La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 27, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page Two
Saturday, January 27, 1534
An Independent Newspaper
Phone Main 600
..Publlibor and General Manager
Business Manager
' Published ereninge, exception Bundov, at 1710 Blith etreet, La
Orande, Oregon.
' Bntertd at the Postofflos of La Orande, Oregon, aa Second Class
Hall Matter under act of March 3, 1879.
r ..... . . CITY OP LA GRANDE
The Associated Preaa la exclusively entitled to use for publication
of all news dlapatchea credited to it or not otherwise credited If pub
lished herei All rlglrta of republication of special dlapatchea In
thla paper and alao the local news herein also are reserved.
National Advertising Representative
Baa Franolaco, Los Angeles, BeaMle, Portland, Chicago
i ; - ' ' - Detroit. New York
The Weather
- Oraegon: Cloudy In west and fair
In east portion tonight and Sunday;
moderate temperature; gentle change
able wind offshore.
For the ween: Unsettled in North
Pacific states and generally fair else
where. Normal temperatures will pic-vail.
i.ocaIj m:,Tiii:it
Friday: Minimum 00, minimum 35
above. Clear.
Today: Minimum 31, 7 a. m. 33
above. Clear.
'Duke' Wellington
Hits Wrong Basket
And Freshmen Win
TO WIN, 48 TO 31
I am tho first, and I am the last: and besides me there is
no God .Is there a God besides me? yea, there is no God:
I know; not any. Isaiah 41: 6, 8. ,
Temperature 60 above, sky clear, warm sunshine, butter
cups in bloom, earth being tilled here and there, a minimum
of snovy in the high mountains, stock grazing in new grass,
yellowjackets buzzing through the air, earthworms busy in
the top-most sod!
It sounds like April, but it isn't just late January in La
Grande this year. . Spring1 visited the city yesterday in all
her glory and was still hanging around today, although older
residents looked upon her arrival with doubt, fearing that
it was all a bluff, and that she would fade away shortly.
We don't know about that but we're delighted to welcome
the splendid weather we have.
Note- California papers please copy!
SEATTLE, Jan. 27 (flV-Washington's
Huskies came to the halfway
mark In their basketball season to
day with an excellent chance of cop
ping the Northern division title of
tho Pacific Coast conference.
Behind the Huskies aro aeven
games won; their percentage In the
conference standings Is 1.000 and to
night they meet the University of
Oregon quintet which they defeated i
lost night 33 to 28.
If they beat tlie Webfeet agalu, to
night, and then keep up any average
at all. they have the title cinched.
Behind Washington, in order, come
Oregon State, Oregon. Idaho and
Washington State, but thcre'a a wide
EUGENE, Ore.. Jan. 37 W)
By a donated margin, the Uni
versity of Oregon frosh defeated
tho Oregon State rooks 33 to 30
here last night in the first of a
series of four games.
' Just after the start of the sec
ond half "Duke"- Wellington-
rook center, grabbed the boll from
a tip-off under the basket and
sank a beauty in the wrong
basket. The rooks led 13 to 13
at half time.
Linfield College
W ins From Columbia
Greater experience won for the
Oregon Normal school basketball
team here lost night in tho second
contest of a two-game series with E.
O. N. The Mountaineers were trail
ing 18 to 23 at halftlme, with the
game getting rougher and rougher.
And In the final period, the Wolves
due to greater height, weight and
"polish" built up a commanding
lead In the pushing, shoving skirm
ish. The final score was 48 to 31.
Both Coach Lorry Wolfe, of Mon
mouth, and Coach Bob Qulnn, of
East Oregon, put their second teams
Into the fray with about six minutes
left to play, and then the game re
turned once more to basketball.
