Observer, la Grande, Ore., Mon., July Q, 1959 pg - - - . . Nixon Informs Nikita That He Won't Repeat WASHINGTON L'PI Vic President Richard M. Nixon has sent word to Soviet Premier Ni kita S. Khrushchev that he will keep in the strictest confidence any discussions they may have in Moscow. Nixon, who leaves Wednesday (or a tour of the Soviet Union, was suid to ho;e that his assur ance of secrecy would encour age Krushchev to transmit to him any confidential message he might have for President Eisen hower. It was emphaized that the vice president docs not know whether Khrushchev will have such a message. But if he ehould Nixon wants him to feel free to state it and to discuss cold war problems generally. There has been no announce ment that Khrushchev will con fer with Nixon. But such a meet ing is regarded as virtually cer tain, especially since Eisenhower received First Deputy Soviet Pre mier Frol R. Kozlov during his recent visit here. Nixon asked Kozlov to relay to Khrushchev assurances that he MARKETS By United Press International PORTLAND DARY PORTLAND (UPI)-Dairy mar ket: Eggs To retailers: Grade AA large 46-49C doz.; A large 43-4 7c; A A medium 3740c; A A small 27 28c: cartons l-3c additional. Butter To retailers: AA and Grade A prints, 65c lb.; carton, lc higher: B prints, 63c. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND (UPH-(USDA) -Livestock: Cattle 1850; includes 21 loads steers, 2 loads heifers: trade slow: load mostly choice 1100 lb. fed steers 29.25: load high good low choice around 950 lb. 28.75: load average choice around 1350 lb. 28.50: load mostly choice 835 lb. fed hcilcrs 28.50: couple lots good heifers 27-27.75; few utility cows 16.50-18.50; canners- cutters 14- 15.50: heavy cutters 16.50; few utility bulls 23-24.50. Calves 150; active, steady; good choice vcalcrs 26-30; cull- utility 15- 21. Hogs 1650; slow: early sale steady with late last week; 1 and 2 butchers 190-220 H). mostly 17, some held higher; mixed 1, 2 and 3 lots 180-235 lb. 16 16.50: part load No. 1 and 2 sows at 260 lb. 14.75: mixed 1, 2 and 3 grade 350 550 lb. 10-12. Sheep 2000; slow; about steady with late last week: few lots mostly choice spring lambs 19.50: several lots mixed good-choice 82 110 lb. 19; deck mostly choice 90 lb. No. 2 pelts 19: few good grade 18-18.50; good choice 75 90 lb. feeder lambs 16-17; cull - utility ewes steady at 2.50-4. N. Y. STOCKS NEW YORK UPI Stocks fav ored the downside for the third straight session today. Brokers attributed the market's over-all weakness to uncertainties over the length and effects of the steel strike. Rails suffered the sharpest de cline in the averages on a per centage basis. Losses of a point or more appeared in some of the leaders. Steels showed losses running to a point in most of the leaders. A few specialty steels, which arc continuing to operate during the strike, scored sharp gains. Si monds Saw & Steel ran up more than 4 at its high and Keystone Steel was up more than 2 at its best. A(4tos were lower. The oils lost fractions to more than a point in a few pivotals. DuPont and Union Carbide led the chemicals lower as a group. Tires were under pressure. Some of the electronics met good support which sent Texas Instruments up around 2 and Lit ton and IBM up more than a point each. The drugs were higher on balance. Wagon Cavalcade Arrives Tuesday In Home State BOISE l'PI The On-to-Ore-gon wagon train left here today for a trip to Caldwell about 20 miles away. The train camped here over the weekend." - Hundreds of Boiseans went out to the train's campground about 10 miles from the