Observer, La Grande, Ore., Tues- Dec. 2, 1958 Page 7 Questionable Acts Of Jurors Cited In Appeal For New Trial LINCOLN, Neb. (UPD The at torney for Caril Fugate has charged that Caril's conviction on first-degree murder charges was based on "corrupt or unlawful acts by one or more jurors." Attorney John McArthur, in fil ing a motion for a new trial, said mere were n auegea errors 'in trial proceedings. ' 1 He presented a sworn affidavit in district court from one of the jurors that. the juror had bet a friend $1 two days before the trial that Caril would get the electric chair. , The juror, H. A. Walcnta, Lin coln, said in the affidavit he had ' made the bet with Richard Weil- ugu, !, on a nunung mp uct. za. Also presented was an affidavit 'by Weilage supporting Walenta's Chuckles In The News United Press International LONDON (UPD U.S. indus trial designer Heiry Dreyfuss, writing in the British business and industry monthly "Scope," let it be known that he does not approve oi American automoniie design. "American cars are vulgar and, "monotonous. They're like the leg endary brassy blonde. She's pret ty dazzling for the first five min- aiies, dih men you re eirmarrasseci to be seen with her," he said. ' SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (UPD ' Marin County, overpopulated this year with pesky varmints, offered . a $1 bounty for tails of skunks and raccoons. Some 38 tails later, country agricultural commissioner (,Thomas W. Peryam wasn't sure ,it had all been worth it. ; Twice claimants walked into his ; office with skunk tails and both " times he was unable to use the . omce lor tne rest ot tne day. ..Judge Orders Halt iu i nnuei vuiiuiy POKTLAND UPD U.S. D s- , trict Judge Gus Solomon has tem , porarily halted Donald R. Mulli ; gan Gold Beach mining operator, '. from cutting timber in the Siski- you national forest where his two mining claims are located. Jude Solomon IskhpH Hio tnm. porary injunction after stating that Mulligan must present evi- . dence that thprn is suffirirnt min eral discovery in the area to cut the trees. . .. t Education Board 1 To Annpnl Rurlnot fnf PORTLAND (UPD The slate Board of Higher Education Fri- - day went over the $7,674,305 worth . of cuts made by the State Finance .Department in its biennial budget .-, and planned to appeal to Gov. Robert Holmes. Mnmhnrc nan in a,i,ii.l nn tlinGP hllHcnl Ptllc whlnh tin nni come under the Department of Finance's definition of additional or . CApaiiueu service miming over : one million dollars and others "on the ground that they are of key importance and should not be cut. The governor has indicated ear lier that budget recommendations from his office will be kept with- : -r ...ui i i ju uuuiius ui wiita. iJi eaeni ut.u- tion will support. Work Suspended On Effluent Line PORTLAND (UPD Georgia Pacific Paper Company said that it. has suspended work on the extension of its effluent pipeline in the ocean off Newport, Oret, until spring. The wood, products concern said ' rough water has hindered recent operations and now makes it im possible to continue before spring brings calmer seas. Since last June, Georgie Pacific has been using skin divers and helicopters to blast a trench through underwater reefs 1,000 feet off the beach. The Georgia-Pacific Paper Company's effluent line now ends at 1,000 feet offshore. CALENDAR OF EVENTS TUESDAY 6:45 p.m., Kiwanis club, Saca- jawea. 