OUT OUR WAY rr By J. R. William 77 T;I WHAT lAklhJ A HAlH WtlHtKir If Ml1 t AV WAVlftl "S. h;,7 METELLIM'VOUTOTHAT;- I) TiRf P OF VOUR INPt CTICHJ 6KEAT, BUT I iV A.nh P liXI "UX UPMV SLfcbVE S, y 1,1 H-1 VVA5M LITABIT-li-N T 1HI5 i TXVN MV WECX., AW IWTO ) n COIN 11 Tilt HARP - W. W tAKS. WHILE CfclTluy HiljVsl WAV? jrV CrtEWFPOllTALL 1 . B THE WORRY WART .''.V- OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoopla LEASEES WAS4C0MP.ETEPuVV-E-v) X-'rJ f H.& F04-t7HiS WOS.MiMw VUS TE ' WILDEST YETThS P.i?SV,E-N ntO CUT HIM A IT .OS Trip frsc! ArP WmSisI HE SOT STUCK C16AMIN6 T OMMW.' . CAf N3l SET H:ir TnE . OWLS CLJ3 ?ep; nTr4E OWLS I CLl.3 WAS A r'l : OWLS CLJ3 ?E?J 7 V 11 THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By Wilson Scruggs f NO WVCTHA IT'5 JU5T THAT "J LVX BUT "VOU DO AT LSAST I TMIUK SO fuM TluT THERE'S THE CUUIC UP AHEAD. A LAMAR AMD I HAVE UAD A T LOVE HER, OONTJ IU FACT, I WAS CUKE OF -j WHAT, S WOULD VOU LIKE TO CO TWeOuSH ) CUV, YOU'VE BEEm MISUW0EKSTANWN8. T -r-f VOU? IT UNTIL,.. CUt?iT? r - . SO QUIET. 15 AWV- L V C,AXurr--rrV7 CV TXy- , JC "sv th11j6 waoNO?r-' iIVv VV' i-' "-iVjr? I FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Merrill Blotter LaZy? 6os4.miA V I I 'domV FVO. OFF A f-- ALSO GUARD "1 f WE WANT A REfUND ) ! 0 DUDF J shouldn't worr horse-Pont eer Son asainst TCtNAtx)es, , j rM f i " L-l LIKE THIS' JUST LISTEN STROKE Od DHMK AN DuST STORMS AND -N M J A V, To HER. LETTER- &AD WATER. BE NUCC. FLASH FLOODS AND iV" . V " , J-yrl tothe incxans we BE ESPECIALLY CAU - VI f X ' - . CAM BE Mm NASTY TOUS OF RATTLE- Of iT- IJK J AMD BEWARE OF STRAN- SNAKES, SUA MONSTfRS i2 V (' I ? ! ? "T' ' Tkj -l i SF'Jy GERS WITH MUSTACHES-- SCORPIONS AND OHeR. T H "s.lfe K ! pgp y- flSOMOUCREATLJRES CAPTAIN EASY By Leslie Turner r' ZLJJtlrZL I pERHKf& VOU LIKE TO TOUR 'I I BUT IF I KNOW EA.5 TOH, SUT I AM I W EASY, PLEASE! WLLViJU V AVID 6PEAKIN6 OF I "-VTME CASTLE. SENOillTA TRENT? . HE'D BE 60KEP 5TIFF1 I INTERESTED- l STOP STEPPING ON wy . HEELS.TONV..EA I 0BVI9U5LV, THAT uAfrlTi DO YOU HAVE ANV P I WON'T 8E HEELS! I LOOKS TH?EDL COULD if POOR SAP WILL SOON f uf, fXjV B,P-- PICTURES HE CAM Ml. IN THE WAV I , W f iTtrVrrl 6 POP HIM OFF I BE PUTT J HEK HANPS, 14 jo ld BE LOOKING AT ? rS- m- X T ' 'i?"- i vS0WiEPLACE..IMTO E UHLESS I STICK CLOSE h' '"rV P (' ' f 1 1 iTff' ALLEY OOP - By V. T. Hamlin a r.HMifUHARiC Ml JilftT I I ...TOO "S TO BELIEVE I fTTrrT,,, CHUNK OF IT ia I'LL SCRAPS LEAV IT AND TOO HEAVY TO - W ' TH' WAV VtXTRE SON1 REMEMBER ? THAT MUCH TVf WAV BIEAL....NOW HtMJIM : f -"';-T- l ON ASOUT NATCHEZ. A 83S,OO0 I OFF FDR VOU IT AT ANPLETS SO . , - I BL5PV O THINK. TMI9 I WORTH. TO I ANV T1MB S - ' ' - . 1,..'' I was vour NuaifcT; he ualt j vootAv.' ) 0 IT-'iSllBM BOOTS AND HfcR BUDUltS By Edgar Martin i' " 7 Kisc vad ucwa, 1 1 v&syvms TvAn vJc.cva. aov ....1,1 'AL2S . TO CaNAOIoi -!OA "rAO... I CVK VO Y A a...