city Sunday, creating a traffic jam and forcing state police and sheriff's officers to send extra cars to direct con gested traffic. The wagon train, which is mak ing the 2.020-mile trip during the Oregon Centennial year, will end its journey at Independence, Ore , after -tops at cities along the Oregon trail. The wagon train is due in its home stale at Nyssa about noon Tuesday. It will be met there by state officials, including Secre tary of Stair Howell Applinr! and ( rutwinial Conmiisiioii Chairman Aiillmiiy Hrandeuihalcr. inlawed to resect tbe privacy of any conversations he might have with the Soviet leader. Associates of the vice president said this reflected the serious view Nixon takes of his expected talks with Khrushchev. They said he feels he could best serve the U.S. government by creating an atmosphe-e in which Khrushchev would talk freely- Nixon said Saturday that he ex pected to visit six cities in Rus sia, including four kiv industrial areas in Siberia. Nixon will spend four days in Moscow where he will open the American National Exhibition on Friday. Antelopes Name Chief Whitetail LAKEVIEW (UPIi - A Lake view insurance man, John Blair, was installed as new Chief White tail at the 24th annual meeting of the Order of the Antelope which ended at Hart Mountain National Antelope refuge Sunday. Justice William 0. Douglas of the U. S. Supreme Court was among the campers as was Ore gon Secretary of State Howell Ap pling. The Oregon official was among 97 newly initiated mem bers. Jess Faha, Lakeview was re elected Grand Secretary of the Order which was established to save antelopes and conserve wild life. ADMIRAL Continued From Front Page and for the peace that followed. Leahy was the man who, as chief of naval operations from 1937 to 1939, sold Congress on the idea of building a big Navy. His salesmanship may have saved the nation from going under after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The fleet building program set in motion during Leahy's ten ure as chief of naval operations began paying dividends in the nick of time soon after the Jap anese crippled the U.S. Pacific Fleet. To Leahy, history also will as sign a large share of the credit for. success in this first great American invasion of World War II the thrust into North Africa in November. 1942. As U.S. ambassador to Vichy. France, Leahy had helped smooth the invasion path nearly two years previously by quietly gath ering and transmitting to Wash ington voluminous and illuminat ing reports from all over the French Empire.!- - t . Attended Top Parleys Subsequently, as personal chief of staff to the late President Roosevelt, Leahy helped blueprint the victory in World War II. He was Roosevelt's right-hand man at conferences with the British at Casablanca and Quebec and at parleys with Britain and Russia at Teheran and Yalta. He served President Truman in the same capacity and accomp anied the president to the Big Three Conference at Potsdam. For Leahy, the transition from Navy man to statesman-diplomat was a swift one. His first job after military re tirement was as governor of Puer to Rico, for which Roosevelt "drafted him." From then until the end of the war, he was a key man in the government and when peace came he stayed on to help handle complicated foreign and domestic policy matters. Leahy was born in Hampton, Iowa, May 6, 1875. He set out to make the Army his career, ' but he failed to get an appointment to West Point and he accepted one to the Naval Academy instead. He graduated from Annapolis 1897. He advanced rapidly and be came one of this