LA GRANDE OBSERVED 257(h Issue 63rd Ytar Summer Summit Conference Demands Renewed By Soviets Warning To West Repeated MOSCOW (UPl.i-A joint Soviet-East German communique to day renewed demands (or a sum mit conference and said that without a German peace treaty and an end to the "intolerable situation" in West Berlin there can be no peace in Europe. It also repeated warnings that if the West "frustrates" the con clusion of a peace treaty with all of Germany, the Soviet Union will sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany. This, it maintained, would end the occupation rights of the West ern Powers. "The acts and provisions stem ming from the capitulation and the military defeat of Germany in ' the past war will therefore lose their power," it said. The communique was signed Friday by Soviet Premier Niklta S. Khrushchev and East German Communist leader Walter III bricht and followed more than a week of talks. Ulbricht and East German Premier Otto Grotewohl returned to East Germany today. It said, the Soviet Union and East Germany would consent to an interim agreement on West Berlin under certain conditions. -They said they were prepared to consent to this as well as "the continuation for a specified , per iod of certain occupation rights of the Western Powers" if an all German committee arrived at ' "agreed decisions on questions of the peace treaty and the reuni fication of Germany" The communique paralleled So viet Premier Nikita S. Khrush chev's previous demands that East and West Germany nego tiate on equal footing and in ef fect would entail western recog nition of East Germany. The communique said the best solution for the Borlin problem "in the present' conditions" be fore Germany is reunited is to make West Berlin a "free de militarized city." The communique also: Noted the special importance of a summit conference. Condemned the North Atlan tic treaty powers for the con struction of rocket bases in Italy and Greece. Accused NATO of trying to make the Baltic a springboard for war. Stressed the necessity of halt ing all nuclear weapons tests. On the question of West Berlin, the Soviets and East Germans said they were ready to "find a way out with all the interested parties for a mutually acceptable solution..." But it said they would continue tp press for an all-German peace treaty and the end of the "intol erable situation in West Berlin which is a continuous occupation regime, It noted "with regret" that the Western ministers did not accept the Soviet proposals at the Gen eva conference for negotiations on a peace treaty. ' The communique said that the West instead submitted a "pack age plan" which "lumps together Into a tangle a whole number of complex problems and would ex tend the rule of tho German militarists to the Oder and Neisse, legalize and continue the atomic arming of the Federal German Republic and include the whole of Germany in NATO, Three-Story Fall Hurts Inspector ASHLAND (UPI)-An automatic sprinkler system Inspector from Medford was critically injured Friday when he plunged three stories to a concrete sidewalk while inspecting sprinklers at the new Shakespearean theater in Ashland. Hospitals officials at Sacred Heart hospital in Medford said Frank Wheat, Medford, was in critical condition. He suffered se vere internal injuries and under went surgery for more than four hours Friday night. Wheat is an employe of the Viking Sprinkler System company of Medford and Ashland. Police said he apparently slipped from , the third floor level of the new $250,000 theater building while checking a newly-installed sprin kler setup. TO START THE ENGINE , . . C. A. Jackman, Union Pacific en gineer explains to Ed Coman, new president of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, how to operate the engine.. Jackman will take Coman and more than 100 other publishers on a ride to Joseph today. . , . (Observer Photo) Election; Wallowa Trip Highlight ONPA Meet Edward Coman of the Woodburn Independent was elected president of the Oregon Newspaper Pub lishers Association at a business meeting Friday. Coman, formerly vice president, succeeds Philip Bla dine of McMinnvillc. ' Other elections are Arthur L. Lowe, Corvallis Gazcttc-Timcs. vice president; ' and Fred Ilass, North Bend News, treasurer. Elected to director Posts far the comfng y''ar were: Waltor McKin- nev, HiMsboro Argus;' Lawrence Spraker, Stay-Mall; Elmo Smith, Albany Democrat-Herald: Jerry Latham, Mcdford Mail Tribune; Mary Brown, Redmond Spokes man, and Lee Bollinger of the Baker Dcmocrat-Hrald. Alton Baker, Eugene Register- Guard, will act as reprcscntalivc-at-largc for tho Eric W. Allen memorial fund trustees. Carl Webb, Eugene, was re-elected as secre tary. . Robert W. Ruhl, editor and pub lisher of the M"dford Mail Tribune. was presented the Amos E. Voor hies award ' for distinguished achievements in journalism. Ruhl was ill and not present but the award was accepted for him by Eric Wi Allen Jr., manag ing editor of the Medford paper. The award was established in 1938 by the employes of the Grants Pass Courier in honor of their boss, Amos E. Voorhies: Presenta tion was made by Frank Jenkins, editor and