Observer, La Grande, Ore., -A 1 1 mv 4 f w l US' . AWARDS La Grande Junior High School assis tant principal Dale Wyatt awards last years' ' outstanding students trophies that arrived lust MARKETS By United Press International " PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Pattle 250; includes 2 loads fed steers and few heifers; fed steers unsold) few good sleers , 25.75 20.50;standard 24-25; utility 20-24; load choice 1061 lb. steers Mon day 28; load mixed good - choice 768 lb. fed heifers today 26.25 part load 850 lb. 26; good heifers 24.50-26; standard 22.50-24.50; util ity l!)-22..pi0; Ulilily cows 17.50-20; canner-cutter 14.50 16.50; bulls scarce. ' V Calves 50; active, steady; Choice vcalors 31-34; good 27-31; good, - choice slaughter calves 2B- 20; standard calves and vcalers 23-27i Hogs 300; trade moderately ac tlvo, steady to 25c higher; '! and 2 butchers 180 - 235 lb. 20.50 - 21; mixedv 1, 2 and 3 grrfde 10.50- 20.25 ; 240-270 lb. 10 - 20; mixed sows: 350-550 11). 16.50-18:50. Sheep 400; aotivc; steady to strong; choice wooled and shorn 85-110 lb slaughter lambs 20.50-21 good 10.50-20; good-choice feeders 17-10; cull-good ewes 3.50-0. PORTLAND DAIRY .Eggs To retailers: Grade AA large 47-50c; A large 44-47c; A A medium 38-40c; A medium 38-39e AA small 30-33c; carton 1-3C addi tional. : ' Butter 'To retailers; AA and Grade A' prints, 67-68C lb,.; carton lc higher; li prints, us-wic. Cheese (medium cured) To retailers: A grade Cheddar singles daisies, 39'51c; processed Amen con cheese, 5-lb. loaf 40-43e. PORTLAND GRAIN White wheal- 2.04 Soft' white, 11. R. applicable 2.04 White club 2.04" Hard red winter, ordinary 2.04 Hard while baari, ordinary 2.07 Oats no bid Barley no bid. . New York Stocks NEW YORK UIJI Major sections of the stock market de clined moderately today on sharp ly reduced volume. Profit taking hit the low-priced automobiles for n time. Studcbak-er-l'ackard fell to 13Vj where it was off more than 2 points before support developed. American Mo tors at Its' low was down exactly 2 points. The higher priced motors held steady (o slightly easier. Chemicals rallied after som further selling. Dul'ont showed f of more than a point late ir the day. Several of the drugs, ex cepl American Home Products down nearly 2 showed gains run ning lo more than a point. " Steels cased. Metals turned ir regular after on early rise on fir mer prices for copper. Continen tal Steel, nn exception, rose 3 points. . Oils registered an improvement. Amerada come back nearly tw points from ils low to a fraclionn' gain. Kerr McGee rose more than a point lo a new high. Kenneth L Myrick Funeral Rites Set Kenneth I.orcn Myriek of Half way died while deer hunting near that town yeslerday. Funeral services will bo held tit Really Funeral Home at Baker nt 11 a.m. on Thursday. Graveside services will he held at Flgin cemetery at 2 p.m. on Thursday by flew Galllvan. Mr. Myrick was born nl Covr on Sept. 8. 1884. lie hod lived most of his life in Elgin. Recently he had been residing with a son, Pale,; at Halfway. Survivors include five sons Ceroid of. i.os Angeles: Ivan of Sacramento; Lnren who lives in Montana; Glen of Baker, and Dale. Eight grandchildren also survive. INCORPORATION REJECTED TIGARD, Ore. (UPI) Voters Monday rejected by a 354-226 margin a proposal to incorporate this community. It was the sec ond time they have done so in four, months. Tues., Oct. 21 1958 Page 8 Gary Crosby Involved In Club Fracas HOLLYWOOD UP1) Gary Crosby's alleged insulting of . a man's wife led to a brief scrap at a cocktail party honoring poet Carl Sandburg, it was disclosed today. Crosby and John W. Gelger, West Coast head of a cheese com pany which sponsors Milton Bene s TV show, wrestled on the floor of the Rodeo Room of the Beverly Hills Hotel Monday night They were separated by others at the party, including actor James Mason. Sandburg bad left the party given by Berle before the fracas as had others including Sammy Davis Jr., Grouclio Marx, Barba ra Nichols, and Tina Louise." "He insulted my wife," Geigor said after the brawl was over. Others colled the episode a slight misunderstanding" and snid the participants shook hands aft erward. BIBLE WEEK For the lath year in succession, the Lay men's National Committee, Inc., nn intordenomlnatioinl organi zation, is sponsoring National Bible Week, Oct. 20-26. The program is designed to encour-, age a daily, reading and study of the Bible. Shown above is the official poster. N. Powder News BY DONNA FORDICE The WSCS women of Ihc Com nunity church arc planning their nniuil smorgasbord for W Mines lay, Oct.