LA GRANDE EVENING OBtaEilVER, LA GftAtoDE. ORE.- Page FiviS CLASSIFIED ADS m nam m or onion wallowa codmtim The News Is Out! (OoiuU fin iwik worde to the Una.) Per Una, lit Uurtloiloc Per line, ul added conjeo- BATES BY MONTH 1 llnet, per month lint, per mouth ,, i line., per month M.oo Unee, per month M.7S additional line over tire charged at 60o per Une per month. uuto insertion , yjiwiwinM olurge on ov order FOR SALE FOR RENT, Mm ,ck:W:-- Monday, January 29. 1934 OUT OUR WAY Hl By J. R, Williams I THE NEWFANGLES . . ; k V NO- VA-v-o o oH 1' HAIN'T FOLLERIm' V rtCS 17 but w. Wio.con 7A we we peomssion from thc tV , Mi EXCELLENT HOME on large lot, 4 blocks from post off toe: 6 rooms, f: Ajaseinont, garage, paved street, east front. (Price 24O0, Q00 cash, toal '4 auce on terms, Williamson As Berry. 1-90-3 t. , M I I tlT-WART-WARNER RADIO battery ; sot. Call F. 108, 1-2K-3 t. 3-RM. APT., well furnished. Private bath. Ph. Main 72 or 13XJ-5th St. 1-29-3 tp. FTON. APT., steam heat. 1008 Wash. 1-29-2 t. m j ""I 1 J UrWSrAIj OPPORTUNITY to secure a- high grade Conn cornet at -the price of a student Instrument. This cold finish Instrument was built lor Mr. oney and used by him In concert bands, Get particulars at the 1 Grande Muslo Go., 1104. Spring. l-27-2t OR TRADE, drag saw and 4 -wheel trailer, 1801 Cherry and Z. l-27-3tp 1 SHARE Pint Jfat'l. Bank stock. Wrtto Box 3, Observer. 1-26-3 tp. WOOD AnyUnd, anywhere, any time except Sunday. M. Lores, Cove. 1-18-1 m. . GOOD EATING POTATOES, 60c sack, t No. 2's, 65c, Inland Poultry & Feed, f 1-9-1 m. WOOD, radio poles, ornamental and fence posts. Smith's Fox Farm. l-ll-i mp FOUND WORK BAG. 6at... on. 4th bet. O Spring. Reward If jet. to Library or Ph.. 286 J. V, 1-29-1 t. WANTED IP YOU WANT A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY to make (10 a day op erating a "Neighborhood Store" Bend me your name Immediately. Brand-new Idea. No experience re quired. Write quick for details. Al bert Mills, 3322 Monmouth, Cin cinnati, O. 1-29-1 tp. STEADY WORK GOOD PAY Several choice openings In country - and towns for reliable men or wo men. No oapltol or experience re quired. Write MR. THOMAS, Supt., 420 Third St., Oakland, California. 1-29-1 p DRY MILL WOOD, cheap. (4 single load; $6 double. Call Clarence' Hccs, 396 W. or M. 847. 1-9-1 mp. OR TRADE 1929 Chevrolet truck. Phone 323 J. 1-4-1 mp. SCRATCH PAPER for school or home at the Observer. 