La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, August 06, 1959, Page 1, Image 1

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294th Issu
Nixon Gives Tips
On How To Handle
Khrushchev's Visit
WASHINGTON (UP!) Vice President Richard M. Nix
on reported to the National Security Council today on his
Russian tour and the importance of Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev's U. S. visit next month.
Nixon, who returned Wednesday from a two-week trip
through Russia and Poland, brought back some up to the
nuniue ups uii ueauug wan me
Soviet leader.
He thus is expected to take
Polio Cases
Reach High
In Oregon
Board of Health said Wednesday
Oregon's polio incidence is the
worst since 1955.
Dr. Harold M. Erickson, state
health officer, said Oregon has
recorded more fatal cases of po
lio, .more paralytic cases and
more laboratory isolations of the
dangerous type I polio virus dur
ing the last 17 weeks than during
any comparable period during the
past three years.
Six more cases of polio were
reported in Oregon last week,
bringing to 31 the number official
ly reported in the state so far
this year. Three of the six came
from Portland and one each from
Klamath, Marion and Multnofnah
counties. Two of the cases were
11-month old infants, one 18
months, one three years, one six
years and one 36 years.
Dr. Erickson said the situation
was not likely to improve because
too few , Oregon residents have
obtained Salt vaccination, the
state supply Is now virtually ex
hausted and the federal govern
ment has asked drug manufactur
ers to restrict shipments to states
listed as epidemic areas.
He said "there are indications
suggesting that incidence could
reach epidemic levels within the
next few weeks." He has ap
pealed to the U S. surgeon gen
eral and to the regional medical
director of the U S. Public Heatlh
Service for vaccine to help pre
vent any possible epidemic.
Shows Boost
In La Grande
Employment levels continued to
rise in La Grande during July
with gains' reflected in industrial
groups. One hundred and eleven
workers were placed on jobs by
the employment office during the
Shortages for skilled and semi
skilled sawmill workers developed
at, mid-month. There were also
shortages of experienced res
taurant workers.
The estimated area unemploy
ment was 310 compared to 450
in' June and 430 one year ago.
There were 67 new claims filed
for unemployment compensation
compared to 92 in June and 137
in July, 1958. ' '
Employment in this area is ex
pected to reach its annual peak
in August. A mod' rate demand
is expected for additional workers
in logging, transportation, retail
trade and service industries. Con
struction hiring is expected to be
on a replacement basis.
Teamster Union Wholesale'
Racketeering Being Probed
Atty. Gen. Malcolm R. Wilkey
said today the Justice Depart
ment is investigating "wholesale"
racketeering, perjury and income
tax evasion by members of the
Teamsters Union.
Many of the inquiries grew out
of disclosures in the JO-month-old
Senate Rackets Committee inves
tigation. The department turned
up the other cases on Its own.
Disclosure of the Justice De
partment action came on the
heels of two stinging rackets com
iiupciuuus dim iiai u-uuiiiig
a leading role in devising
strategy for dealing with Khrush
chev when he arrives next month
for a visit with President Eisen
hower and his first look at the
United States.
Nixon, who gave the President
a first hand report Wednesday
immediately on his return from
abroad, met with Eisenhower a:id
members of the hush-hush Secur
ity Council at its regular meet
ing today. The session, as is
usual, was held behind closed
doors of the White House Cabinet
The vice president spent an
hour and 15 minutes with the
President Wednesday.
The President was to get an
other report today on dealings
with the Soviets from Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter when
he returns from the Geneva for
eign ministers' meeting Herter
had a 6 p.m. e.d.t. appointment
with the Chief Executive.
Eisenhower was described as
highly gratified at the Big Four
agreement at Geneva to launch
new negotiations toward East
West disarmament, although the
conferees wound up in a complete
deadlock on the Berlin and Ger
man issues.
The importance that Nixon at
taches to Khrushchev's forthcom
ing visit was apparent as soon as
the vice president steooed from
his plane at Washington, National.
State Funds
Available For
Runway Work
The city of La Grande can
satisfactorily complete require
ments for receiving a $3,000
trant-in-aid from the state by ad
ding crushed rock to the present
seal coat at the runway. j
A letter from Earl W. Snyder,
director. State Board of Aeronau
tics that was read to the com
mission at last night's meeting
stated that the proposed crush
ed rock aggregate would satis
factorily meet state standards.
An alternate proposal of sur
facing the diagonal runway with
asphalt concrete was explained to
the commission by City Engineer
Dave Slaght.
