La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 21, 1958, Page 3, Image 3

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    Delegate's - Reports Given
m.1 dorovtimist
The Soroptomist Club of La
(''"Kile held their luncheon meet
ing in the Sacajawea dining room,
Thursday. The officers table was
ci-Mercd with a bouquet of red
uses, a gift Jrom Delia Wagner.
" charter member of the club
honoring the club's 18lh anni
vcrsary, and aLso honoring Nolle
Grimmett, the first president of
inc club.
Grace Chambers, m-esident
presided over the meeting, open
"ig with the flag salute, followed
iin invocation by Bertha Brown,
Mildred Tis-s introduced Mrs.
Parkdale Club
Holds Social
Mrs. Fay Howell was hostess to
the Parkdale CJiib, Oct. 15. Mrs.
Ira Kennedy, a member who re
cently moved to Marysville,
Wash., was a guest, for the meet
ing. , .
Jessie Hoak, president, presid
ed over the routine business.
Games were played with prizes
being awarded to Zoe Carpenter,
Jessie Hoak and Eva Shafer.
. The next meeting will be held
NOV R Ihn m,.nlin 1 1,
pnnoiinced later.
Lumbering' Theme
Of Island' City
PTA Meetmq. .
The Island City PTA met at the
schoolhouse . Friday afternoon,
with the president, Mrs. Wayne
Jones, presiding. . .
The third and fourth grade pu
pils of Mrs. Lyle Johnson, gave a
program on lumbering, which
they have been studying in school,
Mr. Lovely showed' a historical
lilin. of the "Oregon Trail."
A coinmitee consisting of Mrs.
rred Leonard, Mrs. Lucille Crous
cr and Mrs. Jahn Kimmelshue
were apointed to study the by
laws to be submitted to the PTA,
at the next meeting.
For money making projects
they are going to have a chili
dinner, it was voted to hold it
Oct. 20, with serving starting at
5:30 p.m. Mrs. Burleigh Hyde,
Mrs. Stanley Lyons and Mrs. Evan
Ifalsey, were appointed as chair
man and Mr. Lovely as publicity
Those attending were reminded
of the membership drive which is
still on for the rest of the month.
It was- announced for all to
save their coupons for the tlea
spoons and also coffee bands for
u coffee maker. f
The room count was won by the
third and fourth grade room. The
door prize was awarded to Mrs.
Sylvan Rasmussen.
Dmiehnuts and coffee were
served by : the committee, con
sisting of Mrs. Elton Muilenburg,
Mrs. Wilfred Hamann and Mrs.
Elmer Bales
Magic Couch
Home Reducing Plan
B07 Fifteenth St.
Woodland 3-3288
laGrande, Oregon
WO 3-4713
For all electrical heating
installation. We install the
new Swan Vecto-Ray.
silent, no-draft heat warms
like the sun's gentle rays!
Swan automatic electric base
boards radiate heat where
cold begins...along outer walls
and under windows, to give
you even sun-like warmth
throughout your home. Enjoy
the cleanest heat ever. No hot
spots or chilling drafts.
Modernize your home now
with Swan baseboard heat.
Complete home installation
takes but a lew hours!
uuh Mtet-
Erma Davis, regional director of
the Civic Music Association, who
spoke briefly on the local drive
She was very enthusiastic with
the cooperation of the High
school and College groups in as
sisting with the drive. .
The president' announced that
gifts to be sent to our sister
club in Sheffield, England, may
be brought, to Mildred Tiss, who
will be assisted by Frances Thom
as in receiving and arranging for
shipping of gifts.
Elizabeth Spivey, chairman of
the Social Activities committee
announced that a dinner with a
ocial hour following will be held
at Eva Miller's new home, Thurs
day, Oct. 30.
Outstanding reports of the
District 2 meeting ' held at The
Dalles, Oct. 11 and 12, were giv
en by Grace Chambers, president;
Raeina Laurence; vice president;
Irma Zimmerman, " regional di
rector; and Charlotte Ward.-
The theme of the meeting was
"The Height of a Tree - De
pends Upon Its Roots."1 They re
ported that out of 23 clubs in the
district, 22 of the presidents
were in attendance. Total regis
tration was 117. : v' .
