Thursday,' Jamfary 11, 1934 Page Eight LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE, ORE. RACING'S "MAD MONTH" PROMISES TO BE THRILLER By Ouyle Talbot i (Associated Press Sports Writer) NEW YORK OT eastern fans who like their toot racea (tut are looking forward to one of the greatest Indoor seasons In many a year, packed Into four wild week ends In February. lAllgl Beccall, Italy's world record holder at lfiOO meters, is coming over to tangle right down the line with the best of Uncle Barn's middle dis tance men, and It promises to be a thrilling series. Arrayed against the foreign swift will be Princeton's BUI Bonthron, who ran a 4:08.7 outdoor mile against Jack Lovelock last summer: Olenn Cun nlngham of the University of Kansas, national collegiate champion with a 4 :08.8 mile to his credit; Dene Venr. ks of the University of Pennsylvania, who set the world Indoor mark of 4:10 two winters ago, rfnd Glen Daw son, consistently fine mller from Oklahoma, : I 1 ' jjial Only Lovelock Missing 1 There's dynamite lying around loose when a group like that gets to gether. The only thing that keeps the set-up from being perfect Is the absence of Jack Lovelock of Oxford, who ran the greatest mile In history 4:07.6 to beat Bonthron In their famous duel. A knee Injury has put him out of competition for a time. The first test will come In the Wanamoker mile of the Mllrose A. A. games here February 3, when Beccall matches strides with Cunningham. Venzke and Dawson. The following week Bonthron Is due to Join In the fun at the Boston A. A. games. February 17 the entire troupe will bo at It again In the New York A. O. meet here, and they'll wind up the month's battle February 24 In the national Indoor championships at the GJarden. In the latter two meets the distance will be 1600 meters, where Beccall has ruled supreme since the 1032 Olympics. , Didn't Bother Paovo Tho fact that the Italian flash Is unfamiliar with the boards should prove no great handicap, In the opin ion of experts. They recall that Poavo Nurml also was a stranger to the Indoor game when he first Invaded this country, but you'd never think It from the list of shattered records he left behind. There probably will be as much Interest In the series of tests betweon Bonthron and Cunningham as In the combined efforts of the home forces to repulse Beccall. They didn't get together last season and tho debate betweon their adherents has waxed loud and long. The Cunningham forces gained a slight edge when their man was awarded the Sullivan Me morial medal for 1033, but admirers of the Princeton star are far from convinced. Won 80 Out of 33 The stocky, muscular Cunningham, running anywhere from 800 meters to two miles, finished first In 20 out of 33 races lost season, and In at least one that he lost he forced tho winner to set a new record. Ho gave Venzke a series of trimmings In the Indoor, events, losing to Oeno only In tho A. A, U. 1500 motor, whore ho accidentally was socked In the oye at the start. He did an outdoor 1500 meters In 3:62.3, compared to Bee- call's world standard of 3 :40. Vonzke's Indoor mile record of 4:10 which was considered quite remark able Just two winters ago, seems likely to take a beating during tho "mad month" of running. Two of his opponents have been undor that time outdoors, and Bccca)l's best time for the 1600 would, If he could hold the pace, put him across the mile mark well under 4:10. Administration Wins 2 Tests in Congress (Continued From Page One) as It Is with dissatisfaction over patronage. On petition of IB Democratic con gressmen, Representative Clarence F. Lea, of California, nad to call a party cauous for late Monday tor consid eration of patronage matters. HOW WOMEN CAN WIN MEN AND MEN WIN The Favor of Other Men UnleM two plnti of bile Juice flow dully from your liver Into your buwi'ls, your foot) decays tn your boweli. This polmni your whole, body. Movements get nurd nnd ponwiXHea. ipu get yellow tonaiiw, yel low ikln, plmplei, dull oyes, baif breath, mvo becomo an UKly-lookintc, foiil nmoll aw, flour-thlnkliiK person. You have lout your personal charm. Everybody wonla to run fron. you. Hut dont take salti, mineral watcrn, olli. laxative