La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, June 24, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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    With The Colors
I r , x
Navy Man Returns
Russell Fowler USN
Returns To San Diego
Russell H. Fowler, seaman, USN
son of Mr. and Mrs. VV. H. Fow
lor of Route 1, La Grande, return
cd to San Diego, Calif:, May 29
aboard the Pacific Fleet destroy-
,er USS Hamncr after a tour of du
ty with the U. S. Seventh Fleet
in the Far East
During the cruise, the 2,200-
ton ship visited the ports of Yoko
suke Japan; Subic Bay, Philip
pine Island, Kaosiung, Formo
sa, and the British Crown Colony
of Hcng Kong.
James Hutchison Visits
Mother Over Weekend
ELGIN (Special) Firemen third
class James Hutchison arrived in
-Portland Inst Friday on board a
destroyer, the USS Mansfield,
along with olh-r Navy craft steam
ing up the Columbia to visit the
opening of the Oregon Trade Fair
and Exposition.
Hutchison took off the weekend
to come home on a short furlough
to visit his mother. Mrs. Tom
Sagery. He left again Tuesday to
join his ship at Long B-aeh, Calif.
He said his shin will r,, ik
fPacific again some time this
W. Gorham Finishes
Machinist's Mate School
Welden L. Gorham, machinist's
mate fireman, USN, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Orven C. Gorham of
Route 1, Summerville, graduated
June 12 from the Machinist's Mate
School at the Naval Training Cen
ter, Great Lakes, 111.
During the 12-week course the
students were trained in the prin
ciples and repair of main propul
sion machinery aboard ships. They
also were taught the operation of
auxiliary machinery including re
frigeration equipment, evaporators,
pumps, compressors, heat ex
changers and emergency electrical
Pvt. Courtney Finishes
Maintenance Training
Army Pvt. Robert M. Courtney,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Donel E.
Courtney, Enterprise, completed
eight weeks of automotive main-
tence helper training June 12 at
Fort Ord, Calif. .
Courtney entered the Army
last January and received' basic
training at Fort Ord.
The 22-year-old soldier is. a
1954 graduate of Oregon Technic
al Institute in Klamath Falls.
Fall Wedding
Being Planned
Mrs. Karce J. Fugit is announc
ing the engagement of her daugh
ter, Judy, to Dave Shrpherd, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd
of Scotts MiMs.
Miss Fugit is a graduate of La
Grande High School wild the class
of .'57. Shepherd is a graduate
of Silverton High School and is
now employed at the Chandjcr
Hereford Ranch at Baker.
The couple arc planning a fall
Union Briefs
Observer Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. LcRoy Fuller of
Klamath Falls arrived recently
and are at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fuller.
Le Roy has been attending OTI.
Erma Moore att?nded the Shcl
ton reunion In the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Harrison at Cove
Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Haefer and
family and Mrs. Eunice Smith of
North Powder spent Sunday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Piper, at Stanficld.
' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reavis and
Mrs. Oran Fass and family of
Richland were visitors in the Don
Lamb home Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jed MacPhcrsnn
and daughter, Pamela, of Wash
ington, D. C, were visiting friends
and relatives in Union Friday.
tfThey were former r-sidents. They
left for Palouse, Wash., to visit
his parents before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Baxter
and family of The Dalles aro in
Initiation and naming of an nut
standing woman and outstanding
senior were part 'of the Snrnpti-
mist banquet. The affair was
held in the First Methodist church.
Friday night.
Dr. Martha Adriv conducted
the iniliatin ccYemnny for Hetty
Faulkner, and Amber McKay.
Mabel Doty was the toast mis
tress and the Rev. Louis Samson
gave the. invocation. Kaema Lau
rence welcomed the members
and guests. Guests were intro
duced prior to the dinner.
Mrs. Lucille Lumsden made
the announcement of the outstan
ding woman of the year, Mrs.
Army Sgt. J. Markham
Completes Course
""Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
(AHTNC) Army Sgt. James F.
