s Observer, La Grande, Ore., Fri., June 5, 1959 Page 3 Church Services Church of Christ Corner X and Spruce Bible study, 10 a.m. Morning Worship service, 11 a.m. Lords supper, 11:45. Evening service, 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Bible Study, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Public is being invited to all services. Church of the Nazarene Birch and Y Rev. Lawrence Abla Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Ed Alexander, superintendent. There's a class for every member of the family. Morning worship, 10:50 a.m. Message by the pastor. Eve ning worship, 7:30 p.m. Message by the pastor. Share these ser vices with us. Young people's meeting, 6:45 p.m., Sunday. Ever ett Rhoten, president. Juniors meet in the Children's Chapel at same time. Mid-week prayer ser vice, 7:30 p.m. Choir practice following at 8:30 p.m. Youth Choir meets at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday. Our Lady of the Valley tatnoiic tnurch '.' Sunday Masses, 6:30-9 a.m. Ben ediction with the Most Blessed , Sacrament immediately after the y a.m. Mass. Week day. Mass 7:30 a.m. Holyday Masses, 8 a.m. ana 6 p.m. Holy Hour on Thurs day preceding the First Friday of each month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m Confessions every Saturday from 4 to 5 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m, Elgin: Mass every Sunday at I a.m. , Union: Mass Sundays at 9:30. North Powder: Mass oq Sundays It 8:00. St. Katherine's Catholic Churches - ENTERPRISE, ORE. Sunday Masses, 7 and 10:30 a.m. Holy days, 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. St. Margaret's Catholic Church WALLOWA, OREGON Sunday Mass, 9 a.m. Holy days, 3 a.m. I Assembly of God --' Wallowa , ' Willis W. Baker, pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School ft a.m. Morning Worship. Evening worshiD. 7-so p.m urday. Morning' worship service; II a.m. Young peoples meeting, First Baptist Church ' UNION," OREGON Rev. George E. Horton, pastor Sunday school 9:4j5' a.m. Morn ing worship 11 a.m.; Evening wor ship 7:30. Dean Bay, speaker. Young people's meeting, Baptist Training Union. Midweek prayer servic, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Rev. Wilmer Brown is regional director of the . National Assnrintinn of Evangelicals and will speak on the , "Dangers of Communism' in the cnurcncs. Cove Seventh Day AJ.i:,i r u Sabbath school; 10:30 a.rn., Sat 3 p.m. Prayer meeting each Wed nesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Assembly of God Mm co " Reverend Joseph L. Boyle Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Willo dcan Fisher, superintendent. Mor ning worship 11 a.m. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Mid-week ser vice Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Work ers' Training course conducted by Mrs. Dora Tinsley, fo!fwed by prayer service. - Church' of God -v- - UNION ' Sunday school,- 9:45 a.m. Sun day School Superintendent, Gcr aldinc Morgan. Classes for all- ages. Mornnig worship, 11 a.m. Sermon by the pastor. ' Evening worship, 7:"h) p.m. Special music. Message by the pastor. Young pie's meeting, 6:30 D.m., Thurs day. Mark Bunhan.; voting peo 'ple's leader. Mid-week prayer ser vice, 7:30, Thursday prayer meet ing and Bible study. 1 Gospel Tabernacle Assemblies of God . Third and Jefferson Streets Rev. B. B. Robeson Knnrlnv chnnl 045 a m D;)viH ...... . ... Brown, Supt. "There is a class for every member of the family." Morring worship, 11 a.m. Special message by the Pastor. Gospel Hour Broadcast direct from Church every Sunday evening over KLBM at 6:30 'p.m. Evening worship, 7:45 p.m. Special numbers in song service that will lift your spirit and encourage your soul. Evangelistic message by the Pastor. Thursday morning at 10 o'clock is Ladies Prayer meeting. " Young people's meeting every Thursday at 7:45 p.m. Dwight Burtis, Pres. Midweek prayer service every' Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. Special Services, Friday is "Visitation Day" for the members of the Church! Union Methodist Rev. Dwight Williams Sundav srhnnl 10 a.m. For all flcrpQ . Mnm(a wnrchin 11. a.m. ' Young, people's meeting Sunday evening, 6:30, Methodist 4 Youth Fellowship. Nursery for pre school children is provided dur- .; ing mr- sunrtay workup m n a m. . . - . -'. Calvary Baptist COVE, OREGON Rev. M. Murl Gasssway, pastor ' Sunday school 10 a.m. Orel Ev .ns, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a.m. Evening worship 8 p.m. Young people's meeting, 7 p.m.; training union, 7 p.m. Mid week prayer service and Bible Study Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Salvation Army 211 Fir st. Lt. Oakley Summers ,! Sunday school 9:45 a.m. YPSM Corabclle Winn. Morning worship 11 a.m. Holiness meeting: Sun day morning. Evening worship 7-311 n m CI...,:.... ..:..,.. ...... t .,.1. OdlVtlllUll IllCCllllkj. Sunday evening. Young people's meeting, Monday 7:30 p.m. Mid week Drflvpr Gorvim on1 Pihla Ct.xl.r TV. J. tjiuvij Auui&uay, y p.m. Faith Lutheran (Missouri Synod) 6th and N (Neighborhood House) ' , Rev. W. F. Biel, pastor 10 a.m.. Sundav .school. 