LA- GRANDE li VENINGOBSEKVl'JKrLA GKANDE7 UKET " I Hi 14 (Incorporated) Ail Independent Newspaper .. Phone Main 800 a. W. FREDERICKS . ..PublUber and General Manager HAROLD M, F1NLAY , Biulnew Manager1' Published evenings, exception Sunday, at 1710 Blith atreet, La Orande, Oregon.' . ', . s Entered at the Poatofflce of La Orande, Oregon, aa Second Olaaa ; Mall Matter under act ot March 3, 1879. , OKPlCIAIj PAPER OP UNION COUNTS' AND THB . CITY OP LA OBANDB : , MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aaaoclated Fresa la exclusively entitled to use for publication of all newa dlapatohes credited to It or not otherwise credited It pub lished here, All rights of republication of special dispatches In tbla "papefcand alao the local newa herein also are reserved.' , -, . ; . ; National Advertising Representative , M. O. MOOBNSEN CO., Ino.- , , Ban Francisco, Los Angelea, Seatitle, Portland, Chicago ,,- .. Detroit, New York SUBSCRIPTION RATES -- i Ilv Carrier Dally, one month In advance.. Dally, all montha In advance . Dally, alngle copy ..M50 6o Dy Mall Dallfi per., month -In advance- Dally, per all montha In advance , Dally, per year In advance. 000 . -.5.00 hands; pay a little on the bid bill'if Ve cahahd at least give i ... 1 1: i. ' ...... 1. ...... mm ulc lieneiii ui uui yicoeiiu uuBiucaa umi, we now nmy ue able to have, FUNERAL TO BE ' HELD ON FRIDAY Puneral services for Mrs, Elizabeth trrMcCulIough will be held tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock at the Snod grass andi Zimmerman mortuary,- It' was announced today. Rev. Mr. Carl son will officiate. ... i , i Burial will take place In the Sum mervllle cemetery. elect o:s:m.av DIRECTOR HERE THIS EVENING poclally faultless In thlo respect and la In. wide demand for . hairnet, which are exported 'at considerable profit,) : , ,i . Imbued with an Intense nattonal tam, Ooreruor Han' Pu-Oliu decided that women of Shantung should no longer wear their hair in curls, and ha forthwith .'ordered tie 1 arrest ' of feminine curly-locks.. The -walling protects of tho-1 ar restees were quite In valn.Han's ape clal -bodyguard 'was .assigned, to the task of teaching femininity 'a . lesson. Armed -.with ahar rnzoc-j and follow ing ;.stricly. the-; governor's '.orders, they shaved ij'f'. the" h:J8 .of ihe prisoners and c?nt -them forth with bald 'pates.-. , ' When a tari's' ways please; the Lord, he maketlr even1 his ciieittieM to be at peace with hint Proverbs 16: 7. . , DON'T FORGET JUST DUES ! ' General Jconditfons today are somewhat on the. upgrade; Various movements which have put mloi'C" people back tqi ''work' h'uve resulted in the welcome return of the weekly envelope to the homes of many who have known the pinch' , of poverty. Other homes are knowing and experiencing ,iip! proved incomes. . ' In "these times of improvement let us not' forget the man who befriended 'us when we most needed it the home towri merchant who extended us credit when he knew we didn't have the 'money to pay. If we have any money to spend to1 .. day, any goods to buy, let us not'forgef our local merchant who' stood by and did his best in times of adversity to keep 'our needs supplied from what he had: Ha' depended upon our honesty and appreciation of his services. True, it may have been good business on his part to help us when we were down in belief that we would help him when we came,.up. Let us not fail him now. In these ' times of recovery let us show our gratitude to the home town merchant,, doctor and business man. Walk in and shake J)(o)refV Corner. Cedar & Washington . Phone Main 759 A Most Happy New' Year to All Our Friends and Customers COFFEE 31 93(5 1 In Large Glass Jars U WlJ Cf U ' ' ' " ' ' Walla Walla Tender Beef PEAS ROASTS , 2 q23c 10c .... Sweet Potatoes 5 lbs. 19g LARD hmS 4g.34c 19c,b. nS io its 2og n -g Celery in Tm1' Hearts lUC 1 Tn nUs w 10c Doz. A Clean Up of All Our Christmas Candies 1 Kr IK Values to 28c a Pound lut 1 ! Try Our Homo Made O II t f SAUSAGE 2 lbs. 25c WAX rtn No rubbing, no polishing, Pint Can mFfV I ' -1 We Have Some Kino Young I1KNS for Rousting: ! The Oregon ' State Motor atwocla itlon members In-this district are to :meet at the Uv Grande .hotel 8' o'clock tonight to elect a director from the La Orande-and- Union Co. district No. 8, it waa announced to day. IWomen Arrested For ; ! Cuijingi Their Hair (Continued rrum