ObservoiyLa Grande, Ora.rThurs., Oct. 23, 1958 Page 7 wim.mi out? Bo'ArjiSifi'6 fdusir tfifh" AaloV HoopTtT CALENDAR OF EVENTS OUT OUR WAY OWLS 0iRpWAT(.HlMtilj HYPE'S o Island -TU'M IC CAJ I IMV iKl-M t AW WORTJ.HOVM EMBARRA5SlM(p PLACE'-h.A(ISTAW A14.TOP AW- THOUGHTS AtOJE SO RAPIDLY THAT I QUITE OVERLOOKED THE IrATH" FUST RACE FACT THAT OUR FE ATHER&D FKI5M HAME PI OvdM finiMH AMD.VJE CAr- WEDNESDAY , 7:30 p.m.,. Junior Leaders 4-H special meeting at homo of Gaylc Jaekman, 1711 Washington. THAT SOUMD LIKE M0T.6TA6EA C5IED VIATCHIS TRIP A HUNCH .POW'FULVESAD. ENOUGH FO'A r. YOU '. NUW WHAT I HAVfc LVNLYJ2l.bO AND THE PROBLEM (S TO FIN MCE KING TO KlSli HANE THE, A SUCCESSFUL PICNIC THERE'S, Hlb KANbOM..' SOLUTION a bub to 6s hiked; and i. THURSDAY ,7:30 p.m., Annual Union Coun ty Farm Bureau meeting, politick. Election ot officers, annual re ports, Farm Bureau hall, Island City- ., 8 p.m., Eagles lodge, Eagles hall. , 8 p.m., Elks lodge, Elks tem ple. REFRESHMENTS By J. R. REALL.V, CP, J WELL, WHY, THAT W HE POPULAR N Vl HAVEKl'T GOT T "THANKS G.UV USED BECAUSE HE WeVER IT AMD KMT J JUST TH' I TO BE W COULP 6AV WO-- KNOW WHERE f SAME-- ( MOST POPULAR BUT NOW THEf ' I I COULD SET f. SORRY 1 OlWHTK i I OCTT HIM KJ1VM I IT-I'M ty BOTHERED) SHOP, BUT HE'S ( TO WHERE : HE 1 ( SORRY .1 V, YOU.' V LOSIkl'ALLHIS X CAM'T SAY YES, I ; V J FCIENPS LATELY.' ) BECAUSE HE l f V THEKESAK1- -A ' AlWT GOT . V 1 OTHER ONf fl NOTHIM I Q 1 GOIN' AWAV J LEFT S . . ''T " " V I-' r ,T,r? WLI IAM-, iOXt THE NOBOPy ' ,V ,m ... f, City . j -l Lovely J n I stainless FLATWARE GET YOUR SPECIALLY MARKED SACKS OF DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR 50 LBS.... 25 : LBS.,.. 2-Lb. Tin s&w . Coffee PILLSSUBY . I 1WA M we EXCEPT ANGEL FOOD nX pkgs. FRESH CIM'l For Halloween! ...GAL, V2 GAL. Stripe TooJh Paste ' fit Dam . . LII1 SOAP LIQUID 12 OZ. ONLY..... 22 OZ. ONLY.' ... KING SIZE ONLY ...35c 59c oo ALL FRUIT FLAVORS IN JelSo. .12 pkgi HALF GAL. Wesson ikeiL--. GtfSSi Wesson Oil LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE Ijllllp Sliced m Tins ifiSi No. 2V2 Tins Early Garden Freestone cnes...oiinai 19-oz. Family Size Campbell's Tom'to Soup br 1 00 HALEY'S 22-OZ. TINS CHILI CO!? CAME Sun Pait Fancy Small 14-oz. Snider's Tomato Catsup.... FREEI 4-roll package ZEE TOILET TISSUE 100 WITH ONE. 4-roll package at reg. price 39 IT A T T .OT A 7TlX?KT S I laT1 I Eraft Ssrsmils with sticks for apples 2 pkgs.. Sic BROWN & HALEY 80 Pieces lc Halloween STICK CANDY Ctn. Local Stewing liens lb. Emily PURE LARD..4 lbs. SOCIETE 1-Lb. Candy Kisses pC SOCIETE, Package POPS -.V: i W SOCIETE 19-oz. Pkg. Gum Drops (SF Rjk ' SOCIETE BLACK JELLY BEANS li9w SOCIETE Black Beauty Mix Pkg. Cudy iatil 8 Fcr 25 Cin. 9SC Morrell's Pride JOWL BACON lb. 3$ In The Piece! Morrell's NINCED HAM .lb. Florida Pink Grapefruit for California , SWEET SPUDS lb. Halloween ,.