La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, June 12, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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MOZART'S MINUET Presented in a recital recently
was Janet Andrews, eight year old-daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm Andrews. She is shown here as she played
Mozart's Minuet from Don Juan.
Kitty Brettelle's. Students
Presents Two Piano Recitals
UNION (Special) Kitty Bret-
telle presented her pupils in two
recitals. The first recital was
held in the Lowell Hutchinson
home. Students taking part , all
from Union, were Shcrri Trump,
llusscll Weeks, Debbie Brooks,
Camera Club
Selects Name
North Powdr (Special) The
second meeting of thev North Pow
der Camera Club was held.
They decided to call their club
the "Wa-Do-Ke Photograph Club."
The members learned how to
load cameras. Each one loaded
a camera, and they practised
holding their cameras.
There were nine members pre
sent. They are under the leader
ship of Mrs. Charles Isaac.
They choose goals for their 4-H
Club. These goals are to be done
by the end of the year. :
A game was played and re
freshments were served by Sherry
Griffith and Mrs. Isaac.
2, In And ?
-Around Town
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Young
returned to their home in La
Grande, jjflei; attending the wed
ding of Miss Mnrgaret Price to
(heir son, Dale L. Young. The
Sercmony took piece at the An
rews Air Force Iiasc at Wash
ington, . D. C. on June 7.
,, The Youngs flew lo Boston
tere they were met by their son
who drove them to Washington,
Whilo there they attended the
gradual ion of Miss Price, June 6,
from the University of Maryland
and then the wedding on June 7.
They visited points of interest in
fronton, New York and Washing
ton, D. C. 4
Mrs. Vernon Igo accompanied
them to Seattle, where they caught
their plane. On the return trip
Mrs. Douglas Hone and daughter,
Joy, Mrs. Young's niece, returned
home with them from Seattle, lo
visit her father, Oscar Ayars, and
other relatives and friends here.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. David Nelson
ot .' Idaho Falls, and children
Brent .and Carol Ann are here
visiting in the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Horace J. Nelson,
703 K avenue.
They are formerly of La Grande
and Nelson is now principal of a
grade school at Idaho Falls.
Roger West, Sandy Sanders,
Christine Schroeder, Scott Mac
Pherson, Diane Hutchison, Rach
il Hughes, Jim Parks, Kay Whit
ig, Cindy Scale, Marsha Harris,
Lea Uay Earnhart, Mike Halsey,
Carl Morgan, Denny Lay and
Larry Morgan.
Duets were played by Bonnie
Reuter and Anne Edvalson; Kay
Whitig and Sandy Sanders; Deb
bie Brooks and Maude Harris;
also Frances Schroeder and Cin
dy Seale.
A saxophone solo was played
by Denny Lay, accompanied by
Larry Morgan.
Refreshments were served.
The second recital was holcl in
the Arnold Edvalson home with
approximately 100 persons in at
Students from Cove who took
part were Jeanne Brigs, Tcrri
Boothman, Danny Gassoway, Alan
Hill, Richard Hill, Mina Morris,
Danny Haggcrty, Anne Briggs,
Bobby Briggs, LcRay Rundall,
Regina Overton, Robin Martin,
Sharon Lorree, Louise Overton,
Carolyn Morris, Chcrri Martin,
Murlinc Gassoway and . Pamela
Marks. .
Duets were played by Louise
Overton and Carolyn Morris; and
Regina Overton and Danny Gas
Students from Pondosa taking
part were, Buddy Rose-Kay Rase
Sammy Harsan, Cindy Cotton
Linda Cnlton, Loralcc Cclton and
Denny Lay.
The following students were
presented from Union; Cheryl
Haefer, Anne Edvalson, Bonnie
Reuter, Judy Edvalson, Pamela
Fuller, Francis Schroeder, Barbara
Hutchinson, Cheryl Spain, Judy
Hall, Larry Morgan, Barbara
Harris, Janice Gipscn, Kathy Ed
valson, and Patsy Hutchinson.
A duct was played by Cheryl
Spain and Judy Hall. A vocal so
lo by Patsy Hutchinson, accom-
ptnicd by her mother, Mrs. Low
ell Hutchinson, was given.
Refreshments were served fol
lowing the program.
McCanses Visiting
At Oklahoma City
Mrs. Gary Erwin has received an
nothcr post card from the two
traveling McCanses, Bcrnic? and
Dencce. The card said that they
were in Oklahoma City, and that
they would remain there for two
days visiting relatives. Again they
said that the scenery was just
beautiful, and that they were hav
ing a wonderful time.
Union Class Of '49
Holds First Reunion
UNION (Special' The class of, roll call and expressed appreeia
1!H9 held their class reunion at lion of being (here,
the Ske t Club, beginning with a A tribute of sadness was paid to
ham dinner. Novin Cole und Fred the class President, Merle Burn-
Winters were master of ceremonies . son, who died.
and gave the address of Welcome.
