Observer, La Grande, Ore., F LIGAL NOTICi Stniimis or sxmi'al rrTKurvr fm IS. JAt IfcataaaM, II. ItU at tt MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY i 1 Mt OfttM . Datum tm the ttt ' MwtKeMMctU. mtl V Hi Imuran Vum- lUlMMf um But tt Ottfom, 9tttu u AO MITT I ASSETS lod . . f M 5?t TT1 9 l-M. 4U4 . PMUl ... U.tT9IH rIiMii . .. 4 S1I C43 T Inure!, dlUer4 titd ml UUII Iaomh 4ut toJ tT" Ml TO ! Otk uiNi I it mi u Ti,ll ,ii.t Ileal aitiMt f TS '.14 llASILlflEI. tURPlUS AMD i utarrwa eremiuent .. , it m ra tp ah thr HbilMlM T 5 TS Tulsl llliitiln, ipt ranlta! S4.lj9.tvl It Tiplial Mid up $ I.SM.MMVM ( riautfneit fuujl (urpitlit ! 11 t "rpltfi r(arda h!i thaJ.Wr . t II iT 1 tl tii . .. t n w mi u STATEMENT Of IMCOME PrMfun Mm4 T .... ., I II !f TH IT llMUtffd ... 34 HOB MJ l I4MI atiteniM inmrrad 4 110.1. I OiUe und periling ajptftaw imurrad 1 4.91 3S6 4S Tttal undrrwrltlrif dcduHlona . 44. 14. 41Q 14 'H under ruinf itla r Iim . .... two IT rirtltnt tncone , , . I.HC 39 Oifcef .. -Ml S Tidal, before fejrr.t Income taiaa. -Ml?. 31" to redaral Inrona Uxm Uurred. -3J,f-'T 46 Net lr.At.iut . .J IT 4flH !U Dltldrnda la) MwkhoMara luOOOt M uilwr item arTeciing aurplua Irwtl I Si fuul laplul nd aurplu llaau (nail t.W.Ui II IerTa In Mfplua m reiarda twll ttMMra 49 7 t3 Busmcti in ORrcoH rok thc vear Diiatl iifalua nntltaa) J0?, liireii lou ttaid 121 1 friar I a I ff:ti la Orrtva Kona. rOI'HI8 Or ANM'AI. BTATKMKVT 1 f u tear tnded l)rtu.Urf 31. of Hie BOSTON INSURANCE COMPANY af EoitM. la tha Htate f Mamrtoutatti. aad ia Uta iuauranta ('afbuiiuUmci af U Htata af Urua. auri.a't to law: AOMITTCO AMBTt $ JI.417.44I T1 atarU 4i.::o.)i4 ;i IU1 elat faa and bank oapoalti AiefiU' balaixaa ar uiKatlactaa pre. I uk . , - Interact, leldewda and real tauta lataana dua awl act rwad. ., T50. (wo ao I W4.V34.JI H.7K S Otbet aaaeia t.tii. U I Xwtal admlltad aatrta . $iTTM.i:i.ll llAUiLiTiia. lunnui nw OTHtH FUNDS Uaaaa t 11M1.2C? U adjuatmant I.V1I.3M M 1'iwarnad faluiiii tl I41.lsu.v4 All atber tlablljiiai. a M4.190 11 Total llabllltlaa, tuept rapltal $ 4T.TvS.IM M Capital paid up.l VlHNl.lNV.tll t'uBMltnd funda Uurplui) SS.aS0.391.S5 utptua m rtgardi polio balder... I 40.050,531 SS TataJ - STATEMENT OP INCOME Pr ami unit earned I 3t.tSI.94T 14 l.Mt tiKurred I U.T34.4KT.T ami npenaei tnrurrtd i.'lH.SK tS UUitr undantrltlm tipattMS Infturad lT.14r.S.M Total underwriting dadurttanr.- 4i.IM MI. Wet wdanftUlni gain or laJ- :.446.Kt OS liittttnent tncoma , 1, 1;. an.ia 85.44 71 MtO .115 BT 19. tM St 1. SOI. CM S3 1.40t.ufl.M Other Inram Total, before rlertl Inrano taiaa Fedrtal Iniaaaa um incurred- . Xei Iniacna .... DltldatidB la l tafkhaldira... .$ Otntr Ileal ailecur.g tvtpiut S.44S.94I.1I Taial catilial and lurplua lttna (net) SI45.9tS.ll aVmi in urpiiu a regard MihTboMcra . .... - 4 96TS15 Tl BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE TEAR t) tract prainluma reiaited. $ IM'I M nirart aaam paid M.t4 T rrlmlpal alfUa la Oregea: f4 ralllof BalMlna. Partial. 