La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 10, 1958, Page 3, Image 3

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    Embossed Metals
At Unit Meet
' The Oregon Trail Extension
unit met in the home of Mildred
Williams, Dee. 5 for a demon
stration on embossed thin met
als. Alice Herrmann and Mar
guerite Cooper were the leaders.
Evefy member had a piece of
sheet copper and the leaders di
rected them through all the steps
needed so that a picture was
completed ready for mounting.
Guests were Ulith Ccrdes, Dot
f'olsom and Doris Lilly. There
were 22 members present.
, A potluck luncheon was served
Ri noon. Hostesses were John
ny Wilson, Betty Gulzow and Mil
dred Dawson.
Marilyn Herrmann presided
over the business meeting. The
next meeting will be Jan. 8, at
Gloria Nelson's, 1702 4th yith
hostesses Dorothy Anderson,
Uura McKinnis, Donna Hetrick
p,pd' Jerri Gilkison. The topic will
be "Meat' Cookery."
The wrappings on the presents
for gift exchange were varied and
unusual and the gifts brought
many smiles. 1
I And
Around Town
Visitors in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hulst for the past
week were Radio Technician,
Chuck Affleck and Gene Brewer
from Salem.
M&i) Robert Baldwin, or Port
InndVJs in La Grande visiting with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
andjrs. Bill Keltic.
Morrie Robertson, business
Manager of Oregon state College
at Coryallis is here on business
for 'thv. cnllcL'o :nwl ic i.ldfinrr
with'his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
ueorge KODenson, 1109 Willow
and with his grandmother, Mrs.
Harriett Briggs.
Happy Birthday
Look Whos Here
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Montgom
ery, North Powder, have a daugh
ter born Dec. 9. They have named
her Sharon Kay and she weighs
nine pounds and seven and a half
; Tom Hefty
Arlene Herron
Don Bloom
'Gary Frizzoll
iy FOR
"The House Of Diamonds"
- NowtYoneansotthcfHstrolIofyounood
. from nagging backache, headache and
muscular aches and puins that often cause
restless . nights and ntiserablo tlred-out
feeling. When these discomforts come on
with; ovcr-csertlon or stress and strain
-you wont relief-want it fasti Another
disturbance may be mild bladder irritation
following wrong food and drink often set
ting .op a restless uncomfortable feeling.
h Dean's Pills work fast in 8 separate
ways 1 1. by speedy pain-rcllcving action to
ease torment of nagging backache, head
aches, muscular aches Bnd pains. 2. by
toothing effect on bladder irritation. 3. by
mild diuretic action tending to increase
putput of the 15 miles of kidney tubes.
. TSnjpy a good night's sleep and the
.Bine happy relief millions have for over
tp. yrs, New, large tzo saves money.
Ct Boon's Pills today I
Pleasant Grove
Plans Community
Christmas Party
The annual Community Christ
mas program and party, sponsor
ed by the Pleasant Grove Grange,
will be held Salurday, Dee. 13, at
8 p.m. at the Pleasant Grove
Grange Hall. A cordial invitation
is being extended to the public to
attend this annual event.
This year the program will be
potluck. If you have a number
that you .would like to share with
your friends and neighbors, it will
be appreciated.
There will be the usual gift ex
change not to exceed 50 cents for
adults. Those who bring gifts for
their children should be sure to
have the names on the packages.
Santa will make his appearance
with his cheery smile and treats
for all.
Birthday Observed
By Shirley Hulst
Shirley Hulst was honored at a
birthday dinner in their home, at
306 Adams Avenue. Mrs. Robert
Hulst and Shirley were hostesses,
The event was Miss Hulst's 17th
bitrhday, and decorations were
carried out in pink and white.
The table was centered with a
brass pitcher filled with pink
roses and Fostoria candlesticks
holding pink candles.
There were 14 of her girl
friends attending the occasion.
Its Going
To Happen
6:30 p.m., American Legion
Auxiliary will hold a potluck din
ner for all members and families
in the hall. Meeting following at
a p.m.
8 p.m., Three Link club of Cry
stal Rebcknh lodge Christinas
party in clubroum of Odd Fel
lows temple. All Rcbekahs wel
come, each one attending to
bring gift with 50 cent minimum.
Refreshments, program, election
of officers.
