La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, July 16, 1959, Page 1, Image 1

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Sunny Friday; high Friday
87-92; low tonight 45-50.
278th Issue 63rd Year
Pric 5 Cnt
Sec. Herter Suggests U.N.
nW srrfc
I Mr ' SVt
''i" -V"
Mic Fullerton and Charlie Taylor are at work putting up false-work in preparation
for constructing the columns of one of the bridges being built for the new highway
between La Grande and Pendleton. (Observer Photo)
Now Men
tine navy rear admirals and cap
tains have threatened wholesale
resignations unless President Ar-
turo Frondizi fires Vice Adm.
Adolfo Estevez as secretary of the
navy, informed sources reported
today. j
The sources said 12 of the
navy's 15 rear admirals had voiced
the threats to retire, and captains
with high commanding posts would
follow them. '
The afternoon newspaper Cor-i
reo de la Tarde said Frondizi's
refusal to ask for Estevez' resig
nation had creat&d a "serious sit
uation" in the navy.
The newspaper, edited by for
mer naval Cnpt. Francisco Man
rique, said Adm. Vicente Barojn.
t chief of the joint general staff,
presented the main complaints to
Frondizi at a meeting Tuesday
The newspaper said another of
. ficer at the meeting. Vice Adm. Al
berto Bago. newly appointed chief
of naval operations, told Frondizi
bluntly they feared Communist
pressure on the President to weak
en the armed forces.
Jets Blamed
For 'Blasts'
SALEM tUPIi Blasts, various
ly estimated as from one to four,
shook the Salem area Wednesday
evening and swamped police and
press switchboards. They were
believed caused by jet planes
breaking the sonic barrier.
Minor cracks in concrete and
plaster were reported by resi
dents. No broken windows were
caused, but residents in northeast
Salem were sure some small
cracks in plaster walls, driveways
and sidewalks "were caused.
Belgian Airline Pilot Says Red
Plane Nearly Crashed Into Him
Belgian Sabena airlines pilot said
today that one of four Communist
MIGs that forced his plane down
in Hungary Wednesday nearly
crashed into him.
The airliner, a DC6. was carry
ing M passengers from Athens to
Vienna. The Communists let the
plane continue after questioning
tlie pilot on the ground.
Capt. Georges Rolin, the pilot,
3 -r
SHOVELING Tom Perzell is working the shovel for
the construction crew on the highway west of La
Grande. The new highway will probably not take many
miles off the trip to Pendleton but should eliminate
many dangerous curves according to the State Highway
Department. (Observer Photo)
Frank Cook chairman of the
Kali opening announced at the
Retail Merchants luncheon yes
terday noun that the annual
event will be August 26 in con
junction with the Union County
Events slated for the program
include a hay scramble for $35,
window decorating contest, parade
and dance.
Committee chairman selected
for the Fall opening by Lorcn
Hughes, president of the RMA,
are Cal Batrick, publicity; Bob
Turner, dance; Bill Cummings,
hay scramble; Bob Fallow, public
address system; Web Hickman,
ballot counting; Lee Reynolds,
said he had to leave the recog
nized air corridor in an attempt
to get around a storm and veered
north toward the Hungarian
"I do not think we left Yugoslav
territory," he eaid.
Rolin said four Hungarian MIGs
suddenly swooped on his plane and
waggled their wings- to indicate
he should follow them.
Some of their dives at me
K i """ 77 .. 5V Mi.
( t'
kid's pet parade.
Hughes announced also that
John Groupe and Alan Keffer
will be chairmen of the Christ
mas program.
Group said that they planned
to use the Candy Lane theme
again this year. He said that
they found it necessary to pur
chase four more canes. Four
teen green cedar garlands are
also on order.
It was also announced that the
Centennial Wagon Train will be
in La Grande, July 29. Several
riding clubs plan to meet the
train and escort it to town. It
will be staying over night at Pio
neer Park.
were really dangerous," he said.
"One MIG zoomed up just a few
feet in front of my nose. I thought
we were going to collide."
The MIGs forced him to land
at Veszprem. He said the Hun
garians told him their radar In
dicated his plane was over Hun.
garian territory but added that
"if you leave the corridor in fu
ture because of weather just ask
our permission. ,
Tremendous Explosion
Spoils The Launching
Of Satellite Rocket
et with an "all-purpose" scientific satellite exploded in a tre
mendous cloud of smoke and flame today in what was sup
posed to have been the most complex data-gathering trip in
to space yet undertaken.
I On ienition. a huee Duff of smoke primteil from (Kip rnrk.