Markham, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence C. Markham, 504 Depot
street, Enterprise, completed the
10-week fuel and electrical sys
tem repair course June 12. at the
Ordnance School, Aberdeen Prov
ing Ground, Md.
Sergeant Markham was train
ed to inspect, test, adjust and re
pair fuel and electrical system
components on wheeled and
tracked vehicles.
He entered the Army in June
1958 and received basic training
at Fort Ord, Calif.
The' 24-ycar-old soldier is a
1953 graduate of La Grande High
school and attended Washington
Slate College in Pullman. He was
employed by Kaiser Aluminum
Chemical Corp., in Spokane,
Wash., before entering the Army.
8 p.m.. Order of Eastern Star
will meet in the Masonic temple.
Last regular meeting for the year.
:J2 noon, Frances Brown Aux
iliary will hold a potluck lunch
eon at the Garden Club (North
Side Improvement Club) on Y
avenue. Bring potluck dish and
table service
. 12 noon. The Soroptimists will
hold a luncheon and board meet
ing in the Sacajawea.
,2 p.m.,, Polly Anna Club will
meet in the home of Mrs. Grant
Swalberg. Julia Sitlcr as hostess.
2 p.m., Dedication of a stone to
commemorate first LDS Church in.
La Grande, corner of Fourth and
N streets. Open to the public.
5-8 p.m., Hcndrlx Methodist
Church Youth will hold a spaghetti
ferd at the church.
8 p.m., Order of Eastern Star
Hope Chapter 13 will hold their in
stallation ceremony in the- Ma
sonic hall. Open to the public.
Union for the summer. He will go
to work for the Forest Service, as
headquarters fireman for the
Union Range District. Kendall is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
I IV rituit
Woman's World
MAXINK NUUMI, Woman's Editor '
Soroptimist Hold Initiation,
Name Outstanding Persons
Hot Lake News
Mr. and Mrs. Percy O'Neil and
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and
family from Seattle visited their
mother and grandmother, Mrs.
Susie Knapp, during the week.
Visiting Mrs. Rowena Davis this
week were her son and his wife,
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, from
Greenville, Mich. The Davises
were former residents of Union.
Many of the nursing home pa
tients attended another auto trip
around the valley Thursday after
noon. Others who were unable to
drive were provided with special
entertainment. All reported a vcryj
pleasant altcrnr.on, thanks again to
the Gray Ladies!
T. A. 'Wylie from Walla Walla
was a Hot Lake guest this week.
Rev. George llorlon, pastor of
the Union Baptist Church, conduct
ed Sunday services at the nursing
home. Two guest pastors were
also present Itev. Calvin Meyers
from Keokuk, Iowa, and Rev.
Russcl L. Finchcr from Denver.
Colo. Several members from Un
church were alst present anil
assisted with the music.
J. A. Nice from North Powder
drove down Sunday ufternunn to
visit his sisl-r-in-law, Mrs. Percy
Nanlz, and Clarence Wicks.
c Ml, and Mrs. Bob llohznaglc and
son, llnns, called Sunday to renew
acquaint .nice with Hot Lake
friends. They had be-n spending
several days at the home of Mrs.
Holznaglc's parents, the Gilbert
Mrs. Fred Tuveson
Lake friends Sunday
Mr. and
visited Hot
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carey
attended a two day camping trip
at Wallowa Lake this week. They
report a fine catch of trout.
Mrs. Laura Pierco from Fresno.
Calif, has recently joined the sraff
lune McAlamis. Her activities in
clude organizing the Newcomers
Club in La Grande,' ' responsible
for organization of the Youth Ac
tivities group, which is one of
the first in the United States. She
s a member of the governor's
committee on youth, was chair
man of the United Fund Drive
fur 1D5H for La Grande; at pre&
i-nt she is chairman of the United
Fund organization of La Grande.
She is the first woman to hold
that office.