8 p.m., Union County Art Guild
will hold a work night in the art
room in the Administration Build
ing oi me uouege.
.8 p.m., 015S will hold their reg
ular meeting in the Masonic hull.
Maxine Nurml
WO 3-3161
Observer, La Grande, Ore., Wed., Dec. 10, 1958 Page 3
10:30 a.m.. La Grande Valley
Extension Unit will meet iii the
home of Mrs. Ed MeCanse, 1502
First Street, for a Christinas pot
12 noon, The Soroptimist will
hold a luncheon meeting in the
1 p.m.. Circles 2 and 3 of the
Presbyterian Womens Association
will meet in the Manse, for potluck
luncheon. Bring own table service.
Meat dishes furnished by commit
tee. Circle 2 bring salad or veg
etable. Circle 3 bring dessert.
1:30 p.m., Happy Circle club
Christmas party in the home of
Mrs. Grover Grimmett. Mrs.
Frank Young, Mrs. Vernon Tgo
and Mrs. George Livingston to be
co-hostesses. Gift exchange.
6:30 p.m., Business and Profes
sional Women will hold their
Christmas dinner in the home of
Genevieve Nelson. Bring table ser
vice and gift not to exceed 50 cents.
7 p.m., Ladies Auxiliary of the
Eagles will hold an officers meet
ing in the hall.
8 p.m., LS to B of LF and E
will meet in the IOOF hall. Mem
bers are being urged to attend for
election and initiation of candi
dates. Drill team to be there at
8 p.m., Imbler PTA will meet in
Wade hall. Speaker for evening
will be the Reverend Robinson.
Planned ' program.
(Feted On Birthday
The Lowell Film home at 2007
I Avenue was the scene Saturday
of a lively Birthday party honor
ing Linda Elaine Film on her
fourth birthday.
Twenty-nine youngsters were
present lo play games and to as
sist the honorec to open her many
Highlight of the afternoon was
when the decorated birthday cake
with four lighted candles was pre
sented on a musical plate playing
"Happy Birthday." The; group
then sang the traditional song for
Miss Film. Refreshments of punch,
cupcakes and ice cream were
Those attending were, Janice
and Donny Stiff, Kathy Cash,
Susan Schmitllo, Jimmy Vaughn,
Brcncla Barns, Dian and Sheila
Higgens, Billic and Pam Halliday,
Tommy Wells. Ava Patterson, Ann
McClay, Marvel Ann Abell, Ann
Robinson, Cobby Hicky, Susan
Cook, Terri and Nicki Lindhorst,
Sandy Shields, Barbara Harrison,
Michael and Karen Hugg-, Moni-
quie Moore, Debra Balcom, Les
lie Knight, Gail Payne, Sarah
Dawn, and Sharon Trimble. Adults
attending were Elaine Hanson,
Josephine Hugg, Virginia Trimble,
Pat and Sally Klitz, Lois Film and
grandmothers, Rena Film and Eu
dora Harrison.
Yours . . . for Ihe giving or
ihe wearing . . . at Ernie's!
"Vieux Carre' " is the Gallic little flat that puts
the ooh in ooh-la-la! Fashioned with a French flair
' 1 by California COBBLERS. Chic for fall and win
ter with "middy" heel . . . pointed toes ... and
a tailored bow of matching leather with a silver
' " scroll. '
S-N-M Width
Open Friday Evening Until 9 o'clock
For Your Christmas Shopping Convenience
Ernie's Shoe Store
1304 Adams
WO 3-3079
11 a.m.. North Powder Exten
sion Unit will meet with Mrs.
Marvin Vancil for a Christmas
11 a.m., Blue Ml. Senior Exten
sion Unit will meet with Mrs. Guy
First Aid Classes
Begin Thursday
' A Red Cross First Aid instructors
course will begin Thursday at 7
p.m., in Room 2 of the Junior High
Joe Pope, First Aid Chairman
for Umatilla County, will conduct
the classes. Anyone holding a cur
rent valid Advanced First Aid
Certificate' is eligible to attend.
Any instructor wishing a refresh
er course is also being asked to
Women's Unit
Plans Dinner
II....: I i,.... f......i..l... I ..
