Obttrvtr, La Grande, Or:, LA GRAND! Established 1896 Daily Except Sunday Published By the Grande Ronde Valley Publishing Company P. E. Woybret; Presideut RAY C. ANDERSON Editor k Publisher GEORGE S. CHAUJS Adv. Director H. E. PIULBY Managing Editor Member Audit United Press WEST-HOLIDAY CO.. INC. National Representatives - lo a Angeles San Francisco Portland Seattle Denver New Tork Chicago Detroit ''!-,. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By. Carrier By Motor Route BY 1 Month ...:':ii,lL:iV.,.li5 6 Months . ..:.6.50 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post orrice of La Grande, Oroeon Under the Act of March 8, 1807. let's fe This Straight "God, in His infinite wisdom, saw fit to place 'treads' on the tips of tiie fingers. The loops and whorls of ..-youi; .fingerprints were not put there for identification . alone. If they were eliminated, you would have dif ficulty holding a wet glass of water,-a cake of soap, or getting a life-saving grip on any object you might reach for." . , This is the basis for a new pJea for safety from Capt. Singleton Shaeffer in the current issue of the National Safety, Council magazine. Captain Shaeffer is commanding officer of a troop of Pennsylvania state police. His plea is a climax of years spent in observing accident results on the Pennsyl vania Turnpike. In' classifying accidents, some of the more frequent are blamed on : Too fast for conditions ; lost control on curve; hazardous highway conditions. But behind these labels, says Captain Shaeffer, are bad tires. Chief cause of turnpike accidents and we must have these things firmly in mind as the turnpike mileage increases are fatigue and lack of sleep. But next as a killer is "too fast for conditions." It is here that slick tires and blow-out tires lurk in all their deadliness. In July and August, 1956, 68 per cent of turnpike fa talities involved bad rubber. A check of wrecked ve hicles at one of the authorized turnpike garages showed 98 per cent of the cars had slick tires. New fcgislation is needed to keep autos with worn tires off the roads, says Captain Shaeffer. The present standard of safety is whether fabric or cushion gum is showing. ". . Take a look at your tires today. This veteran of auto safety says it is unsafe to take a car out if less than a. sixteenth of an inch of tread is showing at every point on the surface of all your tires including the spare. . It seems that anything so fundamental wouldn't need preaching. But the police found a great deal of con- jausiojiJiSjlpjua'jwheii a4irwas2saf &-i'.,rve."i. -iJ&,m-Talce his word forit: The more tread, the better. Keep a frond priri mi the vnnrL -mirl lifp ''"" ' ' ' ' Watching All The Girls Go By Elver get bored or impatient waiting for a bus? Do you develop a case of the fidgets because a friend is late for a luncheon appointment? Friend of ours told us about a little game he plays that not only eases such nervous tensions but affords considerable amusement. He simply looks at all the women passing by and notes what they have done to their eyebrows. . " 1 Try it some time. You'll be amused, astonished and at times positively .awestruck, Barbs You'd think some girls would be expert swimmers after the number of times life guards have taught them how. One-third as many single men are arrested as mar ried men a good argument for the wife to toss at hubby to keep him home'. ' Garlic is said to be a good cold preventive. Eat it and folks with a cold will keep away from you. The" original double chin women started gabbing over ' The old-fashioned waltz is one dance where; when the music stops, you don't have to get untangled. Side Glances TJfct ;. v fl err. Q 1HI 7 MtA feme. In. "Kanneth, can't you talk doodling? This cake recipe .11 .ur h rlrv an v ' ' 1 1 - 'j Mon., Dm. 29, 1958 Page 7 La Grind, Oregon Bureau of Circulation Full Leased Wiro 1.25 Month 1.40 Month MAIL : S Months , ...'.... 