Herter Gives W X amsn Red 5) 293th Issue o3rd. Ytar Ike To Appea Labor Reform Mop-Up Crews Still Busy Near La Grande; Range Fire At Ontario Mop up operations are still jn full swing at the fire site just above Upper Perry Bridge. Fifty men and tank trucks 'twere still climbing over the rock strewn hillside to put out the last sparks of the fire that burned almost 600 acres of brush and timber Sunday and Monday. "It will be difficult to say when the moo ud will be com- pleted. It all depends on how Blood Call Due Here Tuesday The Blood mobile will be here Tuesday at the Armory from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. A quota of 150 pints has been set which Red Cross and blood service spokesmen are "particu larly anxious to fill because we have used more than 250 pints since the bloodmobile was here. Age limits for donating blood are 18 through 59. During this visit, the Bloodmo bile won't be taking any people who have formerly had Jaun-' dice, but they "especially need" type O negative blood. Appointments , are npt neces sary but -they may be made by railing Mrs. T. B. Lumsden at WO 3-5351 br the Red Cross of fice at WO 3 2711. Ken Lillard, Union county chairman of the Blood service has been contacting each church in town and has given them a quota to reach in relation to their membership. During the past month, one person used 27 pints of blood and another used 14. 'We want to make a special plea for doners because we have so far exceeded our donations and because we have used so much more blood than we have given. We feel a real obligation to re-imburse the blood tenter,' Mrs. T. B. Lumsden said. She is executive secretary of the Union county Red Cross. The Red Cross motor corps ser vice will provide transportation for those who need it. Mrs. Lumsden also added that when people from this area are having surgery in other areas they should contact the blood center here. Then they could have blood sent from here or agree to replace the blood used. In this way, the person does not have to pay for the blood except tor the typing and the adminis tering costs. Portland Jarred By Earthquake; No Damage Noted PORTLAND (UPD A minor earthquake jarred Portland Just before p.m. Tuesday but no damage or injuries were report ed. Many residents reported the tremor . shook their homes and desks slid, pictures and wall clocks moved and dishes rattled Telephone switchboards at po lice, newspaper and radio station offices were jammed with calls. One woman said "it felt like the house was going to move off the foundation." At the University of Washing ton in Seattle, seismologists said the earthquake was noted here at 3:53 p. m. but it was so slight no reading could be made. It was centered about 135 miles from Seattle and was a small local shock, they said. Oregon State College seismolog 1st H. R. Vinyard reported the shock was recorded on instru ments in Corvallis at 3:53 p. m. also. He said it was a slight shock. WEATHER Fair Thursday; high 80 85; low tonight 38-43. LA GRANDE I many men we can keep .in line area and what new fires occur," according to w. M. Curtis, District Warden for Northeast Oregon. Men were released from the La Grande area to fight a new fire that has developed near Sisters according to Curtis Although the La Grand? area had a brief period of cloud cover it disappeared early this morning and conditions remain hazardous. The forecast calls for continued hot and dry weather. Warns Public Curtis warned the public that conditions are "extrem-ly dan gerous" and urged travelers and campers to take the utmost pre caution when in the woods. A range fire of some 35,000 acres burned out of control early today in Ma'heur county and Bureau of Land Management officials at Vale said if winds stayed down there was a good chance of eon- trolling it. A few miles southwest of Sisters firefighters battled a blaz? that Tuesday destroyed about 650 acres of young reproduction and second growth pine before being controlled at 11 p.m. Central Oregon Fire District officials said if the wind remains calm the fire should stay contained. The Malheur county blaze broke out early Tuesday afternoen about eight miles northeast or Ontario along U.S. Highway 30, in Moore's Hollow. Fir Near Ontario BLM officials at Vale said the blaze came within three or four miles of Ontario late Tuesday before winds shifted and the flames moved westerly away from the city. Residents could see the fire from Ontario. Ashes were dumped on the town and the smoke was dense. The Bureau of Land Management said some 150 firefighters and several hundied ranchers and townspeople fought the Malheur county fire. The fire, caused by a burning cigaret flipped from a passing auto on U.S. Highway 30 about eight miles north of Ontario, was fanned by winds up to 35 miles per hour. BLM officials said the range fire was Oregon's largest in the past 10 years. Early this morning the hottest spot of the blaze was in the south west corner at Malheur Butte. Much of the blackened acreage was private land and some was grain. Sh FIRES On Ptg FLOWER - THROWING POLES GIVE NIXON A THUNDEROUS SENDOFF KEFLAVIK, Iceland (VPIt Vice President Richard M. Nixon left