La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, July 09, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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V V.- - to': rf 7:
COMING AND GOING Dr. and Mrs. Kub'er (left) were installed Worthy Matron and
Worthy Patron for the 59 60 season by Hope Chapter OKS. Also shown witli them aic
Roy Cork and Lela Harris, outgoing officers. (Marshall Ni'ilsuii)
Hope Chapter 13 Members
Install Officers For 59-60
Hope Chapter 13, Order of East-
crn Star, held their installation
ceremony recently. The affair
began with an organ prelude by
Mary Ann Spear.
Officers installed for the 1959-
60 season was Virginia Kubler,
worthy matron; Dr. William
Burford Clan
Holds Annua
Reunion Here
The Burford family held their
annual reunion on the Fourth of
July at Riverside Park. It be
gan with all attending a potluck
dinner. The afternoon was then
spent visiting.
Those attending were Mrs
Donna Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Conncll and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Myron Ricker and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bold
cher and family, Mr. and Mrs. O.
B. Burford. Mrs. Janell Lloyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon I'ockrell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie MeMurphy
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Burford and family, Mr. and
Mrs, Alvan Burford and family,
Mrs. Howard Burford and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Cawlcs, Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Barnhart and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Gassett, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Gailon Davis
and family and Mr. and Mrs
Crystal-Type Bulb
Needs Cleaning
If you own some of the nw
type electric bulbs the cut-glass
decorator kind remember to
keep them clean for maximum
The faceted surfaces of these
bulbs lend to collect dust, so an
occasional going over with a sudsy
sponge is the bright answer. Re
move each bulb from its socket
for washing and be sure to avoid
moistening the brass neck.
Vinyl More Versatile
Than Ever Before
Upholstery vinyl can look like
almost anything you want it to
look like these days. But. with all
this versatility, it has lost none
of its carefree ways.
New textures simulate anything
from silk to straw. Designs run
all the way from modern geo
metries to provincial, with plenty
of florals, stripes, and solids in be
tween. Colors are a'l the colors
there are, and the hues are locked
in for good. Use plenty of soap or
detergent suds because nothing
washes off vinyl but dirt.
Many women who are otherwise
well groomed are careless about
shoes. Check yours once a week
to see if they need polish or new
lifts or other repairs. And rotate
them if you want them to stay
fresh and last longer.
i trtmnv
SI to" fcnililul.
j I UTTU pogj j
worthy patron; Anne
Decker, associate matron; A. G.
Meppen, associate patron; Ruth
Dahistrom, secretary; Ava Greg
ory, treasurer; Racma Laurence.
conductress; Minnie Patten, asso-l
ciate conductress; Jean Gaily,
chaplain; Leola Baker, marshal;
Dorothy Statler, organist; Betty
Kimbrel, Adah: Jacquelynn Booth
man, Ruth; Mildred Dawson, Es
ther; Theonc Schwebke, Martha;
Elma Eckley, Electra; Evc'yn
Jones, warder; and Robert Daw
son, sentinel.
Courtesy sisters are Ruth Loock,
Georgia Boone, Lois Fihn. Kath
eryn Moran, Mae Hutchison, Betty
Ladd, Martha Banert and Mildred
Refreshment committee was
Vera Fulp and Dr. Margaret Ingle,
co-chairmen; Vcrna Perrinc, Edna
Berglund, Areta Halsey, Vera
Hutchcns, Dr. Joe Ingle, Russell
Fulp, Leora Perrinc. Jerry Lou
Niederer. Esta Diehl. Jo; Diehl,
Janet Allen, Larry Hibbert
Married In Salt
Janet Allen, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Allen and
I arry Hibbert, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Hibbert of La
Grande, were married June 12
in the Salt Lake temple. Both
rarents were in attendance. Mrs
Ida Lyman and three daughters
of La Grande and Mr. and Mrs.
Alonzo Zaugg, Salt Lake City
also attended the wedding
The newlywcds went to Los
Angeles to visit the LDS tem
ple on their wedding trip. They
also went through San Francisco
and visited in C'hico. Calif, with
the the bride's cousin, Delmer
Howie and wife. They teach in
the Chico State College.
