La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, June 17, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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Woman's World
MAXINE NURMI, Woman's Editor
Christian Women's Fellowship
Holds Intallation Service
Fifty-five women witnessed a I in her office during the coming
clever installation service oi new year.
Observer, La Grande, Ore., Wed., June 17, 1959
officers during the last Christian
Women's Fellowship meeting at
the Christian Church. Lois DeLong,
Fay? Yeske, and Mildred Dawson
carried a centennial theme, "The
Pioneers" throughout the installa
tion, presenting each officer wun
The new officers are: Phyllis
Russell, president; Marie Lester,
vice-president; Annetta Adskim,
secretary; Lela Miller, treasurer;
Laura Haefer, Lois DeLong, and
Frances Lillard, study directors;
'Mice Herman and Janice Masten,
North Powder
Observer Correspondent
Audrey Redfield and her instrumental trio, (left to right) Steve Livermore, Jerry Jcf
fers, Mrs. Redfield, and Oran Petersen. They are part of the group of 50 voung per
sons presented in a music recital in the Sa:ajawea. The trio has made numerous pub
lic appearances this year asvsoloists and as a group. Mrs. Redfield is a state accredit
ed music teacher and owns the Audrey s Music Studio on Fourth street.
Answers Your Problems
Dear Ann Landers: We've been
married 17 years and have finally
reached the financial plateau
where we get invited to all the
nicest parti s in town. Naturally
we must reciprocate.
My husband announced last
week that he's sick and tired of
spending a fortune to entertain
people he doesn't give a hoot
about. I agree he has a point.
We invite most of these people to
our home simply because they
invited us to theirs, We aren't
really friends. We see each other
only a few times a year.
How do people unwind from the
social rat-race without giving the
impression they ve gotten high
hat or gone broke? Weary. ,
n Dear Weary: When enter
Gaining meant spending money
You hat to part with, to wine -
.! 3
6:30 p.m., Crystal Rebekah
lodge will hold semi-annual birth
day dinner honoring members
with birthdays from January to
July. Coffee, rolls and meat fur
nished. Others bring potluck dish.
Afl bring table service.
' 8 p.m. Crystal Rebekah lodge
meeting in Odd, Fellows temple.
8 p.m., The DAV Auxiliary will
hold an important meeting in the
Armory. Refreshments to be serv
8 p.m.. The Newcomers Club will
meet in the Neighborhood Club
12 noon, The Soroptmist will
hold a luncheon meeting in the
7 p.m., Open house for Daily
Vacation Bible school will be held
at the First Christan church. Par
ents and friends are being in
vited. ,
7:30 p.m., The White Rose Club
will meet in the home of Mrs.
Ralph DeBoie, 1306 Eighth Street.
8 p.m., The Eagles Auxiliary
will hold their regular meeting in
the hall. .
f p.m., WBA Juniors will meet
in-the home of Mrs. Bill Miller,
2202 North Depot. Charter mem
bers to be awarded pins. Each
Junior member ask to bring a
7:30 p.m., The Order of Eastern
Star will hold a dessert in the Ma
sonic hall. Cards to follow. v
8 p.m., The Pythian Sisters will,
meet at the KP hall. Election of
Delegate to Grand Temple. AH
officers and members are being
urged to attend.
and dine people you don't care
about, merely because you
must "pay them back" then
it's time to ouit. The hostess
who'd rather be stricken with
bubonic plague than - stricken
from a party list inevitably be
comes trapped by her own
stupidity One "unwinds" from
the social rat-race by having
the courage to say NO to peo
ple they dont care about.
The next step toward maturity
is to widen your circle of friends
to include a few people you like.
Dear Ann: I'm a bachelor, 47,
pot bad looking, high school ed
ucated and employed by the City
Transit Company. ' I hope . you
won't think I'm a nut. I need help
with a personal problem.