, - All In all, It was one of the rough
est basketball games played here In
many moons, with the redeeming fea
tures tho almost faultless work of
Avorlll, Monmouth center, who scored
guard, who accounted for it potato! i fiSSP? "
Both played brilliant ball anTln a i J"-. .-.
lnrge measure shunned the rough ". " . .
tactics of most of their teammates.'"" ?;V""f? ,n 'nK
PORTLAND, pre., Jan. 27 W) A
Linfield college rally won a race with
the timekeeper and defeated Colum
margin between Washington and tho DB university 33 to 32 in a non-con-
rost of the hoop tennis. The Huskies ference basketball game here last
have only eight games after tonight. I night.
Oregon State cngemcn defeated With 30 seconds left to play Neely,
Washington State 20-23 last night ; Wildcat forward, put his team Into
in the other conference game, while the Jinai lead with a field goal.
Jdaho beat Oonzaga 40 to 10 In a
non-conference tilt,
Northern division standings:
College,- W. h. Pet.
Washington 7 0 1.000
Oregon Stato , 4 3 .671
Oregon 2 8 .400
Idaho 4 2 S .288
W. 8. O. ' 2 6 M0
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27 OF) Still
out In front In the Southern divi
sion. Pacific Coast conference, bas
ketball race. -the University of Cali
fornia and University of Southern I
California will attempt to increase
tfielr leads.
The Bears and Trojans advanced
to three games won and one lost as
A Merced, Oal., druggist traded a
quart bottle of bonded whisky for
20 acres of land.
It appears definitely that the tide has turned in favor of
the law. The latest manifestation was the capture of the
notorious Dillinger gang of robbers, slayers and prison
breakers at Tucson, Ariz. Now if the government could
round up the Lindbergh and Bremer kidnapers, we could all
heave a real sigh of relief.
The First National Bank of La Grande is Installing some
of the most modern of safety deposit boxes. Now, let's all
hunt around and find some valuables to put in those boxes,
and everything will be swell.
i rally of the University of California
at Los Angeles Bruins, to win 40 to 31.
The Trojans whipped out an early
lead of Stanford ' Indians in Los An
geles to score a 36 to 24 victory.
Pendleton Quint
Wallops Mac-Hi
Worthloy. E. O. N. forward, and Avar.
ill, were the only two starring play
ers who went through the game with
out fouling.
During the first half the lead
changed hands several times, with a
final drlvo by Monmouth giving the
Wolves a half-time margin.
Benjamin, Monmouth forward, was
generally figured by the crowd to be
" "a ne "oor. PENDLETON, Jan. 27 WV-The
h Vf"XdJtt. the Pendleton High school basketball "'Pnaryteam defeated McLoughlln High of
measures agaln. the young man. Ullton-Preewater 26 to 17 on the Mo
hti!LhSS."!fiW' " lt night. Adams
Monday, Feb. 5. ..." ' i
Monmouth Ff. Ft. pf . tv.
3 1 1 7
4 13 9
10 0. 0 20
113 3
Kitchen, g 0 0 10
Ystad. f 3 10 7
Brill, f 0 0 0 0
Mackey, g 0 0 0 0
Phillips, g 10 12
Copy for thla Column must
be In by 8 a. m.
There will be a meeting, of active
Retail Clerka Monday evening, Jan.
29. 7:30, at City Hall, for the purpose
of organization.
By Committee,
La Grande Labor Council.
Pocket watches cleaned 1.50. New
main spring $1.50. Guthrie's, 1108
Adams. 1-26-3 t
Bonjamtn, f
Allen, f
Averlll, o .
Ashby, g
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 27 VF) Just
two mouths ahead of season, a sup
ply of spring radishes grown near
Portland' was offered on tho whole
sale maikct here vtoday. They were
eagerly taken at 25c a dozen bunches.
BEND, Ore., Jan. 27 m Tho vic
tim of a hit-and-run driver, Mclvln
Olson of Bend was fatally Injured
on The Rallcs-Callfornla highway
here last night.