- 22, at the sehoolhouse They are urging all to attend. o Mrs. Clifford Culver entertain- d the second grade with a birth-1 lay party for her son, Keith. Thc .lain oltritction of the party was i large pink and white cake, veith was seven years old, Mrs. Sue Guliek honored her ;randdaughler JoAnn witli a lirthday parly. The party was utended by the fourth grade class. .'oAnn was nine years old. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Harrison ire visiting Ins parents, Mrs. lack Ryan and Albert Harrison. I'hey plan to make their home in he area. It's a factl Your gee savings can make the monthly payments! with the new LLOYD WAG EN H. J. G0SS MOTOR CO. .La Grande WO 3 2712 fer A V: lost week. Trophies were awarded to (left to right) Elizabeth Ann Easley, Janet . Cunning ham and Mike Challis (Observer Photo) Authorities Probe Slaying Of 4 In Bar NEW YORK (UPD The mad dened off-duty policeman who methodicalfy shot four patrons of a Broadway restaurant-bar in the head early Sunday had been banned from the place for drunk- enly annoying the customers, po lice said Monday night. Patrolman James. B. McDer- mott had been told by owner Lou Olman of the Pic-A-Rib restaurant to stay away because he became boisterous when . drinking and bothered the other customers, no lice Inspector Frederick Lussen said. ' Police were inclined, however to discount the possibility that McDermott may have been driven by vengeful feelings u'tainsl 01 man when he stalked into the bar and killed the four persons, three of whom McDermott knew. Police also were Investigating tho possibility that McDermott owed money to one ol his vic tims, loan shark Edmund Leahy but McDermott's wile, mother of his four children, said she did not know of any such debts. The best explanation appeared today lo be simply that McDermott had sud denly gone mad, possibly from a head injury received in an auto accident last year. McDermott still was' in critical condition today at Roosevelt Hos pital. State Of Siege imposed In Bolivia Today LA PAZ, Bolivia (UPI - An armed revolt against the govern ment of President Hcrnnn Siles Suazo broke out at down today, and a state of siege was Imposed on Bolivia. The revolt' was attributed to the opposition Bolivnn Socialist Fa lange. The state radio said four Falangist leaders were arrested. The radio said the government controlled 'the situation and that the country was calm outside of La Paz. At least two person' were re ported killed in clashes during the early hours. TV? TROUBLE .,CA"i ELECTRONICS TV SERVICE For fast dependable service on TV, Radio and Electric Motors. We carry New & Used TV's We Give "S&H" Green Stamps NO DOWN PAYMENT! On Approved Credit ONLY SHD92 12 Per AVk. Margin Increase Raises Cry Against Speculators By ELMER C. WALZER UPI Financial Editor NEW YORK t UPI i The usual hue and cry against speculators that appears each time there is a margin increase is in the air again. One can speculate in real estate in soybeans, in diamonds, or in paper cups and no one says any tliig about it. But when one speculates in stocks or bonds the politicians and other observers make it sound like something il legal or just plain bad. All sorts of things are being said about the people who recent ly speculated in government bonds and got their fingers burned. Now that ' margins have been boosted lo 00 per cent by the Fed eral Reserve Board, there is talk that speculators have been send ing stock prices soaring to the detriment of the economy. Wall Street points out that little speculation can be done with margins at 70 per cent and prac- Poll Indicates Ministers Favor Integration 4-1 NEW YORK (UPI) A confi dential poll indicated Monday that four out of five Protestant min isters in the South favor racial integration in southern schools. Most of the remaining ministers favor searching for possible legal means of thwarting implementa tion of the Supreme Court's de segregation order although dis avowing open disobedience, ac cording to Pulpit Digest which conducted the poll. Only 3 per cent expressed lavor with open disobedience, the publication said. Of the 3,606 questionaircs sent out (representing one-fifth of the number of Protestant ministers in the South) 769 have been returned to Pulpit Digest, a nondenomina tional professional journal for Protestant ministry and seminary students. The poll indicated that senti ment for integration was almost unanimous among ministers in 'lie border states. By comparison, in South Carolina only' 50 per cent of the responding ministers fa vored integration, with 28 per cent favoring n quest of legal means to avoid integration and 11 per cent favoring open disobedience. In Kentucky 89 per cent favor