5 7 p.m., Volunteer Firemen meet, ; Commission room, City Hall. " 8 p.m., Izaac Walton league, New Game commission building. 8 p.m., Veteran's of Foreign wars, VFW. hall. Business meet. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m., La Grande Industrial Promotion annual meet, Sacaja wea. 7:30 p.m., La Grande City Com mission, City Hall.-.,, 7:30 p.m., Carpenters Union Lo cal 2019 in Labor temple, 220'i De- pot street. 8 p.m., DAV, Armory. 8 pjn.. Stated Communication, La Grande lodge 41 AF and AM. Election and installation of officers. statement. Walenta had said, according to the affidavits, that because of strong public opinion the 15-year-old accused murderess should get the electric chair. i. Among other irregularities charged by McArthur was admis sion of "purported verbal1 state ments of the defendant which were not freely and voluntary made.'' McArthur charged there " was great prejudice in the community and that the adverse public opin ion influenced the jury. -u Caril was convicted Nov. 21 of the murder of Robert Jensen, 17, Bennet, Neb:, one of 11 persons who - fell victim to Caril's boy friend, mass slayer Charles Starkweather,- . ' Caril was given a life term for aiding and abetting in the Jensen death. Starkweather was sen tenced last May 23 to death in the electric chair for the Jensen slaying. He is awaiting outcome of an appeal to the Nebraska Su preme Court. - - Stom pa n a to Leaves $274.10 To Son ' LOS ' ANGELES (UPD Johnny Slompanato was a man who lived fully and well until last April 4 when he was stabbed to death by a 14-year-old girl. He thought big, and he lived big." Once the bodyguard of gang ster Mickey Cohen, Stompanato moved, .up fast in Hollywood "so ciety.:1 ' He squired beautilul women around, and one day won the heart of movie queen Lana Tur ner. ', i Willi Miss Turner as his spon sor, Stompanato lived the full life m Hollywood; in London, in Aca pulco. He dressed expensively and flashily, stayed in the best hotels, ate and drank well. - Then that night of April 4, Miss Turner's daughter, Cheryl. Crane, stabbed Stompanato with a kitch en knife, and he fell to the floor and died in ' Miss Turner's pink bedroom. High-living Johnny Stompanatb's estate was settled Friday. AU his earthly possessions were awarded to his son John Slompanato, III, who lives with his mother, Mrs. Sara Ibrahim, in Hammond, Ind. The estate: $50.10 in cash, $224 in personal effects a total of $274.10. EXPLORER DIES ' FR AMINGH AM, Mass: (UPD Arctic exiiloref ' Sir Hubert' Wilkins was found dead in a hotel room here today apparently of a heart attack He was 70. BOY FINDS SELF A HERO NEWARK, N.J. (UPD Five- year-old Kevin Ryan ran through the four-story- apartment house he lives in 'Friday ringing doorbells to alert neighbors to a basement fire. Np one was injured. Twenty five persons fled to the streets. And Kevin was hailed as a hero. SHIPPING TONNAGE UP , LONDON (UPD Lloyd's Reg ister of Shipping said, today that gross tonnage of the world's mer chant fleets now totals 118,034,000 tons. The 1958 . increase f was 7,788,000, a postwar record, said Lloyd's. Strange As It Seems Crows, working in pries, HAVS- KNOWN To SlErU. f BONE FRoWl ft D06... ON& BIRD PECKS Trie DOS ' WHILE "THE OTHER . 