country's top naval ordnance experts. He was known in the years- before his retirement as the "sailors' ad miral" because of his concern for the interests of the enlisted man. LEGAL NOTICE srvnr-is or kvxrn, wtatrwfnt F LIm IMF ndH nfrwntar II, Itll AMERICAN MARINE AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY T Nm Tnrfe. tn th Stat of Km Tart. mvU US th IftlitrMrr ('mas ItilMtT ml Um Sun f Oran, pitrmtm is la": ADMITTED AHCTI f-anrli -.., I Ml W Htorti ... . , HT.M? m raah atwt art T'" , , ITl.T9l.SI Aenii haUnt. r im'oll-" tM frelt- 119.411,17 trttfM. dtidf1s ftM rti attara 1nrnm and irrrvMl 1 M?.'V Other aaam , , .t Total a4nMtM ata I 4 U5.T1I II , UAHiiiiivn. luarLUi Ail, , i I . unarm1 III IUM Ixmi arljuttmant apaniaa. All Wat llabllltlM . tl.IWt ax i TMal MahtlltiH. atraBt rafflal t l.MtJIf.SI ranlfal paid e H.SMM.M t Lnaain4 ruadi . swpl-l T.tfllUft h.rrrai m rttaMi trtlsTt-ildari-.t t.tts lt ft , TUJ - lU ltpniH InArratl jthn n.1rTl-lft fhf ln--a rMl brfra rMfal ln Uin Vrt litrama hr itrau affmi-f aitrp I ul ' - Tvat marital kn4 u Im tina lv--aw Mi at raf1 -iierrM-f TM tlfl t utmcu im oRCflon ra TNI vean trri r-li rswMtad laT4 snivt la urataft. tiaj wUu4 m-M . i , l .aa?.TTt 7 a ar atr t irrasi M,f ll.M mi m i riling kM IJ 4J Ri 111. Ml Tl . 4S M Mini Immm Uaaa U !., I !.., If LECAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that Marllm Traverso, Executrix of the estate of Virginio W. Traverso, deceased, has filed her final account as such Executrix and in the matter of the probate of said estate in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of 1'n.on, and said Court has set Tuesday, the 4th day of August, 1959. at ten o cluck A.M. as the time and the County Court Room in the Court House in ths City of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, as the place of hearing on said account, and of any and all ob jection thereto. Dated this 3rd day of July. 1959. Martha Traverso, Executrix of the estate of Virginio W. Traverso, deceased. R. J. GREEN Attorney for Executrix Suite 16, Sommer Bldg. La Grande, Oregon Pub. July 6. 13, 20, k 27. 1959. Classified Advertising Can Increase Your Business La Grande Observer Established 18SS Entered St-cond C'laaa Matter at the I'oat Office of La Grande. Oregon Under tbe .' ct of March I, 1S97. Br Carrier Month 1.15 Tear 16.00 By Motor Route Tear ..IK.I0 l.0 ..i 12.00 - .S0 1.(0 - 1.26 By Mall Tear 6 Months . I Months . Month CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION All Class. fled Advertiain la ac cepted subject to the rules and regulation! or the urn. uranoe Publishing' Company, which win not be resoonslble for any errors after the first Insertion and re serves the right to properly classi fy all advertisements, delete objsetlonable words or sentences r to reruse any advertisement. CASH RATES Minimum Charge fl.09 Use The BAROAIN KATE days for the Trice of 4 Tou STOP the COST when you KI1.L. the ad. 2 lines for 6 days J lines for days 4 lines for 4 daya ft llnea for daya 6 lin for dnys 1 Inch for 8 days 1 inch for s month CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. Day Proceeding Publication. Phone WO 3-316 m i no 1.00 , 4.00 t no .oo 7.00 21.6S 20 Sarvica Diractory 20 20 Sarvica Directory 20 SERVICE DIRECTORY When you need a specialized service call one of the firms or individuals listed here! . - GLASSPAR SCOTT the best PAINTING. CARPENTER WORK in boats, & motors. Write G. Petersen, co CAL'S BOAT SHOP Inland Cafe. Baker, Ore. 1704 Adams w0 3 5633 HARTFORD your assurance of a I a TP TflflAY? trouble free vacation. Inq. LMIC