La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, August 05, 1959, Page 4, Image 4

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Wasn't ME Who Yelled 'Uncle!'"
NEA Stnkt, Ik
Wednesday, August 5, 1959
"A Modern Newspaper Willi 'Hie J'ioneer Spirit"
KI1.KY D. A1J.KN Publisher
LA oranuk publishing cou pan I GKOKGK S. CILAIXIS .. Adv. Director
TOM IfL'MKS .. Circulation Mgr.
Only Seems Like Carefree Existence
At every opportunity Kussia's Pre
mier Khrushchev repeats liis firm !
lief that it is only a matter of time until
Russia will demonstrate to the satis
faction of everyone, including Americans
that its system is best. Then, he says,
we shall adopt the Russian system ami
scrap ours which will he obviously in
ferior. We can scoff at such a forecast, hut
it is possible for a Russian to nrjnie his
case in various ways, lie might, for
example, take three baffling problems
that now confront the United States and
tell how quickly they would he solved
under the Russian system.
One of these would be our agricultural
surpluses. We simhuI billions to pay
farmers for growing wheat that is not
needed, and spend billions more to store
it. Under the Russian system the fann
ers would simply be forbidden to grow
any more wheat than was needed, and
land taken out of wheat production would
be planted to something else. If some
thing else was not needed, the land
would simply be left idle and the farmers
moved to the cities where they would
be told to take industrial jobs.
Production of steel is stopped in the
United States because one steel union
is able to strike 90 per cent of the indus
try. Under Russia's system no strikes
are allowed. The steel workers would
'el an increase in wages only if the boss
in Russia's case the government felt
that sueh an increase was justified.
The United States is plagued by infla
tion. The purchasing power of the dollar
h:ls declined due to a number of factors.
In the managed economy of a Communist
state, prices, like wages, are set, 'not
according to economic laws, but accord
ing to the manipulation of the govern
ment. I!ut, under such a system, we would
answer to a Russian arguing these
points, the individual, would lose his free
dom, lie would be virtually a slave to
the state, told at every turn what he
could not do.
The Russian, who has never known
anything else even under the Czars
would ! in no position to argue on that
IMiint. Having never known freedom he
would not Ik? aware that it is wrong to
be without it. Khrushchev and his
cohorts really believe that their system
is best. They will go on citing statistics
and records of progress to prove it.
Where, the danger really lies in our
country is in people being convinced by
tlieHc statistics and records to the point
! where they forget the price to lie paid
for inch a managed economy is far too
heavy a price to pay for what might
seem like a carefree existence,
Dawn To Dusk Driving Is Dangerous
nliiir tilonir fighting sleep until it s con
venient to stop for a cijp of coffee. Some
drivers are .smart euougli lo
timnlv wnrnincr about marathon
driving comes from the Automobile Club.
This is the time of year when people
take long1 trips. Because many are short
on time or money, they often try to get
the maximum numlier of miles in. a day
of driving. This is hazardous. We nil
get tired and often sleepy on long drives.
The danger of accidents increases.
Everyone knows the advice altout
stopping to take a brief nap when he
gets sleepy at the wheel. But how many
have ever done it? Not many. We just
nwaK. ner nills that are caffein in con
centrated form. They have the same
effect as drinking coffee.
Iitmg trips can be made safely, if two
or more drivers take turns driving, and
rest stops are frequent enough. But the
safety authorities say it is best not to
plan trips that call for dawn to dusk
Not A Party But A
Not much is heard about the Ameri
can branch of the Communist party
anymore. That is because it had to go
underground some years back.
The Reds sought to gain the right to
operate in the open again by seeking
court reversal of the ruling that the
party is dominated by Moscow. Uist
Thursday the U.S. Court of Appeals up
held that decision by the Subversive
Activities Control Board. An appeal will
be made, of course, to the Supreme
If upheld there, the Communist party
will continue to remain suppressed as a
political force. But as the servant of
Moscow, operating beneath the surface,
it will not be stamped out. 1'or it is not
a party in the ordinary sense of the word
at all. The liest word to describe it still
is conspiracy.
Nothing stops work quicker than peo
ple who have nothing to do and spend
their time with people who are busy.
Speaking of seat Wits in autos. some
smart alec kids need them good and
Poor handwriting sometimes does a
splendid job of covering up mistakes in
Former President Truman
Talks Turkey To Butler
v..miim;to. The meeting
hich Democratic Chairman But
ler had with House Speaker Sam
Huyburn and Sen. Lyndon John
made headlines, but another
important meeting didn't. This
js Willi former president Harry
I'luman at Independent, Mo.
