Page Two LA! GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE, Monday,JDMeniteil8, .1933 (Incorporated) An Independent Newspaper Phone Main 600 MIUIII H. W. FREDERICKS . -Publisher and Oeneral Manager HAROLD It. FINLAY . Business Manager , PublUhea evening, exception Sunday, at 1710 Blxtta street, La Grande, Oregon. ; Entered. at the Foatofflce ot La Grande, Oregon, ai Second Olasi Mall Matter under act. of March a, 1670. ... . ; OFFICIAL PAPER OP UNION COUNTY AND THB ,.. . , . CITY OF LA ORAND8 . . - ... MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRES8 .... The Associated Preaa la exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited If pub lished here. All rights of republication of special dispatches lo tola. paper and also the local news herein also are reserved. National Advertising Representative , . ... (.' M. C, MQOENSEN CO., Ino Ban Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Por. and, Chicago i. - Detroit, New York SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier Dally, one month In advance Daily, alx months In advance . Dally, single copy ...... 76o (So Uy Mall Dally, per month In advance.. Dally, per six, months In. advance . Dally, per year In advance ..2.80 -5.00 This noov man cried, nnrl the Lord heard him', and saved him'out or all his troubles. Fsalm 34: (5. A JOB WfiLL DONE , ,Thc Observer the other. day .carried. on its front page. a story of the solving of several burglaries in La Grande and the sentencing of two, young men to penitentiary terms. The story gave credit to the state police the city police and the sheriff's department for their work in the clearing up oi the burglaries, . but one shquld go a step farther. ;J Particularly does Jim Steffen, chief of police, deserve com mendation. siie, and he only, was able to, get a confession fom Johiy W." Stewart, one of the two offenders. ' Without that confession the investigation unquestionably would have bogged, down. - , But before that, another officer entitled to' the public, sTn' of approval, is Bill Roach, state policeman with the joti of enforcing the game laws. It was his vigilance that v$ suited' in the apprehension of the two men, Stewart and Arlo Twiawejl. ,Il?id he not been on the job, and discovered the two were topping beaver unlawfully, then the arrest may never have be,en niade, nor would Wiley Blaricett, city police if&iti; have noticed that one of their guns was stolen property.' Nor would Dicfc Robertson, state police sergeant, have tijuriged energetically into action along with Jim, Bill and Wiley, and pursued the investigation until District Attorney Carl jHelm was ready to file informations against the two aiid hear them' plead guilty before Circuit Judge J. W. Khbwles. . ' . r; ,,. Ivl;l1;' y fiioa'e four officers,' and Sheriff Jesse Breshears' depart ment and others who assisted them, in their work, did a very nice .piece of work, and it should not be let pass by without a word of pl-aise. It brings out forcibly the frct that we have resourceful officers of the law who are continually working in the interests Of our peace aiid our protection; arid who, given a tangible clue, can intelligently and speedily carry .wt'.otigh. to Uphold the law they have, sworn to enforce. THe Weather ... WBATIIKR KOKECAST ,.. .. nreron: 1'iiM'ltlrd. local ruin In I lie Kent and locally In rait portion to night und Tuesdays lime cniiiise in temperature; fresh southerly vIihIh offshore. ... lo't'AL W EATHKtt' . , Siinilayi Maximum 1, uiluliniin 23 above. lllKh wind". . lUIn .03 of Inch. Truces of suoWl Cloudy. Today:. .Minimum 21, 7 a. m. 38 above. Cloudy. bten received here. i SALEM, Dec. 10 OP) A south wester blew 2.1 inches of rainfall Into Salem the past 24 hours. Con tinued rainfall today presaged re newed Inconveniences in rural sec tions of the valley where small streams flood with slight provocation. TRADE GAINS SDffoJ SPRANG SIGNIFICANT (Oontinuea Fran Fat One) la being done will serve as the old bucket of water used to do In prim ing the well, so that the water will respond to the pump and natural breathing respond to this artificial respiration then all will bo woll." SOCIEtYlsfOTES MlM BMi Duke, Society AUtor' Telephone luta too Until :89 a. m Neighborhood