La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 17, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, January 17, 1934
Page Three
j Grande Ronde Valley
j . News of Interest
.' Mr 8. J. R. Fletcher
I Reviews New Play
'' For Cove Women
j COVE, Jan. 13 (Special) Mrs. J. R.
! Fletcher read an interesting) play,
"Another Language," by Franken at
the Woman's club Thursday, at the
library. The movement of the play
centered around the egotism of a
family who could see no perfection
In any one other than themselves
and the trials of the women who
were married Into the family. An
other play, "The Late Otuistopher
Bean," by Howard, will be read by
Mrs. Fletcher at the next meeting
on Jan. 25. The hour of meeting
will be 1:30 Instead of the usual
hour. ... .
Wallowa Stars To
Have Annual Meet
WALLOWA (Special) The newly
Installed officers of Jessica chapter,
Q. E. S., held the first meeting of
the new - year .Thursday evening.
Flans are under way for the annual
family dinner and -Washington birth
day program on Feb. 23. Julia Fef
fer, Eula Marvin and Kattle Fisher
were appointed on the committee to
have obarge- of the dinner.
if Marie Thompson and Fattl Hunter
are to serve on the program com
mittee. This Is a get-together meet
ing for Stars, Masons and their fam
ilies and is looked forward to from
year tq year as the oustanding event
In the social calendar.
Lostine Lodges ; ;.
Have Installation
LOSTINE (Special) The Rebekah
lodge Installed the following officers
Tuesday evening: Edith Nolan, noble
grand; Mrs. J. .'J. Chapman, vice
grand; Hattie Leonard, secretary;
Gladys Chapman, treasurer; Fern Wil
liamson, warden; Minna - Bradley,
conductress; Thelma Childers, chap
lain; Eva Quessenberry, InBlde guard
Ian; Oussle Crow, R. S. N. G.; Zelma
Hammack, L. S. N.. G.; Agnes: MaglU,
R. a. V. a.; Effle Cook, L. S. V. o.
Lostine Eastern Stars Installed
their officers on Thursday evening.
The following officers were installed,
with Mrs. Thelma Childers as the
Installing officer: Violet Kuhn, W. M.;
8. M. Crow, W. P.; Silvia Wade. A. M.;
Roy H. Haun, A. P.; Mrs. Ella Mc
Kinzle, secretary; Mrs. Gusste Crow,
treasurer; Edith Nolan, conductress;
: Mlna Houser, associate conductress;
Bell Tllton, chaplain; Leila Haun, or
ganist;. Hattie Leonard, warder; Wes
tle Leonard, sentinel; Mrs. Thelma
Childers, Adah; Rosaline Searlsj Ruth;
Ruby Brandt, Esther; Dollle Pearce,
Martha; Edna Crow Electa; Ruth
. Swarts, marshal.
. " The Masons Installed were Roy
;:-Haun, W. M.; Geo. Tllton, 8. W.; Har-
ry Wade, J. W.; Roy Swartz, secre
- tary; 8. M. Crow, treasurer, John Mc
, Klnzle, S. D.; Victor Searls, S. D. T.;
Floyd Leonard, J. D. T., and Dean
Crow, marshal. .
a, .
COVE (Special) Melvln Marks,
who went to Dayton, Wash., soveral
months ago, came back to Cove look
ing for work. Mrs. Marks' mother
' died last spring and the family movca
to Washington to be with her lather,
1 but he finds it almost Impossible
to find anything to do.
Mrs. Mary Ellen Breshears has re
; turned from a trip to the home of
. her daughter, Mrs. William, Crulk-
shank, near Haines. When she reached
there she found them 111 of small
. pox and her Christmas -vacation was
spent nursing the sick.
. Logan Anderson Jr. was on the
sick list several days last week and
unable to attend to his work at the
. Normal.
Mrs. G. E. Barker and Mrs. Lewis
Presto were hostesses at a "depression
party" last Thursday, when they en
tertained the guild. The guests
came attired In their castoff cloth
ing and created quite a sensation,
Miss Thelma Anderson winning a
prize for the most outstanding cos
tume, and second honors were tied
between Mrs. L. R. Lay, Mrs. T. R.
