Observer, La Grande, Ore., ten. O'Mahoney In Hospital Following Stroke WASHINGTON UJPI) Sen. useph C. O'Miihoney (D-Wyo.) I'mained in the U.S. naval hos- jital at nearby Bethesda, Mil., to- liy for treatment of . a mild stroke. The 74 year oltl Senator suf ercd the stroke Friday morning liter the tense Senate vote re acting the confirmation of Com- herce secretary Lewis L. Ktrauss. He was reported by his doctor be "reacting very well" to treatment. Chances of recovery kere said to be "encouraging." CMahoney talked to his Senate Iffice by telephone Monday and Iffectcd his loft side but hud not iffectcd his left side hut had not limited his speech. DIOR TOO EXPENSIVE MOSCOW UP1 A Soviet mne- tuine said today what many men in the West have been saying for lyears acorn r rench fashions ithey're too expensive and the Istyles change too often. The evc- Ining gowns in the Dior shows here earlier this month wee pretty, the magazine "Ogonyck' said. But it asked:, who can afford such expensive things? TWO TOP TWIRLERS nwm?n Mict- Minn w n sicnr. in, 01 isoniH'Ki, 111., ana Billy Stewart, HI, of Tylertown, Miss., won the two ton prizes Friday in (lie Dixie National Open baton twirling contest. THE CHURCH FIRE INSURANCE CORPORATION of 20 Kuliantie Hart. New York , ft. In the Stale uf New Vurk, nnide to the Itntitance Coiiiniti luiiet uf lite SCile of OrcKon. iinriuatil to law: auii icu naac s Bondl S l.TT6.3H.0i l.'ji'j.:;s.4ti Htot ki - Cah and hank deiolti.. Ak-enti' liaUixei or itmnllM.tcd preiniuma . In l rest, difldt-nd ail real aatata luroiue due and at-i rued,....- Otiir ai-t TotaUxKnlttrtl Mtt lf.uao 51 ' LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNU8 1 87 .TOO. 00 I.QOU.UU 6N.77i.61 26n.:t77.f-tl 8 17. DC J. J4 Lun tluiimrnt esiiemea Lnearnrd pretjiiumi All other llahilltlei - Total llahimira. aicept railtal S ltal paid up ai.uiiu.uuv.vv L'tiaii IxiifJ fttiuli (Mirpluil ?. 191.007. 0T Surtilin aa resardi pollcylmltlera... t S.t! Total - u r 5 SlAltmtni ur inbumc Premium! earned 153.77T.lll lni-a ifRiirrra - Imm aipentei Incurred Other underwriting axpeniei Incurred Total undemrltlnc deduct loru N undrmrltlni caln or loll ImeiUnent Inmin . Total, heforo federal Income Uiei Net Income PMdenrfi U it Ofk hoi den . S'i.SHl.ilfl H.tiOJ U5 1 13.3",l tl S3,St3 Cf 3-'.3.flS3 CU.IIUO 00 Oth' 849.3SS.50 190. 352. 5 Total rapltal and aurplua Itemi (net) Inrreate In itirptm ai refardl pollt yholdtTi B52.U7fl.19 omiurai tu nnrcnN FOR THE YEAR IHreit oreiiilumi received J l2.."ifS HI Direct loei paid Prlnrlnil offlre In Oretrnn: V. Warren MhiiH co Uoolej A 'o.. 2ii ard of Trade IM. Iurllaiii. V(ICSi;i IIP ANVI'AI. HTATKMKXT For tl. r etrl--.( liccenibcr 31, 19j1 r tne REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY of Dilla. In the Htito of Tent, made to tha .i....inrnf irnmiijionar or tha Hlala of urccon, purtuaitt to lii": ADMITTED ASSETS Bwl 1 13,504.4(19.(11 MortHBco loam an real M tat a.'.. '3H9'.'i74.l"fl Ileal eatB ( ah and bank dopnilti Annti' balantei or uncollected 3.1SJJ04.31 premlumi 1.580,341. 56 Jntereit. dividend! and real eitata Inrome dnt and accrued 114.197.53 Ol).-r aiset 3.40,131' II Total admitted aseli $ 44 251.344 IT LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS - $ 9M.9-.9.7 Luti aduitment etpeniea. 103.)K2.06 I'liearnrd premium! . 22. 1M. 344 33 All other llahllltlea 3. 002. 344 74 Total llahliillM, except rapltal $ 25,aS1.63I.8l rapltal paid up jr.,2nn.(tt)o.oo Hpeilal surphi! hind.. 0,2I3.0'.'5.13 tiiKiiKPed fundi (mrpluil 4.534. ?S7. 94 Burnlin aa recardi pollcylwlderi... t l.M7.31S.0rl '"otal 41.251,944.87 STATEMENT OF INCOME Premlumi eg mod $ lfi 051 535 29 I'uifll Inr-urrcd 4,137.8ft4.33 Um expemri Incurred 732.0SG.03 Othrr imJemrlting txpeniea Inmrred 9. 237. 103 3d iuiai unacrwriiinr de1uctloni 13,cr(fl.ti94.34 Net iindcrwritlni caln or Ion inienment income (It her Inromv Total, before federal Income taxu. Federal Income taiei Incurred- 851.773.75 8.init.l4t.09 !I32.4IH.39 676.000.00 3,238,:.T 8.562.323.67 income rthldetuli to itockhotdera Other Itcmi affectinf lurpliia (rt Total rapltal and aurplua llttni (nrtl Tncra.-e in mrplua ai rrsardi KllrTltoMrri S 0M.3T BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR nirerl premlumi received , f 144. 077. 8 Illreet lonci paid 60,105.90 Prlnrlpat office in Orrcon: TurUand. UYVOPHlrt HV ANNTAl. STATKMKXT Vol the tar rmf.