I'll i. tnxntivo candloa or chow nit sums anil expect them to wot rid of tills poison that destroys your pi-rsonnl charm. Uhcy can't do It. for tluy only moyo out the tall ond of your bowols iind thnt doesn't take awny enough of the de cayed poison. Cosmi-tlcB won t help at nil. Only a fres (low of your hllo Julre will stop th decay poison In your bowels. The one mild v suet Able medicine which starts flow "'.your bile juice Is Carter's, JJttle Uver Pills. No calomel (mercury, ' In Carters, Only line, mild vepetnble extracts. If you would tirlmr bnck your persona' Charm to win men, start tnklntr Carter's Little Mvr Pills accnrdlm to directions todsy, 2M at dnm stores. Kefiiie "somethlnn Just as uood", for It may oripe. Ionian teeth or irald rectum. Ask for Carter's Little Uver Pilh by name and Ret what you ask for. 0 19.13, C. M. Co. Good 1x8 Pine Shiplap $2.70 l'cr 100 sq. Foot Dc)Clldblc HulldlliB Miitcrlals Home Lumber & Coal Co. Phone Main 17 (Mickey) McCoy W. O. Snwyor French Sport Queen HORIZONTAL 1, 7 Who Is the athlete In tho picture? 13 Genus of chimpanzees. 14 I'ortalnlng to a crystalline acid, 16 Infant. 17 She was a world champion pluyer, 19 Frozen desserts. 21 Sky color. 23 Mongrel. 20 Measure of cloth. 27 To exist. 28 Mother. 29 Preposition. 31 Early English (abbr.). . 32 Rowing tool, 33 Pin. 36 To evade. 37 What Is tho capltol ot her home land? 39 Period. 40 She defeated Answer lo Previous Puzzlo IKIAII 5ERWI It-JMIE. L Ml, A.N1 SliTllE A T OA L I b I" (5 mDIa b eJHBsM e. y U b a, yMgieid m SInIypn e P id Bop A spas 5 cBqoaI kaiser xHe. AP i DM uiLHELM PBqOm i sBnp logPac oNEByftHirt- OW505A i n o tlWsoE l vEnaiz k e 5 5 UlljN E E JljA S "PIT mi iNiEncoTiGiHmsr' Molla . 46 Bustle. 47 Unequal things. 49 Kind of litter. CO Maplo shrub. 61 Wing. 63 Custom. 64 Blackbird. 56 She Is now a player (pl). 69 Swiftly. CO Pursuers. ; VKKTIl'AJj ' 2 You and me. 3 India clvot. 1 " I- I V 5 9"" io" fl " 1? I 1 75 I5T20 nV' ' 1 SSJzi -dz " PJ 51 ik TlSI iTSb , 35"! 41 WE 4i 144 145 SS5 35 47 AH S49 31 " hi i p pj r 1 1 rr l-1 111 b rOUTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Jan. 11 (P) Cattle: 60; calves 26; active. Btocrs. good, common and medium. 63.00 (i? (0.00; hclfcrs, common and medium, $3.76 hd $4.76; cows good. $3.25 $3.85; common and medium, $2.25 $3.25; low cutter and cutter, $1.25 df $2.25; bulls, cutter, and mo dlum, $2.oo$3.00; voalcrs, good and choico, $6.00 $6.00; cull, common and medium, $2.50 $5.00; calves, good and choice $4.OO(ft$5.O0: com mon and modlum, $2.00('f$4.00. Hogs: 000; strong. Lightweight, good and choico, $3.75 $4.05; mo dlum weight, good and choico, $4.00 (ic $4.65; heavyweight, good and choico, others unohangod. Pack ing sows, medium ond good. $2.00 $3.60. Feeder and stockor pigs, good and choico, $3.0Or$3.35. Sheep: 100; fully steady. Iambs, good and choice, $6,28 ci $7; medium, 4.25ct(.25; yearling wethers, $2.753 $4.60; owes, $1.00l3$2.36. GOLD IMtlCE UN'CIIANOKI) WASKTXaTON, Jan. ll Ifl The price of $34.06 an ounco was con tinued by tho government today tor domestic gold. It was tho eighteenth posting of this some quotation for newly-mined domestlo metal. In London, sterling opened at $6.1014 to the pound. At this level bar gold was worth $32.44 an ounce. Iffr JS" j mJ J' VX 1?1?T7,T the fury of lhe mob '"'d'ns greed, lust, ' X, ' imirder, out of town on a rail! "iijS, KNTCRTAINMENT ' 'mWVlfA OU'LL NEVER (TZ j ffji0 J tournament! 18 Those giving releases, 20 Billiard rod. 22 Rubber tree. 24 Seraglio. 26 Juicy. 28 Insane. 30 Beverage 32 To surpabS In daring. 34 Slender. 36 Danish weight. 38 Fish. 41 Paid publicity. 42 Infested with lice. 43 Opposite of profit. 44 Derived from oil. 46 Railway (abbr.). 48 Black haw, 60 Genus of ducks. . 63 Astern. 4 Eucharist vessels. 6 Bill. ONo. 7 Sheltered place. 8 Sea eaglet 9 Convent worker 10 Voluble. 11 Cotton fabric 12 For example (abbr.). 14 Foot (abbr.). 15.Where did she play her first important 64 Facts. 66 Plural (abbr.). G6 Deity. 67 Sound of surprise. 