IWWAl. REYNOLDS INS. AGENCY T0- Don t. be tomorrow . . . Come to DAY! PAYLESS DRUG and Inspect our m, - Fine Selection of TIMEX and ACCOUNTANT, Systems, Book WESTCLOX Wrist Watches. Priced kP'ng, Taxes. HE 7-3447. from $7.95 UP. Add tax to prices Elgin. Mr. E. A. Redman Jr. quoted. Shop: y, 4 34 HYDRAULIC HOSE PAYLESS DRUG Built to your Specifications CUSTOM COMBINING G & H WELDING. Vic Gamble Peas. Grain or Grass. Floating Island City WO 3-331 sickle bar for pas. 12' self-pro- LA GRANDE SHELL SERV. where pelled. HE 7-3364. Elgin. Buren you get the best service on Witherspoon. your car. WO 3-5933. ELECTRONIC TV , 20-BOATS, Mercury Motors. Fire Radio & TV Repair Extinguishers. All Boating Acces- 4th k Jefferson WO 3-3251 cessories. Sales & Service. thp viYiT ;wnp FEIK S B0AT SH0P THE HXIT oHOF im Adams WO 3-2405 We repair bikes, washing ma- McCULLOCH SAWS chines, small appliances mow- They're all new again ers. sales & service on JACOB- Models 1-40, 1-50. 1-70, 1-80 SEN Mowers. From 17 Ibs, Up. IN TROUBLE CALL: WO 3 -2604. Priced from: $154.95 CHECK your radio & TV tubes FHo LrCJi-nt on our "Do-It-Yoursclf" Tube bALbb & bhKVlCb Tester . . AT . .. PAYLESS 215K Fir . WO 3-5609 BODY BEAUTIFUL "EXPERT KEY MAKING LENTZ BODY SHOP does expert SERVICE Body & Paint work Island City, 8 Keys. $1, AT PAYLESS Phone WO 3-4042. Eagle Cap Laundry & Cleaners ROTO TILLER mn ,A Fr Bu fP J , Sales & Serv. WO 3-5097 WO 3-2606 J. Goodman - C. Reefer JOHNSTON S 1901 U Ave. FRIGIDAIRE . MAYTAG WATKIN'S QUALITY PRODUCTS Appliance Sales k Service on your shelf DOLVEN'S WO 3-3327 W0M7I 809 C ATB JONES BROTHERS Lawn Mower Sharpening & Repair HEATING . Grande Ronde Mower k Saw Island City Hy WO 3-2421 T,r-g AW- . LA GRANDE TRUCK k tractor cushions re- READY MIX paired or recovered. 1-DAY pn wn , SERVICE. Low cost. Fnurniturc, t-H. wu a ztni all kinds, repaired or reup- WE repair k recover, car, pickup, holstered. WO 3 3250. LA truck, jeep, tractor cushions at GRANDE MATTRESS k UP- Great Savings. Furniture k Rug HOLSTERY, 203 Cherry, iust off cleaning. BLIJK MOUNTAIN Adams. Upholstery. 309 Fir. WO 3-57SO 47 Wanttd To Buy 47 47 Wanted To Buy 47 WANT TO BUY Ranch, farm or Acreage Home more important than income from property. Substantial down payment. Financially responsible Write Details to Box 7-10 Observer, La Grantle. Strange As HOMINS FLIGHT A K.C0R& HOMING FLIGHT I r r taints., w I nLDMI VU"-- WR MRDC BY BM flLRBTRO-S FBOW THC PHlUPPiMt ISLANDS TO LBYSBM IS-URKlD IN . prys A DlfcTBNC. OP 9,120 Mll$ B--. V5r- U a column 3V Usrr p, "" OF SLBCIBL ICE I '..." (j IT 14 POSSI3L- TO TELL V "- p VMtTHER THE ICE WRS FORMTD X, -x. IN WINTER OR , tff? --, i j9.. 7 Parson-1 1 7 . PILKS? For relief of pain, itching, swelling of uncomfortable Hemorrhoids . Get HEMOID. stainless OINT MENT or SUPPOSITORIES. PAYLKSS DRUG -- ANY GIRL In trouble, or needing friendly adviser write, tele phone or stop in at the Salvation Army. 211 Fir St. WO 3-2941. KIRBY, Sales k Service i still available to you thru yonr . Authorized Representative, Tillie Morris, IMBLER 1 Phone 172 UP TO 40 per year. Investment secured, interested party write Box 205 co Observer.- Your .Message in the Observer Wants Ads goes to , 4000 nomes Daily That's Whr They're So Effective It Seems CHRRLES M. SCHWAB, Wtf induttr!jl.!st WAS B FARMER BOY KUflttS H STrtS. AT THE R3E Or 12, HE KCBWC PRESIDENT Or ONE Or AMERICA S LBR5EST CORPORATIONS fthEN 7 Personals 7 NIAGARA benefits some types of arthritis & rheumatism, recog nized by Medical Authorities. Call WO 3-52115, Foley Bldg. ANY WITNESSES to automobile and motorcycle accident near Meacham on July 15, 1959, please contact Walla Walla, phone JA 5-10M. collect. Urgent. LEHMAN HOT SPRINGS Largest Swim pool in Eastern Oregon. Just 40 mi. from La Grande Via Stark'v Junct. VAN'S BEAUTY SHOP Across from Post Office. Lorcnc Van. WO 3 5811. 