PORTLAND, Jan. 27 WV-Wllllam
Zelder. 44, was killed last night when
he slipped on tho third-floor land
ing of a atalrway In a hotel here and
fell through b window to the bottom
of a light well.
Totals ;
East Oregon
Worthley. f -McCully,
Couklln, c
Beera, g
Pettcrson, g
Baxter, t
Richards, g
.YooUoM, c
Crawford, g ..,
Ragsdale, g ...
-.22 4 0 48
Pg. Ft. Pf.Tp,
High will
ineot Pendleton here to-
Administration Gives
Support to Johnson
(Continued rrom Page One)
McKcsson's Vitamin Concentrate
tablets of Cod Liver Oil $1.00 at Moon
Drug Co. 1-25-1 m.
the 12th day of January, 1034, In a
suit therein pending, wherein W. 8.
Ha rer a nd Va le t te Ha rer, are the
plaintiffs, and William Rollins and
Florence Rollins, husband and wife:
A. V. Lindgren and Beryl Lindgren,
husband and wife; C. E. Morris and
Jessie M. Morris, husband and wife;
and Mae E. Klein, are defendants,
and In which said suit, a Judgment
and decree was duly entered In favor
of the plaintiffs and against tho de
fendant, William Rollins and Flo
rence Rollins, his wife, both Jointly
and severally. In the sum of $1810.00,
together with interest thereon at the
rate of BrC per annum from and aft
er the date hereof; and for the
further sum of $150.00 attorney's fees
and the costs and disbursements In
curred herein and in which decree It
was further adjudged and decreed
that the hereinafter described real
property be sold under execution In
the manner provided by law; and
that all of the defendants named In
said suit, have no further right, title
interest therein, save . only the
statutory right of redemption.
THEREFORE, by authority of said
execution, decree and order of sale,
and In .obedience to the commands
of said writ, I will, on Tuesday, the
20th day of February, 1034, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in
the city of La Orande, Union County,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash In hand, sub
Jcct to redemption, the following de
scribed real property, and all of the
right, title, interest and equity of
the said defendants named In said
suit, and to said described real prop
erty on the date of the mortgage
foreclosed In said suit, or since ac
quired therein or thereto, or that
they nor have therein or thereto, to-
Tho West 74 feet of lot num
ber four (4) in Block number
thirty-one (31) in Chaplin's ad
dition to La Grande, . Union
County, Oregon.
The proceeds of said sale to be ap
plied In the payments of the said
Judgment and decree, after payment
of the costs of sale of said described
Dated at La Orande, Oregon, this
12th day of January, A. p., 1934.
Sheriff of Union County Oregon.
Jan. 13, 20, 27 Feb. 3, 10.
Tho latest creations in new Silver
and Rhinestone Tiaras have Just been
received byRichardson's Art & Gift
Shop. Just the thing to complete
your evening dress. Also new Rings,
Bracelets, and Earrings now at Rich
ardson's. l-27-2t
. 4
-..4 2
a. 0
, 0
. 0
who aro up for reelection this year
Senators Lafollctte of Wisconsin and
Cutting, of New Mexico Mr. Farley ! rj
states into consideration.
After all, It is a perplexing problem
of politics. Both sides evidently are
Remodeling coats, suits and dresses.
Children's work and fur coats a spe
cialty. Special prices during January
and February. Mrs. Pearl Maser, 1612
Sixth St., Phone 287 W. 1-17-1 m.
Lady Esther Toiletries at Moon Drug
1-25-1 m
thinking rather seriously about the
! situation, some taking the view that
I It may result In a new party division
WHO wuiiuy,
It appears more certain than evei
that Mr. Roosevelt is ready to wcN
como a changed deal In politics and
A new line of tine latest in Ladles'
Costume Rings is now being shown
(Continued From Page One)
In Bilker
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thompson of
La Orande visited friends and rela
tive In Baker on Thursdny.
In reported.
