La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 23, 1958, Page 3, Image 3

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    Uoittah 'a
Maxine Nurmi
Observer, La Grande, Ore.,-Thurs Oct. 23, 1958 Page 3
Politics Topic
Of Program At
Sorority Meet
w nat s New m Politics ' was
mo program topic at the meet
ing of Alpha Epsilon Chapter of
Kpsilon Sigma Alpha held at the
lid MCCanse home Monday eve
ning, Oct. 13. -
A panel typo program was pre
sented by Richard Neely and
Mrs. Forrest Gray, representing
the Democratic; party; Stuart
wylde and Mrs. Don Wagner re
presenting the Republican party;
and Fred Young as a non-partisan.
, ....! .,, r -, , ,
A most informative and inter
esting presentation of the candi'
dates for Governor;; United States
Representative, and State. Repre
sentative 'were given' by . mem
bers' of the respective parties.
Fred Young presented informa
tion on ; the seven gentlemen
uinning for election to the City
Commission.-. . , . . ,
The 13 measures appearing on
I ho ballot were explained and
discussed by the members of the
panel,- .-, '
Program committee for the
meeting , included: Mrs. Tom
Cooki Mrs. Conrad Brasetli, Mrs.
Robert Wilkins and Mrs. Robert
Carey. A short business meeting
preceded the program. Cider and
donuts Were served by the hos
tesses, Mrs., Leal Graham and
Mrs. "Woody" Kaufman; '
A coffee hour was held at the
home of Mrs. Elmer McManus on
Sunday morning, Oct. 5. Rushces
attending were' Mrs, Ronnie
Sands, Mrs. Albert Zieg,' Mrs.
Fred Schneider and Miss Dolores
Uria.- . '
Its Going
To Happen
6 p.m., LS to B of LF and E
will hold a potluck in the IOOF
6:30 p.m., Business and Profes
ional Women's club will hold a
potluck and program, in the homo
of Ann Bailey, 902 Main. Street.
. y
7:30 p.m., Jr. Old Timers will
hold a hard lime party in Mc
Allister hall. Dress for. the oc
casion or be fined. Chipped or
cracked cup for admission.
2 p.m., Polly Anna Club will
meet in the home of Alice Strand.
2:30 p.m., The Greenwood PTA
will meet in the school auditorium.
Nursery provided.
5:30 to 7:30 p.m., WSCS "will
bold a Harvest Dinner in the Cove
Methodist Church. Turkey and all
the trimmings. ' "
6:30 p.m., OES Past Matrons
and Patrons, their husbands: or
wives, will hold an annual pot
luck dinner in the Masonic tem
ple. Bring own table service.
8 p.m., Reception honoring
Elaine Hanson, state publicity
chairman of the Rebekah Assem
bly, will be held in the Odd Fellows
temple. Friends and Rebekah and
Odd Fellow members are being
invited to attend.
In And
Around Town
Dale W. McKee, of La Grande
is in the Grande Ronde hospital
for observation.
Look Who's Here
: Mr." and Mrs. Robert Byrne,
2007' Second, have a son born
Oct. 22. . They have named him
Daniel Leon and he weighs six
pounds and five ounces.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McKinnis,
2507 Fir Street,' have a daughter
born Oct. 22. They have named
her Lynne Ann and she weighs
five pounds and nine ounces.
- Thirteen per cent of the nation's
population lives on farms. . ;
Pipe cleaners can be -used to
clean the spout of a teapot. Insert
the doubled pipe cleaner and turn
to remove, thin stains. . i "
'non-caloric. non-fattening
With purchase of
4 oz. bottle at
regular price.
WO 3-3161
Hear About
Alaska Home.
UNION (Special) Mrs. Ethel
Cole, vice chairman, presided over
the Women's Society of Christian
Service meeting at the Fellow
ship Center, last week. - Mary Coir
lins gave both devotion arid pro
gram, "A discussion on "Christian
Concerns of North American
Neighbors." . ; .- j
.Mrs,' Collins spoke i of those
who serve in the Jesse Leo Home
for children in Seward,; 'Alaska,
and of the "gold" they gather in
the transformed lives of children
cared for in the homee; She also
touched upon religion and educa
tion In Hawaii, Mexico, and the
Caribbean Islands, v Her' concluding-
remarks were ' from the
Methodist Woman "Not Good if
Detached." u .wr;.' -it "a
The congregation- sang- "Christ
Cor the;-World We Sing" and
.'Blest Be This Tie." . y. : -
The bazaar was discussed and
space alloted for booths; - i
Maxine Meservey became a
new membcri
Party jHohors
Mrs: Goyen
On Birthday
( khGIN (Special) Mrs;.' Betty
noyen; was "surprised 'dn'f'lrer
birthday when it group of women
arrived : with birthday cake and
best wishes. vf,
'Attending the party were' Mrs.
