Observer, L Grande, Oro.,Thur., Nov. 13, 1958 Page 12 ' ' " Special Price This Weekend On Smoked picnics- Famous Ruth's smoked, sugar-cured short , shanked Picnic offer luscious eating for a rea sonable price. .. ;. j- Carefully trimmed and generous with good eat ing meat. 6 to 8 lbs. aver age weight. 3f SLAB BACON Deep smoked Agar brand No. 1 slab bacoh-wonderful flavor. 10 to 12-lb.' f Center tO wh. or J Q cuts lb. 3 SIC half lb. iaC Cranberries yi aw $ Ocean Spra "brand whole or sauce. Grand with turkey 300 ' I Cam Oyslers Sic ,P.nt 69c ; Pure Lard 'R i 39c rrr FRESH FRYERS Plump, tender, pan-ready fryers. 2 to 2 lbs. average. . cut' ZJ5C whole 35 up., lb. ",,UP, drawn. lb. W "A" TURKEYS U.S. Grade A oven-ready turkeys. Tender, broad-breasted delicious eating. , Under 8-lbs. 8 to 16 Ibf. 18 to 24 lbs: ' lb. 53c lb. 45c lb. 39c Shop Safeway for "U.S. CHOICE" Beef Steaks T-BOIIES ii, or Club. Aged and carefully trimmed 111 TOP SIRLOIN Boneless aged 'beef no waste.. TENDERLOINS Aged beef no bone or waste 3' .. ib.sE59 Locker Beef Sale Save on "U.S. CHOICE" grade beef. Cut and wrapped for your locker or freezer at no extra cost. Hindquarters ibs lb. 59c Forequarters m l lb. 43c Full Sides 3252o!bs lib. 49c iSq. Cut Chucks 80 lbs lb. 55c Trimmed Loins 6400,bs lb. 95c Yeal Steaks Sri.: ; X: 49c Sliced Bacon $Slk lb. 55c Boiling Beef C:L... lb. 25c Safeway 's Featuring Golden Yellow E Mm MAS These plump, wholesome bana nas are ripened a better way by v Safeway. Lovely to look at and luscious with flavor. Get some to-, day! PINK GRAPEFRUIT New crop Flqrlda pinks. They're fully ripe and heafty with juice - $ for 49c 12 for 95c ... 3 for 25 ' ' w Shallow eved O reeomRussets ' 110. 1 rOiaiOeS washed and hand graded... poly bag Hubbard Squash tFll... Al.!.. Medium size i ciio w union) or Marblehead. Firm, tliick yellow meat . . 25-lb. Afl. lb. 2c mild flavored. S-lb. .bag 29 c Delicious Apples $59 crisp and juicy the finest for salads and lunches. Extra fancy grade........ ....... .. 231b. ..: box tj Rome Apples Extra fancy grade excellent m fBk, all purpose apple. L III" 23-lb. box 1.98 ,fr mitmwim mmw '-'ant licei . PlIIIM ff JILL V?"3 Pkg mmmmm Instant Lucerne W',h of a p,.s,ie WSTRO-WABE DECMITER Grand for mlvi measuring & storing .. A .27 Value .. EA. ? LOOK WHAT A $1 BUYS AT SAFEWAY- tlallaw'r fit 1 li Cnili Con Came. .With beans. Regular 15-ox. $ Ildliey S vlilll or . hot. Just heat 'n serve.. . . en. :'t.' at f"..l R' Gardenside brand, tender all green aspar- f 303 $1 tui Asnaraous aeus. dox. $1.99, c. 24 $3:95 ..... u cnJ 1 Sauerkraut ruil Town House A delicious meal treat Dox. $2.39, Case of 24 $4.75 Highway brand, broken segments. Dor. $2.39, Case of 24 $4.75. Hi-C Orange Save on this refreshing drink. Dox. $2.99 . . 5No.2'j $ cans - X 5 303 $ cans 4 46-ox. $ cans ; m Finest evaporated Cast of 48 $5.95 8 tall $ 1 cans A Sunnybank smooth spreading . 5 lbs. '1 Cherub Milk smo rine Town House, Doz. $2.95, Case 24 $5.95 'rail Cocktail 4S'l Lndown; Dox. $2.99, Case of 24 $5.95 "stone Peaches 4 cL' 1 Highway, Dox. $2.99, Cos of 24 $5.95 Cling Peaches 4 c2. $l Sea Trader light meat. box. $2.99 Chunk Tuna 4 '1 Highway, Doz. $2.99, Case ef 24 $5.95 Apricot Halves 4 LnVl Highway, Case of 24 $2.39 Applesauce. 10 Town House, Doz. $2.99 Tomato Juice 4 , $1 Lalani, Case of 24, $2.29 '.- P'napple Juice 10 SLfl ,303 $ cans Save during Safeway's gigantic 200,000 pound CHEESE SALE lb. 4S)C Dutch Mill mild, natural cheddar block cheese. Grand for sand wiches or cooking needs.. . . . . Sharp Cheddar bioekhche!idar Swiss Cheese nuwuHavor...-; Clirarl fhooco Dutch Mil? Amt!riea" 911C6U bueese pimicnlo, 'or Swiss ... lb. 69c lb. 69c 8-oz. on. Cream Cheese phbrmuiptua Mild Loaf SSft pkg. ..: 4? 39c ,:,bL0X-'1.29 Jell-well Gelatin Stock up on this favorite Safeway brand, Seven fresh fruit flavors..... 