Tho system of elimination, whether
by percentage or sub-district tourna
ments, remains to be decided by local
It was agreed yesterday that all
eight teams must be qualified by Feb,
24. two weeks before tho dates of
district piny-nff. which remain un
changed on March 8, 9 and 10. Emil
Piluso, of Portland, Pacific Coast
conference official and 0110 of the
state tournament referees, was sc-,
locted to refereo the- tournament, and
he will handle the games unassisted.
Tho board also voted against any
obstruction on the playing floor dur
ing tho tournament.
Tho new plan as adopted, signifies
Totals 13 5 0 31
Referee: Clivo Moove.
i at Richardson's Art and Gift Shop.
Also new zipper purses on special
sale at C5 cents each. These In all
colors. r- -.. . v.- 1-16-t I.
If you have a broken, side glass or
bring about a union of his democracy windshield in your car. jrou can save
with tho Republican Independents of both tlrao nIld money by taking it
the northwest.
Hlo close association with the vet
eran Republican insurgent. Senator
Norrtii, of Nebraska, and support of
thn knorrlS Vwolln I. -1 4 1
,;. n pcie. is red as a
... V", i 1 further indication of this course.
fled teams aro agreeable, and as soon
...v .iw au..tiUMtc 1 HI'S .
to stago a tournament. It has the Y
prlvllego of entering an Invitation, la
in brief, tho board yesterday quail- I COVE (Special ) The Ladles Aid of
fled both Baker and La Grande for tho Moihodlst church will give a
tho championship play, and the six fmliri nnrt ,, . i,
other teams must bo selected by church p.iriors Monday evening, Jan.
some process of elimination, all by 29. All the fathers and ,.11 the sons
teams will vote on where the tourna
ment shall bo held, and the town
with the most votes will be host at
tho play-off. At present, La Grande
and Union remain the most suitable
places for a tournament, and it is
likely that one of tho two towns will
bo selected. '
During tho board's discussion yes
terday, two or three othor plans were
advanced and studied, with the
adopted plan emerging triumphant.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday: "I Am Su
zanne" starring Lilian Harvey and
Gene Raymond; Charley Choso
comedy "Cracked Iceman": "Vene
tian Holiday" scenic; Graham Mc
Namee News.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Will
Rogers In "Mr. Skitch" with Zasu
Pitts; "Twin Screws" Liberty com
edy; Liberty-Observer News.
Saturday: "Frontier Marshal" stnrrlr.j!
George O'Brien; Liberty comedy;
cartoon: Chapter 8 "Fighting With
Kit Carson"; and Liberty News
With the claim that "I Am Su-
mnnc!" is one of tho outstanding
achievements in his motion picture
career, Jesse t. Lasky will present
this Fox Film Jiiodurtion at the
Liberty tlicstro on Sunday, for a
three-day run. Lilian Hnrvcy, the
internationally famous star, who was
last seen in "My Lips Betray," has
tho leading feminine role. It Is MKs
Harvey's thttd American film, and it
is said that lwr role offers t her a
more ample opportunity to dtplny
her versatility than any of her pre
vious endeavors.
"I Am Suzanne!" 1 the story of
a young stage atar who falls In love
with a youth who Is the reprcsen- I
lauvo 01 a declining family of puppe
teers. Tlie jroung star lravcu the stftKc
to Join the puppet show. The show
W a suctxe-s, but she discovers that
the love and piJn of her sweet
heart Is lavished upon her puppet
rather than upon herself. Infuriated
by his thoughtlessness of he, sho
destroys the puppet and returns to
the stage. The producer of the show,
however, has also engaged the pupiwt
show. The star's manager pleads with
tho young man to profess his love
for tho girl who he fears will ruin
his production because of her grow
ing Inambltion. The young man does
u, wia inspires her to give a per
feet performance, Insuring the pair Keane.