Mrs. Ida.McIIalcy announced
that Marilee Meppcn was select
ed as the outstanding senior. She
was chosen for her balanced ac
tivities and personality. She was
a junior class president, mem
ber of the student council, vice
president of Girls League, Tri-Hi-V,
International relations league,
a member of the girls chorus and
ensemble, a past worthy advis
or of Rainbow For Girls, and was
selected this year as Miss Mimir.
She is well liked by her classmat
es and the faculty. Her plans
are to attend the University of
Oregon this fall. At present she
is working as life guard at the
local pocl.
Mrs. Louis Samson was the
guest speaker of the evening, her
topic, "A Challenge to Women."
Mrs. Grace Chambers, of Boise,
".as presented a past president's
Installation of officers was con
ducted by Mrs. Etta Cunning of
Taker. Those installed were
ftacma Laurence, president; Lu
cille Lumsden, vice president;
Miss Charlotte Ward, recording
secretary; Fern Roth, correspon
ding secretary; Irma Zimmer
man, treasurer; Mrs. Eva Miller,
Miss Anna Johnson, and Dr.
Margaret Morris, directors; and
Dr. Martha Adcjy; regional dele
gate. . .
Look Who's
Mr. and Mrs. Don Michael
Youncc, La Grande, have u daugh
ter born this morning, .lune 24. Site
weighs seven pounds, 14 ounces
and is not named yet. .
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Young,
I-'MM Penn, have a son born June 22.
They have named him Carroll
Duaync and he weighs nine pounds,
five and a half ounces.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryan,
l:i04 J avenue, have a son born
June 23. They have named him
James Theodore and he weighs
six pounds, 10 and a half ounces.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Berry, 2007
First street, have a son born
June 23. The father is in the ser
vice. They have named the baby
Lee and he weighs six pounds,
nine and a half ounces.
5 Observer, La Grande, Ore, Wed., June 24, 1959 Page 5
Answers Your Problems
To Wed Friday
June Wedding
Set By Pair
Mr .and Mrs. Hank Williams of
La Grande are announcing the
engagement of their daughter,
Shirley Ann, to Neil Campbell,
stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash.
Miss Williams is a graduate of
La Grande High School in the class
of 1956 and is now employed at the
Little Pig Drive In.
Campbell is serving with the
U.S. Army, and attended school
in Los Angeles.
The date has been s?t for
June 20, and plans for a wedding
in the home of the bride.
Dear Ann: Can you help two
oldsters? My husband and I have
lircussed this problem dozens of
times but we arc no closer to
a solution.
We raised six children and
helped to put them all through
college. Our three daughters
married well. The two older sons
are attorneys, and the youngest
in engineer. My husband never
made more than $4,800 a year in
his life. All the boys make at
least three times that amount.
We own a small home and just
vet by. My husband draws 8
railroad pension and we have no
spvings, just a few war bonds set
aside for emergency. This is the
Almost every night we have
from 4 to 9 grandchildren at our
dinner table. Wc love them dear
ly, Ann, but wc can't afford to
feed them. They can drink 4
quarts of milk with a meal.
Their parents take turns drop
ping them off when they go to
parties, club meetings and so
on. They say we are more re
liable than sitters and we arc
"handy." What do you suggest?-
Dear Threads: Since you have
such a chummy relationship with
your children that they feel com
fortable dumping their kids on
you for dinner several times
Mrs. R. Quinn
Elected State
PEO Treasurer
Mrs. Robert Quinn of La
Grande was elected treasurer of
the State Chapter of the POE
at their 48th convention held at
Lewis and Clark College at Port
land. Mrs. Emerson B. Hough, Mil-ton-Freewater
was enslallcd as
president of the group.
Charters were presented at the
convention to five new chapters
organized this year. They are
DA, Lebanon; DB Portland; DC,
Grants Pass; DD, Sweet Home,
and DE, Bend.
Several invitations for the 1960
convention were received with
the one being selected, BJ Chap
ters invitation for Pendleton.