Newspapers are my hobby and I
buy half a dozen out-of-town- pa
pers every weekend for fun. Three
months a so I picked up a big city
paper and read an interesting ad
in the personals:
'Widow, 38, financially indepen
dent wishes to correspond with
respectable single man. Object,
friendship: Must b' Willing to ex
change photographs."
For a laugh I sent my picture
to this woman and also a nice let
ter. When her picture arrived I
was surprised. She's very good
We've exchanged 34 letters and
I find myself thinking of her night
and day. She wants me to quit
my job and move out to get "bet
ter acquainted. She has a nice
home and has offered to rent me
a room in it till I get some work
lined up. I know it sounds crazy
but I've never felt this way about
any woman before. Do you think
I may have something? ROY
Dear Roy: Yeah you have
srmething strudel in the nood
le. A man who would quit his
job to follow up a mail order
romance has a loose connect
ion somewhere. If you think
your pen pal has possibilities,
go out there on your next vaca
tion and STAY AT A HOTEL.
Meet her family, friends and
clergyman. Get 'acquainted.
But don't be too hopeful. When
a "financially independent wo
man of 38" must advertise in a
newspaper for friends some
thing's wrong. .
No matter how careful one is
with personal grooming items,
extra caution pays. Even in tweez
ing eyebrows, there is danger of
infection. A bit of rubbing alco
hol or an antiseptic lotion dabbed
on after tweezing' helps avoid infection.
Union Club Holds
Dessert, Social
UNION (Special) Mrs. Walter
Vogcl entertained the Economy
Club at a dessert. Three tables
of cards followed with Mrs.
Blanche Gipson, receiving high;
Mrs. Erma Lamb, second; and
Mrs. Mildred Huffman, low.
Guests for the aftern'oon were,
Mrs. Francis Terrall and Mrs.
Helen Knight of Union; Mrs. Ber-
nice Mclntire, Mrs. Glenn Sands
and Mrs. Stella Puckett of Cove;
and Mrs. Gene Sitzel of La
Mrs. Mclntire won high for
guests; Mrs. Terrall, low; and Mrs.
Knight, floating.
Relief From Hemorrhoids
Possible Without Surgery!
Persons suffering from
hemorrhoids (piles) need no
longer resort to painful "hos
pital surgery, thanks to a
relatively new electronic
method of treating rectal
and colon disorders, prac
ticed by the Dean Clinic in
Portland, Oregon.
The Dean Clinic treat
ment is nrovine more effec
tive than surgery in manjM
cases and requires no Hos
pitalization or confinement.
Uncomplicated cases are
often corrected in as little
as 10 days.
- Since the method involves
no cutting, there is practi
cally no discomfort during
treatment, and none of the
common after effects of
' Information without obli
gation may be obtained by
writing the Dean Clinic,
Chiropractic Physicians,
2026 N. E. Sandy Blvd.,
Portland 12, Oregon.
Bible School
Open House
Set By Church
Daily Vacation Bible School nt
the First Christian Church will
close with an Open House Thurs
day, June 18 at 7 p.m. An informal
program will be given with the
children sharing some of the ex
periences of their various departments.
Regular teachers and hcl?rs
during Bible School are as follows:
Mrs. . John Case. Mrs. Clifford
Van Blokland. Miss Sharlene
Hermann, Mrs. Arthur McCall,
Mrs. Andrew Muilenberg, Mrs.
Lewis- Fedor, Mrs. Lee Johnson,
Miss Florencj Enley, Mrs. Stan
Plummer,. Mrs. William Peacock
Miss Sharon Bloom, Miss Eliza
beth Easley, Mrs. Loyd Purdy,
Mrs. Clarence Gilstrap, Mrs.
Glenn Lester, Mrs, Laura Bates,
Mrs. Stuart Sanderson, and Mrs.
Clark Hiatt.
a tool which would best help her,' orship directors; Dorothy Peacock
and Arlene Case, service directors;
Edna Mae Elder and Mildred
VanBlokland, membership and
nominating committee; and Leo
nora Obendorf, world call chair
man. The group leaders are Lois
Purdy. Dorothy Hicks, June
DeBoie, Lavene Case, Beverly
Yeske. Mildred Dawson, and Mil
dred Coffin. Two new groups have
b-en formed.