Acainsl ant of ( unuiunl
oacigrnumls trtr tren in a motion pie
("re, Limn ffnrrfi and 0V Hay
moml ploj, Iht romantic Irath in
Am Sn.jnnr" IhentvJtue L. Lada
prmiiuUm far Fax film.
of tuccrM iiiul happlneu.
Uene Raymond has the leading
masculine role opposite Miss Harvey.
The carefully selected cast boast o(
such names as Leslie Banks, Georgia
Came, Genera Mitchell. Halllm-ll
Hobbea, Murrnr Klnnell and Edward
(Continued From Page One)
enset, wero chosen oa tho other mem
mers of tho committee.
Members of tho general county
committee In addition to those elect
ed yesterday from tho North 'Powdcr
Teloeosct district are R. S. French,
Jay Bres hears, J. A. Oilmore, Covc
Unlon district; Clyde Kiddle, Bob
Smith, John Schroedcr. La Grande
Island City; Duncan McDonald, C. C.
Conrad t, H. E. Bull. Imbler-Siunmer-
vUle-Altcct: John Weolty, Olen Hug,
Rex Roulet. Elgin.
The North Powder-Tel ocoset dis
trict have s;t set Feb. 5 as the date of
their second session.
.Ashland Normal
Defeats Multnomah
KLAMATH PAUJ3, Ore.. Jan. 27 bn
Tho Elephants of Southern Ore
gon Normal from Ashland trampled
Multnomah club of Portland here
last nlRht 43 to 20. It was tho first
time this season tho Normal school
had downed tho Portlandcrs.
The gamo was rough and fouls fre
j aro Invited, lf .n man has no son of
his own. ho may borrow one for the
occasion: but if he la unable to bor
row one. he may com? without, but
come anyway There will be a good
dinner and a program. Mrs. Smiftz,
Mrs. Frank Conley and Mrs. Chad
wlck aro on the conunittcc of ar
rangements. Mrs. Grant Conley was hostess to
her brKIpe club Saturday afternoon
at ner home below- town. Mrs. Har
old Chaffee and Mrs. R. s. French
were guests. Prtws were awarded to
Mrs. Berenice Miller, first. Mrs. Dor
othy Hallmark, second, and Mrs. A..
H. Orton. third Lunch was served.
Mrs. Sylvia McNeill and Mrs. Rose
Thoimwon of La Grande, and Mrs.
Lulu Rutter of Rock Creek were
BcsUi at tho W. A. McNeill home
Inst Saturday.
The road into tho canyon, that
nns been receiving so much atten
tion In the way of work, most of the
winter. Is practically Ininassablp fur
a enr, and almost Impassable for a
man afoot, or a team of horses. The
rond has been .widened and greatly
changed and It is hoped. Improved,
but for this very wet spell it Is lots
Sereral men went to Baker Mon
day in the Interest of the Commod
ity Credit association. T. B. Johnson.
George Gray, L. J. Chadwick. T. C.
Hefty. Arch McNeill and Grant and
Menu Coulevl
to Richardson's Art & Gift Shop.
.They specialize In all kinds of glass
work, windshields, side glasses, No
Draft wing glasses, and everything in
plate glass work, at Richardson's Art
& Gift Shop. . l-27-2t
A new line of Fine Frames far Con
vex Portraits of all 6lzes has Just
been received by Richardson's Art and
Gift Shop. You can now have your
plctures framed for half price with
these attractive frames, at Richard
son's. 1-16-t f .
You can get scratch paper for
school at the Observer. Now 2 pads Sc.
8-14-t f.
vVhen you need fuol
Call Main 528
1-2-1 m.
our cleaning method removes ALL
the oils and greases from felt hata?
Perspiration oils do not show up
again within a short tlmo when your
hat Is cleaned at the Standard Laun
dry. . 1-17-t f.
under and by virtue of a foreclosure
execution, decree and order of sale,
issued out of and under the seal of
the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Union County, dated the
20th day of January, 1934, to me
directed and delivered upon a Judg
ment, decree and order of sale duly
made and entered In said court on
the 15th day of December. 1933, In a
suit therein pending, wherein Lee B.