6BB6S THE BONE. MUMMIES ' have been Found IN EGYPT WITH SOLD FOIL . NEftUY pounded , INTO THEIR TEETH J.6.B. sruRT- Confe&t-rfe general, covered Moke TrlftM SO MILES WITH" ARTILLERY" fcND 1,200 cftPTUKeo Horses IN 7 HOURS ' 1 Mt 'afSM. 1. JvraL Group of Games Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 1 Tennis stroke 4 vaulting 8 Football ; shoulder 12 Feminine : appellation 13 Claim 14 Seed covering 15 Bow i 10 Demanding to be heard; 18 Stoats 20 Abetted 21 Team at bat 22 Therefore 24 Zcsty flavor 20 Ring 27 Flatten. 30 Chant 32 Photog rapher's tool i 34 Blew, i ' 35 Glossy-paint 36 Tavern 37 Fishes 39 Kind of ball 40 Masculine 41 Girl's name 42 Walk pompously 45 Yachtsmen 49 Menage 51 Obtain 52 Competent 53 Region 54 Chemical suRIx 55 Colors 56 Female saints (ab.) 57 Policeman 1 (slang) DOWN, 1 Athletic field mark 2 Scent 3 Net game 4 Blueprints ' 5 French river; 6 Tenant v. ' IrioIpi EJ iJuimI NlElwl JET ka JgnieE &: K F?lte I I v Ejjwp s tIeU Aprl fuT K X -sp (. enei "Ia t t ril " Iblte NRtiy". wb' l. Liar auy "PTw n mJ HJC CI A S Rl JCL &1& g. iA -Ti T fttBjL, la a tT nJain .Eg Tic o kIt "tt uinI ifc x vIa C aTe fg gpv Utfc n bte . 7 Compass point 8 Court 9 Dry 10 Swimming feat , 11 Coaster's vehicle 17 Kind of sleeve 19 Metal bar 23 Track events 24 Small monkey 25 Soon 26 Bicycle part 27 Autocratic 28 War god of Greece 29 Measure for hay 31 Nullify 33 Feminine , name 38 Pleasure spot 40 Considers 41 Fabulous rich king , 42 roe 43 Kind o:' jug 44 Law of a game 46 Nautical term 47 Nevada cilyu. 48 Pace , ' 50 Possesses . FI7 l 1 18 Si PI P:. 24 . 125 . . Wr - WL1 za-i9 , ulu 1 Wl 1 1T y - - - l) 19S7 by Rinchart & Company, Inc. w " XXIV r Mr Welherby's clearing was situated in much the same way as the Ransomes', but there the similarity stopped. Mr. Wether by's; grass-was green, thick, and well tended. No sand was in evi dence except on the beach where it belonged. The house was im maculately tidy; the walls were' white, the shutters were creen the roof was red, and the doors were brown. The driveway1 was neatly graveled, and flowers grew along its edge. Other flowers grew beside the front door. It seemed to Katherino, as she came toward it out of the woods, to oe a perlect oasis of comfort. She thought: I'm not very neatl to Be going calling. But there isn't anything I can do about it since I can't go home. I wonder if it will make Mr. WetherBJr ask questions, though. But she con eluded after a moment that it would not; he wasn't the sort of person to ask a lot of questions She went carefully across the grass there were no paths worn here in the lawn Until she came to the driveway, and followed it to the house. The front steps were brick, clean, well scrubbed; she went up them and rang the bell." While she waited she-did what she could to repair her ap pearance smoothed down her skirt, patted her uncombed hair and after a moment the door was opened. She said, "Hello, Jill." - - ;' ;!. tieno, is.ainenne. Jill was Mr. Wetherby's maid youngj prettyi cheerful, a good cook. ','DO you want io see Mr. weinerby? lie's ha,ving breakfast right now." i Kalherine had already discov eredi this- for herself; the aroma of bacon tickled her nose wist fully. She said, "Oh, that's all right," and hoped she looked less interested than she felt. "fioWoin." She went past Jill into the hall. Distributed by NEA