Music Club To Hear Program At Me6tih This Eveiiiiigr kiddle Becomes The . Acting Governor (Continued From Page One) omor,Moler made present of condi tional pardons to two state peniten tiary; prisoners. . . - Pardoned from a penitentiary sent ence for violation of state liquor laws, Albert Johnson will find him1 self in custody of a United States marshal for any action federal offi cials may desire to take. A .conditional parcon was also Is sued! Ralph, Shull who was serving a 15 -year term for manslaughter. JACK ROGERS IS SENTENCED PENDLETON, Ore. (Special) Jack Hogcrs, who gave his address as La Qrande, Union antf Bend, was sent enced to 30 days In the city Jail whon he entered a plea of guilty In police , court here to a vagrancy charge. He was arrested by city police. Mrs. Jessie A. Bosklrit. of' Baker, will present an artlstlo program to night before the Neighborhood Music club at .8 o'clock at the La Grande hotel. Baker and La Grande musi cians potn will be presented In vocal and piano numbers. ;- Miss Marcella McCullough, accom panied by Miss Ava'Stclger, both of Baker, will furnish, a group of solos, and the Symphony Slngars, of this city, will present .two pieces. ' Miss Florence French and Miss Lllv Belle Angel, both' of Halter, will piny me iirsi movement or "concerto in A Minor, Opus 54". by Schumann. Miss Angel Is attending the Eastern Oregon' NOrrrJl school. The complete program Includes: Selected piano solo, by Miss Stelger. "Little Star." Mousorgsky "Hone But the Loney Heart," Tschalkofsky, "Over the Steppe," Gretchannlof, Miss McCullough. "Concerto In A Minor," Schumann, Miss Angel and Miss French, second piano. , Mlssetto Waltz Song," from "Boheme,", Puccini, "One Fine Day" from "Butterfly," Puccini, Miss Mc Cullough. ;. "The Virgin's Lullaby", Boy Perry, "The Monger", Richard Kountz, Mrs. Murtle Russell, soloist. "Peter Pan", Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, Symphony Singers, accompanied by Mrs. Merlin Hatley; director, Mrs. Hosklns. , . ' . wood p. T. A. Enjoys Broadcast ; The Greenwood Parent Teacher as sociation enjoyed a radio broadcast program presented by the pupils at the school i Friday afternoon. The broadcast was announced over station XMAS by Marlon Haunte and tho following program was presented:; "O Come All Ye" Faithful," 5th grade. , . "A Greeting," Dora Shepherd. "Christmas a Hundred Years Ago." Leona Hilton. , ' . "Silent Night" ond "Jingle" Bells," by the harmonica 'band. . i "We Three Klrigs," trio. "Trus Happiest Christmas'," a play by the 'fifth grade pupils. Following the program d short busi ness meeting was ' held. Miss Grdco Snook's room won the attendance; TODAY IN BRJEF, IN AND AROUND AS CURONICLED BY THE DAILY LEASED WIBB OF THB ASSOCIATED PRESS prize for the third time this year. The advisability of opening a branch library on the north side was discussed but no decision was reached-. , :',.. ... . Miss Myrtle Hoy.t was appointed chairman for the school hot luncheon. .. The next regular meeting will be ,Jan. 12, : , ' . Mrsi.Happersett To Be Hostess Mrs. 8. C. Happersett will entertain the Women's society of the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her home. Mr'sl Willamsori Speaks at P. A:. Mrs. Lowell Williamson' gave the principal talk of the afternoon Fri day at the meeting or the Central Parent Teacher association at the school' when she discussed "How. Par ents May Aid. in Determination of School Essentials." Mrs. O. B. Mtuuun. chairman' of trie committee on standard association In the City Council of P. T. A., discussed standard associations. Plans also were made to fix the lunch room and make It more attractive. The girls' chorus from the upper grades, directed by . Andrew Loney Jr., sang "Come All Faithful," "Deck the Halls" and "Wa Three Kings." Mrs. Mabel Harris Weds J. B. Higgins Mrs. Mabel Harris became the bride of James B. Hlgglns at an 8 o'clock ceremony Sunday night at the home. of the bride. Grant Bean, of the First Word h. D. S. church, performed the ceremony. . . Mrs. Harris was gowned In white satin and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Bertha White was her only attendant and wore a dress of black" crepe,.. John Steel was best' man for ,Mr Hlggins. ' , Preceding the ceremony Mrs. Adrian See, accompanied by Mrs. Joe .Dial, sang "My Darling" and "I'll Be Faith, ful." ' A reception followed the ceremony. Mrs. Charles Hildebrand cut ices and Mrs. Frank Patt cut the bride's cake. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Jack Miller, Mrs. Cliff Parker, Mrs. Charles Andrews, Mrs. Frank Seward, and Miss Ada Thompson, daughter of the bride. The couple were presented with a set of dishes by the guests. Those present were Messrs and Meadames John Steel, Frank Seward, Curtis Sine', Adrian 'See, Joe Dial, Glen ailing ami son, Charles An drews, Charles HUdebrandt, Jack Mil ler, Oscar Hobson, Frank Patt and Cliff Parker, Mrs. Wallace Case, Harry Andrews and Miss Thompson. Bible Searchers Class t6 Meet The Bible Searchers class of the Presbyterian church will enjoy a Christmas party and notluck dinner at the church Wednesday ot 1 p. m. Annual Gathering At Bmgner Home An event which has come to be an annual one was enjoyed by a group of families Sunday when they spont tuo cay at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blngner on Mt. Emily. -A no-host dinner was served and the afternoon spent in snow sports. W. R. C. Holds Interesting Meet A Christmas motif was carried out throughauti the meeting of the "Wo men's Relief Corps1 Saturday at the Odd Fellow3 nail. Luncheon was served at 12:30 o'clock at .tables dec orated with a gaily lighted tree and green and red candles. Red bells bung Christmas parole were presented by a group ox oniiaren jrorn myrl Miller's room at Greenwood school, Gerald Coram, Lorraine Hen rtnnn"nmrra Folsom. Jack Hen- drlckson. Helena Young; George Rousch, Donald Pyle, Geraldlne An sell, Roseltha Sirrjne, Mitchell Aula,, Lawonna Thompsoni and Lyle More head. They also were guests at the luncheon. . The regular business ' meeting was hnirf in: th Afternoon and plana were made for a lunjcheon to toe given at the next meeting stallatlon of officers will be held. Mrs. Ruth Spencer presided at the business meeting during which Mrs. Lillian ShewmakeP and Mrs. Bessie Leak were Initiated. Mrs. Laura Davis was appointed In oharge of the next luncheon. Miss Florence Nelson, arranged Saturday's meal. The Goodwill club wit! meet Tues day, Deo. 19, at the home of Mrs. Susan Williamson on Cove avenue and those who do not have transpor tation ore asked to meet aH the Red Cross Drug store. SOCIAIi CALENDAR Monday, Deo. 18 8:30 Annual family: dinner, Eastern Star Social club, Masonic hall. " . 7:30 Daughters of Union Vet erans, with Mrs. Putman Yeck. 7:30 Recital club, at the Saca Jawea Inn. ' 8:00 Neighborhood Muslo club, La Grande notei, Perfumes - Dainty - Alluring . Inexpensive Coty - Yardley Bourjols - Palmer Lentherle - Hudnut Houblgant. ' Hoc to $5.00 L & L Drug Co. Tuesday, Deo, 10 1:15 Sorosls club, with Mis. Charles Blngaman at the u Grande hotel. 2:00 Bridge club,' with! Mrs. Francis Greullch. 1 2:00 Second Ward Relief so city, L. D. S. chape!. 7:0ff Neighbors' of' Woodcraft meeting, Odd Fellows hall, , fol. lowed by ChrlBtmas party at 8. SKI 1 GOINGi December 16 to January 1, inclusive. RETURN LIMIT. Back by midnight, January 15. Tickets good in coaches, also in tourist sleepers within certain territory -flj . per mile 1 1 -W ROUND Ui TRIP First Class Tickets good In all equipment per mile : ROUND TRIP Thet far apply lo all points In Iha United Statai Sleeping car chargei Have bw, r ' ' duced one-third. Stop-oven permitted. For information ai to fares tickers and reservation call or phone J. H. KEENEY. Agent, . I La Qrande, Ore. UNION PACIFIC A POLICE WILL GET ROOM FOR j. QUESTIONING partitioning ol the police head quarters, so as to allow (or a private ioom wherein suspects may be ques tioned away from the public gaze, was started tills morning. ' Heretofore, the police have been finable to utilize their quarters for Smch work In privacy.. The enclosed 'room will bo about 13 feet square. Chinook Brings Warmer Weather (Continued From Pago One) diction, which lmlicntcs Uttlo change in temperature tonight and tomor row. Snow that drifted over the city Sunday was slush today, with show ers during the night and this morn lug doing their part to soften the drifts. No rpports of wlndl damage had AT THE LIBERTY RAKER