Conklln, Mrs. L. E. Anderson, Mrs.
R. S. French, Mrs, Dunnlgan and
Mrs Stuart French, Mrs. R. S. French
finally being awarded the place of
honor. The party was gay and voted
a decided success. Dainty refresh
ments were served. Six tables of
bridge were In play. Mrs. Ara Lee
Rollins and Mrs. Alvah Murphy, were
. guests. i ' : : !
Miss Vina Conley was hostess to
her bridge ulub on Saturday after
noon at her home west of town. Three
tables were In play. Mrs. Harold
Chaffee was a guest. A nice lunch
was served. Several' prizes were
" awarded, Mrs. Eyers winning first,
Mrs. Stuart French second, and Mrs.
T. R. Conklln, low.
Mrs. A. G. Conklln was hostess at
a small luncheon on Friday honoring
Mrs. A. E. Corpe.
Mrs. G. F. Hagey has returned from
a trip to Sydney, Neb., where she
was unexpectedly called' by the death
of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Burk
hardt. She left the night before
Lew Bloom has been very seriously
111 but Is on the way to recovery
Mrs. G. E. Barker was hostess at a
dinner last- evening. Covers were laid
for nine, the guest list including
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Orton, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Hallmark. Mrs. Berenice
' Miller, Miss Besse Kellcy and Jack
Mclntyre. Bridge was played after
At the Commercial club luncheon
Wednesday noon a delegation from
La Grande Inoludlng Jack Feare, An
gus McAllister, Charles Miller, Ray
Farnam and S. B. Morgan spoke on
the O. W: A. relief work. Ray Far
nam talked on the fight that was
put up before the game commission
to save the fish hatchery at Union.
Jack Feare told of the different C.
W. A. projects. Including the fish
hatchery and detailed the. work of
the committee. During the course
of the meeting It was stated that a
considerable criticism had been di
rected toward the compmttee for some
of its actions, especially In regard
to the class of men hired, but it
was explained that In virtually every
case the committee's hands were tied
by very restrictive regulations, for
the handling of O. W. .A. -funds. A
much better understanding of the
difficulties encountered by the local
committee was gained by' those in
, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bldeler were
hosts to the members of the Lucky
Thirteen and their husbands Friday
evening. An evening of bridge was
enjoyed aftqr a covered-dish lunch
eon, and each of the men drew a
prize furnished by club members.
After a long Illness, Mrs. Caroline
MelvlUe, mother of Mrs. A. H. Rob
erts, who was brought to Union re
cently from Gobel, Ore., died at the
Roberts home Tuesday and the body
was shipped to St. Helens, Ore., Wednesday.
Cricket Flat Co.
Has Election Of
CRICKET FLAT (Special) The pa
trons on farmers' telephone line No.
2 met at the Hlndman school house
Monday In their annual meeting.
Other than the usual business,' the
election of officers was held as fol
lows: President, A. J. Tucker; vloe
president, John Waeity; secretary
treasurer, J. E. Wltherspoon; direc
tors, Leo F. Roulet and Jesse Knight.
Charlie Hook of Middle valley was
week suffering from an attack of ap- . "' "TL, '"'
Irwin Hodaon Co.,' printing ' 1
bonds (..... 00.32
Bushong Co., supplies - . 70 84
Elgin Recorder, pub. court pros. 11.40
La Grande Observer, do and
notices ................................ . 13.68
La Grande Book Store, supplies 8.00
Haggerty Grocery, do ............... 13.80
Bowman-Hlcka Lbr. Co., do.... 10.20
McClay 8 tore, do -,' 6.80
Perkins Motor Co., do 10.87
Enkay Dairy, do 1.08
J. Melville, do 72.73
General Roads j
Pete Grace, labor -......... . 159.82
Henry L, Lovan, do
Harry Newberg, do ...
R. H. Davis, do
Harold Browning, do
Geo. Clay, do .... . ......