Helen Trump, Mrs. Juanita Clum,
Mrs. Joan Kennedy, Mrs. John
Willingham, Mrs. Susie Tracy,
and Mrs. Lcora Hollingsworth.-
While they were at the Goyen
home, Mrs. Mclvin Barnes and
Mrs. Clifford MeDaniels dropped
in with greetings from the Church
of the Nazarene.
Mrs. Guy Spence
Hosts Extension
Unit Meeting
The Blue Ml. Seniors Exten
sion Unit met Friday, Oct. 17,
for lhe. regular meeting with
Mrs. Guy Spence in south La
Miss Dolores Uria, county ex
tension agent, gave the demon
stration on 'Foundation Garments.
A pot-luck luncheon was attend-
i cd at the noon hour with 13 lad-
i ies present.
' Routine business was transact
ed and plans made for the next
meeting to bo- held with Mrs.
Otto. Klinghaftiiyu in November..
Our Halloween
For Festive
What's Halloween without a lit
tle celebration? Make yours a
success with our clever Hallo
ween Treats. Witches and cats
run wild over cakes, cookies,
cupcakes ) and ' pumpkin pics!
And orange and chocolate frost
ed donuts suspended with
string are as much a part of Ha
lowcen as bobbing for apples!
P.S.: The little goblins' ask
ing for "Tricks or Treats"
would love you dearly for a
cookie, cupcake or donut!
Stop in this weekend to fill
your Halloween jioeds.
Halloween Specials:
en 's
School's Bakery j
(Observer Photo)
Crystal Lodge
Will Honor
Local Woman
Crystal Rebekah lodge in La
Grande has issued invitations to
all members of the order and to
triends inviting them to attend a
reception in honor of Elaine Han
son, slate publicity chairman of
the Rebekah A.ssemBly. ; :
A reception honoring Mrs. Han
son is slated for Friday at 8 p.
m. in the dining room at the
Odd Fellows temple, Elm and
Sixth streets. -
Several Rebekah Assembly of
ficers will be in attendance in
cluding Edna Osier, president;
Lfcuisc Smith, secretary; and Lor
etta Emerson, warden.
.V'Ali 'Rebekahs, Odd Fellows
and friends arc welcome to at
tend," Beth Counsell, Noble
Grand, said.
Van, Gogh Prints
Qri Display At
Now on display at the Public
Library are part of a collection of
five portfolios of 16 Jull color
prints each with biographical
sketches of the artists.
Artists included in the portfo
lios are Rembrandt, Pierre Re
noir, Toulouse-Lautrc, Vincent
Van Gogh and Masterpieces of
Italian Painting. These may be
borrowed for a period of two
Those lillle clear plastic folding
rain bonnets now come in pillbox
or capsule at pin money prices.
Some boxes have umbrella motif
on the lid.
Treais Make
. THE ring It
tl dolven's ' ll
'1 . "FRIGIDAIRE" , f s
, 108 DEPOT
Dr. Frank Bennett Speaks
To Lutheran Church Group
"The Christian's Stewardship
Life" was the subject of the ban
quet address of Dr. Frank Ben
nett, president of Eastern Ore
Con College, at the annual meet
M'g of the Blue Mountain area
Lutheran Brotherhoods at Zion
Lutheran church, last Sunday.
Basing his remarks on the
commandment, "Thou shalt not
lake the name of the Lord in
ain," Dr. Bennett emphasized
that the Christian must not only
hold the name of God sacred, but
also the spiritual and material
blessings of God as a divine
stewardship responsibility. To
consider God and His blessings
lightly is sacriligious, but to honor
God through the proper regard of
them, and through their wise use,
reflects man's love and devotion
to God, Dr. Bennett said.
At the business meeting, it was
resolved to release the control of
She Blue Mountain Lutheran Bible
Camp at Tollgate to a new cor
poration representing the various
congregations of the area. ,
' It was also resolved to encour
age the local Brotherhoods to re
cruit young men of high school
fige to attend the regional 'Hen
lor the Ministry,' conference at
Spokane in January, and to urge
Ihe local societies to a greater
concern for the reclaiming of in
active church members for more
Woman's Club
To Head Drive
UNION (Special) Mrs. Carl
Posey presided- at the Woman's
club meeting held Thursday af
ternoon at the clubhouse. The flag
salute and Club Collect were giv
en in unison.
