i Tuesday, January t), 1934 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, 'tA'GftANTbte, ORE. SOCIETY NOTES Sujit. and Mrs. H. A. Connett To Be Guests of Old Timers Club At Program and Dance Tonight The Old Timers club of the Union Pacific will have H. A. Connett, su perintendent, and Kirs, Connett as their honored guests tonight at a program and dance at the Sacajawea Inn at 8:10 o'clock. Mr. Connett arrived this morning and Mrs. Con nett Is expected to arrive this eve ning. Jock Coleman, "the singing brake man", writes from Pendleton that he has had his knees manicured and Is ready to doh the kilts. Mr. Cole man was the' featured entertainer at the pensioners' banquet here recently and made a big hit with Ills Scotch songs and Jokes. Miss Elleene Manning, IT, tap and buck and wing dancer also will be presented oil 'the program and Mr. Coleman assures .the committee In charge that she "is a bonnle lass that knows her stuff." Miss Mann ing will be accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Alex Manning. A quintet from union, accompanied by Miss Rrla Clark, wilt present a' group of numbers, MIbs Von Ciele Bruce will ' dance, and vocal selec tions will be furnished by Mrs. Myrtle Russell and Mrs. Floyd Bher wood. ' Study of Perugia ' Is Cohtinued The study, of Perugia, Its history and art. was continued Monday , by the Art Research, club when the mem bers were entertained at the home 1 of Mrs. C. M. Humphreys. Mrs. Ira Woodle. Mrs. John Bennett, Mrs. Harry Zurbrlck, Mrs. Fred H. Kiddle and Mrs. H. H. Cleaver presented the program.. Mrs. Woodle continued the study of the history of the city of Perugia and told of the .situation and temper of the people. The paneled fountain of the city was described by Mrs. Bennett; after which Mrs. Zurbrlck described the duomo of the cathe dral. - Cathedrals arc built In three parts, the duomo, the baptistry and the campanile aiVd Mrs, Zurbrlck discussed the former. The pagan, Lorenzo, yras described by Mra. Kiddle, and Mrs. Cleaver presented a discussion of art in Um brla. . , Siena' will be the subject for study at the next meeting In two weeks at the home of Mrs. Hal Bohnenkamp. Mrs. BrObmf ield Is Hostess to Club . Mrs. J. J. B room!) eld arranged h charming 'afternoon of bridge Mon day when she entertained the Wake llta club at her home. Three tables were arranged" with Mrs. Clarence aos'cnbaum as a guest. - Prisses eft cards were -awarded to Mrs. Joel Richardson, first, and Mrs. Clyde Hoppel, second. Refreshments were served following the cards. Arrangements for the meeting next Monday afternoon will be announced later. v Entert&ins'At Luncheon Series Mrs. Frank Jasper, who lives on the ! hill road near La Grande, is enter taining at & aeries of luncheons every; Saturday alter which tt Quests spend the afternoon listening to a broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera. Guests last Saturday were Mrs. . William Miller, Miss Gladys , Miller, Mrs. W. H. Hertzog, Mrs. Stella Ingle ahd Mrs. If. H. Cleaver. A larger group has been Invited for next Saturday afternoon. Past Guardians To Meet Friday : Regular business will be transacted ahd a social hour enjoyed by mem bers of the Past Guardian Neighbors, dub of the Neighbors of Woodcraft Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elva Wiihelm at 2 o'clock. Juveniles Plan i Saturday Social . The Juveniles of the fteigtibors ctf1 Woodcraft will hold a regular meet ing with a social tour following on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at ttae Odd Fellows tiall. Mrs. Frank Flanery is the new senior guardian 6f the group. P. T. A. Council Meets at Sacajawea Lack of harmony In the home and physical defects of children are re sponsible for delinquency and two preventitlve forces are the parents In the home and the schools, Miss Alice Marquardt, county health nuroe, "toted Monday when addressing the La Grande City Council of Parent Teacher Associations, at the Saca jawea Inn, There ore 2000,000 de- oooooooooooooooooooooooo