Ward Cottrell, do
Oscar Milter, do
IT ..... .... v.. -i..i Fred Oollp, do
I Reuben Porter, do .... v
Sidney Oasteel, who spent several Lyie Abetter, do
days visiting his parents, returned Walla creasman. do i
Tuesday to his home at Condon. I Pranjc Rominger. do
ut. r. u. nrosius, ragin pnysician, M Q- Murray, do ... . 35 18
came to Wallowa Monday, and has Wi A Beck do - 60 40
opened an office in the building for- 'cantrel, do ' I1.!Z!ZZ"- 70 63
merly occupied by Dr. F. F. Jones. John a Hacker, do ... .. 3. OB
COX9. Alba AaampBuu, oi xuaaaie vai- Howard Nee 1 V do
ley. who Is living In town this win- a w..Beaiden. do ..!IZ1...Z
ver wua nor gntuuiuuunr, ou.. iou jn Johnson, do .
1 John Bowery, do .................
Wlllett and attending high school, cyme Richards, do i. ..
Is 111 of Influenza. ' Jolm Bichttra,, d0 ;
Mrs. Elmer Biggs, nurse at Hot Frank Ross, do ... .......
Lake, returned to her home In Wal- Ervln Scott, do
Iowa Thursday for a visit of a few James Scott, do
days with her family. j Harlan Long, do .......... ..
. Mrs. W. F. Poole and granddaugh- Edgar Coffin, do 4....
ter, Luollle Reed, who went to Dallas, Hugh Comffin, do .... .
Ore., for the holidays with Lucllle's Harold Fowler, do .
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reed and Ed Davis, do :.
expected to' return Jan. 7, are still Isham Taylor, do .....
In Dallas on account of Lucille be- John A. Burdette, do . 61.76
tag 111 with tonsilitls, I Avis Ferris, do 38.71
Mrs. Susie Davis, who left for Cor- S. B. Morgan, part salary... 146.51
vallls last week to spend the re- Massachusetts Bond Co.,, bond
malnder of the winter with her' premium . 6.00
daughter, Mrs. H. E. MpClaln on ac- Nelson Printing Co., supplies 30.00
count of poor health, stood the trip xucaey lypewruer service, re
to Western Oregon very won ana is pairs
1 0.47
. A wedding of some interest to the
younger set of Lostine occurred In
Enterprise Wednesday when, Helen
Leonard, the accomplished daugnter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leonard, be
came the bride of MUo Murry of
Alder Slope. Rev. L. Bi- Wllllama of
Wallowa performed the; ceremony.
Those present were Mr. arkl Mrs. Jas.
Leonard of Lostine, Rev. and Mrs.
L. B. Williams of Wallowa. Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Murry and daughter, Ruth,
of Alder Slope and Mr. and Mrs,
Maynard Ward of Enterprise, at whose
home the wedding took; place. They
will make their home In La. Grande.
While getting out some wood Tues
day on the hillside south of Los
tine, the team of Edgar Garrett and
Harry Sturm became frightened and
started to run and the logs they were
hitched to ran over them down the
mountainside, thej only damage done
was the rigging was broken up, al
though men expected the horses to
be killed.'
Miss Florence Moffett, who works
In the Wallowa bank, Is spending the
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Moffett. -'
Everett Cole, of Lostine, who en
tered the veterans' hospital at Walla
Walla underwent! a very serious oper
ation Wednesday.- Ho hai tubercu
losis of the spine. . 1 , . :
The Ladles aid of the Christian
church went to the home of Mrs.
J. J. Chapman and spent the day
quilting Thursday. A potluck lunch
eon was enjoyed at noon.
Mrs. O. J. Poley suffered, another
attack of heart trouble Saturday and
has not been very well since.
- Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Crow returned
Friday from a week's ,ylslt at the
home of Mrs. Crow's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Sidwell, In Portland.-
Rev. Trout, the Christian preacher
of Wallowa, has started a series of
meetings in the Christian church
hero to last two weeks. He is being
assisted by several young people of
Wallowa and the meeting promises
to be very interesting.