here today at 7:08 ajn. p.d.t. for the last leg of his return to Washington from his visit to Rus sia and Poland. He had a stop over at Iceland of an hour and 48 minutes after his plane reached here from War saw. His arrival time in Washing ton is now estimated at about 1 pxn. p.d.t. In leaving Poland, Nixon was given a thunderous sendoff from thousands of cheering, flower throwing Poles. Nixon took off from Bahice Air base exactly at 4 a.m. e.d.t. in Boeing 707 airliner which also carried the U.S. newsmen who covered his trip. Nixon is due this afternoon in the U.S. capital, where a large crowd is expected to gather at the airport to welcome him. He will drive directly from the air port to the White House to report to President Eisenhower on his trip. LA For Effective Bill Tomorrow THE GALS WERE VERY INDIGNANT NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. UPIS Two French-born wo man arrested for swimming in only tht bottom halves of their bikini bathing suits en public beech said they couldn't understand what ell the futs was about. To swim without tops is common among women at French beaches, Aurelie la Mr, 34, end Hena Rsvire, 32, were reported to have indig nantly told arresting officers. The women, both residents of Los Angeles, go en trial today on misdemeanor charg es of outraging the public decency. Second Set Of Charges For Hoffa WASHINGTON tUPIr The Senate Rackets Committee, firing the second blast of a double-barrelled attack, charged today that teamsters President James R. Hoffa used union funds "to pay off a long-standing debt to the Chicago underworld. Th committee als -charged by inference that Hoffa received "some or all" of a $17,500 cash payoff made by Detroit laundry owners to obtain a favorable union contract. The accusations were contained in the second chapter of a formal report which the committee filed with the Senate setting forth its findings in hearings conducted last year. The first section, filed prema turely Tuesday after its contents leaked to newsmen, reviewed 21 cases in which Hoffa was linked with crime, corruption and Com munist elements. In the stinging report, the Sen ate investigators . charged that Hoffa would destroy the Ameri can labor movement unless his power is curbed. It also declared that the "con tinuing tie-up" between Hoffa and the underworld threatens to put gangsters and hoodlums in a po sition to dominate American eco nomic life. The committee further charged that Hoffa has formed, or is at tempting to form, alliance with elements of communism, as well as crime. Hoffa, informed of the commit tee's charges, snapped: "To hell with them." "I'll place my record of achievements for the workers be side the record of Jack Kennedy (Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.) or Bob Kennedy (Committee Counsel Robert F. Kennedy) any time," he said. Thousands of Poles jammed the road to Babice from the U.S. Em bassy residence, where Nixon lived during his stay here, and thousands more were waiting at the flag-draped atrbase to cheer4wi()) im him on his way. Their cheers recalled the en thusiastic welcome Nixon has re ceived from Poles throughout his stay here. An official party headed by Vice President Oskar Lange, Pre mier Josef Cyrankiewici and For eign Minister Adam Rapaeki went to the airbase to see Nixon off. U.S. Ambassador Jacob Beam and most of the other foreign en voys stationed here also were on hand. During his tour, Nixon acquired a wealth of first hand Information about life behind the Iron Curtain which is expected to prove useful in preparing this fall's historic ex change of visits between Presi dent Eisenhower and Premier Ni kita Khrushchev. GRANDE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUSUST 5, 195 Nation To Hear Message WASHINGTON tt'Pl - -Presi dent Eisenhower will make na tionwide radio and ,tele ""on speech Thursday night in jn ef fort to prod Congress Into passing a tougher labor reform bill. Con gressional Democrats Immediately demanded "equal time." The White House announced that radio and TV networks had agreed to set aside IS minutes, from ?:30 to 7:45 p.m. e.d.t., for an address by the President on the need for an "effective" labor reform bill this year ; Press Secretary James C. Ha gerty refused to say whether the President would call for passage of a tougher bill than the one al ready approved by the Senate or a middle of the road version sent to the House floor by its Labor Committee. But key congressional Republi cans said Eisenhower vrbuld re new his qualified endorsement of the tougher bill. "He will endorse it in substance, if not in name," one GOP mem ber said. Demand Equal Time Democratic leaders were equal ly certain that he would plug for the stronger bill, and demanded that the TV and radio networks grant them equal time to reply. Seriate Democratic Whip lrike M"sfield (Mont,, said ,en. fihn JV Kennedy' D-Mass. , author of the Senate bill, should be granted air time to answer the President. Rep. Stewart L. Udall (D-Ariz.l said that Speaker Sara Raybitrn or somebody designated by him should be given time to defend the House Labor Committee's bill. The house heads into a Don nybrook on the