The couple are now at home
near La Grande.
A reception honoring the
couple was held in the LDS rec
reation hall on June 20. The
bride wore a floor length tulle
and chantilly lace portrait gown
with a lace bodice and long
sleeves, the scalloped neckline
vas finished with sequins and
pearls. The full lace skirt with
a petticoat of tulle ruffles, came
to handkerchief point in the
fiont. The tulle skirt was fin
ished with a small lace appli
ques. A scauopca crown ot
pearls with pearl droplets . fall
ing from the high point, held a
linger tip veil of silk bridal il
lusion. The bride's mother wore a
pink suit with white accessories
nd a corsage of white roses.
The groom's mother chose to
wear a blue brocaded satin af
ternoon dress, white accessories
Hold on tight, Harryl I don't
want to get these new shoes
rom La Grande Shoe Store all
1214 Adams
. - j
I V t
'v.JT 1
jf j
.J ,
Dot Anson and Dot Ann Aiimiii.
Grand East meniliirs are Pearl
McClay, Laurose IlililHid. Geor
T. Cochran, Fonda Miller and Vina
Installing officers were In i
Donaldson, Leslie Kiinbri I. Mar
guerite Zweifel. Kdna lleydi n a:'ri
Ida Mcllaley. I'shers were Av-I
Dahistrom, George Decker, Di n
Gai'y and Bruce Murehead.
Program for the evening in
eluded an organ solo by Mary Ann
Spear; vocal trio. Charl -ne Koc-7an.
Ruth and Beth Combs; a durt.
Eddie and Nancy Hoofnagle and a
Bible Ceremony by Courtesy
Following the installation of the
worthy matron and patron, an
other duet was suns. The in
stallation of the elective and ap
pointive officers was thin held.
Charlene Kuczan and Nancy
Hoffnagle both sang vocal so'os.
Gorman Harris and Gaylc Cork
presented the jewels.
Lake Temple
and"a white corsage.
The hall was decorated wild
baskets of pink and white flow
ers including rn,c and pennies.
Wall decorations Merc wreaths
of the same flowers.
Mrs. Fritz LiiikIkii ii and Mrs.
Heid Blacker cut and snrved the
five tiered wedding cake. heine.
assisted by Mrs. I'.iol 1 andcrs.
Mrs. Albert Lily and Mrs.. Ida
l.yman poured, and serviirt was
Gayle, Phylis and M.ircja l.vmari.
all cousins if ti c giooai.
Vadis NeLson was in charge of
gifts, assisted bv M lai'.i I re
Doney. Sue Allen on, I Janet 1Mb
bcrt Karen llibbert charge
of the guest buck
Fnlertainini'iil was inan run
sic by Vern P.iaM of Cnve. Vcrn
Nebeker. program chairman, in
(induced the following numbers;
Don Nelson singing ' Bocnisc",
"Sweethearts" and "'I Irs .Nielli
Is Mine." aenmpanied by Lcona
Combs; Mclada Dumv sang
I lAtve You Truly." and "If
Could Tell You", acconip:,ni ' I by
Mrs. Coinbs; Wiley and ; m
Nebeker sang 'Hemember Me",
accompanied bv Mrs. Vera ( ban
Out of town guests were Mrs.
Roy Rostock and Mrs Robert
Rostock of F.minett. Idaho; Mr.
and Mrs. Aliuin Zaugg. Salt l.ake
City, (they were married on the
.same day); Fein Barnwell, I con
Barnwell and Sandra Shadier.
Bi 0f Portland
Jellied Fresh Fruits Will Not Soak Info Shorfcoka
One Recipe for All Fruits Without Cooking
PRKPARATinN of Fruit: Wash thoroughly. Hull and crush
berries. Grind tree fruits.
1. Measure 2 cups crushed or ground fruit and 1 cup M.C.P.
"Low Sugar" Liquid Pectin into kettle. Mix well.