10 Lost & Found 10 LOST: Pair man's, dark Irani", bi focal glasses. Fir & Washington. Reward. Return to Don's Plumb ing & Heating. 214 Kim. LOST boy's watch misplaced at I. a Grande pool Thurs., July 9. Finder please return to pool or caU Rodney Jones. WO 3-3752. LOST Wed. a.m., brown & bUick airciUile pup, 2 months old. male, reward. 1910 Cedar, WO 3-3753. 18 Help Wtd Male 18 ATTENTION . . . retired men, shift workers ... if you have 13 to 15 hours per week ... we can offer you an outstanding opiiortunity to earn an average of approximately $100. to $150 per month. Inquire 809 C Avenue or call WO 3-2715. EXPERIENCED' SavTuill ' Elec trician and must be able to weld References required. Wages op-n Write Jaymar Co., Mill, Box 497. Walla Walla. Wn. 19 Help Wd., Female 19 ARE 3 SPARE HOURS DAILY WORTH $6.00 TO YOU . . . ? We need 3 women immediately For full details inquire 809 C Avenue or call WO 3-2715, 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. 21 Situation Wtd. 21 BOY. 18. wants any kind of work. Phone WO 3 2452 26 Money To Loan 26 SYMPTOM-$$ (Vacation Blues) - CURE-SECURITY $$ Go ahead and take your vacation ' Pay Later NO PAYMENT 'TIL AUGUST SECURITY Loan k Finance 116 Depot WO 3 3134 28 Musical Column 28 RECONDITIONED: Small used Piano. PRICE: $245. Terms. $1000 DOWN. $10.00 per month. RADIO MUSIC SUPPLY CO. They Laughed When I Sat Down To Play! But when they found out that my New Organ only Costs me just $16.83 a mo. They rushed right down to TOWNHOUSE got one of their own You Too Can . Own and Enjoy On Organ or Piano STOP AT: THE TOWN HOUSE TODAY! 1 USED ORGANS:' Thomas. $450.: Baldwin Orgasomc. Iljininunil Spinet, t::'f,. GII.l b.11L S MUSIC ( ENTER 11- SE Court, Pendleton, CR 6 7151 30 Misc. For Sale 30 liOl'SHIOl.D tuinilure. tukc all for $350. Brooke Galloway. HE 7-3417. FINAL CLOSING (H'T l.' COLEMAN'S HARDWARE STOCK lAVE 20 to 50 on Dishes. Hard-.-are. l)u Pont Pmnts. din Am- munition, Loading Supplies, and Tools. FINAL CLOSING OUT COLEMAN'S HARDWARE STOCK of SAVE 20 to 50'i on Dishes. Hard ware, I)u Pont Paints, Guns, Ammunition. Loading Supplies, nnd Tools. 47 HARI.EY - DAVIDSON. Inq. Trader Hill Trailer Court. Dell Lowe. DRESSER bed. blond. 1 yr. old. wiui springs ana muitress. v 3-5956. 130' AWNING (used I 119' AWNING used 1-PAINT SHAKER luscd' 1 CAR1IONATOR (new) I-COCA COLA DISPENSER (new) (rail typei DOLVEN'S 108 Di'K)t La Grande, Ore. Observer Want Ads Get Results 2 I NIT Niagara cyclo-niessage in case. Like new. WO S-3705, 911 14th. SORE CORNS? Come to PAYLESS DRUG for foot comfort needs. We feature the Dr. Scholl Products. 32 Appliances, Etc. 32 School Appliances 1 GE Washer & Dryer 1 GE Deluxe Range 2 GE Ranges See us about the avail ability of this equip ment at : BIG SAVINGS! Bohnenkamp's 34 Market Basket 34 PIE CHERRIES U-PICK 10c lb, Chas. Mateka, 1703 V Avenue. RASPBERRIES, Mrs. Kash Doyle, WO 3 437.1. Call after 12 noon. 37 Feeds 37 FOR SALE: Baled hay in liuld. $10 to $18 per ton. WO 3-3394. 41 Livestock Wtd. II La Grande Livestock Comm. Co, Sale Every Thursday Phone Office WO 3-2680 Bob Green 42 Livestock 42 LANDRACE BRED SOW WO 3-4866 PURE bred Columbia RAMS Allen Courtright, Union 2826. 