La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 03, 1958, Page 2, Image 2

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    i ij
An Infantry weapon now, a tank fires mock shells during attack. A 3.5 rocket launcher is zeroed In on target ahead or troops.
1 . . . . . .
c ' L ' . ' : ' ,
j Sifiut: Support guns cease fire.
' . 'BATTLE GROUP' Looking deceptively like picturos of World ;
Wnr II, fighting, the scenes above in reality illusrate a newmili
J , tary. concept in action. Today,' when nuclear weapons, super
I, sonic aircraft missies of all types have transformed the strate
l 9V. of. modern war. Army ground troops have undergone certain
' changes in keeping with these advances. , Combat units; equip
i, ment end training heve been streamlined to conform with the
"pentomic" concept in which troops are deployed to meet the
pffensive threats of offensive
! UPI, Women's Editor
tail, leurn .the liula. That's what
Jiancing . teacher Lila Guerrero
aid before I bocame her pupil.
J After n couple pf hours In
structing a girl who has trouble
fven with the fox trot, she con
oded dial the hula and I were
permanently out of step. ,
j "Maybe," she said, "the best
iula dancers do train right from
childhood."' .
J Miss Guerrero, who has been
(lancing, the hula since she whs
five, Rives lessons to Hawaiian
I- i a - i: : : !
iiwuvi iwi i iiiu3 i iuiu iiqiu iaiiwc
Scientist Believes Sail
Fancier Space
United Press International
3'su believes that the simple pro
fccdure of unfurling a sail .beats
all the fancier space-propulsion
jiysloms fur reaching the planets
Mars and Venus.
' Tsu, of . the Westinghouse Re-
f enroll , Laboratories, has made
detailed studies of the force
Jvhich the sun's radiation could
apply against a parachute - like
New Federal
Agency Set
federal Aviation. Agency (FAAi
Jvas born Saturday with authority
to control all military and civil air
traffic to cut down the hazard of
oil- collisions in the je age.
! The FAA, which now absorbs
the. functions of the old Civil Aero
jiautics Administration iCAA), was
created under a bill passed by the
Iceent session of. Congress with
Jhe strong backing of President
In his final 1!)58 campaign
speech at Baltimore Friday night,
the President cited the new air
safety agency as one of the prime
nccomplishments of the GOP ad
ministration. '
i Lt. Gen. Elwood H. Quesadu
JUSAF-ret.) 54, is the admin
istrator of FFA. He resigned his
comrAission Friday in order to ac
cept the civilian post which Con
gress had ruled could not be held
hy a military officer,
i The new agency is specifically
responsible for .alocating the na-
1 ion's air space, prescribing nir
raffle rules, and developing and
iperating a 'national air naviga
tion nng traffic, control .system..
As of old, the dogface must
or defensive atomic warfare. The
children and on occasion teaches
its swing and-' sway to curious
tourists like. me. 1 look my les-
bUlIb III IHIVUIU II 1 111 Ulllg
to make a fool of myself, I don't
want an audience. .
Masloringthe hulu's basic step
isn't, tpo hard. It's a one, Hwo,
three and lap with the. ball of the
foot, called the "kii wa wae" in
Hawaiian, meaning feet in mo
tion t . . , ' , . , '
"Watch your hands," said Jliss
Guerrero,, early in the ' course.
"Lqt others watch tho hips." .,
In the, true hula, the amotions
of the hands uro most important;
sail,, and has readied these con
clusions. - ., . , . ,;
. A space ship weighing 1,0(10
pounds and bound for Mars would
need a sail 1,600 feet in diameter,
big enough to provide a tent for
the Pentagon. But the sail would
be very thin, would weigh only
U0O pounds and would be un
furled after the ship had been
rocketed into orbit.
Solar radiation would provide
a force of only half-a-pound or
about half a horsepower, but this
would rnnlinnn iiultrinilnlvr mwl
would propel the ship to Mars in
1111 days. By comparison, Dr.