2. Add 2 cups sugar; blend mixture thoroughly to dissolve
3. Some tart fruits, smh as Red Raspberries and Logan
berries, may be tart enough to jell the fruit, but other
fruits will need lemon juice. The amount of lemon juice
to add ranges from Vi cup to 'i cup, depending upon the
kind of fruit being used.
4. First, try adding ',' cup lemon juice, mix well. If texture
and tartness suit you, do not add more lemon juice. If
jellied fruit is not linn enough, then add ' cup more
lemon juice: but no fruit will need more than V4 cup
lemon juice for this basic recipe.
6. The fruit will jell immediately when the proper amount
of lemon juice is added and it is then ready for use on
f horteake, or if you want to keep it for future use, it will
keep for weeks stored in refrigerator same as milk.
"Jellied Fresh Fruits" ran be frozen in regular freezing con
tainers for long storage. When thawed out, jellied fruit will retain
its perfect texture and fresh fruit flavor.
The above recipe will make 2Vi lbs. of "Jellied Fresh Fruit."
This recipe may be doubled, trifled, etc., by multiplying ell the
ingredients by the same nu nbe.
Grl M.C. P. "l.'r Synr" I'rrlin l your groetrt now.
Observer, La Grande, Ore., Thor$., July 9, 1959 Page 5
Answers Your Problems
Dour Ann: To announce or
it in announce that is the
:i!e.-tn.ii. Whether 'tis nobler to
;, unci. nee your engagement to
l c in ,n vim love and wish to
;i::, cr ;.it till his mother
iim'iI up all her ailment com
plaints? I ..ited four years for my fi-t-ee
to give me a ring. I got
.he ring, four months ago. but he
;kiii me when he put it on my
liiver. to please keep it in the
; : x till his mother was "fepling
better. " 1 compiled with his re-,'.:-!.
but it's making me madder
-y the minute.
Hi , mother never liked me be-
L.UM- i .nil mil u atiiwiity
''' r M SIH'"S have kept
may from me many an ever
Aral now he's asking me to
: It announcing our engager
um' I am not a sorority girl.
g our engagement
i !,vaiise the shock might be
J ..i .1 lor her.
Shall I go ahead and announce
' anyway? Diamond Jill,
Dear Jill: Why don't you put
the blame where it belongs
right on Casper Milkroast's
shoulders, instead of directing
a!l that venom toward his
scheming mother?
Sure, Mom, is pulling every
thing in the book to keep Son
ny Eoy on her knee, but only
a ieHyfish would ask his fiance
to keep her ring in the box for
four months because he can't
bear t3 tell Mom he plans to
take a wife.
I suggest a complete reap-
Ccb'brating birthdays today
are Lillian Counsell. Craig Rit
u r, Susan Hilary, A. J. Hollcn
rnd Carla Wells, all of La Grande
Tonight at 8 p.m. there will be
a lecture given by Harold R. W.
Puijamin in the college theatre
. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rudd,
fit. 1, La Grande, have a son
burn in the St. Joseph Hospital,
July 6. They have named him
Steven Orland and he weighs 10
rounds, three and a fourth ounc
Elgin Womens Service Club
will hold their monthly meeting
Friday. July 10, at Tom s In-N
Out at 12 noon. It will be the
r -gular dollar luncheon announc
es President Hazel Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fihn and
daughter Linda, and Chuck Har
rison left " today for Portland
They plan to visit the Centennial
there and then go on to Eugene
to visit, and along the coast.
Uni3n County Farm Bureau
will hold their picnic at the Cove
Ascension Grounds at Cove,
Sunday at 1 p.m. Bring your own
table .service and food for a pot
luck. Coffee, pop and ice cream
will be furnished. Program and
i .amcs to follow.
Blue Mountain Gem Club will
hu'd a loth annniversary potluck
..icnic at Catherine Creek State
i'ark. Sundav at 1:30 p.m. Each
iersun to bring own table serv
Hot Lake News
Mrs. Mildred Spurlock, fores
try agent for Sacramento county,
f..t.C i,xnn,A at 1 ,lra In
, sum., m.'i'i'su -I ..... .