-V BDC5TVVbttt40 I&XI r ;l,;.a Vt TJf fjwi 1 lfe U ulel PRISCILLA'S POP . By Al Vermeer II 7V- r--r-r-T-l I DON'T SAYYBLESS TtDLLllYOU'RE PLENTY) . A Sir TU THAT, POP! 1 PHISCILLA. GOOD AT f I'M A BUTT.'V WASHOUT1 b J ISN'T YOU REALLY TIGHTENING) ., A COMPLETE J ' I'M NO io iTCHPI rMEAN ITf. ROLLERj- BUGS BUNNY - ' - -WELL.TvA SMOULPA PUT WORE 1 KjHlS CHICKEN'S TOO WELL N X S. V PETUNIA! MJSTABP ONI 'EM AN' J y. PONS T' 8UIT AAKl l Al NEEP5 ISANPWICHES, J ll? V PUNCH! ( SE HOW VOU ) W F ,3 ACf V51"7 V Catholic Bishop Warns Firemen At Conference ' SPOKANE (UPII A Catholic bishop from Oregon warned dele gates to the Pacific Coast Inter mountain Association of Fire Chiefs convention here Wednes day that "carelessness is more deadly than all th bullets ever made.' i The Most Reverend Francis P. Leipzig, bishop from Baker, said that carelessness caused 12.000 deaths by fire in this country each year and that one third of those killed were children under six years. ile told the visiting fire chiefs that fire departments were recog nized as a symbol of community wide organization to promote and encourage fire prevention. The convention ends tonight. DROSWY STAY AWAKER . ORLANDO, Fla. HJPH Jim Austin nearly fell asleep Wednes day when he started his bid to become the world's "stay-awake" champion.' Attendants said he was shll drowsy from the sleeping tablets he'd taken the night before Changes Made In Indian Law PORTLAND a'PI" The Inte rior Department today announced a change in federal regulations which will permit the Bureau of Indian Affairs to make loans to withdrawing members of the Klamath Indian tribe of Oregon regardless of their degree of In dian blood. Under former rules, loans could not be made to individuals of less than a quarter degree Inlian blood. The amendment of the reg ulations was made possible as a result of legislation recommended by the Interior Department and recently enacted by Congress. The Indian Bureau has been making loans to withdrawing Klamath tribe members of one fourth or more Indian blood since last Feb ruary. Loans have been made without interest and have been set off against funds payable to the bor rowers under the Klamath termi nation act. , Observer, L. Grande, Ore., Fri., July 17, 1959 P9 6 so he could get off to a well rested start. Arabian Peninsula Answer to Previous Puzzle ACR088 1 Sultanate of and Oman 7 Sultan Soiyld Said bin ii iti ruler 13 Interttica 14 Handled 15 French city IB Attentuate 17 Feminine appellation 18 Greek letter 20 Dutch uncles 21 Kuwait is the of some of the world's richest proven oil reserves 23 Enclosure ' 25 Preposition 26 Go by aircraft 28 Raises nap 31 Snooze 33 Humorist 34 Mariner's direction 39 Corded fabric 30 Endured 39 Burmese wood sprites 42 Prefix 43 Scion 45 Mother of Apollo 47 Poker stake 49 Breach 51 Male sheep 52 Steps over fences 35 Venerate 67 Booer. 58 Staler 59 Modifies 60 Arabian are world known DOWN 1 Hand .Latin) 2 Muse of astronomy 3 Legislative ' body 4 Sheltering- structure 5 Nautical term 6 Trials 7 Small child 8 Blackbird of cuckoo family 9 Small island 10 Ohio river 1 1 Divulges 12 Become rancid (dial. Eng.) 19 Pewter coin 22 Sea eagles 24 Period of time 27 Hops' kiln 29 British crown colony on . Arabian peninsula 30 Calyx leaf 32 Match 36 Eurusian plant 37 Sketcher 38 Canine 40 Cylindrical . 41 Looked fixedly 42 Turkish title 44 Small barbs -46 Sheave 48 Otherwise SO Saucy 53 Ever (poet.) 54 Elders (all.) 56 Contend DAILY J V LOG 2KREM m KXLY KHQ TV TV O TV FRIDAY : N'ewabnt NVwn A Sports Cavalcade of Spurt fi:l.r, John Duly Domr Kdwarda " c :!0 Rln Tin Tla Kawnlde " " " Deroratlnir Ideaa 7:00 Walt Itlxney I'red. " Kll. ry y.irn 7:15 , ' u 7:34 " I Love Lucy 7:t5 " s no Tombstone Terr. I'll II Silvers M Squad 8:11! " ' . - 1I:3U 77 Sunset Strip Rendexvous with W.