i Learn to Play Contract Bridge Morning, Afternoon o g and Evening o Classes g Beginning Jan. 15 I Mrs. Harold s Warner D O C g Certified Culbertson o g Teacher g . t Phone 313-J g '2 g oooooooooooooooooooooooo Unquent children handlna each year by the juvenile oourts in the United States and In Union county last year there were 50 such casus. Two needs of the child are security and develop ment, Miss Marquardt pointed oat. A general discussion followed. Herbert Evans, city superintendent of schools reported on the Education committee headed by Miss Kate Houx. A check-up Is being made of all the boys and girls vha should toe In High school but who are not attend ing and a plan, is feeing worked out so they may attend, Mrs. Roscoe Ol&rk reported. , , The child study -class will meet at the Sacajawea Inn on Jan. 18 under the supervision of Miss Edith Darby, Mrs. M. W, Frees, president of the council, announced. Mrs. Herbert Ev ans will be 'tile speaker, discussing, the emotional health of the child. A Founder's toy program will be the feature of. the -next meeting of the county council on Feb. 6, -with Mrs. J. V. fie&ta in charge of the program. Tea. will be served follow ing the program with Mrs. J. 1. Ingle in charge. -...,- ... . '' Ladies oi 433 Planning Party t .; Mrs. L. H. Bramwell Is chairman of the committee, malting arrange ments for a dessert bridge -at which the Ladios of 433, B. P., O. E. will be entertained Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Elks temple. Com plete plans will be made for. the event, Special Meeting . , this Evening ; "A special meeting of the Neighbors of Woodcraft will be held tonight at the home ot Mrs. HaSel Ornha'm, 1301 Seventh street at 1:80 o'clock, for the "purpose of obligating a caiidl- SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, Jan. 0 V:00 Dinner club, with Mr. and . ' Mrs. H. M. Flnlay. 7:00 Women's Benefit associa tion, I, O. O. F. ball. 7:30 Delphian chapter, with Mrs. Hugh Brady, 1808 3rd. . 7:30 Women of the Moose, Odd Fellows hall. 8:00 Sub Deb Bridge club, with ,- Miss Muriel Webb. 8:00 Young Women's Educa tional auxiliary, Methodist church. ' , - Wednesday,-janr-in , 1:00 Bridge Luncheon club, with Mrs. W. O. Williams. 2:00 L. A. L. cTub, with Mrs. ' James Oneal. 2:00 X. D. Club, with Mrs. Laura, Wlnburn. 2:00 Eagles Auxiliary Sewing club, with Mrs. Mabel Hlgglns. , 2:00 Women's Foreign Mission ary society, Methodist church, with' Mrs. Anna Hale, 1506 Oak street, t 2:30 Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution with Mrs. A. T. Hill. 8:00 Eastern Star, at the Ma-' sonic hall. 8:00 American Legion Auxiliary, 8acajawea Inn. i ' ',' e ' Thursday, Jan. 11 :; 1:00 Alpha luncheon club, with Mrs. Walter Lelsman. 1:30 Bridge club, with Mrs. Harry Lavey. 2:00 Riverside Ladle Aid, with Mrs. B. E. McAnulty. 2:00 Francis Brown auxiliary to''-' tVio Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers, Sacajawea Inn. 2:00 Lutheran Ladies Aid, with Mrs. Frank Wurl. , 2:00 Presbyterian Missionary , Study class, with Mrs. L. Den ham, 1609-4th. 8:00 Library Book Chat, at Public library. . . ' k Friday, Jan. 12 1:30 Dessert bridge, Ladles of 433. B. p. o. E., at the temple. ' !J:0O Past Guardian Neighbors, with Mrs. Elva Wiihelm. 2 :30 Greenwood P. T. A., at the school. 2:30 Presbyterian Missionary Society, with Mrs. J. L. Ingle, 1607 Second. - Saturday, Jan. 13 2:00 Neighbors of Woodcraft Juveniles, Odd Fellows hall. Monday, Jan. 15 7:30 Daughters of Union Vet erans. Mrs. Laura Rhodes. 