Observer, La Grande, Ore., Tues., Dec. 16, 1958 Page 10 Citizens Of English Community) Anxiously Await Tree's By MARGARET SAVILLE United Press International i LONDON UPP) Citizens of undent Glaslonbury in the west country are anxiously watching the sturdy little Hawthorn tree which grows near the high altar in ruined Glastonbury Abbey on Wearyall Hill. .; ' "F'or this is the famous holy thorn of legend and , if it duly blooms on Christmas Day, the first spray of bldssom must be ceremoniously cut by the vicar of Glastonbury and dispatched at once to the queen. If it fails to bloom, it is be lieved that a year. of. grief and tribulation for the royal family and for England generally lies ahead Legend says that this'1 tree dates back lo Saint Joseph of Arimath ea who came to the vale of Ava Ion to preach Christianity carry ing a staff cut from the tree which provided Christ's crown thorns. Exhausted from climbing the sleep hill, he stopped to rest remarking. We are weary all. and plunged his staff' into the ground. It immediately took root "and became a tree. which always blooms at Christmas, unlike nor mal thorn trees which bloom in the spring. It . also blooms when ever royalty visits the abbey, Most Successful 'Moon Shot' ; May Be In Women's Fashions By NATALIE BEST ; United Press International "LOS ANGELES UPI The most successful "moo,n shot" of the year may be in the world of women's fashions. At least an in terplanetary space-suit has won the approval of some 70. fashion editors from across the nation at tending the Eighth Annual. Press week. This "first" in the highly com petitive apparel industry"- came from California - designer Phil Rose, a veteran of the world's sec ond largest fashion market. nt m p y - ill! WASH AND WEAR The hit est tiling in formal attire for transparently honest men is modeled by comedian Dick ! Shawn, : all togged out in a Infancy. 'dinner suit, tails and all, ntadc of, plastic. He's baring llK'Well during an appearance nil the . Tropicana Hotel in Los Vegas, 'Nev. .' Hawaiian . Statehood Seen ; SAN A N G E L O, Tex. I UPI Senate Democjalic leader Lyndon Johnson says he feels the next Congress will admit Hawaii to statehood even though the islands have fa ."Communist problem." In a question and answer ses sion at Sail Angeto Junior College I'Tiduy night Johnson said l ex pect the next session of Congress to approve statehood Tor Ilawuu. "I don't know how I'll vote, he said. "Heretofore I've been against it," . Johnson pointed out that the ter ritory has a Communis! problem and "I want to make sure Ihoy (the Communists) don't run that state." Johnson .added that 1)6 doubts the Fifth Amendment will ever be changed because "you don't burn down the house to get one rnt Even though it is frequently abused, it is a great protection. Johnson, who was on his feet for almost two hours, answered n , question about his . candidacy lor the President's office with a flhl "no." hut went on to qualify that by saying "I don't think any body will be nominated from the South In my lifetime. If so, I don't think he'll be elected." Johnson said lie .was a candi date for the Senate hr 11K10 "and I solicit the support of each of you." , ;. TV Actor Injured While Filming Show HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Actor Hichard Boone was on his way back to filmland Monday after suf ' fering a painful Injury in a Jeep nteidenl. i A H-lnch splinter penetrated his Ide and rammed through his foot up into his leg Sunday when the Jeep struck a log in Squaw Valley in' Northern California where Boone had been filming shows for his television "Have Gun -.Will TJravcl"vsei'ics. The actor was taken to Tahoe City for an emergency operation and later placed under sedulion. His wife, ' Claire, alid a nurse, were accompanying him on a train back here. This is not the first time the zany moonwear manufacturer., has thrust startling new , ideas on tho fashion world. In his 20 years of apparel business, Rose launched the first Capri pants l!Mi, adapt ed the. Italian look for America (1952, introduced the Scandana- ian look '19571, and is heading for the moon f 19511 1. , , Exploring -the possibilities of "fun wear" Rose actually- was looking for a reason lo make long coveralls for women. He had a new fabric and nine shockingly new bright colors to try on Miss and Mrs. America. By accident he fell into rocket-age styling when sev eral of the strange