publisher of the Klamath Canadian-U.S. Air Defense Arm Is Visited Bv Queen Elizabeth ERNEST HARMON A. F. B Nfld. ( UPI ) Queen Elizabeth vis ited this base today to see a key segment of Canada-United States air defense in action. The Queen's Royal Canadian Air Force plane flew in from Deer Lake on schedule despite earlier fears that foggy weather would delay the take-oif. The plane land ed at 7:02 a.m. pdt. i Later today the Queen moves on to Quebec, the second of 10 provinces on her 15,000-mile, 100 city itinerary which includes a brief stay in Chicago. PRINCE PHILIP Begins Long Trip ; U--, , j If' .r Vv: h.V '; i 'P:r :; ' I .. at '1 v i kr- ' - ' V V''T ' h'N-r YA Pa'Is Herald and News, receiver of the award in 1958. Jenkins praised Ruhl for his "courage and independence and for his willingness ' to engage in sharp controversy for the good of the community." Ruhl's paper is a former winner of the Pulitzer Prize for community service. A special train lfl at 8:30 this morning for a sight seeing trip up the Grande Rondc River. The pub lishers stopped in Joseph for a"becf barbeqiie.. served Jby the Wallowa' County Stockgrowers Association. After the barbeque cars were made available for a tour of Joseph and Wallowa Lake. :. , , - Publishers returned to La Grande in time for dinner and the climax of the convention which will be an evening of entertainment by La Grande performers. The ONPA voted to meet next year at Seaside or Gcarhart during the second week in July. WEATHER Mostly fair and warm through Sunday with after noon or evening thunder storms in mountains; high Sunday 93-98; low tonight 55 60. SERVICES TO BE HELD Memorial services for Asa Eggleson will be held on Sun day, June 21 at 2 p.m. at the community church at Enterprise. The Queen and her husband, Prince Philip, saw long lines of jet fighter planes standing pre pared to take off at a moment's notice on orders from Strategic Air Command headquarters at Omaha, Neb. The royal couple mingled with U.S. Defense commanders during the 20-minulc visit to Harmon, across the runway from Canada's small transport department- at Stevenville. She also toured Slcv envillc. l' ' Top United States officials who turned out at Harmon to greet the Queen included United States Con- QUEEN ELIZABETH To Visit U.S. LA GRANDE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1959 Gov. Long Maps Plans To Get Out BATON ROUSE?' La. IUPI Gov, Earl Long's personal attor ney went to the state mental hos pital where the governor is con fined to plan strategy to get Long released. ' , Theo Cangelosi, Long's appoint ee as chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and a close personal friend, drove from the capital to the Mandeville Hospital where the governor was committed by a district court as a schizophrenic paranoid. The 63-year-old Long was ex pected to instruct Cangelosi to demand a public hearing on his mental state. Long moved to get out of the in stitution as his friends and ene mies squabbled in what could be come a struggle for power to take over the Long dynasty. Leading the battle against the Long machine1 was Secretary of State Wade Martin Jr., an old foe who became infuriated when Long took away from him two state posts adding an additional $8,000 a year to his salary. Jesse Bankston, director of state hospitals, said permission had been granted Cangelosi to visit the hospital. Bankston said he also would go to Mandeville today. Bankston said Cangelosi would call in other lawyers for Long if the governor requests it. The 10 a.mj hospital bulletin said Long "spent a fairly restful night and was getting along well." It said diagnostic procedures had not yet been completed. Long was expected to petition for ' a hearing before District Judge Fred S. Leblanc. Lcblano signed he papers permitting uep uties to drag Long screaming, cursing and kicking from a state patrol car Thursday and take him to the hospital. Dr. Sparkman Wyatt, a psychia trist for the district court who examined Long when he arrived in Baton Rouge, said the gover nor suffered from "paranoid schi- zophrenia, with manic-depressive tendencies." "He felt, in his own- words, everyone else is nuts', and might have killed himself by expended manic excitement," Dr. Wyatt said. Another physician who 'ex amincd Long, and who asked that his name be withheld, said Long set a killing pace during the month preceding his breakdown because of a subconscious desire to commit suicide. "Actually, he wants to be shot to death like his brother, Huey, the doctor said. U.S. Sen. Huey Long, Earl's brother, was shot to death in a corridor of the state capitol building in 1935. sul General William H. Christcn- sen, General Frederick T. Terrell, 64th Air Division commander, and Rear Admiral William I. Martin, Commander Barrier, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Harmon Field is one of two Newfoundland military bases leased to the United States by Britain during world War Two for 99 years in return for old model American destroyers that Britain badly needed during the battle of the Atlantic. Canada agreed to honor terms of the lease when Newfoundland he came its 10th province in 194!). The Newfoundland