- PUMPKINS fcr c NETTED GEM POTATOES ti 83e ,0nV 29c Li nj;UJJ " r s- m.f.m - STORE HOURS . , y:0QA.M. to 6:30P.M- Wj?iJsdayj;...;00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Sunday FRIDAY . i 7:30 p.m., Benefit Association of Railway, Employes. .. . 8 p.m., La Grande -high school, The Dalles high school football game, here. , 8 p.m., Odd Fellows, Odd Fel lows temple. Chuckles In The News United Press International LONDON (UPI) Thieves who hijacked a truck have king-sized loot on their hands. , The. truck contained men's clothing , that included trousers with 56-inch waistlines and size CO coats. NEW YORK (UPI) Came lunchtime and the horse hauling a junk wagon got hungry. , Edward Kaplan of Irvmgton, N.J., walked up to his 1958 con vertible to find the horse bitting the car trunk. KNOXyiLLE, . Tenn. (UPI) -Court officials had, to change the wording of a warrant under which Doyle Dixon was arrested. The warrant accused him of being "dumb to cruel animals." WASHINGTON (UPI). A top government official said the stock market boom reminded him of the old story of the man who said he sold his dog for $25,000. , A friend, somewhat incredu lous, asked if the man .had re ceived cash. . "No, two $12,500 cats," was Hie reply. , MulfnomdhCounty Householders Get Tax. Boost Notice , PORTLAND (UPI) Many householders in ; Multnomah coun ty, got a jolt Monday when their property tax notices arrived in the mail: Taxes have gone up'. The county assessor and tax collection department said prop, erty taxation is up un average of about 13 per cent over last year. Listing some of the factors in volved, Assessor Wiley Smith said in some cases residential land was reappraised and at- 100 per cent of true cash value which shifted part of the lax burden paid by commercial property to residential property. : Also, last year's state Legisla ture revised . a law so that tax payers in Portland are paying a rural school tax, for the first time. In addition, taxpayers approved bond issues last spring calling for new tax levies this fall. Fertilizer Plant . Planned For NW SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) A ten million dollar fertilizer plant is planned for construction in1 the Northwest by the Bunker Hill Co. with a July,. 1960 completion date, John D. Bradley, company presi dent, said Monday. Bradley said the plant would have an annual capacity of 200, 000 tons of fertilizer products.. The fertilizer will be manufac tured from , sulfuric acid, a by product of Banker Hill's plants at Kellogg, Idaho. ' i ' The construction plan was call ed a "natural- diversification move" by Bradley who empha sized the plant would be in addi tion lo the company's expansion program currently in progress at Kellogg. A site for the plant will be selected after a market and tech nical survey of the Northwest. 