La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, June 22, 1959, Page 1, Image 1

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    . - . :..
258th Issue 63rd Year
Pries 5 Cents "
: .J f ,.
1 V 1 - 3
PRACTICING Baritone, John DeMerchant along with
his accompanist, Mrs. Irma Puis rehearse for his forth
coming concert Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. in the
LDS tabernacle DeMerchant will also be in La Grande
to direct the production of "Ten Thousand Miles!", July
10, in the High School auditorium.
John De Merchant Presents
Concert Here On Wednesday
Observer Staff Writer
Taking time out from his New
York studio, ' John ' DeMerchant,
will appear Wednesday at 8 p.m.
in the LDS Tabernacle to present
a recital.
Merchant was, a visitor in
Xa Grande during sevcril sum
mers when he directed the pro
duction of the "Lowland Sea," and
"Down in the Valley."
Attending Hie ', University of
WnshinRlon, De Merchant majored
in music composition and sang in
the college glctf,club there...
He has toured in concerts and
opera in both the United States and
Life Sentences
Meted Youths
Four white youths convicted of
the r.'ipe oi a Negro college co-ea
were sentenced today to life im
prisonment. The youths, ranging in age from
IK to 23, were convicted of taking
Hie girl from her Negro date on
the night of her college spring
formal .dance and raping her sev
en times. The jury recommended
mercy, without which the judge
would have been required to give
them the death penalty.
Under terms of the life impris
onment Stature, "the imprisoned
men could apply for parole as
early as six months after sentence
begins. But in such cases it is ex
tremely rare for any consideration
to be given the request in under
ten years.
Circuit Judge W. May Walker
pronounced sentence at :44.a.m.
'?' and the youths were immediately
whisked off to the state prison
at Raiford. . .
They arc Patrick Scarborough,
2!, Willon T. Coilinsworlh, 23, 01
lic Stoutamiie, 1G, and David
Heaglos, in.
Boy Scout Dies.
In Avalanche; ;
Companions Hurt
PORTLAND (UPll A 15-year-old
Explorer Scout was fatally in
jured and four 'companions were
hurl Saturday when an avalanche
of slushy snow knocked them into
a 25-rool crevasse near the sum
mit of Ml. Hood.
De;id was David Draix-r, Van
couver, Wash. Others hit by the
s'iow were two a'lults, Edward
W. Smith, Oregon City, aid Don
l'erger, Cornelius, and Explorer
Seoul s liill Hulling, Hi. and Tom
McCuuc, II. holh of Vancouver.
Smith was treated for multiple
bruises and shock at SI. Vincent
hospital here and was to be re
leased today, according to attend
ants. McCuno was released Sun
u; from a Vancouver hospital
and Hulling was treated at the
hospital late Saturday as an out
patient. Bcrger was not hospital
ized. The group was rescued by the
Mountain Rescue Council and
members of their own party of, 40
, j
South America; but for the past
three to five years, aside from 20
25 major oratorio and concert
appearances, he has concentrated
more specifically on his New York
studio. De Merchant works with
professional singers and his stu
dents have toured both in America
and Europe. ,';'
His concert program Wednesday
night will include "Songs and
Dances of Death" by Moussorgsky.
This number will be done in a new
translation which was written by
Marion Farquhar, Significantly,
this work was formerly almost im
possible to do because of the dif
ficulties encountered in translat
ing it from the original Russian.
Another selection from the pro
gram is a rarely done song cycle
entitled,. "Eliland" by A. Von
Fielitz. ,The theme of the work
takes place near a remote lake
in the German Alps, and is the
story of a count's daughter who
becom-s a nun. A monk, who sees
the young nun,' falls In love with
her and writes love songs to her.
De Merchant 'will direct the pro
duction of "Ten Thousand Miles!"
here July 10. The opera, which he
wrote himself in connection with
the centennial is the first work
of this kind the singer has ever
Following the 'completion of his
production here, De Merchant
plans to vacation in Maine before
returning to his studio in New
York this fall. , ; .. .