Bill Phillips it acher) gave the
60 Members,
Guests Attend
Club Luncheon
There vire 60 Country Club
members and guests served at the
Wednesday luncheon. Clever ar- tend,, were read. Wythel Bronson
raneements of Mexican blown head the class history; Carla Rob-
glass and 'peonies were used as bertson, class wi'l; and Waldo
table decorations. Zaugg. class prophecy.
The committee for the day was ; Tht're was two thirds of the class
Mrs Robert Fallow, Mrs. Averett Present. Their class advisors were
Hickox, Mrs. Luther Hall and Mi s.l v- D- McCauley, Mrs. Montana
Marvin Moe Richards, Albert Hopkins. super-
Mrs II. M. Bny of Enterprise, intended: class flower, carnation;
Mrs William Siegrist and Mrs'"tto- A.ft"r Commencement
W-Jg'a"d- "H Tes were decorated with
guests of Mrs. August blunge. Mrs. , . .
Jack Wilkerson and Mrs. Edward j the cIass ,flower and covered
lhcn of ftinndn. were cupsts BU"S "ul tul'5-
A telegram was received from
Mr. and Mrs. Vcrsal McCauley,
Forest Grove, who sent regrets for
not being able to attend.
The business meeting included
the election of of'iccrs for fieir
reunion in 1!). Tliey are, Fred
Win'ers, Wythel Bronson . and
Donna Thomas, chairmen.
A letter is to be sent yearly to
the students. Several letters from
ctiiH-nts who w-re unable to at-
Woman's, World
MAX1NE NURMI, Woman's Editor
Observer) La Grando, Ore., FrI., June 12, 1959 ?v Page S
Answers Your Problems
of Mrs. Charles Keynolds or.
Mrs. Roland Cowley of Cody, Wy.,
was guest of Mrs. Robert Howard.
Mrs. Hugh Peters, a former resi
dent of La Grande, was guest of
Mrs. David Baum.
Winners for the afternoon bridge
session were Mrs. Fred Kiddle
and Mrs. William Peare. "
Pink, Blue Shower
Fetes Mrs. Erwin
Mrs. Fred Christman, Mrs. Ed
Taylor, and Mrs. Wilbur Osterloh
were hostesses at a' Dink and blue
shower, honoring Mrs. Gary Erwin,
at the home of Mrs. Fred Christ-
m;an, Monday evening.
The gift table was decorated
with large bouquets of flowers.
Several games were played
throughout the evening. Prizes
were awarded to Mrs. Robert
Betts of Union, and Sue Green of
North Powder.
Mrs. Erwin opened her gifts,
accompanied by Sue Green. The
many lovely gifts were passed
around so that all the guests
could see them.
Caker punch, and coffco were
served by the hostesses.
Friends and'relatives from Union
and Powder Valley attended the
has a loan plan for you
'I -
$25 TO $1500
Prompt, privalo loonj on a
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very worthy purpose. Phone
First for 1 Trip Service.
,'; lid imurance available on all loam at low group rolw
' Robert L. Barnes, Manager
111 Elm SL WO. 3-2144, Laorando
North Powder
Observer Correspondent
Bud Hansen has left for Bates
where he will be employed. His
wife, Phyllis, and children will
follow him in a week or so.
Mazic McCIure, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry McCIure visited
in the home of her parents over
the weekend. Mazic works at Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Klien of
Hcrmiston spent Monday night
visiting with Sue Gulick. She is
their niece.
Mrs. Henry McCIure and son,
Arnold, went lo Seattle with her
daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Calhoun. Airs. McCIure
will spend a week there visiting
then travel to Port 'and where she
and Arnold will spend another
week visiting Mazic McCIure,
daughter of Mrs. Henry McCIure.
o ,
The Buggley Buggies, 4-1! insect
club held their regular meeting
in the home of Wilbur Ostprloh.
They made insect catching nets.
Linda and Leona Young served refreshments.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Fr- d Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Norvin
Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Ellcry Theilen.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Rachau.
La Grande; Mr. and Mrs. Lyman
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bron
son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rinchart,
and Mr. and Mrs. Tad . Thomas,
Union: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ander
son, and Mrs. CaroJ Richardson
of Cove; Mrs. Carla Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Childers, and
Mr. and Mrs. David Galle, Baker;
Mrs. Pauline Sullivan, Langlois;
Mrs. Mickey Taylor, Sandpoint,
Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Zaugg,
Provo, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Zaugg, Corvallis; Mr .and Mrs.
Ken Wallis, Arlington; and Darrell
Turner, Union.
Teachers present were Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Phillips and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Stewart- of Union. .
The evening was spent visiting.