-M.-r theatre g:-1 Adventure M J:JJ Z The Llneup Special Agent 7 :30 Colonel Flaek Bold Venture Buckakla, 9:46 . 10:00 Nlirhtbeat NlKht Edition Mike Hammer 10-SO JekM1"' LM,e Shw K"mo,I. 11:00 Z 11:11 " - o. 11:10 Dateline Europe " - 11:45 . 1 2:0 I Spy r; 17:15 " ' , - . SATURDAY Farm Summary J:JJ .-. " Ituff and Reddy Z . . : 9:00 Diamond Cup Itarra . K S:1.1 ax they oorur 9:30 tlirotiithoiit after- ij. t.eHgUe nasebnll ' Baseball Oame 10:110 ., r 10:13 ., 10:30 .. m 10:15 . '': 11:00 H.tturility Shtiwcq.e ' II:).', 11:30 - 1 1 : 1 Ji M m i; "0 '" " Hnwily l.o.ly 'vJJ " - Horse Race 1 Led 3 Uvea TOO- " y-T.....i 1 : 1 ft J: J !I ' Wentern Roundup Western Theatre 2:00 Z " 2:K, - 2:30 Boston Blackle Heckle and Jeckle I Led Three Uvea 'j ." 'I Itobln Hood True Story 1 45 V"fibond Lone Ranajer Detective Diary 4 00 Country Style II8A -rlm,n, Danitrr Is My i: n'Pi,-?i-r,OM Hlywd. Park Race. Itu.lness 4:3J Uncle Ala Club - Action Theatre Cartoons - . 5:00 Jubilee USA Farmer Alfalfa " . . t:15 " ' " 5:30 Champ. Bowline; Mighty Mouse Northwest Passage 5:46 " ' ' i ? n 4 g rnr? LZZW Lll15 zz lE LSZ8 5LL Zjt jrir HQinj; ug?:4rc v t "Fr n n 111 "in b 1 1 1 u This I oa is made up from information by Television Stations and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed by the La Grande Evening Observer. -kVf v r ... TIME FOR CHOW Frank Poole gets himself a big helping of all the good food available at the Farm Bu reau picnic last Sunday at Cove Ascension grounds. Poole was the guest of honor at the picnic attended by over 300 persons. ' ''X A V I La Grande'Frait Company. for 20 years of progress PROZIN FOODS A V Chessman Sets New Petition SAN FRANCISCO lUPIl'-Con-' vict-author Caryl Chessman will petition the California Supreme Court for a re-hearing within the next two weeks, according to at torney Rosalie Asher. Miss Asher. who visited Chess man at ban yticnlin prison Wednesday, said the convicted kidnap-rapist was not optimistic that a new appeal to the court would succeed. However, she said he planned to go back to the U.S. Supremo Court if necessary. 'I think he lu a better than1 even chance in the U. S. Supreme Court, she said. The State Supreme Court af-' firmed the two death sentences against Chessman last week. Con demned under California's "Little- Lindbergh Law," Chessman has spent 11 years in death row at San Quentin. One of his principal contentions is that the transcript of his original trial was faulty. Although not an attorney of rec ord for Chessman. Miss Asher has been associated with the case at various times during the past 11 years. "There is no doubt in my mind that certain very valid constitu tional rights have been violated." she said after Wednesday's two hour visit. "I hope that ullimale ly he will be saved." NO HELP FOR HI-YO'S HOLLYWOOD tlTH-The Lone Hanger has Tonto to help him but children competing in a contest to fee who can yell "Hi Yo Silver" the loudest have to do it all on their own. The Lone Ranger TV program said "no" to a mother who inquired whether her twin babies could accompany her 10-jcar-old son to the contest be cause "he can shout better with babies crying in the background. '