issue next week. Rayburn favors the milder labor committee bill over the tougher version sponsored by conserva tives with Eisenhower's qualified support. Senate Democratic Leader Lyn don B. Johnson (Tex ) opened Senate discussion with this state ment: "If the President feels he must enter the debate before the bill comes to him, I hope he will be able to shed light instead of heat. . , .There are very few people who do not want an effective antirack eteering bill. The real difficulty is that honorable men disagree on what constitutes a bill that is both effective and fair." GOP leader Replies Senate GOP Leader Everett M. Dirksen (ill.! replied that it would be "quite fitting if the President did tell the country what he thinks is an adequate bill, , . He has that responsibility. Johnson said the Senate passed "effective legislation by an 89-1 vote last year and another one by 90-1 this year. Dirksen argued that the lopsided votes did not mean many members felt the bill was strong enough. Nixon talked to uncounted Com munist officials and "men in the street" during his tour of Russia and Poland, accumulating the im pressions of life behind the Iron Curtain that he is taking home In Russia, he was allowed to visit areas of Siberia which had previously been closed to most Western visitors. A spokesman said Tuesday night that Nixon is "highly salis fied with the outcome of his tour and that he feels sure Eisenhower can count on a tumultuous wel come when he visits Russia this fall. Nixon is carrying with him a note from Stefan Cardinal Wyx rynski, Roman Catholic primate of f-oland. The vice president vis ited Wysynski's cathedral here Tuesday, but the cardinal ap parently fearing that a meeting with Nixon might be resented by Poland's Communist authorities was diplomatically "away on holi day" at the time. OBSERVER i' : v" '4' ?:l ( : W-i - A .V: - '.! r,"-:..u- 4 "!;A J-l'Aiirw HOWDY THAR, INJUN! Joe Meek, played by Jack Rye, shakes hands with Chief Stickus, who Is played by Al Parent in "Doctor In Buckskin Clad." Dr. and Mrs, Whitman, Les Edwards and Ro berta Miller, observe the 1 'flffin ikS.:JM,id it -: v X v. w U. .:, s MARCUS AND NARCISSA Lcs Edwards, left, and Ro berta Miller, right, p;ay the part of Marcus and Nar cissa Whitman in La Grande's Centennial production of Al Kaiser's play "Doctor In Buckskin Clad." The final performances will he this weekend at the college coli seum. (Perry Studio Photo) Ray Of Hope Is Seen In Steel Wage Talks NEW YORK UTIi Stwl in dustry and union negotiators meet again today with an extremely faint ray of hope that thpy may begin to agree on terms to end the .nation-wide strike now in its 22nd day. This cautious Improvement of his previous reports of no change in the position of either side may have been dashed, however, by a new statement of charges against the industry issued by United Steetworkers of America (t'KW President David J. McDonald a few hours after the meeting. McDonald charged the I'nited States Steel Corp. ami Bethlehem Steel Corp. were attempting to "blackmail' the Vnited Stales government. McDonald referred to state ments issued by U.S. Steel Chair man Hoger M. lilough and Beth lehem President Arthur B. Homer with record profit statements last week, pledging that there would be no increase in steel prices "so Ion gas they are voluntary" and not mandated by a gdvernmeiit agency. McDonald said this was "plain, ordinary blackmail, the like of which has not been seen in high corporate ofiee" since UM2. He referred to a statement made at that time by (ieonce f". Baer. spokesman for an'hraeite op ra tors during a coal strike, that "the rights and interests of the laboring man will be piuteetcd and cared for not by the iair agitators, but by the Christian men to whom God in his infinite meeting. lis. wisdom has given the control of the property interests of this country." Cooper said Blough's statement "was not threatening anyone, es pecially the government" and had been misconstrued by McDonaM. TALK PEACE WITHOUT SABER RATTLING Nikita Says The U.S. As MOSCOW CPU Soviet Premi er Nikita Khrushchev saw tooay he would visit the I'nited States next month "as a peaceful man and that he wanted to talk peace "without saber rattling." In a rare news conference In the Kremlin, Khrushchev said the object of his history-making visit to the U.S., and the return visit later in the autumn of President Kisenhower, would be to find a "common language, and a com mon understanding, of questions to be resolved." He said there are "real pos mliilities' that the V S. and the Soviet Union could build up their relations on a basis of "peace and friendship, But, he said, "we rmnf come tsether to talk peace without saber rattling." Prie 5 Cants (Perry Studio Photo) Stage Set For 'Bloody Demo Race SAM JUAN, Puerto Rico ttPlt Politicking Democratic gover nors appeared to be setting the i stage here today for a "bloody battle" presidential primary to Wisconsin eight months from Thursday. - - - Wisconsin's Gov. Cayiord A Nelson, a declared neutral be tween three top-running Demo- tcratic hopefuls, said the off-stage ' political developments at the non partisan governors conference here had