8TNOPSIS OF AN XL' At. STATKUrVT f ar Ua yaw anUxl lUteanbcr 31. I 'J ar im OREGON FARM BUREAU INSURANCE COMPANY r 17M t-oaiMrtltl E.. Halra. In Hit Bltt. af Oregon. MJ. u tL. Jniurtn:. roraulMluii.r tl Ite IU.I f fT..on. t. U. : ADMITTED AHETI Ban). Ufflni kna on rial m L.I. t'ttk umI baiA (UpmIU .inn' b.luicM r iuicollwtl rtnlut.. - IiurfMI. dividend! .nd rr.l ml.!. T.:ti3.lf SS.IOT.SB IMII I! Incun. du. nnd .ccrul (.07! H Othw au.u 1M:.M TwUI admlttad aiitt. I T3S.II:. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNOS Uw T Lflaa adjuatmant irp tnitt t-'oearn Driinluaaa 117.100 M) sa v.i.tis Sot. .78.79 RI.T3I 71 All eUMT Uabllllial Total llabiutlaa. Uratri canltal t lapilal Paid "P , ai.i nawa VaaMlmad fantla (aurplual - M.iM.M Sorplua u tveatda DoUeyholdawa f 1 Taul . : T STATEMENT OF INCOME TM.MT a! 47e.iar ii LeM aapamra IncairNd tj l'r B-Mrvf Itln. aniiaal InnatT ... . .. Total andonrntlBf daslHrtlacuu. Nat undemrlttna fala af taa. InoMTawnt InoaaB. , M.lUti S4E.W1 74 IIS.CTS.U r tan it ll r v tt.JTt 7S im az Dl.ldmd. l etaxthaldara . I'apiUI thanin Uthrr lira. af(rtln aurpiua fnrt) . r 4n ri Total capital and aarplue S7.W4 IT In aurpliia u raiarda bulliThoM.r. 0.942. II BUSINESS IN OREfiOH FOR THE TEAR Dlravt pruiUuma rtvalvvd , S 9&0.5US M Ulaaa paid..- 471. aja t rtlnctpal ollia Is Oraaoa: 1TM Osavwartlal S. Jk.. Satara. La Grande Observer Established 1896 Entered ss Second Class Mstter st ths I'ust Office of La (Irsnde. Oregon Under the Act of March 8. 1S97. By Csrrler Month I 1.J5 Year - 15.00 By Motor Route Tsr $1.0 Month !. By Msll Ycsr Months . S Months . Month ..$12.00 .S0 . i r.o 1.2S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION All Classified Advertising- Is ac cepted subject to the rules end rea-ulBtfons of the La Grsnde I'tibllKhlntr Company, which will not be renponslble for any errors after the first Insertion snd re serves the right to properly classi fy all advertisements, delete ob)Mlonablo words or sentences "r to refuse snv sdverllsement. CASH RATES Minimum Charge $1.00 Use The BAROAIM RATE t days for the Price of 4 Tou STOP the COST when you KILL, the sd. S lines for days 1 1 50 t lines for S days . $ 4 lii.a for days . 4 00 5 lines for 6 days -o S lines for days " 1 Inch for S dsys 'J I 1 Inch for a month ILSS CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. Day Proceeding Publication. Phone WO 3-3161 Your Message In the Observer Wsnls Ads goes to 4000 Homes Dallv That's Whr They're So Effective rl.. July 17, 1959 Page 7 7 -Personals 7 UP TO 40l per ytar. Invi.tmtnt secured, interested party write Box 205 co Observer. LEHMAN HOT SPlilvr.s Largest Swim pool in Eastern uregon. Just 40 nil. from La Grande Via Stark-y Junel. P1LKS? For relief of pain, itching, swelling of uncomfortable Hemorrhoid! . . . Gtt HKMOID, stainless OINT MENT