15.00 Year 16.80 Year .3.50 12.00 1 Year . came when a couple of a back fence. on tha phona without I jotted down hat 'Sally' inarrediants!" m U.S. Forces By JOHN CALLCOTT United Press International FRANKFURT. Germany (UPI) Any way you look at it, 1958 was a big year for U. S. forces jn burope. There was a troop movement to and, eventually, from Lebanon. And there was Pfc. Elvis Pres ley. -But the event that personally touched the greatest number of soldiers and their families in Europe was the long-awaited end of military "funny money. The gaudy .military payment certificates, including paper nick- les, dimes and quarters, went out of circulation on May 27. They had been in use since World War II and their conversion. into' good old stateside greenbacks in volved more than 100 million dol lars. ', Thex "funny money" was re tained only in the United King dom, Libya, Morocco and Iceland. The scrip originally was intro duced to halt a flourishing black market and inflation in occupied PUBLIC PULSE Dear Sirs: Public denied the right to vote." . These same laws apply to city elections. First let me quote law on voting. From Sec. of State, in "Elec tion: matters." law (ORS 24B.0U, 246.120). "The law requires the school board to select the polling places and the election board members (ORS 331.320). Lines containing "hundreds" of people waiting to vote, as has been in the past, at our own water de partment in La Grande, Ore., people denied the right to vote, standing on street as far north as Adams Ave., not being able to get into cast their ballot. Because not enough polling places. Also at our own high school building in the' basement, people were not able to vote, because there were not enough.polling pla ces. ; This can only happen, if the local school board has not estab lished enough polling places, or it the election clerks arc not follow ing the procedures sot forth in the "Manual of Elections Boards" available' from the county 'Clerk. So the entire fault lies with our school board and also our Union county clerk. The rule to allow the people in line at 8 p.m. is the common practice in all types of elections, and therefore,, polls are not to close till all voters . have cast My sister-in-law, Mary Archer, served on the election boards. All voters have their right to vote till the last in line has 'cast this bal lot, past the regular 8 p.m., dead line, and therefore this should be the voters' right and not the school board's or county clerk's decision. Thus quoted by Freeman Hol- mcr., director, elections division: 'As an American citizen, suffi cient' number of polling places arc to be allotted.". - signed, Mary Archer 101 Balm St. Funds Needed For Centennial PORTLAND (UPD Multno man county will have to get at least $95,000 to participate in the Oregon Centennial celebration, a meeting of the special budget committee was told Friday night Committee chairman Gary Meredith said that the amount was a bare minimum and it Would probably take several thou sand dollars more. The biggest outlay of cash would be for combatting the prob lem of housing for the expected thousands of tourists. It is expect ed to run $30,000. The $30,000 would be used to build trailer sites, finance a com mercial and public room-procurement program and, if necessary, to build tent camps. Meredith said another $24,000 would be used for "hospitality" in the county. That would consist of training citizens whose businesses put them in direct contact with the public and would include wait resses, taxi drivers, service sta tion personnel and policemen. Warning Issued On Transmitters LONDON (UPD New-type ra dio and radar transmitters being used by Britain's air force send out beams powerful enough to cook or seriously maim people or animals as. much as half a mile away ,a radio expert said. Dr. Douglas Shinn, one of a team of researchers working on the super-powerful transmittesr, sounded the warning In an article in the science magazine "Na ture." lie said the beams could cause internal injuries by heating the body at distances of up to half a mile. , The air force hurriedly assured Britons that transmitters sending out the powerful beams are part of defense radar network would be located at high points so the beams cannot hit the ground. In Europe Had Big Year countries, but the black market continued.: In the Lebanon