caused him to abandon his attempts to forestall a serious primary contest in his state, i Minnesota's Gov. Orville L. Freeman, co -chairman of the campaign committee tor a is state's Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey. Tuesday challenged supporters of Massachusetts Sen, John F. Ken nedy to a Wiscoasia primary fight. Massachusetts Gov. Foster Fur- colo, a Kennedy backer, said the decision would be up to Kennedy, when and if he announces his candidacy, but be thinks his man would win the round. He was backed up in Washing ton by Wisconsin Sen. William Proxmire, who made public state-wide poll which he said gave Kennedy a winding 42 5 per cent of the vote in a field of five po tential candidates, as of today. Proxmire, a Democrat, a'so polled his Republican constituents and said they favored Vice Presi dent Richard M. Nixon by more than four to one over New York's Gov. Nelson A, Rockefeller, in an other potential Wisconsin primary fight, Nelson said he would be neutral in any contest involving Kennedy, Humphrey or two-Umt-ioser Adlat E. Stevenson. He's Visiting A Peaceful Man One reporter asked hint if he would show Eisenhower a rocket base in the Soviet fnion. Khrush chev ridiculed the reporter and replied that as far as he was concerned: , "l know that America has rock ets, but I am going there as a peaceful man for peaceful par poses. If I am invited to see rockets, I will not agree to see them. "As far as this country is con cerned, the people here are very hospitable, and various areas of our country will have plenty to show him (Eisenhower by way of hospitality. "But if we were to show Mm one rocket, he might ask what kind of premier Is this. This to not hospitality. You invited us to discuss peace and you expect m Stresses Victory In War GENEVA CPI Secretary of Sate Christian A. Herter warned the Soviets today that the west era allies are in Berlin by right of victory in war and that they have no intent ion of signing away those rights Herter delivered bis blunt warn ing to the dosing plenary session of the deadlocked 10-week-oid Big Four Foreign Ministers' Con ference. ft was the first public restate ment of the tough western staad on Berlin since the invitation to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to visit the United States. It showed that, despite the sud den easing of cold war tensions, the West has not backed dows an inch in its determination to re main in Berlin. However, Herter came out firm ly for resumption of the Big four talks at some time in the future. He expressed confidence thai an East-West agreement still cotdd be reached giving security la 2,500.000 free West Berliners. "I would hope," Herter told the conference, "that we wiU resume our negotiations, at a dale to be determined by our governments. in order to address these differ ences one by we. If we can rec oncile these differences, tins should lead to an agreement which will give real hope for a secure position for the free pea Tie of West Berhn. This should also permit a start to be made oa overcoming the continued di vision of Germany." The actual date and place of a new meeting wilt be arranged through diplomatic ehaaaels. Western sources said the choice of a date presumably will depend the results of the Eisenhower Khrushchev talks. Herter flies home Thursday, The other western ministers planned to leave either tonight or Thursday Grandma Hifs fhofographer At Hood River HOOD RIVER UPI Great- grandmother Mm Emma Gate wood, 71. GalHpoli, Ohio, who said she is weary of people and not of her 2,060-nhie walk from Missouri, marked tar arrival bar Tuesday by clubbing a photogra pher in the head with her um brella. Mrs. Gatewood, hiking from In dependence. Mo, to Portland, for the fun of it, has complained lately of "curiosity seekers' along the way. Photographers es- , peciaily annoy her. She arrived here about noon Tuesday. But about four, miles east of Hood River, as she plod ded along U. S. highway 30, she encountered Hood River photogra pher Bob Hall. When his camera clicked, she bopped him on the forehead with her folded um brella. Hail said Mrs, Gatewood apolo gized right afterward and stopped to talk with htm along the high way, then let him take her pic ture. Mrs. Gatewood stayed Tuesday night with a Hood River couple, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Oberf and continued the walk to Portland to day at 4 a. at. The Obergs first met Grandma Gaiewood in Pen; dletoa and invited her to stay with them when she made it here. to see rockets. '- He also said that Eisenhower would not be invited to see rocket bases because thct would ossly give a bad taste to any meeting between us, and "The President would say 'are you trying to frighten roe'" "That would mean that would be going talk war, not pemx, itnrvsncaev Saw, - He said he to going to the VS. as a peaceful man, "prepared to turn out my pockets to show i carry no weapon with me." " "If I have to start talking with the President with one rocket showing out of our pocket, tt would hardly bs hospitable m our part," be said. "Jn former times, people used to leave their arms m the hall before entering icoisfereDc room to talk.