Ssrricc, Inc. The dining room opened beyond it; the smell of bacon grew stronger with every step. Jill said, "Go on in, , and went back toward the kitchen. Katherine marched ahead through the archway and into the sunny dining room, with its wid windows, its table spread with silver and dishes, and Mr. Welh erby bent forward in concentra tion, t : - Mr. Wetherby had the reputa tion of being everybody's friend, and this idea had a certain foun dation in fact. His appearance did not contradict his disposition he looked, and was, genial, mild benign and courteous. In addi tion to having been Katherine's mother's lawyer, he had been, as well, her grandmother's. He was an institution and a way of life. He had practiced law success fully and profitably for 45 years, and at the end of that time hei retired, leaving most of the firm's affairs in the hands of his son. His attention now was bent not on his breakfast, but on a piece of driftwood beside his filate. He was, in fact, so deeply en grossed in it that she reached the side of the table before he no ticed her; then he lifted his head, smiled. ' "Good morning, said Kath erine. ' "Do sit down, won t. you?" . "Thank you." She slid into the empty place around the corner from him and waited. 'What do you think of my treasure?" he said, without look-; ing up. ! . . , "Very nice. , Mr; Wetherby, suddenly atten tive, said, "And how are you this fine morning, my dear?" "Fine." i His politeness did not lessen, but his thoughts swung back to his latest interest: "All driftwood has a peculiar sort of similarity., Have you noticed that?" raised his head and looked at he again. "Bacon? Eggs? Toast Hot cakes? Waffles?" . "Bacon and eggs, please." "Of course there are various ways of accounting for it. Salt water . . .''the bleaching process. . . . Just ring the bell for Jill, won't you?" Katherine rang the bell, and the kitchen door swung open. "Ah," said Mr. Wetherby. "Katherine hasn't had any break fast. We have bacon? Eggs?" "Yes, sir." "And toast. . . . Now the mat tcr of identifying the wood isn't really so very important. Not at all, actually. Oh. Jill. Yes Pickled peaches." Jill, being accustomed to her employer s conversation, con cluded that he had finished with her, and took herself ofl to the kitchen again, where she could be heard bustling about and hum ming under her breath. Ho looked at her a little more sharpty, and then said, "You're not wearing your glasses this morning." "I broke them." 1 !';:! "Can you see?" "Well ... I can see fairly well, I guess . k ." Yes. Well, no doubt your Aunt Milliccnt will take you into town tomorrow and see about having some new ones fitted. Have you an extra pair?" j . "They're at home. , i 'IN. ' He did not seem to be looking at her; all his attention was di vided between the piece of drift wood and his breakfast; but he said,;-"What happene'd to your hands?" - "I fell down." "Is that how you broke your glasses, too?" "I . . . yes "I see." He still did not look at her. He put a piece of bacon in his mouth and fingered the driftwood. He looked very kind ly, very vogue. She remembered her mother saying once, "Don't underestimate : Mr. Wetherby. He's a very smart man. Very shrewd." This statement liBd im pressed her strongly.