Wcrnher von Braun allows 260
days for reaching Mars in a
rocket ship.
Although the planet Venus is
Portland Economy
Shows Gain For
Month Of October
clearings, home building, retail
sales and construction in general
in the Portland area gained sub
stantially during the month of Oc
tober, according to month end
business reports.
A late - fall run on suburban
home building and urban paart-
ment house projects combined for
:i building permit total in Port-
hind and Multnomah county of
$U,G80.3!I5 for October. The figure
was nearly double that of last
A gain In bank clearings, which
reflects money in circulation,
showed a total of $79,863,5G, or
more than nine million dollars
over last year and t!4 million dol
lars over the September figure.
. Favorable fall weather was list
ed as an imiwrtant factor in the
building upswing, ., .
'. ;
mop up. Here, troops move past
principal units in the new setup are "battle groups," which su
perseded the old battalion structure. Among the U. S. forces
overseas which have been revamped along those lines is the
8th Infantry Division, assigned to the U. S, Seventh Army hi
Western Europe Photographs above depict phases .. of a re
cent realistic training exercise conducted by the 2nd Battle
Group, 12th Infantry Regiment of the 8th Division on the Baum
holder Military Reservation in Germany. Action centered on
capturing the deserted village of Mambachel.
the hands tell the story. The feet
and hips just keep the rhythm.
I Jwatched my hands and im
mediately -ran into trouble with
my bare feet (the hula always is
danced barefoot.) Mostly tripping
over them, . because the hula
means movement of 'all parts of
the body. I had to remember that
the knees should be bent slightly,
my wrists relaxed, my hips doing
the "ami" ...(roltttt!.!. and my el
bows in toward the body and not
jutting into the uir like l)';miom
Head into. the Pacific.
Miss Guerrero patently steered
my awkward way through the in-
closer to the, sun. than . is the
earth, Tsu believes it could be
reached with almost equal case
by a system that amounts to
"tacking changing the posi
tion of the', sail so, as to move
either towards or away from the
The same kind of "tacking," he
said, could be used to slow down
in space. , I
After leaving its 18,000-milc-un-hour
earth orbit, Tsu said' the
ship would hit a peak speed of
30,000 tu (iO.OOO miies an hour on
its journey to Mars. The scientist
outlined his plan during a series
of scientific demonstrations Mon
day. He said his ship would need
no return fuel,, but might want to
cany an auxiliary landing craft
for descent to the surface of the
nearer planets.
Sailing would be inefficient for
reaching distant planets, he said,
and would become worthless out
side the solar system, where heat
radiation from .the stars would
compete with that- from the sun.
Dr. R. A. Harney, head of the
laboratories' new products divi
sion, meanwhile, said he is "in
stalling in his home . an "ultra
sonic" dishwasher that cleans
dishes by sending sound vibra
tions through water.
Ramey demonstrated that a co-con-stnincd
glass almost immedi
ately became clean when placed
in tiic sound agitated water. He
estimated the device will become
"practical" in two to four years.
Miller Cablntt Shop
damaged "enemy" equipment.
To Master
tiicacies of the kick step, or
'irvchi"; the turn step, "kala
k.Nua"; and tried 'o how
miil; n of the hand; ind arms
symbolized the rolling sea, the
arc o! the rainbow, or the gath
ering of flowers.
lw lost me in thb hands-mak-In-raindrops
dcpattmuM; in this
motion, , the fingers, stretched
abnvi the head, perform a shim
my. And, I failed the ''around the
isl.Tiu" movement completely.
