Tuesday, January 23, 1934 CK GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. ORE. SOCIETYNOTES Varied Musical Program . Presented Monday Evening By Neighborhood Music Club A fine program, presented with the artistry of professionals, was arrang ed by Mra. David I. Stoddard and Mrs. A. K. iParker and enjoyed by a large audience that attended the Neighborhood (Music olub last, night at .the La Grande hotel boll room.' A variety of .numb-are gave the pro gram an unuBual popular appeal. Two dlffloult musical compositions were played by the La Grande High school orchestra, directed toy Andrew J. Loney Jr., with precision worthy of a more mature and experienced group. Selections from Verdi's opera, "II Troyatore" range from solemnity In "The Death of Ase" to the triumph ant strains of the "Anvil Chorus" and the orchestra, under Mr. Loney's able direction, conveyed the spirit of the composition. iThey also ployed "Bay aderes," from the Babylon Suite, by Blel. :-i ! I Miss Kathryn Sartnln, costumed In a gown of black velvet, presented a dance in black ami white, a modem number arranged on the modern Ger man itype of dancing by Miss Cather ine Ob bam. The modern German dancing 1s Interesting In that the ef fect of tlie donco la not conveyed so much In the feet as It is the ballet , and other types of the dance, but In gestures -which Miss Sartoln executed very artistically. The orchestra played her accompaniment, with Miss Ola Mae Hough at the piano. Miss Eliza Angel, accompanied by her sister, Miss Lily, Belle Angol, stu dents at E. O. N,t sang a group of German songs in the original iang- uage, after which the latter .played "Nocturne," a piano solo. Miss Eliza Angel, a soprano, sang her group of . songs very effectively. The pianist . also interpreted her compositions well. ' - Another of the highlights of the evening woo ithe presentation of a group of three songs by Paul Knautz, accompanied .by Mrs. Harley H. Rich ardson. Mr. Knautz has a fine bari tone voice, to which his selection of songs was woll suited. He sang "Be douin Love Song." by Ciro Plnsut; "Shipmates O' Mine," by Wilfred Sanderson; "Calling Me Home (to You," by Prances Dorel; and an en core. - 1 ! A Helen Moor Speaks At Pendleton Miss Helen Moor, dean of women at the Eastern Oregon Normal school, presented an address before the Lin r In Parent Teacher association of p.-ndleton on Friday, her theme being "I he Practical Application of Mental Hygiene." The highlights of her talk were uvlewed by the Pendleton East Ore it nlan as follows: bhe Btated that the mental hygiene, . movement' began-. In 1908-1900 iwhen.j the national committee on mental hvi lene was formed. Objectives in cluded: Betterment of conditions for the Insane; prevention of insanity; pitvehtion and cure of maladjust ments In Individuals not Insane but who might be bordering on insanity if adjustments were not made, and a happier life for all. She mentioned the following prin ciples for mental hygiene: Give at tention only to' the present; live one . .day at a time; associate things slow ly with children; develop normal habits of work; alternate work and rest; react to your feelings, don't re press them; develop an active attl- Permanent Waves Includes Shampoo, Haircut, Pingerwave $2.50 Others $3.50 to 6.00 Always Guaranteed CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOP Phone Main 250 BUS SERVICE For WALLOWA ENTERPRISE, JOSEPH and Way Points.' Leave La Grande, Dally 10:30 A. M. 4:10 P. M. For PENDLETON, Way Points Leave La Grande, Dally 10:80 A. M. V. P. Stage Depot, 1308 Adams Phone MAIN 4 A Complete Printing Service Quality Counts NELSON pT , fULIS-CHALMERS- Track type and Air Tired Tractors, Combines, Implements, Road Machinery. (HANDLER TRACTOR A EQIW SNT CO. 1313 Jefferson Main 033 NOTICE Series "B" Time Certificates ol Deposit Issued by the First Na tional Bank of la Grande, Oregon on March 1, 1933 and due on December 15, 1934. have been call ed for payment on February 14, 1934. Interest on same ceases af ter that date. First National Bunk of La Grande . David I. Stoddard. President A. K. Parker, Cashier tude In children: face one difficulty at a time; develop oo interest In place of another; develop' confidence, normal social relationship,, adjust ment to environment and a normal sti.se of dependence, and. face reality at all times. Miss Moor, who is ; a pleasing speakerillustrated her points by true facts. She said that parents should guide their children's emotions, and that imitation helps children to grow towards mental health."'She stressed that parents should never threaten or delay punishment. ' '-" Lillian Small Weds J. H. Foster n Miss Lillian. Small, a former stu dent at the Eastern Oregon, Normal echooi, was married to James H. Pos ter, of Lebanon, Mo., on Oct. 2U at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and announce ment of the event has Just been made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Small, of Milton. Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Banna were attendants of the couple at the ceremony which was performed at thei Christian clnircii parsonage of Coeur d'Alene. Mrs. Foster Is a graduate of Mac Hi and the Normal school. She has taught for several years at Tura-A-Lum and Ferndale schools. St. Hilda's Club Elects Officers Miss Nancy Rechlln was elected president of St. Hilda's clu') of St. Peter's Episcopal ohurch Prldajf at 4 o'clock at a meeting at her home. Miss Lois Hardy was chosen secre tary; Miss Eleda Jo Rosenbaum, mes senger, and Miss Phyllis Lockwood, scribe. Miss Hardy also was chosen to sing -in the church choir. ' Refreshments were served after which Miss Phyllis Lockwood vao named as the hostess for the next meeting on Feb. 3. :. Delphian Chapter Meets Thursday Delpman chapter will., be enter tained at the home of Mra. H E. Brady Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock when members will continue their winter's program, of study. Iwiia. Auxiliary Sewing Club Will Met The Eagles auxiliary jewing club Willi bo ontertalned 'tjyMrs.: Agnes Andrews and Mrs. May Parked at the home of the latter, 1050 Monroe, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'olock. The auxiliary Is planning a card party for Feb. .16 and preparations lor the event will be started on .Wednesday. Mary Elizabeth Club to Meet . Mrs. S. S. Nye will entertain the Mary Elisuabeth club Thursday at a one o'olock luncheon followed by an afternoon of sewing and conversa tion. Mrs. Richardson Hostess to Club Mrs. J. T. Richardson entertained SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, Jan. 23 7:30 Women of the Moose meeting and card party, I. O. O. F. hall. 8:00 Sub Deb club, with Miss Mary Frees. 9:00 Elks dance, at the temple. Wednesday, Jan. 24 1 :00 Clio club, with Mrs. Hal Bohnenkamp. 1:00 Wednesday Contract club, with Mrs. Clyde Bloom. 2:00 Loyal Sisters.. Aid, with Mrs. Paul Mortlmore. 2:00 Ad Delth club, with Mrs. H. M. Bradshaw. 2:00 L. A. L. clubj with Mrs. Melvln Parker. ' 2:00 K. D. club, with Mrs. Lucy Wlnburn. - 2:00 L. 8. to the B. of L. P. & E. with Mrs. Ed Strelff. 8:00 Eastern St.vr, at the Ma sonic hall. 8:00 Westway club with Mrs. Charles Murchison, 602 Spring. Thursday, Jan. 25 1:00 Mary Elizabeth club, with Mrs. S. S. Nye, , 2:00 Methodist Church South Missionary society, with Mrs. Laura Wlnburn. " 2:00 Francis BrD'vu auxiliary to the Pioneers, with Mra. Mary Mayvllle. 7:30 Delphian, with Mrs. H. E. Brady, 1 Friday, JanV'srO 2:00 Post Noble Grands of the Hebekahs, with Mrs. Margaret Parker. .. 2:30 Central Parent Teacher association, executive board, with Mrs. H. J. Leonard. 7:30 Get-together party spon sored by Island City P. T. A., at the school. Saturday, Jan. 27 7:30 OrdeY of Rainbow for Girls, Masonic hall. 8:00 American Legion auxiliary benefit card party. Sacajawea Inn. Monday, Jan, 29 2:00 Wakelltt club, with Mrs, August Erlckson. 8:00 Bridge club, with Miss Constance Ray. MlM mm Dak, ftocMtjr taut TUtyhoM Msln 0 Pnttl 1;0 m, eight members of the Saturday Eve ning Bridge club at her. home Satur day. Two tablet, were arranged for bridge and the prize for high score was awarded to Mrs. Andrew Lee, Mrs. Jack Hiatt Sr., was named as the next hostess to entertain in two weeks. Island City P. T. A. Plans Activities The Island City Parent Teacher as sociation enjoyed a program as a part of Its meeting Friday afternoon at the school house. The program in cluded three group songs and a dem onstration of their school work by the BLOND y A New Serial -JM-jEC. SVNOl'SIS: Frank Orahame, avi ator and explorer, tells hla friend Spill winslow about his experience of the day before. Frank, obey ing a unch that came when he saw a vulturine faoe peering through the window of hlyberg's office, followed the ear of Janice Kent, who had been conferring with the famous movie executive, Frank . straightens out the tanale that fol ' towed a collision between Atias Kent's car and a nondescript tan motor; he believes the collision was planned, and suspects it has a con nection with Ortega, a Mexican who plans to supervise a jungle pic ture for Ityberg. But Janice will not credit Frank's hunch, Frank finds himself drawn toward Janice, Chapter Six SUDDEN MYSTERY '"THEN," continued Grahams, "Miss Kent told me that such a thought was ridiculous since Ortega owned a nice automobile." He