- (To Be Continued) ,'" OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MW HoopW By J. It William ' fl come on, pivwup X vou must Have beem I ' -: ' -( W"AT HAPPENED, AW TRUE IQVE.WAS SOU HAVE A GUEST- 1 RAIPIMS THE ICE BOX M0Mp MIAUT ftOVjTHAT AWMWREMCy EXCITED ( P'SH OUT TH' GRUBS j VOURSELP, OR VOO . iTASTIWBfHWf TU JtSvI"1 SUSPICIOUS OF THE: POLICE S THIS IS A HECK OF (wOULPM'T KNOW THAT J -Slz, . ELNS THE STOR Yft nu CARRYING THE TOflLCnPuS A NIGHT CUUB-TH' HS HAD VOL! COMB Of YOUR LIFE JUST THE ' poRMPROKDra ( jSERVICE IS TERRIBLE.' ) OUT OF THERE, ANP v LAST FEW HOOFS OF IT WILL ( Jj7? n iiR-Sjl 2?o lJ 1 V COME DM WITH A I'LL INVESTIGATE f, 7VW OF At I UIU1T f OWLS CLUB.' THE CHAP WAITED J T HWSfSi SlLl-T VASE 2 AMD HOW DID WHICH I JECAMe STUCK WHErl t V ; lrfHSw - ' V .. : THAT BAD AaOR.WJtST- 1 TOwALSiSrJ'y I iSg5cgaT kfS& Hnsi INTO TH6 gBr rS1? 58ffifNZd ' " " ' ' -BW-www f" - ; fM II EMmi m HBOOBS IT? ,T WHV MOTHERS SET 6RAV I'TSV. " I ' ' r i- -U f?J frM W I JU6TUKE THAT THg STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE ' By Wilson Scruggii ' Fr3j''j3f 1 tPf'E. IT'S "' STOP TALKIMC5 TO ME LIKE I'M A CHILD. " I f I DON'T WAMT TO SE6 YOUR 5HOP. ll f ill iiTi'iilri " CALLED THE ODDS J : BECAUSE I'VE BEEN ILL DOESM'T MEAKI J S WAMT TO TAKE THE5E BIRDS TO -r-J DO VOUEEALLV HAVE YOUR OWN) AMD ENDS 5HOP. "f MDU HAVE TO TALK T0- i 1 A"MT r vw r II " FR6CKL6S AND HIS FRIENDS - - '. . . "'' By Mhw W WAMMA SEE A jpr, THAT X'HeS WOT , iLEFriHE WIMDER OPCfJ " tF ' : nm&jT "SM L E'A v M4&mEBSa Aj!3J! iattieat I I V - .-.r3s3sia - 1 c 8.rH... Z. t.m. J?T!?rpq CAPTAIN ASY ' :j " : 6v - -1 Vnr jfcJ,S5iCW SH63 HERS. HER UNCLE'5 SEEN GONEl THAT WON'T BE VCAW'T 6HE 5TAV HERE 1 1 1 SUE5S SO.IF yflU'LLY" WHV HASNT -, Hi SINCE YESTEKPAV AKJP ELLE-N IS SOOU! HE'S IN JAIL TODAY? OUR SON MAY BRINS HEK TO TOWN ) BUD CALLED? , ii7 I'A FROM V. WAITINO HERB TILL HE 5H0W5 UP . FOR DRUNK DRWlN5i I CALL ANY TIE,5AYINiS IN CASE THE CALL J HE 5 AID HE'D y th' sheriffs sHsrw raaatrs followm a seriolis her wother can ; ? doesmt cowei rf send for mb OFFICE. WHERE W&Jgf xgntfMfft' ACCIDENT! TH'COUNTf V- TAKE HER1 t fi Kr- AS SOON A5 US CAN 1 FIND WED MSfS1 -X... HOWE FOR GIRLS WILL WrV k Af:ru FOUND HBR.I r ALLEY OOP ' . ! !- ' By V. T. Hamlin -. . -3&tM,j! lOH.THAT'S j3 I HEARD ANY- ( NO, NOT I I AW.THA6 OH, 1 DON'T KNOW.I OU KNOW, I'M JUSTS3) JHEARD ANY- VM TOO T,Ta THING ABOUT A W0RD..i TOO BAD, Vy I JUST DON'T fM HOW BEGINNING TO VOU.1 Y THING ABOUT ( NOPE ) BAD, V UMlPH 1 HOW GOES (PON'T KNOW UMPA...BUT KNOW I FEEL MM APPRECIATE OUR':' AND NE HOW GOES THEV YOUR N-irf ' SEARCH) WHAT I'M YOU'LL MAKE SO UTTERLY , Ifv WE LAMENTED-! BOTH , SEARCH FOR MjMu HIGHNESS FOR YOUR (EVER GOING OUT, SOME- HELPLESS Wv?J53NH-S.ffi- rWPp " ' .J l kJ U km I 'M l ''t A 4( I L-Jylfe1 Ti- WvMzmffl 1 . w I I , iGQgpXVVCfig. 1 1 Cm C NACS "KW, 'ftC 1 1 VW6 afT C&JZ KXifSKWeW . 'RISCIL' " - ""' - H j 'y At Varm r C SHE SAIDJI I I IAND YOU) f YES! TWAT'sl f SHE WENT , x ffS I WAS AS C3ENIEC3 WHERE t AHEAD AND ) f ANOTHER L REWeA !TC WtiY VPROVEP . HASSLE nTOc?: S5 1r--(-M'STAtei (f f . y5 Tapw 1 ' ( it-! ' S w- BUGS BUNNY . - J-1- r: i:-:V.''t -V-, . ' 1 " ' " V lijll I I' THAT LAZY I FWAY0E IF I I IWCXJLP YOU HINP II II II II III Mi '' " 1 ..W' BUGS HAS J DISTURB HIM HE'LL S LIFTING VOUB FEET ) I "I ffl 'V C ( BEEN LOAFING L LEAVE ! Qrr SO I CAN VACUUM fof - '. f AROUND HERE FOR 9&$1rn?W& ' THERE , y -" li'K