troop movement. about 15,000 U. S. troops and air. men were- sent into 'that Country to safeguard the revolt-torn re gime. They include 5,000 Marines of the U. S. 6th Fleet, 1.600 airborne troopers of the 24th Infantry Divi sion from Augsburg, Germany, and paratroopers from Germany and France. Many were called away from their families on less than on hour's notice. One of the year's mast popular events was the inauguration of the American Forces Network in France. It already was a troop stand-by in Germany and Italy. On May 23, the first five limited range stations began beaming their "stateside" newscasts, come dy and drama programs and disc jockey shows to the France-bused U. S. soldiers. Then there was the Europcun invasion by rock n roll , trooper Elvis Presley, who still is on as signment in Germany. , To his music-loving Army bud dies, that was a bigger story lhan Lebanon. There were two cases .involving soldiers who reappeared after long absences, and one disappearance. Sgt. William Brown touched off one of the Army's biggest search operations when he disappeared from Heidelberg, Germany, .with his Japanese wife -and two chil dren. He turned up seven months luler in Chicago. .. Pvt. Wayne Powers, an ail-but-forgotten" World War II deserter, reappeared with a French wife and five childrcir-aftor 14 years of hiding. His wife, Yvctte, was ex pecting a sixth child when Powers was sentenced to 10 years, but he was later set free. The latest case involved 42-year- VITAMINS GUARD X FAMILY'S HEALTH An experienced pharmacist will show you our famous name line of vitamins to "build-up" your health; and in "time of need,", your prescription will be filled quickly and precisely with pure, high potency drugs. Emergency servicel Rexall PRESCRIPTION Adams A Depot pi Kin null 1 LA GRANDE Ikt tMwtf Mel McHmwI Sank el Peai 7 TIE mr IEICHAHT J 7Ls must 1 a v e 3 mSH i CtLLCCE (E6IEE 7 UK 3 177 eajai I old Pvt. Jonathan Morris of Wheeling, W. Va., who returned from Communist Romania in Sep tember and surrendered. He had left his Bavarian-based unit in 1948 to accompany his Romanian girl friend. He was sentenced to a dishonorable discharge and' six months ut hard labor.. Six ' murders topped reports of violent crime involving military personnel. Whan You Think 1 Of Diamonds You Think Of AURENCrS JEWELRY "The House of Diamonds" Adam A Depot S?. SUGAR Drugs PHARMACISTS WO 3-5722 Mrgy lw? f2 T I Vixen's fixin' to join U.S. National's Christmas Club! Vixen's pre-sold on prepaid Christmas shopping I He'a . starting now to tare little money cadi week, throughout the year. Come next November, Vixen will feceire a Christmas Savingt .Club check from U.S. National for the entire mount plus interest! Small amounts saved weekly,' plus interest, add up to a prepaid Christmas next year. Join U. 9. National's Uuistmas Savings Club now! There's a plan j iw every pocKei 1 ana purse. BRANCH m Shov Chris' Foods HEADUNEMrWAKING. . . 303 TINS Broken Segments Grapefruit Sections 2 For 39 46-OZ. Kraft Orange Drink . 4-LB. PKG. Sperry Pancake Flour HILLS BROS. fK "" INSTANT urge 0(0)C COFFEE ..... . . 1 I 303 TINS Walla Walla Peas 28-OZ. JAR Nalley's Mince Meal For Your Bird Use 's A STUFFING BREAD 25 CHRIS' Folly-Cooked! You're Money Ahead Belter Flavor! SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMS 16 TO 18 LBS. HALF OR WHOLE. 12 TO 14 LBS. HALF OR WHOLE. 4 TO 6 LBS. BUTT PIECES. Eddy LEG 0' LAMB lb. 69c FRESH LINK SAUSAGE lb. 63c Mild Cheese Roas,jn HENS tp R"d s,oak and ! lb. 89c lb. 49c 1 4-5 Lb. TURKEYS I Sw?ss Steak' ,b- 79c USE OUR FREE DELIVERY cms Blh & Spring PLtNI,?f FF5KvpK,N0 PH. W0 3-3 1 1 5 K2'.V AND GOOD! Deity Crocker's . Blueberry Muffin Nix S & W BRAND Glace l-Lb. Package 4SC MEATS When You Boy The Besll Less Shrinkage! ARE NEVER SALTY OR STRINGY ,b.59 ib. w 59' ...lb. ,CAV. 4 2B 49' 2 for 35 ..: 49c NO. TINS Libbys Pumpkin ; NONE BETTER 2 Tins S)C CHRIS' Quality Produce . SOLID HEAD CRISP Lettuce u, HO' 10 Lbs. U.S. No. 1 Potatoes 3Se CELLO , CARROTS 2pkgs. 25 c California t ?. Avocados For Dips And Salads' -Naaar; Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 2i For l!9 .