Paste Ffve Jfc& R. William? THE NEWFANGLES Help I Help ADg -UMlft K& S WOHT SJP VbS tarn miui ruci or vmox a wallow cocntim (Count fl? average wonts to the Hue.) Per line, lt Inaertipn. tQ Per lis, each Bddod coosoo- ' RATES BY MOUTH a llnea, per month 8 line, per month i line, per month Usee, per month M.OC M.76 BUM Insertion To V"'"""" charge on on t otom Been additional line ow tle -JUk charge. at Me pel Hue pel month. FOR RENT FOR SALE Mi Friday,' January 19, 1934 v HCCB JrAtONC TWiSE E ig '.- v V -T : OM fc.CQMEiJOMS SMJ-tET'S " . gi I LEFTY ISUK-SyP ; W I TW0-6UN VtUBKONITZ- THIS JOB 'ft I FOR WV GUH TOTiN'--BPWWf S OIB -HE'S W5T THE, MUOI V -' M I 6-RM. J'URN, foungalow. J914 Cedor, 1-17:3 tp. MOPiEftN ROOM9, 1898 3rd St. -' 1-17-8 t. OR TRADE, strictly mod. 8-rm. house near Normal, Ph. 493-m: 1-13-tf TRADE OH "REOT-tmiSrovett -40 acres near ' 'fiumniervllle; Inquire S. O. Brad ! chaw; 2109 Cove Ave. 1-19-2 tp. WANTED fSt?$lUENCED beauty operator tor ," liaiii q-t'tjll time. Writq Box B.'Ob- eerver. . 1-11,-0 ,. TO BUY ' good violin reasonably nriced. Write Observer, Box P, stat- Ing make and price. i-17-4' tp. New N.R.A. Ruling As To "Chiseling' Given in Portland BOYS trio motor. Ph. .178 J;. Ji. .p. elec-1-19-2 tjj. FOB SALE 45 acres'pf choice a'.falfa, dau-y and, vegetable land. Irrigated, rrear Union, Oregdh. A bargain In good land with good arn, dairy fa cilities 'and fair puge. Ibwjier re quires $1000-00 cash, payment. This place Is worth more money on to day's :market thaivf$ie' price re quired. Wllliamsoiijj!;: Jerry. ,4. ,, i-ig-a t. HAVE YOU SEEK the Mew 18S4 Dodge? Price delivered from 825.QQ to 9S5. Smith's Oarage; 1-17-3 t. POR BALE It. I. B.jjhaltets and lry 'ers 50c. Ph. 428' vgj ," . i-18-3 t. WOOD Anyklnd, anywhere, any time except Sunday. M. Lore, bove. ' , 1-18-1 m. GOOD EATING POTATOES, 80c Back. No. 2's, 85c. Inland Poultry & Peed. '' , 1-9-1 m. ' PORTLAND,.. Jan. II W) Bust ness housca which deal with firms whose Blue Eagles have been removed for "chiseling" And violations of NrjA rooilatlons. ninv themselves be liable to less of the tnalgnla.- O. talrd Mte Kerma Jr., lJgal advisor to the Ore gon compliance district, warned -,flay. . .. -.. . -; - 'Two Fine Diamonds Found In Africa .-' PRETORIA, IF. ot South Africa. Jan. .17 (iP) Two remarkable alluvial dlam ' onds, for which the finder refuse- an offer of W7S.000, were discovered at ! Elandslonteln, 20 miles north of here yesterday. . ; Tliey ore respectively 500 and - carats. . ; ' ' ; : WOOD, radio poles, ornamental and fence posts. Smith's Pox Farm. . 