La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, July 23, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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    Woman's . World
MAXINE NURMI, Woman's Editor
Hour Wi
Eva Wear
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bloomr Murinn lUfs of Cove; David
and family of Yakima, Wash, are Huntsman. Bonnie Ward. Jerry
spending a few days as guests! Lou Niederer. Ike lljrsin and
n the home of her parents, Mr. Dennis Taal. La tirande.
ant Mm I e RivnitlH!
Mr, ana Mrs . uavia i ewntena,
Elijin. have a son born in the
Grande Konde Hospital, July 22
They have named him Rodney
Kuitfne and he weighs six pounds,
nine and a hnlf ounces
Mabel McCoy, Jean Gaily. Wil
ma Kasky, Kreeda Gray and
Margaret Milkr are hostesses for
a co. fee hour to be held honoring
Eva Wear. Miss Wear has retired
after 28 years teaching in the
Laboratory School of the Eastern
Oregon College.
The coffee hour will be he'd
Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 12
noon, at the home of Mrs. McCoy,
a06 G avenue.
Due to the large number of
friends and students the hostes
ses will be unable to contact each
person individually but are de
sirous that all interested persons
attend this affair, honoring Miss
Witnesses Attend
District Meeting
Jehova's Witnesses from the
I .a Grande congregation are at
tending a district convention at
lioise, Idaho, this week from
Thursday through Sunday, M.
If.Vling presiding minister said
today. There are about 50 per
sons from here attending.
Local meetings of Jehovah's
Witnesses at the Kingdom Hall
will be canceled from July 20
through the 26th since most of
those in charge of activities here
are arranging to attend the ses
sions, Burling said. 1
The following are some of the
families attending; Mr. and Mrs.
Art Gruis, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Saling and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Pointer and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Shafcr, Mrs. C.
Abramhamson, Janet . Schnell,
Mr. and Mrs. George Watenbe,
Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Luton and
son, Mrs. Paul Daugherty ' and
children. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Carle and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Polser and son, Anna Price,
Nancy Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Man
Icy Simmons and family, Mrs.
Kreeman Harrison. Mr. and Mrs.
Will Fleming, Sophia Gruis. Mar
jorie Trow, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Smith and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Burling and children.
Highlighting the four-day pro
gum will be the public discourse
on Sunday, July 26 entitled
"When God Speaks Peace to All
Nations to be delivered by R.
G. Skatos, district representative
of the Watchtower Society from
Brooklyn, N.Y. About 3.000 are
expected to attend this talk
Burling said.
"Awake Ministers" has been
chosen as the theme of the con
Local Church
Plans Service
At Cove
The St. Peter's Episcopal
church will hold their annual
service in the Ascension church
at Cove, Sunday. This service
will begin at 11 a.m. and will be
followed by the annual parish
St. Stephen s church of Baker
will join in the service this year.
If anyone has summer guests,
they are being invited to bring
them.. The picnic will be a pot
luck with coffee, ice cream and
pop to be furnished. Bring own
table service.
Holy Communion will be held
in the St. Peter's church as usual
at 8 a.m., according to word re
ceived from Clarence Kopp, rector.
Dr. Karl Roesth is here visit
ng with a number of relatives
in iJt Grande. W hile in the
States he will attend an Inter
national Medical Association
onvention held during August.
Dr. Roesch has his own clinic in
Stuttgart. Germany. This is his
first trip to this area.
Mr, and Mrs. Maurica Bakar
and children, Danny and Chris
line have returned from a week's
vacation spent in Washington
and Oregon and along the coast
They were joined for the Week
end at Oceanlake by Mrs. Oren
Lovan, Edith Lovan, Don and
Scott McKay and Ron Baker Until
families returned to their home
Annual Wyoming picnic will
he held on Sunday at 1 p.m.
the Avery Park at Corvallis. Ice
cream and coffee will he served
A registration fee of 50 cents
will be charged per family.
Miss Eva Wear will lie honored
tomorrow with a coffee hour held
in the home of Mrs. Malik- McCoy
at 906 G avenue between the
hours of 9:30 and 12 noon. All
persons interesttd are being in
vited to attend.
Celebrating birthdays tixl:iy are
Observer, La Grande, ,Ore., Thurs., July 23, 1959 Page 5
Answers Your Problems
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Coles, Tolo-
caset, have a sun born this morn
ing. July 23, in the Grande Honde
Hospital. They have named him
Bobby Ray and he weighs seven
pounds, four and three-fourths
The Polly Anna Club has chang
ed their picnic due from Friday
to July 31, at Kiversme park.
The Blue Mountain Jrs, Exten
sion unit will hold their picnic ut
Riverside Park Friday evening
beginning at 6:30. This will he
a hamburger fry for members
and their families. Those attend
ing bring their own buns and
Wihlc service and potluck dish.
The White Rose Club will hold
a picnic at Cove, Thursday night
at 6 30. Those attending ate to
bring s. ,l:l or dessert and table
Dear Ann Landers: Can you
help us get rid of an old d.unk?
This lush has been residing with
us for five years. H-'s my wife's
lather and he moved in less than
x inun'.hs after we married.
Drinking has cost him one job
alter another. When my wile usk
ed if I'd mind having h-r futher
with us I thought he'd find anoth
er job and move out after a few
weeks- Well, here it is. five years
The Yukon River has its
source less than 25 miles from
the Alaska coast, but it runs 2,
uoo miles before emptying into
the Bering Sea.
Merelee Martin
Dies At Portland
Mere'eeM;irtin. 12.' a student of
Itiveria ScKoul, died Tuesday In a
Portland Hospital, following an
extended illness.
Funeral services will be held
in the Daniels Funeral Home,
Saturday at 10 a m. The Rev.
