, Ait i a . t fit Observer, La Grtnde, Ore.. Thurs., July 16, 1959 Page 15 LEGAL NOTICB btnomm or inw'al mfiiit-t NEW ENGLANDMUTUAl LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY t BltfUM. t U 1H f UMMdMMtM. ! M IM lUUUl CMItialMtMMt f Ik HULt i tttfim. iruM jgTj wtd . l,0t.TI4 t$T M NuxU - IKI.Wi.KJI.WI atwtctit Imo M I Mi MUM... iM.ltUl.IM . JUi Mill - l.TH.lti M) w.ujr Wa eyl preatua mm 14. ui Cub ti-1 tank depwaiu l,Ut.i.t f feaLuat de ml eftreJ .Ufa WMl aicldeat Mfcl bealtfc M lftl.III M burnt au4 SKita Id i u tab ant Olbf UNU . - X.ll.I.t LIAHlLlTlCI. tURPLUt ANQ t . QTHCI fbkPt Usenet far lle im1 .wclileii. .d feeellb (MlUUa fl.414.SM.MI M PiIuf bmi4 comrtd cUIbm - H kHt.'w aVil Mlr iltUUlltts 4i4.H.IM Tuul IUb4IU.ee, enept t.liul l.tf,ll9.2.i to HI sjuilua fundi 1MTMO0.M 1'iiatti cried auftu 14l.ttl..tirM Hwrijlal u leg aids riinMMa 1H ihiii m Tui 1 i.s mi.;jx y SUMMARY Or OMRATiQHS IAtrwJ bMi ttilwu - $ Ikl.UI.Mt M I it, tracts .. 4.33 90S M 4M IM.tU H 3 J3s.ni llrS.hTJ.Mtt-M M intMtmeni VCr LbUMM llMII i, TUI - - 1 IVltjr benelis fAttUMlU aU IllttllMHSMatr (Q iraiti, dmditi avium ma- II.. iid lnirlt I4.SII.4SI M liHr lu MMHfi i,T46,i;KM i'txuiulttlana, tliliu utd cikril lntuiaiK iiciiiti mud tat.. 41.4TN 13 00 Un? ttalla d4urll)iia.. T 14. 15 Ml Iirtdfula M pellrUkira t3.SJ4.7KI K Tgfil - - MM. 4l.iM 64 Nrt fln fisai ptana ... $ C.tU.MiyM i Other livou KlUrtliif tifplu and Htpl4 fida (ami U.IM t4S TWI rlS.IH.aUM Imreat la wrplui u KKlal aurplui fundi f ?!.TW 44) BUSINESS IN OM CON FOR THI It An Orvwa trcmluaia and aonuitr tm . titUral'uaa llM-1eJ dutluc laM af f 1.7M :.H ItlilUiflds paid t tt-Uttd 10 1mI1.)ImM-u duilni the) yr I1T.SU.M Oruu bciirrna uxl tlalia, mmIow- i.rm. aurrtiidrn, aiul winuUlM tal.l i1urln Ui mr 1 MS. 044 M I'iii..lpal rfl tfi Urgon: ftordwi I). Otput, lul MMiitiM. 14tb At . fbiiltnd I. TOPl OF ANNt'AL STATE M CN'T k'm Um ftar WMlcd labu 11. i a MUTUAL TRUST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY T tT wih WKtr Utut. Chig . lm Ufct MUlt of lllinbli. mailt la) lha IntiWaiK Com MiaaloMC f tte SUM vf Ohvmi. swawal AtlETt .Slll.S9f.rS3.Ti 4.V.3M.1 , ii.UVAtU 11 .:u.i4 0T ,ZHT.;44 0M llufie loauA n il tttau KmI ttlate - VttlUr loana tiid ttratuliUB Botaa. - TaiH aitd bail dauualU - Prvmluua tua inJ df(rttd (Ufa ,lt4,lW) W aid attldant and fcealtli) Inlrftil and rtlir Inteiluant 1.3(3 113 4 liutWM dua and tctritM . j,joi.a j OChar UKti lH.4ol.SJ Tuul aiii .. Htl 114M.1 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Vastrm fat Ufa and auidut and TtalUi polklM ll41.tTI.04J 4 Valiry and raniratt clalna.- 4J4.T10 t4 All athat IlablllllM - 14.M4.104t.H4 Tvtal llafallltKi. airrpt rapllal $U;,0.iS.M riunlmtd aurplui 16,IT.!0.6J fcurpiua m rktdi polkyhoWtft 1 tT.a a ' .Jwtal - - Ilo4 01l.0it.il SUMMARV OF OPERATIONS ' lAcortuI Bail) ,Prluow and aonulli moaldari iwni - I lT.Hi.lSt.4 fafiildtralloni for iupplananUry Miuaita i.21t.l 44 Nil Intftiment Inroma I.TSI.UI SI Olhtr Incvaia Itaia 31.3M.H4 Tolal - I M.54O.SI0.40 IHIUy btiMflU - f S.WJJt.M Famla on lupptaaanian eon- tratla. dltidand aocutnuiaiMn. and Intercit . t.T6S.5t.lW T.iio.iii.oo In rraia In ttaartea iVmniuiMi. , ((( axl Mneral InturaiM iiMi4iM aixl taial 4 0M.HO.SO OitLietxla m pttlkjbsldm t.8S5.ini. W Tlal - .S01.41ta.tO ' Nrt caln from nraiVani I 50...U Ollir Hctna affettim auiolua aod atirplua fundi into . I-U44.441.0S Tuial - (-1144.441 OS IiHtcaaa In aurpluo and tpaxlal iurilu ftindi . t SIl.MSjflS BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE. YEAR Grun picmiuBii eM niHoltJ iwi- ' l!!rraUuaa panrilnl dufliif lit tar , . t UlVKlonds paid or ircdIHd la (Wile) loMrr dnritiC lha ar ..J Orui tKtirriti aid tint an. cim!ow iiit-ntt. mirrnilri. atit aniiulllcl Mid ilutlvi Hi mr W.T01.M .S42.tO V 410 W Pri'irl-ial nrrir In OrH'O'i: IntuiatKt iwr m. . BTSOP8IS OF ANM'AL BTATLSIKNT For the) 7 ear anded Data bat II, 1HSS IOWA NATIONAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of Cedar Kapldi. In the But af lowi aaada a the lt.iurance Cooj to In loner of th Biaia Oragon, Miraoanl to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Randt $ 1T.I6T.T41.M Bto-ki 2. 