1-11-1 mp DRY MILL WOOD, cheap. 4 single load, $6 double. QaU Clarence Hess, 7. I W. or M. .847,' 1-9-1 mp. , f)LLIS' CHflLMERS- Track type-and Air Tired Tractore. ' ' Combines, Implements, 'Road Machinery. CHANDLER TRACTOR ' ' S Bfjl'l "5NT CO. 1313 Jefferson Main 532 HAVE YOU SEEN? the New : 1984 " Plymouth? Price delivered ' from' 8877.00 to $880.00. Smith's Garage. - . r- - . 1-7-3.: OR TRADE 1929 Chevrolet truck. Phono 323 J. .'.. , ..,--! rnp. ,..,.,, The ufe of the family. - f A TOWM fyu. OF WCKS WMTW TO BC tmhe,am& voa vcr TO i iT WITHIN IKE. t-r Q A TT iff u far-c kv but rr & eeen dc KrciJ M,JH,S& GET THWtWl(- WCKS WMTtNS TO BC TMHE,AM& VOU VKT f TO t rr wrrHH ike- J ;-uv? THE BUNGLE FAMILY SCRATCH PAPER for school or home at the Observer. 2 pads for'jSd.' : 8-14-t i. ""notice . Series "B" Time .Certificates ot Deposit issued by the First Na tional Bank of La Grande, Oregon, on March 1, 1933 and duo on December 15, 1034, have been call ed' for payment on February 14, 1934. Interest on same ceases af-tsr-that date.i ' ' . ' First National JJank . of Iia Grande David I. Stoddard, President A. k, Parker, Cashier :V' Pondosa Fpreman Dies Mysteriously In BakerfThursday BAKER, Ore,, Jari.JlB (Special) Mystery surrounded ' the finding ot John Volk's body Thursday niirnmg iri a sewer ditch off-' Main ' street. The 74-year-old tinfter foreman Tor the Grande Ronde he company of Pondosa had apparently died jrom natural causes andffteeri placed tilers The Jury's vordiSVieturned at ,he inquest stated thatJna'n had' come to his death by causa undetermSn'ed. No autopsy tias beenTieia, There was no sign of violence about' the body and $83.20 was , tqXmS, In' -Vblk's pockets. ' ' ' . '- ' Deputy Sheriff Littlefield said evi dence poihted'to .'ilife'-'body ' Being' "planted" after death. The ciltch, tttte1 feet 'deep.t vJas'fAlioui SB) feeia; from the street and weH ' barricaded. ; -' '-'V,I::'V V 1)B. HAKDrXCI DIES (. ' COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 1,! VP) Dr. George T. HardlngsSSdJ, 'rothr !bf the late PrtoidentJiiatren G.- Hard ing, died at his home In Washlhg- J ton, a Columbus suburb, early today. He was 85. ' "' : ' ' Dr. Harding' was famed as a neufo- psychiatrist. '" . U6.1 f KMnW ' ' "J- MENTA-.1-Y HEl'S 1 SSJ V&Rn T PRACTICALLY tOO j , TrW YOU 'FDyND' ' ' H il STT P33 TWCT ODD MR. X ,! ' (U Vaffi K& BATTY, A.S . K a, IS ' Bg 2D YEA.S3.S A. CA-UGHT ;-Af TOS. BLUES WBE A-SWEXTIE:- A.LL HiS' OPTIMI INTO Ci he) A tjC-TQl-P SaJmo you -vWSiw isn't! nsrA George Isn't Woifried-Mach TOUM -YOU aFT