-il le.cmlitr 31, IOIi of the THE WESTERN AND SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Of 4UO Urondwav. rincliinall. In th Htale ilhlo. made to the Imuranre Coram lu toner of tin Htale of Oregon, purnant to law; ASSETS Bondi ( 1341.179.180.01 Hlurki , 2).U'7.01G.4( Morliaite loam on real eitate.. 457 .900.220. 34 Ilea estate 1fl.4:i:i.247.2i 1'ullcy loam and premium notei., 2G.7'.si0.24 I'aih and bank depoilti rreiiilumi due and deferred (Ufa and arcldent and health) . 'Inicrrit and other investment Income due and accrued 14,538.7)0.20 4.590.0SMS utnrr aneta 11.411. 0.W.TS Total BiEct J0(Jfl.niO,33l.5S LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNOS Reeervei for life and arrlrient and nenltii pollclei $79ft,3flS.flS0.00 i"ilcy and rontract claimi 2,43'i.ju... m All other llahliillM 42.:.2.M Total llahllitlea, except capital $SI3.6V2.1S'.34 niieciat aurpiui . fundi $ I'liasiigned lurnlui ,r, 3tS 101 ?4 Sunilui ai reaardi uoticiliolderi 62.318,194.24 Toll fioc nio.381.5H SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS (Aterual Baiii) rremliimt and annuli i-oniideratiom $135. 504, 173.84 Coniuirrationi for lupplementary contract! x 3,551. 8G3. 00 Net lnvfment Income 88.973. 4!3, 43 Other Income 4 tern 1 4.507.556.14 Total 8172.210. 015.50 PoHry benefit! 53,235,$83.4t rainienia on lupplementary con tra' ti. dividend accuroulatloaf, ami Intereit Tiureaie In reiervei Cutniriluloni, claim and ccneral ItuuraiT'e cxprniea and tatei Otlir operating tedii'lloni 1.872.247.05 4.3,4J0.l0 SI, 218 516.25 l.lOI.OVi.M iiitrndi to policyholder! . Total 167 .911.200 M Ntl rain from oneratlrtna 4,295. SM.Bt 4.405.858 49 Other itRtni affecting aurplua aurplua fundi (net) Total Inrreate In aurnlui and meclal 4,043. 8i8. 4i lurplui fundi t 253, 026 S3 BUbinfss tM nnrnrtw rnn tuv vear Qroia premium! ami annuity con Uderatlona collated durinc the year , $ 19.877.18 Dlvlilrnd paid or credited ta pol- Iffholder! during the year ... 4.547. f Oreo benefit! and elalmi. enilow- n'ttl. furmnlrn. and annuitlog Paid durln the yer ... . 16,532.51 rtlonlpal eft t in Oregon: .Nob. Tues., June 23, 1959 Page 7 STNUI-alK OK AXNTAI. KTATEUKVC JToc Ui iiji ijo Detejnber 31, Ivjt PROVIDENT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Blsuarrk. In the suit of North Dikots. mide w ln liisuunrs Cotamlutotur of ths til tie it Ureson, pursuant lo lw: . n , ASSETS """! $ 19.300,388.63 Slotkl , Dux no MuriKaie loani on real tat Heal mat I'ullry loan! and premium note 'ah and bank tlrpoitti .. L'reiDluina dua and deferred Villi and arcldtnt and heaitin. . Inter, it ami titter Investment is.-iio.Tan.ari l.SVi.HH. 1.003.7 . 19 uiroma uu aiul accrued jjl M HI Other miieu .. . , 45 w XoUl as lets 1 45 04118 11 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AMD OTHER FUNDS Rrscms for Ufa and accident ' and liealtb policial $ 33.850.TM.M I'ullry ami contract cllmi . 0g WT.W All other lUriilitltl g 88 7 '0 56 Total llahilitlea. eicept capital $ 41,117 .Wn 1 apltal paid-up 31.u0u.uuo.UU I'nanljNivU aurplua 2.554. ;:. ST Surplus aa regarda polio Iwlderi S,i54S5.5T ,UUUMASVoroPEHA,J1NU8,,,M,, (Accrual Basis) Premlumi ami annuity rw.ieraiina 1 lT.756.965.6f Cuustdvrationi for lOiulcuiemar)' contratU . Nrt lliteilinent Inmiui , Uliter lwuui I tenia Total . 436.230.30 1.4HS.4a4.2fl T.7i9.C79.13 l.Mi.Sii.45 folli brtieflts i'4tuiit on iitDplemcntarr in tratii, dl IdetMl amiuiulatloni. 1111 uuerrti rcaif !n reienei Couiuiiiiiloni, r!alin and Ketieral Insurant ctuonipi ami t.t. 1,180,274.73 38.77h.it3 T. 331.213. 7 33S.UU0.O0 Other oneratliiK drdmttom.. .... vmuwids to uolliitMildeta iuiai Net sain from nurriilnna inviurnui to atorkholden.. Other I torn 1 affirtliif surplui urjJiui iuiiub inn i , ,, I OKI Inrrt'm in aurplua and siitMai u ril 111 rumli I 9 aS SI BUSINESS IN OREGON roo Tur'vcia Grata prrmlunii and annuity ton uirraiiuiu UHiciieo ourinf Uia iear t im oo a tMvidendi paid or credited to pel- tijwuiiirri uunni ute year , 14.110.Tl mti litiiffiU .ir rlilnn. endow li.fiitt. ttirrnulrra, and aniiultlea luld-ilcilripr 1 1 ir yrir S56.5VS.T6 t;?. i 11 uff.rr in Orejron: I'latl nidi., 1'ori- bVMH'tlH OK AVNTAI. HTATKSIKA'T t'ur the jear emlid heteinbrr ai. IDlg 4 NEW AMSTERDAM . CASUALTY COMPANY e New- tUTk. m the State of New York, made U the Imuran! Coitiniiatlonw of the Slat of Urrgwn, purauaut to law : ADMITTED ASSETS Bondl $ 69.321.376.98 4tocki . 