rage One) tally displeasing to him. Chinese hair Is traditionally straight, not curly. ( Now almost any dermatologist will tell you that the hair of a Chl- nese Is not -elliptical In shape, like an American's or a European's. It Is round, and perfect, and does not curl naturally. Shantung hair Is es SIEGIUST BOY. HAS' OPERATION .Jackie. Slegrint, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siegrist,- who recently, un derwent a mastoid 'operation at the Bouvy hospltali Is making a satis factory recovery. Permanent Waves Haircut,' Plngerwavc 9aWV Other, $3.60 to 5.00 ; Always Guaranteed .. CINDERELLA I1EAITY SHOl' 11 . i Phone Main-950 The Weather . WEATHEll J'OBECASI- - . ... -. on-Kuu: (kcaMujiul rain lunlsht mid Krl(la'; little etunif;e la teiniiera turei utrgne southerly ivIihI uirKhore at time;, of gule force. ' ' t V .1.0CAI, .WBATIIKIt ! weilnaKfliry;' ' Alaxlniuin .1(1, mum at above. lurtly clotul)'. TodnVi Minimum 34. 7 a, above, lartly cloudy. . mlnl in. 13 A UT0MOBILES IN " ACCIDENT-HERE) Cars driven by Lawrence O, Spen-j cer, ot Summervllle. ' and Lawrence i Hensley, of La Grande, collided at" Plr .and Jefferson Dec. 26 - ot . 8:30 p. m.; It- was reported) to tne ponce.! No one was Injured. a numt, v irici A HOME FOR BOYS AND GIRLS CARLO the Clown wi: Ituve, wonderful home circa, for YOU-FRJtl Qown lad taimil nuilts,. circa, liini, htchiodi and Carlo', 'Htw u Run s Himt O'mi." Stud od you an ib CIRCUS free. .Scad two Pearl, of ,Wneat pack . aae lopi and gtt circus plu, a SIDE SHOW frt. . . . Mail -pacluat top, to Carlo the Clowo, 'Biilldiin. Scillc. Wiihinalon. - ;T 1 y mrmmmmM i -.1 r . i ( ai 1 FRIDAY arid SATURDAY ' December 29-30 Red & White Iff llllrl I fl B III I '.BM-r taSty, Healthful, Invigorating' -' 12 15-OZ. FOR 95 Peanut Butter Red &. White, No. 1 size 17C:i Instant Tapioca Red & White, D-oz. pkg Premium Chocolate Red & White, half-pound 8lKe ....!.., i Pop Corn v fled as White, 10-osi. cans 10c 16c 2 19c i Red & White I KRAUT i No. 2i2 Size Tin ! Just Heat and Serve Mc Blue & White Coffee You will miuvol ot the fine quality of this blend for such low price. 2-0 450 Walla Walla Lard! Pine, Pure, Cellophane WiuplMd . Baking Powder Rod it White, Pound Tina Prepared Mustard Red & White. 0-os. Jars Dog Food Culo or White Rover Brooms Rod &i White, strong, well iniulo Salad Macaroni Red White, B-oa. Tkits "Mcmorie" Tea Black or Green. Half. pound cartons . Soda Red & White, pound pkg. 12 $1.19 for 87c 3 23c for 30c 4 33c Lbs.1 23c 9c 2 15c Nu Bora Granulated SOAP Try it Once and You'll Us it Again and Again ST29c TOILET TISSUE niue i White 4 for 25c Red White O for 25c .... mm The Sign of a Dependable Store Fri. - Sat Dec. 29-30 1(7 UP' ,1 I ! from the boys of your neishoofnooa s Gleaner- Brighter ; Pleasanter .food Stores wheV6 ,hlgh quality ana "onu,.,,,., prices-will relsn this coming year-d? they have durin9 the year just past. "Happy New Year L'93-4-1 All Flavors Easy to Prepare. pkgj 5g pk- Pineapple Libbys Tidbits Fine in Salads 28 oz. cans v. . GOLD MEDAL Salad Dressing QUARTS 29c PINTS WEINERS & BOLOGNA Carstens - Delicious Flavor roc lb. WHEAI FLAKES J7c pkg. Carnation - NoivPrem-. 1 Airway Pure Brazilian " Santos . Dependable Vacuum Tins !i 25c Pound- Can Sugar J2?-56c; 20-lbi fr-t ': -( -I Batr tPl.ll Fine Granulated Cane' PUREX Quart 15c Sweet Potatoes ' 5 lbs. :23c -Ib. Can Baking Powder 1 Calumet .......89c Oranges 2 d,.... :...29c Lilly White Bng A P White ICing ToiIcl 'SoaP-Bii.v a Soap you OUxU know is good. Nationally advertised. BAR 4c Bathroom Tissue . Waldorf 4 noils 18c FE0UR Drifted Snow $1.89 4 Pkg. LARD Sanitary Pkg;. - 29c TOBACCO Prince Albeit 1 79c TEA I . Clack 17c! 23c !i-Ib. Pkg;. . Green Just right for New -Year's Evo parties. Broiled llecf. Sinidulcli 8 slices bread Butter ' , 1 lb. ground row beef Salt and pepper Toast bread on one side. Butter the untoasted side, spread to tlie edge with a layer of the ground beet, dot with moro butter, anil oroll rather low under the flame for about 0 minutes. Season with salt anil pepper and serve nt once. A slice of onion may decorate the top desired. s for aid In household problems, menu planning or special recipe send In your request with a self addressed, stamped envelope to Ju!l Lee Wright, director, Homemakerr Bureau. Safeway Stores, Inc., Bo 000. Oakland. California. Prices Effective While Quantity Lasts