or SUPPOSITORIES. ' PAYLKSS DlU'Ci' V'A"i RPAIITV ini Across fiom Post Office.' Lorene it Van. WO 3 Sail. VOTE KOK WANDA SCHAIKES for Stampede Queen. WO 3-57J7. SLEEP like a TOP. Keel like a MILLION with NIAGARA Cyclo Massajie. Foley Uld. WO 3-5205 KIKUY - Sales & Service is still available to you thru your Authorized Itcprescntative, Tillio Morris, I 1MBI.ER ' Phone 172 ANY GIRL in trouble, or needing a (rlendly adviser write, tele phone or stop in at the Salvation Army. 211 Kir St. WO S-2941 10 Lost & Found 10 LOST Wed. a.m., brown V black airedale pup, 2 months old. male, reward. 1H10 Cedar, WO 3 3753. 17 Help Wanted 17 RELIABLE handy man or couple who need income to fill in social security. Nice living quarters. LEHMAN Hot Sp.-ings. 18 Help Wtd., Male 18 ATTENTION . . . retired men. shift workers ... if you have 12 to 15 hours per week ... we can offer you an outstanding opportunity to earn an average of approximately SUM. to $150. per month. Inquire 809 C Avenue or call WO 3-2715. WANT reliable man to water. Con tact Mrs. Hutchinson, Foley Hotel 3 SALESMEN 3 We need 3 salesmen for La Grande and Baker area. Our only re quirements are that you be neat in appearance and have a car and are willing to work. Our men average $2U0. per week. For Personal interviews ask for Mr. Schaal, Sacajawea Hotel, Friday 17th, 12:30 It 4:30 sharp. No phone calls please. EXPERIENCED Sawmill Elec trician and must be abb to weld. References required. Wages op?n. Write Javmar Co.. Mill, Box 497, Walla Walla. Wn. 19 Help Wd., Female 19 ARE 3 SPARE HOURS DAILY WORTH $6.00 TO YOU . . . ? We need 3 women immediately. For full details inquire 809 C Avenue or call WO 3-2715, 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. NEED responsib'c person, live hi. care for 4 sell, age child. Rt. No. 1. Box 181. May Park. 21 Situation Wtd. 21 BOY. 18. wants any kind of work. Phone WO 3-2452. 28 Musical Column -28 USED ORGANS: Thomas, $450.; Baldwin Orgasonic. $885.; Hammond Spinet, $895. GILLETTE'S MUSIC CENTER 11$ SE Court. Pendleton. CR 6-7151 WEB COR STERO Record Player with Speaker. REG. $333 00 NOW: $289.50. $15.00 DOWN $10 00 per month. RADIO MUSIC SUPPLY CO. 29 Building Material 29 BUILDING? Send for wholesale Electrical Supplies catalog to Northern Distribution Co.. 805 Pennsylvania, Longview. Wn." Miracle Medicine for EVERYDAY PROBLEMS Classified Ads Use 'em often. Keeps finances healthy. WO 3-3161 7 Personals 7 swimmm At Lehma n Hot Springs This Weekend YOU'LL find the following accomodations: LARGEST SWIM POOL (in Eastern Ore.) PICNIC AREA (Tables, etc.) DORM FACILITIES for large groups, (tall for reservations & information) (Phone Ukiah 7-3269) JUST 40 Ml. from La Grande on the Starkey Junction Road, thru some of our gorgeous Blue Mountain scenery. 