cahmpion and Cathy and gave a short but interest the United States. WALLQVA NEWS BRIEFS David Hamilton Will Join Armed Service In Portland HOW 0 TELUVISIOM sftAADKI FLOOH AT lTyf ToloviciAti Parli'n and Siereophonic High Fidelity. ALL NEW 1960 Leadership Line 2 Factory Representatives will be here Friday & Saturday, August 21 & 22 to answer your questions. MR. WILLIAM EDLUIID MR. ROBERT HODGES 209" 1 &Bk&J: 209" 1 TV 018106 ) "Sunshine Picture Tube" $1QQ95 ?rk "Sunshine Picture Tube" $i9995 tea $22995 rH MI D3008R VSa1 Quality & Value s37995 slim fmcm Quality & Value ALL-NEW - HHORIZONTAL CHASSIS FOR SUPER PERFORMANCE PORTABLE-TV World's finest high fidelity NEW! Zenith Radial Sound System Greater Sound Separation SINGLE CONSOLE AND TWIN-ENSEMBLE MODELS Gmlli D2010C