With invitations of the Sorop-
timist Club of La Grande, the
Chamber of Commerce, and a
very special and unique; invita
tion from the Blue Mountain
Eoys, it was decided to hold the
tall of 1959, district meeting in
La-Grande.'1 ' " "
The meeting was i adjourned
with the repeating of the Sorop
timist pledge.
To H
Tuesday :
. 7:30 p.m., Eagles ' Auxiliary of
fieers and drill team will hold
practice in the hall. ".
7:30 p.m., Union County TB As
sociation will meet in the small
ballroom of the Sacajawea.
7:30 p.m., "Back To School"
night will be held by PTA in sen
ior high school. Parents will at
tend 10 minute classes following
short general meeting in the aud
7:30 p.m., Evening Circle of the
First Methodist Church will meet
in the home of Mrs. Charles
Drown, Island City. Mrs. Charles
Quaintance will be guest speaker,
7:30 p.m., Neighbors of 'Wood
craft 'Will hold a social meeting in
the Odd Fellows hall. '
' 7:30 p.m., Chapter CO of PEO
will meet in the home' of Mrs.
Merle Becket, 1301 Sixth Street.
8 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary will
hold a card party at the hall.
Members only.' ''
8 p.m., VFW '' Auxiliary will
meet in the hall, for a social
meeting. All members are being
urged to attend.
Wednesday '
12 noon, Home Department of
the Presbyterian church will
meet in Richardson parlor.
8 p.m., Royal Neighbors Club
party will be held in the home of
Hazel Case, 1403 Balm.
8 p.m., OES will hold ''Men's
Night" in the Masonic hall.
8 p.m.. Union County Art
Guild will hold a workshop in the
art department, basement of the
EOC administration building.
8 p.m., Sew and Sew Club will
meet in the home of Mrs. Rhea
Schooler,' 2404 North Ash. Mrs.
Evelyn Provolt, co-hostess.
Thursday .
2 D.m.. Frances Brown Auxi
liary will meet at the Neighbor
hood Club for meeting and pro
gram. Members arc being invit
ed to the Woodell reception at
the Grange hall, . Sunday after
Say co'odbye It smI, sntkt, jjs
and ill flames forever.
No yearly service cists!
Individual room thermostats.
, Pay only .for heat yon isel . .
Lowest cut install!!".,., .
Guaranteed for 10 years.
Maxine Nurmi
Observer, La Grande, Ore.,
Welcome Wagon
Members Hear
Guest Speaker -
The Welcome Wagon Newcomers
Club members and guests were
greeted by black cats, witches and
pumpkin faces ;, at their regular
October meeting, held at the Nei
ghborhood Clubhouse on Wednes
day. ; ;.
Halloween was the theme of the
decorations and dessert served by
hostesses, Barbara Moore, Betn-
ice Cochran, Ann Paxton and Nan
cy Baldwin.
Door prize was awarded to Mir
iam; King. .
During the business meeting a
cooked food sale was discussed
and planned for Nov. 22.
I ..I . ;'.',., f .' .' r .
I Fred Schneiter.,- secretary of-the
Chamber of Commerce, spoke on
the- program for the evening. He
presented information and slides
about La Grande, which were of
interest to all newcomers.
The remainder of the evening
was' spenti playing cards. Prizes
went to Marjorie Hewitt and Nori
Zieg,' for bridge : To Mrs. Wendell
Vaughn and Mrs. Dtm Yarnell,
for pinochle; ' and to Mrs. Warner
Stein for canasta.
The get-acquainted coffee parly
for all newcomers ; to La Grande
during the past month was held
Friday, ';Oct. 10 in the home of
Ruih Bricc-i hospitality chairman.
"Executive board meeting was-
held. Tuesday morning, Oct. 14, in
the' home of Miriam King, presi
dent. . . ..
In And (
Around Town
' Dr. and Mrs. Robert 'Stuart, of
La Grande, have returned from
Chicago, .where Dr. Stuart at
tended the Academy meeting for
Eye; Ear, and Nose specialist,
held in the Palmer House Hotel.
While there a $20,000 fire broke
out on the third floor, the
Stuarts were on the eighth, They
estimated the spectators watching
l no l a:m. fire at over 4,000.
1 Before reaching Chicago they
stopped - in Lexington, Neb., to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Wilfred Stuart. They also at
tended the Mayor Clinic alumni
banquet in Chicago. : Dr. Stuart
is a member .of the group.