POR. EVOr MAM UKE HiM WHO GETS LOOSE iST KMOW HiS MIND SS I Mi ALSO .POSiTiVE HAT" iVfrM LOT OF PATIENCE I WOfsTT KVE AS MUCH TROUBLE. AS1 THNK I WILL, it" . aCTTfNS OLD SA-D-EYE3 I U- WIT. rC WS "-'JVfD i PECUUAfUTlCS. ONE .07 HlRlf -TVEM 1S THE SW3rr-' Ofci EntPREesiow on- T "vrsn m i J wss ,m rfUMNiNOi-. - Ts- l-WJGH.Jl-V-sr "I- 1 . - f , ' - . , rt . -1 1 tpfii kc;j : - m k .... r J0E3?AL00KA' A fialley Candidate FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS by Blosser ' A Switch in His Plans! f;' . " E5s SOUR FATHER THEEABUWRELESSEB TWT HKUL W.& - ctevk 61 souk. PASSAGE. 1A4, WD j THBRBlL BE MONEV IN NE YORK THE' EXPRESS oppsce BULilr.CAJTA.ir4 AND SA.V.' HMM ' ABOUT PERPORMMS "a. KitAQaiAriFs"5-' ABOARD SHIP"? I THIN 1 CAN' rztzr Tuc rt,tra ct I'D BE -Vf4 ANOTHER StoWAWAy, SIR ! tEUGHTED 1 u FOUND H(M HlCXN' UNDgS? A ,r 1AN-- ' Ji K DECK CHASR OUSlDE . ' T MISS HOWE'S - THIS I , DOING f r -YHi noNrrrnTAiM k' ID BE TWST UNSPOCTN 9O BELOW EVEX iF i'CONSDEReo j ItLAffEND ; V 'STIFF, f v" " :" 't ;- :iniws J EASY' ON Mt CAPTAIN LIABLE ' LETTLE FEWJOWi BUT S ILL PKf Vrtt& i .1 5SSjE BW-K ,xsai! 4M TV . KITCHEN MOW- ABOUT THAT WHO HE T t1- M I 1 n V 'THIS IS "IHe PLACE V1MERE .THEY HAVE THE HiSTo-DSTEcToR, ,., ALL RISHT..... BOOST ME f THROUGH THE WIHDpW, fuzzy !; MO (SOOD CAM COME OF THIS, CRASH ....I'M UlADMikiS v DIANA DANE . (Trademark fitglateredj 0. S. Patent Office A Bad Sign r IF 1 CAN JUST FIND THE SWITCH THAT SUPPLIES J THE' JUICE To RUN THE 'DOSSOrJE MACHINE I CAW , 'jiMfAV rr so THsy jrf VNOMT BE ABLE To J ' QPERATl j ?f sosh'. its awful . k !W DARK IM 4 here' r'. OWOO.P....OUCH.' OH.UEGC?O...MEt.R., OWoW" Man 1 W r -hi I SOSfjCCASH FOUNP THE SWITCH, am rjiruT" !YOUe 0A0 vANTS HE TO) fc?gSfr FORSIO TO' SEE FSjJ', A ' 6WL ONCE, SO bJ - MB MU ' Cj f COURSE I BHPUSEO.) rTLIl V j.1 P,i5-.'6W) CANT SSS VMAT MS veLL---ii 1 DON'T IS mm. Mi ) MAV VPnASO He oseswy F J SCORCH Y .SMITH (Trademark Registered) U. 8, Patent Office Ready to Move jy- ennV jays Tug cifcMgp is om. MS'Jfft aK. Butter - we cotcha'. ! 566 THAT everTYTHINS 15 READY Jf SCT I CAM'T UlAiT To GIT MV Wf THERE'S HA!W PiW "AftE- 80VS - AN' PiENTV of rr i I A'' ,0 TrISSE GUYS As? 6JT TH' - E SoWTfiAVft r J I' ! i-i9 THE DILLYS Man Working r ep v C'MON" TAKE THE PHSSURE . OFF IMS BRA0 BASKET MO GCT 5ME S6UEAKS OUTA YOUB. SHOES 'YOU CA REST OVER. THERE WHILE YOU SHOVE A PAINT BRUSH OVER THE BUSINESS OFFICE ,..,. , TEUIN'ME TO REST OVER HERE-A ' IS LIKE TELLW A FELLER ON A .4-1 A MILK OEt NOT TO GET ANY '"ipNE5 STUCK IN HIS TOROAT . . frtfr? '" THEUaiy WHAT 1