29 Building Material 29 IT'S... SO All-Fired Hot! ' Iiut w li y suffer with the hej;t . . . when for just pen nies . , . you can treat yourself to a cooler Hummer ami SAVE 30 to 10 on next winter's fuel bills . . . T.y . Installing INSULATION NOW! JOHNS MANSVILLE Rock Wool Blankets AND Pouring Wool Do-lt-Yourself or Call us for estimate. TODAY! VAN PETTEN LUMBER CO. WO 3-2101 SAVE 2 WAYS Beat the Heat Now! Beat the Cold Later! INSULATE with ZONOLITE . (Guaranteed) Won't sag or Settle Low in cost Fireproof Ver min proof Kor the life of your house. Do-It-Yourself & Save FKKK ESTIMATES . LA GRANDE LUMBER CO. Fir & Jefferson WO 3-3113 30 Misc. For Sale 30 DUFFLE COOLER Light weight, easy to handle. New THERMO KEEP BAG by Nappy. REG. $fi.98 NOW $5.39 WHILE THEY LAST! ZIMMERMAN'S 2-UNIT Niagara cyclo-message in case. Like new. WO 3-3705. 911 14th. Kor that picnic at the Cove Swim ming Pool hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, shakes, ice cream bars and bulk ice cream at the COVE WALK-IN DRIVE IN. HOUSEHOLD furniture, take all for $350. Brooke Galloway. HE 7-3417. FINAL CLOSING OUT OF COLEMAN'S HARDWARE STOCK SAVE 20 to 50 on Dishes. Hard ware. Du Pont Paints, Guns. Am munition, Loading Supplies, and Tools. SORE CORNS? Come to PAYLESS DRUG for foot comfort needs. We feature the Dr. SchoH Products. SADDLE, suitable for youngsters. Call Union 2484. 32 Appliances, Etc. 32 TRADE-INS SPECIAL PRICE! $10.00 & UP! The New AIRWAY SANITIZER Sales have been so terrific that we can offer you used vacuum cleaners at special prices. REASON for Sales: We have a settled 1'. hp motor: the same as in your refrigerator, which eliminates mechanical repairs. FOR EXAMPLE: KIRBY completely reconditioned with all the attachments. . . . Priced at just: $14.95. SEE US TODAY! AIRWAY Sales & Service Sacajawea Annex ' ' WO 3-3323 7 Personals 7 SNACK CENTER (Delicious food) CABINS for overnite stay Strange As ft REDWOOD HURL CISC IN tURIKR, Cllif., rVf 55 FT. FT HlSn flr.5 WtHJHED otven LRR6t Keorvocr tries WERE SIOWlNd fl1JW la'l.'iVV 9EVEKHL WtXI vT mm SI A Mv. PiKECTUY fl CHEM1CRU HMD OXYSEM PRODUCE l rn tttcTRic current, f" JsjL: J WITH WRIER MB I 3 i&tfrhj' A fc-PRODUCT Xr- fin tt-tcTRic current, wiTVI WRTr - 6Y I . 32 Appliances. Etc. 32 School Appliances 1-GE Washer & Dryer 1 GE Deluxe Range 2 GE Ranges See us nlMiut the avail ability of this equip ment at : BIG SAVI.NGS! Bohnenkamp's Observer Want Acs Get Results 34 Market Basket 34 PIE CHERRIES U-PICK 10c lb. Chas. Mateka. 1703 V Avenue. RASPBERRIES. Mrs. Kosh Doyle, WO 3 4373. Call after 12 noon. 37 Feeds 37 BALED Meadow Hay in the field. $18. Ion. Phone WO 3-4C91 or see Geo. W. White, Alice). 