".I a -1 ,.30 i CM fvl NEWS of the CHURCHES II Isl Grande Band To Play Sunday At Church Mm Mapy foresting Sermons . Announced in La Grande ' Churches For, the I)ay ' of Worship. ' ' ' Programs in La Grande churclies for next Sunday include the follow ing; Centra) Church a( ClitUit j i (Pennsylvania Avenue) i'-5 The services Sunday at the Central (Ohuroh, ot Ohrlsf wll toe pllmaed at I thy evening service beginning at 7:30, I , wufl thfi La, Pintle band plays a J prelud coppatb (or the service. This I; will be of Interest fc the mud,c jov- ' era or La Grande, as the hand has I appeared, In only one other concert 9 this' year. However, rehearsal havo i bCQM KPjirig ahead regularly under tlie J capable direction 'of" Andrew Loney 3 Jr., and the organization will praeeut j several outstanding musical numbers I Bunday evening. The pastor, Rev. I Paul De P. Mortunore will preach a J short sermon at this, service, using (ox I ;hls subject '.'Victory pr Despair." The public s cordially Invited to this ser. 5: v(ce and auxiliary seating arrange 1 'merits will make It possibly for a large 11 ;crqwd to, attend. " i Tho Bible achoql has oulgrowp the quarters In the Church of Christ building and Sunday the primary and beginner departments will meet In the house on the comer of Sixth and Pennsylvania. It has been secured and put In condition for. the u&a o( tbeue two departments. This will ; eliminate overcrowding in iho main , auditorium and will provide u special , room for the Everj Ready class which : now has about) IRQ members enrolled. ;The pew "building will provide very : cornfortivble quarters for tho little folks, giving Vnai inore, room In ; which fa tyild their sessions. JvpUors and Intermediates ra liivltert to ; come to the churoh at 9 o'clock and 'enjoy the hand-work which Is pro. 'vltlfd, In their department. At pres ent this consists of praparlng pprist- B j.:mas decorations.. - All 'class sessions begin at 9:45. I '' i 'I'nn mnrnintr wnruhin nL 11 V!lnr.k will consist or the communion ser 'vice, on anthem by tho choir and 'the sermon, "Pollpyring Jesus." As we ' approach (he Christmas season special 1 1nvitations are being given to remem- bar the true meaning of phrlstmas ; In the observance of Christian ser ', vice. The Church qf Christ seeks to be helpful In maintaining- ths uplrli. Flnt MethotllHt Episcopal CliureU . (Fourth and Spring) At the eleven o'clock morning wor ', ship servioje the pastor w4U speak on i the supjeot, ''Looking on tho Bright Bldo." .. Th,B phorus chotrJ will sing the anthem and Choir Director Paul ' Knautx has arranged a special vocal ''number in ptWUqn, "' 1 At tho five o'clock Vesper services , the reorganised junior cnou- will pro vide tne leadership in the music ay rected by Mies Bethmyrl Miller, Troop 7 and troop 14 of tho Boy .ScoutB are planning to attend this service la a body and tho boys havo asked their parents ta come also. Tho pastor will speak briefly on tho sub ject, "rinding pur Best." The church Sunday school meets 'at 0:45 with Interesting class groups for all ages. Ion English Lutheran Church . IM ftVffiHfi mi T9W Hi) At the morning service ut 11:00 o'clock Sunday tho pastor will preach upon the theme, "Christ or Anotlior?1 Tho choir will help with the service, . end sing the offertory, accpmpiilcfi ! toy Lilly Belle Angell. & eprdja) (n? ! vltaUon Is extended to all who wish to worship at tills service. The Sunday school convenes at 9:45 Sunday morning. At 7:00 p. m. tho Luther Leaeuo holds Its devotional meotlng in tho cnurcn annex. Tho top)o rpr discus sion is "Better Ways of 3!ar(iig luisMiuu.--. ah young pcppiQ are )p vited to attend tills meeting. Presbyterian .Cliiirch . (Sixth and Washington) In announcing thp service at. this ohurch fori' tho 11:00 o'clock how, Sunday, tlie mliUster, Oev. J. Ocorgo wal, said: "It will not do to forgot ine divine origin and tho lmmcasur- aoie importance and value of the cnurcn pi jesus ciu-ist hpre upon earai. it is not a human Instltu. tlon which may, or mny not. bo re garded, as onei own personal pleas ure. It Is to be revered and regarded us uqa s own organization to promote the spiritual welfare and solvation ol the people." And he asks: "Why not oomo to church Sunday? Bring the inmny and your Irlends." TJic cluilr