31.002. H23 75 95.U2I.00 6.157.7J4.27 9. 757 .960.96 iU and bank denoalti Agenti' balance or uncollected it, dividend! and real eaTata una due and mei tutA Kit ill ?t Oilier anetl 4.2S9!s83!si Total adiiiittrd aeti... $l'.!S.iCl,714.11 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDI r-oe 8 00.303.025.53 a IJtuitiient eiDcniea .1 M r, fi"n nit I'tn-arr-ed premlumi 32,247.704.03 AM other llihllltiea 2.944, Stt.H.76 Tula iahliltlel. excent raultal 1 9T.OI I 4'fi Capital paid up f ft. n lai nirplui fundi 19.94J.2aB.H3 iiailvnetl fundi fiurului) . 10.000 DOO M Surului ai regarda policy llderi. 31.913.288.83 iuiai 1128.954.714.11 STATEMENT OF INCOME Premlumi earned , 62.228,619.53 IjJtttt Incurred .t 3 aU1.7Ut 02 li! aJ pent el Incurred 7.225.0U0.6S Otlier underwriting cxpeniaa ncurreu ., Total undcrwrllliie dedui-tlona 66.048,870.68 3.820,251.15 3.tiU7.4!)0.44 8,697.39 1.20T.133 32 -455.893 78 751, 239. 54 fl.'tO. 000.16 T.295,971.13 4.343.970.96 Net underwriting gain or lon. fnveitinent Income other Income . Total, before federal Income taxei Meral Income laxei Incurred. .mi miome Dividend! ta itc-kholden t llemi affrcllng lurplui (net) Total capital and lurplui Itema fnelt Increaie In lurplui at regard! p.)llvnouteri .... 5 594.731.41 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Direct premium! received J5S.192.6S Direct loviei paid - 93.487.27 n netful offh-e In Oregon: Seelejr k Co.. Hoard of Trade Illdg., Portland. HVNUPKIH OK AXXl'Al. HT VTBMKXT Fvr the year cimK-I Petembir SI. 1958 of the WASHINGTON NATIONAL , INSURANCE COMPANY of Evamton. In the Htate or Itllueli, made to the IniuraiH-e CumiuUilener at Uie- Suie ,fi Oregon, puriuant lo law: ASSETS Bondl , -$111.4T5.448.48 Htmk! - 1.501.310.96 Mortgage loana on real aatata 139.025..t3ti 00 Real eitate Pulley loana and premium notea I'aih and bank depot I U Premium! duo and deferred (Ufa and arcldent and health I.... Intereit and Other Inveitment income due and accrued. . 8,262.762.92 1.184.497.00 6.463,379.30 Other aneti ToUl aueti .. 8167. 968. 490.79 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER r U NUB Reiervei for life and accident and health iwllclei $173,074.411. SS Policy and contract 1.639,199.88 All other Uablllllea -. 85.668.839.89 Total llahllftlei, ecxept capital. $207,383,450.61 Caplatl paid-up $0,000,000.00 Hpeclal lurplui fund! 1'natrlgned lurplui .. 32,584.240.09 Murolua aa tecarda DOllt bolder! 40.S84.340.09 Total S27,9,6M.Tt SUMMARY Or Or ERA 1 1 DUB) (Accrual Bails Premlumi and annuity contldcra- tlona - Ta.3oo.ia.i 463.265.24 8,059,159.34 $ 86.825.346,49 Poller benefit $ 38. OVA. 155.73 Payment! on lupptomentary coo trarti, dividend accumulallona. and Intereit Increaie In reiervei Com million!, claim and general Insurance expotiiei and laiei Other operating deductloni. -Dividends lo tiollcyholdari ,,, . .. Total Net gain from operation!. ... $ DlTidendi lo itockholdera .. $ Other Items affecting surplus aaad surplus funds 487,118.90 18,162,097,76 ST, 886. 067. 69 4 1. 3.10. VJ 17.7112.40 79.983,507.43 6.831.841.04 6,260.000.00 1.541.354.73 Total 7.506. 15 4. 73 Derreaio In aurplua and special lurplui fundi - t 6T4, 513,48 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Groti premium! and annuity con sideration! collected durlni the year - 9 W1.T12.69 Dividend! Paid or credited to policyholder during the year... Gron benefit! and claim, endow ment!, inrrenderi, and annul 1 11 S0S.SS paid during the year... Prim Kiatutlra Bldg. SYNOPSIS OP ANNfAL BTATK1IK.XT Kor tlie year ended December 31, 19i8 of the CONTINENTAL ASSURANCE COMPANY af CTiicago. In the Htate of Illinois, made to the Insurance lommmioner 01 me mat of uregon, puriuant to law: ASSETS Tlondi 1 , wamoa Htocks 41.883. 4UC.:;4 Mortgage loana on reat eitate.-.. 168.306.362.31 86.502,884.01 Real eitate (leaa 1157.384.73 encumhrancea) Policy loam and premium noll.. Caih and bank depoilti w Premium! due and deferred (Ufa and arcldent and tltl" ,. , Intereit and other Inveitment intome due and '" 7,623.471 4.T62.T02.70 Other aiirla 4BB.B90.S5 8-187.926,182.77 Total aurtl - LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Reierret for Ufa and accident and health policlea . 441S.68I.02S. 00 Policy slid contract claim . 