68 Senior (abbr.). Wynckcop Trial Opens In Chicago Tribunal (Continued From Page One) ly white, the 62-year-old woman phy sician was carried to the courts build ing through a tunnel from the ad jacent county Jail, where she has been 111 moro than a month. With her daughter, Dr. Katherlne Wynekoop, she walked Into the cham bers of Judge Joseph B. David. Boon tho selection of a Jury started. PORTLAND PRODUCE PORTLAND, Jan. 11 VP) Butter Prints, extras 20c; standards 10 14c lb. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade, 16 18c lb.; farmer's door de livery, 1314o lb.; sweet cream 6c higher. " Eggs Pacific poultry producero' selling prices: . fresh extras, 19c; standards 17c; medium 17c dozen. Buying prlco by wholesalers: fresh extras 17c dozen; firsts, 15c; mediums 13c doz.; undergrade 11c; pullets llo dozen. OMAHA 8IIEEP OMAHA, Jan. 11 W -(U. 8. D. A.) Sheep: 9,000; lambs slow, bids around 26c lower, sheep steady, bids sorted native and fed wooted lambs $7.50 $7.75; fed clipped Jambs $6.25 w $0.35; ewes eligible up to $3.78; fleshy lambs 71 lbs. $7.60. i RKET NEWS CHICAGO WH.I Open lilgli Low' ciota May .-.....,.. .80 . jm : .8.1 '4 M9K . . July ', MK .83 39K Hept ,80(4 ; , Mt - Mii . M ' - CHIC AGO CORN May jati9H :. MX M M9 July ... .M9T4 ': .04 . M Sept. 8S ' : : . .54. ' .54tt.8 .'POBTLANB WHEAT ' !' Open lllfh Low Close May ......74', ; 1 .. .74 !i .74 .74 - Jniy - 73 ' ' ' ,7g .n , .12 LOCAL BRIEFS Examiner Coming . C. M. Bentley, examiner of 'opera tors and chauffeurs, will ibe In La Qrande Friday and Saturday of this week, at the city hall betweon the hours of 10 to 6 and 8 to 8 respec tively. ' . J .,.;. .. Visiting Here Mrs. Clifford William, of Haines, has been visiting since Sunday In La Orando with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Kooch. Improved The -small son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Bunten, who underwent a mastoid operation at the Grande Rondo hos pital recently, returned to his home today. i Enters Hospital , Mrs. A. E. Marshall entered the Qrande' Ronde- hospital yesterday for mjnor surgery. , . At Hospital Mrs. O. W. Buchanan Is receiving medical attention at the Grande Rondo hospital, i Leave Hospital Earl Band, who received medical treatment at the Grande Rondo hos pital, returned to his home this morning. Jack Nlckchlnskl, who re ceived minor surgical treatment, was j ame to leave tno nospiuu una nv?m tag. .. - ! ' ; r :.' Iteturns Home Harry Halsey, who recently under went a mastoid operation at the Bouvy hospital, returned to his home yesterday. Business Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Avery Harrison are business visitors in Portland. They went down early this week. To. Baker After visiting with friends for sev eral days In La Orande, Miss Sarah Hosklns left yesterday for Baker where she will visit her mother, Mrs. Jessie A, Hosklns, before returning ta Port land to do graduate work In nursing. Operation ' Donald Stever, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Stever of Union, underwent an operation yesterday at the Bouvy hospital. . . , - V. )1 From Union ' as Among the visitors In this olty yesterday was Mrs. A. M. Bedwell, of Union. She spent the day shopping and transacting business. Visits Here Stein Carlson, North Powder mer chant, visited In La Grando yester day. On Business Andrew Erlckson, who works at the Mt. Emily camp at Starkey, was In La Orande yesterday on business.: Organized sportsmen of California! have launched a campaign to trap, crows and tolack-toUled magpies to protect game and song birds. The First Great of Modern Times by CITjlTTl The ffi'eatest man hunt Ol-il-i the breath - takinj? jriKantic mobilization of 0FJHE DA: CLOSE STEADYTO FIRM IN MARKET t NEW YORK, Jan. 11 VP) strong undertone displayed by the. utilities helped smooth over some rough spots In other sections of today's stock market. Some alcohols also moved up substantially and most rails gave' a good account of themselves. The close was steady to firm. Transfers approxi mated 1,000,000 shares, ' Closing figures Included: Air Reduc 08)4 Al.' Chem. and Dye 14614 American Can 98 American T. and T. 118 Bethlehem Steel 38 J. I. Case 60 Col. O. and 23 , 13 Continental Can 78 General- Motors - 36 Johns MonvlUe 68 V4 Libbey-O.-Ford .'. 38 yt Liggett ancT Myers B 80 Montgomery Ward - 23 National Distill !. 2614 J. C. Penney : 5614 Pub. Ser. of N. J .. 