L 4? TT rZ, scoots The BY United Wet Ore9on 1 1 JJfis ' La Gr Evening Established 1896 Our Dollars Help Us To;Hg0ut'selves Our goal this year js $24,350. Your dollars will help us meet the quola. Where docs the money go that is contributed to the Un ited Fund? Most of .it stays in the La Grande area to help local activities which serve many of our citizens, especially the children. Less than 13 of each dollar contributed lo cally goes to the Oregon United Appeal; 87.3 is used in activities serving our own people in and' near La Grande., The UNION COUNTY CHAPTER, AMERICAN RED CROSS, will receive $6,642-00. This money will be used to support such local activities as the blood-bank program, water-safety"; first-aid instruction, the Gray Ladies, and other services. . - . The BOY SCOUTS of this area will receive $3,506.80 to support their work with the appproximately 500 boys en rolled locally in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorer Scouts. The GIRL SCOUTS of this area will receive $1,418.00. to carry on their work with the approximately 250 girls cur rently enrolled as Scouts and Brownies. This year the Girl Scouts will use additional money to establish a local council to provide better service and enlarge the program for. girls in this area. ' ' ' The LA GRANDE YOUTH, ACTIVITIES will receive $2,200.00 to carry on its recreational and educational pro gram for the young people of our area. This program in cludes the Little League Baseball for more than 250 boys, swimming instruction for about 40.0 children, and the hobby night program for teen-agers, which is staffed by volunteer workers and serves more than 400 youngsters annually. The SALVATION ARMY will receive $6,006.00 for sup port for its work in the La Grande area. The Salvation Army has a varied program that reaches many people: un derprivileged children, elderly people, persons in tempor ary financial need, and others. This year for the first time, the' ARTHRITIS AND RHEU: MATISM foundations will receive help .from the local drive, in the amount of $241.81 la carry on the work done, in research and medicine. . ..': ; ' f : .- . ' The local services, all making a direct contribution to our own people in the La Grande area, ourselves and our children, as well as our more unfortunate neighbors, ac count for MORE THAN $20,000 of the quota for this year. A small portion of the balance of our asking is for local ex penses and the rest, approximately $3,100.00 will be our share of the Oregon United Appeal. JUNE McMANUS, Campaign Chairman, La Grande United Fund. FRANK B. BENNETT, ' President, La Grande United Fund. PM fx i( N Vs. ' I WJrJd ; 0KBVito'Uki6A....:a mm it lii ii,uum-mm Youth Activities ande United Fund Red Cross Ca 1958 I V "l '''U-,, -"-I'" f I ft Jw V :-. r,;, ne R&rl n.. ' The rt ....... -H,arion A rmy ,hn. inpaign