10.5'.5.277.97 . 100.414. 337.94 All other iiaoiiuiM Total llahllltiei, except capital 8526,040,643.91 rapltal paia-up a. Special aurplui funds 4,530,000,00 L'naMie-ned surnlu 48.755.548.64 Kurnlui ai recardi DOlIrxholderi 61. 285.348.84 Total - S"-fl7.926,19il,.7 BUM MAHT Ur UrtHA I IUNI - ' (Aterual Batli) Premlumi and annuity conildera- tloni - . $147.747 ,853.88 Considerations for lupplementary , ran trarti 10.355.310.86 Net Inveitment income.... . I9,i83,s4.w other income Items 86.022. 41 Tout- - - i7;..taz.3iw-7i Poll'f beneflU .. $ 83.213,511.11 Payment! on lupplementary con tra' ti, dividend accumulations, and Interest Increaie in reserves fummliiloni. claim and general imuramv expemei and taxes 35.950.654 39 Other operating dedu11on!. 390.027. 4 Dividends 10 policyholders. 9.232.371.2: Total 169.781.9S3 71 . Net gain from operation! 7.540.235 99 Dlvldendi to vtockholders (-)l,920,OO trhr lima afferllna lurolua and iirnlu fundi (nrtl 8.815.093.35 Total - 1.825,695.35 fnrfoata In lurolua anJ ineelal tirnlui fundi ...$ t.485,Ml,S4 BUSINESS IN OREQON FOR THE YEAH Oron premlumi and annuity con Mrrationa eallactcd durtna tba year f M4.TT8.f4l Divtdendi paid or credited to polkvkftlrieri during the year . 19.176. Oroii aetiertli and ctalmi. aKlow- nti.. lurrenderi. and annuities paid during the year 941.S44 89 Prlbtlpal offLe In Oregon: Fred H. Bchroedef A Aaaavialla, Title la,aiuaiua Bid , iKtiaM. tiYNOI'SIS tF AXNTAI. STATKMKXT t'ot the year ended DNeiuher lil. 1'jj OCCIDENTAUIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA ' of Loi Angelei. In the St tie of California, made la tha Imuranta rommliilaner of the tltate of Ongoo. purauant U U : ASSETS Bondl , ...t273,S14.41T.U Slocki .. 2 4.2S 2. 038. 00 Mortgage loana 00 real estate - 2110.1114,121.18 Real ettate 15.571.241 03 Policy loana and .premium notca Caih and bank tl t petit 1 31.759.914.02 13.305.644 75 Premlumi due and deferred (lira and accident and health I 33.035.S59.TT Intereit and other Inveitment Income due and accrued ,-, 4.401.8S5.TI' Other auctl 2.824.932 39 Total aiieu $690,153,789.03 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Reirrvii for life and arcldtnt and liealtb pollclei 1476.293. 178.T5 Policy and contract e'l'"" , ,, 20.I21.153.HH All other llabllltlei 98.401.06136 Total llabllitlti. except capital. 8595.0 15.994. 10 Tapltal paid-up 2!t,nno.OUO.OO Special lurplui fundi 17.030,134.77 L'naiilgned lurplui 53.101. 640.16 Surplui ai regard! pot lc hold era 95.137.T04.93 Total $flH0.153.7s9.03 , SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS (Accrual Baiii) Premlumi and annuity conildera- tlona f20S.72S.770.72 Conilderatlone for aupplementary contract 1 10.551. ITT. 35 Net InveHmeat Income Other Income 1""T , , , , .M25.5yt!.50 Total $;t3.2-'.7.079.38 .. 3131,580, 824. 00 tracti, dividend- 'accuiDulatluiui, and Intereit 1. 014.979. 64 Increaio In reiervei : 48. 477, 107. U4 Commliiloni. claim and general Iniurance cxpemei and taiea. 40,379.554.49 Other operatliia deductlona. 4it3.7H4.iu Uifldeuda to polkyltolden. 2,Ctm. 845.15 Total 23l.53U.995.02 Net gain from operation! ...8 U.720.tt4.SiI Dividend! to itockholdera. $ 1T.5U0.U00.00 Other Itemi affecting aurplua and aurplua fundi (net! ..,: - f.581.306.87 Total 9.918.193.13 Increaie In lurplui ami ipeclal lurplui fund 8 1,807.891.21 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Groti premium! and annuity con alderailoni collected during the year 8 8,895.557.40 cT.5S3.4S Dividend! paid or credited 10 polUyholderi during the )car. Oron benefit and claimi, endow- mmti. lurrenderi. and annuities paid during the year 4,180,363.8T Prlniinal offkc in Oregon: 4U9 American bank llulldlng. I'ortland BYNOr.sli (IK twl'.t I. HT.1 K1KT t or til. .ur k1..I lirninlr, 31. I'- ,4 WESTERN " STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Fa no, In the State of North Dakula. made 10 the Imuranre Couunlitioner of the Slate of Orcgua, puriuant to law ASSETS Bonda J Stocka 8.958.7C3 30 22U.7U1 5U T,5li4.lT.95 I5C.438 i0 337.228.05 S76.S15.00 Policy loani and premium notea t'aih and hank depoilti I'remlutoi du and deferred (life and ac-ldcnt and health) ,.. Intereit avl other Inveitment Income due and accrued. OUier aneti . otal a.ieta 8 19.01U.fttT.92 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AN 11 OTHER FUNDS Reiervei for lire and accident and liealtb poileiea 13.600.046.00 Policy and contract claims , , , 41.0UU uo All other llahllitlea 1.659.401 92 Total llahllltiei, eicept capital f 1T.3U0.44T.93 Tapltal paid-up .8 341. 