4-H GROUP TO MEET , Junior 4-H leaders will hold a special meeting at home of Gayle lackman, 1711 Washington at 7:30 p.m. Junior leaders will name com .r.ittees to serve at the 4-H Achie vement party Saturday, Oct. 25 nd will make plans for activities for 1959. Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Over five milHoH m&am of the WILLARO TRKA TMCMT have been KM for telief rf symptom! of diitrcu ariiins from Stomach anrl Duodenal Ufcarrdue to Cf cess Acid Poor DlgMtian, tour or Uaaat Stomach, Qaaalrwaa, H. art burn, Sleep, letsneis, etc., due to Eieate Acid. Ask for "Willard't Menage" wliich fully ejplaini tbia home treataicat free ,at MOON DRUG f'AYLESS FOR DRUGS tjouble! ENTER: .TH5 TAET- SATE - THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE ' ( IT MA CITUCC TUAT OB M WftTCH cHUdK CARPET THE By Wilson Scruggs U OKAY. A MEW OWWEI? OC SrlllB CI AUV J I ( WQTUIUfi. BUT I HAVE A vJ FLORIDA?' ) . tlisSS S. WATCH cHUdK CARPET THE WELTERWEIGHT, MY FIRST JOB IS TO FINDJ FRIEND WHO OWNS A RESORT - THAKIW FOR AERT1IJ6 AAy)RIN(5 WITH YOU, SKIP, r? ' DUADKEMT j IN FLORIDA THAT WILL BE ' OFFER TO BUY CXMXlS ' s?r TWIWIWGWHH'S IWROWS ) 3. A PERFECT PUBLICITY SET-UP: J ( i FRCIC AND Hlb HKIl-NO ' ' ' --'-"7 By Merrill Blosser IALLOWANCfN fA 'Wi fR EXGUSe Me .V . I f A-t COLLECTION I TMEYRE CX3IN(3 AWAY WITH THE . 1 CAPTAIN EASY ',. ByUslio Turner v-- THE BflDV IS VAg.BEg'S,EE,syi I l SEARCH I (ARft YARBEK WANTS TUB I THEM WE'LL INQUIRE V IOUBT If : I ,..,' I t WHOEVER BUKIEP HIM TOOK) IriOP THE R0Dy SHIPPEP HOfftB FOR. ALONG THE YUCATAN V MANV SMALL ' A?iNr,eil v -rWILLAKD AWAY1V- BURIAL. KLEEBER. WE'LL l COAST FOR ANVON& ,1 BOATS VBNTUK6 ; - FROA NEW AS TO ANY mJXmWM t. 0KN$ " ' ' ' ALLEY OOP j' , ' - ... :. By V. T. HamVu I fe4s"!,l't WEa, I WANTCHA TO I I TH' NATION'S YEAHi-.OR I i Jk FORME, FUNNY'S GOIN' ONYMEAN THIS YOU SEEN TH' NO, BUT MORE THAN JUST RESOURCES I IT WOULD GUZ? y HERE AN1 T WANT HUMPBACKED V CRITTER I'VE BEEN HEAR ABOUT IT... AT YOUR V BE, IF TH' -Sarsa YOU T'LOOK. INTO .1 PTERODACTYL ,y HEARING I WANT VOU TO COMMAND? l NATION -' " . " ' ll". i BOOTS AND HER. BUDDIES ., r, By fcdqi.' n,n n ,ti- 1 1 x oiouVD -ex, i- -a HniTiF . (iiilf ska I J "' VOSTOV CX3KK5TPV . iffi- it ftM ' ., : TO CXJRW W TROVEKW m CWS-'-mCa VRET W m . '. aal'' U8 P)L0(, Evyr-rj PKiSCLLASUr' i . a' J'rmomr ,, ' rlsOME DAY 1 f GEE. N IJUST FORI f YOU'D JUST I II WELL YOU DIDN'T ) - YOU CAN WEAR (THANKS. THAT I'LL J BETTER ( INVITE. ME TO r Amyold MX pri-scillaJ ,mom! "iTE suNer- S YOURS' : v' ( BRIDAL fiK.lN,WEN YOU G LcTtXr-, . I 'TI ADY! Z-r J BUGS BUNNY ' . . ... ' , - - ; ' J , -'-jt''.-1l-V-