This sets the whole body lotating.
and 1 just ain't a Dorothy La
mour. Miss Guerrero, 35, a native of
Honolulu, . is married to Frank
Ueiplinger, a Chicagoan working
as a clerk at the shipping termi
nals. They have two children, a
girl of 7, and a boy of 8, both
"already accomplished hula danc
ers," their mother said. Miss
Guerrero has been a featured
dancer jn several mainland night
spots and in addition to teaching,
also performs at ship welcoming
parties. :
She explained that to most
tourists, the hula is nothing more
than a sexy dance. But actually
it is based on ancient religious
Fire Destroys Six
Hong Kong Tenements
HONG KONG 'UP! Fire de
stroyed six tenements in this
British China-coast colony Friday
night, probably killing three per
sons, injuring five and leaving 000
: Three buildings collapsed in
flames, and the other three were
burned-out shells today. The three
persons believed to. have been
killed in the blaze were officially
listed as "missing."
for DAD, MOM,
present and
lulurel For
further details about this remark
able new plan .. .ph. WO 3-2125
vriii sakk.rni
&!l Lair On. l-i
Pit" "sif
More Than
UPI Hollywood Correspondent
HOLLYWOOD i UPI ) This year
will go down in Movictown annals
as me year of wrecked mar
riages, with more than a dozen
casualties counted among the
stars. .
Most spectacular rlfl' was the
Debbie Reynolds - Eddie Fisher
parting. t ,,,, , .
But there were other erackups
Cary Grant, and Betsy I. Drake.
Mario Brando and Anna Kashfi,
Rock and Phyllis Hudson, Esther
Williams and Ben Gage, Jack and
Virginia Palance, Ernest and
Rhoda Borgnine.
Also kicking over the traces are
Guy and Sheila Madison, Rhon
da Fleming and Dr. Lew Morril,
Peggy Lee and Dewey Martin,
Pier Angeli and Vic Damonc, and
Marlcef duotations
By United Press International
JSggs-To retailers!.. Grade AA
large, 48-51c doz.; A large,. 45-47c:
AA medium 38,-39c..V, medium,
37-38c, A A smalls, 30-34c; carton
l-3e additional. , .;.
Butter . To retailers:. AA and
Grade A prints, 676uc..lbi; carton
lc higher; B. prints, 65-66c.
Clieere (medium cured) To re
tailers: A grade Cheddar, single
daisies. 39-51c: processed Ameri
can cheese, 5-lb. Icq' 40-43c.
New York Stocks
NEW YORK (UPI) Trading
quieted in the pre-election session
today with prices irregularly high
er. .,
Net gain"- in the 'aiding groups
h;li. 'n sall "mints . "ce so:'i
of the .key , issues . slipped , off
slightly. Specials mnva! ahead
Textiles strengthened. Some ot the
ous, tobaccos,' tires, metals, and
utilities strengthened.
American Motors continued to
lead the market in turnover. :It
rose more than a point. Slurlo-
baker - Packard also . active,
firmed. Small gains appeared in
the leading auto shares. White Mo
tors rose more than , a point to a
new high in the truck group.
Amerace rose more than 2
points in the textiles. It set a new
high as did American Viscose,
the last on a rise of nearly 2
points.. Allied Chemical rose in
its section while DuPont and East
man sagged. Admiral, up more
than a point at a new high, fea
tured an irregular rise in tele
visions. 1 ;.-
Bendix gained more than- a
point to a new high in the Air
crafts .where General Dynamics
was up 1. , . . ,i
Texas Co., strong spot in the oils,
ran up more than 2 points and
held most of its, rise. . ,
Coppers to rise more than; a
point included Ccrro de Pasco and
Consolidated coppermines. Steels
firmed. Florida Power and Flori
da Power & Light each rose more
than a point in the utilities.
Radioactivity In
LA Area Termed
Not Dangerous
diet Holifield i D-Calif.l, member
of tile Joint Congressional .Com
mittee on Atomic Energy, said
Friday the recent rise of radio
activity in the Los , vngclcs area
presented no danger to public
In a radio , interview Holifield
expressed confidence that the
Atomic Energy Commission took
"extraordinary precautions to pre
vent any radioactive damage."
But ho added that he would try
to determine whether there was
any need for an investigation into
the speedup of nuclear detonations
at the Nevada test site..