100. UO Special luiplui fund! 25O.0O0.0t Unaligned lurnlua 1.1 -5.000. 00 Hurplua aa regarda poinynoioeri i.tio.itoo Total - 8 19 016,547. 9t SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS (Accrual Baiii) Premlumi and annuity roiialderaliom 1 1,470. on. 00 Con ide ration! for uppleuetitary urn tract! 78.854.31 722.770.33 '2K.117.1fl 3.209,7HT.8 &82.1U.74 Vet Inteitment Inromt 8 Policy benefit! $ 'ay menu on supplementary con tracts, dividend accumulations, and intereit Increase in reiervea - Commiitioni. claim and grneral exocniH and tales 760.879.40 68.613.92 3T.H9.9U 8.039. C74. 58 200.003.28 61.171.69 Other operating deduction! Dividend! to polloboldera , , ToUl - Net caln from ODerationa 8 Dividend! to iPMkholdrri $ Other item 1 affecting lurplui and aurplua fundi (netl Total Incrraie In mrplui and ipeclal lurntui riinm izn.ouu 00 BUSINESS IN OREQON FOR THE YEAR Oroii premium! and annuity eon- a derations collected durlna Ui fear .l- v 14,498 II 888.04 Dividend! paid or credited to poll- cynonieri aunng tna year Oroii Iieneflii and claimi, endow- menta. aurrendera. and annul tie paid during the yrar ,, , Principal office In Origon: Nona. CI.AMSIFIKI IMItlOCTUItT 32 Appliances, Ktc. 66 Apartment Itentala 67 Apartments, Unfurnished 64 Auto Courts 90 Auto Pnrl.s, .Service 9 Autos For Trade 100 AnloH Fur Hala 9 Auction Salts 92 Aviation 12 Baby Hitters. 44 KoulH and Motor 2!l Hiilliling Matfrial fi7 Business Hropt'rty 65 ItttsitiesH Space 70 HtiHlne.sH opportunities 71 HuxltH'HH J 11 vestments 6 t'nrd of Thanks (13 Contracts 24 Contract In ir, HulldlnK 3 Death Notices 40 Fanners Column 85 Farm Equipment 78 Farms, Itanches 77 Farms Wantrd 37 Ft'udn 38 Fertilizers, Chemicals 35 Flowers. Shrubs 60 Fuel Supplies 0 Funeral Directors 33 Garden Supplies 17 Help Wanted 18 Help Wanted, Male 19 Help Wanted. Female 31 Home Furnishings 55 Hotels, Motels f8 Houses for Itent 80 Houses For Sale 1 In Memoriam 62 Insurance 87 Irrigation, Pumps 41 LIveHtock Wanted 42 Livestock 2 Lodges and Societies 95 Logging Equipment 10 LomI and Found 76 Lots, Huildfng Sites 94 Machinery 3-t Mnrkit linsket 1 Masonic Notices 30 Miscellaneous for Saie 5ft Miscellaneous for Itent 2fi Money To Loan 1 i Moving. Trucking 28 Musical Column 75 1'nsturelnnds 7 Personals 39 Pets, Kennels, Etc 43 Poultry, Itabblts 81 Property Trades 79 itpnl Estate Wanted 84 Riding Equipment 53 Room and Hoard IB Sales people. Agents 20 Service Directory 11 Schools Instruction 31; Seeds and Plants 13 Shoe Repair 21 Situation Wanted 15 Storage, Transportation 45 Sportsman's Column (I Special Notices 4 ft Swap Column 74 Timberhtnds CO Trailer Courts Sfi Tractors and Equipment 90 Trailer Houses 91 Trailers For Sale 97 Trucks, Trailers 98 Truck. Auto Rental 25 Wanted to Morrow 47 Wanted to Ruy 51 Wattled to Rent B2 Wanted Room Itosri! Sell Your don't needs with an inexpensive Classified Ad Call WO 3-3161 Strange As It Seems MONTGOtFIER . WAS INSPlRPTO INVENT "MB FIRGT fiSRIRU SffUPOM WHEM H6 SAW HIS WIFE pfcTTlCOflT, 3Tt?ETCHED BY THE FlRB TO DRY, LIFTED to TriB CBIUU6 BY HOT PIRf La Grande Observer Established lb"J6 Entered as Second Class Matter at (he Post Office of La Grande. Oregon Under the. Act of March X, ls!li. Ity Carrier Month ..$ 1.25 .Year ;.oo liy Motor iioulu Year . SIC, so Month Year C Months . 3 Months . Month 1.40 J12.00 .. 6.511 3.50 1.25 lty Mail CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION All Classified Advertising Is ac cepted subject to the rulfS a ml ri'gulat Ioiih of lh La Grande Publishing Company, which will . he responsible for any errors after the first insertion and re serves the right to property Hussi- ly all advertisements, delete hjeel lonnhlc words or sentences r to refuse any advertisement. CASH RAT KH Minimum Charge 11.00 Use The BARGAIN It ATE C days for the Prh-o of 4 You STOP the COST when you KILL the nd. 2 lines for ti days $ 1.50 3 lines for li days 3.00 4 lines for 0 days 4.00 5 lines for fi days 0.00 fi lines for (I days ... fi.00 1 Ineh for 'fi days 7.00 1 inch for a month 21.59 CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. Day Proceeding