8:00 Eastern Star Social club, with Mrs. C. S. Moore. Don't be4 run down" Keep your system supplied with plenty of vitamins and minerals then you'll get back pep, shake off colds Life seems terrible when you catch cold all the time, can't sleep, don't want to eat, are "all worn out." But do you know what the trouble Is B times out ol 10? You're Vitamin Starved! Your need is an extra supply of those magic vitamins with which nature keeps you alive and thriving. Now thanks to modern discov eries you can get these Vitamins without taking cod liver of!. McKes son laboratories have separated the precious vitamins from the fishy oil and bring them to yon In con venient tablet form. In 8 McKESSON'S VITAMIN CONCENTRATE TABLETS are the vitamins of 2 whole teaspoons of high grade cod liver olll Each tablet contains 1000 vlttunia A units; 600 MIm bm Pnk Boettf. Mltor Tctoptmu Main M rata tM . date. All members are Urged to be present for the event. The officers will meet Thursday a'f ternoon at the home of 'Mrs-. Haul Graham, newly Installed guardian neighbor and plans for 'the coming year discussed. . Other officers are Miss Gertrude Sullivan, post guardian; Mrs. Pearl Patt, adviser; Margaret Parker, magi olan; Mrs. Belle Devine, attendant; Mrs. Myrtle Donovan, flag bearer; Mrs. Lucie Buell, captain of guards; Mrs. Mary Teske, bsnker; Mrs. Laura Burnett, clerk; Mrs. Nancy Dyal, Mrs.! florins McMasters, Mrs, Iollne O'Noll,1 managers; Mrs. Sarah Bailey, Inner sentinel; Mrs. John Donovan, outer sentinel; Mrs. Edna Rambo, must-, clan; Mrs. Nell Freiberg, correspond-, ent; Mrs. Bertha Flanery, senior gusrdlan. The next regular -meeting Will be held on Jan. 16 and all visiting members are' welcome. ;l Missionary Study Group to Meet The Missionary study group of the Presbyterian church will hold Its third session Thursday Afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. L. Den ham, 1600 Fourth street. All women who are Interested In the course of study are Invited to be present. The regular meeting of the Mis sionary society, will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock a the home of Mrs. J. L. Ingle, 1507 Second street. Mrs. W. B. Pickens, Mrs. Stella Ingle and t;he hostess .complete the commit tee In charge of arrangements. O. E. S. Meeting 'On Wednesday The regular meeting of the Order of Eastern Star will be held Wednes day evening with Mrs. J. K. Wright, worthy matron, and Joel Richardson, worthy patron, presiding. Installa tion of the 1934 officers will follow the regular meeting. . Organize Bridge Classes Here Mrs. Harold Warner, ot Pendleton, certified Culbertson contract bridge teacher, Is organizing classes for a six weexs course In contract bridge to open next week. Mrs. Warner Has her studio In the Sacajawea Inn Where classes will be held morning, afternoon and evening every Monday and Tuesday for six weeks. Mrs. Warner also Is teaching classes In Pendleton. . Old-Time Dance Wednesday Night An old-tune dance for members of the -American Legion and the auxil iary'1 was planned, recently when the auxiliary met. The event will he hold Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the Sacajawea Inn, . The Racketeers, 'headed toy Charles' Prosa, will furnish the music. Other members of the group ore L. C. larc-' head, Clifford Bragg and" Charles Graham. All Legionnaires and the auxiliary members ore Invited tomor row evening. Refreshments will be served by the latter. Plans for a benefit card party also were made and the event will be sponsored by the finance committee, of which Mrs. John R. Garlty Is chair man, later In January. ' Francis Brown Auxiliary to Meet The Francis Brown auxiliary to the Sons and Daughters of "Union county Pioneers will hold a special meeting to transact Important business Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at, the Sacajawea Inn, J Mrs. John Larison Entertains Club Mrs. John Larison. entertained her bridge club Monday night at her home. Mrs. Lynn Larson Mode the high score and Miss Constance Ray was aecond. Mrs. W. O, Williams will entertain the club next week. Count of Heads In Mexico 16,552,722 MEXICO, O. F., The 'popu lation of Mexico Is 16,652,722, the department of national economy an nounces In reporting final revised figures of the 1630 census. Women slightly outnumber men by 8.433,718 to 8,110,004. Mayor J. S. Hartley of Olathe, Kns., was wounded by one of his own officers while they were pur suing fugitives In a motor car. vitamin D. Also, McKESSON'S bring you Important