Car-Truck Crash
At Intersection
A 1956 pickup driven by a La
Grande resident collided with a
sedan at the intcrcction of fourth
and Washington " ' late' Saturday'
Ernest Thickstun, Orchard
Trailer court, 2208 Adams, Ave.,
was traveling west on Washing-
Ion when he stopped for a sign.
He started lo lurn north onto
Fourth and ran '. into the right
rear fender of -a car driven by
Edith Bernico Snyder, Colvillc,
Wash.,, police said
. Damage to. Mrs. . Snyder's- car
was estimated by police at $75.
The estimated damage , to the
pickup was $25.
Firemen Answer
House Fire Call ;
City firemen were called to put
oul a fire in a davenport at 1012
Adams Ave., Saturday morning.
Kiglcrn firemen answered the 5
rf.m. summons lo Ihc residence of
K. A. E'lling.
Firemen carried the davennnri
down the steps and into the yard
where it was doused with water.
A ciuarcttc drcnoeri into tho
dAvenport and started the blaze
according to the fire dpcarmcnt.
Mnctlv ciinrtv with imlnvin
...vh.,, wui.i.j mill TQI ItfUIC
clouds Tuesday; high Tues
day 78-83; low tonight 43-48.
City transport officials an.
nounctd themselves firmly in
favor of married lovt on a city
bus. Wherever possible, they
said, women bus conductors
are assigned to the same bus
as their husband bus drivers,
because: the driver is more
careful when his wife is watch
ing; the conductor is happier
with her husband around, aitd
husbands and wives just natur
ally work well together.
Union is expressing optimism that
the East-West foreign ministers
will reach agreement next time
tney meet ana make possible a
conference of heads of state.
Moscow Radio reported the for
eign ministers oa-rowed three
gaps before recessing Friday and
said, "therefore it becomes clear
that there are good grounds for
reaching agreement.
The .three points centered
around reduction of troops and
banning of rocket bases in Berlin,
a cut in ' subversive activities
there and establishment of an all
German group to review the
country's future.
Diplomatic observers also were
attaching new importance to the
forthcoming exchange visits of
Vice President Richard M. Nixon
and Russia's First Deputy Premier
Frol R. Kozlov.
May Enliven Conference
Western' sources said the visits
may generate new energy to the
reconvened foreign ministcs con
ference. Nixon was expected to
see Premier Nikita Khrushchev
when he comes hero to open an
American exhibition; Kozlov was
expected to see President Eisen
hower .wbciLhe goes, to the ..United
States to open a Russian exhibi
tion. -
Diplomatic observers in Moscow
said the Soviet Union had scored
major gains at Geneva by gett
ing Western leaders to discuss the
Berlin issue as a separate item
from the German problem as a
whole and by getting Communist
East Germany seated in the con
ference room.
The observers said the Russians
apparently decided that an East
West summit meeting would be
held without the Soviet Union pay
ing too high a price. The bare
bones of negotiations made it un
necessary for the Communist
leaders to take one-sided action
in Berlin.
Door Open
Khrushchev's speech Friday
was regarded here as leaving the
door open for continued negotia
tion an East-West compromises
despite his assertion that contin
uation .of the occupation troops in
Berlin was unacceptable.
Diplomatic observers here be
bclieved the Soviet use of the cal
endar . was taken too ' literally
abroad and that the Western pow
ers appeared too prone to use the
word "ultimatum" whenever the
Russians mentioned a time limit
for agreement. ...
The observers said it appeared
here that the Russians mentioned
certain dates just to get negotia
tions started and to spark West-1
ern couner-proposals.
If v. a v ' rf i'(! ' .. -
Wilma Cason and Hazel Moore Fill Platter for Banquet
Ghost T
I o Charred
!.-. : ' . ' ' :;
1 '..