37 Southern Paclflo 20 'St. Oil of Cal 38 St. OH of N. J. 44 Union Pacific ..: 114 United Aircraft ; 3214 United, Corp. 854 U. S. Indus. Alco , 62 . U. S. Steel 48 Price of Gasoline Cut in Portland ' PORTLAND, Ore., Jan; 11 W) Port-; land motoriate today were able to buy first structure gasoline for two cents a. gollon less than they have been paying. The price was dropped late yesterday from 22 cents to 20 cents. Several dealers advanced the opin ion that the reduction to 20 cents was a violation of NRA principles. STOP ITCHING ,: It's amazing how this tormenting trouble wherever it occurs yields to soothing M Resinol NOTICE a ..- Series "B" Time Certificates ol Deposit Issued by tho First Na tional Bank of La Orande, Oregon on Maroh 1, 1033 and due on December 15, 1034, have been call ed for payment on February 14. 1034. Interest on same ceases af ter that date. First National Bank of La Grande David I. Stoddard, President A. K. Parker, Cashier Spectacle ever placed on the screen midnight tribunal the young manhood Linen Lunch Cloths 52x62 Sloe pure linen crash cloths, plaids and borders .'. 3Di "Belle Isle" Muslin 30-lnch brown and yard-wide bleached at this . Q low price, yd t7l Birdseye Diapers 27x27 size, dependable Q absorbent quality, 6 fo:lvv Cotton "Blankets Softo fleecy, tine cotton 70x80 size, single. Each 69c White Outing Flannel "Daisy" and "Nation-Wide" two fine qualities. Kg The yard 19l PRNNEY'S FAMOUS Tested-Quality , "NATION-WIDE" SI EETS 81 x 99 " SIZE! Thousands of thrift-wise' women have wailed for this annual event ! Yes ... very sheet is made to Penney's rigid specifica tions! Thick Terry WASH 0 CtOTHG Here's Surprise Value . . for These Times! ' "AVENUE" . PRINTS Splendid . vat-dyed, fast co'nr percale that has earned : . t r i.. Spring patterns I Plain, too. New Fabric Gloves Tailored slip-ons, In wanted colors. Great Q value at TZtIC i New Millinery Stunning now turbans In new fabrics and ffil QQ colors plf O Pure Silk Hose Sheer and semt-shcer stocklngB In the wanted r?Qo Bhadcs, pair New Styles - Skirts 1 Plain colors - plaids - checks, ityles that ttl'QQ ro new tpXatf 9 New House Frocks Fast colors of course, HQ. attractive new 6tylcs..., flafl Men's Lined Jackets ?ull length bhio denim, warm ilankot lining. A fl Off bargain t?XOD Heavy Seude . Shirts Warm and durable, Ideal for winter work wear 98c Collar Sites '9 Bros V We've just unpacked dozens of 17" x 35": BATM TOWELS 88c 42x36" Cases 23c Cotton Crinkle and "Dobby" Weave DcdoprcsdsSI SIZE 80 x 105" THEY'LL go fast at this price! (Neat scalloped edges, colored stripes on cream grounds. Dur ableeasily laundered! fit -BL 5 ml Yard Penney's Shows You What's New in At this next to nothing price ..... Yftll'Il WIS H We looked l frocks like j Penney's could have assembled such Qt t'ilitin-lir natir mnnn 1.. T Corduroy Pants Young men's styles In drab and cream, gront qp value at Heavy Work Shoes Durable rctan uppers, heavy compo soles. (T.f HA Buy Now! Save... Men's Fancy Pattern DrenQ Shirtfi - jtt ached t 14 to 171 WELL MADE . because we demand it ! Generously cut ! Long length ! Fresh water ball buttons I Vat-printed! And man, what a variety of good patterns I . . . that are mighty exceptional values at 2c EACH -y. ' THINK OFITIA1 high grade 17"x3S terrv, towel for only a dime in spile of rising trices I First quality, of court; made by a foremost maker I j Colored Strip Border Feature Value Rayon Undie Vest, Panties, 9tZt .Bloomers Mtfls A Splendid Bargain Oroup Three-Pound Cotton Batts Pull comfort ; Size - 49c A Great Value BUDGET CHEER! CHETONNE 10c YD. V a I a Charm I Col or in your h o ra at smallest cost I For comforts, slips, drapes I Uvl DRESSES Marval of Thair iliUl T III JLltVlI. ahead knew you'd want this got them at buying power assures such values! New. necklines, color contrast, combination of fabrics, new sleeves, bright trimmings. Prints nnd plain colors. "Men's Oxhide" Overalls A full cut well made garment at this OA a low prlco Oaf C "Boys' Oxhide" . Overalls- Sizes from 2 to 16 years. Good quality, Cfn welt made OafC MEN! Combed Cottort UNION SUITS 79 c Buy ntw jt's t0 your advantage ' Skillfully tailored. Liberty AT THE -aaaaaaaataal