minerals (cal cium and phosphorus). It will do you lots of good to take McKESSON'S VITAMIN CON CENTRATE TABLETS OP COD LIVER OIL with your meals this winter. Just take a couple after each, meal. They're chocolate-coated no fishy taste. Give them to your children, too. See how amazingly fast they Improve fewer colds, more appetite, better health. Start At Once Oo down to the druggist's now and ask for McKESSON'S VITA MIN CONCENTRATE TABLETS. Be sure you get McKESSON'S be cause these are the ONLY (Itamln concentrate tablets which also bring you minerals as well as vitamins. SOVIET BUYING TO QUIET CLAIMS OF U. S. A. FIRMS By Stanley P. Richardson - MOSCOW UP) American indus trial firms which suffered confisca tion of their Russian properties after the bolshevfk revolution, 'may be offered as recompense substantial soviet orders, If they are prepared to furnish long term credits, In the opinion of authoritative private cir cles here. Official sources refuse to discuss the subject but it Is understood that, if. these private claims reach the negotiation stage, the soviet gov ernment will seek to avoid cash set tlements and will favor Instead ah agreement like .the one It reached with the General Electrlo Company In 1920. Interest Rate nigh This agreement provided that It Soviet Russia bought 25,0OO,00O worth of goods or services from the company over a period of six years, fSeneral Electric would consider sat isfied Its. approximately S2.0O0.0OO claim against Moscow for "property seized In the nationalisation process here. In return, the soviet government obligated itself to pay a higher than normal Interest rate on credits, ex-, tended by the company. Long term financing was arranged Tor approxi mately 4,00O,000 yearly for this dura tion of the agreement. , Up to now, soviet purchasing Or ganizations have not availed them-, selves 'of the fnAxlrtnim credit, to which 'the agreement entitled, them, total purchases With the agreement only a llttJe more iihan a year o run. laving amounted roughly to 111,000, 000. This leaves some doubt as to whether Moscow will take 'advan tage of the opportunity to wipe out that particular claim. lldlfe Total at fttake Regardless, however, Of whether tt buys up the full amount within the specified time,, well Informed circles -here believe that Soviet Rus sia will attempt to have the General Electric agreement made the pattern lor any settlement at which It may arrive with other American com panies. . The total amount of private Amer ican olalms are believed to be In the neighborhood of 300,00O,000. with International -Harvester -and the Singer Sewing Machine Company among the ohlef claimants. Preliminary discussions are expect ed to begin soon after the establish ment of the new embassies In Wash ington and Moecow. . EPISCOPAL , OFFICIALS ARE NAMED '(Continued From Page One) j L. Snodgrass, Herbert Evans and l N, Ashhy...auy, Ellis. Is. t.ho...p.uJ8lJ)g.. vestryman. - I l'wrLsh :Siipwr Enjoyed ' The business session was followed by a parish supper at Honan 'hall. The men served, and also . several talks were furnished by members of the parish and Rev. Clarence A. Kopp, the rector. ' . t Mr. and Mrs. David I. Meldrum,' who are leaving to make their home at Pondosa and- who have been ac tive in the parish, were presented with a gilt from the church members. BOYS DO FARM -WORK ' ,'-.- UNDER PRUSSIAN EDICT BERLIN (Pi Two hundred thou-! sand Prussian school boys must go "back to the form" for a year of la bor, after graduating from city public, schools In June. " . The idea, sponsored by Bernhord Rust, Prussian minister of culture, Is, as be explained It In nazl 'tcrmlnol-, ogy, "to show the alliance between blood and soil In the new German community." ' The boys' work, Rust said, would pay for ithetr keep. : t ' - - . i January Sale End Tables w Walnut Finish , Qgg . Bridge Lamps - Complete 98 Large Tile-Top Coffee Tables 4(8 Lounging Chair With Stool . .. 16.50 Chest of Drawers - Walnut 3,95 Davenport Table - Walnut . 