103, 0-7. UU 1.3HM0I.11 Heal aauta . 4tb and bank dcpoilU A iM a' baiaacaa er uAcaUeKteal praailHlal . i ,(.-- LaiareeC dlrtlanda aM rrai mum Imema duo and a-rroed Stl 019 Tl Tolal aRiltted aaU I ti 4M.i70.ft LIABtLITtCS. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS L-aiea . f I.MI.tSt tt 1m adjuiu-rat ezpanm tno.toI Oc Unearned preffltuni) . t. 728. 170. Of All other HablilllM 1.0S8.SJ3 St Total llabtllllei. topt eapllal $ .SU,tS2.iT Unaiilintd fundi durplua) l4.945.Tlt.0l florplui aa reiardl policy taaldari... I 4,94S.TIS.0t Total I 25.4t6,670.7 STATEMENT OF INCOME rremlumt amd I Sl.tflt.tSt.W Uhm incurred f 11.001.W0.8 Un axpetiMa Incurred 2, 104.0 11. 97 Other underwriting Incurred r. sss.T4t.tr ToUl undcrwrltlnf dedurtlon.4 St.t64.341 M Nat wwenrrltlm caln ar fntettment lnu f0S.4Tt 49 tll.WT 0 M 49 l.sir.tti 4s 210 0M 41 l.OOO.iAT.09 Other Inrani Tan), before federal Inroate laiea. raderal Inc-mo taiaa Iftcurred Nl Inroaa Dlrldrndi L poller holdm 4 "94.tTt.tt Other Iteni affoclloi aurplua (net! 441.415 Tl Total capital and turptui Ileal (net) - - . '-m.WI.SS Itlrreiie tn itirplui t4 rtiardl poMi'vhoMeri . . 801 4?t TS BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR ntrti't prfBtlumi racalred ..t TTT.7SI.2t llre kMiei paid . I10.T69.4S lllndii! off he In Ortfoo: Terminal Sale Build I'oniano. STN'OPSIB OF ANNUAL BTATDHKNT roc tna i ear ended DoiaaMt II, 1939 f the SUN INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK W SS WftS A.. Naw Tart I. la too BtaW tl Near Tort, made U lh liuuranco CoatialiaiaaMC Of Lh Biota) of Orrn twriiianl lo U: ADMITTED ASSETS Itendi I14.MI.993 19 Btoctl Caen and bank dopoaiu . -- , Aienli' balanoai or uno0llt(d premliinu lnioreil. dlrldendi and ml aaUta irKoeae dM and actrwd.... -- ,Tj,io ai 957,400.91 TH.104 14 119 139 91 444 1ST 91 Other ami I TSl.S9l.i9 LIAtSILi i na, na ' 9 " ll.ui.-o t.oi.ai2.si 1,147 IM 19 I'nnnMd praalHMi All Mil Moulin TMal llihirttlea. sr4 wtul $ ll.Wt.979.99 rapllal paid up j.0O0.O0 H I'naiilfned fund (.urpli) T.lSI SIt.W Burpiot at rojordi paltcyholdm.. 9 1" Total ' Jl.tOI.WI.W SUTtHtXT Of IIICH I Inmmd . Un mpmim. Iprmtrtd UtlMT imdMIiaB U9mM InrtMTrf - T.UI w4.fwrllli diKttaot- N undMwrllliw ff.U m MM. InmlBiMI Inim i flthw liirtm. " T.i.l. Mm W"tl toMM uia Otter ium rrtl.i iirpM in .- - - - - Twl ralul 4 wrlrt tmt itMt - U.r I. MrplM u rmrwl 1 1 HI 1, i.,:: tt ,44 .11, M M 1T II 14J .IM M 1U.U4N I. Ml. HI. 1.M1.I11 M 1 111 Mr l USINEM III 0HIC0II 111 TMI Vl p,.,. nl.t MM , Nrt to., mi', di" ! . a rtnnwi u"i.' UlIrM Rkll . rWtl.M4. If you lost it! KIND IT Thru a CLASFIFJED AO LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HKRKRY filVPV that thp undorsiDnpH has kaan appointed administrator of Ihe es- deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Union County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noiifi.d to nrp- sent the same, duly verifivd and with proper vouchers, to the under signed at tne o.tice of his attorney, at fi Summer HnilHino I n r.ruJ.. Oregon, within six itii mnnihe inm the dat of the first publication of mis notice. Dated and first published