,J'"irc fjghting crews pour water on the charred remains of one of the 15 houses which,
were gutted by wind-whipped, flames at Eondosa. Saturday afternoon. The fire, was re?i:
ported to State Police from Medical Springs shortly before telephone lines melted
and fell to the ground. (Observer Photo)
13th Annual Elgin Stampede
Gets Underway With Kickoff
Observer Staff Writer
ELGIN (Special) The 13th an
nual Elgin Stampede got underway
here Saturday night with akick
off banquet and dance sponsored
by the Stampede Association.
Highlight of the evening event
was the introduction of the royal
court for the 1959 Stampede.
Four.' petit young ladies were
presented to the large crowd which
assembled in the Stampede Hall.
They are Miss Ella Mae Denton,
Union; Miss Wanda Schaures,
La Grande; Miss Jordyce Tameris
and Miss Cclia Cololasure, both of
One of these girls will be chosen
queen by the number of tickets
sold between now and the Corona
tion Ball, set for July 18. At that
time the queen will be revealed.
mk 1 . i mj
7 cti: . tt t ; Aim w-r
The stampede will bo held July
25 - 26 at the grounds in Elgin. The
various chairmen have planned a
full schedule of events and cntcr1
tainemnt to fill both days. Special
events will include a comedy
trampoline act, starring the Lane
sisters and Homer.
Maurice Beck, Stampcdcrs pre
sident, called the meeting to order
and gave the welcome address.
Following the introduction of
the candidates, a quartet of girls
danced afolk dance. Two dress
ed In centennial dresses and two
in old fashioned male attire.
The queen ' mother, . Mildred
Harwood was introduced. Casey
Keefer spoke briefly and introduc
ed the press in attendance.
Miss Shirley' Miller sang two
vocals, . "Suddenly There's a
Valley" and "Red River Valley",
accompanied at the piano by Mrs.
McCall. Beck then introduced the
A R.fiYAI,
Celia Colclasure, Jordyce Tameris, Ella Mea Denton,
Of Pondosa Left
Ruins By Flames
'- f' r':rV'YrS!
' -: .. .
f T L',11
i . . .(.' .'. . V I
.1 f.UY
junior past queen. Miss Arlcnc
Wcathcrspoon who spoke to the
candidates and gave a brief res
ume on the 12 past queens and in
troduced the ones in attendance.
Ken Lillard sang "Bless This
House" and an encore "Irish Lui
lahy" accompanied at tho piano
by Miss Elizabeth Easlcy.
The business session came to a
close with announcement by Beck
of the ticket sale and a Stamped
ers work day, to ready the ground
for tho Junior Rodeo. ,
Co-chairmen for the 1959 Rodeo
are Maurice Bock,, Casey Keefer
and Larry Follctt.
The group was dismissed and
went to the Elgin KP hall where
tickets were counted out and pic
tures taken by various photograph
ers. The ticket salo will be held
until prior to the Coronation Ball
set for July 18 at tho Stampede
Obeserver Staff Writer s
PONDOSA (Special) Fire levelled nearly half of the
buildings in this once thriving and prosperous limber coun
try town Saturday afternoon. All that remained today was
a tew ouudings and smoldering
iNow a gosi town, Pondosa
miles southeast of La Grande.
Flames broke dut in the
taiurnay ana witnin an nour nad
taken firm hold on about half of
tho town's 53 houses, a machine
shop and a planer mill.
A strong wind from the West
tanned the flames which spread
from the northeast end of the box
factory to the planer mill. From
there the wind-whipped blaze
gutted dwelling ' houses until
brought under control by fire
fighters at approximhtnly 5:30 p.
Lone Pumper
A lone water pumper stood
guard Sunday afternoon in case
fire burst from tho ashes. State
Police Sgt. R. C. White, of Bak
er, said.
The fire was reported by Ned
Foy of Medical Springs. As the
telephone report was being com
pleted, telephone lines bctwocn
Medical Springs and Baker melt
ed and fell to tho ground, cutting
off all communication until State
Police arrived on the scene.
. Baker fire department and fire
fighting crews from the U. S. For
est Service and the Bureau of
Land Management joined in the
fight to contain the - flames
throughout tho afternoon.