Publication. Phone WO 3-3161 . SELL What You Don't Need with a OBSERVER CLASSIFIED AD JUST CALL WO 3-3161 20 Service Directory 20 tK ) WAS ONCE 'V; I C- ' y MORS PRECIOUS M W 1H6 $0UNP BBRRIER kWE( WR4 BROKEN BY MftM tWw ""aStSSCia- BEFORE ARPimJES - , WERE INVENTED I Trie $NRP OF R BUI.U WHIP MOVES Tt'.E. A. TiP F05TE? WW THE 5PEED OF 50UHD v SERVICE DIRECTORY When you need a specialized service call one of the firms or individuals listed here! Light touch in weight New MCCULLOCH Super 44A Direct Drive It's lighter weight that any other high capocily direct-drive chain saw. MCCULLOCH SAWS SALES & SERVICE 215'i Fir WO 3-560!) THE FIXIT SHOP We repair bikes, washing ma chines, small appliances, mow ers, sales & service on JACOB SEN Mowers. IN TROUBLE CALL: WO 3-2C04. Your MERCURY Dealer has a FREE gift for you Mercury out board owners. Call or See FEIK' BOAT SHOP, 1608 Adams. RENT A POWER MOWER $1. 1st nr. . . . 50c ea. add. hr. WARD'S LA GRANDE PAINT & GLASS Everything in Paint It Glass 114 Depot WO 3-5121 WATKJN'S QUALITY PRODUCTS on your shelf WO 3-2715 M C Ave BODY BEAUTIFUL LENTZ BODY SHOP does expert Body & Paint work Island City, Phone WO 3-4042. CUSTOM mowing, raking, baling. Union 286R STAN'S TREE SERVICE Trimming, removing shrubbery. Expert work. Insured. Free Estimate. Ph. WO 3-3601. Wood fence posts, all kinds, for sale. RUG Sc furniture .cleaning, Furni ture recovering & repair. BLUE . MOUNTAIN UPHOLSTERY, 309 Fir, WO 3-5780. TRUCK & tractor cushions re paired or recovered. 1-DAY SERVICE. Low costr Furniture, all kinds, repaired or reup holstered. WO 3-3250. La Grande Mattress & Upholstery, 203 Cher ry just off Adams. Observer Want Ads Gel Results I LIGHT UP Your BUDGET with this BRIGHT IDEA Make Money 2 WAYS 1. Sell your "don't needs . . . furniture, appliance!;, (woks, toys, sporting goods . . . with low cost . . . quick action OI1SKRVKR AUS. . . . You'll get fast, cash results. 2. Use the classified ads to buy the tilings that you do need at real mon?y saving prices. There's column after col umn of good buys and bar gains in the classified sec tion every day. LIGHT UP YOUR BUDG ET with extra cash savings and extra cash bv reading and using classified ads TODAY. . 2 Line ad 6 days JUST $1.50 WO 3-3161 7 Personals 7 OH, Mom . . . You'll be Queen for today, if you will just fix those rich good eating Joan of Arc Pork and Beans for dinner to night and you can bet the kids will be right on lime. At your Grocer's. 20 Service Directory 20 THREE Models of ROTO TILLERS on Display, including the New Model 11-A, 3i hp Rear Mount. JOHNSTON'S 1901 U Ave. WO 3-5097 FRONT END ALIGNMENT Ln Grande SHELL Serv. & Garage 2310 E. Adams VTO 3-5933 MONEY in minutes, No payment til July. SECURITY LOAN, 11G Depot, WO 3-3134. J. I. CASE Sales & Serv. Welding & Machine Work. Automotive Truck and Tractor repair. THERE'S a DIFFERENCE in WELDING. G & II WELDING Island City WO 3-3931 KNAPP SHOES WO 3-3481 SEPTIC TANK giving trouble, use hum me Activator. Call DON S PLUMBING SERV., WO 3-2424. r.ftT,i i; a fw. ...t vnr.irv your raaio ot 1 v luocs on our "Do-It-Yourself" Tube Tester . . AT . . PAYLESS EXPERT KEY MAKING SERVICE 3 Keys, $1, AT PAYLESS SEE the new G-3 GLASSPAR SKI BOAT CAL'S BOAT SHOP 1704 Adams WO 3-5833 CALL - OFFICE Eagle Cap Laundry It Cleaners Across From Bus Depot WO 3-2GO0 J. Goodman - C. Keefei FRIGID AIRE MAYTAG Appliance Sales & Service DOLVEN S WO 3 3327 JONES BROTHERS HEATING Island City Hy ' WO 9-2421 ELECTRONIC TV Radio It TV Repair k Jefferson WO 8-3251 4th LA GRANDE READY MIX PH. WO I 2031 7 LADIES HAWAIIAN Straw Hats 69c; Ladies BEACH COMBERS, 39c; Ladies Long Ribbon SAILOR HATS, $1.29; Boys Straw COWBOY HATS, in assort ed colors, 39c. . . . Pick up all your summer needs ... AT: PAYLESS DRUG KIRBY Sales & Service is still available to you thru your Authorized Representative, Tillie Morris, IMBLER Phone 172 ANY GIRL In trouble, or needing a friendly adviser write, tele phone or stop in at tne baivation Army, 211 Ur St. WO 3-2941. Where there's a will There's a way .... Now get your NUTKA-UUARD . . . TODAY! Food Supplement Get it at your Grocer's HEY you with the shady sweater rinse it out in .101111 Micnaei Sweater Wash. . . . Safe and easy. Get it at your Grocer's. 8 Special Notices -8 Lehman Hot Springs 40 Mi. good road from La Grande, swim, pic nic, Dorm accom. Ukiah 7-3269. ICE CREAM, bars, popsides, pis qts., & '? guls., now available at Cqye Drive In on swimming pool grounds. Burgers, snanes. . Open 12 noon to 10 p.m. - 18 Help Wtd., Mala 18 U YOUNG MEN, married, with cars, between 21 & 35 yrs., for Sales & Delivery. Earnings SMX) a week & up. Apply ft)9 Kir St. La Grande. LUMBER GRADER, experienced Dine, certificate not required Ph. 781, RICHARD MORSE LUMBER CO.. JACKSON. WYO. 19 Help Wd.t Female 19 NEED steady housekeeper. Phone 716, Summerville. UNUSUAL career opportunity for mature, neat appearing woman. Excellent income. Car nec, Write Box 192. co La Grande Observer. 