45 Sportsman's Col. 45 HUNTERS ATTENTION! DEADLINE for antlerlcss Deer Drawings Application must be filed by July 27th. Also see us for all your hunting and fishing needs. Heavy Duty Sleeping BnRs, Canvas cover, 5 lb. Virgin Insulation. You won't need blankets with th-se batis. REG. $27. NOW Sale Price. $19 85. AIR MATTRESSES from: $2.95 to $18.50. BRAND NEW GT Gas Cons nnd Water Cans, Wall Tents, Umbrella Tents and Tarps. La Grande Outdoor pply FORCED to soli SMW, 38 special & holster. WO 3-5933, afternoon 4 Eves. IJOAT & MOTOIl CLEARANCE - WARD'S 50 Fuol Supplies 50 14" MILL WOOD Call WO 15641 or Union K5L Box J 85 , U n i 00 , Ore. 51 Wanted To Rant 51 2 OR 3 bdrm. house by Auii. 1st Permanent, good references Write Box 204, co Observer. LOCAL businessman needs 3 4 bod room home, unfurnished. By Aug. 1st. permanent. Ical refer ences. WO 3-3BI4 after 6 p.m. DESIRK to rent 3 bedroom home by August 1st. Consider lease with option. Permanently em ployed, financially responsible. Write Box 20O, co The Observer. 56 Apt. Rentals 56 ATTRACTIVE furnished apt. al Park Manor. Comfortable, cool. Call Bohnenkamp's WO 3 3146. FURNISHED apts. with private baths. ZI8M1 Depot street. SLEEPING room with private bath. 2 blocks from P.O. 1904 3rd. NEAR town k college. Small housekeeping apt. 1802 3rd. NICELY furn. apt. Eke. rnfrigcr alor k stove. IHOR Washington. 2 BEDROOM . furnished a)t 304 Adams. WO 3-3398. 1 l.l'.AN t room fuini h'il not., uiialiln fur 1 adult. Inq 1204 Hih St, 56 Apt. Rentals 56 NICE, cl-an rooms lur rent. 01 asluii;ton. Downtown Apt.' for Information Inquire at Zimmerman FURNISHED 2 room apt. for Usht housekeeping, 1712 Cedar or WO 3-5340. FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms anu iutie DUtn. AQU115. iff. 2nd St. 57 Apts., Unfurn. 57 room apt., private bath, range & red itf. Adults, 1702 2nd. WO 3 4402. 58 Houses For Rent 58 SMALL two bedroom house, neat. clean. At 208 Box Elder Street. $Ml month plus $15. refundable deposit. Inq. at lliway Dept.. 2111 Adams. HOUSE for rent or sale. 3 bed- mis. modern, on l'i acres. Good outbldga, in Union.' WO 3-5052. 60 Trailer Courts 60 TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT. Spaces for 10 wides. modern laundrv facilities. MT. VIEW TRAILER COURT. 1st It Y. 70 Business Opps. 70 REASONABLE, terms, complete Karmel horn & Popcorn equip. Write Box 216 or call after 8 p m., 123 Cove, Oregon. 78 Farms & Ranches 78 FOR SALE IF YOU ENJOY A PARrt for a hom site . . . here it is! Spacious, modern, older home. 10 Acres pasture and garden space, beautiful trout stream ... close in at Cove.. Oregon. Beauti fully landscaped yard. Lots of shade. $10,500. $3,000. down payment, balance like rent. 550 ACRE STOCK RANCH Beautiful modern ranch style home, good barn and other buildings. Pasture has been well cared for, free irrigation for approxi mately 40 acres. This in cludes a warm spring and large mountain stream. On black top road. $24,000. Substantial down pay ment . 5 A. AT EDGE OF LA GRANDE 2 -bedroom hous?, modern, full basement, city water, oil furnncc, wrll and pump for field irrigation, also well and pump for lawn and yard irrigation. Barn with double garage. Fruit trees and garden. All fenced. $15,000. NEW DUPLEX in high school and college urea. Two bedroom units, hardwood cabinets, natural ' ' finish. All insulated. Gas forced air furnace. Alumin um storm doors. Wired for washers and dryers. Ex cellent workmanship with the best of materials. Three big lots. Will con sider acreage or home in trade. DUKEK REALTY Bennv Hicks, Si'.lpsmun Ilhick Ilawk Trail WO 3-2123 ARE YOU AWARE that the CLASSIFIED SECTION Daily contains the finest values in a tremendous range of products ev erything from industrial