La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 14, 1958, Page 3, Image 3

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    BPW Observe
National Week
With Banquet
The La Grande Business and
Professional Women's Club ob
served "National Business Wo
men's Week" with a banquet at
the Sacajawea Hotel on Thursday
evening. Special guest and
speaker for the occasion was
Mrs. Jean Sampson.
Mrs. Sampson, who was intro
duced by Mrs. Elsie Diez, gave
an interesting and informative
talk on the history of woman-kind
end the progress that has been
brought about through their ef
forts. She also urged each mem
ber of the club to do her part in
bringing about the vital needs of
inc present day world, pointing
out that these larger goals
can be realized only in so far as
they are achieved in individual
Miss Marta Murphy entertain
ed the group with a piano solo.
A short business .meeting was
conducted by President Georgia
Li'one, who also gave a short re
port on "The National'Federation
o Business and Professional
Women's Clubs." , . 'Z,
Committee for the evening was
Elsie Diez, Myrtle Cantrell, Nora
Bradley and Florence Smith. The
banquet table was made attrac
tive with bouquets of fall flowers
in the autumn shades.
The next meeting of the club
will be on Thursday, Oct. 23rd, at
the home of Ann Bailey, 902 Main
Street. The time is 6:30 p.m.. for
a potluek supper, with the Fi:
nance Committee in charge of the
1 rogram for the evening.
Elgin Briefs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Dusen
and family left Thursday for Chilli
cothe, Mo., where they will attend
the funeral of her brother, Clifford
Ishmael, 33, who drowned Sunday,
Oct. 5, in Salton Sea reservoir in
a boating accident near Ilemet,
Calif., where he lived. He is sur
vived by n wife and throe small
The Van Dusens will visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Ishmael, and his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Van Dusen, also of
Chillicothc. They plan to be gone
. about two weeks.
"Shop Leisurely"
. To Begin
We Are Now Showing
Our Famous
Christmas Card
Album Lines:
and many others!
1104 Adams
A-.. HIT, 'f
W :
-J---.- i u ; lit
:V.l'',w.-;.i'iU, MR. AND MRS.. MILBURN J. HOLMES
: , (Keith Neilson)
Gray Holmes United
In( Church
Miss Judith Dawn Gray, daugh
ter of Mrs, Wayne H. Goodcr
ham,. La Grande and Donald N,.
Gray, Pendleton, became . the
bride o Milburn Jasper Holmes,
son . of. . Mr. . and Mrs. Milburn
J. Holmes, La Grande, Sept. 20.
The Reverend .Gene Robinson
performed the ceremony in the
Methodist Church Decorations
were tall baskets of autumn
flowers, of mums and goldenrods,
in colors of orange, gold and
Mrs. Harvey Carter presided at
the organ and Ruth and Beth
Combs, accompanied by Mrs.
Ncphi Combs, sang "Because"
and "The Lord's Prayer."
The bride was given in mar
riage .by her father, and wore a
floor . length gown . of. lace.-over-tulle
nylort. The sleeves were
finger-tip length and pointed at
the fingers. A crown of satin em
broidered with pearls held the finger-tip
veil., She carried a cas
cading bouquet of bronze and
eold mums on her white Rainbow
Bible. .
Maid of honor, Miss Nancy
Gray, sister of the bride, wore a
bronze brocaded sheath dress
with head band to match. She
carried a bouquet' of; orange,
bronze, gold and yellow mums.
Bridesmaids, the Misses Virgin
ia Anderson, Shelia Statler and
Judy Wardell, were dressed the
same as the maid of honor,
Celia and Carol Millering,
small cousins of the bride, were
the flower girls. They were dress
cd in orange chemise style dres
ses and headbands .to match.
They carried small white baskets
of rose petals.
Candle lighters, Miss Phyllis
Read and Miss Nancy Hoofnagle,
Tom McDowell
Wins Contest
ELGIN (Special) The Womens
Service Club met at a noon lunch-
con, Friday, Oct. 10, at the KP
hall. The Pythian Sisters served
the luncheon.
Mrs. Betty Conley, president
(.resided over the business meet
ing. Mrs! Anna Allen read the
minutes of the previous meeting.
There was discussion on several
riioney making projects to raise
funds to install signs at the three
highway entrances to Elgin.
In a recent contest Tom Mc
Towell, was awarded the prize for
Ins slogan "If you can t stop
Wave. If you must drive Be
There' was also discussion on
having a Halloween window paint
ing contest tor youngsters. A
committee was appointed to con
tact business men and results will
De published later. "
wore gold nylon and crystalette
dresses with matching accessor
ies. ' . - '
'.Best man to the groom was his
brother,- Jim Holmes. Ushers
were George Beeman, David
Haun, Phil Goold.
