L J t - V V-t , :-: m a 1 II 1 I T 11 I TT- 7i I i f 1 . Z 1 V Wrt - . - - - - i MR. AND MRS. DONALD B. LEGGETT ' Married in the Methodist Church , (Marshall-Ncilson) .inda Batty, Donald Leggett United In Church Ceremony ' Mi. T.inH.i T.fe Ttattv. riauph. far of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Bat- tj Sr., became the bride of Don ald Ben Leggett in a ceremony performed by the Rev. Keith C. Mills, in the First Methodist church of La Grande. Leggett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leggett of Laguna Beach, Calif. Playing for the June 5 rites was Mrs. Nephi Combs. She also ac companied Beth, Ruth Combs and Charlene Koczan as they sang. The church was decorated with candelabras and bouquets of red peonies. .The bride was given in mar riage" by her father, Lewis C. Eatty Sr. She wore a gown of white lace over taffeta, a lace jecket with stand-up collar and wrist length sleeves. Her veil iif illusion was finger-tip length. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations and rose buds on: a white Bible. Marjorie Batty, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. She wore a turquoise ballerina Irngth dress, and a corsage of (ink rose buds. , Mrs. Clinton Batty, sister-in-law of the bride, was the matron of honor. She wore a yellow chiffon ballerina length dress. t Bridesmaids were, Carolyn f oni Rysdam , Celebrates Her Birthday ELGIN (Special) The John Rysdam Jr. home was a scene of much activity Monday as their daughter Toni Marie held a birth day party. Fifteen boys and girls attended an afternoon of games and entertainment. ', At the climax of the party, Mrs. Rysdam served individual cup cakes topped with a candle, koolade and a special treat to each. Toni was nine years old. She recieved many gifts. Edgar Guest, noted poet, was born in Birmingham, England', and educated in Detroit, Mich. COME IN AND JELECT YOUR Summer Cofion Dress . N-O-W at ESTHER'S APPAREL SACAJAWEA Prices Range From JUNIOR, REGULAR, AND HALF-IZES (Half Siies 14Va to J4'a) Choose From Our Excellent' Selection! We Also Feature . . . BEDJACKETS WALTZ LENGTH GOWNS BABY DOLLS 9 LINGERIE X STOUT! I 4 'J 5 - "B - ' n-.ft... -' T; i r Alexander, wearing a pink lace over taffeta; Lila Bruins, in a peach ballerina length dress; and Laura Lee Shank in a pink bal lerina length dress. The flower girl was Sara Bat ty, nieoe of the bride and she wore a blue nylon, lace trimmed dress. - Best man to the groom was Sick Angstrom, a friend of the groom, and ushers Clinton and Lewis Batty, brothers of the bride, Slim Keppinger and Del Sanford, friends of the groom. Clinton Batty and Keppinger were also the candle-lighters. - Gaily Batty, cousin of the bride was the junior bridesmaid. The mother of the bride chose to wear a light blue summer suit and a corsage of pink and white carnations. The groom's mother wore a light beige summer suit ?nd alsoa pink and white carna tion corsage. A reception was held following the ceremony, in the church par lor. Mrs. Arnold Thompson serv ed the wedding cake and Mrs. Harold Laurence poured. The newlyweds took a honey moon trip to Vancouver, B. C. and Seattle. They will be at home at the Emigrant Trailer Court at Pendleton. , The bride is a graduate of La Grande High School. The groom is a graduate of Laguna Beach, Calif., and will complete his stud ies at Oregon State this fall. He is now employed by the Oregon State Game Commission Out-of-town guests were Col. and Mrs. William Jackspn, Lu cerne, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Jackson, Milwaukie; Mr. and Mrs. Kennth Batty and daughter, Gail, and Mrs. Jessie Batty of Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cup per, Hank Cupper, Jr., of Kimb erly; Laura Lee Shank, Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt of Monument; Mrs. Robert Holman and son