Marie Lester presented the re
tiring officers with CWF pins, and
the past year's chairmen and group
leaders with hanky corsages.
Preceding installations were
numbers by Bob Peacock, violinist,
accompanied by Marilyn Wilson;
and Ruth Elmer, vocalist, accom
panied by her. sister Linda.
Devotionals by Florence Ander
son and the lesson by Lois Purdy,
stressed women's precious privil
ege in rearing a growing family in
a Christian manner.
The business meeting was con
ducted by retiring president Lois
Mrs. Idella Osborn will be in
La Grande July 24 to conduct the
Planning Conference. This all day
meeting is for the special benefit
of the new and old officers, the
group leaders, and chairmen.
Awarded scholarships to North
west Christian College are Marie
Elmer and Jan Lorenzen.
Mrs. Delasi Solomon of Damoh,
India, will receive a magazine sub
scribed by the Fellowship, to assist
in her Missionary teaching.
Pouring at an attractive table
were Lois Dclong and Lois Purdy.
Hostesses for the afternoon were
Rcba Smutz, Laura Rhodes, Wilma
Skaggs, Nora Noah, Faye Yeske,
Hattie Wise and Marie Lester.
Tuesday afternoon the streets
of ,F,lijip wprj) sp..eo.teredwj,tlh,hail
and it was so cold it looked mure
like Christmas than June.
Mr. and Mrs Bernel Hug left
Saturday for Corvallis. They will
remain there until after gradu-
t:on. Their twin boys Edwin and
Erwin wll graduate.
Lewis Laird is home from
Mapleton where he has been
teaching school, and will spend
some time here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Laird and sis
ter, Lourel Lee.
, . . ' o
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Waelty
went to Boise last week t'o take
their daughter Merna. She plans
on entering business e college
there. Her sister Joyce, of Port
land accompanied them. .
( ' o
Mrs. Verona Sommcrs arrived
home to spend the summer here.
She spent the winter with her
sister and family in San Leandro
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Walk-
t r and children and Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Biskie and children of Her
miston arid Mrs. Loma Carlson
attended a picnic dinner at Hall-
garth Park Saturday.
Galen Gassett of Baker is visit
ing his cousin, Larry Oeils oi
North Powder. Larry is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Ceils.
Mrs. Charles Smith is giving a
Home Demonstration sewing course
to Mrs. Jake Flowers and Mrs.
Charles Isaac. They held their
first meeting Monday. The course
is to show "How to nt Patterns
to the Figure." Each member has
to make a basic dress. There are
to be three or four meetings. The
course may be offered to others
this fall or winter.
Lorna Umplcby, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Umpleby of Wolf
Creek is home for the summer
from Whitman College.
Mr. and Mrs. George Carnes of
Ls Grande were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nice.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Erwin vis
ited their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr and Mrs. Gary Erwin,
' o
Gary Taylor has gone to Port
land, where he will be employed.
o '
Mr. and Mrs.. Darwin Harrison,
of California, visited several
days at the home of his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan.
Mrs. Albert Harrison left Tues
day on the bus for Portland, to
visit her sisters, Mrs. Albert Hast
ings, and Mrs. Ray Schackcnberg.
o' - ,
Merna and Sandy Fordice are
visiting several days with their
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
',' T..'Ai;"ir.'.i:'' " '
n ' '
Patsy Patterson is ill in her
home at North Powder. Donna
Fordice is baby-sitting for her un
til she is able to be up and
around again.
Jack Wilson of North Powder
have purchased some property
from Ray Asdell.
Leal Graham has returned to
his home at North Powder after
being in the St. Joseph hospital
at La Grande for quite some time.
He is reported to be doing fine.