Slaght explained to the com-'
mission that the state would re
quire the entire runway to be
resurfaced with asphaltic con-
ciete. The minimum cost of
such an operation would be about
$25,000 according to Slaght.
The matter was continued un
til 4 p.m. Monday when the city
commission will meet in special
City Manager, Fred J. Young,
v, ho is on vacation, sent a writ
ten report to the commission re
commending repairs to the run
way in regard with state speci
fications. Gordon Clarke, commission
president, said the city's insur
ance company had no objection to
rock on the runway.
Sunny Friday; high 88-93,
low tonight 43 48.
mittee reports linking Teamsters
President James R. Hoffa with
crime, corruptions and commu
nism. A grand jury has been re
viewing Hoffa's testimony before
the rackets inquiry for eight
months for possible perjury ac
tion. Wilkey. head of the Justice De
partment criminal division, said
certain Teamsters' activities were
of "more than academic inter
est." He rejected any thought
that the department was "going
after" the Teamsters.
Pat Johnston of La Grande
working on several areas of
Elmer Ncvils duck call was
plenty food, but it didn't at
tract th right kind of bird.
Nevils, 39, was practicing for
two hours on his front lawn
yesterday. Neighbors called
th sheriff. Two deputies
answered Nevil's and the
neighbors' calls, and Ns-vils
was arretted for public drunk
ness and disturbing th
City Okays
At Meeting
Three resolutions were accepted
by the city commission at last
night's meeting. Two resolutions
were for "the creating' of 'sewer
improvement districts and the
third for the sale of city property.
Resolution No. 1716 creating
Sewer Improvement District No.
319 was approved unanimously by
the four commissioners present.
The district includes lots one and
two of both Blocks A and B, Wis
dom's Addition; Lot six. Block One,
Deals Addition and Lots one to six.
Block Eight, Deals Addition.
The property is on L St., be
tween Cedar and Walnut.
Resolution No. 1717 created
Sewer Improvement District No.
320 on all the property without
sewer facilities buttin B Ave., be
tween Cedar and Walnut.
The third resolution passed,
accepting the offer of Elmer L. and
Helen L. Perry to purchase lots
seven to twelve inclusive. Block
Nine, Grandy's second addition
and authorizing the city commis
sion to enter into a sales contract.
The offer of $2,000 was accepted
and the city recorder-treasurer re
ported that $500 had already been
paid. Title to each parcel of
land will be retained by the city
and released lot by lot to the
Perry's with each subsequent pay
Hatfield Sends Letter
To Blue Mountain Boys
The Blue Mountain Boys re
ceived a thank - you note from
Governor Mark O. Hatfield con
cerning then- visit to the dinner
it which he spoke last month.
The letter read: "It was
peasure to get acquainted with
you during my visit to Eastern
Oregon and it was kind of you
to present me with the bear skin,
the hat and the beard which.
whenever 1 see tnem will re
mind me of our time together,
He said "wholesale violations"
by certain unidentified Teamsters
officials "have been called to our
The department's - scoreoard
shows 39 convictions of 31 Team
sters since 1954. These included
perjury, income tax evasion, ex
tortion of kickbacks from employ
ers, and Taft-Hartley Act viola
tions. In addition, the government has
pending 11 indictments against 14
Teamsters for these same crimes
plus anti-trust violations.
II' -t-nJ
1 iJ.Lt&
is working for the city paving 1 Avenue. The crew is
the town re-paving and paving some streets for the first
Boeing Is
For Usinq
gressional investigators today ac
cused Boeing Airplane Co., Se
attle, of trying to "influence" the
public and Congress in the Bo-
marc-Nike missile controversy.
Spokesmen for the big defense
firm countered that "this is a free
country" and they intended "to
cover every place we can cover
when we have a story to tell."
The exchange came during hear
ings by a House armed services
subcommittee, investigating possi
ble influence peddling by retired
military officers on defense con
Subcommittee members object-
City Rejects
Extension On
Water Service
A La Grande resident requested
the city to extend water service
into property that he is opening
up for construction and was re
jected by the city commission last
Earl H. Miller. 708 Alder St..
offered to give the city land for
street into the proposed building
site and requested water and
sewage facilities be put in while
the street area is torn up.
The proposed water piped would
extend for 300 feet and the city,
under ordinance, would receive
payment at the rate of $1.25 per
foot. Dave Slaght, city engineer.
said the proposed construction
would cost about $4 per foot.
