La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, June 24, 1959, Page 8, Image 8

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    "It. J '
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FORT LEWIS, Wash. (Special) Pfc. Mark H. Greulich of La Grande shakes hands
with Oregon's Governor Mark 0. Hatfield during the Governor's inspection of the
Oregon units of the National Guard last week end. Standing in the background is Lt.
Col. David C. Baum, commander of the 1st Battle Group of the 186th Infantry. Greu
lich is a member of the La Grande Headquarters and Headquarters Company of the
battle group. He lives at 2 Pinecrest Dr. i n La Grande.
PORTLAND t'l'Ii-Dairy mar
ket: Eggs To retailers: Grade AA
large. 40-42C (loz.; A large, 37-3!e;
AA medium, 33-3Sc; AA small, 20
27c; cartons l-3c additional.
Butler To retailers; AA and
Grade A prints, 5c lb.; carton,
lc higher; B prints, 63c.
Cheese (medium cured) To re
tailers: A grade cheddar, single
daisies, 4 1 -5 1 c ; processed Ameri
can cheese, 5-lb. loaf, 4043c,
rOKTLAND (Ui'Il-tOSIMl -Livestock:
Cuttlo 2(H); limited sales, all
classes .steady; 12 lieuil lot good
Bit II). fed steers 27.50; 12 heal
lot good 713 II). fed heifers 27;
few utility cows lfl.5n i7.50; fan
ners and cutters mostly 14-15.50;
12 head lot common a id medium
540 II). stock steers 211.75.
Calves 50; l-ade slow, vcalers
owning steady; few high choice
vcalers 2!l-2!l..r0; most good and
choice 25-211; utilily anil standard
20-25; culls down to 15.
llcgs 350; holdover 90; trade
very slow opening steady to weak;
couple small lots mostly No. 2.1110
to 1!I5 II). hoteliers lil.50; lew lots
mixed No. I. 2 and 3 I Ml to 235
His. Ill; several heads No. 2 and
3, 3!I5 to 535 Nik. sows 11.50-13.
Sheep WOO; spring slaughter
lambs active, fully steady; oilier
classes unchanged; around 150
head choice Central Oregon ranch
lambs and couplo small lots
choice range lambs 23; numerous
lots mostly choice 80 to 105 lbs.
spring lumbs 22.25 22.50; mixed
good and choice 21.50-22; few good
20-21; cull to good shorn slaughter
ewes 2.50-4; few good and choice
70 to 80 lb. feeder lumbs 18.
White wheat 1.84.
Soft while, hard applicable I 'M.
While club l.4.
Hard red winter, ordinary 1.95.
Hard while Uaavt, ordinary 2.03.
Oats no bid.
Barley 41.00.
News Of North Powder Area
Observer Correspondent
NEW ,YOI!K (UPI The rails
assumed market leadership in a
strong way today.
The carrier group was helped
by good May earnings reports
and by the Senate Finance Com
mittee's vote to repeal the 10
per cent finical tax on passenger
Western Maryland was lite
pace setter, rising more than 5
at its best and touching a new
high. Norfolk & Western added
belter than 2 and Baltimore &
Ohio belter than 1.
Kight behind the rails, vying
for nwkrt leadership. were the
Steels were strong on the grow
ing belief a strike may be avert
ed this year. The aulos we e
firm on balance.
Pacific Telrpho-'C, which rose
l.Vi points Tuesday after an
nouncing ;i 7 for' 1 slock split,
rose more than 9 at its high to
day. '
Aluminum slocks were firm on
balance. Some of the drugs were
in favor.
The corporate bond market was
mixed n:i(l quiet. U.S. govern
ment bonds ruled unchanged to
3-Hilhs of a point lower in over-the-counter
Slocks on the American Kx
change favored the upside, with
Fairchild Camera once again the
upside star.
or Iran announced Tuesday that
his government may seek United
Nations! action against Soviet
propaganda aimed at Ira ). I ar-i:am-ntary
leaders in Iran have
long urged such action. The So;
viet Uiiion has rejected Iranian
demands that its press-i ndio cam-,
paign be stopped. y ,
Cheryl, Jc, and Julie Eddy,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Eddy, have been ill at their home
with ths chicken pox.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stenhens of
Portland, and Jana and Billy West
of Portland visilrd at the home
of Mrs. Rose West. Mrs. West Is
the mother of Mrs. Stephens and
grandmother of Jana and Billy
Iwroncc Christman of EOC Is
working for the summer at Pilot
There was a Cemetery Board
meeting held ol the City hall, Wed
nesday evening, with the Budget
Committee. The meeting was to
s-t finances and approve the bud
get for the next year.
Mrs. Orv Tandy recnlly visited
in the middle cast with her son
Boyd before he was shipped over'
seas. Mrs. Tandy's grandchildren,
the children of another son, re
turned home with her lo spend Ihe
Mrs. Dorothy loeer of Nnmpn,
Idaho, visited Mrs. Ernest Simonis,
Friday at her home.
Bud Morgan returned to his
homo Wednesday from the Si.