Bob by, Frank Batty of Maupin; Mrs. Roy McCallister, Rodmond; Mr. and Mrs. Del Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. La Ray -Fallett, Slim Kep pinger, Richard Angstrom of Pen dleton; Mr. andMrs. Ben Leggett, Liguna Beach,' Calif.; and, Mar jorie Batty of Seattle. Ladies! Don't Delay . . . Warm Weather's On The Way! ANNEX 7.95 lo 11.95 Local Lodge Votes Change In Meetings Members of the Loyal Star Lodge met in regular session Monday evening with president, Eva Mag den presiding. In addition "to regu lar lodge business, it was decided to dispense with the second meet ings of the mo:ith for July and August. These meetings will prob ably be in the form of picnic sup pers, with definite plans to be an nounced later. The attendance award was pre-s-nted to Lois Moore. At the close of lodg?, the social hour was held in the home of Jeanne Ball, with hostesses Anna Bradley and Eva Magden serving shortcake and coffee for refresh ments. Several colorful bouquets of spring flowers ware placed about the home. Hostesses for the social " hour following the n-xt regular meeting on July G will be Erma Djvis and Edna Franklin. .IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN Thursday 7 p.m., Open house fnr Daily Vacation Bible school will be held il the First Chrislan church. Par ents and friends are being in vited. 7:30 p.m.. The White Rose Club will meet in the home of Mrs. Ralph DeBoie, 1306 Eighth Street. . 8 p.m.. The Eagles Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting in the hall. Friday 3 p.m., WBA Juniors will meet in the home of Mrs. Bill Miller, 2202 North Depot. Charter mem bers to be awarded pins. Each Junior member ask to bring a guest. 7:30 p. m. The OES Social Club will hold a dessert in the Ma sonic hall. Cards to follow. 8 p.m., The Pythian Sisters will meet at the KP hall. Election of Delegate tp Grand Temple. All officers and members are being urged to attend. 8 p.m., M?rry Mixers will hold a round dance practice in the Saca jawea. Russell Rhodig To Teach School ELGIN (Special) Russell Rhodig is one of the 37 graduating from Eastern Oregon coll"ge who have thus Jar accepted teaching positions for next year. He will teach the sixth grade in the May field school in Elgin. Rhodig is from La Grande. Corner Cedar Pick O' the Crop Produce Jumbo Cantaloupes.... lb. 10c BieiaBaBanaaaKaHauaiswnaaaHKnBanaai Fresh Corn 6 ears 41c KittJ Asparaps. .2 lbs. 43c Slicing Peaches lb. 23c Radishes, Gr UIB1U1I& BUNCH 5c Ripe Field Tomatoes . .lb. 23c LARGE TINS FLAV-R-PAC Lemonade.. Quality MEATS Fresh jam., WHOLE Dressed Fryers FRESH SALMON 98' LB. Good Ground Bee!.. 2 lbs. 99c PORK SAUSAGE...... lb. 53c - Grocery Buys of the Week Pioneer Tomatoes 2 333 tins 29c Lumberjack Syrup 3 bottles 98c Post Alphabits 2 pkgs. 55c Carnation Dry Milk pkg. 69c JOHNSON FLOOR POLISHER FOR RENT fw I ! i i Hif MISS MARIE A. RANIERI Engagement Told Ranieri, Lincoln Betrothal Told Mi's. Marie Humeri of Fremont, Neb., is announcing the engage ment of her daughter, Marie An toinette, to Dale Lane Lincoln, on of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert V. Lin coln. Miss Rallied is the randdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Dockweiler of I.a Grande. The bride-elect attended Junior High School at I.a Grande dur ing the term of 1U5.1 54. She is a graduate of Fremont High school this year and is now employed by Cass Martin Insurance Co. and t'rwin Realty. Lincoln was a graduate of Fre mi.nt High school with the class of 1957, and is a Postal Clerk. No wedding date has been set pi this time. " LAST LAUGHS The camera keeps focusing on the danc:r's shoes from La Grande Shoe Slorel LA GRANDE SHOE STORE SCAV, 1214 Adams PHONE WO 3-3181 and Washington . & fcr Ib. 2y TRA-PAK FRYERS 47' LB. Woman's World MAXINE NURMI, Woman's Editor Rev. Dirson Glenio Vergara