UMIIUiS illlll 1 IUHllllill l
mui win noiu men- imMimi.s
'milll-l- ((I nil; IIIIIIIV Ul
Hnlcnt. 'lL,,,.i-.l., n,ir. 1 1
Those alteiidinii are beiim ask
ca to bring their own lame ser
l vice and a gift not to exceed 50
i-enis ' hn r- tin win ii rmsn I nr
turkey and members will bring
for the planned potluck.
All members and former niem-
nnrc fn l.nmrt nroi.rl Id nlliMW
this holiday affair.
Mt. Fanny Grange
Plans Installation
COVE, (Special R. E.) The
Mt. Fanny Grange held their reg
ular meeting Dec. 1. in the
grange hall. Lloyd Murchison.
master, conducted tile business
meeting. Plans were made at this
lime to attend the instalation of
officers at the Pleasant Grove
Grange on Dec. 6.
1'he Home Economics Club will
meet Dec. 16, at '2 p.m., in Ihe
Cletus llohstadt residence. There
will be a gift exchange.
Sunday, Dec. 21, 1 p.m., the
grange members and their fami
lies will meet at the grange hall
for their annual Christmas dinner.
The dinner is lo be pot-luck, with
the exception of the turkey which
will be furnished by the Home
Economics Club.
Mrs. Floyd Arthurs is preparing
the program. There is to be a gut
exchange at the dinner, not to ex
ceed 25c.
Spencer for a Christmas party
8 p.m., Union Pacific Old Timers
17, will hold installation and
Christmas party. Gift exchange
not to exceed 50 cents.
i ..HI
'a gift I'd like,' saus hi
. JW one. or me. saijs she.
l "J the original billfold
, ft Jl!!. 1 nd purse, to use as a
' fZi4y IS. i handbag or in hnd;
' ! -SsSSiS'' k'FvVf blg' Pass case 1'
V i0 V,4 photos and cards,
V .,1,1, 1 billfold and coin
I . 1 case. Luxurious
- k"1 " glove-soft leather iii
1 V ' "'- ' I lObeautifulcolors.
V I 1 I -
th Album
the slim, trim billfold that holds innu
merable cards and photos; two till pock
ets, space for tickets, stamps, spare keys.
Finest saddle leather. $7.90 p'tut ia
the Chek-Maf
combination coat wallet and check
book. Holds bills, perforated note pad,
letters, stamps, cards. Finest saddle
leather. , $7.S0l.ti
Adams 4. Depot
WO 3-5722
Meeting Date Changed
Tlic Junior Art Research group
have changed their luncheon date
from Dec. 19 to Dec. IB, in the
home of Mrs. Lois McMillan
At The Tops hop..
New Gift Wrinkle
For An Old
Christmas Custom!
bulky "bundler"
Bundling is a fine old
American custom done here
with a totally new approach.
Jnntzcn's new ladder stitch
that looks inches thick, yet is
so light it barely tips the scale.
Bundle up in fashion in this
striped "Bundler" cardigan 16.98,
and skirt 14.98. (Wear a sweater
'Underneath in solid colors
of the same knit.)
11 :
, " , ; ; i
JJkchallettffed in the Tffirld's tfficttom fH, :,
If it could be said of any product of American craftsman
ship that it is known and loved throughout the world
then it could surely be said of the Cadillac car.
In fact, it is unlikely that, in all the recorded history of
commerce, another manufactured product lias ever etched
itself so deeply in the public affection.
And we feel confident that the beautiful motor car that
bears the Cadillac name for 1959 will deepen this senti
ment to a still greater degree.
For this newest Cadillac creation is far finer in all the
things that have made Cadillac so worthy of the world's
respect and admiration. ;'
Its distinctive beauty, for example, is infinitely more
graceful and enchanting with a majesty of line and a finc-
ncssof form never before witnessed on the world's highways.)
Its celebrated Fleetwood luxury will win international
favor as never before with appointments and fabrics that
are unbelievably beautiful.
And its performance will quickly alter the world's
concept of how an automobile should drive and handle
with smoothness, an alertness, and an ease of control
that put a new measure of magic into every mile it travels.
To make that Cadillac of your dreams come true
investigate the virtues of the Cadillac without delay.
In fact, the car's unprecedented acceptance has made ft
doubly important that you place your order at the earliest
possible moment. .....
Your dealer will be waiting to welcome you.
,. , PHONE WO 3-343 1
Every If in Jov of Every. Cadillac u Safety Plat, tjw