2 pads for 5o. 9-14-t i. BLUNT SPEAKS I SUNDAY NIGHT J. H. Blunt addressed a large group of the young people Sunday art) 6:45 p m. at the regular meeting of the young folks of the Nazarene ctnrGh. Mr. Blunt has spoken to this group several times In the four years he has been with the local High school. He used as his topic "The Challenge to The Young People Today." showing there was a greater demand for lead ership in science, politico, business, Inventions j and religion. He said the future civilization would "be depen dent on the. Christian young people of the present. S Gwlnn Henry, noted football coaoh, once held the world record for the 130-yard dash and equaled existing f world marks for the 100, 110 and 120-yard sprints. Constipation 6 Years, Trouble Now Gone John J. Davis had chronic consti pation lor six years. By using Ad lerlka'ha soon got rid of. it, and feels like a new person. Adlerlka Is quick acting safe. Red Cross Drug Store Adv. Kansas claimed the'-Sullivan me morial award for the second straight year when Glenn Cunningham fol lowed Jim Bauoch as winner of the outstanding athlete prize.-- . FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS by Blosser One Little Detail ( WHEN ARE YOL) """""p! : GUYS GONNA HAVE J vje WANT H J THIS THING READY EVERYTHING V-1 ' t Togo? its sure j to be just ) J TAWN.' YOU A J. RIGHT, 1 3 c IS THAT THE YES, AND EVERY SWITCH.OVER ) THING IS ALL SET THERE g To GO.... WITH ONE ll ? -L EXCEFTION...WE CUi STILL HAVE tol "a YJmiwmmw " t iWjr 6mm-d et-pDftt ?apw would beoqpebni .r0FT, ; wnxp gnin1 them thAt . SH ffliHl fi' I SWmmml "Mk. f ,I ,WtfHbi -JUttV:WWLQOXM.) 0ES I ; PA0FUU,TH NEWS WILL l mffl VIlY ' ''' l00Oy N -T-- " V '0 Vjy PBP LAKE . : -- JOE PAL00KA - . -. - - Alixiost "Ketched f'sAY-WHAT'S rTMl r J AH'LU f D-DAS SOME SLACK FROM VLU TELU Kj : 1 AH QOTYA &T SOME itC 5A.V . K KE "SHH.-HEY KIP ;, BKNRnowVll- Stah J H TONE PLAY ioKE AN' PUT y WISE GUVS WT. WONT COME OFF GERTW : . . I , KPKHED TOO FE $H , I FR15CO Bl5 I WURFAcl' -rft(!Sk bSg. ) SHOE BLAC1? SSTA,H 3-3- 1 T W OFR , WhKN YO' SWEAT. MARVIULOUS . M . ON-" J MI9TAH , DOUGH-READ J VOURFACE? o-gMm, LJfjy IpwWAHEADGEAH.Jfi, TH6IR , .,. . 4 WHEW DAT SHO' A f$frj2. 7 ' krt7-SPIVWACK JLS MBS . V - ' ' "" riBlnalljr. I-'--"- BWBmKT.TOftl 1 I MtttW-in r . .IHi ITU II I I ' 1 I iritt-immi I I I I , . HI illnHitill IP . , lIH-- , -7 .1 1 1 , . ! I .1.. I II . PI I I HI ItTnUTT,!,, i i iIMMIIHT II ,1,. -nil K. V. , - ... , i , , --.I, , , . -i . OLLY OF THE MOVIES by Ollendorff , ' : . She's Also Getting a PatieneeesU lm. ,H, r-o Tr, V.I I oTrr ! ul llf- I WON A BEAUTY ) H - TVE 1 ' El 1 1 1 1 ) WHATCTT" O-T")- Xxoij CANi IfwHAT ABOUx) ' II l-l -' irm' CENTO AL CA5T1N&)Ka fbUR WEEKS' f CONTESTNDEY N fJJ , ; . U , T-OTJ YOU, ( THMB -HOW I; MI5S?r - n I BUREAU, AINO iHErLLT I CONTRACT WITH loots ftTtsJ Ki-lJK ; l "TV'Zn'r . ... , TOUNB L.ftY y I -"-" T -K8 1 ' " I 1 '' . 2GG15Tefi! YOU 'FtWE SUPER- OF MB IFTtVIE I EAST WEEK OR ISO. ..... .i-? fZ ( SOMEONE WHO' ... Xv V'V INTO' THE -N:AS ArrTrj-'sTuPENDOUS - I was SENTjr--iV XpriJ r ": "' "" VS S-I Tetl- Me' ' ;-ff4v'PICTUces''-3 " NOPUCTIONS HEBE ? OUY -SNI SE ' . 