28 Musical Column 28 USED 21" TV with new picture tube, $135. Easy Terms. RADIO MUSIC SUPPLY CO. 29 Building Material 29 VAN PE'lTEN LUMDEIl Greenwood & RR WO 3-2101 FOR your roofing, siding 4 re modeling call: L. A. JAMES CO Free est. WO 3 3454. 8 FT. 2x4s. $15 per thousand FREE wood plainer ends. U Haul. Western Stud Mills, mc Elgin. Ph. HE 7-2611. Elgin. 30 Misc. For Sale 30 Summer Specials! P1NCOR Gas Power liotarv Mower; 2V4 lip, B&S Motor; 19" cut, re mote control. ONLY $89.95 CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND SETS Prc-Cut to fit any re quirement. An Exclu sive ADD-A.-PLA UNIT SOCAP SEPS: ?23..r)0 TO $12.50 (EASY TERMS) BOHNENKAMP'S GET IN THE SWIM . . . White Rubber Swim Fins. $2.50 & $2.75; Single Snor kle Face Mask. $1.08; Face masks 79c & $1.; Kiddie's Plastic Play Pools, 54" dia., 66 Gal. Capacity, $3.59 Fun Time specials . . . AT: PAYLESS DRUG STRAWBERRIES, U-pick. we pick, WO 3-5334 afternoons. Phillips. WE'RE LOADED! witli Used Boy's 26" Hikes. All fine bikes, all Reconditioned. $18.00 & UP Liberal trades on Hoy's 20 & 24" Girl's 20, 24 & 20" Hikes on the new Schwins. ; - THE FIXIT SHOP 218 N. Fir WO 3-2C04 32 Appliances, Etc. 32 BLIZZARD AIR COOLERS Three Portable TV stylo Air Coolers. . . . Double fan model, $49.95. ... Single fan Model, $29.95 & $24.95. Buy comfort for LESS ... AT: . PAYLESS DRUG 59 Misc. for Rent 59 7 Personals OFFICE SPACE For Rent . Air conditioning system; well lighted, ventilated outside wall. Steam Heat, Janitorial Service furnished free. Free parking, near Post Office. May paint to suit and subdivide to fit budget. Some vault and basement storage. Located on street floor. Very reasonable rental, long or short term basis. i f See at Observer Building or Call Allen at 3 3101 32 Appliances, Etc. 32 STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! AIRWAY COMPANY OF EASTERN OREGON Now open at 109 Fir St. in La Grande. See us for your Original AIRWAY Bags, Parts & Service. Also on all other machines. SAVE on small appliances: GE Hand Mixers in Pink, Yellow, White Turquoise .... REG. $19.95 NOW $14.97; New GE Automatic Steam and Spray Irons, REG. $21.95, NOW $15.77; GE Portable Steam Iron, Comparable Value $19.95, at Payless Just $11.95. PAYLESS DRUG 37 Feeds 37 Bnlid Alfalfa huy in field. WO 3-3516 or WO 3-2652 ABOUT 15 ton good alfalfa hay for sale in field. Clyde White WO 3 5819. 39 Pets, Ken'ls., Etc. 39 Bluck COCKER Pups. $5 each. 1704 2nd St., Apt. 3 Pets boarded, come see us, You'll be glad you did. Weeping Willow Kennels Union 40 Farmers Column 40 WILL haul hay, pickup from field, deliver. WO 3-3259. HAVE room for 40 lo 50 hives of bees near Joseph on clover field If interested contact Paul Hutch Joseph, Ph. GE 2-2921. 41 Livestock Wtd. 41 La Grande Livestock Comm. Co. Sale Every Thursday Phone Office WO 3-2660 Bob Green & Barney Stephens 42 Livestock 42 Matched pair of PALOMINO MARES, 10 mi. SE of La Grande on llwy. 30. Will sell single or together, Gene G. Slockolf. A Few SHEEP V. M. Carlson AT STUD. EITaiik, AHA No. 10434, grey Arabian Slalliun, weight UKIO lbs.. Height 15 hands. Call J. Dale Slandley. WO 3-5134, .I S Ranch, La Grande, Ore. Observer Wont Ads Get Results REGISTERED SUFFOLK SHEEP, 9 ewes with 16 lambs, also 12 yr. old stud ram. Greif-Justice-Drager breeding. Jerry Justice, Box 397, Enterprise, Ore. Phone 251 or 1402. 43 Poultry, Rabbits 43 FOR SALE: New Hampshire red fryers. E. E. Igo, Ladd Canyon. 47 Wanted To Buy 47 PAY $:i0, for 1909s VDB Lincoln cents. $4. ea. for 1931s or 1909s. $20 for J!lQte Indian cent. $4 for 1908s. Olhcrs. WO 3-5809. We are now buying wool at top prices. In all sizes or lots. LA GRANDE LIVESTOCK COM. CO.. WO 3-2660. 