11 a.m.. worship and holy communion. Sermon bv Rnv Rirl "nifffirenpe Between Closed and Open Hearts." T.uke 4 ifMfl. flirffanist. Janet Ivie. Visit the "Church of the Lutheran Hour." , L.D.S. Church FIRST WARD Walter A. Bean, bishop Sundav: 8:45 a.m.. Priesthood meeting. 10 a.m., Sunday school; 1:30 p.m., Sacrament meeting. Tuesday: 2 n.m.. Relief Societv: 4 p.m., Primary; 7:30 p.m., MIA meeting. . ... . SICOND' WARD ';. Melvin Westenskow, bishop Sunday Services: Priesthood meeting 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School 11 a.m.; Sacrament service 6:30 p.m. in lower chapel. Thursday: Relief Society 2 p.m.; Primary 4 pm.; MIA 7:30 p.m. First Baptist Church Sixth and Spring Rev. Victor Zachariat 8:15 a.m. Men's Prayer Meeting. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Burl Courtney, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a.m. Broadcast, over KLBM. Message by. the pastor. Special music. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Message by the pastor. Special music. A nursery for pre school children is maintained dur ing these services., 6:30 p.m. Bap tist Youth meetings. Jet-Cadets, Junior High, Senior High, and College.- Monday first-' day of Dally Vacation Bible School. Bible School will be held every day this week and next week. Thurs day 7:15 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible Study. Dr. Atkinson of the American Board of Missions to the i Jews will be the speaker. King's Jewels will be held. 8:45 p.m. Choir Practice. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Residing Minister, M. Burling Morning 9 a.m. Public Ministry. Evening 7 p.m. "How to Guard i cur Children from Delinquency." Public address by T. Boyd Watch tower representative from La Grande, .. 8:15 p.m. Watchtower Bible study and discussion "The Perfect Government for all Man kind",and also "The Perfect Rul er for Man's Government." Mid week service 8 p.m., Bible study at. 1517 U avenue; 2802 First street, 2004 East N avenue. Wed nesday, Bible study at Kingdom hall. Special services, both Bible sneaking classes will meet at 7:30 Friday, followed by Ministry de velopment class at 8:30 p.m. Pioneer Park Church of God Cedar and Jefferson . Harold W. Neal, pastor ' Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Miid: red Miller, superintendent.. Clas ses for all ages. Nursery provid- ea. Morning worship 10:50 a.m. Sermon by pastor. Evenine wor ship 7:30 p.m. Sermon by pastor. 6:30 p.m. Pre-service meeting. Young people's meeting. Wein cr roast after evening serv ice, worship led bv Lcola Miller. Midweek prayer service Thurs-i day, 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m., Junior Missionary meeting. ' Summerville Baptist Church , . Doyle Wilson, pastor Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn ing worship 11 a.m. Evening wor ship 7:30 p.m. Special speaker. young people s' meeting. Baptist Training Union. Mid-week pray er service,. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Special services Tuesday, Rev. Walter Atkinson, a converted Jew from Seattle, will bring a message and demonstrate the Jewish pssover.. He is a mis sionary to tne Jews under the Am erican Board of Missions to the Jews. Daily Vacation Bible school is scheduled for June 15. through b. Bon Marquies of La Grande is cirecior. Ph. WO 3 1451 703 K ; Cove Methodist . ' Rev. Dwight Williams ' Sunday school 9 a.m. For all nges. Morning worship 9:45 a.m Young people's meeting Sunday evening, 6:30, Methodist Youth Fellowship. ' c First; Methodist' Fourth and Spring Avenue C. Keith Mills, pastor - Sunday school 9:45 'a.m. ' Morn ing worship, U a.m. Sermon: "Three-Dimensional Perspective." Young people's meeting 7 p.m. MYF in Fellowship room. Mid week, Wednesday,. 6:30 p.m. Official Board potluck dinner and business meeting. Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Wesley Club. Vacation Church t Schoolv- beginning Monday, June 8, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday to and including June 19. Theme: God and His World." f Zion Lutheran I Ave. on 4th R. W. Kasten Sunday school 9:45 a.m., with classes for all age groups. Morn ing worship 11 a.m., with sermon by the pastor and anthem by the choir. Holy Communion; Re ception of new members by bap tism, confirmation and transfer. A nursery for prc-schopl children is maintained. Monday, 9 a.m., Vacation Bible School begins and will continue for two weeks. Tues day, 8 p.m., Dorcas Circle, with Mrs. W. Longacre, Spruce Street. Saturday, June 6, Junior Luther ans ata p.m; First Presbyterian . Sixth and Washington Rev. Louis M. Samson, pastor Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Jack Piper, acting superintendent'. Morning worship 11 a.m. Sermon: "Echoes of the General Assemb ly". Calendar for the Week, Sun day, coffee hour immediately af ter worship service for all the congregation. 4 p.m. Junior High Fellowship meets at church to swim at Cove. Monday, 9 a.m. Church School opens.; 7:15 p.m. Boy Scouts meeting instead of Tuesday at church. .Wednesday, 7:15 p.m. Explorer Scouts. church. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. choir practice, church. Church .of Christ, Scientist Cor. First and Washington Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday morning service at 11 a. m. Subject to be "God, the Only Cause and Creator." A nursery is provided at 1707 Cedar street dur ing the church hour. Sunday school pupils arc also included at this location. A street level reading room is maintained in the Melville Bldg. at 1429 Adams avenue. It is open to the public daily except Sundays from 12 neon until 4 p.m. and Sunday tilornlng from 9:30 until 10:30 a.m.. - ' ' Seventh-Day Adventist - Third and M Streets Rev. Edward Harms, pastor Sabbath school 9:30 a.m. Sat urday, Maria Spears, general sup erintendent. There is a special division tor each age group. Morn ing worship 11 a.m.,. A. J Gor don, president of the Idaho-East ern Oregon Conference of Sev enth Day Advcntists of Bqse, will be guest speaker. There will be special music features. Mid-week prayer service Wcdnesday,( 7:30 p.m., June lu, ai uiy cuurcn. .ras ter Harms will conduct the'study. Dorcas Welfare meeting Tuesday morning, June 5 at the home of Mrs. Elsie Canaday, Island City. Hendrix Methodist . .2103 Noth Fir,' '. Rev. Neal Van Loon, pastor j Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Wyatt Starmer, , superintendent. Work night each. Wednesday, 7-9 p.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. "The Holy Spirit" , and the Present World Order. Evening worship 7.30 p.m. Preaching and singing. Young people's meeting 6:30 p.m, Larry Spencer, president. Also each Tuesday night, 7:30-9:30. Mid-week prayer service, Thurs day, 7:30. Invest To Help AmWicbn Youth In L exicon Jail SAN FRANCISCO (UPD Cal ifornia' Attorney General Stanley Mosk has launched an investiga tion into the plight of a Belmont, Calif., youth serving a four-year term In Baja California prison for car theft.' ' Mosk said Thursday that Rob ert F. Peterson, 18, who was sen tenced last April, may be the vic tim of a miscarriage of justice. Deputy Director Melvin L. Haw- ley of Mosk's office has suggested Rosary Recitation For Mrs. Harrison Recittaion of the Rosary for Eudora Harrison, resident of La Grande for the past fifteen years who succumbed here Wednesday, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the, Dempsey-Snodgrass Chapel. The Reverend Father Crotty will officiate. Mrs. Harrison was a member of Crystal Rebckah lodge number 50. Survivors include , here husband Clarence, La Grande, two daugh ters, Mrs. Artena Fihn, La Grande, and Mrs.' Lutie Belle Sudarth of Elsberry, Mo., one son, Gene Har rison of St. Louis, Mo., and nine grandchildren. ' Burial will be in the Kivcrview Cemetery in Louisiana, Mo. ' THE OANMOORE ,t , HOTEL AH Transient Guests. All those who come, ' return. Rates not bigh. Dot low. Free Garage, TVs and Ra dios'. We have a reputation for cleanlinesi. - - . .. Reservation by LD phone refunded on request upon arrival. . ' t -, i . 1217 SW Morrison . I .Portland, Or. i Teachers Target Of investigation For Red Actions WASHINGTON (UPD The House Committee on Un-American Activities announced plans today to investigate alleged "communist party activities", of certain teach ers at San Francisco and Los Angeles. Chairman Francis E. Walter (D-Pa.) said the committee would hold hearings at San Francisco starting June 17 and at Los Angeles starting June 22. 