Bouvy is the plaintiff and Cornelia
Pcnlngton, Stewart M. Penington,
Charles Clyde Penington, Berry Pen
ington, a minor, Lena Penington, as
guardian of the person and estate of
Berry Pcnlngton, a minor, Baxter
Kavanaugh and Lilian Vavanaugh,
husband and wife, are defendants.
and in which said suit a Judgment
and decree was duly entered In fa
vor of the plaintiff and against the
defendants, in the sum of 92000.00
together with Interest at the rate of,
8 per annum, from and 'after the
23rd day of June. 1932; and for the
further sum of $200.00 attorney's fees,
and the costs and disbursements In
curred herein and taxed at $28.70;
and In which decree It was further
adjudged and decreed that the here
inafter described real property be sold
under execution In the manner pro
vided by law; and that all of the
defendants named In said suit, have
no further right, title or Interest
therein, save only the statutory right
of redemption.
THEREFORE, by authority of said
execution, decree and order of sale,
and in obedience to the commands
of said writ, I will, on Monday, the
19th day of February, 1934, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front
door of the County Court House. In
the City of La Orande, Union County,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for casn in iuu.
Ject to redemption, the following de
scribed real property and ail of the
right, title, Interest and equity of the
said defendants named In said suit,
and to said described real property,
on the date of the mortgage fore
closed in said suit, or since acquired
therein or therpto, or that they now
have therein or thereto, to-wit:
The East 02 feet of Lot num
bered 10, and tho south 2214 feet
of the East 00 feet of Lot num
bered 11, In Block numbered 8,
of Romig's Addition to La Grander
Union County, Oregon, according
to tho recorded pint thereof, sit
uate In the Bouthwest qunrtcr of
the southeast quarter of Section
8, in Township 3 South, Range 38
East of the Willamette Meridian.
The proceeds of said sale to be
applied In the payments of the said
Judgment and decree, after payment
of the costs of sale of said described
Dated at La Orande, Oregon, this
20tri day of January, 1934.
Sheriff of Union County, pre.
Jan. 20, 27 Feb. 3, 10.
Notice Is hereby given that the
County Court of Union County. Ore
gon will receive sealed bids until two
o'clock P. M., on the 7th day of
February, 1934, at the County Court
room In the Court House, in La
Grande, Oregon, for the purchase of
Refunding Road Bonds, In the sum
of (48,000, In denominations of $500
each, and Immediately thereafter the
bids will be publicly opened. The
bonds offered for sale aro dated Jan
uary 15, 1934, and mature in nu
merical order as follows, and bear
the rates of interest set opposite each
amount of bonds.
Series No. 1, 8000, on January 15,
193S, Interest at 5(4 per cent.
Series No. 2, $6000, on January 15,
19S7, interest at 514 per cent.
Series No. 3, $6000, on January 15,
1B38, Interest at & per cent.
Series No. 4, $'2000, on Januury
1930, Interest at 5V6 per crnt.
Series No. 4. $4000, on Jlanuary is
1939, Interest at 514 per cent, '
Series No. 6. $80(ip, on Jlanuary u
1040, Interest at 814 per cent. ;
Series No. 8. $8000, on January jj
1941, Interest at 6!4 per cant.
Series No. 7. $1600, on Jhnuary lj
1042, Interest at 54 per cent, . l'
Scries No. 7, $4600, on Junuary i
1942, Interest at 4 per cont.
Scries No. 8, $6000, ort January 1
1943, Interest at per cent. .'
Interest payable semj-aDnually on
the 16th day of January rend July 0j
each year, principal and Interest pay.
able in lawful money of the United
States at the Fiscal Agency of tho
Stato of Oregon In New Yprk City.