1 S&S (l$gk 'SIMEONS --jJ W '. &vyfr - DIANA DANE (irimnt' Double Exposure ., ' 1 I HAVE A FEELINS V3U AHO MR. DOE KNOW I fHEV- HECE'5 Vlic DOfjS. OB 6055 f 1 I F THAT BIS BRUI5eJ . OH-HEttE- ' fWEKB HBLD) ilKSTOJ U. IT HAS TO-BE- , . ' " yS0MTHIN6 ABOUT CHOB rJ SAVS T- PUT 'EM ON AN' Sir" Jf A M l CAI. EABV-JS m STH6V At2E.' J Se N ? rVI rSeATO CJ M PERFECT, BEFORE : , ? AND 5LAT AND CONNV ) i&ACK IN HERE CWICK.N' OOM-rVH-k VJM FACE HAS d&jl t ) I TOLO VOU iT-SlfP) AlS, P i V lf WE'LL PUSH IN i?' 9l!,,54PrirnAll.r r'r25:iir NONE O' VA 30UEAL 600T". Ff Ujf j HAKMED TH0SSO JHEV ,BEJ ; Wffl ' ? ' DIANA. I LJL . 1 : "j " 1 SC0RCHY SMITH " - ' - ' AR SKIN IRRITATIONS Itching of eczema, ringworm, dialing, pimples, minor burns, etc., quickly relieved by soothing Resinol DO YOU NEED A TONIC? Mr. T. A. Miller of 737 Kenyon St, Seattle. Wash.,' said: "Dr. Pierce's Gold CD Medical Discovery is a mighty Rood tonic and syS-, tcrti builder. It gives real' relief from stomach dta- tress and creates an appe tite. T wescribed by Dr. I'lcrce, w years ngo. Write Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Thiffalo, N. Y. , New size, tablets SO cts., Hrjutd' $1.00. Large: Size, tabs, or liquid, $1.35. Wo Our Pari.1 N0TICI Series "B" Tlmo Ckirtiflcates 01 Deposit Issued by the First Na tional Bank of La Grande, Oregon on March 1, 1933 'and due on Decembcr.15, 1034, have been call ed for payment on February 14, 1034. Interest on same ceases af ter that date. First NationalBank of La Grande David I. Stoddard, President A. K. Parker, Cashier AW, BOLONEY.... YOU GUYS WASTE TOO MUCH TIME ! 0UGW I i v r ........ . , - ... x 1 STARTEO TO TELL YOU THAT THERE WAS ONE THING WE HADN'T DONE YET WE FORGOT To PUT INSULATION ON THE UAirrv tr rtc tijaT sia1ittu M n.- irr.. V 1?. L RECENT HA PPENINGS mininb operations we halted, the gold is being ll taken to scorchy's plane at the ranch undbr heavy guard. Forewarned, the circle-bar riders are ready for an bxpectbo outlaw iaid. scorchy learns that mollie kenny is one of the outlaw gang and rod kenny is the leader ! 6moPN6 Horses are heard behind! here com THE outlaws' J C ICH The A. P . All ftJ.h- TUMr-H ( GET OFF THE ROAD ANP PROP POWN,B0YS .' 'PJilfflSl mir I GIVE THEM AN- OLD-TlMlf RECEPTION .' J WlfW r.:-..'"' "'" ' ' - ,f' : : p-.wiba r: -8CT Wfi" CIRCLE-BAR THE DILLYS Gone But Not Forgotten' F ALL YOU'D HAD FOR. LUNCH WAS A PINEAPPLE SALAD YOU'D DO SOME THINK1N' TOO- - THAT SLICE OF PINEAPPLE RATTLES AROUND IN MP LIKf A BUTTON IN A I c?r 7 rl ? THINKIW vV I U ABOUT FOOD) , THINK1N' TOO - - THAT rrTArr-- ;! 1 r O-v : . w V LIKf A BUTTON IN A I WATCHfD YOU AT LUNCH A . Boy I'LL BET I WW'f SLlPPtRS, IF THAT TODAY yoil'RE A NICE, THAT TAKES F '!"'( HAD BEEN PRFCCDEP v; NICE MAN TO DIET' FOlt' ' 7 HIS MIND ' I BY A HAM SANDWICH A v TOOTSIE, SO THERE ( OFFA FOOD." ! "1 A LIFE tVOULD BE -J' ' tr