July 9. " Date of last publication, July 30, 1!5J. WILLIAM A. DOKAMUS. Atlniinktruliir ROSS E. HEARING Attorney fur Administratis H RnmiiiHP Rnililinu jJTa Grande, Oregon un. juiy v, io, zj. & 30, 1959 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that he undersigned has been appoint- d ny tn tounty Court of the fcituto of Oregon for the County of Ifnion as Executor of the Last Wifl .nd Testament of Etta C. Choate. deceased. All persons having Uaims against said estate are fiertby required to present them pt tne oil ice of Helm & Nee I v. West - Jacobson Building, La fjrande, Oregon, with proper vou rhers, within six months trom the tiate of this notice. Uated this 25th dav of June. .959. L Dillard R. Choate. Executor of the Last Will ar.d Testa ment of Etta C. Choate, je- j ceasea. II ELM & NEELY Attorneys for Executor West-Jacobson Building ba Grande, Oregon fub. June 25. July 2. 9. & 16. 1959. lol-M UK A VN'I'AI. UTATEMFNT Kur !' i..r MnlrJ ltemti.t II. !A, uf th. JE3SEY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK f Kew York. 10 lh ttala of New York, nad tl Iniu rajite lominlnlontr of th Slat a "Otrgon, puritiant ta law: AOMITTEfJ ASSETS Bid . I T.S4S.tif 12 BtO'U 9J1V77I 04 Caih and bank depctlii , Sl3.09i.49 AbyMi' balanroa or unrllrtrd prrasloaii Interval, dlrldandi and real atuu IncMn du and accrued Other aiieti t 779.999 W 93.41S09 40.44:0 t 1 T 17. 040 S Total ailrnMted aiieti LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1.140.931.09 100.014 04 9.037.10ft IB Leu adluitnant 1 1 daii -i.ranird pretniui AH aiher llabllltlei 3fttt.TI7.4T Tuul llabllltlee. flrept rapllal S apitai paid up ii.soo.voo 00 i'naaiiined fundi. v uurvluil S.SO.S0 79 BnrHi,i at rectrdi pollrjiholdari... t T.1S9.SS9T9 Total t 1S.T97.9O0 09 STATEMENT OF INCOME 9.942.751 34 I. M0. 40.11 4aL.no. 9 944.978 99 94V0.rS.T9 -127.54! 49 175.235 41 2.110 72 910. nil 74 1.-.04MI 09 Ijmi Npmin Inmrrad . Ochaf undanrrltluc aipenaM Incurred Tolal undanrrltlnf drdurtUMU nrcilncot lnrona Other Income (Tv'al. heTora federal Inroaie taiet PVleral tncooia laiaa Incurred Nrt Inmate rmidenda u iloHihoMrri iMtldenda U poll r) holder I-- Oper Herna affecllnf i urn lui tneO 1 , Twtal rapllal and turplUI li: SI: 74 SSI. 000 00 1.837 .Tl 1,1)4,030 70 1, HI, 101 II l.tltOTSTt Inrreai la aurplua ai retfaMi PollcThuldan BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR rtlreri prwnliuna irlrd. I - 131.43 Tt Direct loeiea paid , . . 37.(1599 Dtrtdendi paid or credited 10 pollryNilder S.J4 29 Prlflrlpal offlr la Oraaan: Mead Bldf., fort land. BTNOPtIR Or ANNUAL BTATKMKV W In roar ondrd Decoabcr II. Hit OREGON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of Pendleton. In the Btal of Oreooo. mad t the Imuranr lnlulonor of lh tttata if Orecon. iwriuinl to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bond $ T9 9WM torki ltr or: so Math are loan on real aetata . 50 .92 Real eetato lOJ.ittl 01 I'aah and bank doportU 94.2 55 lAcWita baloaMO a wacwUoctad KreMloni . 19 98 01 Orhrf aaaeta. tit) plant a 1KB ... 44.4C7 Total admitted eimi . t 4;4.JiJ 93 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS rnoarned pramlumi. reocrr B8.68i.59 All other lalbimie. oocrowi Jt fed. A lUta Inc. ta 1S.8S9 It Total lUbllltla. aicrpt capital $ T2.5oS.6i rapllal paid up 950.000.09 Vnaiilfned funds liurplua) 10SJ1I.S5 Barplui ai retard pollcjboldm....$ Total . t STATEMENT OF INCOME .Premium! oarned ... 9 Other Mttderwrttlnc atponao p i Inrurred 102.745.14 102.705.14 11.979 12 95.980 S3 5.4i2 40 19.423 40 S SJ.5 ST 14, i fit T.r9.79 T.tTI-ft Total undcrwrltlnt dedurtloni. Net underwriting iaLa or lnreitaent ln-acaa ,. . Other liiron . Total, befor federal Id coca e taia Pc-leral Incom laiea Incurred Nat Inrocoe Capital cnanf (net) rearm...