Ring bearer was Lonny Ander
son, brother of the bridesmaid
Virginia Anderson.
The brides' mother chose for
the occasion, a beige lace dress
with matching hat and accessor
ies. Her corsage was red roses.
The mother of the groom wore
a blue shantung dress with match
ing hat and accessories and a
pink rose corsage.
The reception was held in the
downstairs section of the Meth
odist church. The hall was dec
orated with , . autumn flowers,
mums, and ivy, in gold and or
ange. ' '
Mrs. Robert Couch served the
wedding cake and Mrs. Harold
Noregaard, Mrs. Eugene Miller
ing, aunts of bride, poured for
the affair. Assisting were Kar
en Gray, Sharon Bieckel, and Don
na McHargue.
Sylvia Courtney and Sharon
Noyes were in charge of the
suost book and Linda Hodge and
Karen Welo had charge of gifts.
For her traveling the bride
wore a red and brown knit sheath
with matching accessories
The newlyweds are at home at
1307 Sixth Street, following their
noncymoon. ,
The groom has attended Yaki
ma Jr. College and EOC and re
turned to EOC" this year as a
sophomore. The bride is a grad
uate of La Grande high school.
Two Day Special .
Renew Your Furs!
- i ;
.v CAM a
Mr. Irwin Stern
master furrier of fine furs,
will be in our store
OCTOBER 15 & 16
He will be glad to advise
you on your fur problems.
Ann Johnson
"Correct Apparel for Women"
Wptnan J World
Maxine Nurmi
WO 3-3161
Observer, La Grande, Ore., Tues., Oct. 14, 1958 Page 3
VFW Auxiliary
Report Given
Oh Membership
The VFW Auxiliary held their
business meeting with 12 women
present, Oct. 7. Georgia Somnier,
president, presided over I ho meet
ing. Report was given, that the 1959
membership drive is progressing
very well. Thank you cards were
read from Laurel McKlin and
Margaret Tabor.
The hospital chairman at Camp
(White sent a letter acknowledging
the party favors, the Auxiliary had
sent them.
It was decided to have the fan
fixed on the new heating stove.
, The women were reminded of
the District 6 President's visit
here next month.
7:30 p.m., Triple E extension
unit, will meet in the home of
Mrs. R. E. Lyman, Elgin.
7:30 p.m., 1A to B of RT will
hold regular meeting in the Odd
Fellows hall.
8 p.m., Republican Women's
Club will hold an important busi
ness meeting in the home of Dave
Baum, 508 Spring.
8 p.m., Wcsleyan Circle of the
First Methodist Church will meet
in the home of Mrs. Worth Ep
ling, 603 Penn.
8 p.m., Union County Art Guild
will meet in the gallery of the
college library. Bring work for
exhibit! , :
2 p.m., St. Peters Episcopal
Guild will meet in the Parish
2 p.m., Parkdale Club will meet
in the home of Mrs. Fay Howell,
1315 Jackson.
6:30 p.m., DAV chapter and
auxiliary will hold a potluek
Ham dinner in the armory. Meat
furnished by the chapter. Hallo
ween theme will be used.
7:30 p.m., Crystal Rebekali
lodge. , meeting, ; Odd .Fellows
temple. First nomination of of
ficers. Members urged to be pres
ent.' v 8 p.m., Jewel Rebckah lodge
86, will hold their meeting in the
Summervillc lOOF , hall.
. 8, p.m.. Welcome Wagon New
Comers club will meet at the
Neighborhood Clubhouse. Cal)
Mrs. Phil Preston for dessert res
8 p.m., The Democratic Central
Committee and Democratic Club
will meet in the Garden Club
house. All interested persons' are
being invited.
Happy B
Oct. 14
John DeBoie
Correne Lyons
Mrs. Hermia Ruckman, Aliccl
Wayne Parks
Take Extended
Vacation Trip
and Mrs. Wayne Park recently
returned from a trip to Montana,
via Helena, and to Miles City
where they visited with a sister,
Mrs. Oscar Johnson, a former
resident of Imbler, and other rela
tives. They took a trip to Mt.Rushmore,
S. D., where they went through
Ihe Rushmoro Cave. They viewed
Ihe amphitheatre at Spearhead,
S. D., where the Passion Play of
"The Last Seven Days Of Christ"
is held three months of each year.
From Spuarhcad they journeyed
on to Deadwood where they visited
the museum and the Boot Hill
Cemetery. They drove to Hot
Springs, down through the Bad
lands, then on to Cody, Wyo., and
through Yellowstone National
Park. Blaekfoot, Idaho, was on the
last lap of their trip, where they
drove to the Craters of The Moon,
and then back to their home in
Sumnierville. They report a most
interesting and eventful vacation.