3-oz. . pkg. 5C Peas, Beans; Corn 8 SL l Gardenside brand green peas cut green beans, or cream style corn. Case of 24, $2.89.. 7 303 $ cans 7. m LOOK WHAT A $1 BUYS AT SAFEWAY- ; TJ ITAM n... town House brand finest quality I 303;$ J lender ureen reas Deas dox. $ 24 $3.95 o can, 1 Cl..l. P... Town House Brand fancy corn. tream oiyie torn dox. i.69-c.s.of 24 3.3s .. fe7.'J T.Lni,.n Gardenside brand rich flavored. e 2Vi $ uanneu lomaioes dox. $2.39 case of 24 $4.75 3 can x , rj-. Sliced or out Blue take varety beans. ,f 303 $ aanuam lteans doz. $1.99 case 0f 24 $3.95 . o can ' -..II ' ' T. - M Town House brand, tender cut green T 303 $ fancy ureen weans beans doz. $i.69-cs. 24 $3.35 . cans 1 I 1 Nu Made Va ' gal. 99c Salad Oil . 2 qts. 51 Tempest light meat. Doz. $2.39 Grated Tuna. 5":.: 5 1 Shady Oak Stems Pieces Mushrooms . - 4 tit'l Bakers Choc. Chips. 212-oz. $1 pkgs. A Highway family size Doz. $2.99 - Catsup 4 bo vl Town House . Tomato Sauce. 12 ; $1 Town House Dox. $2.39; Case 24 $4.75 Orange Juice : 5 c.ns2$l Pooch case of 48, $3.49 ' . " .'t Dog Food.. 12 can '1 p ' Save on Safeway fresh Coffees k EDWARDS COFFEE ; A rich robust blend of choice coffees Vacuum 4-lb. $) QQ 2-lb. $ Eij Mb. 7Q Packed. Lean 4iiil9 can , can 3C Mb. 1 AC Mb. "I. bag 'v Mb. $1 AO Mb. IK- ti-9 bag I WU White Magic safe for your finest fabrics easy on the hands, too.... Mild and mollow tl. L U:ll Aromatic- HUM Hill flavor. . bag bg ' : : Big Savings On Premium Quality BEL-AIR FROZEN FOODS Choose from Cut Green Beans, 9-oz.; Leaf or Chopped Spinachi 12-oz.; and Ford Hood Limas, Chopped Brocco 4i, WK Corn, Mixed Vegetables, or Green Peas, 10-oz. K5;i?-'r fist 89c norm s ureaiesi iuaiu Aibum Uasic Librarof Hi Ki symphonic recordings. No. 8 $137 Mild Detergent Chili with Beans Rainbow Sherbet Bradley's: Mince Pies Kitchen Craft Flour Frozen Strawberries Old Fashioned Cremes Lucerne Egg Nog or Spaghetti and Meat, Balls. Dcnnison's brand.. Great for a quick meal 49V4-OX. pkg. ' 40-oz. . can Party Pride taste treat. ' 3 flavors lemon, orange and strawberry.. Just heat and serve. These delicious quick-frozen pics are oven ready. Premium qualtiy all purpose flour 50-lb. bag $3.75, 25-lb. bag $1.89.. Vi , . Gal. 8-in. ... P' Finest quality Bel-air just out of the garden flavor. Doz. $2.39 Case 24 $4.75.. 5 10 lb. bag 10-oz. Pkgs, Ass't. chocolates, choc. ' caramels or Fudge Squares . by Roxbury. pkg. Flavored and mixed ready to use in a 1 convenient carton. Of. 52)c S3)c 8c $J10P. 39' 59c AAA A A A; A A A A A. A AA A A A AAA AAA "CROSS-OUT" Game Ho. 8 Ctnada and U.S. patent pending U.S. 1937, 1954, 1955, 195, 1957 and 1958. Canada 1956, 1957 and 195B by "CROSS-OUT" ADV. CO. INC, BOX 551, St. Louit, Mo., U.S.A. G.E. Light Globes DiK0Unt 1Q On $5.00 or more purchases of light globes M-J-B COFFEE Mild liquid dishwashing detergent Pure vegetable shortening , Pink Scamper XT 49c Golden Keen .....3cibn 75c Porter's specialty macaroni Kitchen Craft Wagon Wheels.... 2 19c Pancake Flour. .St 49c Shake the can! You get extra measures with $ll 73 2-lb. can E73:r87 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ; Please note that the numbers in game Number 8, N above appear within a triangle. The numbers for game number 2, previously published, also appeared in a1 triangle. DO NOT COMBINE NUMBERS from games 2 and 8. Play only one published set of numbers against your cards, regardless of design. This applies to games 1 and 7, numbers for which appear in stars.' Kach design will be repeated twice during the 12-week contest. So be sure to play only one 30-numbor set ag ainst your cards at any one time. .. "i Prices in this advertisement are affective through Satur day, November 15 at Safeway in La Grande. We reserve the right to limit. packed coffee.. - r'i