- ToUl rapllal and aurplua llano (net! tbrrrai In lurplui ai reiarda ttfillrTholdcn ....... 9.T79 H ' BUSINESS IN OREQON FOR THE TEAR Nt prcmlumi tet tired $ 90,744.01 ntntlpal orrico la Onion: Fandlitoa. La Grande Observer Established 1896 Entered at Second Clans Matter at th I'oat Office of Ia Grande. Greg-on Under Ihe Act of March 8, r By Carrier Month ..$ 1.J5 Year 16.00 By Motor Rout Tear $16.80 Month - 1.40 By Mall ..912.00 M 6.F.0 . 3. tO - 1.25 8 Monthu . 8 Months . Month CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION All ClafKirird AdTcrtlaitiK la r. cepted subject to tha rule, and reirulatlons or the La urandr Publlxhlnir company, which wll not ba reHponalbla for any errors arier ma iirai insertion and re serves the rlirht to properly classl (y.r all advertisements, delete oknetlonable words or sentences to reruse any advertisement. Minimum Ohsrca 11.0 Use The BARGAIN RATE " I days for the lrlc of I Tou STOP the COST when you KILO, the ad. t lines for days . ... 1 5 1 lines for flays 4 lines for days 5 lines for days ( lines for daya 1 Inch for 4 daya 1 inch for a month 1.00 4.00 I 00 00 T.00 11. CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. Day Proceeding Publication. LEGAL NOTICe NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE ii hereby given that Alma B. Schrocder. Executrix of th? Last Will and Testament of Cynthia M. Schrocder. deceased, has filed her f.nal account as such ext tutrix and in the matter of the probute of said estate in the Count y Cou : t of t h ? St at e of Oregon for the County of l'nion and said Court has set Friday, the 7th day of August, 1959, at ten o'clock A.M. as the time, and the County Court Room in the Court House in the tuy of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, as the place. for hearing on said account, and of any and all obj ctions thereto. DATED this 9th day of July. 1959. Alma B. Schrocder, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Cynthia M. Schrocder, de ceased. HELM & NEELY Attornys for Executrix West-Jacohson Uuilding La drande, Oregon. Hub. July 9. IC. 2.1. & 30. 19.19 7 Personals 7 l.KH.MA.N HOT SI'ltlNCS l.?rgst Swim pool in Koslern Ori'yiin. Just 4(t mi. from La Grande Via Stark'.v Junct. PILKS? Fur relief of puin, itching, swelling of uncomfortable Hemorrhoids . . . Get HKMOII). stainless OINT MENT or SIWOSITOKIES. .- , PAYLKSS DKUG VAN'S BEAUTY SIIOH Across from 1'ost Office. Lorene Van. WO 3-5811. VOTE FOR WANDA SCHAURES for Stampede Queen. WO 3-5737. SLEEP like a TOP, Feel like a MILLION with NIAGARA Cyclo Massage. Foley Bldg. WO 3-5205 KIRUY Sales & Service is still available to you thru, your Authorized Representative, Tillie Morris, IMBLER Phone 172 ANY GIRL in trouble, or needing a friendly adviser write, tele phone or stop in at the Salvation Army. 211 Fir St. WO 3-2941. 17 Help Wanted 17 RELIABLE har.dy man or couple who need income to fill in social security. Nice living quarters. LEHMAN Hut Springs. 18 Help Wfd., Male 18 3 SALESMEN 3 We need 3 salesmen lor La Grande and Baker area. Our only re quirements are that you be neat in . appearance and have a car and are willing to work. Our men average $200. per week. For Personal interviews ask for Mr. Schaal, Sacajawea Hotel, Friday 17th. 12:30 & 4:30 sharp. No phone calls please. EXPERIENCED Sawmill Elec trician and must be abl? to weld. References required. Wages op?n. Write Jaymar Co., Mill, Box 487, Walla Walla, Wn. 19 Help Wd., Female 19 NEED responsible person, live in. care for 4 sen. age child. Rt. No. 1, Box 181, May Park. 21 Situation Wtd. 21 BOY; 18, wants any kind of work. Phone WO 3-24.2. 