smiled ruefully, "Her' opinion was Illogical, feminine and " Wlnslow laughed. "Not at all, Frank. The girl was right Look here. . . . Ortega haBn't shopped bis Idea about Hollywood. It's an original, and Myberg's handling him with kid gloves until we're launched on pro duction. Kent knows that She wants to be In that picture. So do I. "Although Ortega looltB like a bull, ho Is really a rather personable fel low, and seems to bave lots of money. We can't be snooty wltb blm or he'll take ble Idea elsewhere. Sure we could go ahead without him, but he's got a political pull down where he springs from, and above all we want to go ahead with tbls tblng with as little expense and competi tion as possible. These days, mis takes are costly." , , "I see what you mean," Bald Ora harno Blowly. "But why 'would .Or tega assuming It Was he In the tan car last night, engineer an accident? Is he annoying Miss Kent? Did she turn him down and he Is taking this method to "Listen, Spin, some of those South American birds are dynamite. Par ticularly with women. You know bow they go for blondes. That driver 1 hit was one of our local boys. A type that would do anything for money, and damn little of It. I wouldn't know what Ortega looks like If I found blm in my soup, but" Wlnslow's Btiort of derision Inter rupted blm. "What an Imagination, Frank! What, an imagination! You've led such a melodramatic life these last few years that your mind works that way.dForget It. It wasn't Ortega, and If It was, It was Just an unexpected accident. Sure, he Bends her flowers. He's stuck on her. Dound to be. She's the first movie actress he's met and she's damnably pretty. I suspect you're a little that way yourself, but take some advice from uncle. Lay off. Grabame was slightly startled. "Why "he began. TTIS companion grinned with mock maliciousness but withal there was an expression of concern In his eyes. "Perhaps I'm a great guy to talk too much, Frank . . . anyhow that's my reputation, but occasionally I speak with a grain of common sense. That girl is not for you, or for any other man for that matter, for at least some time to come. Too ambi tious. Not that she's to be blamed for that. She's fought her way to the top around here and she's cagey enough to know that a husband might dim that universal sweetheart appeal stuff that gets her over so big. So she's not having any, thank ou. "She has lots of money and made It herself, legitimately. It's common knowledge around the studios that she was poor once and she's keeping what she's got " . "Spin " Grahame's face grew dully red. The other, In the act of mixing himself another waved him to si lence. "It Isn't that you would be classified In her mind as a fortune hunter, Frank, although there's lots that would. Yes, of course, I'm talk ing too much, but we were good friends once and I'm tipping you off even if It's at the price of our friend ship." The stunt pilot's mouth drew into stubborn lines. "Listen. It's said there was an In valid father once. He's gone now, but things were pretty tough then for her. She's like the little princess In the story whose body was bruised by the pea through six thicknesses of mattress. Janice Kent can sense a pan of dishwater and the life It rep resents six rooms off. It's not that she's cold and selfish, Its" GRAHAME'S throat was a little dry as he said, "SolDshl She's fine. Clean, and young, and charm ing. She Inspire! loyalty, I watched pupils of Miss Amelia Michael son's room, the first, second , and third grades. A dramatization of the story "Peter and Polly", was given as a reading demonstration by the first grade. The second grade also gave a read ing demonstration of stories and poems about "Elves and Fairies." The third grade demonstrated a geography lesson on clothing. t The school master's banquet will be held ynt-; Island city school house, Monday evening, Feb. 6, and women were appointed Monday to take charge of tho dinner. - Plans also were made for a com munity get-together party sponsored by the parent teacher association at the school house on Friday evening, Jan. 26, at 7:30 o'clock. An interest ing program Is being planned. Each woman and girl Is asked to bring refreshments for two In a din ner pall. Every one interested In tho school and its activities Is in vited to attend. GODDESS "Y Herbert ' Jensen that little monkey Greene with her last night. He's her slave and works like the devil for her. His ballyhoo smells like the circus, but " ' 'She loves it And as for loyalty, they say she pays him ten thousand a yoar, although he probably gets half of that." 