20 Service Directory 20 SERVICE DIRECTORY When you need a specialized service tbe firms or individuals listed here! GLASSPAR & SCOTT the best in boats & motors. CAL'S BOAT SHOP 1704 Adams WO 3-5633 LATE TODAY? Don't be tomorrow . . . Come to PAYLESS DRUG and Inspect our Fine Selection of TIMEX and WESTCLOX Wrist Watches. Priced from $7.95 UP. Add tax to prices quoted. Shop: PAYLESS DRUG CUSTOM COMBINING Peas, Grain or Grass. Floating sickle bar for peas. 12' self-propelled. HE 7-3364, Elgin. Buren Witherspoon. ELECTRONIC TV Radio V TV Repair 4th Jefferson - WO S-S251 THE FIXIT SHOP We repair bikes, washing ma chines, small appliances, mow ers, sales & service on JACOB SEN Mowers. IN TROUBLE CALL: WO 3-2604. CHECK your radio & TV tubes on our "Do-It-Yourself" Tube Tester . . AT . . PAYLESS BODY BEAUTIFUL LENTZ BODY SHOP does expert Body At Faint work Island City, Phone WO 34042. ROTO TILLER Sales it Serv. WO 3-5097 JOHNSTON'S 1901 U Ave. WATKIN'S QUALITY PRODUCTS on your shelf WO 3-2715 809 C Ave Lawn Mower Sharpening V Repair Grande Ronde Mower & Saw 1207 Y Ave. TRUCK & tractor cushions re paired or recovered. 1-DAY SERVICE. Low cost. Fnurniturc, all kinds, repaired or reup holstered. WO 3 - 3230. LA GRANDE MATTRESS It UP HOLSTLRY, 203 Cherry iust off Adams. 47 Wanted To Buy 47 WANT TO BUY Ranch, Farm or Acreage Home more important than income from property. Substantial down payment. Financially responsible Write Details to Box 7-10 Observer, La Grande. It Seems IK I.fiHITER, m.OOOlti WITH THE.R PRVCSED BACKS n: IT; R fVtl CElLTViST PRODUCES f LCCTRlCITt' FR-W GASEOUS FUEL REACTION FROM HYPRCcEN ? cc a - PRODUCT,' It T Bryib , 38 Fertilizers, Chem. 38 WEED KILLERS! WEEDAZOL, Amino Triazole, BENZAC, Triclorobenzoic Get the l.est of Those We (Is with the I lest Weed Killers INLAND POULTRY & FEED 14IK .lef.erson WO 39 Pels, Ken'ls., Etc. 39 FOR SALE. German Slu pheid pup female. WO 3-57SB or s?e 1703 U. 41 Livestock Wtd. 1 HILLY gnat for roping Nerval Byron. Ph. 2H07, Union. La Gninde Livestock Comm. Co. Sale Every Thursday Phone Office WO 3-2060 Bob Green Observer Want Ads Get Results 20 Service Directory r-20 call one of PAINTING, CARPENTER WORK Write G. Petersen, CO Inland Cafe, Baker. Ore. HARTFORD your assurance of a trouble free vacation. Inq. REYNOLDS INS. AGENCY TO DAY I ACCOUNTANT. Systems, Book keeping, Taxes. HE 7 3447. Elgin. Mr. E. A. Redman Jr. ' & 3 4 HYDRAULIC HOSE Built to your Specifications G & II WELDING. Vie. Gamble. Island City WO 3 3931 LA CRANDE SHELL SERV. where you get the b-st service on your car. WO 3-59.13. 20 BOATS, Mercury Motors, Fire- Extinguishers. All Boating Acces cessories. Sales & Service. FEIK'S BOAT SHOP 1608 Adams WO 3 2405 McCULLOCiTTAWS They're all new again Models 1-40, 1-50, 1-70, 1-80 From 17 lbs. Up. Priced from: $154.95 McCULLOCTI SAWS SALES & SERVICE 2I5V4 Fir ' WO 3 5609 "EXPERT KEY MAKING SERVICE S Keys, $1. AT PAYLESS Eagle Cap Laundry & Cleaners Across From Bus Depot WO 3-2606 J. Goodman C. Kcefer FRIGIDAIRE - MAYTAG Appliance Sales & Service DOLVEN'S WO 3 3327 JONES BROTHERS HEATING Island City Hy WO 3 2421 LA CRANDE READY MIX PH. WO S-2031 WE repair tt recover, car, pickup. ' truck, jeep, tractor cushions at Great Savings. Furniture & Rug cleaning. BLUE MOUNTAIN Upholstery. 