" fnsfpaft nf liffinfj frnm thi
Under Fire
Defense Department was under
fire on two congressional fronts
One House armed services sub
committee was investigating char
ges that armed services enlisted
men have to do "degrading" jobs
as servants of officers.
And Hep. F. Edward Hebert D
L.A.l. chairman of another sub
committee looking into defense
contracts, charged that the Penta
gon was trying to sidestep the
problem. . .
Charles C. Finucane, assistant
secretary of defense, told the man
power subcommittee that the use
of enlisted meo as officers' aides
"is based on a definite need and
on justifiable customs and tradi
tions." He denied there is any
thing "demeaning or degrading"
in the work, and said nun)f GIs
seek sucn Jobs; . v4
There have been complaints that
enlisted men have been pressed
into such jobs as baby-sitting and
Hebert 's subcommittee has been
investigating charges that retired
military officers and former gov
ernment officials employed in de
fense industry have exerted in
fluence on behalf of their employ
ers. It also has been looking into
alleged waste in the defense pro
gram. Hebert said the Defense Depart
ment is trying to keep reports and
records from the General Account
ing Office, which oversees govern
ment spending. "If there is noth
ing wrong, why cover up?" he
Funds Denied
For Sewage
The State Sanitary Board has
denied La Grande's request for
federal funds for the construction
of lagoon sewage treatment ponds
at least temporarily.
in a letter read to the commis
sion last night, the Board said
that tentative assignments of prior
ities have been made. The appli
cations on file with the state agency
total two and a half to three times
the amount of funds expected to be
made available.
Congress, according to the letter.
has made no appropriations for the
year gs yet.
The anticipated funds, the letter
continued, were not sufficient to
include an allocation to-La Grande.
The letter also recommended that
the city proceed with the proposed
bond etection on Oct. 2 so that if
sufficient funds do become avail
able for a federal grant the city
will be able to proceed with con
struction without delay.
City Commission
OK's Resolutions
The city commission approved
the adopted resolutions 1712 and
1713 at the city commission
meeting last night
Resolution 1712 modifies sec
tions 3. 8, and 7D of "Pay Plan"
Resolution No. 1681, series 1958
This resolution was held over
from, last week's meeting pend
ing study of the commission.
The second resolution, 1713.
was adopted for the purpose of
releasing certain property from
lien of assessment in improve
ment district No. 3 15.
Part of the property in the
district is being sold and in order
to give clear title to the purchas
er the present owner will pay
the assessment in the amount of
tl 18.82 on the part of the prop
erty being sold.
l:nmihino nnH Ilia i-,u-bit u.ic
in a mite ball of fire.
Il was nut known whether the
rocket uctuully left the ground.
Several fragments of the 76-foot
rocket could be seen urotiml the
launch site. The white smoke soon
turned black and a tall smoke col
umn rose into the air.
The Juno rocket was to have
carried the Army's Explorer VI
satellite toward space on a mis
sion to bring back information ran
ging from the origin of weather to
obstacles man will face in inter
planetary travel.
Pieces of the flaming rocket
landed only 50 yards from the
blockhouse, but all military and
civilian perso'.iiel inside were re
ported unharmed.
The explosion occurred at 10:38
a.m. p.d.t.
An Air Force officer said the
"cause of the malfunction will not
be known until all data have been
collected and analyzed."
A large corps of newsmen and
high ranking military and civilian
officials watched the rocket blow
up, dashing hopes of sending a
91.5 pound "miniature laboratory"
into orbit.
Cjty Manager
Makes Reports
To Commission
City Manager Fred J. Young
reported to the city commission
on the delivery date of the new
fire engine at the commission
meeting last night.
Young reported that the truck
would be delivered Saturday and
that formal testing of the unit
would be done on Tuesday. R. P.
Gorman of the Oregon Insurance
Rating Bureau will be on hand to
conduct the test.
Gorman will meet wh the city
officials next Monday night to dis
cuss the proposed rerating of La
The testing operations will begin
at 8 Tuesday morning and continue
until 3 p.m.
The city will not officially ac
cept the equipment until it has
been tested and approved although
it will be in town Saturday. A
small ceremony is being planned
by the commission.
The city manager also reported
that the road to Morgan lake has
been improved by both city and
county on their respective parts
of the road.
A small parking lot has been
dozed out to provide fishermen
and picnickers with adequate
Silver Dollars
Mark Anniversary
ungntly polished silver dollars
will mark one phase of the La
Grande Fruit Company's 20th an
niversary observance starting
today and ending Saturday, Aug.
15, Robert Howard, owner-man
ager of the food distributing
firm, said today.
The company's 22 fulltime em
ployes will be paid each week for
month s period in silver dot
lars especially polished for the
event by the Sacajawea Hotel's
coin polisher.