Chas. Hook beoame ill Sunday eve
ning while up the South Fork river
at his cow camp. He started for
Lostine on his saddle horse but soon
found that he could not ride, so
walked in to town. He got to the
Caudle service station and Dr. Kiddle
was called. He was taken to Hot
Lake where he was operated on that
night for appendicitis. The last re
port was that he was getting along
fine. His car was wrecked when the
hired man was bringing Mrs. Hook
to Lostine after learning her hus
band was very ill. As they were
coming to town they ran into Mr.
Hook's saddle horse and broke the
lights, bent the bumper and drove
the radiator over the engine. -
Daphne Lathrop, of Hood River,
was here Tuesday attending to bus
iness. Mr. Lathrop moved to Hood
River last fall on account of his
wife's health. They are getting ready
to move back to Umatilla, where he
has rented a place. They will then
be within seven miles of the Elmer
Rucker family, former residents of
In last week's news It was reported
that the body of Gerald Shipley was
being Bhlpped to Stanfleld and that
he met his death in a mine in Idaho,
which was a mistake. Mr. Shipley
was killed in a mine In Alaska and
his body has not been .shipped yet,
presumably waiting for a ship. Er
nest Shipley, a brother, lives In Los
tine and Is awaiting news of the
Mrs. Roy Martin loft Friday for
Bend to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ross
Loveland. She expects to be gone
several weeks.
Stevedore Houke, of Joseph, started
to plaster the school house Monday
and the work Is progressing nicely.
School Is being held In other nouses
until the school house Is completed.
The local Odd Fellows entertained
the Rebckahs and their friends In
their hall Friday evening. Games
and cards were the diversion of the
(evening. The men Jfumlshed the
feeling some better than when she City of, La Grande, water
leu, according to word received by E. O. L. & P, Co., light and
friends here. power
James A. Dement, editor of the County Treasurer, freight, etc.
Wallowa Sun, left last week for An- Perkins Motor Co., supplies....
tonlto, Col., to look after business J. E. Hazeltlne 62 Co., do......... 351.88
Interests.- During his absence this State Highway Commission, do 3.33
week's edition of the Sun was pub- Henry Tymer Co., do
llehed by the Misses Marjorle and Lelghton Welding Works, do....
Mable Martin, 1 Grace Harness Shop, do .
Mrs. F. H. Brpwnlee, who has been La Grande Const. & Supply, -
a patient at Hot Lake for five weeks, ' labor ...... ...'.. ' 3.25
returned home Thursday. She was Farnam Supply Co., supplies.... 176.00
slowly recovering from an operation The Texas Company, do..-.. - 38.60
and illness of two months and was Wu H. Bohnenkamp Co., do ...... 188.06
brought home in an ambulance. Smith Garage, do ..... 2.87
Lyle Waddell left the first of the Automotive Elect. Co., do ...... 30.34
week for Arlington where his par- Ed W. H ackman, do ... 3.60
eats have recently moved. Melvln Bunting Tractor (Co., do .... . 227.00
Gillespie accompanied him and after Shell Oil Co., do 244.64
visiting the Wadell family for a few Union Oil Co., do 81.27
days will go on to Portland for a O. K. White, labor .75
short visit. During his absence, Da- Perkins Motor Co., supplies... 37.51'
vld Couch, is taking charge of his W. H. Bohnenkamp Co., do. 218.07
work at Hunter's service station. Standard OIL Co., da . 245.02
1 1 J. E. Rundall, labor ...T .1 1.00
! State Ind. Aco. Comm., Ins. on
LOSES FINGER me 182.74
Union Mrs. Pearl Shaw recently Larlson-Frees Ohev. Co., trucks 2460.80
had the forefinger of her left hand jttKe Wilkinson, fence posts.... - 6.00
amputated above the first Joint fol- West Coast Tel. Co., telephones 14.45
lowing an accident In which the finger : . Market Roads
was partly severed. Mrs. Shaw was B, H- Davis, labor ' 34.71
chopping wood when the axe struck Harold Browning, do 32.76
her hand. Her son-in-law' and daugh- Miller, do .... .:.... '.5.98
ter, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McDonald, Clyde Lund, do ", .' ""8.83
came from Hood River on word of the pre4 Colip, do . 4 36.41
accident, and Mrs. McDonald Is stay- Lester Fox! do 3.08
ing to assist her mother, while Mr, Avia Ferris, part salary . 41.20
McDonald returned after a day's stay 8 B, Morgan, do - 28.18
In Union.