'' o '
i Mr. and Mrs. Jim Huffman, of
Hunters Point Navy Station, San
Francisco, arrived in La Grande
Sunday to be with his' mother,
who was in a recent accident.
Country Club
Bndge. Tourney
Played Here
Seven' tables were in play at
the La Grande Country Club's Fri
day evening duplicate bridge
tournament. East-west winners
were Dr. -and Mrs.- Ray Murphy,
78 match points; Mrs. Don Wag
ner and Mis. T. B. Lumsden, 77;
and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrison,
A tie resulted in the north-
Eouth positions, Mr. and Mrs.
John Ladd and Mr. and Mrs.
George Roycs sharing first prize
with scores of 72. 'Mr. 'and Mrs.
Grant Conlcy finished third with
70 points.
smI a
f m x.
"J C.. cushion crepe sole
V in N. or M .Widths
WO 3-3161
Tues., Oct. 21 1958 Page 3
11 Reporters
On Staff Of
'Husky Howls'
ELGIN (Special) Elgin High
pupils were visiting the business
houses Wednesday, taking ads
for the school annual.
The school paper, i "Husky
Howls," first edition was publish
ed Tuesday. Advisor for the
Husky Howls is Mrs. Eunice
Editor and staff of the paper Editor, Neva. Elliott; assist
ant Editor, Jean Gordon; Business
manager. Stuart Croghan; Ex
change, Celia Colclasure;. Feature
Editor, Jeff Watkins; Girls sports,
Cathy Gollihar; Boys' sports; Ben
Hiatt and Bob. "Trump;. lOlass re
porters! Pat Wado,v Jana : Hulo
witz andVLinda Kuebn;. Typists,
Myrna jWcnlty. and i Marvaldnc
Simmons; t'Arl nEditor; Mike
Spiks; J,n Club reporters, ' FI1A.
Judy Parsons; Pep club, Deannn
Fiolz; and GAAi 'i Connie Spikesi
There are.ill reporters,: and this
should: mako the' "Husky. Howls"
bigger and better than.ever.
Officers Jold1.
ELGIN (Special) The High
ichcel in Elgin is pretty well
settled now with all the class elec
tions over, i ...
The senior class elected Bernis
Conatscr, president; Jim 'Griffin,
.vice president; - Deanna Faught,
secretary and Nancy Gulick, trea
surer. Al Wills is the class advis
or. . i
The Junior class - elected
Glenn Standley, president; Tom
Hunt, vice president; Linda
Trump, secretary; Freda Hays,
treasurer; and Mrs. Eunice Burns
.;s class advisor.
The sophomores elected Bill
Showers, president; Edgar Grif
fin, vice president; Jordyce Tam
eris. secretary and Celia Colcla-
iure, treasurer. Class advisor is
Mis. Janet Vaught.
The freshmen have elected Bob
howers as president; Bill Stark,
vice president; Linda Kuehn, sec
retary; Sally Warren, treasurer:
and Frank Park as class advisor.
Triple E Unit
Holds Meeting
ELGIN (Special) Mrs. Dory
Lyman entertained the Triple E
Extension Unit in her home Tues
day evening. Co-hostesses were
Mrs. Louis Colclasure and Mrs.
Don Hendricks who served re
freshments. Mrs. Gordon Leonard gave the
Eye Opener and Good Posture
project to the group. Dolores
Uria, county agent, gave a demon
stration on Foundation Garments.
Look.Whos Here
Mr and Mrs. I.pslip nnnrlwin nf I
(he Orchard Trailer Court, have
n dnnulitnr horn this mnrnine:.
Oct. 21. They have named her
Cindy Lou and she weighs five
pounds and eight and a half
ounces. ,
Mr. .mrl Mrs. Thomat flrjint. of
Elgin, have a son born also this
morning, Oct. 21.. He weighs six
nnunric and five and a half ounc
es and is not named as yet.
Happy Birthday
Oct. 21'
Tommy Bayliss
and so light . . . so warm . '.
so soft and cuddly !
For campus, shopping,
after. skiing and skating,
all-around wear , .. . .
Cozy 100 deep
pile lining, soft $ 1 1 -'5
Dvnel fur collar.
Church Circle;
Plans Harvest
Festival Nov. 6
Tiie Wesleyan Circle of the
I irst Methodist Church held its
October meeting at the home of
Mrs. Worth Epiing. The devo.
lions were given by Mrs. Eldon
Lilly. President, Mrs. Wesley
Hrownlon, reminded all members
:if the rummage sale. ,
The First Methodist church is
.ending a box of clothing to the
Methodist Home in Eloy, Nov.