The beleaguered Democratic
i hairnian went to see Truman
on his own volition to get advice
and straighten himself out with
I he party generally. Truman,
friendly but blunt, gave him this
"The j'ib of the national chair
man is to keep the party togeth
er. Not stir up trouble. When
the party platform is adorned
t each convention it's the job
d the national chairman to car
y it out. It's up to the chair
man to see that there's harmony
the parly.
Butler told the nation's No. 1
Democrat inai ne was sor y
he had caused lack of harmony
When he left here," Mr. Tru
man said, ne was in complete
There was a report that you
naa written liutler a stiff let
iit," I told the former president
"No, he came here on his own
nitiative and I was glad to see
him. Then he added with
chuckle, "you know I'm trying
lo stay away from writing lett
Getting the Polish Vote
The state department isn't
talking about it, but its officials
have been worried about Vice
Maximum length 300 words.
No anonymous letters but tru
nam will bo withheld on request.
To the Kdilnr:
At 2:5(1 p.m., on July 15, 1959
on li. S. Highway 30 west ol
Mcachain, Oregon, my husband.
Warren Kiltz, was involved in a
motor vehicle-accident. He was
traveling on a motorcycle when
he accident occurred. As a re
suit of the accident, he lost his
ight leg and received other se
vere injuries which wil complete
ly alter his life. The other' par.
ties to the accident also of course
have suffered great mental an
Unfortunately, because of the
lack of witnesses, it has been
very difficult for us to determine
the exact cause of this accident.
There were several cars follow
ing the automobile which collid
ed with my hushund. The occu
pants of these cars all stopped
jt the time of the accident and
without exception, rendered val
uable assistance both in making
my husband comfortable and in
obtaining outside help. Because
his critical condition and the
necessity of rushing him from
the scene of the accident, it was
not possible for anyone to ob
tain the names or addresses of
these witnesses. They may re
side anywhere.
I know that witnesses to any
kind of highway accident or other
tragedies are relucant to involve
themselves by coming forward
with their stories. It is my hope.
however, that persons who wit
nessed tins acciaeni win reaa
this letter and now that they
know, their accounts of this ac
cident are needed will come for
ward to help us. My husband is
a twice decorated combat veteran
of the Korean War.
All mail concerning this ac
cident should be addressed to
Box 44, Pendleton, Oregon. My
husband and 1 and our two little
children will be grateful for any
Sincerely yours,
Jcaneen Kiltz
Letter to the Editor:
We desire to call the attention
of the citizens of La Grande to
the bad conditions of their city
garbage dump.
Six times in the past few years
their fire has burned over a con
siderable number of acres of our
farm. We live under a constant
fear of the fire danger to our
uildings, home and crop losses.
Waste paper is always blowing in-
o our fields alove our buildings.
The prevailing wind blows the
smoke from the garbage fire ov
er our home.
Our home has been here many
years prior to the present gar
bage affair. A few limes in the
past, we submitted a reasonable
hill to the city tor loss wnicn was
paid by an insurance adjuster af
ter some detailed questioning of
mall items. we had hoped a
mall claim would call attention
to correction of the menace.
We are sure the good citizens
and of La Grande
want to lake care of their re
sponsibility of being good neigh
bors and do something to reme-
iy the existing conditions.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Kuth Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Lester McClune
President Nixon's trip through
Poland, in fact, they were firm
ly opposed to his making the
the trip at all.