Radiation levels in Los Angeles
jumped sharply Thursday when
the AEC set off its 19th and final
shot in the current test scries.
City health department officials
said the radiation level dropped
by 70 per cent between Thursday
and Friday and that the remain
ing radioactivity should "decay"
rapidly if no 'other blasts were
set off.
When the budget
needs a lift...
$25 to $2000
Men and women, married or
single, can Ret cash for any
i worthy purpose on Signature '
! only, car or furniture.
' v- Robert L. Barnes, Manager
111 Elm St. WO. 3-2144, LaGrande '
12 Movietown Marriages Broken
Sammy Davis Jr. ' and Loray
A few others arc tottering on
the brink.
Latest to hit the skids are John.
Barrymore Jr. and red-h aired
Cara Williams. Married six years,
the youthful pair called it quits
this month. . , .
Jlost stars, shy away from dis
cussing their marital explosions,
but Cara has a theory about Hol
lywood marriages and why they
don't work. She's a close friend
of Anna Kashfi and Debbie Rey
nolds and .attributes their . mar
riage failures to the same ele
ment , that . destroyed her, .happi
ness with young Barrymore..,,-
."An actor should never marry
an actress," Cara said. "It's as
simple as that. I know 'I'll never
marry anyone in show business
..Cattle 1350; fed steers 25 - 50c
higher; load average choice 1060
lb. fed steers. 28; two loads most:
ly low.:ChoiceiH33,.and' 12B2 .lb:
27; couple loads good 882 and 1097
lb. . 26.25-26.50; good 725 lb. heif
ers, 26; utility cows. 17.50.. t 19.50;
canners-eutters 15-16;- utility bulls
23-24, some held higher
Calves 250; choice vealers 32-
33.50; good 28-31; standard 23-27
cull down to 15.
Hogs 1550; sows not fully estab
lished; bulk butcher supply l:and
2 grade 20.50-20.75, few 1 and
sows 300-350 lb: 17.50-18.,;. ,-
Sheep 1300; choice wooled shorn
90-120 lb. slaughter lambs 20.50
21; good 19.50 - 20; good -. choice
feeders 65 - 85 lb. 17 - 18.50; cull
good ewes 4-8.
White wheat 2.03 . .
Soft white, II. R. applicable 2.03
White club 2.03 . :
Hard red winter, ordinary 2.03
Hard 'white baart, ordinary 2.12
Oats no bid
Barley no. bid.
Milford D. Holt
Funeral Rites Set
Funeral services for Milfdrd D.
Holt, 54, state highway engineer,
who was killed in a train accident
north of La. Grande Friday, will
be held Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 2
p.m. at the Dempsey-Snodgrass
Funeral Chaptel. Burial will be
in City cemetery ..i.
Services -will be held under the
nuspiccs of AF and AM 41: , . -Mr.
Holt was born in Gross,
Neb. in 1904. He had been a res
ident of La Grande for seven
months. He was a member of AF
and AM 135, Powder River, Mont.
Survivors include the widow,
Melva, of La Grande; a son, Stcph-
n A. of Billings Mont.; three
brothers, Steve A. Jr. of Brodaus,
Mont.; Herbcret O. of ' Irving,
Texas; Robert T. of Ventura,
Calif.; one sister, Helen McCann
of Billings, Mont., and a halfbroth-
or, Roland C. Holt of Billings.
Emmd E. Comstock
Dies Iri Hospital
, Mrs. .Emma Esther Comstock,
79, a resident .of Cove for 47
year, died Monday in a La
Grande hospital following an ex
tended illness. . ., . , . .
Mrs. Comstock was born in She
boygan Falls, Wis., in April, 1879
and was a member of Our Lady
of. The Valley Catholic church
and the Mt. Fanny Grange and
Library Guild.
She is survived by her husband
Ralph Comstock and two sons,
Roy and Harold, all of Cove;
three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Broun
stein of Porllnnd, Mrs. Francos
Peterman of La Grande, Mrs.
