OUT pUR WAY -3 By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoopla TAkfe 1HAI V OM. I WAWT CUT--MOT f w oirr i IN AIM T WOUKtW? ) V I lAi ..It ... ViXJ'RE HAffDE T3 CIRCLE TWAM AM 0CTOPO5 IN A Nj ?AM HANDLES FAT IfciTHE i econowy sire.' 1 SC:C5STA'.LIPY3L)'(?5 TZYiMG tO-VcAiJKE- YOUR CHE5T.IT VscNI JOUIri.- " f k if A ClV'L IN YOLK HSAol AjTsr49 LOPT CUTSET 4 I V. wv OlTBlClAM gZEEDlNA.. I li IMfCZYATlON.t AM (?3ES;3M t-l ) V 15 ADD A AtODCUYl r I 4 i TO TWINS' p I N I i-t,,,.'. 1lt&&- THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By Wilson Scruggs T J'B 5 AS LAMAR BALLARD GOLFS CAM, WILL YOU SEC WHAT THE J fftfj 6Ht TMMWTttAT , WITH HER FATHER, HEK DO a OTHER PLAYEeSAtt DOW6? ( BAIL OUT--SHE Didn't FIANCE AMD eyrf -nr r-" '(fHl HIT ITi WOT ; I aartha mm.jJ2t rttf5r M Mxl f RXX'NSlSt FRECKLES"lA"NDHrS FRIENDS . " ' By Merrin 'Blosser 5 VK'ltrsl --AND ILL Hay tjl I . GOSM.LAKpI 115, JUST TMIMK.- I'LL B " 7 N " fMEMIlt, I GtT LXJWN irUPBGHrAKeKmU. -O . 1 DIDMT 7 okaymv OUTTA your hair. Foe- )( SOLD) &er fled N Town we 6ti tsAO:. A know you pap wili. Juq VVHOLE WEEKS v wtteeo W raid --v --. ' X I KavinJ were, M owr k . VT rr" ToTHeozy- we V 'j- BROKE reasonable Tl M l-1s D PUPS RAMOl' jBANf' . Hnil yf A THA" ' Cn L ! j.--; I IP II ''7p. BANKER. -ffivS CAPTAIN EASY . BLesjieJorntr ,11 &EW0R! 6T0P! THAT 15 NO llROWfiNCEf YOU'VE JUIPEP.TO TJTTVi'l I I'M CAPTAiN EASY,5UHi I ALREADY I AW ftJX TO PURSUE A RCMANCE! THE WRONG CONCLUSION, SUH! XLiaaE ' WAS DELAYED BY GULLIBLE INFORM OF VOUi vou repaid Y m-yrwrrf 1 w TRyiwa to awakem C'..r7S misguidep police who'D escapades, senow KINDNES5 BV PUP- Y " U TRENT STARVED C.ft?L LISTENED TO OUTRMEOUSl IS NOT FOR ME TO f ING MS WILES FROW ( SENSB OF JUSTICE JT rJS. LSSSSi t LIESJ . 'A JUDGE YOU'. NOW TOWN, AND TELLlWG j ;Vff f ' D0" 'TN vx-' LET US WSCU5S r'? rlfi iK, - -"7x1 l&fgy.r. I ALLEY OQP ' By V. T. Hamlin f" ' " t CAN'T ELI6VB IT, J ' MtARtR I I OJMC KJUI I P0611V HtAVY.' DO V I -"v. OSCAJl -TMERB (TVUSTl TWO TJNft 0 TH6 STUFP ANO THCQC YOU THINK THE TIME- SURE) Y-KNOW, DOC. NEVER WAS A WEliiH V Z BAY.- WEIGHS VVBU. ( MUST BE AT 1 MACHINE CAN I CO. ON ) Jli THAT9 THS i3SST NLkiGET I OVER A CMW 1000 LEAST FOU I -. HANDLE IT. HIT IT! I I OLD NOGflET I I LIKS THAT TON! . I FOUNDS rf CUBIC FEET ' !C ERHAROF - ' Vl 'l BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES , By Edgar Martin STSTk n I -0l-WUV. WOTS 1 1 VOVTC V!HOW I -?i M), . ' 1 r LJ UiCAAJD N4 VVCKOCjaWVfi, VOU CttY-A O&v. V A I PRISCILLA'S POP By Al Vrmxr 1 SV- SAYS THERE'S ) I I' AND DON'T FORGET I UAWAII IC A NATIVE SINGEI?y (TMOSE HULA OlRLSV I 11 1 I f MRS. GRIMES SAYS NAMED APAKA -K- ICllll J WE'D JUST LOVE AJ HE'S SIMPLY; fr t i 1 ' tiTILVJ1 bugs bunny W'- M ySOWWY,BUSS,BUT) I HEH.HEK! THAtX ( HMM-M! ) I III I 'I l f0 K Tl fajfitAjJ iJfJ lAKisrwat I ' got the - hjw rfi JL flit Mystery Shooter Wounds 7th Victim SAN ANTONIO. Tex. (t'PD -Terror stalks San Antonio aftvr dark. Police Ihrow more manpower to day into the search for a myste rious marksman who shot and se riously wounded his seventh vic tim Friday night. They said it may be the work of a madman. Iti.dy Casas, 16, crumpled to the sidewalk with a bullet in his side. It was fired from a passing car. He was able to tell police before an ambulance arrived that he heard a shot as a darkened sedan raced past him, then felt a pain in his right side. Casas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur J. Casas, is the mysterious gunman's second victim who is in serious condition. The other five cscaiie dwith minor wounds. The shootings have been going on for three weeks. Most have been on city streets with a .22 caliber pistol or rifle. But in one instance, a deputy sheriff narrowly escaped death when a shotgun blast shattered a picture window while he sat in his living room. Police said the gunman may be a good marksman who deliberate ly avoids killing his targets. Obiarvr, La Grand., Or Sit. July 11, 1959 THE GIRLS WERE ROBBED Pag 4 Congressmen Modestly Admit They Won The Spelling Tilt By FRANK ELEAZER UPI Staff Writer WASHINGTON it'Pli Three congressmen met three school girls in a spelling match and modestly admitted afterwards that the school girls had tost. This is to file a minority report. The girls were robbed. The eighth-graders flew in from California to take on the lawmak ers after clobbering directors of the Santa Rosa Chamber of Com merce. The directors reportedly had made the mistake of com plaining that kids these days are not learning to spell like they used to. This proved to be true, and thank goodness for that. Those businessmen apparently couldn't spell fire sale. To ease their embarrassment, they sic'ed their victors on Con gress. They figured no doubt that with the kind of gobbledygook DAILY TV LOG KREM TV KXLY TV KHQ TV SATURDAY f:OU Muwlln font. Annie Oakley Medic :1S " C:o Dick CUrk HI k Picture People Ar Funnr :45 7:00 Huckleberry Hound Clnco Kid Coino lreAnt 7:15 " 7:.10 Jubilee USA Wentod Dead nr " 7:3 Alive " 5 im Lawrence Wvlk Krennrr Black Saddle 8:11 ' 8 .10 " Have Oun Will Trav. Cimarron City 8:45 " " " !t:tw MIIImiii Dollar Uunamoke " !:Ki Theatre ' 9 SH llccknnlnK D A. "a Man 1:41 " " Ill:0" " - Death Valley Day 1 u : I . h ln::io Chan. Two Theatre , jj,,. ghow Late Movie, 10:45 " I - 11:00 I " - 11:15 " - 11. JO " " " 11:45 " I " " SUNDAY soo 11 rtaaenall Game S:J0 S:45 10:00 " HJ. League Uueball 10:15 " 10:30 10:4 " 1I:0 11:15 11. -.10 " " 11:45 t " 1S D0 rtlmtslde Raslcra " 12:1.1 " " 12:311 " I Led S Liven 12:45 " " 1:00 Karly Show Media 1:15 1 :S0 " Christopher Serlea 1:45 1:00 ' Thla la the Anawer S:15 1:30 " Theodore Rooaevelt 2:4.'. Vnll. Steel Workern " .1:00 Florlan Zabach Thin lx the Lire Mediterranean 3:15 Orillse 3:30 American LeRend Oral Roberta Caaey Jones 1:45 4:00 Roller Derby Son Shop Clrclia Boy 4:15 - I " 4:30 Sword of Freedom Face The Nation Week'a Beat Movlea 4:45 - 5:00 Scarlet Pimpernal Newa Commentary 6:15 - " 6: JO Lone Ranaer loth Century " 5:46 " " 6 00 Vou Aaked For It Laasl 6:15 6:J0 Maverick Thafa My Boy " 0:45 " " J: Kd Sullivan !! 7:30 Lawman Pete Kelly's Blues 7:45 - 8:00 Colt.4S O.K. Theater CheTjr Show 8:80 Deadline for Action Alfred Hitchcock " 6:45 - - " :00 Richard Diamond Loretta Touna s : 1 5 " " J:30 Meet McOraw What's My Line State Trooper 18:00 NlKhtcourt Sun. Newa Feature David Nlven If:"1 " Late Show 10:30 Sunday Spectacular Late Movls 10:45 - 11:00 " " 11:15 " " 11:30 " - 11:46 - MONDAY 8:00 On The do Douith Ra Ml 8:15 8:30 8am Tevenson Treasure Hunt 6:46 " 8:00 I Love Lucy Price la Right :15 " :10 Top Dollar Concentration 8:45 " - To-ott Love Of Life Tic Tao Dough 1:16 !: Search for Tomorrow It Could Be Ton 10:46 luldlnir Light " 11:00 Acroaa the Board Movie Queen For A Day 11:15 " " " 11:J0 Pantomime Quit " Court of Human 11:45 - 1 Relatione, 11:00 Mualc Bingo A Ureat Life Toung Dr. Malone IMS " " ..v 11:30 Romper Room the World Turns From These Roots U:46 " " l oo Day In Court For Belter or Truth or Conseq. 