McKay Reported
As 'Fairly Good'
oALtM mm condition oi
former Interior Secretary Douglas
McKay. 66, remained about the
same today according to attend
ants at Salem General Hospital.
McKay spent a "good night"
and was out of his oxygen tent at
meal times.
The former Oregon governor
suffered a recurrence of a heart
ailment Monday and was hospital
ized. Since then his condition has
been listed as "fairly good" with
no change reported today.
Currently McKay is chairman
of the joint U S -Canadian Water
least two gwttlemen in the
cast of "Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes" at the Municipal
Opera Wednesday night pre- .
bably would have preferred
to have been somewhere else.
In the first act, dancer Lar
ry Merrirt's pants split
down the back when he did
a bend-over. In the second
act, dancer Robert Pageant's
pants came loose while he
was dancing with a partner.
United Press International
Typhoon Billie drove thousands
of persons from their homes on
Formosa Wednesday night. In
Southern Japan flood waters from
drenching rains receded slowly,
leaving 45 dead.
An air and sea search was
launched for 43 crewmen of a Jap
anese ship which broke its anchor
in 100-mile an hour winds and
went aground off lshigaki Island,
northeast of Formosa.
The crew of the 3,692 ton Mansei
Maru took to lifeboats. Searchers
were hampered by high seas.
Most of Taipei. Formosa's cap
ital, was covered with water rang
ing from a few inches to rooftop
level. A housing unit for an Amer
ican military mission was evacua
ted with residents wading to safe
ty in waist-deep water.
The U. S. Military Hospital near
Taipei was evacuated and 42 of
the more variously ill were Mown
to Okinawa, some 800 miles away.
In the midst of the confusion of
evacuation, an Army doctor deliv
ered a daughter to Mrs. Irving
W. Lyind). Seattle, wife of a Navy
chief boatswain's mate. She and
the infant were reported in good
The typhoon swung its hardest
punch at Taipei, bringing 10 inches
of water in 24 hours, then veered
northwest to the China mainland.
In Kyushu, Japan's southern
most island, flood water from
three days of drenching rains re
ceded somewhat, but authorities
kept disaster units on the alert in
case Billie again veered east
across the island.
School Board
Appoints New
At a regular monthly meeting
of School Dist. 1, committees were
appointed for the school year.
They are Ned Jones and Norma
Noyes, finance; Forrest Masters
and Charles A. Reynolds, trans
portation; Ned Jones and Forrest
Masters, labor relations; Ned Jones
and Charles A. Reynolds, building
ings and grounds; Charles A. Reyn
olds and Norma Noyes, community
and public relations.
Bids on teaching supplies were
reviewed by the board and the
superintendent was directed to pur
chase according to low bids.
A tow bid by Van Petten Lumber
Co. for the replacement of the
roof oif the junior high school
gymnasium, Riveria and Willow
gymnasiums of $5,223.00 was ap
proved by the board.
Approval of the plans for the
Greenwood School and the Riveria
addition was read and the board
approved July 21 for the review
of the plans in order that bids
may be opened In the middle of
Trespassing Charge Is
Against Oregon Wagon
On to - Oregon wagon train was
cleared today on charges that it
trespassed on private land be
tween Glenns Ferry and Mountain
Home in Idaho.
Justice of the Peace Lynn Sher
man of King Hill dismissed the
charges for "lack ef evidence of
criminal Intent."
'Appearing before Sherman were
Gordon (Tex) Serpa and his wife
Louise, leaders of the train, and
Conn Sevaney and Eldon Thomp
GENEVA (UPI) Secretary of State Christian A. Herter
today proposed calling on the United Nations to help police
a Berlin truce agreement. He warned that another Berlin
crisis flareup might plunge the world into war.
Herter appealed to Kussta
Big Four conference table to
U.N. staff into Berlin.
The staff, with free access
would report on propaganda act-
ities that might disturb the pub
lic or seriously affect the rights
bf others.
Herter described this as a form
of "international scrutiny" over
one aspect of Berlin's life.
Herter delivered the appeal as
the conference headed towards
whut may be a crucial east-West
showdown on Itussia's Berlin de
The key item in the Soviet pro
posal is establishing of an All
German Committee in which the
Communist East Germans would
have an equal voice with the West
Warning From Rustia
The western powers fear such
a commission ultimately would re
sult in handing over all of Ger
many to Communist domination.
Gromyko already has warned the
Soviets will not sign a Berlin
truce agreement unless the
West accepts the demand.
The Big Four foreign ministers
held their third plenary session
since the conference resumed
Monday after a three-week "cool
ing off" recess.
The gloom over the deepening
deadlock at the conference table
was slightly lifted when Gromyko
lifted his veto on secret talks.