integration; in Texas 87 per cent; in the District of Columbia 86 per cent, and in North Carolina 84 per cent, the poll showed. In Arkan sas and Mississippi, however, on ly 54 per cent expressed them selves in favor of school integra tion, and in Alabama 53 per cent. Approximately half of the min isters said they believed racial in tegration in the schools was in evitable. Only 7 per cent said that integration could "never succeed" in the South. -Mmeeiatonet heat saved our family over $6 monthly You can save, too. Just phone your Housewarmer the authorized Standard Heating Oil Distri butor in your area. He'll bring you savings: more pure heat per gallon . . . because Standard Heating Oils are custom-tailored for today's heating systems. You'd expect them to burn cleaner, hotter and they do! more heat from your furnace. ..because Standard's exclusive Detergent-Action Thermisol keeps your burner system CLEAN ... to give you low-cost, worry-free operation! more efficient home heating . . . because your Housewarmer's tips on heating can save heat, save money . . . because his automatic, "keep-filled" service gives you steady, even heat all season long! Bused on actual case history filo No. HO-10-20 Call these R. On Market tically none with them at 90 per cent. The current market prac tically is on a cash basis, these experts assert. There still is speculation in the market definition of the word. Suppose someone buys a nondivi dend payer in the hope the price will appreciate and he can make a profit. That's one form of spec ulation as opposed to investment where one buys a stock for in come. Short selling also is classed as speculation. Both these types of speculation are considered highly necessary for a liquid market. The investor can find buyers for a stock lie wants to sell. The speculator helps produce activity and keep the market in a narrow area. Without speculation, there might well be very wide changes in price between sales, it is pointed out. And those government bond speculators did a big service for the Treasury too, according to Aubrey G. Lanston. dealer in governments and head of the firm that bears his name. Speaking of Treasury financing over the past 15 months, he says: "The Treasury invited specula tors to underwrite its offering of securities with a term past one year and without a good dose of speculation the Treasury would not have been able lo sell the $26,500,000,000 of such securities that it sold during the 11 months ending last June." Ho cites several other govern ment offerings which he says were successfully .sold "because of the speculative appeal the Treasury tailored into the offer ings." He holds excessive speculation tends to be self-correcting and doesn't believe speculation will enter the Treasury security mar ket as freely as it did before be cause of the heavy losses lo spec ulators recently. Final Beam Placed In Kaiser Office Building' OAKLAND, Calif. (UPI) The final structural piece of steel was bolted into place today on the huge Kaiser Center building, which will be the West's largest office building when It is complet ed late next year. The last beam closed a 30-fool span in the roof line, 21 stories above the ground. The mammoth structure will serve as the world headquarters of the Kaiser industrial empire. It will be the principal building of a 45 million dollar, block-square development.- -, , TJtfe headquarters building will contain a gross area of 970,000 square feet, . including 802,000 square feet of usuable space enough to make it the largest of fice building west of tho Rocky Mountains. ' . i 1 ' mm& Pfi, HEATIUO OILS fiJlfflff 'uSU' . authorized Housewarmers LISLE SMITH io STANDARD OIL COMPANy 'F Mrs. Anna Taylor fell at her home and injured her knee. Mrs. Taylor is now staying with her daughter. An estimated 40 per cent of American families now own one or more musical instruments. witlrSf S.S heat! .; Think of it ! No more furnace tending to worry about ... i no 'home fires' to keep burning. Because Gas heat is fully automatic, you'll forget any olJ fashioned ideas ' bout furnace drudgery. Just relax, set the thermostat and go about your daily duties. ot K is : is if . to its W AIRLINES RUSH NEW YORK (UPI I The wing lip of an American Airlines DC6 hit the tail assembly of a Capital Airlines Viscount Wednesday when both planes were taxyinf into po sition at La Guardia Airport. Both planes were slightly damaged in (lie accident. No one was hurt. ') e njey winter comfort . to"" ott' ,tV " CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES COMPANY for Standard Heating Oils WO 3-5711 CALIFORNIA Recapping f$2 Turley's the a t .CAN -