26 Money To Loan 26 SYMPTOM-$$ Vacation Blues) CURE SECURITY $$ Go ahead and take your vacation Pay Later NO PAYMENT TIL 'AUGUST SECURITY Loan & Finance 116 Depot WO 3 3134 28 Musical Column 28 USED ORGANS: Thomas, $454; Baldwin Orgasonic. $885.; Hammond Spinet, $895. GILLETTE'S MUSIC CENTER 115 SE Court, Pendleton, CR 6-7151 WEB COR STERO Record Player with Speaker. REG. $333.00 NOW: $289.50. $15.00 DOWN $10.00 per month. RADIO MUSIC SUPPLY CO. 29 Building Material 29 'BUILDING? Solid for wholesale Electrical Supplies catalog to Northern Distribution Co., 805 Pennsylvania, Longvicw, Wn." VAN PKTTKN LUMBER Greenwood & RR WO 3-2101 30 Misc. For Sale 30 For that picnic at the Cove Swim ming Pool hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, shakes, ice cream bars and bulk ice cream at the COVE WALK-IN DRIVE IN. HOUSEHOLD furniture, take all for $350. Brooke Galloway. HE 7-3417. FINAL CLOSING OUT OF COLEMAN'S HARDWARE STOCK SAVE 20 to 50 on Dishes, Hard ware, Du Pont Paints, Guns, Am munition, Loading Supplies, and Tools. SORE CORNS? Come to PAYLESS DRUG for foot comfort needs. We feature the Dr. Scholl Products. WHITE enamel wood, coal trash burner, perf. cond. WO S-4580 SADDLE, suitable for youngsters. Call union 2484. . Classified Advertising Can, Increase Your Business Strange As HUP IMVENTOR Cf IKS 0R'.3:NBU . LPCOrAOTlVE WHlSTlE "Trl TEXfl 3TRTft CAPITOL INCLUDES IN ITS C0HERST0N6 A MCBUT HiniVCKtT. 70 IZ-INCH (RK OF COHU, OLP TttfK 7f RWKf NOT&, . H MIX WINOBRMHPB BY 6SHBRRL CAM HOUfTOU. OH 0We iFflf WM Aft IIOH. KBY IN6, BHD 0 . GOOD LUCK CHRBMi 30 Misc. For Sale 30 2 L'N1T Niagara cyclo-ruessafip in case. Like new. ViO J-J705. 911 14th. 32 Appliances, Etc. 32 TRADE-INS SPECIAL PRICE! ' $10.00 & UP! The New AIRWAY SANITIZER Sales have been so terrific that we can offer you used vacuum cleaners at special prices. REASON for Sales: We have a sealed 1V hp motor; the same as in your refrigerator, which eliminates mechanical repairs. FOR EXAMPLE: KIRBY completely reconditioned with all the attachments. . . . Priced at just: $14.95. SEE US TODAY ! AIRWAY Sales & Service Sacajawea Annex WO 3-3323 20 Service Directory 20 I IT'CB aaliL'PaiH a. m e .i . '-, i .. . . SERVICE DIRECTORY When you need a specialized service call one of ihe firms or individuals listed here! GLASSPAR & SCOTT the best in boats & motors. CAL'S BOAT SHOP 1704 Adams 1 WO 3-5G33 LATE TODAY? Don't be tomorrow . . . Come to PAYLESS DRUG and Inspect our Fine Selection of T1MEX and WESTCLOX Wrisi Watches. Priced from $7.95 UP. Add tax to prices quoted. Shop: PAYLKSS DRUG CUSTOM COiUMNING Peas. Grain or Grass. Floating sickle bar for pas, 12' self-pro pelled. HE 7-3364, Elgin. Buren Witherspoon. ELECTRONIC TV Radio It TV Repair 4th k Jefferson WO S-S2S1 THE FIXIT SHOP We repair bikes, washing ma chines, small appliances, mow ers, sales & service on JACOB SEN Mowers. IN TROUBLE CALL: WO 3-2604. CHECK your radio & TV tubea on our "Do-It-Yourself" Tube Tester . . AT . . PAYLESS BODY BEAUTIFUL LENTZ BODY SHOP does expert Body & Paint work Island City, Phone WO 34042. . ROTO TILLER Sales 'tt Serv. WO 3-5097 JOHNSTON'S 1901 U Ave. WATKIN'S QUALITY PRODUCTS . on your shelf WO S-2715 809 C Ave. Lawn Mower Sharpening & Repair Grande Ronde Mower Saw 1207 Y Ave. TRUCK & tractor cushions re paired or recovered. 1-DAY SERVICE. Low cost. Fnurniture, all kinds, repaired or reup holstered. WO 3 - 3250. LA GRANDE MATTRESS k UP HOLSTERY, 203 Cherry tust off Adams. 