Anyone wishing to. send clothing
leave with Mrs. Wayne Gooder
ham, 1809 First St.
Plans for the Harvest Festival
to bo held Nov, 6, were discussed.
Dinner and fun will start at 5:30.
There will bo a box at the church
(or those, wishing to donate fish
pond gadjets. . t
Mrs. Eldon Lilly announced a
special service during the Week
if Prayer and Self Denial. This
;ervice will be held at the First
Methodist Church Nov. 2 at 8 p.m.
Mrs. Elizabeth' Harris present
id a vqry interesting program on
'Discipline," .which was followed
by n discussion period., Hostesses
(or Iheiicvenlng nwere iMesdames
William' Dblashmutt, . Burr Court-'
l ight, 'Richard Taylor,. To Fowler,
iind'A."l. Gibsoni. Following the
meeting)' .Christmas cards were
in display.
ActiVjtiess Tolcl' .
At GDild tfeetVr5
. i, i: , .. n. , t-.u .' i :
i A short business meeting of St.
Peter's Guild' .was-- held in' the
parish hall Wednesday, Oct. 15,
Mrs. J. R. Martin, chairman, pre
sided. : ..'. ;
Miss Fannie Cupid led the de
votions. She chose as her theme,
the book entitled, "Man's Need
und God's Action," reading the
chapter, "God's Acceptance, and
Mrs. Martin gave a brief report
on the Cove Conference, and gave
the highlights of the lectures and
discussions which stressed the
main subject of the meeting
"What is the function of the
church in our day".
Mrs. Julia Metzler, the United
Thank Offering chairman, an
nounced the regular fall ingath
ering will be held Sunday morn
ing, Nov. 2. All of the women of
the narish are asked to attend
(his coiporaled communion ser
Plans were completed for an
nil dav meetinu in the narish hall,
on Oct. 28, to make the mince
meat for the fall bazaar, which
will be held on Nov. 14 and 15,
iit. Zimmerman's.
Mrs. R. H. Thew, hostess for
the social hour served refresh
ments from a table centered with
n bououet of fall-flowers. Mrs.
Fred Sommcr, and Mrs. Julia
Metzler poured.
Next mnctine of the Guild will
be the regular business meeting
in the parish hall, Nov. 5.
Betty Baxter's, ,
Engagement Told
UNION (Special) Mr. and Mrs,
Reynolds Baxter arc announcing
the engagement of their uaugn
ler. Betty, to Ronald Dunham
son of Robert Dunham, Indian
Valley, Idaho, and Mrs. Ncwtoto
Winfrce, of the Park. .
Both young people. graduated
from Union High School. Miss
Baxter is employed in La Grande
and Ronald Dunham is attending
Eastern Oregon College. He has
been stationed at Fort Meyer, Va,
for the past three years with the
Army. '
A holiday wedding is being
is now available in Short,
Average, and Tall Lengths..
Now women of all sizes can enjoy Skirt Saver's
f . . . , . . -
assurance that they will never "sit out" a favored skirt
or need fear seat
Colors: White, Black Sizes:
Rrg. nade Mark-Pal.
Bertha's Alteration & Corsei Shop
Graduate Corsetierre
By Dolores Uria, Your
' Home Extension Agent
Now's the time to cruise your
market for Halloween party ideas
apples, pears, nuts, pumpkins,
cider and popcorn are bountiful
and tops for "witch" foods.
A humner aonle crop, described
as "best ever," is predicted. Al
though the Oregon crop is smaller,
locab.shoppcrs will find plenty of
imnles on tho market. The U. S.
apple crop is 7 percent above last
year, and 17 percent anove aver
age. Taffy, bake, slice and serve ap
ples with cheese. Stored in the
refrigerator in a plastice bag or
covered container apples will keep
well for two to three weeks. Two
pounds, of apples wil lmake a 9-
incfc pie., , . , i . , (
OctoboiMs peak for. pears. Enjoy
late summei-,Bartletts, and some
of . the winter., varieties, Boscs,
Anjous and Cornice. ,; Team pear
slices with, cereal, for breakfast or
combine halves with sliced oranges
and grapes, as a .tangy .early, morn
ing, starter, .Store,; ripe, pears in
the refrigerator and allow "green"
ones to riped'St room temperature.