All bids must be acco inpenled by
a certified check on a (Sank doing
business In Oregon, for not less than
two per cent of the par wilue of tho
bonds offered tot sale.
The Court reserves the light to .
Ject any and all bids. 1
By order of the County Court.
c. k. Mccormick, county cierk
Jan. 20 and 87. La Grande, Ore.
Permanent Waves
Includes Shampoo! 09 C A
Haircut, .Flngerwave 9Zet)U
Others $3.60 to $8.00
Always Guaranteed
Phone Main 250 Xj
- I
JOSEPH and Way Points.
Leave La Orande, Dally :
10;30 A. It. 4:10 P. It.
For PENDLETON, Way Points
Leave La Grande, Sail;
' 10:80 A. IL ' '
U. P. Stage Depot, 1308 Adams
Phone MAIN 49
San Francisco s Newest
Downtown Hotel!
600 Ontilde Boomil
223 rooms at iSJSO
179 roomi ai $4.00
198 rooms at 4.50
end up '
It! -v:S :4u ;!
M mm ihmm
Private garage in base
ment of hotel building
withvlircct elevator ser
vice to Lobby and all
guest-room floors!
Hotel Sir Francis Drake just
off Union Square most conven
ient to theaters, shops, stores,
business and financial district.
Only California bote! offering
Scrvidor feature thus enabling
you to combine '-'maximum pri
vacy with, minimum tipping".
All rooms in the Tower with.
Western exposure have ultraviolet-ray
(sun-bath) windows.- :
In every room connection for
radio reception, running filtered
ice water, both tub and shower.
Dinner in Coffee Shop from 75p
up in Main Dining Rpoin from
$1.25 up. Also a la carte service.
mm uotei
Sir Francis
HucKiira Newcoks Hotxl Co.
Powell Street at Sutter San Francisco
Most of us have learned by this
time how to value a de-valurd ciollnr.
Send In Tour
Fur Trimmed
Fr Mid-winter
Our process safely cleans and re
stores new. life to your garment.
1107 Washington Ualn 701
Attention Trappers
Raw Furs
All Kinds of ICgal
Caught Furs Bought
I Pay I?est Prices
1510 Adams Ave.
NOTICE is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of a foreclosure exo
cution, decree and order of sale Is
sued out of and under the seal of
the Circuit Cout of the State of
Oregon for Union County, dated tho
12th day of January, 1934. to me di
rected and delivered, upon a Judg
ment, decree and order of sale duly
made and entered In said Court on
Track type and Air Tired Tractora.
Combines, Implements,
Road Machinery.
A EQl'irvSNT CO.
1312 Jefferson Main 632
A Complete
Printing Service
Quality Counts
An exchange of ideas and infor
mation is always profitable to
both parties concerned.
We, as bankers, realize that
fact and we are thus always able
to discuss business and financial
llnnks Opened or Close
Financial statements at",
tax returns compile
1701 Sib St.
Series "B" Time Certificates ot
Deposit Issued by the First Na
tional Bank of La Orande, Oregon
on March 1, 1033 nd due on
December 15, 1934. have been call
ed for payment on February 14,
1934. Interest on same ceases af
ter that date.
First National Bunk
of La Grande
David I. Stoddard, President
A. K. Parker, Cashier
A Safe,
Home Bank
for Home
Safety and service are two of
the cardinal principles of this
So varied are the interests of
our officers, that there is sure to
be one among them who has had
practical experience in your par
ticular line of business.
Of La Grande i
rinrlrf 1 Blnlil.Hl T 1 J .
V. L. Meyers, Vice President
A. K. Parker, Cashier
... ... .........i n. nwi, lusilirr Martin v.--
ieo. II. Harnhart
W. C. Perkins
t,j . flRECTOns
r . i merer
II. Itramwrll, Aa?t. Cashier
C. L. Thompson, Asst. Cathier
Ernest DeLone
Harry McKlnla?
R. J. Green
A. K. Parker