1 nnlnnA HI. I'nrln
it'iii-w uv.iiiuitiiaiisv null vui.s
v'harley Cleaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Owsley and
'line children from Richland,
Wash., were weekend guests of
the Roths. Mrs. Owsley and the
children remained until Wcdncs
day before returning home.
Ethel Piper and Harry Dyke
from Baker called ofl Mrs. Laura
Mather and Mrs. Hulda Bowman
praisal. If Casper is afraid to
announce an engagement, how
on earth do you propose to get
him to the altar? If you must
clap an ether mask over his
face, what good is it?
Dear Ann: 1 am an European
girl who married an American
Maybe you can help me figure
out what is wrog with my hus
band? Or is it me?
Lately he has stopped talking
to me for a few days at a time.
Perhaps I say or do something
that upsets him. I don't know
what it could be. When he gets
silent like this I ask him what
is the matter. He says "If you
aren't smart enough to figure
it out, then I have nothing to
say to you."
These moods are making a
nervous wreck out of me. I need
your help. Is this American he
ln vior or what? 3. B.
Dear B. B.: This Isn't Ameri
can behavior, and it can be
found in any country where
humans live. His spells of
silence probably have nothing
to do with you, so stop falling
into the trap. When things
go wrong elsewhere people of
ten take it out on those around
them. If your husband wants
to act like a clam with a brok
en hinge treat him at you
would a four-year-old who tries
to attract attention by sulking
in silence.
Descendants of Benjamin
Franklin Koontx will hold a fam
ily reunion Sunday at the Baker
City Park. A potluck dinner
will be held at 12 noon followed
by a business meeting. There
will be election of officers, visit
ing and music.
Union County Art Guild, will
hold a field trip Sunday. They
will meet in the Sacajawea lob
by at 2 p m. Bring a sack lunch.
W. Miller Service
Set For Saturday
William Earl Miller! 77, died
Wednesday evening in a local hos
pital. He lived at 501 M avenue
and was a retired civil service
Funeral arrangements have
been made for Saturday at 11 a.
m. in the Dempsey-Snodgrass
Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Obert
will officiate. Bural will be in
the Richland cemetery at Rich
Mr. Miller was born July 20.
1881 and has been a resident of
La Grande for IS years. He was a
member of the Christian church.
Survivors include his widow,
Nellie, La Grande; daughter, Lil
lian Michel of Portland; son.
Alvin Walls of Bcavcrton and one
jinn nr
Buy EACH July Day Special
; p WT ' '
Gossamer sheer
full-fashioned nylons
2 pairs
Usuolly 8e pair-a lpociol purchOM Koto
possible this low price. 1 5 denier, 66 Qowge, Triaa,
self-seam nylons, reinforced heel and to. Sumnsof
shades. Sites 8 ft to II. Friday. -Wy 10, only.
Woman's World
MAXINE NURMI,-Woman's Editor
HOW vyvr
Chicken Breasts Continental
Breast of chicken, delicately
browned and cooked to tender
perfection keeps delicious com
pany when served with tender
spears of broccoli. The food
team is made even more tasty
when topped with a hollandaise
sauce. Place the chicken and
broccoli either on a serving plat
ter or in a chafing dish and let
Outdoor Party
Fetes Couples7
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Minion
burg were hosts to a barbecue
honoring Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Veil
leux on their 25th wedding an
nivcrsary. The affair was held
at the Veilleux home recently.
. There were 25 relatives and
friends partaking of the barbc
cued hamburgers, salads and all
the trimmings. Mrs. Muilenburg
baked and decorated a four tier
ed anniversary cake which was
served with punch and coffee.
During the evening the honor
ed couple opened their gifts and
displayed them on a table.
Mr. and Mrs. Veilleux were
married in South Dakota in 1934.
They have one daughter and two
grandchildren. They have lived
here for tho past eight years
where he works for the Union
Pacific Railroad.
Inflatable Back Rest
Has Comfortable Arms
Like to read in bed or lounge at
the beach? You'll appreciate an
inflatable back rest with molded
arm rests for comfort. Made of
vinyl plastic sheeting that is soft
and billowy when inflated, it takes
up only inches of space when not
in use.