5,95 4-IIour Enamels - Quarts 77C piTZGERALD'Q ruiiiuuii; jUi Friends And Furniture Our Business COURT RULING IS .R. WASHINGTON. Jan. 8 im Ad.- , ministration officials today hailed . privately as a constitutional victory' for the national recovery legislation a close but decisive supreme court de cision upholding the validity ot the Minnesota, mortgage moratorium law. By a vote of 6 to 4 the high tri bunal ruled In favor of the first emergency statute passed either In. 'the state or nation, defending In broad principle the right of a state to suspend contracts in an emerg ency. Medical Sittings Grange Attacks GWJLAs Unfair MEDICAL ' SPRINGS, Ore. (Special) Members of the Medical Springs grange bavje passed . the following resolution condemning certain phases ot the civil works administration re employment program: ..:.-, "We, the members of the Medical Springs grange, wish- to go on record: as believing . that, the C. W, A. , is spending money extravagantly , and unfairly. We believe that the O..W. A. Is using too big a wage scale for re lief work. - "Furthermore we bolleve. that the unmarried men and the men of the rural communities are not getting a fair , opportunity to secure work through the O. W. A. . "Still furthor, we believe that ro tation of workers"., would Improve conditions." HAl'PV MEh'lUM' SBT AS HOGS' fttYttfe NOVK URBAN A, 111. m The really fa shionable hoe of the near future will be the medlumtype animal, accord ing to a lityle note" from E, T, Rob- "blns. University of Illinois livestock specialist. "Neither tho stretched-out, rangy type of hogs . nor the (chuffy type, with Its well-rounded curves and ex cess lard, can compete with the ln- termedlaite type in supplying present day demands of packer and consum er," says Rabbins. Already the, demand for ; this type has made them scarce, he says. One eastern "breeder is reported to have crossed. five stateB In oeoroh of Wgs 'of the desired "happy medium." Python Battles Braztl Sotdiers RIO DE JANEIRO VP) iV 33 -foot suoury, Breztuon python, was cap tured by a squad of soldiers In the Matto Grosso Jungle and sent to the zoo here. The snake, weighing 300 pounds, put up a stiff fight until the soldiers subdued it and sold It for 00. Permanent Waves Others $3.50 to $5.00 v58mBEfc.il 2 Shampoo, SytSSSa 3 Flngerwavo gffi T Haircut FINGERWAVES, WET .'... 85c DRY .: BOc SCHOOL GIRL PERMANENT A m(f WAVE tpltlW With Service. All Work Guaranteed CINDERELLA ftEAUTY SHOP (S Phone Main 250 C Buy Ydur Household Needs Now. Save From 10 to 33 14 . A.: : 1 llIlFVT -4 V Kaoyh the 'c'ourVtry irMre'r Dooular oriced sheets." full doiible bed siste, With to iuck in me eages top ana Dottom. Vare ftilly tooven from Jselec'ted cotton; care fully bleached, carefully hand torn to size, so they remain straight after washing. This low price only during the January White Sale. .."? , CANNON CASES (42x36). . .'. .v, 25 e ' 7580 SWod&E Cotton Phid BLANKETS White Sale! $i-49 pr. Cotton plaids in rich, warm colors. 22 lbs. xi weight. Single blankets, 69c ea. Low Sale Price! Silvanid Cotton PRINTS 5c White Sale! Think ahead to spving sewing and buy these tub-fast prints at savings. 86 inches wide. Wofisaens' and Musses' Originally Priced at $14.95 c Just the sale you have been waitng for! We refuse to carry these coats another month so we've priced them to sell RIGHT NOW. Plenty of black, new browns, dark and lighter shades. Every model is new and very desirable! Not all sizes in every color , but there is a remarkable value for ievery womanl Hurry get a real coat for this winter and next and at REAL SAVINGS! for Me J6iiu6'ry White Sale Ontyt A Svper-Value in Price and Quality! as the "Peer of 81x99 inches plenty of room Vhite Sale! Each White Sale! 7 AAj..', eacl 16 X U6 WkisTi , ' TOWELS 1 1 ti Each Handy little towels to have about the kit chen. Assorted stripe borders. Buy several! ; Sew Your Own' Serve tbntjWeat SHEETING 29c Unbleached (whitefts with lMmderiTi),fu1t 81 inches wide. Sturdy, firm quality. 1 Every One A Remarkable Value