An orohestra called "The New Deal"
consists of the following: Clark
Wheeler of Freewnter, Loren Blanch
ard of Wallowa, Larry Fillmore and
Marlon Lyman of La Grande, Clifford
and Lester Westenskow or Imbler.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gueey and
family of Pleasant Grove have moved
into the Keefer residence.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson left Sun
day for Portland on a business and
pleasure trip, returning Wednesday.
Mrs. Raymond Waeity, who had
her tonsil removed at La Grande
Lee. 28 was taken with a hemorrhage
of the throat Thursday about mid
night, and rushed to La Grande
where the bleeding was stopped. She
returned home Saturday much Im
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Roulet, Mrs. A.
H. Parsons and Jack Parsons were
shopping In La Ojrande Saturday.
Mr. Roulet attended the Blue Moun
tain Livestock association meeting.
Mrs. A. H. Parsons is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Leo Roulet.
W. H. Bohnenkamp Co., sup
plies . .
Bowman-Hicks Lbr. Co., do...-
t. All rjt 4n
Medical Springs There were 37 "
r . . , . state Ind. Ace. comm., ins. on
guests present when the members of .
the Medical Springs grange recently,
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
In re the monthly allowance to
..n.tmir ImlliMnt nannrs AllnwAri an
George Belber on the occasion ol their ,. rSi. m nn. vnir
IBt.h wMtritntr nnntvAiftArv. ' - ' ..
County Court
Hobbs. (25.O0; Wm. Huntley, 613.50;
Caroline Perley, 610.00; Jackson S.
Walker, 610.00; Lizzie WUUs, 610.00;
W. S. Richards, $10.00.
In re report of County Treasurer.
In re application of Mrs. J. A. Rice
for county aid: Application allowed
and County Clerk authorized and dl
rccted to Issue warrant on the gen-
In re allowance of bills:
General Fund
O. M. Humphreys, bond prcm...$ 76.00 oral fund of Union County in sum
American Surety Co. 50.00 of $10.00 In favor of applicant un-
Floronce Bacon, do 108.00 til further orders.
Sttitc Ind. Acc. Com., Insurance In re approval of bond of Daisy
on men 30.87 Nelson as constable for La Grande
West Coast Printing Co., sup- J. p. District: Bond approved.
plies . 46.06 I In re acceptance of a deed from
Nelson Printing Co., do 32.25 1 James M. McShaln, ot ux. for road
La Grande Printing Co.,' do..... 137.75 1 right-of-way: Deed accepted and or-
Clty of La Grande, water ....... 16.38 dered recorded.
E. O. L. & P., lights . 64.26 I In re appointment of official news
Western States Grocery Co., - papers for year 1984: La Grande Eve
supplies ........ j. 7.35 nlng Observer and the Elgin Record-
O. D. Johnson, care of Indigents 78.00 er designated.
W. D. Mitchell, labor 1.65 In re appointment of Judges and
C. L. Scott, supplies 16.00 clerks of election: Judges and clerks
J. C. Peenney Co., do
Stevens Van Engelen, do . ..
H. H. Amell, labor
J. L. Hlatt, do - -
Blue Mt. Creamery, supplies....
W. J. Hallmark, do ...
Dave Hutchinson, do ..
Levy Store, do
12.30 . appointed.
1.80 1 In re appointment of county phy
11.60 siclana for 1934: Dr. O. L. Gilstrap
7.54 and Dr. W. K. Ross appointed.
11.26 I In re appointment of county cn
34.00 glneer: S. B. Morgan appointed.
2.79 In re designation of roads for lm
20.00 provement under the Market Road
Moon Drug Store, do . 21.84 , act: New construction on Pumpkin
L. & L. Drug Store, do 14.10 Ridge road, and maintenance as re-
Wrlght Drug Store, do 26.03 oulred on all county market roads.
24.86 In re selection of an auditor to
Glass Drugs, Inc., do ...
Red Cross Drug Store, do 16.36 audit records of county officers. Chas.
