N. " Observer, l Grande, Ore., Frl.p'fe. 14, 1958 Pagt 7 LA GRAND! Establiched 1194 Daily except Sunday La Grand., Ortgon Published l!y the Oranile Itotide Vallry Publishing Company P. E. YTeybret, ITraWnt RAY C'ANDEBSON ....:..,:... Editor & Publisher CEOBGE S. CHAliJS Adv. Director H. E PII1LBY - Managing Editor Memor r Audit Bureau of Circulation United Press Full Leased Wire WEST-HOLI PAT CO., FNO. National Representative! Lo Anjeles San FraneUro Portjand-fleattle Denver . 1 New York Chicago Detroit sirBsrnipnoN rates; ' . By Carrier 125 Month . 15.00 Year By Motor Route 1.40 Month 16.80 Year .' BY MAIL ' 1 Month 1.23 -8 Months 3.H0 6 Months 6.50 1 Year 12.00 Knlertd ea Second Class Matter at 'the POat Office of 1, .. 'Grande, Oregon Under the Act of March 8, 1897. Pollution In Our Cities When the census bureau issued its recent prediction of a "population explosion" in this country-it gave new dimensions to. a lot of our nagging: problems. Not the least of these was the growing need for clean water in our cities. . Experts assure us that we have no shortage of water, as such, in this country. The shortage is clean water. ; Our difficulties stem from the growth of the metro politan areas. Since 1940 practically all of the increase was from 132 million to 175 million. In addition to that, our use' of 'water- has increased from 122 gallons to 160 gallons jafly per individual. Automatic washers and other changes in our living account for this. .: . : - So the problem centers in our cities. 1 A good many communities are. in real trouble. One difficulty is in the suburban areas. "Hunting cheaper land, developers get out of the ratige. of municipal water and sewage lines, .New homes! have' to be served by septic tanks a vastly technical operation , when done rigKt and many homeowners run into difficulties. , The League of Women Voters; Studying the problem of clean water supplies and proper-sewage disposal, fqund it was universal. . ' ; "The problem has been with , lis for, a long time and steadily grows more acute and; affects more- people," the league reported to its members. "Y6u probably need look no further than your own local river, stream, pond, or lake to understand the need to ;do something about water pollution.' Here -in 'the ' ri&tiohV capital the Po tomac has been described as -'the best dressed cesspool in the country'." -1 . ..The tragic aspect of our cities' graduate descent into a mire of sewage is that it ,is not 'clear who is, in the position to rescue them. V . ' The national government has never gone into this phase of public works with any intensity since the days of the. old WPA. State govero,neilis,iw.ijth : few. excep-. Wons&av shrugged -it"ff;." .- :?-; y, Sadly, the voters in the cities theniselves haven't accepted . the responsibility to jull themselves out of their troubles. Last year only 600 Communities felt their need to the point of putting up bond issues. And one fourth of these were turned down. Where there are now 100 million people, in com munities served by public sewage disposal facilities now, Fortune magazine estimates there will be 134 mil lion by 1975. To provide proper facilities the bill will be 24 billion dollars.- i . s ; : ' . . , The growing threat to health, 16ne; should be, enough to wake up our cities to vyhat.fs 'grtiiig on. Polluted, snielly brooks and downstream. f lows of .rivers full of. half-treated sewage don't seem to be enough. Will it take epidemics of, sickness to make us face the facts? - --v s:-:,.;' ' . II 1 aVI V 1 I II V-1 'JT,. ii i tii n hi i rntn u n rrj m a hv ik n -7 I I ll i J ..in. mi. mi i .. rrii.i im-T.limr. ,M-i,n .ni.iim -11 111 III I Barbs :'--v : A'sdur disposition and a Bad reputation are easiest to get and hardest to get rid of . '.' ' . It's always easier to measuretip with -your friends if ' you always use the golden rule. . ,7 '. If it's any satisfaction to the ;hair dressers, they cer tainly 'aren't, the only ones suffering from lack of permanent work, ' 'r 1 It's probably a surprise for a bill collector when the lady of the house doesn't say, "Can you come back next . week? i . - :' . . . A lot of marriage knots were tied in June and now a lot of men don't have as much rope. Side Glances fig 7 "We're trying; out our ChristmU present Helen's 4 GRt Charge purchases made during this sale will not be due until Feb. 10th ESTABLISHED 18 n For You ... the higgest values of the year in fine women's and. girls' wear! Shop now! Preen llufffut z fl,te mmens and girk' wear! Shop now! I save o nrri IIP TO V- A W0AA.EN CO k T Our Complete Slock Of Famous Name 100 WOOL COATS &f Every Size ; O Every Color! Reg. 29.98 to 89.95 Half Price t&5Bs? 'X V- . YOU SAVE FROM 14.99 TO 44.97 ON EACH COAT L. 8.99 WOMEN'S Famous Name WOOL SKIRTS Sorry ... we can't mention the name, but you'll know them by their fam ous styling and fab Girls' Wool Caps and Hoods Asstd. styles, colors. Reg. to 1.98 .....NOW 79 WOMEN'S Car Coats Good assortment styles, fabrics and colors. DON'T MISS OUT ON THESE GREAT BARGAINS... Winter Is Still To Come! REG. 8.98 TO 25.00 FAMOUS II AI-IE BRAS Many styles and fabrics from which to choose. Reg. to 5.98. Stock up at this price!. YOUR .CHOICE 2. 00 iWomens Dresses CHOOSE FROM LARGE GROUPS Of popular priced and belter styles . . . all new fall styles, colors and fabrics. GROUP 1 Reg. io H;9S; GROUP 2 Reg. to 29.98 GROUP 3 Reg. io 39. 500 id00 1500 BE SURE TO STOCK YOUR WARDROBE WITH THESE WONDERFUL BUYSI , Women's Suits A good selection In many styles. Choose from 'a variety Of fabrics, mostly wools. REG. 25.00 TO 49195 -HALF PRIC GIRLS' CAR COATS HALF PRICE Wide range of styles and colors. REG. TO 10.98. GIRLS' SKIRTS 1 Group Assorted Styles And Fabrics. Regular To 5.98 288 UIIGERIE 588 C88 10.95 ) and Dlscontlnutd and numb.n. Values WSS HALF PRICE Our entire stock new fall styles. Values to 10.98. ' Shop Our HUGE Ready-To-Wear . BARGAIN TABLE , during Ihis sale! ALL SALES FINAL! NO EXCHANGES.. .NO RETURNS ...NO REFUNDS SHOP FALK'S I.D. STORE FIRST W&m i