new colors were culled "out of this world" by his colleagues. Zoom! He was off. He immed iately saw his new colors for what they were, reproductions of the eerie Jetstream greens, blues, reds and pinks. He named (hem in celestial terms such as Jupiter pink, Saturn yellow, Martian blue, Mercury green and solar orange. To Rose this spelled something hot thermonuclear in color and the unheard of something "new" in fashions. Undaunted by the jeers of oth ers in this field, he went ahead and quietly designed futuristic space wear six completely dur ahlo. " comfortable, slip-on "flight suits ' for the woman of tomorrow. The tree has bloomed at Christ mas for centuries past. There" are historical records ' of Its flowers being ceremonially presented to King James- I and- uecn Anne The late Queen Mary always looked forward to receiving the flower at Sandringham House and tho sprays were placed by her in the local church, j . As one tree has reached its nor mal span and died, cuttings from it. have been planted so that the holy thorn can continue in perpe tuity. The present tree has ma tured from tho. cutting: officially taken and planted with consider able pomp during the festival of Br tain celebrations in l5l. Seeds from, the ree have often been cultivated' but the result has always been an ordinary spring- blooming thorn. ; But cuttings sent, to many parts of the world , have occasionally rooted successfully;, and matured into Christmas ..- blooming trees. They, are always required to be plunted in holy ground. , . One' is at St.- Alban's Cathedral in Washington. In 1951 when Prin cess Elizabeth visited Washington it suddenly bloomed and a spray of the blossom was presented to her in a special silver casket, i Just over two months later her father died and the princess be came the queen. ...J Car Plunges Off Bridge BREMERTON, Wasfi. UPI Two youths were killed when the ear in which they were riding plunged off a bridge here early Sunday. The owner of tho car, Robbie Clark, 22, Bremerton, was missing and police believed he also died in the accident. Clark was seen in the company of tho other two y o u t h s two hours before the accident, Tho bodies recovered from the Washington Narrows below the bridge were identified as those of Joseph E. Jenkins Jr., 22, Port Orchard, and Gary Lee Hill, also 22, Bremerton. Attempts of a Bremerton skin diving club to recover the body of ,the missing, mail, wore called off Sunday ' due In unfavorable currents. ;.' Political Undertow Discussed welfare of the people of the in time lead a mighty Teamsters By LYLE C. WILSON United Press International WASHINGTON UPI) The po- liticval undertow: The stop-Nixon effort failed in 1956 and now has been revived for I960. The dump-Adams effort prevailed. Just' around the corner, more likely than not, is another dump movement dump Agriculture Sec retary Ezra T. Benson. Improving farm prices in the months pre ceding this year's election be witched many persons into believ ing .that the forthright secretary's farm belt standing likewise had improved. The voters defeated a great many pro-Benson members of Congress. Republican survivors would spark the- dump- Benson movement if it comes. Eisenhower admin! stration friends in big business - did not leap to offer employment to Sher man Adams so Adams will make do writing a book for, -Harper Brothers Co. Estimates of what Adams might receive for his White. House memoirs range as high as $100,000, before taxes. It billed as an mside-the-White- House project. Political pros will in some measure judge how far inside the White House the book really goes by how frankly, if at all, Adams discusses the 1956 ef fort to prevent renomination , of Vice President Richard M. Nixon. Chairman Meade Alcorn of the Republican National Committee and Chairman Harry F. Byrd (D- Va.l. of the Senate Finance Com mittee are agreed that crippling, deadly inflation is almost upon us. The barrier is.. down. Three Re publican committee mt'mbers did not seek reelection to the Senate r FAIRBANKS-MORSE WATER SYSTEMS PUMPS J r SOFTENERS CORNELL'S Island City Hwy. WO 3-4524 . JUNE and FRED MAC MURRAY say: give her an automatic Gas drver ! FASTER DRYING! No warm-up wait ... a Gas dryer is of uvrk the second you turn it on, gently blowing moisture out of clothes with safe, evenly-heated currents of warm dry air. BETTER FOR CLOTHES! Gentler, quicker! lss wer nnrl tear! No dangerous