'Members of the teaching pro fession will be called as witnes is," he said. The announcement said Walter "wanted it made clear that this is not an investigation of schools or education." "It will involve the character. extent and objects of Communist party activities of persons enter ing the teaching profession who are subject to the directives and discipline of the Communist par ty." The announcement said that pos sibly as many as 100 witnesses will be heard. Most of the hearings will be conducted behind closed doors to the American consul in Tijuana that the Mexican government be asked to release Petersen immed iately, if the story told by his mother is true. Mrs. William A. Petersen, moth er of the jailed youth insists that her son merely borrowed the car with the' permission of a Tijuana cab driver who had rented it from the Hertz Agency. The automobile was reported stolen as a result of a misunderstanding, she said. ' Mrs. Peterson said the car was returned undamaged and that she paid the agency $75 due in rental charges and once received assur ances from an American consulate official and an agency represen tative that the theft charge would be dropped. The mother said she visited her son in August and found him suf fering from knife wounds inflicted by other convicts. She said open sores covered most of his body and that he was underweight and emaciated. She described the prison, loca ted in Lower California as "filthy beyond words." .... Bryant Buckingham, executive officer of the American Consulate in Tijuana, said the mother's statement that the car was. re- MENTAL CHECK ORDERED NEW ORLEANS (UPD An 11-year-old boy has been ordered committed for an 'additional 30 day period of psychiatric observa tion in the slaying of a young girl. Juvenile Judge John J. Win- grave committed Edwin Herty Thursday to the East Louisiana Hospital at Mandeville for obser vation. Herty, an honor student, is charged with sexually molest ing and then fatally stabbing a 12-year-old girl in a blackberry patch. covered and the Hertz Agency ful ly reimbursed was correct, but he said Mexican authorities refused to dismiss the theft charge. He said young Petersen was rep resented by a Mexican attorney and that his defense was based on a plea that he was guilty of an "abuse of confidence'; at most, but that the judge" ruled, btherwise. He said that the consulate has appealed the case and that the ap peal is pending at the state Su preme Court at Mcxicali; Hatfield Given Honorary Degree EASTON, Pa. (UPI) Gov. Mnrk Hatfield pi Oregon, today was given an honorary degree by Lafayette College where he was described as a product of higher education who is a popular and forceful government leader. Hatfield was named a doctor of laws by Dr. K. Roald Bergethon Lafayette's president. "Your rise to eminence Is a bright reminder that the college ivory can build not merely towers of contemplationg but also bridges of comprehension toward a better world,' Dr. Bergethon told Mat field 1 ' ' The 36-year-old Oregon Republi can governor formerly was' a dean'1 of students and political science professor at Willamette University, Salem, Ore. Hatfield was a guest at a lunch eon given by the Board of Trus tees ater the commencement ceremonies, ben. Edmund !. mus kie (D - Maine) was commence ment speaker. Hatfield has appearances sched uled in New- York this weekend. He returns to Oregon next Tues day. . ANN LANDERS Answers Your Problems er Ann: Mv husband was a Japanese prisoner. of war. He suf fered horribly at the hands of the enemy for almost three years. It ' miracle ne s auvc loaay. Olir son is in the service, sta tioned in Tnkvn Ho'c hpnn thprp almost a year. He writes often and has sent us snapshots of him self with Japanese friends. I muugnt it was nice tnat ne was bcCr.mina fiomiint.. urilU thn no. tiyes of the country. My husband uiu uui agree. Last week Jim wrote that he'll hP. hnrn iH Tuli, ii.il. n Tnt.nn.a bride. We almost died of shock. incy were secretly married in February and there's a baby on the way. ' We arc heartbroken. My hus band says he doesn't want them to set foot in our home. I love my 5on and want to accept him and his wife, regardless. This is not Massey'sGardener Drops His Charges WILTON,1 Conn. (UPI) Actor Raymond Masscy's gardener, who charged Massey tossed him out of his house, dropped the charges Thursday because a "man's home is his castle." - The gardener, Michael Hoshko, 50, had Massey arrested on a' breach of peace charge for alleg edly evicting him forcibly from the actor's home. In Town Court Thursday, Pros ecutor Julian Gregory said Mas sey apparently had ordered Hosh ko to leave before the tussle be gan. Hoshko then said he wanted to drop the. charges. what I would have wanted for him, but I feel we should make the best of it. Please tell us what in your judgment, is the best thing to do. E. L. Dear E. L.: War always leaves behind plenty to be forgiven on both sides. Clinging to old hat reds and nursing old wounds is useless and destructive. Since the' marriage has already taken place, your husband should open his' home and his heart to both of the'm. Perhaps your clergyman can give him a better understand Ing.' '- ' ' "" Dear Ann: We're having a big fat fight over a trifle. t I alwivs like the name Bradley. "it was1 my maiden name. I want to name our new son Bradley to perpetuate our family name as I have no brothers. ' It so happens I was once en gaged to a fellow named Brad ford. I haven't seen or thought about Bradford for 10 years. When I told my husband I want ed to name the baby Bradley he said "You don't fool me. You just Want to call him Brad af ter your old sweetheart.'T got so mad I cried. Our' first child was named after n:y mother-in-law (to please his clan).' The second born we nam ed Juriior. 