The city commissioners felt that
they would be pressing their budget
for water construction since the
city will have to build water mains
from the rai'road wells to the
present water system within the
next month.
The problem of formal dedica
tion of the proposed street was
also discussed. City Attorney Carl
G. Helm Jr. told Miller he could
open the street and that after a
period of years usage by travelers
would establish the ground as a
The commission suggested to
Miller that he form his own water
district or bond the addition under
the Bancroft Act.
City Considers
Rental Requests
For Equipment
The city commission accepted
one request 10 rent city equip-
m?nt and rejected two others at
their regular meeting last night.
The commission agred to rent
the oil distribuor o H. J. and H. W.
Miller for a period of three to
four days to fulfill an oiling con
tract in Baker.
Specifications for the Baker job
require a circulating bar on the
oiler and the Miller equipment
doesn't have such an attachment.
The truck will be let at the speci
fied rate.
The commission rejected the re
quest of the Oregon Forest Service
for the use of the city's com
pressor. Also rejected was the request
of George Decker for the use of
the city paint machine and oper
ator. Gordon Clarke, commission
president, said the reason for
bringing such requests before the
commission was to avoid com
petition with private contractors.
If desired equipment is available
from private contractors the com
mission will not authorize the use
of the city's.
ml n
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(Observer Photo)
Under Fire
ed especially to a full-pace news
paper advertisement which ap
peared here May 27 at the h"ighl
of a congressional fight over the
merits of the two air defense mis
The ad was given security clear
ance by the Defense Department
Chairman F. Edward Ilebert ID-
La.) called the ad "apparently a
deliberate effort by Boeing to sell
Boeing officials, including Sen
ior Vice President Wellwood E.
Beall. Personnel Director Fred G
lluleen, and Public Relations chief
Harold II. Mansfield, insisted it
was not that at all.
Mansfield said the advertise
ment, part of a planned series,
was published to offset a "con
ceiled campaign of misinforma
tion" about the liomarc. But be
reailily conceded it was designed
10 encourage fair consideration
lor the. Boeing-manufactured rock
et. "It was to provide information
we felt was needed so that the
military decision would be based
on knowledge rather than on
bias," he said.
Commission OK's
Fund Transfer
The city commission authoriz
ed the recorder-treasurer to
transfer $16,000 from equipment
rental to equipment in the street
and road fund budget for 1959
60. This is a technical transfer
of funds that should have been
corrected by the budget board
when they decided to pay the
complete price of a D7 'cat' in
stead of only making partial pay-rient.
""SE r : zzz
vpw. -I y : v
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Bob Ocsterling, far left, who plays Jim Bridger in the
production of "Doctor In Buckskin Clad," gets gome
treatment for an old bullet wound that Whitman has
Price 5 Cent
ical Press today cam out in
favor of rock 'n roll as a
method of preventing crime.
It helps rid persons of
"surplus physical energy,"
th publication said.
'Tha mora rocking and rol
ling indeed, the lass coining
black-jacking and knifing as
a rul."
Dot Claims
Two Lives
HONOLULU (UII) Hurricane
warnings were hoisted for tne
western half of Oahu Island and
eastern half of Kauai Channel to
day as Pacific hurricane Dot
swerved north and approached the
two islands.
The ' Weather Bureau ordered
whole gale warnings for the rest
of Oahu. where Honolulu is lo
cated, and gale signals for the
waters west of Maui, Lanal. Moto-
kai and Kauai islands.
The hurricane has cost two
lives. A motorist died on a rain
slicked highway on Oahu and a
tugboat skipper was killed in a
bout collision in Lanai Harbor
during the drenching rains
Property loss estimates rose to
$34,000 including heavy damage to
the famed Kona Inn.
The storm, though diminished In
strength, still carried center winds
of 103 miles an hour and 58-mile
an hour winds extending out for
a radius of 40 miles. -
It was located 130 miles south
of Honolulu early todays moving
northward at nine miles an hour.
The Weather Bureau expected it
to remain on this course for the
next 24 hours.
Residents along the southern
shore of Kauai began moving to
higher ground and the Red Cross
set up three shelters.
Thirty-foot waves were expected
on the southern and western
shores of all Hawaiian islands.
Damage Claim
Given To City
On Fire Losses
The city received a claim from
Fred J. Sweet for S1.000 for dam
ages to his property during the
recent fire at the city dump.