1:15 Worse 1:30 Oale 8torm Show Houaeparty County Fair , 1:45 " ' 100 UeatThe Clock BlgPayorf Matlnes on Bis 1:30 Who Do Tou Truat Verdict la Toura 1:45 - 1:00 Anu Bandatand Hrlgliter Day 1:15 " Secret Storm I SO - Edge of Night :4S " " Our Pang 4:00 Popeye Cliff Carl Show I Led Three Live. 4:16 " Ksrly Show Four Thirty Movls 6 00 Flaah Gordon - 6:15 6:1 Mickey Moues Club - : " " Huntley-Brlnkley IN " ' - "W "to p " 1 inrwrmerivn OJ I VICTIM) TSTIOnt rw ITS accuracy cannot b lusrantsed by the ta Ciand Evaniing 0ssrvr. they talk around here the lawmak ers had forgotten all they ever knew about English. Rep. Clement Miller iD-Callf." was their first choice as a legis lative sacrifice to the girl spelling champs. The girls got their start by winning a three-county bee conducted by the Santa Rosa Press Democrat in Miller's con grejsional district. Miller couldn't very well say no. Anyway, yes is one word every congressman learns to spell right away. Found Some Exports Miller looked around for support and came up with a couple of ob vious experts, Reps. Jeffery Co lleton ID-Calif. I, a former Ful bright scholar at Oxford, and Ken Hechler (D-W.Va.), a Ph.D., and former college professor who helped write speeches for Adlai E. Stevenson. The girls arrived for the con test unshaken and early. Miller was there, too, but his two ex perts were nowhere to be seen. They hurried in minutes late, and the word was they had been stud ying. From the outcome, it would be hard to say what. The photdgraphers got things moving by asking the girls where they were from, and to spell it. Mary McFarling, 14, said her honie is Ukiah. Carolyn Storts, 14. said she comes from Gualala. Valerie Turner, 13. gave her town as Petaluma. The congressmen saw right then, I gness, that these girls would be hard to beat. The rules were read, and the trouble began. Majority Would Rule Cohelan said on the panel shows he watches the contestants get time to confer. Anyway, he said all decisions would be by majority vole. The photogs said please run through some warmups while they shot the pictures. Somebody of fered the word Butler, as in Paul, which Miller promptly spelled "botch," in an obvious effort to get the teenagers confused. Then they got down to the con test. Mary "handled slavery, bachelor, grotesque, and chandelier without even trying. Valerie ran through scarce, committee, involuntary, and embroidery. Carolyn got breakfast, discrepancy, genesis, and laboratory, with no more than a sigh. Miller got safely through ro mance. He' staggered on. aggra vate; but got it right on the sec ond try, in clear violation of rule S, which said once is enough. He managed gullible and moccasin. Licked On Mayonnaise Cohelan handled bicycle and crescent but was licked on ma yonnaise. He tried that one twice without getting close. Hechler eased through availa ble, geranium, abdomen, and fal lacious. On seismograph Carolyn rolled her eyes to the sky, tried C for a starter, and was ruled out under rule 5. Miller collapsed under tonsillec tomy. Valerie went down under tercentenary. Mary drew fictitious which she spelled like that. She was the only one in the room who seemed shocked when the judges said she was wrong. The official list, it was noted, spelled it ficticious. So Hechler was proclaimed win ner. The girls left mildly crest