Fill nut bowls wilhifilberts, wal
nuts, , pecans,, peanuts,.!, and , al
mondsi all . In . good fall ,, supply.
Sprinkle sliced., or .iehopped nuts
on the top of pumpkin pie the last
few minutes of baking.1 Roll cheese
balls in nuts, Stuff ..halves . of
Danish squash with nut and bread
dressing during the last half of
baking. Sliver toasted or buttered
lilberls over cooked green beans,
sweet potatoes or cauliflower.
Fresh pumpkins for jack-o-lan-tcrns
will be plentiful. . Use them,
too, for pics and puddings. Most
of the pumpkin used comes from
cans. ..'.. . . ...
Tricks or treaters, young and old
alike, will enjoy ice-cold cider.
Float scoops of orage sherbet in
cider for added surprise. In com
mercially bottled products in re
tail stores the terms apple' juice
and cider are often used inter
changeably for the heat treated
juice,' Real. cider Is apple juice
that has not been heat treated.
True, apple juice has been heat
treated. Both should be refrigerat
ed after they are opened. ," ,
Expect reasonable prices on
shelled popcorn this season. Big-
It's McOlasson's For
Decorations and .
Party Accessories
Napkins Table ,
Settings Tallies
1431 ADAMS.
sag or stretching.
etching. 4tmLLk' ft I 1 K
s: 24, 26, 28, 30 0 " V
a Beverly Vogue original creation
'Scho6r Days' Theme Of Rusff
Party For Gamma Chapter
Guests of Gamma Chapters
rush party, Oct. 14, held at the
Neighborhood club found them
selves on a campus going to clas
ses and studying arts, as their in
troduction to Beta Sigma Phi.
A dinner was prepared and
verved by the social committee.
Margot Bcnsel, Bethel McClurc
and Ardith Ryan, assisted by
Dorothy Statlcr and Myrna Her
mann. It was cafeteria style.
Guests and members were then
seated at a long table. The school
cays decorations were highlighted
by the table centerpiece repre
senting a miniature football field
Elgin Briefs
Mrs. La Vena Knight entered
the St. Joseph hospital Tuesday,
Oct. 14 for a (ew days under ob
servation. Mr. and Mis. Oliver Mayfield
of Milton Freevvatcr, were in El
gin visiting friends, Wednesday.
gest crop since 1945, say experts.
Popcorn balls wrapped in plastic
wrap keep well in tricksters' bags,
m s'w .rf,inv
Susie Long Legs
v SACONY's Colorful Leotards
Mhat are just like a dancer's !' j
J I What fun!
" Here's the Vfl V". -t ' ',
I I exciting way -' V'.,. . .
to go lo school, '" 1
I lo parties or dancing class .,
J J or ice-skating. Genevieve's , '
pretty and comfortable leg-warmers ' 1 V ,
S I hug me close ... ' . 1 .
make me feel so tall
exciting way
to go
to parties or
or ice-skating.
pretty and comfortable leg-warmers
by Sacony
hug me
make me feel so tall
and grown up . . .
and look, so smart
with Sacony skirls
and blouses. Made of Helanca nylon knit,
they stretch .
to lit from hip to toe. '
Hand-wash SUSIES
they dry fast.
1113 Adams
- -hi : hm 1 !
I l I -tl II I . if I I. i
'm 'm
.mim -SS I ;
with players and gold posts.
Following ; dinner the classes
were in session and everyone stu
died art, spelling and math..
Rushees present were Betty
Henderson, Martha Anderson,
Glenda Healy, Unamac Stoyka,
Hetty Ladd, Nola Campbell, Lois
Mitchell,, Marge Peterson , and
Bert Preston. Also present were
special guests Vina Ross, honor
ary member and Charlene Larscn.
For Collectors.
U.S. & Canadian
lc to $1.00
35c ea.
wearing Uiig
the U
lo school,
dancing class , '
bike - riding
close ...
3 - 4), (S: 5-6-6X),
LRG.: 12-14.) 3.98
IfToA .van
Suite Long Lejrs come In IhU cote ifl pickitl
It opens just like a book.
GItc one to cverr Jtirl you know.
WO 3-2731
I Call your Electrician
BV 193?
1214 Adams
La Grande
'..fSSW. ......