The Woman's club will take
care of the Heart Fund Drive this
Mrs. Merlon Davis gave4 a his
tory of tjic United Nations.
The mantle was beautifully
decorated with fall decorations
ts was the lace covered table.
Hostesses were Mrs. J. B. Jama
gin, Mrs. Jack Crooke and Mrs.
Mae Hall. Mrs. Will Hutchinson
and Mrs. Marge Prescott, poured.
I I i
i y-v mis r h i x aim b
0 I I IVi
Graceful modern Stainless created by Oneida Ltd. is yours every
time you buy Drifted Snow Flour, This continuing offer enables ;
you to build a complete set at little cost simply, by using Sperry
flour a name Western homemakers have favored for 106 years.
The "Sequoia" pattern was created in the U. S. A. exclusively for
" General Mills, Inc. and is available only with Drifted Snow Flour.
It goes equally well with traditional or informal settings, and its ,
mirror-finish is satin smooth, never needs polishing, resists stains
and tarnish. . ,
You may obtain free pieces of "Sequoia" simply by buying Drifted ,
Snow. . ; - . '
5-lb. sack contains coupon good for a free "Sequoia"
teaspoon r
10-lb. sack contains a free teaspoon
25-lb. sack contains a free teaspoon and dinner fork
50-lb. sack contains two teaspoons and two dinner forks
Complete your five-piece place settings dinner fork, dinner
knife, teaspoon, salad fork and dessert spoon for as little as '
75. Details are in every sack. .
Complete your-full set Use Drifted Snow Flour
ictive participation in the life ol
the local congregation.
I liarles Ward, Uaker, was
elected the new president of the
:rea organization; Fred Erickson
Pendleton, was chosen vice pres
ident; and Al Oas, La Grande,
secretary. The Rev. Wm, A.
I'oege, Walla Walla, is the new
I'.astor advisor.
The next meeting will be held
in October, 195!) at First Luth
eran Church, Baker.
Tl'o Brotherhoods of the Luth
eran churches at Baker, Walla
Pendleton and La Grande were
"He speaks our language.
He understands
our problems"
a man representative
of nil the people
east of Ihe Cascades
Weatherford is . . .
a man of INTEGRITY
a member of a pioneer
century of outstand-
inn heritage in Eastern Oregon.
who has freely dedicated many
hours of service to activities
benclitt in all of the people
cast of the Cascades.
a man of FAITH
in the future of Ore Ron and the
rights guaranteed all Americans
the rights of labor, business
men and farmers equally.
ftl. foliinal Adv., Weathi'fford loi Congieis
1 1
Happy Birthday
Oct. 23
Sharon Buotb, Summerville
Tanis Dickenson
Lola Hutchison
Some two million farm families
in the United States derive all or
most of their income from dairy
In Aluminum and Wood
Miller's Cabinet Shop
Greenwood and Jefferson
MARION T.j V,", , -
Republican for'5 ' ' " ,
Comm.W. Lowell Stecn, Ofmn., Ailinglon, Oie.
She's collecting
a set of lovely
Oneida Stainless -
Free Pieces are packed in,
Top Quality Produce
Get Yours Nowl
Cello Pkg. .
Cello Pkg,
Dry Onions.
Crisp Stalk
Ripe Red
Tomatoes. -.
Lucky Whip
Quality MEATS Fresh
Fillet of Sole
CHEESE . lb.
1 'i
Fresh c
Leg 0' Lamb..... .lb. OS)
Fresh, Tasry ffj
Pork Sausage. ..... lb.
Grocery Buys of the Week
Crackers... ..... 2 ibS. 49e
Campbell's Large Can BP
Tomato Soup. for
Catsup ...2 boiiles 35'
A W..' Like Our I HVNTS .
... , Tomaio Sauce ,
Large Selection Of .
Halloween 6 tins 55c
Trick or Treai .ri.... red... (
CANDY Mexican Beans
MD TISSUE::.: -2)5S)'
WESSON OIL -L-Jl qis. 57c
Del Monie Pumpkin 3 303 tins 29c
IT ,iMn
Corner Cedar
-..-.ib. 4C
3 ibs. 29 c
3 lbs.
lb. 0C
2 lbs- 2c
2 for 3c
Yellow' or White
W0 3 3101
and Washington