309 Kir. WO 3-5780 47 Wanted To Buy 47 RK1D 0XY3EM PRODUCE ?f7VV 42 LANDRACE BRED SOW WO 3-48i PURE bred Columbia RAMS. Allen Courtright, Union 21126. 45 Sportsman's Col. 45 FORCED to sell SMW, 38 special d holster. WO 3 V03. afternoon & Eves. HUNTElvS ATTENTION! DEADLINE for nntlcrl-ss Peer Drawings Appliealion must be Lied by July 27th. Also see us for all your hunting und fishing needs. Heavy Duty Sleeping Rags. , Canvas cover. 5 lb. Virgin Insulaliun. You won't need bl. nkels w ith th- se bags ItEG. $27. NOW S ile Pine. $l:8.-). AIR .VIA'ITRESSES from: $2.10 tu $1H 50 BRAND NEW (11 Gas Cans mid Water Cans. Wall Tints, Umbrella Tents and Tin ps. La Grande Outdoor Supply I '.OAT & MOTOIl CLEARANCE - WARD'S 50 Fuel Supplies -50 14" MILL WOOD Call WO 3-5M2 or Union 3r31. Box 1H5. Union. Ore 51 Wanted To Rent 51 2 Oil 3 bdim. house by Aug. 1st Permanent, good references Write Box 204, e o Observer. LOCAL busiuc ssimin needs 3 4 bed room home, uiiliiriiished. Bv Aug. 1st. permanent. Local refer ences. WO 3 3HI4 alter 6 p.m. DESIRE to rent 3 bedroom home by August 1st. Consider lease with option. Permanently em ployed, financially responsible. Write Box 200, co The Observer. 56 Apt. Rentals 56 FURNISHED apts. with private baths. 2!8'3 D-.pot street. SLEEPING room with private bath. 2 blocks from P.O. l'.KM 3rd. NEAR town cV college. Small housekeeping apt. 1H02 3rd. NICELY turn. apt. El'C. refriger alor 4 stove. ltiiHi Washington. 2 BEDROOM furnished apt. 3D4 Adams, WO 3 3. NICE, cl-an rooms for rent 701 Washington. CLEAN 2 room furnish-d apt.. suitable for 1 adult. Inq 1204 tlth St. Downtown Apt. (or Information Inquire nt Zimmerman FURNISHED 2-room apt. for light housekeeping, 1712 Cedar or WO 3-5340. 1-BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, $59. WO 3-3831. FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms and private bath. Adults. 1702 2nd St. 57 Apts., Unfurn. 57 3 room apt., private bath, range at rciriK. aouus, loz zna. WO S-4402. 58 Houses For Rent 58 SMALL two ht'droom house, neat. clean. At 208 Box Eider Street. $60 month plus $15. refundable deposit. Inq. at Hi way Dept., 2111 Adams. SMALL house suitable for aged couple. WO 3-4267. HOUSE for rent or .sale, 3 bed- rms. modern, on 1'4 acres. Good mitlildgs, in Union. WO 3-5652. 60 Trailer Courts 60 TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT. Spares for 10 wides. modern laundrv facilities. MT. VIEW TRAILER COURT, 1st & Y. 70 Business Opps. 70 REAL MONEY MAKER BUSINESS INVESTMENT Here's the chance of a lifetime. What a deal! Thrc? large business build ings leased; modern new 13 unit frailer court; new three bedroom house near ly completed; lovely four liedroom horn? with 30' living room with large fir place: 23 stock in well established new and used general merchandise store corporation. All situated on three acres level land on Hiway 82, just 2 blocks from La Grande City, lim its. Present rentals on pro perty now exceeding $1,000. per month. Here's really a good buy. Priced at only $lon.ou0. Terms to suit. Call Bill Wilson. WO 3 4954, La Grand? or MALONE REALTY CO. 520 SW 6th Portland, Ore. CA 8-1220 REASONABLE, terms, complete Karniel horn & Popcorn equip. Write Box 216 or cull after 8 p m., 123 Cove. Oregon. 