Keith Mil's will ofiiciate. Burial
will be in the City Cemetery.
Miss Martin was born Aug. 2-t.
I!H, at Pendleton, and had been
a resident of La Grande for 12
years. (
Survivors are the parents, Mr
and Mrs. Jack Martin: three
brothers, Stephen, Kenneth and
Leon; one sister, Connie Jo, all
of La Grande. Grandparents are
.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin of Pilot
Dock, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Suiste
of Echo. There are other relatives.
later and he's still with us fall
ing through doors and passing out
My wife agrees he should get out
but she wants me to tell him. I
refuse. If anything happened to
him after he left us. it would b
my fault and I'd never hear the
end of it. I need some outside
advice. The E Victor.
Dear E-Victor: I admire you
for giving food and shelter fa
this poor guy for five years, but
what ha really needed was help.
There are many excellent re
habilitation centers for those
who are fighting the battle of
the bottle. And it you've never
heard of Alcoholics Anonymous
I suggest you look in the tele
phone book and contact them at
once. Instead of tossing the poor
fellow out and hoping he doesn't
get hit by a truck, Investigate
the facilities In your community
and help him return to a self
respecting life. If he refuses to
help himself, that's another
matter, but nowhere in your let
ter do you intimate that you've
attemotftd to help this miserable
Dear Ann: Our daughter is 17
and "engaged to be engag "d.'MIer
boy friend works in an office and
rents a room across the street
from our home so we see a good
bit of him.
His parents liv 301) miles
away and he's invited her to drive
down and meet them I don't see
anything wrong with this as the
boy is very fine and I trust my
daughter implicitly.
My husband has be n stubborn
about giving his permission. He
claims it's not decent for unmar
ried people to travel together and
says we'd be c:aiy to give our
blessings to this trip. He says he
trusts them too, but that this Is
begging for trouble.
1 want to phone our clergy
man, but my husband said he's
ashamed to let the clergyman
know we're even considering such
a thing. We have - agreed to let
you decide. Anxious Parents.
Dear Parents: I'm with your
husband. It would be neither
wise nor proper to permit your
daughter to take a-WO mile trip
with a bey to whom she's "en
gaged to be engaged." (What'll
they think of next? I remember
when girls used to be engaged to
be married? If the young
man's parents wish to meet your
daughter, suggest they visit your
city for a couple of days but
not as guests in your heme.
Modern Slide Glass
Made To Order Any Slsa
Miller's Cabinet
For A Cool Refreshing Treat!
Gel II At Your Grocer's
In All Popular Flavors!
Take Your Family and Friends To The
Knights, Sisters
To Hold A Picnic
Knights of Pythias and Pythian
Sisters and families will hold a
potluck picnic Aug. 2.
This picnic was scheduled to
be held July 26 but due to Stam
pede dates conflicting it has been
set for Aug. 2. The affair will
be held at the upper Catherine
Creek State Park, beginning at
12 noon. Coffee will be furnish
ed by the group.
Often you can get rid of a day's
weariness by being kind to your
feet. Give them a hot and cold foot
bath. Sit on the bathtub edge and
dangle your feet under a faucet.
Alternately turn on hot and cold
water. The stimulation will be re
laxing to your feet and you will
feel better.
WO 3-3181
Corner Cedar and Washington
- Quality MEA TS Fresh -
Bridgman Bros. Oregon Grown
WHOLE ' IL (5c
IRAPAK 1L 1(gc
Lunch Meals.. -lb
, Ground Beef....-
ib. 49
- Grocery Buys of th e Week
TunalS!? 2 lifts 6
.. O tins
Dog Food...
"Mr. Clean" Cleaner...
Sugar Smacks 4pkgs.
Flav-R-Pac Froien
4pkgs. 89c
Cream Style or Whole Kernel
Walla Walla Corn
Pick O 9 the Crop, Produce
12-ot. Flav-R-Pae Froxen
2 iins 39
wa H 1 1 M
T' I iU .' J er ' .Vi V Tt II "t. -""- k-l --- ejl-o. - s-ai -4 aHX '"'"'4 i -ri mill ' at -.3 ?r M BT
- 1 II W X II -. I I I I I I I i
w 'i ninutf uvw
JIB " " " I I II
O") I I ! mnnim mmmmmJ I
choice of
3 . rr-
Woodhue Lifetime
Plastic Tops
l)&'.'.'.-' Mr)
NEVER BErORE. .. to much value, to much quaL
ity, to much luxury for your home for to LITTLE I
All attembled from Americo't best maker..
Big, giant tiie table when used with the extra
FREE table createt a SUPER-RANCH tiie. Add
6 de luxe decorator designed FOAM CHAIRS
with overslie contour backs complemented
with gleamincj BRASS trim and Sculptured
Brome legt and you have completeness never
seen at this price before. You octually get a
second tet with extra utet by the score. Extern
tion table with wide, beveled apron and
multi-layered, laminated, life-time, marpreof
MICA-LITE top in brilliant new woedhues. AH
the quality featuret are yours... adjustable
self-leveling glidet on the table and the 6 big
chairt. Beautifully correlated in new Danish
sculptured brome metal and bratt highlights,
en lkl CAME TABLE lor tl thr rsmriy
knui t iaYal far STUDY DESK
5 Air Conditioned Floors 01 Home Furniitire
Gilt Department Free Parking
"Your Quality Store In La Grande Says Best Luck To The Elgin Stampede"
ADD A TABIE f. rxlrm lunto
BUFFET SEF.VER .nd room divioW
fXTRA CHAIRS (orwi.iionaiu
4m mm
mm m ?0
vBorow J ',.
anal CROWS , and GROWS