To Preach At Local Church The Rev. Dirson Glenio Vergara dos Santo will be preaching at the St. Peter's Episcopal Church this Sunday morning. He is now a councellor at the Ascension Sum mer School of the Episcopal Church at Cove. He is studying at the School of Theology of the University of the South, was born in Rio Grande, Brazil, in N33. His father the Ven. Guardencio Vergara dos San tos is Archd-acon and executive secretary of the Missionary Dis trict of Central Brazil. HAPPY BIRTHDAY June 18 Terry McLaughlin Piggy Young Most of the' sources of the River Jordan and much of the stream itself lie outside Israel. Cnncnn In nrtA cnicnn iif Cream is a favorite cause Meadow Gold Ice Cream is rich in flavor, creamy in texture. Meadow Golds quality never varies because its production is rigidly control led, and its ingredients are of the .highest qual ity. Pick up a half gallon package of Meadow Gold Ice Cream in your favorite flavor next time you shop. Better yet, pick up two half-gallons. You'll find that your family gets to the bottom of one package mighty fast! Meadow Gold Dairy Products and Ice Creams Are Made From Milk & Cream Produced In The Grande Ronde Valleyl THEY ARE DELIVERED FRESH DAILY TO YOUR GROCER'S BY FAST, REFRIGERATED TRUCK. Rev. Vergara studies at South ern Cross College, the church own ed school in Porto Alegre, and at Mackenzie Colleg?, Sao Paulo. He entered the University ol Sao Paulo law school and worked as a journa'ist and legal assistant to a trade union in Sao Paulo, an in dustrial city of 3.5 million in habitants. He received his LLB degree in February 1956.. In 1955 Vergara entered the Episcopal Theological Seminary Porto Alegre, and received his BD degree there. He was ordained to the diaconate in December 1957 and to (he priesthood in July of 1958. lie was offered a scholarship by the University of the South. Sewan e, Tenn., and entered the school of Theology to work for a Master's degree in sacred theology, He is also working as part-time assistant to the Rector of Grace Church, Chattanooga, Tenn. Favorite Dessert For The Whole Family! MEADOW GOLD lWnlniii Ina . X rlessnrt with the familv he. MEADOW GOLD PRODUCTS Are Now AVAILABLE At JOEL'S GROCERY MEADOW GOLD J DISTRIBUTORS I 1507 Jefferson : La Grande ' "Let Your Grocer Be Your Observer, L Grande, Ore., Thurs., June 18, 1959 Page 4 Reunion Fetes Vance James7 Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Vance James were honored for their 25th wedding anniversary with a reunion camp ing trip. The family reunion trip was hld on the upper Grande Ronde mver the weekend Of June 12. Tiie honored couple was present ed with a five tiered wedding cake and num-rous gifts. Persons who celebrated with them were. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hadden, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Spears and sons Jim and Jerry, and Don James. Out of town guests were Mrs. Rhea James. Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Ov?rlie and sons, Vaughn and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carter and son Pat, all of Spokane. Miss Samuelson Visits Miss Janie Samuelson of Me- MinnviMe is house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones. Miss Samuelson attended the Grand Assembly of Rainbow Girls noia ner. blie is a past grand officer of the La Grande Assembly. S (-..-: Meadow Gold Ice Cream Is M-m-mighty good . . . Every Time! i n. 1 i N ' iuw' t i m A greener lawn' -without weeds! Bonus does two jobt Kills ugly weeds like dandelions, plantain, buckhorn. Fertilizes good grass, makes your lawn t greener, lovelier. Non-burning Bonus is clean, dry. Apply with j the Scous Spreader uniformly guod results guaranteed! Bonus product of Sco(ts-.'. tii si in luwiu. Hjt 2,500 sq ft 1.45 .' 5.0(H) K ft 5,5. CHERRY'S ; FLORISTS ! .V 1 -. 3-5714 Milkman"