This practical "arm chair" is
not affected by dampness or salt
air, and can t washed with warm
soap or detergent suds to remove
cosmetics, sun tan oil, and other
types of soil.
.is A
the hostess remain right at the
t.ihlc during the meal. It's a gra
cious way of doing honors with
a good dish!
Chicken Breasts Continental
(Makes 4 servings)
4 large chicken hearts
' cup seasoned flour
'2 cup shortening
I package (10 ounces) frozen
tablespoon butter
I tablespoon flour
l teaspoon suit
teaspoon pepper
1 cup undiluted Evaporated milk
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoon soft butter
3 tablespoons lemon juice
Remove bones from breasts for
easier eating. Coat with season
ed flour. Melt fat in frying pan.
Brown breasts on all sides. Cover
and cook slowly until tender.
Cook broccoli according to pack
age directions. Keep warm un
til ready to serve. Melt butter
in saucepan over low heat. Stir
in flour, salt and pepper. Slow
ly add Evaporated milk. Continue
cooking until thickened, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat.
Beat egg yolks. Slowly stir a lit
tle hot sauce into beaten egg
yolks. Add to remaining sauce.
Stir in soft butter and lemon
juice. Place broccoli on serving
platter or in chatting dish. Top;
with chicken breasts. Spoon!
sauce over chicken. Serve imme-'
diatcly. j
Corner Cedar and Washington
- Quality MEATS Fresh -
Pork Roast.. lb. gSJJ
Pork Steak lb. 41
Pork Shank lb. ED
Canned Hams ...VA lbs 11
SALIIOH lb. 98e
Pick Of the Crop Produce
APPLES lbs. CZmiQ)
Red Tomaloes lb. 23c
Slicing Peaches 2 lbs. 29c
Cello Carrols 2 pkgs. 25c
Solid Head Cabbage lb. 5c
Ripe Avocados .2 for 19c
Snnshine Vanilla Wafers pkg. 29c
Hormel Vienna Sausage 2 iins 39c
C0RNK1X 2 pkgs. 49c
Gro-Pnp Dog Food box 39c
Lemonade JL(J Iins JO
Oregon RNA
Group Attends
Deputy Clinic
The Roval Neighbors of Am-
erica Deputy Clinic was held in
Portland at the Mallory Hotel,
June 2!) and 30. with deputies
fiom all over Oregon attending.
A short meeting was held Sun
day evening fur the purpose of
getting acquainted anil also elec
tion of otticcrs for the "Oregon
Field Workers Association."
Officers elected were Gladys
Huff of l a Grande, president;
Mable Miles of Salem, vice pres
dent; Jessie Steel of Klamath
Falls, .secretary treasurer; and
F.lsa Walker of Mcdford, chancel
lor. Following tiie business the eve
ning was a social hour with Vir
ginia Dun all, state supervisor
serving cake and coffee.
The next two dais of school
opened at fl a.m. with Nora Dan-
ford, supreme auditor of the
home office at Rock Lsland, HI.,
in charge, assisted by Mrs. Du-
vail. Mis. Mac Uman, retiring
tate supervisor was also pres
Sides training and education
also panel discussions on the
various plans of insurance writ
ten by the society were the main
topics. The meeting closed with
1 bamiucl at which State Super
visor Duvall presented each dep
uty with a plate with the picture
of the Royal Neighbor Home at
Davenport, Iowa, on the front and
the year of the school in gold on
the back.
While in Portland Mrs. Huff
also attended the Centennial Ex
position, where George Liberace
and his orchestra and many of
the recording stars were present
She then iourneved to Brem
erton. Wa-sh.. where she visited
with her mother, Eliza Neukircb
ner, who is recuperating from
bady tract urea leg re
ceived in March. She ts
new able to be up in a
walker a few minutes a day, and
quotes Mrs. Neukirchner, who is
84, "I am going to show people
til soon be able to walk." Mrs.
Huff also visited her sisters and
families, the C. W. Andersons,
Ellis Moores and H. C. Stephens,
returning home Monday morning.
Insure Dry Basement
Tho Paint Hor Masonry
Millar Cabinet Shop
WO 3-3101