'Now I think' I should be permitted a voice in naming our third. Am I making a moun tain out of a molehill or what? Bunny. "' '.' Dear Bunny: Since your hus band called the first two shots, I agree that you should have the privilege of calling the third. Af tor all the arguing, some kid will probably label him "Skinny" or "Fatso" and that will be it!'" for the year ended December 31, 195B. Of the TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY of Hartford, In the stale of Connecticut, made to the Insur nee Commissioner of Ihe Stale of Oregon, pursuant to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bondl $357.5?.I7.7 Stocks 32,109.901. 00 Mortgage loans on real estate - 0 Real estate, less SO en cumbrances ..... 0 Cash and bank deposits 12,031,723.03 Agents' balances or un collected premiums . 76,111,293.31 Interest, divldands and real estate Income due nd ArmiMt 9.79J.MM 3 Other assets 5,131,427.40 SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATFAAPNT for the year ended December J endprT December 31. 19S8. of THE CHARTER OAK FIRE IN- bUKANCt (.UMrWNI or nariroro, in Ihe State of Connecticut, made to the In.nrAnri, rnmml&sloner of Ihe State of Oregon, pursuant to taw: AHAAITTFD ASSETS Bonds - S3,O37,6.0O blocks . Mortgage loans on real estate , ..... Real estate, less so encum- Cash and bank' de'poslts .. Agents oaiances or uncol lected premiums ... . Interest, dividends and real estate Income due and ac- rrnorl Other assets Total admitted assets SXS5.Bl7.9e.0a LIAtSILIT ItS. SUKKLUi ANU OTHER FUNDS Losses S 96.962 917.00! Loss adlustment expenses 13.859,916 DO Unearned premiums. .j.. 243,475,010.44 All other liabilities 13.3S0.195.33 Total liahlllttei. extent Capital S367,67!,03 77 Japilal paid up . ...S pecial surplus funds .. 10,821,042.69 Unasslnned funds (sur plus) .. 97,318,887.62 surplus as regards pol icyholders $118,139,930.31 rj.oll.1 ' S 32.38! 42 rj.nlt.1 natrl n 1 .000.000 00 special surplus runas . ... . j i Unassigned funds (surplus! 2,265,757.28 Surplus as regards policy- . ' homers, .. ....., i3, 'sr. to ' Total . . $485,817,969.01 STATfzMENf OF INCOME rremlums earned $279,007,764.5, Btut ncurred ... S157.231.4B0.3 Loss expenses incurred. 18,669.597.69 Other underwriting ex- fenses Incurred 116,737.194.56 otal underwriting de ductions .... 292,63,I7J.S6 Net underwriting gain or loss . .., 13,630.507.99 Investment Income 9,063,320.02 Other income ,-. 61,830.73 Total, before federal In come taxes ...... 6,505,157.14 Federal Income taxes In- curred 4,873,678.18 Net income 2,368,320.94 . Dividends to stockholders S 1,200,000.00 Dividends to policyholders 27,877.00 capnai enanges men . u Other Items atfectlna sur. Plus (net) 27,703,728.18 Total capital and sur- . plus Items (net) .... 26,53105.18 Increase In surplus at regards policyholders 28,899,926.12 ISUSINbSS IN UKbliUN FOR THE YEAR Direct Dremlumi re ceived $ 1,929,487.07 uirecr losses paid J4,esu.ai uiviaenas paia or crea- . Ited to policyholders 0 Prlncloa! office In Oreaont Phil Grass. mover Co.t General Agents, The cquiiBDie oiog.. ,i a. w, sixtn Ave., P. O. Drawer 1191. Portland 7, Ore. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT tor the year ended December 31. 1958. Of THE TRAVFt F.RS NKIIRANr? COMPANY, Hertford, In Ihe Slate ol Connecticut, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Ore eon, pursuant lo law: , ASSETS Bonds (1) .' SU3S.663.905.29 SIOCKS (Z) Mortgage loans on real estate (3) Real estate (less $0 en cumbrances) (4) .... Policy loens (5) ... .. Cash and . bank de- DOSITS Premiums due and de ferred (life) (17) Interest and other In vestment Income due and accrued (19) Assets, accident de partment (25) . Other assets Tata allele (941 LIABILITIES. 77.06I,I27.IX) 830,445.324 43 36,930,053.7 12,902,454.0 6.732,974.29 ' 39,859,195.19 ' 20,240.348.34 '41.334,0??. 59 I 3,663,492.01 SUKr-UUS a Flirjnc ' RMprve fnr llfa ool. ices iifji . 