visit ends at approximately 11:10 a.m.. e.d.t. with the Queen's departure by plane for tho iron ore community of Shcffcrville and Knob Lake, Que. The Queen's busy ilincrary to day called for visits to an iron ore mine at Sheffervilln, Que., the iron ore shipping center of Seven Islands, Que., and an In dian reservation at Seven Islands before the couple boards the Royal yacht Britannia, which ar rived from Britain about a week before the Queen and Philip flew into Newfoundland. The royal couple will travel aboard the yacht to several low er St". Lawrence River points, in eluding Quebec's picturesque Gaspe region; Quebec City, Can ada's "ancient capital"; -and Montreal, where the Queen and President Eisenhower will form ally open the St. Lawrence Sea way June 26. ANYONE SEE A SEA LION? MONTVILLE, N.J. (UPI "Sassy," a sociable, landlub bing se lion, ii on tht loose hereabouts, but her owner isn't too concerned. Robert Dietch, operator of children's loo in Fair Lawn, N.J., said he was taking the four-foot California sea lion to a party in Pompton Plains Friday when she slipped out of the truck and disappear ed. "There are a lot of lakes and ponds up here," Dietch said, "but she's not too craiy for water.' If she does get a yen for a dip, though, "Sassy" probably will head for a spot where there are people. , "She's gone swimming in several private pools," he said. Chances are, though, Dietch said, she'll probably "just come up and bark at some guy's back door and want to go home." Civil War Vet Is Fighting For His Life HOUSTON. Tex. (UPI) The nation's last Civil War veteran, 116-ycar-old Walter Washington Williams, fought for his life in an oxygen tent at the home of his daughter today. Williams contracted pneumonia two weeks ago. He appeared to be improving but suffered a re lapse yesterday. lie was in criti cal condition at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Willie Mae Bowles today. The death of John Sailing, in a Kingsport, Tcnn., hospital on March 16 left Williams as the lust living symbol of some four- miuion men wno lougm me ; bloody Civil War that split the nation nearly a century ago. Williams, a Confederate soldier, predicted six years ago ne woum l uu lliu umi living ouivivui. iiuir particularly wanted to outlive the f last Union veteran and did. Al-i bert Wool son of Duluth, Minn., f the nation's last surviving Union soldicv-dicd two. years ngo. ; Williams was 116 last Nov. 14. He Is blind and has -been bed ridden for several years. Williams was 19 when the Civil War began in 1861. He joined Gen. John B. Hood's Fifth Cavalry at Corinth, Miss., as a forage - mnslnr" whpn hn 22 Thfl inh iu r - ..r , ...J 1 ' quartermaster. Williams was in action only once. He recalled he was with Rebels who ambushed a group of Yankees ono morning and killed about 100 of them. A Yankee reporter once asked him what made him live so long. Williams replied: "don't cat so much and move to Texas. Race Rioting Is Dwindling DURBAN, South Africa (UPI) White and Negro leaders disagreed today on the causes of race rioting which has taken two lives and injured 100 persons. The noting dwindled to scat tered incidents today. Fifty-seven persons have been arrested in the two days of dis order. African Nationalist leaders and the white police both said the rioting was spontaneous and had no organized political backing, but they differed as to its motive. Police Col. Reginald D. Jenkins told United Press International today that the riots were "com pletely spontaneous." They broke out after munici pal police cleaned out some illicit stills as part of the general slum clearance scheme in Cato Manor," he said. M. B. Yengwa, Natal slate sec retary of the African National Congress, also said the riots were spontaneous, but there his agree ment with the police version ended. The riots' background was the abysmal poverty of African lo cations and the high-handed 'ac tion of municipal authorities," he said. EOC Registration To Begin Monday Registration for the 1059 Sum mer Session at Eastern Oregon College will get under way al ":00 Monday morning in Pierce Library, accordng to John Miller, Director of Summer Session Graduate students will commence registering at 2:00 p.m. In addition to a full schedule of undergraduate and graduate courses, eleven worgshops are planned throughout the session and teachers of the area arc es pecially urged to investigate their possibilities, Mr. Miller said. ; rfc 1 i'i'i'iI ....