Fred J. Young, city manager,
recommended that a fire trail be
cut around trie entire dump area
to insure protection against fur
ther fires. "-
Commissioner H. E. Waddell sug
gested a wind break be placed in
back of the dump to cut down the
wind from the canyon northwest
of town. Waddell said he thought
the dump was one of the best in
the country.
Dave Slaght,, city engineer, said
such a windbreak would not be an
economical project
Eisenhower Seeks
Tough Reform Bill
In Speech Tonight
WASHINGTON (UPI) President Eisenhower appeals
to the nation in a coast-to-coast radio and TV speech tonight
to support tough labor reform legislation.
Republicans hoped the White House appeal would bring
a flood of letters and telegrams that would persuade the
House to pass a stiff, Eisenhower backed substitute instead
of a middle-of-the-road cleanup bill approved by the House,
Labor Committee.
But some Democrats felt that Eisenhower's intervention
could boomerang and rally south-1
erners behind the commute Din
by injecting partisanship into the
Many southerners have favored
the tougher substitute.
The Democrats were trying to
decide who should answer Eisen
hower's speech if the networks
grant their request for equal
time. They were confident that
the broadcasters would give them
time to plug the committee bill
before Die House takes up the is
sue next week.
All television and radio net
works will carry the President's
appeal live between 7:30 and 7:45
p.m., e.d.t. Some of the radio net
works will rebroadcast a record
ing of the speech later.
AFL-CIO President George
Meany goes on NBC radio two
hours after the President in an
attempt to muster support for a
bill even milder than the commit
tee measure, or no legislation
at all.
Key Republicans said Eisenhow
er would renew his endorsement
of the tough substitute, offered by
Reps. Phil M. Landrum (D-Ga.)
und Robert P. Griffin (R-Mich.)
The President told his news con
ference last week that this meas
ure was "a long ways closer" to
his own ideas than any other pro
posal. Paving Projects
Are In Progress
On City Streets
Several paving projects are in
progress on La Grande city
Work which began July 27 is
expected to be completed by Sep
tember. Re-paving work has been done
on three blocks of North Second
street and a portion of L ave
nue is being paved for the first
Other improvements on sche
dule include re-paving two bocks
on Cedar street, one block on
Oak street, three blocks on Main
streets three blocks on Walnut
street and three blocks on N ave
New pavement will be layed on
Oak street from Main to Wash
ington streets, J avenue from
Second to Third streets, and Al
dor from L avenue to M avenue
The H. J. and W. II. Miller firm
has been contracted for the job
City workers prepare the streets
for paving,
re-opened to remove the
t - - y 1 1 . i
ues rxiwarus as Marcus, jain. nvc ua juc mc, anu
Grace Rye as Bridger's Indian wife. (Perry Studio)
New Plan :
To Build
Highways I
House Public Works Committee;
rejected today a plan calling for
a drastic cutback in the construe
tion scheduled for the 41.000-mile:
network of Interstate highways;
It came up instead with a plan
for a more moderate stretch-out
of the program to help meet th
highway financing crisis.
The committee made no recom.
mendations for raising extra mon
ey needed to beef up the highway
trust fund even if the moderate
stretch-out were put into effect;
Thus, it tossed the ball bacl(
to the House Ways and Means
Committee, which technically has
the responsibility of finding reve
nue for the highway fund. '
Plan Delays Program t
The Ways and Means Commit'
tee last week rejected President
Eisenhower's request for a 1W
cent increase in federal gasoline;
taxes and recommended this two-
part plan to solve the money mud
Issuance of one billion dollars
in new revenue bonds to get over
the immediate financing "hump."
Stretching out over-all con
struction of the highways to meet
lha Inno rnnan nruhlum nf hmi
..... o - n r - -
to kvcp the progrun ip the Mack.
The Ways and Means Commit
tee plan called for slashing ap
portionments to the state begin
ning next July 1. This would be
cut to 600 million dollars, com
pared with the $2,500,000,000 in
present law.
But the Public Works Commit
tee recommended that next
year's apportionment be scaled
down to $2,200,000,000 and appor
tionments for the following 11
years be fixed at the same
If the Ways and Means Com
mittee accepts, a different finan
cing proposal would be necessary
to pull the program out of the red.
The billion-dollar bond issue
would not be enough.
Chairman Wilbur D. Mills ID
Ark.) said he will call his Ways
and Means Committee into session
Monday to take another look at
the revenue picture.
bullet. Next to Oesterling Is
t - I. r T 1 1.