La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, August 03, 1959, Page 1, Image 1

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Mostly fair through Tues
day; highs 84-90; low 42 47.
291th Issue 63rd Year
Price S Cents
isenhower, Nikita Announce
Visits For Fall
Flames roared through the brush and trees on the slope above the Upper Perry
Bridge yesterday morning. The fire probably started when someone threw a lighted
cigarette or cigar from a passing car according to Forest Service Officials. Fifty men
lour cats were sun Datuing
400 acres.
For Nixon
WARSAW iLPIl Vice Presi
dent Richard M. Nixon, heart
ened by a roaring welcome from
a quarter of a million jubilant
Poles, plunged today into a round
of talks with Poland's leaders.
The Vice president's talks with
President Aleksander Zawadski
and Communist Secretary Wla
dyslaw Gomulka. coinciding with
Poland's first "meatless Mon
day." were expected to include
Polish requests for increased
credits and shipments of surplus
farm commodities from the Unit
ed States-.
Warsaw's usually - staid news
papers went overboard totiay in
reporting Nixon's triumphant tr
rival. The Communist organ Trybuna
Ludu ran a three-coiumn picture
of the vice president's arrival at
babice Airhase and a four - col
umn description of the
cordial reception" he got
the people of Warsaw.
Slowo Powszchne, organ
Communist - sponsored church
group, front-paged a pictur
Mrs. Nixon over the caption.
English. "I like Pat."
Nixon has scheduled no formal
speeches or press conferences
during his stay here. His wile,
will visit a children's hospital.
nu:sery schools and the head
quarters of the Polish Association
l .r the Blind.
The vice president's arrival
from Moscow Sunday touched off
one of the greatest spontaneous
demonstrations that has been seen
here since World War II. An esti
mated 250.000 Poles turned out to
shout "Bravo . . . Long live Nixon
. . . Long Live Eisenhower ... We
Love Americans!",.
Firemen Answer
Five Fire Calls
During Weekend
The La Grande fire department
was called out five times over the
weekend. Firemen were called to
three grass fires, a barn lire and
to shut off a gas stove.
The first call came at 7:08 Sat
urday night. Firemen were calkd
to the Clark Dairy to put out a
small barn fire.
Early Sunday morning the State
Forest Service called to report a
small fire in the 200 block on M
street. When firemen arrived ttry
found a controlled fire and a burn
ing permit had been issued.
At S:25 aJTl. the department was
called on First and X st.ecls to
put out a grass fire. Almost three
hours lat-r another grass fire was
reported at 1616 Z Ave. The fire
was burning next to a wood shed
but firemen controlled the blaze.
The final call came at 5 20 this
morning. Firemen were called to
the home of Leo Westenskow.
1311 Z Ave., to shut off a gas stove.
The handle was stuck and resi
dents were unable to shut the gas
off. The fire department has a
special wrench to shut off ga
i -.H i -k It-
tne maze mis morning. tne
v . - '
CALL FOR HELP Tommy Page of the Oregon State
Forest Service looks down the edge of the mountain
above the Upper Perry Brjdge at the fire that burned
throughout the day. Page Is adjusting the radio he car-,
ries to call to the supervisor at the road. The radio can
be collapsed into the small box and carried over the
shoulder. (Observer Photo)
Kennedy Is Not Sorry
For Irritating Hoffa
F. Kennedy iD-Mass.t told the
Oregon AFL-CIO convention here
today he had no apologies for
having earned t'.ie hostility of
Teamsters President James Hof
fa and assured delegates that the
Keinedy labor reform bill . is
aimed at racketeers and hood
lums, net at collective bargaining.
He said he didn't blame the
AKL-CIO for trying to change
some of the Senate floor amend
ments, because they were unde
sirable and unfortunate.
The danger now. he said, was
jf a Republican-southern Demo-c-alic
coalition in the House sub
situting a measure that would be
anti-labor, unworkable and puni
tive. Kennedy, who winds up a three
day Oregon visit tonight and re
turns t Washington, U. C, told
the delegates he was gratified
that Sep. Wayne Morse D-Ore..
described by him as "probably
Hie most distinguished labor law
opert in the Senate," co-spon
lire covered an esumaiea
(Observer Photo)
' I
sored the labor bill both in 1958
and this year.