' During the business it was de
cided to join with PEOs in Idaho
and . Washington in furnishing a
Pacific Northwest suit in the new
dormitory at PEO owned Coltcy
Junior College for Girls, at Ne-v.-da,
June 24
Mildred Cunningham, Perry
June Wagoner, Alicel
Lora Meroney, Caldwell. Idaho
Mrs. O. C. Flcshman
week, you ought to get REAL
confidential with THEM. Sug
gest in the future when they drop
off their youngsters that they
should bring along some grocer
ies Your sons and daughters are
thoughtless ai.d they need only
to be Hid.
Dear Ann: I'm 18 and coine
vith an attractive boy 19. We've
dated for two years. We're not
engaged but wc have an under
standing." Something happened
and I need help
I work two evenings a week in
a neighborhood gift shop. I us
ually call him when I'm through
and he drives me home. This one
night I worked until almost mid
night anddecided it was too late
to phone his home so I akscd the
delivery boy to drive me.
w hen I got to the porch my
boy friend was waiting mad
as a hornet. He said terrible
things and accused be of flirt
ing with the delivery boy. Then
he slapped my face.
I went into the house and left
him on the porch. He knocked
for 10 minutes , but I wouldn't
answer. He has already called
my sister and asked her to "fix
things up." I really love him,
Ann, but after seeing this side of
his character I don't " know if I
should go with him again.
My parents hope I will find
someone else. Please tell me
what to do. Miserable.'
Dear Miserable: If you think
you're miserable NOW go ahead
and marry a fellow who Slaps
your face during courtship. I'm
with your folks. Find someone
Ti.s' Visit Parents
Dr. and Mrs. George Tiss and
son, Randy were visiting with Dr.
Tiss'' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Tiss Sr.
Dr. Tissls a pediatrician in the
Visalia Medical Clinic at Visalia,
Ci.lif. lie has just returned from
Boston, Mass., where he attended
a pediatric course at Harvard
Medical school for two weeks. He
also flew to Chicago where he vis
ited with Everett Hills, and to
New York for a visit with Roger
Grummell a classmate. k
Colors 40c
Thinner 40c
Exlendor 40c
Cleaner 85c
15c lo 35c
1113 ADAMS
Mrs. De Merchant
To Hear Son Sing
Mrs. W. L. De Merchant of Spo
kane, Wash., who is the mother
of John De Merchant is arriving
in La Grande to attend her son's
concert at the LDS tabernacle this
First conference of the South
ern Methodist Church was held
in Batesvillc, Ark., in 1836.
Prescritiliont " J .. Cosmttics -Tobaccos
Cosmetics -Tobaccos
...with QUALITY
K53 I
Dispenser Pack
.21 targe strips
Sterile adhesive bamUtim with 2 way stretch in the most
convenient dispenser ever. No fuss, no fumble ... a flick of
one hand zips out a hand. Choose new "True Skin" plastic
or flesh colored bands.
,4 ...,, SW"1""
c" jittery
ttfervescent antacid wth
Reiall's eiciustve bismuth
alum mate. Micronied to
a ml hit a it rnmbllt
eicess actj; wtti pm killer to relieve
headache, other minor pains.
New Nasal
Fights cold symptoms
at any stage. Relieves
nasal allergies, hay
fever, acheallover feeling, watering
eyes... helps reduce lever.
No purchase necessary to win. Nothing
lo think up! Nothing lo write but your
name and addross. Juit ask any of our
salespeople about REX ALL DC LUXC
. TOOTH BRUSHES. medically-approved
Styles. Only 69 each.
V1"" ... 1 i
It's Dolven's
Hecchi Sewing Machine Value ... .$79.95
21 Piece Sewing Ensemble Value $75.00
Total Value .....$154.95
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Act now!
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Don'l lake a chance) on unknown machines when you can own the guaranteed
NECCHI. See II . . . you II settle for nothing lest than a genuine Ntlimi Ift
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Play It Safe