47 Wanted To Buy 47 WANT Rancji, fa rm Home more important than income from property. r i. ; i t i . . Substantial down payment. Financially responsible Write Details to Box 7-10 Observer, La Grande. It Seems AllAOST IVtRYOM HPS HSHOT Of WHISTLER'S MOTHER, BSCfll'SS OP HIS FRW0JS PHlNTiNS, BUT Few know of Hi FATHER-. ne wm out Of bwerich 6rearesr rrhkoud buiidim V V V RVEt R MBN'S IIFE. TrfcY CIRCLED OVER VE HtWOf UNTONiOCtiUlRR. STtn'FKO OF TKt ITALIAN LINK CONTt VtSW, VsrIS HBO FBLL5M CVEBfc0BR-D-- fiTTWKTiKBTH ?fS."i. PfiiTf 32 Appliances, Etc. 32 School Appliances 1 GE Washer & Dryer 1 GE Deluxe Range 2 GE Ranges See us iilxnit the avail ability of this etui mont at : BIG SAVINGS! Bohnenkamp's Se Your don't needs with an inexpensive Classified Ad Call WO 3-3J61 20 Service Directory 20 PAINTING-, CARPENTER WORK Write G. Petersen, co Inland Cafe, Baker, Ore. HARTFORD your assurance of a trouble free vacation. Inq REYNOLDS INS. AGENCY TO DAY! ACCOUNTANT. Systems. Book keeping, Taxes. UK 7-3447. Elgin. Mr. E. A. Redman Jr. 'i k 34 HYDRAULIC HOSE Built to your Specifications G k II WELDING. Vic. Gamble. Island City WO S-3931 LA GRANDE SHELL SERV. where you get the bst service on your car. WO 3-SS33. . 20 BOATS. Mercury Motors, Fire Extinguishers, All Boating Aeces cessories. Sales & Service. FEIK'S BOAT SHOP 1608 Adams WO 3-2405 McCUtLOCH SAWS They're all new again Models 1-40. 1-50, 1-70, 1-80 From 17 lbs. Up. Priced from: $154.95 Mcculloch saws sales & service 2154 Fir WO 3 5609 EXPERT KEY MAKING SERVICE S Keys, $1, AT PAYLESS Eagle Cap Laundry k Cleaners Across From Bus Depot WO 3-2608 J. Goodman C. Keefer FRIGIDAIRE - MAYTAG Appliance Sales k Service DOLVEN S WO 3 3327 JONES BROTHERS HEATING Island City Hy WO 3 2421 LA GRANDE READY MIX PH. WO t-2031 WE repair k recover, car, pickup, truck, jeep, tractor cushions at Great Savings. Furniture Rug cleaning. BLUE MOUNTAIN Upholstery. 309 Fir. WO S-5780. 47 Wanted To Buy 47 TO BUY or Acreage 1 iliMli.A r. .... i , j 34 Market Basket 34 RASPBERRIES, Mrs. Kash Doyle, wo 3 4373. Call after 12 noon. ROYAL Anne Cherries, ripe k scarce. McDonald Orchard, 2 mi. sign, Fruildale. WO 3-2H25. 37 Feeds 37 BALED Meadow Hay in the field. $18. ion. Phone WO 3-4691 or see Goo. W. White, Alicel. 39 Pets, Ken'ls., Etc. 39 FOR SALE. German Shepherd pup, female. WO 3-5793 or see 1703 V. NEED a home for 4 cute kittens. C all WO 3 5709. 41 Livestock Wtd. 1 HILLY gnat for roping. Norval llyron. Ph. 2tto7, Union. La Grande Livestock Comm. Co. Sale Every Thursday Phone Office WO 3-360 Bob Green 42 Livestock 42 GENTLE, sound mare k saddle. both for $1(10. WO 3-4267, 1709 N. Maple. LANDRACE BHEl) SOW WO 3-4W " PURE bred . Columbia HAMS. Allen tourirignt, union 2820. 45- Sportsman's Col HUNTERS ATTENTION! DEADLINE for anllerl-ss Deer Drawings Application must be tiled by July 27th. Also see us for all your hunting and fishing needs. Heavy Duty Sleeping Bags. Canvas cover, S lb. Virgin Insulation. You won't need blankets with thvse bags. REG. $27. NOW Sale Price. $1935. AIR MATTRESSES from: $2.95 to $18.50. BRAND NEW Gl Gas Cans and Water Cans, Wall Tents, Umbrella Tents and Tarps. La Grande Outdoor Supply BOAT & MOTOR CLEARANCE - WARD'S SPORTMEN'S SPECIAL $1195 . IMPERIAL 11 ft. mahogany, Reudy to go! Motor, speedometer, steer- intf, elec. starter, rear view mirror, trailer . . : You'll he all set for skiing .. or tishingr;. 