OUTS SNOW BAKER, Dec. 18 (P Three Inches pf snow tjhut fell ,hero early Sunday and. gave this district Its first white appearance of the winter was melting toctay. The mercury dropped to a minimum of only one degree below zero this morning. The weather forecast was for rains tonight which would take off the rest of the snow. jtles, excluding Multnomah; reduced their bonded indebtedness $7,286,012 the past seven years, State Treasure. Rufus ttolinan announced!. ' During the same period Multnomah county Increased its bonded Indebted ness $7,279,000, making its total $14,054,000. The bonded Indebtedness of other Oregon counties was $10,- 910,528 03 of July 1, 1033. THOMAS A CANDIDATE SALEM, Dec. 18 W) h. h. Thomas, of Portland, and former president of the Oregon Retail Merchants asso ciation, said here today he was a can didate for administrator for the state liquor commission. His application was filed with the commission. s UEDIICK INDEBTEDNESS ' SALEM. Dec 18 W Oregon coun- SKIN IRRITATIONS Itching of eczema, ringworm, chafing, pimples, minor burns, etc, quickly eaeek relieved by soothing mm Resmol r "Walls of Gold." the new Pox film. ffidapted for tho screen from the beat Wiling novel of the same mine iby Kathleen, Norris, comes to the Liberty tlieatre on Tueudoy. Tho leading roles ar portrayed by Sally Ellers and ( Norman Poster. . Tlw story goes to the core of a Situation In which a young girl Is jgiven on of the most difficult choices to make. She is an expensive beauty. and must weigh the advantages or truetand unselfish, love and those ol n life of luxury and ease.. The oiue Is pffcred to nor (by a young man who jidWRs Jicr.. Tlie other in held out to her by the young man's uncle, a man ,.of untold y,ealtli, lavish entcrtntn ,ments and an artistic taste pocidlarly Wa. own. .., i , She makes the wrong choice. And ! while ahc hiui every luxury she can think of, and each of hnr whims Is .catered to to tho point of satiation, .sho finds almost too late that, al though slio Jmn choaeji well, she lias cioen, none too wisely. How sho 11 'nally straightens out her life forms what Ls reported to be a most absorb ing climax. CARS COLLIDE I ON ADAMS AVE. f.fii Cars driven by N. T, Oray, ot Allcol. lid Lawrence Evons, of La Orahde, f inured In a minor automobile nccl- Wnt on Adams avenue nt 7:16 .T'Mock Sunday. Ho one wits hurt. Former Governor Of Missouri Dies .. 9T. J&V1B, Dec, 10 P) Prcdcrlck D. pardher, 04, wiu'tlme governor of Missouri and well known In rmtlonnl JDemocrutlo circles, died here enily .todny of a toxemic Infection of tho which developed nfter extraction of u tooth, Sail n Ellen tertatt Iht lalt$t in ol InHso emintnf affire in htr rot in I he ntw fox photoplay, "H'adi o Kold," Iht temn adaptation olhr norW by Kathlttn NorrU. DFELO WEEKS 5 for Christmas Delivery 8 y Flowers are a glorious way to shy m. "Merry Christmas" (I Cut Flowers Gorgeous rosea, cnrniitions, spicy nn(l fiagrnnt; violets or mixed Ixiuquets are suggested. Potted Plants Poinsettias Cyclamen Uegoniiis Cherries Peppers , Cacti A pottcd plant will keep the memory of Christmas long after the day has passed. Open Sunday December 24th for Orders and Free Delivery 1- 1 11 rtt . . e i nonans r lower onop 3 S Telephone Main 136 H2i2 Deiwt St Compl 4m ml ete His Wardrobe for Christmas Take an inventory of his ap parel supply on hand. Note what items are low; which are dimmed with wear. That's the key on what to give hin) Jjgr "Christmas ". '. "i'and here: are the answers : Gift Hose 25c - 50c - 75c , : Fine silks, French lisles and soft merinos in the smartest of patterns and slghtliesf color treatments; fig ures, stripes, clockes and ribs. Men's Suits $17.50 . $20 - $25 Our suits nre now priced at a figure that Is compnrnble with tho low prices of Inst spring. Oct your suit now while" values nro the greatest. A Lounging Robe $5.95 to $8.50 Tailored from fine flannels, light weight meltons and wool blanket cloths. Here's a coay comfort blended with smart style. Men's Ties 25c -50c . $1.00 -$1.50 Exceptionally smart pattern cf. fects on 'fine silks. Styled to make Impressive holiday gifts. New stripes, figure treatments and checks. The Store For Men's Christmas Gifts " aMV Only Five Days Until ClivLstmas TROTTER'S