77 Farms Wanted 77 RENT or lease acreage with 3 bedroom home. Option preferable but not necessary. Permanently employed, financially responsible. W rite Box 1!W. co The Observer Observer Want Ads Get Results 42 Livestock 78 Farms & Ranches 78 FOR SALE IF YOU ENJOY A PARK for a homtsite . . . here it is! Spacious, modern, older home. 10 Acres pasture and garden space, beautiful trout stream . . . close in at Coe. Oregon. Beauti fully Landscaped yard. Lots of shade. $10,500. $3,000. down payment, balance like rent. .150 ACRE STOCK RANCH Be.i ill i tul modern ranch slyl home, good barn and other buildings. Pasture has been well cared for, free irrigation for approxi mately 4U acres. This in c'udes a warm spring and large inountain stream. On tup road. $24,000. Substantial down pay ment. 5 A. AT EDGE OF LA GRANDE 2 bedroom nous., modern, full basement, city wuter, oil furnace, wi II and pump fur field urinal. (in. also well and pump lor lawn and yard irrigation. Barn with double garage. Fruit trees und garden. All fenced. $15,000. NEW DUPLEX in high school and colleg? area. Two bedroom units, hardwood cabinets, natural finish. All insulated Gas forced air furnace. A'uiuin- um storm doors. Wired for washers and dryers. Ex cellent workmanship with the best of materials. Three big lots. Will con sider acreage or home in trade. . DUKEK REALTY I Vim v I licks. Salesman P.laek Hawk Trail WO 3-2 123 FOR SALE, 24 acres with mod. house & bltlgs. 3 mi north, Elgin. Brooke Galloway, HE 7 3417. 23 "ACRES with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, large living room borne. Outbuildings. 3 acres alfalfa. b:il. grass. ALSO 30 acres all grass. Located 1 mi. west of Union. See Barney Stephens, or call 3631, Union. 211 ACRE farm for sab.', in Elgin substantial down pay., no trades. write Box 34. Elgin. BILL THOMAS REAL ESTATE 207 Depot WO S-SI73 DUKEK REALTY Benny Hicks, Salesman WO 3 2423 La Grande. Oregon Observer Want Ads Get Result 79 Real Estate Wtd. 79 LISTINGS WANTED STROUT REALTY Chas E. Chase, Salesman 1813 E. Adams WO 3 3815 80 Houses For Sale 80 LOCATED AT 1010 Y Ave. 2-BEDROOM modern home with large kitchen and plenty of built ins. Has a nice bath, hardwood floors in front room, automatic heat, full basement and garage Nice yard and garden spot with well lor irrigation. PRICE: $10,0(1(1. WESTENSKOW 8c NEBEKER Real Estate & Ins. Serv. Foley lildg. WO 3-5321 FOR SALE: comfortable 2-bdrm home, with possible 3rd bdrni: basement, nics yard, electric pump, close to Riveria school and store. Inq. 702 Crook, WO 3-3971. 