Reason: He's likely to put the
Polish government on the spot
and undo some of the progress
made in cementing American-Po
lish relations. The Poles are nat
urally friendly toward the Unit
ed States and state department
officials were fearful that Nixon
might get a warmer welcome
than Premier Khrushchev. This
it was feared, might cause bad
repercussions. It was even fear
ed the Polish government might
stir up some deliberate anti-Nix
on demonstrations so the Polish
people would not appear too
Nixon, however, overruled the
state department. He had made
his plans for the Warsaw visit
even before he left the USA
though they were announced la
ter. He had even been in touch
with Poland's Catholic leader,
Cardinal Wyszynski. What the
vice president has in mind was
chance to influence the huge bloc
of Polish-American votes in De
Iroit, Chicago, Buffalo, and Mil
RERUN il l'D Bernard Guf-
ler took his oath Monday as new
United States ambassador to Cey
lon Gutler had been deputy chief
of the U S. mission to Berlin and
was sworn in here to nllow him
to go directly to his new assign
ment, instead of stopping off in
Iko's Democratic Candidates
Newsmen who met with the
president at an off-the-record
dinner recently are very close-
mouthed about it, but report that
Ike was asked whom he favored
as the Democratic nominee for
president. He is reported to have
"Spessard Holland, John Sten
nis, or rranK Lauscne. '
Those present were incredu
lous, though Eisenhower was jok
ing. Sen. Holland of Florida is
conservative Democrat who
frequently votes with the Repub
licans. Senator Stennis of Miosis
sippi is a loyal, able Democrat,
but coudn't carry a state north
of the Mason-Dixon line. Sena
tor. Lausche of Ohio not only
votes frequently with the Repub
licans, but couldn't make up his
mind at first to side with the
Democrats in the organization of
the Senate.
However, the president appar
ently was .dead serious about
these men as Democratic candi
dates for president
"What about your fellow Tex
an, Lyndon Johnson?" he was
There was another significant
"I think Sam Rayburn would
be fine," Eisenhower replied.
Ik es silence meant that the un
fficial alliance between Eisen
hower and Johnson which . has
long irked many Democratic sen
ators, is off.
Enemy of Power Companies
Jim Stietenroth, ex-treasurer of
Mississippi Power and Light, who
testified before the SEC that his
company had kept double books
and used dummy directors, is
now running for state senator in
Mississippi and has the power
companies in a furor.
Stientenroth resigned during
the Dixon-Yates expose to come
to Washington and throw a monkey-wrench
into the attempt of
southern power companies to
stop expansion of the Tennessee
Valley Authority.
Now running for the Senate, he
is still fighting the battle for
cheaper power. He has claimed
that his old company, Mississippi
Power and Light owes the state
of Mississippi $918,269.74 in un
paid taxes; that the company has
unlawfully refused to pay," and
that the chairman of the state
tax commission has violated his
oath of office by failing to col
Stietenroth also claims that the
cost of electricity in the state
capital, Jackson, Miss., is $3,000,
000 more annually than in Tupe
lo, Miss., which gets, its power
from TV A.
This, from a former executive
of a private power company, is
quite a statement. Private and
public power interests all over
the country will be watching the
state Senate race in Missippi.
Under tha Dome
House GOP Leader Charlie Hal-
leck is boasting privately that he
lined up enough Republican and
Dixiecrats to ram a tough labor
reform bill through the House.
Hallcck has made a deal with
Congressman Howard Smith of
Virginia to support tfie very
tough substitute bill introduced
by Congressmen Griffin of Michi
gan and Landrum of Georgia.
President Eisenhower will then
throw the weight of the White
House behind the Griffin-Land-
rum bill ... A Senate subcom
mittee on Asiatic trade has
sounded out the state depart
ment about going to Red China.
The state department is trying to
discourage Chairman Warren
Magmison of Washington from
applying for passports, but his
committee members are deter
miner! to go if the Chinese Com
munists will admit them . . . New
York's GOP Leader Judson Mor
house confided to friends that
what Governor Rockefeller does
at the governors' conference in
Puerto Rico may give him a big
push toward the presidency . . .
Regardless of the governors'
conference Senator Goldwater of
Arizona, the Republican Senator
ial campaign chairman, has al
ready launched a Nixon for Pres
ident boom.
I v-
' ' - fa ,. X 7
'. V
NIXON LEAVES FOR HOME Vice President Richard Nixon (right) talks to Wlady
slaw Gomulka (left). First Secretary of Poland s Communist Party, through an un
identifieid interpreter In Warsaw. Nixon ended his historic tour today.
Ike's Special Press Meet
Caught Reporters Unaware
UP1 Staff Writer
Hagerty was up with the birds.
By 7 a.m. he was at the White
House, conferring with Ike. By
9:18 they had the details worked
out and Hagerty flashed word to
correspondents, via the city news
wires, that the President would
meet the press at 10:30 a. m
It was the fourth such extra-
dorninary news conference Eisen
hower had called in his 6'- years
in the White House. The call
caught some of the regulars in
United Press International
WARSAW Polish Premier
Joseph Cyrankiewicz, exchanging
toasts with Vice President Rich
ard M. Nixon at a reception in
the U.S. Embassy:
Our outstretched hand testifies
to our desire for peace and
friendship. We believe deeply that
this outstretched "hand will not
remain in the air .and we are
convinced that Mr. Nixon's visit
will contribute to this end." '
Rackets Committee, attacking
Teamsters Union President James
R. Ho.'fa in an interim report on
its 1938 investigations:
In the history of the country.
it would be hard to find a labor
leader who has so shamefully
abused his members of his trust."