Kennedy said working on the
bill and serving on the Senate
Rackets Committee headed by
Sen. McClellan (D-Ark.) had not
been easy assignments. "There
has been a tendency among some
people to lump in one confusing
indictment both the Kennedy
brothers, all the labor Sills and
all the McClellan committee in
vestigations," he added.
The senator said the press and
public should realize that just be
cause "a few bad apples have
been found in the barrel," there
is no reason to penalize the labor
movement as a whole.
The public, he added, also must
recognize the employers' responsi
bility for labor-management rack
eterring. t
Kennedy had a busy rour.d of
appearances in Portland during
the weekend, including two tele
vision shows Sunday and attend
ance at the Centennial Saturday
Fire Blazes
Near La Grande; 400
Acres Fall To Flames
Observer Staff Writer
Flames roared up the steep slopes of the canon just alxive
the Upper Perry bridge Sunday morning as firefighters bat
tled desperately to control the flames.
rorest Service personal combined with railroad workers
and highway construction crews to battle flames, smoke ami
the whims of the wind to confine t he e.rass and brush fire
that has already burned an estilaied 4U(l acres.
This morning crews still battled the flames in an effort
11 Killed
In Oregon
By United Pmi International
At least 11 persons met acci
dental death in Oregon during
the weekend. Six died in traffic,
three in plane crashes, one when
a tractor overturned and a boy
was accidentally shot.
A collision between a car and
a bus near Pendleton late Sunday
resulted in the death of Mrs. Stel
la Boyer. 38, John Day. Her hus-'
band, Don, 41, and daughter. Mar
tha, 18, a Pendleton Round-Up
princess, were injured critically
The 26 bus passengers escaped
injury. The bus driver, T. L. Wil
liams, Seattle, suffered a cut lip.
The Boyer car was pulling a
horse trailer. One of the two hors
es was Injured.
Car Hits Two '
Tkv young men from xSerfl
were killed Saturday night when
struck by a car about five miles
north of Salem, according to state
police. The victims were identi
fied as Jimmie Owen Evans, 22.
and Terrill L. Van Huss, 17.
. The bodies were found Sun
day , morning in an onion field
along Highway 99. State po
lice later arrested Clifford James
Crowe. 18. of Warm Springs, on
a negligent homicide charge.
A one car accident three miles
north of Boardman Sunday 'after
noon took the life of Cecil Mont
gomery. 33, Walla Walla. State
police said he apparently lost con
trol of his car and it overturned.
Orville Allen Rogers. 19. La
Grande, was killed early Saturn
day in a one-car accident near
Wallowa. Two others. Larry Ver
million. 21. and Gerald McCoy,
23, both of La Grande, were hurt.
Plana Victims Listed
T. A. Simard,, 71, Hermiston,
was killed Saturday when his car
was struck by another near the
Stanfield junction, state police
said. Officers later arrested Rob
ert Daniel Syler, 27, an airman
from Fairchild AFB near Spokane
on a negligent homicide charge.
LaVerne Fiesterman, Clarkston,
Wash., and Mrs. Lester Kieseck-
er. Toy, Ore., died haturaay
night in the crash of a small
plane near Troy.
Donald Jerome Hanlcy, 21, Pen
dleton, was injured fatally Sun
day when the small plane he was
piloting crashed seven miles
northeast of Stanfield.
- Toichi Okawa; 41, Portland, was
killed Saturday when a tractor
he was operating slid down an
embankment and overturned on
Daniel Clinton Smith. 4. Bridge
view, was wounded fatally Satur
day when a .22 rifle in the back
of a pickup truck accidentally
discharged in Josephine county.
Rotary Official
To Speak Here
At Luncheon
W. W. McCready, Governor of
the 510th District of Rotary Inter
national, will speak at the regular
Rotary meeting tomorrow.
While here McCready will also
confer with Club President Ross E.
Hearing. Secretary Raymond O.
Williams and committee chairmen
on administration and service
McCready was elected as District
Governor of Rotary International
for the 1959-60 fiscal year at Ro
tary'i 50th Annual Convention in
New York. He is one of 261 Dis
trict Governors supervising the
acUvities of more than 10.200 busi
ness and professional men in 113
countries throughout the world.
In Canyon
tn niup up the fir.
ely Ml men. four bulldozers and
ix tjnk trucks were still at work
this morning
The fire apparently started
when someone threw a lighted
cigar or cigarette from a passing
according to Forest Service
olfieials. Thirty-five men ans
wered the call which came about
10:30 yesterday morning
Fire trails were started on the
cast side of the fire and by 11:30
the men, their eves red from
the smoke, clothes aid faces
streaked with soot and sweat.
hi.d cut a trail about half way upihe d"adlocked Big Four talks on
the rock-strewn hill.