Senior High PTA
Plans Being Made
Now that the La Grande Senior
High school students and faculty
have made a fine start on their
1958-59 year the High School PTA
is making plans to get the parents
Back to School also. The officers
and board met this week at the
home of Presidents Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Meppen to outline plans for
the first meeting of the year to
be held Tuesday, Oct. 21, in the
high school. This will be the an
nual Back to School night, plan
which will be outlined soon.
Officers in addition to Mr. and
Mrs. Meppen are, vice-presidents,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fisk; secre
tary, Mrs. Melba Cater; treasurer,
Archie Hornfeldt. Committee chair
men are, membership, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Erickson; hospitality,
Mr. and Mrs. Les Keffer; program,
Mrs. Wesley Brownton and Mrs.
Lynn Smutz; magazines, Mrs.
Jack Hiatt; Publicity, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Lee.
It is urged that all parents of
high school students save Oct. 21
for this important PTA meeting
at which they will have an oppor
tunity to meet all the teachers and-
to attend the classes which their
teen - agers attend. Mr. . and
Mrs. Erickson have also announced
that October is membership month.
Look Who's Here
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee Harmon,
el The Dalles, have a son born
this morning, Oct. 14. He
weighs ciglit pounds, and three
fourths ounce, and is not named
as yet.
Grange, Lodge
Plan Affair
For Woodells .
Pleasant Grove Grange and the
Rebckah Lodge; of Summervillc jointly planning for the 60th
wedding anniversary in honor of
Jim and Ona Woodcll. Mr. and
Mrs. Woodell are active members
of both organizations and have
been for many years.
An open house is being plan
ned and will be held in the Pleas
tint Grove Grange hall, Sunday af
ternoon, 2 to 4 o'clock, Oct. 26.
Family and friends are being in
vited to attend at that time.
Some of those helping will be
Mrs. Keith Glenn, Mrs. Norman
Wyland, Mrs. Mick Dougharity,
Mrs. Ed Wagoner and Mrs. Wes
ley Street. Mrs. Henry Fries and
Mrs. Dean Johnston are appointed
general chairmen for the event.
Bulletin Boards
Subject Of ACE
Meeting Here
A large group of County teachers
attended the meeting of he Union
County Branch of the Association
for Childhood Education at the
EOC Library, on Friday evening,
Oct. 3. They were greeted by the
teachers of Ackerman School.
After refreshments were served
the group convened to the Visual
Aids room, where Bill Wells dem
onstrated how to arrange Bulletin
Boards. He stressed the'six steps
for planning and setting up , an
effective bulletin display. These
were: deciding upon a subject;
working out a caption; gathering
materials; the plan for arrange
ment: letterine: and finallv the
executing and evaluation. He also
emphasized good arrangement, the
importance of color, type of letter
ing, and the many interesting lex.
lures which can be used, to add,
Following this demonstration
Bruce Ryan, director, of tho East
ern Oregon College Speech and
Hearing Center, spoke on ways and
materials to help make speech
correction moro effective.
The chairmen of ' the various
committees for the .coming Stale'
Convention of the Association for
Childhood Education made their
reports. This convention will be
an all day meeting on Saturday,
Oct. 11.
The next meeting of the Union
County Branch of ACE will be on
Nov. 7. , .
lf ;
, , i! "'
, 1
L. 0. LEET, Dallas, Texas
Evangelist Song Director
First Christian Church
901 Pennsylvania, La Grande, Ore.
OCTOBER !5-26 7:30 P.L1.
In And
M. J. Goss left La Grande Sun
day for Kalamazoo, Mich. He was
called there by the death of his
only brother, Lynn Goss.
Mrs. H. A. Zurbrick has just
returned from San Francisco
where she attended the opera
season which closes Oct. 18. Of
interest to opera enthusiasts was
Hie premier in the United States,
of Sir William Walton's opera
"Troilus and Cressida" from
Shakespcares Greek drama. Fol
lowing the San Francisco run it
will be at the Metropolitan in
New York.
The Smartest
Convertible On Two Feet!;
This versatile little
shoe may be worn
as a slrap or a
pump . . . fits perfectly
. , . wears longer.
All sizes and wjdths.
As Advertised on
"Mickey Mouse" TV
La Grande
1214 Adams
This opera was premiered at Co
vent Gardens in London last year
and was a great success there.
For Hand
1113 Adams North'n Stamps
Show y 'j
Shoe Store
La Grand
Each Night.
A '