4 ' See this one today." Feik's Boat Shop 1608 Adams WO 3-2405 50 Fuel Supplies 50 U" MILL WOOD Call WO 3-5642 or Union SHI. Box 185. Union, Ore. 51 Wanted To Rent 51 2 OR 3 Ixirm. apt by Aug. 1st Permanent, good references Write Box 204, co Observer. LOCAL businessman needs 3-4 bed room home, unfurnished. By Aug. 1st. permanent. Local refer ences. WO 3-3814 after 6 p.m. DESIRE to rent 3-bedroom home by August 1st. Consider lease with option. Permanently em ployed, financially responsible Write Box 200, co The Observer Help! yourself to TOTAL SELLING Profits! . It's so easy to place a classified nd to let people know what you have to offer or possibly you need a particu lar item Classified Ads can help you find what you want. Read & Use CLASSIFIED ADS for Profit! Just i.ro for 6 Days of Advert isinR ' (2 lines) ' WO 3-3161 56 Apt. Rentals 56 SLEEPING room with private Dam 2 blocks from P.O. 1904 3rd. NEAR town fc college. Small housekeeping apt. IBOl 3rd. NICELY furn. apt. Elec. refriger- uior siove. 1606 Washington. 2 BEDROOM furnished unt. 304 Adams, WO 3-3398. NICE, cl?an rooms for rent. 701 Washington. CLEAN 1 room furnished apt.. suitable fur 1 adult. Inq. 1204 8th St. Downtown Apt. (or Information Inquire at Zimmermans FURNISHED 2 room apt. (or light housekeeping, 1712 Cedar or wo 3-5340. BACHELOR apt. Clean, reason r-il.l.. l,ico.in lift 1 QOa 1QIU1 9n4 1-BEDHOOM unfurnished duplex, 159. WO 3 3831 FURNISHED apartment, S rooms ana private bath. Adulta. 17U2 2nd St. 57 Apts., Unfurn. 57 3 room apt., private bath, range ai reirig. Adults, 17IM zna. WO 3-4402. - 58 Houses For Rent 58 SMALL two bedroom house, neat. clean. At 208 Box Elder Street. $M month plus $15. refundable deposit. Inq. at Hiway Dept., 2111 Adams. SMALL house suitable for aged couple. WO 3-4267. HOUSE for rent or sale, 3 bed- rms, modern, on I'd acres, Good oulbldgs, in Union. WO 3-5652. 3-ROOM modern house. N. side. Want permanent responsible renter. Suitable for 2 or 3 people. WO 3 5X29. Observer Want Ads Get Results 70 Business Opps. -70 REAL MONEY MAKER BUSINESS INVESTMENT Here's the chance of a lifetime. What a deal! Three large business build ings leased: modern new 13 unit trailer court; new three bedroom house near ly completed; lovely four bedroom home with 30 living room with large fir place: 23 stock in well established new and used general merchandise store corporation. All situated on three acres level land on Hiway 82. just 2 blocks from La Grande City lim its. Present rentals on pro perty ' now exceeding $1,000.' per month. Here's really a good buy. Priced i at onty siuo.uoo. terms to suit. Call Bill Wilson. WO -3 4954, La Grande or MALONE REALTY CO. 520 SW 6th - Portland, Ore. CA 8-1220 REASONABLE, terms, complete Karmel horn & Popcorn equip. Write Box 216 or call after 8 p.m., 123 Cove, Oregon. 77 Farms Wanted 77 RENT or lease acreage with 3 bedroom home. Option preferable but not necessary. Permanently employed, financially responsible. Write Box 199. co The Observer. 78 Farm A Ranches 78 FOR SALE. 24 acres with mod house k bldgs. 3 mi north, Elgin Brooke Galloway, HE 7-3417. 23 ACRES with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, large living room home. Outbuildings. 3 acres alfalfa, bal. grass. ALSO 30 acres all grass. Located l'i mi. west of Union. See Barney Stephens, or call 3631, Union. 211 ACRE farm for sale, in Elgin. substantial down pay., no trades, write Box 374, Elgin. BILL THOMAS REAL ESTATE 207 Depot WO $ 3173 DUKEK REALTY Benny Hicks, Salesman WO 3-2423 La Grande, Oregon 80 Houses For Sale 80 3 BEDROOM modern house. Good location, excellent pump k well, 2 extra lots, large garage. See evenings at 1005 Y Ave. wo 3- 5995.- FOR SALE: comfortable 2 bdrm home, with possible 3rd bdrm basement, nice yard, electric pump,. Close to Riverla school and store. Inq. 702 Crook, WO 3-3H71.' 