Three "cats" were at work at
tempting to cut a fire trail across
;he top of the ridge and prevent
the fire from sweeping over.
The fire started just below the
Bennett property about three
quarters of a mile above the
bridge. Flames raced across the
top of fir trees lifting a column
of smoke into the air that filt
ered down into the Grande Ronde
The wind which shifted from
south to west and back sent
clouds of smoke across the fire
aiea obscuring vision and caus
ing fire fighters to choke on the
reid fumes.
The sun, when it was visible,
looked like a huge orange ball
throuph the smoke.
Traffic was never stopped al
though 50 to 100 peope stood on
the south side of the bridge and
watched the firefighters work
iing on the hill side.
At the west edge of the fire a
bulldozer was cutting a fire trail
and a man was liqhting back
fires. The wind shifted and flam
es came rearing - back on the
driver and equipment. The driv-J
er jumped trom tne "cai ana me
flames swept over the tractor
with no apparent injury to thek
VKnu'Hnrp in till st:ite forest
fires burned out of control and !
U..nAnrl- nt KnttlnH rllfpprl . r
terrain to try to bring them un
der control.
nnn h1:i7o covered nearly 1.500
acres about 18 nines souineasii
of Baker in Deer Creek Canyon.
Another fire had covered about
? 100 acres in Dark Canyon south
of Baker.
Bureau of Land Management
officials said, after flying over
the Deer Creek Canyon blaze.
that unless there was a "blow
uri" the fire would be contained
Liberal use of Borate was Deing
made on the Deer Creek blaze
which was in terrain so rugged
that horses could not get to
About 140 men were fighting the
lightning caused Dark Canyon
Fires in the Vale and Burns
riictririta nai'f nppn mnnuL-u up
according to BLM officials. One
covered 1.200 acres of rangeland '
in the Riverside area and two
small blazes burned in the Juni
per timber north of Juntura.
Fire in Jackson and Josephine
counties in southwest Oregon
caused some damages to O C
limber.- A fire in the Wilderness
area which had burned some 900
acres was controlled.
The Reher creek fire in the
Willamette National Forest was
reported checked. .
Union Man Hurt
In Car Accident
Darrell Van Leuven of Union
suffered a fractured jaw when his
car hit a power pole a mile south
of Union on the Union North
Powder highway. The accident
happened about 8:15 p m. Sunday
A tourist brought Van Leuven
into Union and he was trans
ferred to a La Grande hospital.
Power was- cut out at Telocaset
and North Powder for bImxiI an
hour as a result.
''nii in mai - -
E - V-
Will Visit U.S.
Big Four
Talks Halt
Is Sought
GENEVA (1'PH The West
agreed todnv to seek a rere&s nf
Germany until after the Eisenhower-Khrushchev
Western diplomats were confi
dent that any risk of a new Soviet
move against Berlin was out of
the question until the exchange of
visits had taken place and prob
ably until after an East-West sum
mit meeting that generally was
expected to follow.
As a result, the western foreign
minist ts decidvd to call for an
indefinite recess When the 9-week-
old li'neva meeting winds up
Wednesday evening,
Sretary of State Christian A
Herter and the British, French
and West Germany foreign minis
tcis met this morning to discuss
ways to end the Geneva meeting,
British Foreign S-retary Selwyn
Lloyd was reported to have dis
cussed it over lunch with Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
hnyko at Russian headquarters.
With announcement of the long
expected Eisenhower - Khrushchev
exchange of visits, Geneva diplo
mats were convinced th imme
diate danger has gone out of the
Berlin situation.
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INDIAN MAID Mary Jane Miles who is a Nez Perce
from Lapaway, Idaho, was among many Indians on hand
for Chief Joseph Days this weekend. Mary Jane who has
short hair wore a braided wig as part of her costume.
(Observer Photo)
WASHINGTON (UP) A dramatic exchange of visits
between President Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev to "Further the cause of peace" was announced
Khrushchev will come to the United States in September.
Eisenhower will go to Russia later in the fall, probably in
Announcement of the major cold war development was
made simullaneous'y by the Presi
dent in Washington and by the
Soviet Foreign Ministry in Mos
cow. Khrushchev's trip two or
three days in Washington and a
10-day tour of other Varts of the
United States will be his first
visit to this country. The Presi
dent may accompany him on part
of his trip outside of Washington.
