V- r- 4. . .w Observer, La Grande, Ore., Wed., Oct. 8, 1958 Page 2 Snack, Treat or IT'S A PtEASU TO AT Meal EAT IN LA RAMP ESTA P IU1 n NT roooBEiri La Grande Restaurants and Dining Establishihehts Have Gone t"' Whatever your pleasure in eating out full-course dinner, s hort order specialty, selected foreign dishes, a sandwich or tasty snack you will find La Grande's eating establishments to your liking. A natural stopping-off place for travelers and business people. La Grande's many eating establishme nts cater to a wide 'variety of tastes. Quick order, leisurely ' dinner or sumptuous banquet . :. . they are all. expertly prepared and served to you in a courteous, friendly atmosphere at La Grande's eating places. ' v ' , ': Give Yourself and Your Family A Treat! EAT OUT MORE OFTEN, THIS MONTH AND EVERY MONTH Known by many names . '. ; Coffee Shop, Cafe, Drivo-ln, Fountain, Hut, Restaurant . , La Grande's many eating ostabKhments offer diners-out a Wide variety of dishes and short orders. They pride themselves on good food expertly 'prepared and served and offered at most reasonable ' ' i . . v ... . ' prices. Take a night out and eat out! This, program sponsored by the La Grande business and profes sional firms displaying this emblem ... Your Purchases of Goods and Services hi La Grande Make La Grande A Better Gbmniumty To Live ."Mr ... u