'He gets bis ten thousand all right," stated Grahame stiffly. "She told me so herself." , "Bunk," said Wlnslow, swallow ing from his glass. Grahame eyed him coldly. IS I watched that monkey, Greene, with her. " "You wouldn't think she'd He to me, do you?" "Wouldn't I?" The stunt man laughed and Grahame wondered why be had never before noticed how dis agreeably Wlnslow could laugh. "Frank . , . you sound as If you're getting It rather bad. Don't do it. That gal, candidly, is reputed to be the coldest piece of goods that ever dimpled at tho Klelgs out hero. She'd cold-deck her own grandmother. Selfish? Perhaps not in a genernl sense. But on the lot remember I say 'on the lot' she'd swipe a starv ing extra's lunch If she didn't get bors on tl"ie. She " At the look on Grahame's .face ho paused and took a swallow of his drink. "Now don't get redheaded about It, buzzard. I told you, this Is Just a friendly tip." Tho remaining contents of his glass gurgled down bis throat Ico tinkled through tho quiet room as ho set down the glass. He glanced oddly at Grahame. "Sorry,' old man. Mayho I don't like blondes, 1 guess. That's all. Got to he going. See you lutor." As the panelei door shut behind him, Grahame caught sight of the re flection of his own grim face In the varnished surface. Anger boiled suddenly within him. Wihslow didn't llko blondes, ho guessed! The ass! What a lousy way to talk about a girl. Wlnslow's cynicism had crystal lized somo of his own omotlonnl re sponses toward Janlco Kent. Why, she was tho sweetest, dearest, most beautiful Fifty mlljlon fans couldn't be wrong, could they? Wlns low ... a gossipy hunclred-a -week stunt man libeling the, most brilliant star In a flrinnnent of stars. Ho (old himself to forget about It. (CefyrifH, nit, by lll, ,,; Tomorrow Janice inject a not, of mystery into the tangle. r urn? mj - nyt Art Research Club in Session The Art Research club continued Its study of Tuscany Monday after noon at the home of Mrs. H. H. Cleav er. Preceding the scheduled study of Siena, Mrs. Arthur Wight present ed a paper on the thenve, "Renais sance, If Any." Somo of -the newest historians say (there was no renais sance slie pointed out. Mrs. Wight also discussed the achievements of the so-called. . pre-Renaissance .period that forecasted much that was to fol low hundreds of years later. Mrs. H. H. Cleaver discussed Orvl eto, an old hlU town that was the center of much art. Mrs. C. M. Hum phreys presented at discussion of San ainlgnaiw, another old ghost town of Tuscany. , , -, 1 Mrs. H. A. Zurbrlck described tho patron saint of Siena, St. Catherine. Mra. John Bennett furnished a study of the architecture and Mrs. Glen. Thompson discussed, the Lorensettl, a family of painters, Mrs. Bennett will entertain the group In two weeks at her home at 2503 North Fourth St. W. B. A. To Install . Officers Tonight Mrs. Lewis Wetzel wilt be Installed as president of the Women's Benefit association tonight at 7:30 o'clock at tho Eagles hall.. Other officers also will be installed at an appropriate ceremony. Regular business will be transacted. -. Senior Class Of M. I. A. To Meet The senior class of the First Ward M- J. A. of the L. D. S. church will be entertained Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. E. Mollinot. evening is to be spent In sewing. I , : , Mrs. McManus Is Hostess Mrs. E. McManus arranged two tables of bridge for -members of her clubiMonday night at her home. Mrs. Doyle Zimmerman was a guest. - Prizes at bridge were awarded to TRADE-IN! Wards will take';. your old tires (any make) as ': . generous part payment for Riv erside De Luxe, Mate, Power Grip or Air Cushion Tires ... .... .. ' Hi- it Guaranteed Against ALL Road Hazards This means against Cuts, Bruises, Blowouts, Rim Cuts, Accidents, Faulty Brakes, Wheels Out of Line Everything Except Punctures, Fire and Theft. You are protected not for just a year or for 20,000 miles, but as long as you run the tire! Should it fail we repair it FREE OF CHARGE or give you a NEW TIRE charging only for actual service old tire rendered. TIRES MOUNTED FREE 1101-03 Washington Mrs. W. O, Williams, first, and Mrs., John Larlson, second. Miss Con stance Ray was named as the hostess for the next party on Monday, Jan. 29. Missionary Group To Meet Thursday ,.. The meeting of the Women's Mis sionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, postponed from last .week will be held Thurs day afternon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Laura Wlnburn, 000 Main avenue, L. A. L. Bridge Club to Meet The members of the L. A. L. Bridge club will be entertained Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Mrs. Melvln Parker at her home in Elgin. . To Entertain Auxiliary ' ; Mrs. Mary