Eisenhower told a suddenly
summoned press conference his
stay in Russia may be a little
shorter than Khrushchev's heVe.
Earlier Trip To Europ
Before these visits take place,
the President will go to Europe
late this month to confer with
the heads of the three allied gov
ernments British Prime Minis
ter" Harold Macmillan, French
President Charles de Gaulle and
West German Chancellor Konrad
Eisenhower said he and
Khrushchev during their visits will
"exchange views about problems
of mutual interest" but on a non
official basis.
In a formal statement which
the President read to reporters,
he said both governments hope
the visits "will help create better
understanding. . . and will pro
mote the cause of peace."
However, in elaborating on his
statement, he stressed that he and
Khrushchev will confine them
selves to "informal talks" and
will not enter into any formal
negotiations on East-West dis
disputes. He emphasized that dur
ing his meetings with Khrushchev,
he has no intention to speak for
the other western powers.
"I can be a spokesman only for
America and its government," he
said. -
Chane To Mt Paopl
The President said Khrush
chev's visit here will give him
opportunity "at first hand" to see
the country, its people and to ac
quaint himself with their life."
Sm VISITS an Pag J
-.V , Vsl 7;f, f'W
m m.. v a a.
Exchange S
bers of Congress generally hailed
today the impending exchange of
visits by President Eisenhower
and Soviet Premier Khrushchev.
However one Republican sena
tor. Homer E. Capehart. (Ind.J.
said "it looks like we're again
being taken in by the Russians."
Capehart, a member of the Sea
ate Foreign Relations Committee,
said the Russians have not done
anything "to .warrant all-out
"In the past we refused to In
vite dictators who were friendly
to us Peron, Tito and Franco,"
he added. "Now we've invited the
biggest dictator of all."
Senate GOP Leader Everett M.
Dirksen (III.) said not only this
generation but history as well
"will applaud the bold move by
President Eisenhower to bring
Khrushchev to the United States
and to return the visit at an early
Senate Democratic Leader Lyn
don B. Johnson (Tex.) said "this
is a type of exchange which could
do much for the whole world."
Emphazfog his belief in An
"open curtain," Johnson said the
exchange of visits should be en
couraged "at every level so that
we can know the truth about each
Senate Democratic Whip Mike
Mansfield (Mont.) said such ex
changes of visits are "acts inti
mately related to the conduct of
foreign policy." He pledged his
"full support" to the President's
decision. Mansfield is a Foreign
Relations Committee member. -
Earlier, Capehart and Sen Al
exander Wiley (R-Wis.) had
urged a "go slow" attitude toward
inviting Khrushchev.
Police Note
On Weekend
Two La Grande men were arrest
ed for traffic violations over the
weekend the police reported.
Jacob Stoltz, 1514 R St., was
l stopped by police Sunday after
noon for operating a truck with
expired license plates.
j Bail was set at $10 and a hear
ing scheduled for 3 p.m. today.
Robert C. Harris III. 1902 Second
St., was picked up by police on
Adams Ave. between Fir and
Greenwood Streets for violation of
the basic rule according to police.-
Harris was doing 30 miles pep
hour in a 20 mile per hour tone
the police stated.
Bail was set at tlO and a hear.
.it- 3, ing scheduled for three Monday
VJtI afternoon,
i , Loren Huges, 2118 Oak St.. re
ymr " I ported to the La Grande police
that someone had attempted to
break into his store.
A hole was cut through the
L:L. 11 1 tl I i. r ..
i.uiii wan iii ine uacfc oi xnm
store. The hole was large enough
ior someone to crawi tnrougn tne
I noliee said.
A check of the stock revealed
that nothing was missing accord
ing to Hughes. i
Jerry Bingner, 1812 Cedar St.,'
reported the theft of his son's bike
to La Grande police Sunday.
Bingner told police the bike was
taken from in front of the Veterans.
Memorial swimming pool at ap
proximately 3:30 in the afternoon.
The bike was white and had Li
cense No. 1815. ,
The bike was valued at $60, tha
police said. . .
A transient was picked uo by
La Grande police Saturday and
charged with vagrancy. ,v
William LeRoy Privett, Ketchum,
Idaho, was arrested at 12:15 and
lodged In the city jail. Ball was
set at $20 and a hearing scheduled
for three this afternoon. .-.
' .t