British Foreign Secretary Sel
wyn Lloyd conferred privately
for two hours at lunch with Rus
sia's Andrei A. Gromyko at the
Soviet villa. t
It was the first of a series of
scheduled behind scenes get-togethers
between Gromyko and the
western foreign ministers. It indi
cated Gromyko is ready at last
for "coffee cup negotiations" with
the western leaders after a four
day filibuster in which he refused
secret talks unless his East Ger
man satellites came along, too.
Tougher Soviet Terms
But at the same time, he tough
ened his stand on Soviet terms
for a Berlin truce agreement.
Gromyko warned the West in
uncompromising terms that it will
get no agreement to end the Ber
lin crisis unless it accepts Rus
sia's plan for an All-German Com
mittee in which the East German
Reds would have an equal say
with the West Germans.
The West fears such a set-up ul
timately would hand over all Ger
many to Red control.
Gromyko delivered his warning
to the West through Jacob Malik,
Soviet ambassador to London.
Malik conveyed-it to Britain's am
bassador to Moscow, Sir Patrick
Reilly, at dinner Wednesday night.
The Russians already had intim
ated that western acceptance of
the loaded All-German committee
proposal was their price for a Ber
lin truce. But this was the first
time they had voiced the warn
ing in such unmistakable terms.
Hold Third Session
The West had a rival plan for
setting up a Big Four committee
with East and West German ad
visers. However, western diplo
mats had little hope that Gromyko
would accept or even consider it.
Licenses Approved
ine city commission approved
the application of Miller and
Burton, Box 36, Elgin, for a mas
ter amusement devices license at
last night's commission meeting.
The commission also approved
an amusement devices license
for the company on the recom
mendation of Oliver Reeve, po
nce cniei.
son of Glenns Ferry, witnesses in
behalf of the train.
The action against the train fol
lowed an allegation by King Hill
rancher Jack Henley that the
cavalcade had camped on his
land without hia permission.
Sevaney and Thompson testified
that Serpa had obtained permis
sion to camp on Henley's ranch
from Jay Emery, foreman of the
The warrant for the charge of
trespassing was served by El
more County Sheriff Earl Winters
s Andrei uromyKO across tne
consider bringing an adequate
to both West and East Berlin,
Reds Won't
Start War
Nikita Says
KATOWICE, Poland (UPI I -Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev
said today the Soviet Union is
stronger than the West but will
never start a war "never, nev
er, never."
He also said in a speech that
Josef Stalin was right in signing
his 1939 nonagression pact with
Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany.'
Khrushchev said Stalin was cor
rect "in this specific case" be
cause Britain and France were
trying to turn the impending war
against the Soviet Union and Stal
in had to buy time to prepare.
In a one-hour pep talk on the
class struggle to some 300 coal
miners from 31 countries. Khrush
chev boasted the Soviet Union
was stronger than the West but')
"I pledge solemnly we will nev
er launch any war against ny.
body else, never, never, never."
The Soviet Premier said he felt
the capitalist world was "growing
a little wiser" and "so I can say
to you there will not be a war."
Delegates from South America,
fU from the Soviet bloc, eave him
a hero's welcome, cheering and
shouting 'Khrushchev, Khrush
chev" when he entered the hall.
Zoning Board
Report Not
The city commission was unable
to make any further progress in
conjunction with the proposed la
goon sewage treatment ponds.
A report from the Joint City
County Zoning Board for the air
port was not presented to the com
mission as expected at last nights
Bob Zweifel, chairman of board.
was present at the meeting and
stated that according to the regul
ations of , the board it was not
necessary for them to take any ac
tion at this time.
A permit for construction on the
airport property must be obtained
from the zoning board Zweifel con
tinued. Until such time as that
permit is requested the board will
not deny nor approve any action.
The city manager was directed
by the commission to take the
necessary steps for obtaining the
City To Rent Equipment
ine city commission approvea
a request from Jonnson ana Me
loy of Salem, Oregon, for the
rental of city equipment at last
night's meeting.
The construction company.
which has been employed to re
model the armory, requested the
use of a compressor and jackhanv
nier for approximately two days.
The city will provide the equip
ment, complete with fuel and
driver, at the rate of $7.90 per
hour. City Manager Fred J.
Young said this equipment is the
most requested piece of equip
nient the city owns.
earlier today.
Henley swore out the warrant
when he charged the train had
stopped on his land without hia
"No one asked my persmisslon
and nobody has any authority to
talk for me," said Henley. "We
have a property protection prob
lem out here and a-lot of people
think they're privileged. They Just
moved in and took possession."
The train is headed for Boise
and is expected to arrive hers