Mayvllle, Mrs. Ada Clark and Mrs. Reese McAllister will enter tain the Francis Brown auxiliary to the Sons and Daughters of Union county pioneers Thursday afternoon, Jan. 25, at the home of' Mrs, May vUle. ' Mohawk Bridge Club Entertained Mr. and Mrs. James Oneal enter tained the Mohawk Bridge club Sat urday ac a delightful evening party. Bridge was enjoyed with prizes awarded to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hugt first, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver, third: Refreshments wore served. The next party will b hold !n two weeks, the hostess to bo named later. Royal Neighbors Meet Monday The Royal Neighbors of America met Monday night with Mrs. Millie Whitby, of Eugene, a member of ithe local camp, as a guest. After a short business meeting during whloh reg ular business was transacted, Mis. m- Ilo Young and her committee served refreahmanta. The Royal Neighbors will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening, Feb. S. Central P.T. A. ' , ; Meet Cancelled Because of the renovation, of tho Central school which is being carried on under the O. W. A., the mooting of the Central Parent Teacher asso ciation has been dispensed with for January. However, the executive board will meet at the home of Mrs. H. J. Leonard at 3:30 o'olock Friday afternoon. The meeting originally planned for Friday for tho entire or ganization will not be held, Wakelita Club Is Entertained Throe tables were arranged for bridge Monday when Mrs. Harry Han sen entertained the Wakelita club at her home. Mrs. Walter Lane was a guest.. . PrlBos at cards were awarded to Mra. Jack Brandt, first, and Mrs. Joel Rlohardson, second. Luncheon was served. . Mrs. August Erlckson was named as the hostess for the next meeting on Jan. 29. PAYMENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES GAIN t (Continued from Page One) a bettor record for payment of 1032 taxes than. 11 other countlca. i In brief, It means that Union county taxpayers have paid practical ly half of last year's taxes while also uacreasing wie perceniago oi delin quencies for both previous years. What actually happened was that along about 1930, with tho depres sion first becoming notlceablo In this Bootlan, people started to let their taxes slide, and continued to do so' for a couple of years. Then, during 1933, with conditions improving and employment opening up, they started to make up their, back payments and thoy'ro still reducing their In debtedness with each succeeding month. ''Delinquent ftioxes for Union county Deduct a vniir rt tin. , Mate Prices 4.40-21 4.50-21 4.75-19 5.00-19 5.25-21 Other for the lost three years In dollars and cents follow (all figures as of Jan. 1, 1934): . : , ,v , ,.; .r ; 1930 roll 163.136 .83 delinquent: 1931 roll 291,217.37 delinquent; 1932 roll a4aO.U0.07 delinquent, , ' If conditions continue to improve during 1934 as they did In the last , half of 1933, local authorities believe ' that an even greater percentage of delinquencies will be recorded. Also, the largo number of loans made: to Union county people a few weeks ago practically all of whloh Included payment In full of delinquent taxes were not completed In time to get Into the 1933 collections. iAs a result, these payments will give added im potus t? delinquent collections this year. ; . Don't i break down! Here's news for women as well as men who ) 1 feel the strain . Terrible the havoo worry and over-work are causing. ..Probably never before so many people run down not sleeping, not eating right, tired all the time. - . Lick the situation I Build up re sistance with vitamins and min erals. Have fewer colds eat sleep feel fit I The vitamin way of building resistance is the health news of the, day. Now you can get precious vitamins A and D without taking straight cod liver oil. In stead, tafco McKESSON'S VITA MIN1 CONCENTRATE TABLETS. 3 give you vitamins equal to 2 tea spoons high grade cod liver oil I Plus valuable minerals (calcium and phosphorus). These tablets ara food give them to your ohlldren, : take them yourself, after meals. Get more pep and vigor, resist colds, feel better In every, way. . Ask your druggist tor McKES SON'S VITAMIN CONCENTRATE TABLETS OP COD LIVER OIL. Be sure you get McKESSON'S no other vitamin concentrate tablets bring you minerals as well a vitamins, - Liberal Trade-In Allowance for J CM V A M V (6 p)lt no (S Am tm $4.98 S7.1J 7.1 5 7.65 8.30 5.65 5.98 6.4 7.90 10.0S tires at Similar Savings! , . : : , Riverside Mate Truek Tire Sstlitsctor? Service Qusrmntesd 30x5 (10 pllei under tread) .... S13.75 32x6 (12 pile, under bead) . . . . 23.10 6.00x20 (8 pllrn mist tread) . . . . 12.35 Phone Main 18