Joseph Hospital hi La Grande,
Mrs. Howard Manners and daugh
tor,- Janie, left fur a visit to South
Linda Duncan, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Walt Duncan, of On
tario, visited a week with Charlotte
Coales. Charlotte's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Coates, took Linda
hack to h?r home In Ontario after
her visit. Linda Is a former resi
dent of North Powder.
Mrs. Earl Green left Friday for
a family reunion in Salines, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eddy and
children have returned from a
vacation on Mrs. Eddy's parents'
ranch in Burns.
Barbara Erwin and Deneco
McCanso visited Llln Umplcby at
her home on Wolf Creek, Sunday.
Mrs. Ronald Patterson is ill in
the St. Elizabeth Hospital at Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hutchinson
of Bellevuc, Wash., visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Henderson and family, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGrath
are visiting friends and relatives
in Portland. They will also visit
tlKir son, Kenneth, at Woodburn
before returning home. '
Letha Powell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Powell, broke
her left arm while jumping from
a barn. The arm is in a cast.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lane of San
ta Monica, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs.
I.011 Henderson of Baker and Ralph
Hutchison were Sunday afternoon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. x Leonard
Henderson. x
Mrs. Albert Schon and children
have returned lo their hofnc in
Spokane, Wash., after visiting el
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Gnlligan. Mrs.. Schon
recently traveled wilh her parents
(o Corvallis to attend the grndua-
on exercises of her sisters, Janet
and Joan, from OSC.
Mr. and Mrs, John Murdock and
lamily traveled to Baum Creek
Sunday, where they utlended a
picnic and fished.
Ernest Simonis is putting a new
roof on the garage next to the
Orlcn Cartwright, the previous
Peterson's, store
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Erwin, and
Mr. and Mrs. David Cropp picnick
ed and fished at Baum Creek Res
ervoir last Wednesday. They re
port a nice time and pretty good
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Osterloh
and family, and Linda Pfcl have
left for Spokane, Wash., where Mr.
and Mrs. Osterloh are plunniog to
vacation up into Canada, down
through Montana; . and to visit
Yellowstone National Park, Glacier
National Park, and the Grand
Canyon. They will return to North
Powder at the end of the summer.
Mrs. Robert Olsen recently un
derwent surgery at a La Grande
Joy Dodson of Vale is visiting at
the homo of her brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Dndson. Joy is a former
North Powder resident.
Lila Umpleby of Wolf Creek has
returned to her home from several
weeks visit wilh friends and rela
tives at Triangle Lake and Junc
tion City.
The OES Social Club held a
meeting at the home of Mrs. D. F.
Cook, Wednesday evening, for spe
cial business.
Mrs. Carl Lconnig, worthy ma
tron, took pictures of her last
year's officers in their official
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Harrison,
and Mrs. Jack Ryan took Mrs.
John Stewart and son back to their
home in Kenncwick, Wash., after
a week's visit at the Jack Ryan
UPI Staff Writer '
tribe ot human beings the cho
lesterol blood levels of the males
do not increase with age, accord
ing to new and impressive' evi
dence. That's exciting because it
is contrary to previous scientific
findings concerning human males.
Increasing blood levels of thai
fatty blood substance, cholesterol,
has been repeatedly indicted as
a p-ime cause of "hardening" of
the arteries which, in turn, leads
to heart attacks, the number one
killer of males in their prime.
In science a single exception
shatters any rule. If increasing
years do not make a rise in mas
culine cholesterol levels inevitable,
then the tendency of the levels to
rise in most males as they get
older, has to be due to their cir
cumstances rather than to their
The new evidence indicates that
Patricia Myers
Attends Linfield
Summer Institute
Patricia Ann Myers, 1107 F.
Avenue, is among 119 girls at
tending second annual Junior En
gineers and Scientists Summer
Institute (JESS1) at Linfield col
lege in McMinnville.
In order to qualify for the pro
gram of orientalion on careers,
opportunities, and course require
mens in science and engineering,
the high school girls must have
high scholarship, including an
85 per cent grade average, and
come highly recommended by
their high school principals and
Linfield professors are teach
ing 53 class hours in chemistry,
physiology, zoology, bacteriology
genetics, engineering, glass blow
ing, physics, astronomy, statistics.
botany, ecology, embryology, for
eign languages, home economics,
food technology, mathematics,
ecology, library science, and
Two .field trips and evening
guest lecturers ore cn the pro
gram. The session ends Saturday
with a final examination.
Plans To Walk
To Missouri
Mrs. Lou Ash, who will be 77
years old on July 1, explained
to authorities why she decided to
walk to Missouri.
"When I take a notion to go
some place, 1 Just up and go,"
she said.
She told sheriff's deputies who
picked her up on a highway Tues
day that she wusn't worried at all
about the trip.