2A49,087,765.00 Policy and contract rt., ( " ii . j '54,128,397.39 Diriment' (25 9) 458. R41 7 ai All other liabilities.... ,158.126,902!64 50.000,000:00 76,819,008.03 225,848,005.09 ;35267,011.12 Total liabilities, ex cept Capital (26) $2,720,186,592.94 Special surplus funds (27) Unsssloned surplus (79) surplus as regards pol icyholders (30) 4. wuiriiriHrii ur i. ittm iyi,S (AcctuaI Bnsls) Premium 1 and annuity eontlderatloni (1.1) t 291,987,350,26 elementary contracts 5ar"lncomi---tmi " -n 18,173.27 Total (7) . , 406,441,007 07 Policy benefits (-l?Af I nA.lmiM mcntary contracts, dividend accumula llnni mH Intarset .-. - .40,570,517.04 Increase In reserves general insurance ex Df?nui and Inn (21- (5fnW-op.r.-.- '. Dd's "t,' policy-" JiS'S''JU. ' 1.732.10 it . ----- o,ev4,e6H.04 Net gain from opera tions (31) .... S 19,748,319.03 Dividends . lo -stock-rte'i'ri.'S' -.., ' MI0O.00O.00 surplus and surplus fund fnti f3A4-(3S). (4U).(4t7i-(48) - 4T,4tM10.20 end special surplus ! funds . . 30.306.349 23 FOR THE YEAR Gross premiums and i annuity considerations ! collected during the ; year icc. uepr. ir D7v3d5.'nd'i.,p.ll-orcred. - fted to policyholders durlno the var .. ., a Gross Benefits and j l Claims, enaowmenis kl njrrenarri, ana annw Hies paid during the . year (Acc. Dept. I- fmaver Co., General Agents Th Equitable Bldg., l S. vT fpfh Ave P. O. Draper 11i, P&rtlsna 7, Ore! 0 . ; - P 24o,9o).43 Total admitted assets (3,291,142.70 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS . . Losses . -- - P Lots adlustment expenses. . f Unearned premiums ... Q iiaDiniies . SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL IT AT P AAC KIT r the year ended December 31, 1958, ' th r.DAN IT P STATP FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY of 17M Elm Mreei, wancnejier, in ine aiaia oi him u Hmathlr. mrl to the In surance Commissioner of the State or uregon, pursuant to law: . r AHAAITTPn AFT5 Bonds , 3'157'5S559 Stocks 1,488,839.75 Mortgage loans on real Dnaaf a I sta !' ft Innim. nraness 0 Cash and bank deposits , 292,92.23 Agents' oaiances or uncoi- ecrea premiums ... v Intertst, dividends and real rnierf M.2W 99 other assets Q All other Total, liabilities. 33,385. except T0,nTAYEWEMr-OF-.NWEU!'7 Tim umi earned o Losses incurred P l au mxaene Incurred . O Other underwriting , ax- . penses incurred . w Total underwriting deduc- tions - . v x fet underwriting gain or Investment Income .1 74,179 58 Other income . - 0 come taxes .. - 74,IT9.5t Federal income taxes in- curreo . ... ... Not Inrnm 4AM, Dividends to stockholders i Dividends to policyholders i Capital changes (net) , i Other items affecting sur plus men ' Total capital and surplus Items (net) gards policyholders 44,494.16 a. so 1.1 tree iu noennu Direct nremlumj received Dlv?dendSSpalo?3or credited In nnllrwhnlrlar Principal office in Oregon: SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL 1TATEA1C hlT for the year ended December 31, 1951 Oregon, pursuant to law ADMITTED ASSETS 1 ' Bonds J15,054,J59.97 siocks . u,9ia,09a.95 Mortgage loans on reai estate ' w Deal Bdkta t flni-lim. Carsh"and "bank deposits'" 4M,J2?.J1 Agents oaiances or unco . leciea premiums .. , Interest, dividends ana -t I mal otrMtn In mm due and accrued ' 1M,4.09 Oiher assets 51,365.68 Total admitted assets $38,9,973.54 L1ABILI I It b, AND HTHPP Losses S 5,19,541.20 Loss adlustment expenses 414, 725.50 .HI, US. 34 688,180.63 ll.klllttaa Kit ranllaf . tll.a97.47f1.fl? Capital paid up . J 7. 2,000,000.00 apeciai surplus Tunqs w I I r,..1nrsaH liinrta 7aitf. Plus) . . 7,752,448.67 Surplus as regards policy . noioers . Total . 1711,449.973 54 ENT OF iNCDMb - Omniliimi rnrf Sla.997.T7 Losses Incurred, . ... 9 ,314 ,784 so l net yrntei Incurred . 1.381.955.59 Other underwriting ex- penses incurreo .... f1jii' Totl underwriting ,. H.iciiivi (18,041,510.69 Met underwriting gain or Olher income .... 1,289.42 Total oetore teaorai in ' , - come taxes , 11JD90,I2 Fedoral Income , taxes, In ... , curred 17,538.01 DlvWends to stockholders eOOOO Capital changes .(net) ; 0 Other Items effecting sur- .t.-.A plus men Total cepllal end surplus . llj.nr.fi Tnotl 143,709 .04 Increase in surplus as regards pollcvhoiders 842.261.15 Net premiums received. S f2?tVJ2 Net Tosses paid 35,177.07 Dividends paid or creo Ited to policyholders , 0 Principal office In Oregn: 704 Falling DUHOing, roniona, wrewun. Total admitted assets $6,964,939.96: .v AND hTHEB PUNDS Losses ..... 0 Loss adlustment expenses. ' Q Unearned premiums . . 0 All other liabilities 0 Total liabilities., except Cftnltftl ' 1 Capital Paid up - ....$1,250,000.00 ipettni surpiui lunai u Unassigned funds (surplus) 5,714,939.96 Surplus as regards policy holders . - 16,944,939.9 Total I.-'".- S6.964.93f.96 STATEMENT Of INLUMb Premiums earned. ........ P LoTiH Incurred 0 Loss expenses Incurred 0 Other underwriting ' ex- ponses incurred . v Total underwriting deduc- finn A Net underwriting gain or : Investment Income t 329.898 67 Other income . ... ...... 74.00 loiai, Deiore icaerai in- ........ come taxes ... 329.96J.6? Federal income taxes in . Mat Ini-Ama - AJ Dividends to " stockholders' 65.000 00 idopas to poucvnoiaers ilta chanaes (net) Total capltalz-and surplus . ...... Items (net) t p49,973.24 nfvuaal tn rnlii ra. gards poHcvhorders 1,179,935.Mi BUSINESS IN OREGON , Direct premiums received 'JM? uirecT losses paia Dividends paid or credited . to policyholders ' m o Principal office In Oregon: 421 S. W Sixth Avenue, Portland 7. Oregon. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL CTATCUCMT for the veer ended December 31. 1958. . 4u. IiiMucADm it pidP JL AAA- RINE INSURANCE COMPANY Ot Minneapolis, In the State of Mlnne- missloner of tne stare ot uregon, uui suanl to law: ACT. Bonds HI2!ln Stocks .....f , 2.857,168.00 Mortgage nans on reoi estate . Real estate, less tncum- iBn ana oam anryuii . Agents' balances or uncoh lected premiums - , Interest, dividends and real estate Income due and ac crued - Other assets r t 94,362.85 Tolal admitted assets .;M7,023.70 , LIABILITIES, SURPLUa ' AND OTHER FUNDS Losses . i n. ad ustment expenses Unoarnad premiums - AM othef irablllties Total llab I lilies, except Capital' bald up"'""".V: 81.00 Special surplus, funds tnMtMin Unassigned funds J surplus) 4,007.023.70 Surplus as regaras (W,,ftri noioers -. Tofal' k- ' ' 15,007,023.70 CTATPMFNT OP INCOME . Premiums earned B Losses Incurred j 2 Loss eXpfinses Tncurred - . Other underwriting ex- - penses incurred .-- Total underwriting deduc- A Hons . 4et underwriting gain or ft loss .K invpMment Income ..il... 1 lii.v; rMhar Inrnnui " Total, before federal In come' taxes Federal Income, taxes In- eurrwf Net Income niuirfunrtfi in rdnrVhofder Dividends to policyholders ,rpiiai cnan )thpr Items plus (net) Increase In surplus as re , oards pollcvhoiders nP-M7 07 BUNRSS IN OREGON trirj 4u- VCAO Direct premiums received $ 9,4 .24 Direct losses paid . 113,723.67 ivmenns pnia or creanea , . to pnllcyholders 0 Principal office In Oregon: 115,979.06 0 I 115.979 OA -90,000 00 704,308 01 SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATPMPNT for the year ended December 31. 19S8. Of tha ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSUR ANCE of London, England, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, made lo the Insurance Commissioner ol the e vt urtryort, pursuant io i AriAAiTTPn itf.cn; Bonds 8.019.595.24 Stocks .... 3,076,373.97 mortgage loans on real esiaie g Real estate, toss I encum Cash and bank deposits . 845,786.05 Agenis' Daiancca or uncol lected premiums ... 698,384.05 i merest, oiviacnas ana real estate Income due and accrued A1.845.1i Olher assets 745,178.99 Total admitted assets $.3,467,173.48 LIAQILI I Iti, lUKrLU J AND OTHFR PliNnl Losses N t 2,8rt,096 Sftl Loss adlustment expenses 521,818. K Unearned premiums 4,772.592.75 All olher liabilities 1,138,549.94 SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATFAAFNT for the year ended December 31, 1958. ot tne New Hampshire Fire Insur ance Company ot 1750 Elm Street, Manchester, In the State of New Hampshire, made to the Insurance lommissioner oi ine srais oi ure gon, pursuant to law: ADMITTED A55ET3 Bonrit Ml. 177.155 00 stocks : 32,548,625.39 Mortgage loans on real Real estate, less $0 en cumbrances 2.000,000 00 CAsh and bank deposits. 3,55V, 039. 45 genis- Dainnccs or uncoi- leciea premiums ... ah.vuj.vm real estate income due and accrued 33f.2fft.74 Other assels . .. . 63.734.79 TMjiI llfthtlltUti. ' rnt capital 8 9,282,057.19 capirai pnia up s auu.uw w special surplus runas v I ln.tIanfH fiinri. fir. pus) . . 1,S,1!6. Xiirnhia an PeUiarH ttftllrv. holders I 4,185,116.29 Total'"" ' "113.467,173.48 STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned $ 7,308,649.13, Looses incurred - .. a,Biv,4u. Leu exoenses Incurred . 516.254.67 Other underwriting ex- . ...... penses incurreo . ZiSJrJir-M Total unaerwrlffng do .... ,.i H..rlinn 7.1U.975.10 Nt underwriting gain or ........ Investment Income"""" 353.578.90l Olher Income ..... 318.12 i oiai, Derore loaeroi in mm tiivao tOO.tllJ SI Federal income taxes in- Net lnrnm . t S00.6B4 81 Dividends to stncknoiders nivldend to oolicvholders Capital ehang (net! run or nam AtMM-una tuir. Plus inerl .v w Tntal' JinKal ' MfiH diir. Dim Items (net) t '328.249.43 Increase In surplus as re- garas poiicvnniacrs ot. i j.j BU5INF5S IN OREGON cno TUP VPAD Net premiums received S 41,144 45 Net losses pld . 