Friday ..... . "
6:30 D.m.. Union ' Pacific Old
Timers and Auxiliary will hold a
limner in McAlistcr hall, honor
ing retired members.
Saturday " , '; ',;
8:30 p.m., The .Alpine Twiners
u ill sponsor a square dance at
the Joseph Civic Center. Ross
and Penny Crispin of Nampa,
Idaho, will bo the callers (or the
ovening. The public is being in
vited. ...
12:30 p.m., The Woodell clan
will hold a family reunion pqt
luck picnic at pleasant . Grove
Grange. Program and sports planned.
Dear Ann Landers: I believe
you hand out a lot of bum advice,
and try to sell Americans on an
antiquated core of morals which
is inconsistent with human nature.
You hold two contradictory
theories: (1) Young women should
not b-come familiar with men
until they are safely and securely
married. (2) You repeatedly em
phasize the hazards of young peo
ple getting married.
I agre with you on Number 2,
but does this mean a person should
just throw away the mast romantic
years of his life say between 14
and 19?
In Sweden girls generally don't
marry until they have passed the
middle 20s. But they don't waste
any time. Young people are per
mitted to take vacations together
and no one thinks a thing of it.
By implying there's something
evil about sex you attach a stigma
to it which is impossible to re
move, even after marriage.
I think it's time you woke up and
smclled the coffee and brought
our American moral code up-to-date.
And while you're at it, don't
forget to tell the people that the
divorce rate In Sweden is much
lower than ours. Thank you.
Th. Realist.
Dear Realist: I don't knew
what you consider "throwing
away" the most romantic years
of one's life, but I hear from
plenty of American boys and
girls who have experimented
with the "Swedish system" over
here. They art called parents.
I challenge you to show me a
single column in which I sug
gested that sex is evil. It is
part of God's plan. It is essen
tial to a good marriage and' to
lasting love. The thing that's
evil is th abuse or misuse of
something intended to be mean
ingful and beautiful.
Maybe the divorce rat in
. Sweden isn't very high, but the
number of out-of-wedlock babies
and thai suicides make up for it.
Both rates are among the high-,
est in all the world. You're wel
come, t
; Dear Ann: I'm 12 years old nnd
Local Three Links Club Sets
Dates For Coming Activities
have real trouble. Two weeks bko,
the teacher appointed me class
chairman. This is Ihe same as
bring the teacher when she's on'
of the room.
Some of my b-st friends t;ilked
and I had to put their names down.
I didn't know it was passible lu
lase so many friends all at one
I to'd my mother and she said
I shoudln't have put their names
down. Wouldn't the teacher lose
respect for me if I hadn't done
the job right? What shall I do if
I'm ever in this spot again?
Worried Pupil.
Door Worried: The same thing.
The teacher selected you because
she trust d you to do an honest
job. You were expected to re
port all who misbehaved special
friends included. You won't lose
any real friends because of this.
Don't worry about it.
Hot Lake News
Mrs. Leona Mather spent a few
days at the homo of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Peggy Planasky, of
Mrs. Susan Lockctt entertained
Mrs. Gwen Hall and daughter
Judy and Don Meyers, from Athe
na, this week.
" s
Starting today at your MERCURY DEALER S
Wi low summer prices!
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13 s top economy in a luxurious, full-sized car!
Act now while we still have a wide
selection of models and colors available
Chestnut & Jefferson La Grind, Oregon
Plans for a oieinc. bazaar and
cooked food sale were discussed
ut the recent meeting of the Crys-
tt Rebekah lodge's Three Links
club in the clubroum of the Odd
'ellows tenipie.
Mrs. Helen Kriizell, president,
proposed that the July 8 meeting
be a picnic. Plans include dinner
lo begin at 6:30 at Riverside park,
if weather is bad the meal will be
held at the clubroum. Each one
attending is to bring a picnic and own table service.
November 6 was the date tenta
tively sot for the Kail bazaar. All
articles of faneywork arc to be
turned over to Gertrude Fisk as
they are completed. Members
were asked to make other items
as soon as they finish the planned
Funds raised at the recent meet
ing were $10 which will be turn
ed over to the lodge.
Possibility of holding a Fall
rummage sale were discussed 'and
will bo decided at a later meeting.
ivlaiiy reports ot sickness were
given. Sympathy and get well
cards will be sent by Card Chair
man .lean Boothman.
Refreshments were served by
Norah Noah, Dclorcs Gilmorc,
Maiy Kail and Shirley Drum
nioncl from tables decorated will
large bouquets of colorful iris.
Entertainment committee for
tie evening was Lucille Courtney,
I-'elen Frizzcll and Shirley Wil
liams, with games on the agenda.
The table gift was awarded to
Lillian Ebcrt.
June 12
Trudy Elmer, Alicel
All Transient Guests. All
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Rates not high. Dot low.
Free Garage, TVs and Ra
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