Chas. F. Lovelace, rent
William Miller, do .
Adrln Nelson, do . .
Steven Golden, do
Mrs. O, P. Harrison, do . ..... -
A. Z. Starmer, do . .
La Grande Invest. Co., do .
J. J. Peck, do .
Mrs. G. W. Strain, do
Geo. Chapman, do
Mrs. Elizabeth 8mith, do
Mrs. B. Dazcy, do .....
Mrs. Robt. French, do . .
Eb Garrett, do . .
Ellen Cross, do .
Ella Engel, do ..... . .
Mrs. J. A. Leak, care; of lnd...
Nora Ordway, do . ..a
Stella McCllntock, do 40.00
Eugene Oarrard, opening
graves . .... . .
Jake Rostock, do .... .
Snodgrass & Zimmerman,
burial of Indigents
Df. O. L. Blggersa prof, service
Grande Ronde Hospital, care
of ind 422.00
Mary E. DeBordc, laundry 8.00
Carl O. Helm, rent and stenog. 37.60
8.00 . R. Logan appointed.
1 6.00
JOSEPH and Way Points.
Leave La Grande, Dally
10:30 A. M. 4:10 P, M.
For PENDLETON, Way Points
Leave La Grande, Dally
10:30 A. M.
V. P. Stage Depot, 1308 Adams
Phone MAIN 49
Track type and Air Tired Tractors.
Combines, Implements,
Road Machinery.
ma Jefferson ' Mala 632
Series "B" Time Certificates ol
Deposit Issued by tho First Na
tional Bank of La Orande. Oregon
on March 1, 1933 and due on
December 16, 1034, have been call
ed for payment on February 14,
1034. Interest on same ceases af
ter that date.
First National Bank
of La Grande'
David I. Stoddard, President
A. K. Parker, Cashier
Pound 2g
! .'- V a !
T vaN jxvii-vn T1
Prices Good for Thursday, Friday & Saturday
California Green Tops, -J f
3 large bunches AUC
Imperial Valley,
2 heads ....
Large 176 Navels,
2 Dozen
County, City and School District No. 1 Warrants Accepted at Face
Value for Merchandise Until March 15.
New Low Price AUV- i i '' t . ' . : 10 BARS
Preferred Stock, Solid
Pack, 2'2 Tins
- Ohio Brand
Carton of 6 .. ............
Campbell's Tomato, Vegetable or Q , Ofr
Vegetable Beef, reg. tins O for U3j
SOAP. " Nf-LliWH
White King Granulated,
Large Size
Brookfield Full Cream,
' Royal, - .
12-oz. Tins ...... L.....,..:
. - Fancy Thompson Seedless,
4-lb. Bag :
White Rose, Made in
La Grande, 49-lb. Bag
Red Mexican or "I A
Great Northern 1U lbs. ODL
: 15c
2 for 29c
White King,
6 for
Monarch Fancy,
2 Vi Tins
No. 2 Tins
Crystal White Soap 10 bars 29c
Tomatoes; Corn, String Beana, Peas. ' . ( : ,. Case $2.35
GRAPEFRUIT 2 cans for 27c
Monarch Whole Segment. No. 2 Tins. ' ' " '
Monarch, No. 2'. Tins. t . ' ' '.'.-'
MINCED CLAMS 2 for 35c
Preferred Stock, No. 1 Tins. ' ' ' " .
Hamburger pound 6c
ft VEAL ROASTS '7 o j VEAL STEW 25ptl
I Shoulder Cuts, lb 2V' I 5 Pounds .: , ...v I
Vr I
Pound . ..S-' Mt. Emily Brand, Sugar Cured, Lb.. I
LARD 4 pounds 27c
I From Choice Veal, lb J.
' v
1 HAM 15c
I sliced, lb :...-a--
1 STEAKS 12V9pl
I Steer Beef, lb J-fcJ '
BACON 1 nf0
Sliced, lb - A"'
l-qtKraut,21b.Weiners OKn
Boll, for
Williipoint, pint
Beef Roasts pound 8c
Grande Ronde Meat Company
Phone Main 50 - 75
Main 94
Main 700