5-ROOM house, electric range, hot water tank, good outbuildings. Inq. 30!) Division La Grande or write Sam Nelson, G'jn. Del. Sandy, Oregon. 4 BEDROOM house, close to all schools. 1108 1st. WO 3-2672. WE-STENSKOW-NEP.EKER Real Estate tV Ins. Serv. Foley Bldg. WO 3-5321 WILLIAMSON'S Real Estate & Ins. Serv. WO 3-4311 BURLING REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1103 Adams WO 3-5450 W. E. WILKINS Real Estate It Insurance Sue Anrw Ph. WO -ll 87 Irrigation, Pumps 87 0. C. TANDY, WELL DRILLING Thief Valley Road Box 223. North Powder Ph. 2436 Solid Steel Drive Points G 4 H Welding Island City WO 3 3931 Wells & Pumpi CORRIELL'S Island City Hy. - WO 8-4514 90 Trailer House 90 WILL SELL OR TRADE equity in 50. 13 trailT house. See at MT. VIEW TRAILER COURT 1956 42' 2-b"droom trailer, clean. good condition. Back of 2103 Spruce St. '54, 2 BEDROOM Spartan house traitor, 37 It. Write Box teat. Enterprise. EAZ Llltjr Trailer hitches. Trailer wiring. CHUB'S TRAILER rnl nl & Sales. 1109 V St. WO SS96II 94 J. I. CASE Sales & Serv. Truck & Tractor Repair G & II WELDING Victor R. Gamble. Island City YOUR BEST MACHINERY BUY Jl) No. 10 FORAGE Har vester JD ).- Int. SPREADER LIKE NEW CASE 6' CO.MI'.INF. Motor completely over hauled Valley Implement Your Oliver Dealer Island Citv Hiwav IMiONE WO 3-5110 No. 1 CORP.EL ISALEIl TWINE VALLEY IMPLEMENT OLIVER SALES & SERVICE Used tt Consigned Machinery Island City Hiway WO 3-5446 95 Logging Equip't. 95 USED CHAIN SAWS $35. & UP 2 G. I.'S 98 Auto Parts, Serv. 98 Trucks for rent you drive Move yourself save half MAC'S MOBILE SERVICE 1434 Adams Phone WO 3-4401 MOTOR TROUBLE? Coll: WO 3-5506 L & S TRUCK REPAIR, truck, auto, tractor 100 Autos For Sad -100 NEW FACES AT Goodwi Head quarters 19.-.8 MERCURY Montclair 4-Door Hardtop Power steering & brakes, power seat, automatic, ra dio, heater. Down Pay $958 1 '.)",(, PONT1AC Hardtop Coupe Locded and -dean! -v Down Pay $508 ID'.;-. OLDS Hardtop 4 Door Excellent tires, full power, one owner, real nice! Down Pay $478 TERMS: Bank & GMAC Gettings Lynch' 'Motor Co. P.uick Cadillac Pontiac Vauxhall International 55 PLYMOUTH. 2-Door ... $795 HAND FORD SALES Chestnut & Jefferson WO 3-2161 FOIl SALE: 1941 International Pickup. WO-3-4293. L () OK1N G F O R CHEAP transportation then trv OREGON TRACTOR. . . . They still have a good selec tion of old model cars that will make good transportation or fish intr cars. SEE US TO DAY! Oregon Tractor 9 Depot WO S-23M 47 DODGE panel, good cond.. $123. cash. Ward's Richfield, 4th and Spring Sts. 46 CMC 2-T truck, good condition, good stock rack & grain bed. WO 3-3025. CLEAN 1948 CMC li ton pickup. radio, heater, spot light, over load springs. 6 good tires, S heavy-duty wheels. WO 8-5354. OK USED CARS M. J. GOSS Motor Company HAND FORD SALES Chestnut ft Jefferson WO $-1181 HAVE YOU DRIVEN WIDE TRACK? Only PONTIAC has HI TRY ITI GFTTINGS LYNCH Motor Company 94 Machinery Va I I I I I 1 I I Ma. I