overheating to "bake" out- moisture! Not. just "safe," for fabrics, n Gas dryer's kind fluffs and renews them! EASIER FOR HCR! Fasi. gentle, automatic Gas drying nelps her through each wash-day sooner. Puis an end to weather worries, and back-breaking struggles with heavy loads of wet clothes. . SAVES YOU MONEY Alt YEAR IONO! No wait, no waste every penny spent, on Gas gets uvrk done. Yet automatic Gas dryers cost less to buy, less to install, less to maintain, less per laundry load! VISIT OUR DISPLAY FLOOR OR CALL ON YOUR GAS APPLIANCE DEALER nut tfrtriMT TiiTnTi. UTILITIES COMPANY w and a fourth was licked, in this order. Martin, Pa., Flanders, Vt., Jenncr, Ind., and Malone, Nev. With the prevailing 8 to 7 ratio of Democratic and Republican committee membership, Byrd and his predecessor, the late Sen. Wal ter F. George (D-Ga.), usually could find a bipartisan conserva tive majority. The party ratio in the new Congress will be 9 to 6 or, ev.-n, 10 to. 5. That should put Byrd ai d the more or less con servatifes in a- permanent mi nority. Some responsible labor leaders look beyond Jimmy Hoffa's rela tionship to the labor movement as a whole to what -could become his ultimate relationship to' the United States. . Such leaders '"be lieve floffa would set back, Ser iously endanger.-, the U.Sf' labor movement if he succeeds in set ting up his proposed over-all transportation union, the team sters plus everything else with wheels, keels or wings. One-responsible labor man said to your correspondent: "Against such a union as Hoffa, projects, the 'peo ple would be defenseless." Hoffa predicted last month that he will llninn snannine the entire trans- & t i. a inn nnn mpmhers "We will not be stopped,'" he said, "by the McClellan commiU tee, laws or the courts." GLASS Window, plate uto in Thtrmopan In itock. 1 GLAZING SERVICES Millar's Cibintt Shop I Oli J VI I lA II 111 i WtV,. J I MORE lo give, MORE lo save when you shop at Penney fs! Store Hours: 9:30-5:30 Mon. Sat. r I"" f If 'O' DAN RIVER WASH 'n WEAR New Spring " Patterns All Easy Care Fabrics Dozens Of Styles Sizes For - Everyone . . Shop . Penney's . Fashion : Balcony . For Extra Christmas . Savings DRESS SHIRTS OF FINE PIMA COTTON More gift luxury! Lustrous Pima cotton broadcloth shirts are Towncraft (R) pro- portioned to fit and feel bet- ter. All collar 'n cuff styles, including new i convertible cuff. Sanforized. (R) MORE io give, MORE lo save when you shop ai Penney's! PENNEY'S. LINED CAPESKIN GLOVES Cm MORE SELECTION IN GIFT TIES ANGEL'S TOUCHI UNEQUALLED PRICE $ men's sizes small, medium, large, extra-large Penney's pigtexed capeskin gloves in cork, black, tan. Sidewall construction t' o r more style, comfort. Warm lining of 85 Vicnra (It), 15 nylon. More Penney quality ties to choose from . . -. undcrknots, metallics, wash 'n wears, stripes, plaids, morel In ray on, dacron (It), silk 'n wool, ucrilan (B), more! (V)$398 . PENNEY'S FINE GAYMODE HOSIERY 98' It's a wonderful fashion in deluxe nylon tricot, witli more lace, more embroidery, more crystal pleating trims.. It's proportioned to fit more beautifully too! Penney's own Gaymode hos iery . . . just 08c pair! Wheth er you prefer seamless, full fashioned, or strctchablcs . . . Pcnncy's.has thorn all at just 98c a pair, Whatever hosiery style you want, you'll find it ai renncy s. GIVE, PENNEY'S GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEM AT ANY PENNEY STORE BLANKET SAVINGS PLAIDS OR PLAINS scoo Extra soft & warm orlon & cotton & rayon blended deep loft blankets! Heavy weight for winter - warmth.- Select ;from Bonnie Plaids or Solid Colors. . All washable', too! Generous full bed size 72x90. ' MAIN FLOOR MISSES' & GIRLS' WARM FUR CUFFS $998 Cm All the "gals" love the feel of fur. Penney's trims this smooth leather slipper with rich colored fur. It's elegant looking and comfortable. with soft soles. girls' sizes i.n MAIN FLOOR FOR THE HOMEI FROST-TWEED RUGS ,298to,1495 2x3 (1. lo 4x6 ft. & Slim Jimi Tool 2x6'' Easy-Care and Easy To Match. I J : i 1$ r ?: JUST RECEIVED! Huge New Shipment MEN'S fc BOYS' WESTERN SHIRTS l Mlo'3" mENS$3mIoj695 BOYS' Novelty Stylet Gingham Plalda Gold-Lit- Prints Sixes 4-16 FancyXhromespuns Soft Metallic Plaids AH Types & Colors Sixes M'a-I7 .3. a: & ft REMEMBER PENNEY'S WILL BE OPEN TIL 9:00 FOR THE MENI f Leather BILLFOLDS $2.ooos4.oo ft plus tax (A ' Leather Tooled g perteer oitts Plain Styles P.N. FRIDAY!