-. ... - -u f i, 11 inii..l1 felti i I I Hi lineal A LONG HOT SUMMER With temperatures soaring to 90 degrees yesterday, Merlin Baldwin wasn't the only youngster, or adult for that matter, who took time out from the sweltering heat to cool off. Here Merlin pauses for a refreshing drink before hitting the street again to wind up his Observer sales (Observer Photo By Joe Diehl) lit Mi SZ.. If' ' Jj fc . if ' I " k ' i r i 1 JfU jj XT TOO HOT Boiling temperatures' have chased young Arthur Trice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucky Trice, into the shade between Observer sales yesterday. Arthur has been selling papers for almost three years. Eisenhower . Prepares Fight For Gasoline Tax Increase WASHINGTON (UPI I The While House disclosed today that President Eisenhower is prepar ing to turn some heal on Congress to rally support for his proposed increase in gasoline taxes. News Secretary James C. Hag crty said tho President has asked Bertram J. Tallamy to prepare a slale-liy-slale summary showing what failure to raise the gasoline -tax would do to the interstate highway program. Hagcrty said the Wiiite House expects to'publish the report next week. Asked if It might he included In a special message to' Congress on the subject, he replied:. "I would think every state and motorist in the country would send a special message to Con gress." Ilagerty said a preliminary re port has indicated that no funds can be allotted to slates this July or August for construction work in the next fiscal year starting July 1. . Residents Are Asked To Curb Use Of Water Residents of La Grande were re quested not to water their lawns or wash cars today, Sunday or Mon day by Water Superintendent Ben Nelson. Tho city is In the middle of a routine cleaning job in the small reservoir south of town. There is ample water availablcfor ordinary use. This is a precautionary meas ure In case of fire or other emer gency requiring the use of city water. ' The President -asked Congress last winter to raise the federal gasoline tax from 3 to 4 '4 cents for the next five years. He said tho increase was needed to fi nance the 41,000-mile interstate highway program now underway. There has been no sign that the Democratic - controlled Congress would approve the increase. LOCAL FIREMEN TO STUDY OPERATION OF NEW TRUCK Courses in pre-fire planning, proper procedures on out-of-the-way dwellings, hose lays, ladder drills and training on the new truck will be part of the curricu lum when La Grande firemen start school Monday. ' ' Fire Chief Ray Snider said to day, "When the new truck arrives we will work on that till all the men become proficient in Its op eration." ! As p'art of the training several buildings in the town area will be surveyed to determine the best method of fighting a fire if one should occur. Firemen will also survey the residential area to de termine difficult fire fighting prob lems. These will be submitted to the class as practical problems. Chief Snider and local training officers will attend a special train ing program to he held in Baker two weekends In July. Off duty and voluteer firemen will also attend on a volutary basis. The first classes will be held July 11-J2 and will Include in Price 5 Cents Deadlocked 1: ?! Talks Continuing NEW YORK (UPH Steel con tract talks remained deadlocked today, with only 9 more bargain ing days left for top-level nego tiators to reach a peaceful settle ment and avert a nationwide strike al 12:01 a.m. July 1. In Pittsburgh, a top official Of ono of the nation's largest steel (irms said the industry has "made rt -f kuil offer"., jn.-ibe; current n- -gotiations. , . v . ,VT. . "We have made a proposal," the official said Friday night. "We will take a strike rather than change that proposal.'', . Recess Until Monday The official, who asked that his name be withheld, did not ruje out the possibility of a wage increase, but he said tho industry was unit ed in ILs determination to prevent an 'increase in "employment costs." There was no meeting of the negotiators today. After sitting around the bargaining table for two hours Friday, the joint con ference was recessed until 10 a.m. Monday. . , Industry's chief negotiator, R; Conrad Cooper, executive vice president of the U.S. Steel Corp., had nothing to say on the im passe. And the only comment of David J. McDonald, president of the United Stcelworkers Union, was that "silence is golden" at this late stage in the negotiations. To Meet With Democrats After Monday's session, Cooper plans to go to Washington with Roger M. Blough, chairman of U.S. Steel, where they will meet Mon day night with a group of liberal Democrats. Last Monday night this same group was addressed by McDonald who briefed them on the status of tho negotiations. :, The two negotiating teams, headed by Cooper and McDonald, are bargaining on an industry wide basis. Negotiations have been in progresss since May 5. struction in the characteristics and hazards of liquified petroleum gas and working under these fire conditions. . Also included during that weekend will be instruction " in breathing apparatus and pre fire planning. tho following weekend the Sat urday class will be the controlling and extinguishing of flammable liquid fires, rescue carries . and operations and controlling and ex tinguishing fire In dwellings. 7 Chief Snider explained that' In fighting dwelling fires it is neces sary to get into the .center of the house so that fire and smoke can be forced out through windows and doors. Fighting from the outside forces the fire In and causes the blaze to become "hotter." During August, the date Is tMt yet definite, Earl Albright of the State Division of Vocational Edu cation will be In La Grande for a two-day course in pump operation and construction. The course is designed as a regional meeting and all Union county fire depart ments are invited to participate