5-ROOM 'house, electric range, hot water tank, good outbuildings. Inq. 309 Division La Grande or write Sam Nelson, Gen. Del. bandy,. Oregon. 4 BEDROOM house, close to all schools. 1108 1st. WO 3 2672. STARTER HOUSE 105S Sq. FEET $4993. gives you a new 3 bed room home, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath It utility room. Write Box 202, co La Grande Observer. WESTENSKOW-NEBEXER new csiaie ins. aerv. Foley Bldg. , WO I-S321 1 WILLIAMSON'S- . Real Estate k Ins. Serv. -WO S-4311 BURLING REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1103 Adams WO 1-3450 W. E. WILKINS Real Estate k Insurance Sac Abmi fk. WO S-UM 80 Houses For Sale SO - i i . LOCATED AT 1010 Y Ave. 2-BEDROOM modern home with large kitchen and plenty of built in. Has a nice. bath, hardwood floors in front room, automatic heat, full basement and garage. Nice yard and garden spot with well lor irrigation. ' PRICE: $10,000. WESTENSKOW & NEBEKER Real Estate k Ins. Serv. Foley Bldg. WO 3-5321 87 Irrigation, Pumps 87 O. C. TANDY. WELL DRILLING Thief Valley Road Box 223. North Powder Pb. S43 Solid Steel Drive Points G k II Welding Island City W0 3-3931 Well. & Pumps CORRIELL'S Island City Hy. WO 3-4524 90 Trailer Houses 90 WILL SELL OR TRADE equity in 56, 33 trailer house. See at MT. VIEW TRAILER COURT. 1956 42' 2-b-droom trailer, clean, good condition. Back of 2803 Spruce St. 54. 2 BEDROOM Spartan house trailer. 37 ft. Write Box 652, Enlerprise. EAZ LIFT Trailer hitches, Trailer wiring. CHUB'S TRAILER rent al k Sales. 1109 V St. WO 3-596 94 Machinery 94 J. I. CASE Sales It Serv. Truck & Tractor Repair G & 11 WELDING Victor R. Gamble. Island City YOUR BEST MACHINERY BUY Jl) No. 10 FORAGE Har vester JI) 95 bu. SPREADER LIKE NEW CASE 6' COMBINE Motof completely ovei hauled Valley Implement Your Oliver Dealer Island Citv Iliwav PHONE WO 3-.r-146 No. 1 CORBEL BALER TWINE VALLEY IMPLEMENT OLIVER SALES k SERVICE Used k Consigned Machinery Island City Iiway WO 3-5446 USED' CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT MASSEY-Harris-Ferguson . V4 yd. loader k Berm leveler, . . , less than 600 hrs. actual . ' time. This is a real Buy at $2,500. SAI Case with full, 'i yd. load er. A Bargain at $1,500. VAI Case with 'a yd. loader, - Price reduced to . . . , . $800, ALLIS-Chalmers 11D5G, clean. good tracks, less than 200 hrs. since engine overhauled. New Hydraulic Pump ... $7,950. CATERPILLAR D4 in top con- . dition. Ready to go to work $6,950. ALLlSCharlmers HD 15 with front mount power control unit and angle dozer, '54 model for only $8,500. CATERPILLAR D-6 with front - mount power control unit and angle dozer, long tracks $5,500. TD-18 with rear mount , power control unit & angle dozer $3,500. QUICKWAY Model E on 6 x 6 back-hoe and crane ...... $4,500. THE SAWTOOTH CO. 1115 Grove St: Boise, Ida. . Phone 3-3603 95 Logging Equip't. 95 USED CHAIN SAWS $35. & UP 2 G. I.'S 98 Auto Parts, Serv. 98 Trucks for rent you drive Move yourself save hall MAC'S MOBILE SERVICE 1434 Adams Phone WO S-4409 MOTOR TROUBLE? Call: WO 3-5506 L k S TRUCK REPAIR, truck, auto, tractor 100 Autos For Sale 100 46 CMC 2 T truck, good condition, good stock rack k grain bed. WO 3-3023. DAILY SPECIAL 1952 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon Radio, Heater $595 HAND FORD SALES Chestnut & Jefferson WO 3-2161 CLEAN 1948 CMC li ton pickup, radio, heater, spot lignt, over load springs, 6 good tires,. 6 heavy-duty wheels. WO S-53S4. OK USED CARS M. J. GOSS . Motor Company HAND FORD SALES Chestnut k Jeffersoa WO t-SMl HAVE YOU DRIVEN WIDE TRACK? Only PONTIAC has HI TRY IT! GETTINGS-LYNCH . I Motor Company Observer Want Ada Get Results Phone WO 3-31q1