Judy Isaac, Wanda Pratt, and
Leona Young of the 4-H Mt. Car
niel Livestock Club participated
in the Union County Livestock
Show. The three girls brought
home eiht ribbons, and assured
everyone trat they had a wonder
ful time.
Mrs. John Stewart and son, of
Kenewiek, Wash., are visiting at
Hie home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Ryan. Stewart brought
his wife and son down to visit
for a week or so, but he returned
to their home at Kenewiek after
several days' visit.
Pago 5 I
i n
to? 3 y
VBS Program
Set Friday
Gospel Tabernacle will hold their
Vacation Bible School program Fri
day at 7:45 p.m. The public is
being invited to attend and see how
much the children have learned,
during this time.
The program will feature the
landing of a large flight plane
VBS. Each group of pupl's will
be accompanied by their own stew
ardess. They will alight from the
plane to receive their wings for
perfect attendance and scripture
i memory verse, for the two weeks
of Bible School.
Dempseys Visit Here
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dempsey
and Randy of Spokane are visiting
with friends and relatives in La
Grande. They are on their way
home from a trip to Reno, Nev.
Although many women rush
needlessy to a doctor, many put
off for years getting' a .checkup
for a chronic condition. Instead,
they suffer patiently, and their
friends suffer with them. Quite
often a regulated diet or a sim
ple operation will correct the
Engagement Revealed
August Wedding Plans Set
By Miss Wilson, Fergerson
The engagement of Miss Sandra
Wilson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald C. Wilson of Coos
Bay, and Jim Fergerson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Ferger
son of La Grande, was announced
at the AZ breakfast dance at The
Simds, in Gearhai t
The announcement made by
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson was reveal
ed to Fergerson's fraternity
brothers and their dutes at the
Miss Wilson has just completed
her sophomore year at Pacific
University at Forest Grove. She is
a member of Phi Lambda Omi
cron, a social sorority.
Fergerson just completed his
junior year at Pacific University
Father's Day Is June 21
If you're
lucky '
you'll get "
F,oam Shaving Cream-After Shave Lotion
Foam Sliave Cream to soften the beard immedi
' ately,1.50. After Sliave Lotion, 6 oz. for toning
skin, 3.50. Both items in red Christmas Cifl Box 5.00
pint fas
Historical Society
To Hold Festival
Members of the Union County
Historical Society are planning
their next meeting, which .will be
on Monday, June 22 at Blue Moun
tain Grange hall. This will be the
annual "016Time Literary Socie
ty and Strawberry Festival."
The meeting will open at 7:30
p.m. witn dessert ot caue ana
strawberries, and will be followed
by the old time Literary Society
program which has been a fea
ture of the Society's historical
programs for many years. There
will be a debate, old-time songs,
and other numbers calculated to
bring back the atmosphere of the
old-fashioned literary societies
and lyceums of other days.
Members and Invited guests of
the Society are being welcomed.
Union Briefs
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Baxter and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pike,
and Mrs. Maude Kirby all of Salt
Lake are staying in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Baxter and
family and visiting friends and
Bill Crooke is visiting at the
Jack Cooke home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Covey of Sea
side were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Haskell this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Colgan,
Bud Holmes, all of Long Beach,
Calif., arc visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Haskell. Mrs. Colgan
and Mrs. Haskell are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sloss of Baker
were Sunday callers at Union.
and is a nicmher cf Alpha Zeta,
a social fraternity.
The wedding is being planned
for late August.
You Can Creaie
1113 Adams
faym ftt tVrtpv":
j Arc 1 1 it - ;i
you buy only what Vou
want. Additional plays
may be added whenever
you want.
Safli-Play Gyms
3 Sire's
23150 to 42.50
Celebrating the beginning of our 3rd year as
La Grande's Children's Center
, 20
Oii Our Entire Stock
(except "fair-trade" items) :-- ' '
9 Big Days -June 18th thru 27th
Maternity Wear - Infants Wear - Toddlers 2 to 4
. Boys (3 to 12) Girls (3 to 14)
1H3 Adams WO 3-22311