"1 knew I'd make it," she ex
plained. Mrs. Ash. looking for all the
world like Whistler's Muther in a
neat grey dress and checkered,
lace trimmed apron, said she had
"taken a notion" to go home lo
Southwest City, Mo., so she "up
and went'' by the nearest highway
She had been visiting her daugh
tcr, Mrs. Anne Scrber, in a Sac
ramcnto trailer court "for about
two weeks." She pinned her wal
let, containing $5, in a pocket
of her dress and claimed "it was
enough to get me where I was
She maintained that her daught
er knew she was going, but Mrs.
Scrber said her mother slipped
away without her knowledge.
Well, anyway, said the aged
woman, her daughter knew better
than to try lo stop her.
And she still intends to return
to Missouri, one way or another.
the males of Ihe tribe of Yemenite significant differences in cholestcr-
Jews are the exception. These
males had already attracted much
scientific wonderment because
they teem all but immune to
heart at'acks.
Drs. L'aiicl Bruiser, Gideon
Manolis, and K. Locbl, research
scientists in the government hos
pital, Jaffa, Isreal, made exhaus
tive measurements of the fattv
substances in the blood of 7 of
these males, 41 of them betwee i
18 and 20 years old and 35 be
between 30 and 50. There we e no
al levels between the young group1
and the older one.
They ma le the same measure
ments in 160 Jews of Eastern and
Western European origin, Uhe
Ashkenaii Jews.) Forty-five of
these were 15 to 20 years old and
the remainder were between 30
and 2.
Here the difference bctwen
cholesterol blood levels between
young and not-so-young was found
to be aooroximately the differ
ence found in males of other ra-
Obsorvcr, La Grande, Ore., Wed., Juno 24, 1959 Page 8
ces and climes in the previous
investigations which in their aggre
gate had caused many scientists
to think that aging inevitably in
creased the blood cholesterol lev
els of males.
These previous investigations
had been of such diverse males
as groups in Minnesota, New York
City, Ita'y, Sweden, and the Ban
tus of South Africa. The incidence
of male heart attacks is high in
the United States and Northern
Europe, but low in Italy aid
among the Bantus.
Very Specia' Tribe
The Yemenite Jews are a '.ery
special tribe which lived a segre
gated life for 2,000 years in Cen
tral Arabia before it immigrated
to Israel 10 years ago. Since then
they ' have been living wnn ine
Ashkenazi Jews whose blood cho
lesterol patterns were shown to
be of the general pattern of
Europe from which they origina
ted. '
In reporting to the International
Technical Journal, "The Lancet,"
the scientists said their studies
showed that a rise with age in
cholesterol blood levels was "not
an inevitable physiological pheno
menon." They suggested thai dif
ferences in the modes of living
of the Ycminito and the Ashkenazi
Jews must account for their dif
ferences in blood chemistry.
Those living differences remain
to be investigated.
HOLLYWOOD (UP1 - Actress
Betty Hutton has been released
alter several days of examina
tions at Cedars of Lebanon Hos
pital, it was announced Tuesday
Miss Hutton, described as "very
fatigued" when she was admitted,
was given a clean bill of health.
NOW to
Fastest Rail Service from the Pacific Northwest
' to Danvar, Kansas City and St. Louis.
a Early morning arrival in Chicago,
a Convenient connections East and South.
Local Union Peelfic Agent, Phona WO 3-4413
or J. m. LAnuAU. general irti
Welle Walla, Wish. JA 91610.-
I family . I
I Li 7m ne m i. iii, 11,,.,- I
1 -ei iW;t ,V
covers luxury car fabrics
America's biggest ear INStaued frei
manufacturers over- y88
itock. In blue, green D M $ET
and charcoal colon.
SALE I Reg. 4.98 Certified
Wardflex flat wall finish
SALEI Folding
picnic grill
Odorlessl Acrylic-latex
base. Easy to apply,
dries In minutes. Choose
from 76 soft colors.
18" adjustable cor
al bowl won't burn
out. Stable
folds, stores
PER OAL pactly inside bowl.
SALE! 24" grill
yellow bowl V
Won't bum out. 12
lilvertone hood, mo
torized spit, adjust
able grid, wheals
for easy moving. -
V:- , super jmry.
Super house paint
Reg. 5.49 ' UK,"
IS YIAS I 1 ,,., 4
gal. cat Utt
r S-f al. cant
Super House with linseed oil bose will give mora
coverage at less cost than comparable national
brands. Super is highly durable and weather
resistant; retains its color and wears evenly.
FwM-wf drh criiper Special cheeit and
kp fruit end vg- bulftr Ittcptr built
lablai fraih longtr, into itorag door.
SALE! Reg. 129.50
21sclf-propcUed rotary
Won acclaim af the 1958 Brussels World Fair.
Here's why: extra-powerful 3 hp engine with Ease-O-Malic
clutch, all-control handle. 1-yr. guarantee.
19-in. self-propslled model, reg. 119.50 $99
b'V.miiiMi v
r i1
TRU-C0LD 13 cu. ft.
No down payment wilh Iradt
Two oppllances in one gianf 101 -lb.
separate zero freezer, Cycle Cold re
frigerator with uniform cold, humid
ity throughout. Automatic defrost, ad
justable shelves, door storage.