2M86.67 vinenas paid or creo Itort In DnllrvhnlHjr 0 Principal ofllc In Oregon: Phil Gross- maver o., ii a. w. sixin ve, Portland, Oregon. SYNOPSIS OP ANNUAL STATPAAPNT for the V"r endol"Dcpmher 31, 1958, Of Tne UTAH MUV.fc HKt INSUK- In The State of Utnh, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the Stale or uregon, oursii-in- to law: AHAAITTPn ACT Bonds M, 544,109 l Slocks ... . 3,455,316.00 worioage loans on reai estate 4,572.13 Reai esiate, less s encum hrnri O Cash and hank deposits 710.805. 5S Agents' blentos or uncol- ifciea premiums oiiimfn inieresT, aiviaenas ana reai trnia nrnnia niia Jinn jirmiPff . 91.095 W, Other assets. -' 49.036.16 Total admtttrrf aseti in.-' 5,499.14 LIAHILITIES, 5UKKI.US AND OTHER FUNDS I Aaa t An. 771 nit fiiiitimiirir aviianiu iri.niin.if inoarnod ornmtiim 3.2S4 01 79 All other (labilities 319,507.94 Tnlal llahllllta. vrn1 Capital pair! up' "V."'. $1,000,000.00 llnriMloned tnndt fmirntnti 3.176.386.10 uro'us as regaras poncv- noioen M s. i o.joo. iu Trttat ' fl ilt 449 14 n STATEMENT OF INCnMP Premiums earned $i,?ns.iW V nss exDfnw Incur rd 171.004.75 'oJ'nles Inru'rVr-H1''"0 1,425,178.6 iimi unoirwnimg aeauc- ' (Ions ' 3,247.267.11 fj-sl Hivfariuptt Inn Hkln ur nvf'.IDifirii firnma 7HVHO SI 'iinfr income i nrai, ooiore federal in- rnmn tyr FfiHnral Income taxes In- 0 r. irrcn Met Income 243,697.16 0 74TM7 H ldt ' ffi nnltr-uhnlHar ("anllal ihna fn.n nihrr ltm alfvlliin mi.ri rntrt capital and surplus Items fnetl v w 149.525.40, incrras Jn itirb'us' as re MJMM,..I ows'im i"j nr-fiun PllD TUC VPAD rjlrect Drfmliima r-ii,aH S9.779 4ft Olrrd losses nald 37,077.27 4-vionri.t d-ki 0r Credited to policyholders 0 Prlncfnal Of Urn In nirnnn- Phil r.rot. 2",Xrr 5, i?1 5 W. Sixth Avenue, rviimnu , vrogoni Total admitted assets $8318,119.69 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses .... SI 2,980,903.32 loss eaiusimem -ex-penses .. ... 1,159,626.65 Unearned premiums .... 29,976,054.77 All olher liabilities 12, MS, 6 TV. 04 Total liabilities, except 1 rjiDitAl lM.9ft7.7a3 78 Capital paid up . . 4,000,000 00 ipecini surplus lunas . 3,4uu,uuu.w Unassigned funds (sur- plus. . . 19.236vS5S.) hoi Total . . ".. . M3.61 8,81 9.69 CTATBMCMT ftB IkimMF Premiums earned i2'92MH3! Losses incurred .. 23.597.564 44 Loss expenses Incurred . 2.906,426.99 Oiner unaerwriiing ex-... ... penses Incurred . 16r66l.986.37 Tolal underwriting de- t rt.iclinn 142.173,977.80 rj.1 undarwrllln. gain or ., , Inveitment Irtcoma 2J06.022.U Other Income . ....... -101,029.85 Total, before federal In ... . . come taxes 8748. Federal income taxes In- currea 117.209.26 Dividends to i'tockholders 100,000.00 Net Income t -t Dividends to pollcvhoiders H Other Items etlectlng sur- ,...tilA piUS net) - -- Tolal capital and sur plus Items (net) .. 1416,260.35 ncrrase in surplus as re- . gards policyholders 'a43'46' ' BUStN.SS IN ORE ON Net premiums received lig'fZ Net losses paid . M. W.775.25 Dividmds paid or credited . . to policyholders ... - vw Principal office In Oregon: 421 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland 7, Oregon. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL 5AItWcrii . PAN? OP HAWAII, yiMVEO. j! Mono il u, n me aiaiB u "w.jr missionur or hi ' ------- pursuant to lsw: .-.-Tn ' , .ADWITTED..5.56"770.7,.0! rvtorigaoe teens .... 41.3.04 Re'l'esfale, 'lesi' tncunv . ronccs ..." Cash and bank dcooslts In- inis terii. , Aornls balances or uncol- lecled premiums , , Jrz.lTO.e, Interest, dividends and real Other assets'::.'." HO.m.70 Total admllted assets , tMM.MS.71 LIABILITIES, SURPLyS OTHER .osses . - ' o,s aaiusrmeni jwio . Unearnod premiums .-,-. ''yw-iiu.ift All other fiab Itles : - 440,741.30 11,179,222 17 Total llabllltlii. except Capital paid up'"' .....S.0O0M.0O .jpociai surpiui iunm -, r . j.X ati Unassigned funds (surplus) 3,55613 61 Surplus as regards policy- noioers . ..... Total M,t24,745.I1 1 TrATtlirUT no iNrnAAP Premiums earned ?! Loss expenses Incurred , ITO.Oe.U liner unnprwriiiini - . . penses Incurred ...... - 1.144,731.1? Tola unaerwrninu oiwirw (Ions , 2.739,223 M Not underwriting gain or ' 1 loss 57,5211.41 investment Income . Oihir Income .. 14,389.40, Total, before federal In- . ,M come taxes 1 w,i.ye Federal . Income . taxes incurred . i2?ff-iW rei intorrw ........ . Olvldends to stockholders t 200, lyuii Capital changes (net) ... Total capital and surplus Items (net) ., -- Inc-ease In surplus as rs- 8art wiii.-jiuiu'; BUSINESS IN OREGON i-uk inc it"i- ftl,80r.4 491406.44 772,m.4H Direct premiums received uirecr losses nom -. Olvldends paid or credited in POMCyr-niaeri i Principle office In Oregon, pnii orossmayer .o.t rwinarw. 11.411,50 0 PMflL OROSSilAYER CO. ! j MAHAGM CEKIML .INSURANCE AGENTS ' . . ' ; : i La Grind