Union President James R. Hof
fa. commenting on a Senate
Rackets Committee report that
warned he would destroy the la
bor movement unless he was
"To hell with them. I'll place
my record of achievements for
the workers beside the record of
Jack Kennedy (Sen. John F. Ken
nedy, D-Mass.) or Bob Kennedy
(Committee Counsel Robert F.
Kennedy) anytime. This is just
another attempt to get a head
line in Jack Kennedy's campaign
for president at my expense.
Republican Senator William F.
Knowland, criticizing President
Eisenhower s invitation to Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev to
visit this country:
An invitation to Hitler or Him-
ler while Denmark, Norway, Bel
gium, Holland and a part of
France were held in Nazi subju
gation would have shocked the
conscience of the free world. What
is morally wrong can never be
politically or diplomatically
Poland with Vice President Fdch
ard M. Nixon, and others away
on vacation. Some were straggling
back sunburned and late from a
fine week end at the beach.
Sarah McClendon of the San
Antonio Light and other news
papers did not get the word. Some
others heard but couldn't make it
in time. Several who missed by a
nose were left panting in the ter
mors outside the old treaty room
when the main doors were closed
as Eisenhower approached a side
entrance. '
139 On Hand
But there were 139 hardy souls
who bolted their breakfasts, set
aside thoughts of un early start
on another rough week, scrambled
for cabs, and raced to the ugly
stone pile next to the W hite House
in time to answer Ike's emer
gency call.
Though the morning was cool,
the room was blistering hot, as
usual. A battery of sweating work
men, swarming over the place to
install an air conditioning system,
had steamed it up in advance.
The anticipatory buzz was loader
and a little more nervous than
usual. As the clock inched to
ward the appointed minute, some
body suggested we couldn't go on
without Sarah but May Craig was
there, for the Portland Press Her
ald and other Maine papers, and
it was the consensus that this
made it all legal.
Ike strode in smiling at 10;30
a. m., in a light g-ay suit a:id
vest, white shirt, and dotted blue
tie. Despite the vest he was the
only one in the room, besides
May, who managed somehow to
look cool.
Reads Announcement
As everybody had expected he
had an announcement that Khrus
hchev was to visit this country.
As we hadn't expected, he said
he himself will -tour Russia. He
read the announcement off a stale-'
ment in giant type, and put his '
glasses back in his pocket. '
He said the Russians were at .
the same moment making the ;
same announcement in Moscow. :
If that was a hint, we didn't take
it. We had questions. We wanted
details. He had no details but
he tried helpfully to answer the
He smiled a little wistfully, I
thought, when he explained why
he proposed that Krrushchev
visit this country. He said he did
this "with the hope" that it night
contribute something toward peace.
It was a serious conference, but
it produced a few laughs.
One. in which Ike joined, came
when Fletcher Knebel of the Cow
les publications asked him "could
you bay, sir was it just two items
of correspondence you invited
him and he accepted or was there
more than that"
IS Minute Session
"Well," said Ike, in what was
possibly a considerable under
statement, "I'd say it is a little
more complicated than that."
A reporter with an eye on the
clock and a mental picture of the
spved with which things just might
be progressing in Moscow broke
it up at 10:45 wilh the customary,
"thank you Mr. President."
Ike hung back a moment and
grinned at the drive for the door.
UPI and AP reporters, correspon
dents for the big afternoon dailies,
and radio men lowered their heads
and bulled their way toward the
exit. Tom Foley, for UPI, burst
into the clear ahead of the pack.
His bulletin said what a UPI bul
letin from Moscow had $aid 12
minutes earlier.
In Moscow, the Russians had
merely called in the press and
handed out the printed announce
ment. They provide the additional
background that the President
gave reporters here.
York Philharmonic Orchestra
flew to Athens today for the open
ing concert of a foreign tour that
will include the raising of the
Iron Curtain. Tho
t, mm
play in Communist nations for the
nrsi time when it performs in the
Soviet Union, Poland and Yugo
slavia later in its 10-week tour.
Before You Insulate
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All Sizes
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