Kathleen Dolen of San Jose.
Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. Mary
Kastner of Tigerton, Wis.,- Mrs.
Frances Cosgrove of Milwaukee.
W is., and Mrs. Genevieve Weber
of Hilbcrt, Wis., and 11 grand
children. i Services are being arranged at
the Daniels Funeral Home. Tito
Rev. M. M. Croty will officiate.
; Observer, La Grande, Ore.,
"The insecurities of being a
performer are difficult enough
with just one member of the fam
ily involved. But when both of
them are worrying; about where
their next picture is coming from
it is impossible.
"When things go wrong the cou
ple begins to take it out on one
another. , , , , , , . ,i ,
"If a, .wife-is working and , her
husband., isnlt.;! the '-. arguments,
start. Basically you both know
what's at the bottom of the trou
ble, but you never mention, it.
You're afraid to. ,
j "It's even .worse, if, the actor is
a big, star but, the. wife isn't get
ting many parts. Pretty soon she
starts nagging her husband for
roles too.
-."Even if they're both success
ful. they , never know when or
where the next picture is coming
from. It amounts to an on-and
off life of unemployment. If
you're not busy in this town the
word gets around. Jobs become
hard to find."
Cara says she didn't care about
a career while she was married
to Barrymore. But now that she's
on her own, the shapely actress
is booming for activity. She s giv
cn a chance . for an Oscar this
year for her performance in "The
Defiant Ones," and currently is
negotiating for a Broadway play.
"John and I never worked to
gether," she said. "I always be
lieved he could do better by him
self. "Our marriage had too many
insecurities based on his career.
United Press International
liam P. Helm, 75, Washington
correspondent for the Wichita
(Kan.) Eagle, died Thursday of
a heart attack. Helm had worked
for., the Newark (N.J.) Morning
Star and the Chattanooga (Tenn.)
Times, and for the Associated
Press.- He was the author ri
"Harry, Truman: . A Political Bi
ography," published in 1947, and
of "Washington . Swindle Sheet,"
published in 1932, which was a
polemic .on travel expense allow
ances for senators and represen
tatives. -, '
NEW YORK ( UPI) Charles
Egelston, 72, who , for many years
appeared as Shuffle Shober on
the. Columbia. Broadcasting Sys
tem radio serial "Ma Perkins,"
died Friday following an opera
tion. He had been in show busi
ness for 52 years. Egelston .was
credited with being the first actor
to perform, the role of Scrooge in
a radio version of Dickens' "A
Christmas Carol," over WLW in
Cincinnati about 30 years ago.
, NEWARK, N.J. (UPI) Fran
cis X. Dcgnen, 52, assistant pro
fessor of speech and chairman of
the Speech Department, St.
John's College, died Thursday aft
er a short illness.. lie was a for
mer reporter for the Newark
Evening News and was. at o n e
lime circulation manager fo"r The
Commonweal, a. Roman Catholic
magazhuj published by laymen.
Then see the one new car
that's new in concept
Parks on a postage stamp
Turns on a dime
Looks like a lady
Flies like a bird
Runs on pin money
And costs less to buy
aim uuvc x lie rv
atyour local DeakrsUaoR -
Mon., Nov. 3, 1958 Page 2
The same is true of Debbie and
Anna and their marriages. There
has to be some security in a mar
riage, or else it doesn't work.
. "Darned few Hollywood mar
riages between performers have
lasted over the years. That's why
'11 never make the same mistake
Gordon W. Clarke
City Commissioner
Responsible Capable
(Pd. Pol. Advt. by Clarke For
Comsnr. Comm., A. R, Kaiser,
Chmn., La Grande)
We Have if!
Every Power Drill
(Owner. Should Have One!
For Screw Driving
For Nut Running
On Or Off
For Heavy Duty Drill
ing 9 For Power Tapping
Model i
Unit 1
4100 .
ig" H
71: it i-l-J
1410 Adams
WO .3 4623
f r.