50 Fuel Supplies 50 U" MILL WOOD Call WO 3-5642 or Union M5L Rox las. Union. Ore. 51 Wanted To Rent 51 2 bedroom house for small (amity. 1 child, permanent renters. WO 3-2184. Mr. Breuer. 2 BEDROOM, house in country. Post Office Box 299, La Grande. 56 Apt. Rentals 56 ATTRACTIVE bachelor apart ment with, fireplace It carport. Perm, renter only. WO 3-5970. - 1-BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, $59. WO 3-3831. FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms and private bath. Adults. 1702 2nd St. 2 ROOMS & bam, newly rcdec. on 1st floor, private cnt. Gregory AptS., 1502 Wash. Furn. large , 2 bedroom apt. Sec ond floor,' privalo ent, Electric stove, j refrig., nulo. washer, dryer' No small children or pets. Inq. after 5 p.m., WO 3-5351. Downtown Apt. for information inquire at Zimmermans FURNISHED 2-room apt. for light housekeeping, 1712 Cedar or WO 3-5340. CLEAN 1-room apt., garage. 1607 6th st. Rooms & 1 LIGHT housekeeping room 1303 Tenth Street. 56 Apt. Rentals 56 MODERN furnished apartments. l-nvai!ablc now, 1-July 1st. Close in. Phone WO 3-3146. CLEAN Bachelor apt., 3 blocks from P. O. 1904 3rd. WO 3-4680. 57 Apt., Unfurn. 57 VERY DESIRABLE four room apt. Has kitchen and laundry appliances- Steam heat. Adults Mclvillcs, 1431 Adams Ave. 59 Mise. for Rent 59 57 Apts., Unfurn. 57. 3 room apt., private bath, range & rcfrig. Adults, 1702 2nd. WO 3-4402. 58 Houses For Rent 58 LIVE in a new home for rent. New 2 bedroom duplex, $75. per mo. Immediate possession. Call or write, Louis S. Wells, P. O. Box 727, Pendleton. 67 Business Property 67 RESTAURANT on Hiway 30, Baker, Ore. beats 55, Im. poss. DINGER HEAL ESTATE 2021 Court Ave. Baker, Ore. 70 Business Opps. 70 REASONABLE Karmel Korn Shop. Inquire at llKl't Adams between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. week days. 75 Pasturelands 75 MOUNTAIN pasture, for 40 head cattle. WO 3-3782. 78 Farms & Ranches 78 BILL THOMAS REAL ESTATE 207 Depot WO 3-3173 DUKEK REALTY Benny Hicks, Salesman WO 3-2423 La Grande. Oregon 80 Houses For Sale 80 A HOME WITH AN IQ I'm a two bedroom home with modern conveniences ... I don't have everything but I do have a n?w roof . . . and lots of room for the Utile cowboys and Indians lo roam around . . . I'm n modest little home. BUT HOME to my owner, and I'm for sale at a modest price, just $5,500. NOW IS THE TIME . .'.'to sell your home, if you're thinking of making a change there's no b-tter lime : . . We need list ings. Burling Real Estate AGENCY Merle Burling, Broker 1103 Adams WO 3-5450 BURLING REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1 103 Adams WO 3-5450 Neat 2 bedroom house, WO 3-3395 after 5 p.m. 1610 5th, La Grande. 4-YR. OLD, 3 bedroom home. Small acreage, 2 miles out Good oiled road. WO 3-4090. WESTKNSKOVV-NEREKER Real Estate & Ins. Serv. Foley Bldg. WO 3-5321 WILLIAMSON'S Real Estate It Ins. Serv. WO 3-4311 W. E. WILKINS Real Estate & Insurance Annni Ph. WO I-SIM 87 Irrigation, Pumps 87 Solid Steel Drive Points G & II Welding Island City WO 3-3931 O. C. TANDY, WELL DRILLING Thief Valley Road -Box 223. North Powder . Ph. 2431 87 Irrigation, Pumps 87 Wells & Pumps CORRIELL'S Island City Hy. WO 3-4524 90 Trailer Houses 90 EAZ LIFT Trailer hitches, Trailer wiring. CHUB'S TRAILER rent al & Sales. 1109 V St. WO 3-5960 94 Machinery 94 VALLEY IMPLEMENT New Oliver Sales It Service & Used consigned machinery Island Cily Hy. WO 3-544S 95 Logging Equip't. 95 ATTENTION Loggers, Furmers, Contractors JUST ARRIVED New Model 9-23 HOMELITE CHAIN SAW, 9 hp., 23 lbs.: HOMELITE . GEAR DRIVE, fl hp., 26 lbs. Most powerful chain , saw today! Ask for demon si ral inn. Also HOMELITE HIDING MOWER. BE SURE TO SEE THESE AT: '" 2 GI'S USED CHAIN SAWS $35. It UP 2 G. I.'S" 97 Trucks, Trailers 97 1951 GMC half ton. rigged to pull trail'T. J. B. Diamond. Orchard Trailer Court. 98 Truck, Auto Rent. 98 CAN'T FIND US? Then call: WO 3-5506. We'll find you. . FREE PICKUP It DEL. L It S TRUCK REPAIR. . all makes & models. Trucks for rent you drive t Move yourself save half MAC'S MOBILE SERVICE , 1434 Adams Phono WO 9-440! 100 Autos For Sal 100 '57 JEEP 13,000 miles Full front seat Low Cost Auto ' Adams & Third Sts. . HAVE YOU DRIVEN WIDE TRACK? . Only PONTIAC has ill TRY IT! ' GETTINGS-LYNCH ' Motor Company OK USED CARS M. J. GOSS Motor Company HAND FORD SALES Chestnut It Jefferson - WO SHU