By 5 p m. there were 200 peo
ple In, the ghost town and the
Salvation, Army had .arrived from
Baker to feed them, - , -Saves
Tho town's only residents, Mr,
and Mrs. Henry . Schrock, lost
their house in the firo. Schrock
is tho night watchman for North
west Machinery Co. of Roscburg,
which bought most of Pondosa
when the town and mill were
sold by auction May 5.
Schrock managed to load the
family belongings into pickup
trucks before flames claimed his
house which was located 500
feet from whero the firo broke
out. i
Firo fighters worked in 90-de-
grco heat with Big Creek as the
only source of water. Sgt. Baker
snld that a bulldozer was used to
dam tho little creek, which runs
through the heart of tho town, to
enable tho pumper to get water on
the wind-whipped flames.
Bakor said that silt in the
pumper prevented the firo fight
ers from saving moro of the
buildings. , . ; ,' . j ;
Crew at Work
Robert Ridgcway, an employe
of the Northwest Machinery Co.,
was in tho town with a crew of
four men when tho fire started.
They wore dismantling tho equip
mcnt in tho mill buildings. Ridgc
way, police reported, had Just re
turned from lunch when the fire
was discovered.
See PONDOSA On Pagt 5
and Wanda Schaures
is located approximately 38
deserted mill town at 2 p.m.
Will Talk
To Nation
tary of State Christian A. Ilertcr
announced after an hour-long con
ference with President Eisenhow
er today that he will. make a tel
evision report to the American
people Tuesday night on the dead
locked Geneva Conference.
Ilertcr met with Eisenhower
and Undersecretary C. Douglas
Dillon at a White House breakfast
meeting, lie said his first hand
report to Eisenhower was couched
"in general terms" and Included
an evaluation of "whero we are"
in the deadlocked foreign- mini
sters negotiations at Geneva.
The secretary said he would
make a detailed public report by
television Tuesday night.' Details
of the Hertcr broadcast will be
announced later. '
Reporters asked Horler what he
thought of prospects for a sum
niiLjiicetuig Uiis summer-.
Summit Not DiKuued
Tho secretary declined to haz
ard an estimate, but said a sum
mit conference was not discussed
with the Russians at all during
the Geneva talks. ,
This was in: line with Eisen
hower's repeated , public position
that there must be some measur
able progress at the foreign min
isters' conference as a prelimin
ary to any top level meeting of
tho major powers.
It Was understood that Hertcr
gave Eisenhower an expert on-the-scene
evaluation of current
Russian tactics as reflected in
Geneva. 1 j t i
Residents Asked
To Cut Water Use
Residents were reminded not to
use water for washing cars and
watering lawns today. - -
Tho small reservoir south of town
is being filled today and water for
these' purposes will ' be availablo
tomorrow. The cleaning of city
reservoirs will bo a yearly project
according to Fred Young,' city
manager, i. , : ' . ,
While the reservoir was being
cleaned the city also placed tile
pipes in the area lo drain a nearby
swampy condition. State Sani
tary authorities requested the area
bo drained before it becomes a
sanitation problem. , ;
There is no water shortage In
the city. Officials merely wanted
to Insure an adecjualo water supply
in case oi emergencies.
Young wanted to "thank pcoplo
for their fine cooperation ' in
s'ackcnlng off on water usage over
the weekend.
Shepard Dog Picked Up
By City Police Today .'
A large, ycitlow ana wnite shep
herd dog was picked up by city
police in the lfiOO block on E ave.
this morning at 4:40.
The dog was impounded and no
tice posted in accordance with city
ordinance No. 1820. . 1
Supreme Court today denied
hearing to Charles Starkweath
er, condemned murderer wha
terroriied the midwest year ,
and a half ago with a Mriee at '
11 slayings. '
Today's brief order' leaves
' Nebraska Ire to carry out ttw
electrocution. : -t ; f
- A Vaguard racket
hurled a satellite toward spec'
today in the latest of man's
efforts to find out how hoot In
the atmosphere causes ' the
earth weather conditions.