fallen. And George Coffey, the UPI West Coast reporter, raced off to file the results to I'kioh, Gualala and Petaluma. When George was half way through writing his copy, Richard llalletl. the UPI teletype operator, got the part aliout Mary losing out on fic titious. , "She spelled it right." Hallett 1 called the Library of Congress fur a ruling. The experts there consulted their dictionaries, ihen wisely declined to arbitrate a con test between school girls and con gressmen. What they did say though won that Hallett was clearly the win ner. : Marines To Learn Ups And Downs . LAMl rfcNDLfclUN, tain. i UPI i Two hundred and fifty toughened Marines set out today on a 14-day. 175-mile march that will take them from the luwat to the highest point in the coati nental United Slates Death Valley to Mt. Whitney. ; , The Marines, members of tlie crack 1st Reconnaissance Battal ion, will pass from 130 degree temperatures at 252 feet below sea level to the freezing heights al 14.4-foot peak. . ;. Marine Corps officers said (he march, called "Operation Lo-Hl," would utilize only the best physi cal specimens of the corps. i One officer said the purpose was to: Acclimatize men to desert heat and humidity. Train them to recognize and prevent heat and high-altitude cas ualties. Develop unit discipline, team work, morale, health, strength and endurance. Former Boxer KO's Fleeing Bank Thief NEW YORK UPI A sus pect fleeing a bank robbery bad the misfortune of running smack into a former boxer Friday. -i One well-timed and well-placed left hook to the jaw ended the flight and resulted in the arrest of Ah in Schneidman, 24, an un employed clerk. j The former boxer, Don Stiebel, 44, a business agent for the In ternational Ladies Garment Work ers Union, said he was strolling in midtown Manhattan when he saw Schneidman being pursued Ty a bank guard and scores of pe destrians, some of them shouting "Stop, thief." As Schneidman ap proached, Stiebol uncorked j a punch which caught the suspect flush on the jaw. Police said Schneidman, using a threatening note, had obtained 2.0 Policesaid Schneidman, using a threatening note, had obtained $2,000 from a teller in the Trade Bank and Trust Co. ; Plant Life Answer to Previ6ut Puitlo ACROSS I Conifers i Flying mammals y (Green tree 12 Tune (music) 13 Nested boxes 14 Humorist 15 Satisfied 17 Maxim 18 Finished It Conductors 21 Mathematical function 23 Total 24 Moccasin 27 Ripped 2Cape 32 Rubber 34 Way 38 Wanderers 37 Conquer 38 Gulp 39 Nights 41 Sainte (ab.) 42 Persian weight 44 Superlative suffixes 48 Clothes containers 48 Mist Dlnsmors 53 Trouble 84 Ingredients 88 Fish eggs 67 Angers 58 Units of wire measurement St Half-ems 60 Small children 61 Otherwise DOWN I Visage 3 Golf club 3 Remove 4 Cloys 8 Container 6 Horn gl YA P M EL R AT? Al IAVEN U E I B A PIE K L.EAK E a A gpEN Tl IEIIr ' IS) g V J N SIT 31 TF N S J-3i -1 -1 - 5 ZH SI ikgfe v asg BK&iEiisH Eu A T E & ETkPg l&l AInIEIsTt IPIOIM1A T a 31 KfTete 33 Wist men 35 Greater 40 Robed 43 Send 7 Woody plant 8 Soft drinks ( Cellars 18 Hebrew month 11 Elastic woods 45 Mud 16 Revised 46 Mind 20 Sand hills 22 Scandinavian 24 Encloses 25 In a line 26 Women's undergarments 52 Essential 28 Titles being 30 Animal fat 55 Suffix 47 Jungle king ;- 48 Ancient Irish capital 50 Float SI Misfortunes ' Z 5 j I 15 K. 17 18 I I? 110 III 3 L5 F5 3 iT-" ij K "gfl 20 s 'irrn L- Pl Z5 Z(, 1p lT""3 SoTT 13 a r 55 s5 a sr : i i I I I I I I i i i i n