La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, July 23, 1959, Page 13, Image 13

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Obrvtr Stamped Ed., Thuri., July 23, 1959 Pige 1
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Les Case, left, and Donk Thompson will act as the rodgo clowns for the two-day rodeo '
classic this weekend. The clowns will be assisted by their friends, Yogi and Smokey
bear along with their white donkey, DurwDod Zinkafoose. Case and Thompson are
also bull fighters and expect to meet soiti2 tough competition in the arena during
both rodeo days. ' (Observer Photo)
ueen Celia I Reigns
Over Festival Events
The electrified tension of the Stampede hall erupted into
squeals, applause, and piercing rebel yells as Klgin's Thir
teenth Stampede queen stepped through the rose covered
archway to be presented to her subjects.
Queen Celia I smiled radiently through a glare of popping
flashbulbs as she was crowned by 1958 queen, Arlene
Weatherspoon, to the accompaniment of stamping feet, wild-j
ly waving hands and excitedly glowing faces. j
Dancers fairly shook the crowded floor with the determi
nation of Indian warriors, and the room was a maze of fren-j
zied enthusiasm as Celia's father gently helped bis daugh
ter from the platform to claim the spotlight and be the first
to dance with the rodeo royalty. '
As the music stopped men whipped out handkerchiefs to
dab their dripping brows and women and girls gasped to
catch their breath. Celia's father led her through the chat
tering mass to tne edge ot tne crown where friends instant
ly gathered around Klgin's newest celebrity with hugs,
smiles, and congratulations shouted above the music from
every side. A tug at Celia's arm let her know that a young
admirer was shyly asking for the next dance which she miss
ed altogether as the friends kept coming by with smiles and
"We're so proud, Celia."
"Oh, I can't believe it!" were Celias fiist excited words as
the announcement was made to the girls in the KP hall
where each candidate's tickets were counted separately ear
lier in the evening. A second later her hand flew to her face
as she tried to make herself believe that her "dream" had
really come true. But it was true and within a few minutes
she was being rushed off to change her clothes for the cor
onation. Now she would take her place, as twelve other excited
garls had before her . . . she was queen of her home town's
biggest event!
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Hoop-jumping is one of many tricks performed by Rubin, the trained Brahma Bull.;
The Brahma is owned by George Taylor, who does a specialty black light and trick
roping act, too. -
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Princess Ella Mae Denton and her escort.
Princess Wanda Schaures and her escort.
i OHI THEY ARE PRETTY Queen Celia receives her
i royal bouquet from the flower girl at the Elgin Stam
pede Coronation Ball, Saturday night. She will be lead
ing her court during the Elgin Stampede set for Sat
I urday and Sunday.
HURRAY, IT FITS OK Arlene Weatherspoon, last
year's Stampede queen places the crown upon the head j
of the new queen, Celia Coclasure of Elgin. Queen Celia
will rule over Elgin's two day rodeo event. ' J
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At the climax of Elgin's Stampede Queen contest Satur- Tameris, Elgin; the queen; Ella Mae Denton, Union;
day night, Celia Coclasure was crowned the winner. and Wanda Schaures, La Grande. The candidates have
Queen Celia will reign over the two day Elgin Stampede each been trying to contact as many as possible In the
this coming weekend. Sharing the lime-light with her is, past few weeks to obtain the crown,
left to right, Mildred Ilarwood, queen mother; Jordyce (Observer Photo)
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Farming is an important industry to Elgin residents. Thi I picture faces the Morgan farm which is located outside
Elgin. The fence in the foreground is one of the older w ooden variety. ;