equipment, real estate to pets this month values will be bigger than ever. THIS is the month TO start looking for that better house TO trade in that old car for a new one or a good used one TO buy new or used fur niture for your home or cabin appliances sporting goods cloth ing outdoor equip ment TO buy anything from a magician's robes to a pair of overalls YOU'LL SAVE TIME & MONEY BY SHOPPING the CLASSIFIED PAGES 77 Farms Wanted 77 RENT or lease acrea.e with 3 Dearoom nome. Option preferable dui not necessary. Permanently employed, financially responsible. Write Box 199. co The Observer. 78 Farms & Ranches 78 23 ACRES with 3 bedrooms. 2 hat In, large living room home. Outbuildings. 3 acres alfalfa, bal. grass. ALSO 30 acres all pr-M. Located l'i ml. we-:l o( Union. See Barney Stephens, or V.ill atvil. Union, 78 Farms & Ranches 78 FOR SALE. 24 acres with mod. house k bldgs. 3 mi north, Elgin. Brooke Galloway. HE 7 3417. 2HACRE farm for sale, in Elgin, sunsiamiui uimn pay., 110 iraues, write Box 374. Elgin. BILL THOMAS REAL ESTATE 207 Depot WO $-3173 DUKKK REALTY Benny Hicks, Salesman WO 3-2423 La Grande. Oregon 79 Real Estate Wtd. 79 LISTINGS WANTED STROUT REALTY Chas E. Chase, Salesman 11113 E. Adams WO 3 3815 80 Houses For Sale 80 5-ROOM house, electric range, hot waier ianx, gooa ouinuuaings. Inq. 309 Division La Grande or write Sam Nelson, Gen. Del. Sandy,. Oregon. 4-BEDROOM house, close to all schools. MUX 1st WO 3-2672. WESTENSKOW-NEBEXER Real Estate k Ins. Serv. Foley Bldg. WO 3 5321 WILLIAMSON'S Real Estate 4 Ins. Serv. WO 3-4311 BURLING REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1103 Adams WO 3-5450 W. E. WILKINS Real Estate & Insurance Sae Annex Ph. WO S-11M 87 Irrigation, Pumps 87 O. C. TANDY, WELL DRILLING Thief Valley Road Box 223. North Powder Ph. 2431 Solid Steel Drive Points G k H Welding Island City WO 3-3931 Wells & Pumps CORRIELL'S Island City Hy. WO 3-4524 90 Trailer Houses 90 WILL SELL OR TRADE equity in '56, 33' trailer house. See at MT. VIEW TRAILER COURT. 1956 42' 2 bdroom trailer, clean, good condition. Rack of 2803 Spruce St. EAZ LIFT Trailer hitches. Trailer wiring. CHUB'S TRAILER rent al & Sales. fI09 V St. WO 3-5960 94 Machinery 94 J. I. CASE Sales k Serv. Truck k Tractor Repair G & II WELDING Victor R. Gamble. Island City No. 1 CORPEL BALER TWINE VALLEY IMPLEMENT OLIVER SALES & SERVICE Used k Consigned Machinery Island City lliway WO 3-5446 95 Logging Equip't. 95 USED CHAIN SAWS S35. k UP I G. I.'S 98 Auto Parts, Serv. 98 Trucks for rent you drive Move yourself save half MAC'S MOBILE SERVICE 1434 Adams Phone WO 3-4401 MOTOR TROUBLE? Call: WO 3-5506 L k S TRUCK REPAIR, truck, auto, tractor 100 Autos For Sale 100 Low Cost 1958 SIMCA Sedan 1956 FORD Sedan 1956 CHEV. Hardtop 1957 OLDS. Sta. Wagon 1955 PONTIAC Sedan 1956 CHEV. Pickup " 1955 INT. Pickup 1941 FORD Pickup 1937 DODGE Pickup Low Cost Auto Adams & Third La Grande 55 PLYMOUTH. 2-Door ... S795 HAND KURD SALES Chestnut k Jefferson WO 3-2IS1 FOR SALE: 1941 International Pickup. WO 3-4293. 47 DODGE panel, good cond., $125. cash. Ward's Richfield, 4th and Spring Sis. 46 GMC 2 T truck, good condition, good stock rack k grain bed. WO 3-3025. CLEAN 1948 GMC Vi ton pickup. radio, healer, spot light, over load springs, 6 good tires, t heavy-duty wheels. WO 3-5354. OK USED CARS M. J. GOSS Motor Company , HAND FORD SALES . Chestnut k Jefferson WO 1-tlSI HAVE YOU DRIVEN WIDE TRACK? Only PONTIAC has itl TRY ITI -GETTINGS LYNCTT Motor Company - - 51 FORI) 4T pickup, 4 speed, VS. See Wlir.'j Spruce. 51 PLYMOUTH, reasonably pric ed, 1418 X St. WO J 5745,