will render the monUnr; anthem. Many features for the congregation to take part In bosldc listening, holp to mime mo service impressive and help ful. The Sunday Bible school convenes at 0:46 a. ta. with loaders and lenoh era to tako cliargo of all children ; brought to tho soliool. and to dlrert tlio study of young pooplo and adults In scriptures most helpful. Whatever age, one will find a coiuiciiio.! class to mlnglo with. Membership in tint oi chostra is arow'ng, and any who would Join tlie orchestra nsk Eldrldxe Huffman. Young people of the church and others who will, arc most cordlilly Invited to the five o'clock forum In the house Just enst of the church Tliose of Hlgu school age meet nt 0:30 for their Christian Endcavoi dis cussion and delightful profrsm of music and song, with other features sddod. First Miurrll nf f'hrM, Sclrntlsl (First and Washlnittonl . Services nt this church Include Sunday ochool at 0:4S n. m. and morning service ,t n o'clock. Wed , nosday meetings begin nt U p. m. The rending room In the West-,lKcob.i,t liulldlng Is open from 1 to 4:30 p. in. daily, Sunday's subject will bp "(J.)d Miv ... m : Preserver oX Mn," The golden text Is, ''Tho eternal God Is thy. refuge, and, underneath are Vie everlasting arms" (Deut. aq: ay, . ' Among, the citations which j prise the lesspn-secmon la the follow ing front the Bible: "vyM" mean, ye, that ye use, tjhis proverb concerning the. land of Israel, saylug. The fathers have ea.ten sour. grapeB, ancf -hp chil dren's teeth are set on e,lgcl 'As I llvel'salth the. Lord qoii. ye shall nut have occasion any more to, use into pjoyerb, in srael" (Ezk. 9). The,iesspri-seinon alsp lnclud.es the ' following correlative passage from the Christian Science textbook, "Soionco and Health with Key to tho Scrip tures,". Mary, Solum tthly: vjinre- Vty Is a, prolific subject, for mortal bulla! to pin. theories vpp'n; but !l ' learn that nottttng Is r4 but the right, we shall have no dangerous In herltances, and fleshly Ills will dls appear. The enslavement o! man, is iw ij.iiiittw. 9 win wu wiieii man enters Into his heritage of free dom, his Ood-glven dominion over the material senses. Mortals wlll'some day assert their freedom In the name. of Almighty Ood. Then they will con trol their own bodies through the un derstanding of divine Science", (p. Inland pity Community Church Worship services In charge of the pastor at 8:46. The sermon subject will be "A Modern Peru." The growing Sunday school meets, promptly at 10:45 arm a line corps ol teachers ore there to help all whq come. This Is a community school gnu ail are welcome. St. Peter's Church (Enlscopnl) (Fourth as O avenue) Holy lcpmmurdori lfl at 9 a. m. folT lowed bv church 'school at '0:49 Sermcroette Edited by Harriet R. MacDonald The Lord bless you and keep , you. Tho Lord make his face to ' shine upon you and bo gracious , unto you. The Lord lift up Ills ". countenance upon you and give?: ; yoy peaces tmttear 6,6-20. Lot us, very briefly, look at this threefold' blessing or .benediction which too often seems to be regarded a ntting conclusion or a servloe of worshtn-7-e, oonvantional climax -rathcr than as a wonderful statement or splrltuai fact. May It not be good for us at'ilmea fo think on this as n blessing, pr specially to bo conferred, but as continually taking place? Ad- may gain In significance, If we tran poso It Into terms of affirmation. Put 10 tnus: "Tho Lord Js constantly Mos sing you and keeping or protect)!;. you; in nis love nnd wiMom, no s iiiwitys nio uua oi fciie oennung coun tenance and infinite kindness; by tlip upiirung or his love Ho is drawing us uptoj' lilnmolf and hrlnglng tis lntp harmony with His purposes, tha which Is peace Indeed." The end, or aim, of the divine blessing Is that Is rael shall be blessed iby having tlie Lord's name put upon them) that ajl who are of the Israel of Qod may be known by their! expression of all that itlie name of the Lord stands Sof by lovo, graclousness, kindness, wisdom, good will, mercy. We are Indeed bless ed when our ordered lives ore means of bleeolng to others and our light so shines 'before men that they ace our OTI WIS WA P.fSl'J J!!P F?1110!- ( tlie heaven. 6. W. Royalty 1IOHIZOXT.U, lnii( 5 Whd 'is ' tjio royal lady In tlie iilctuvc'' 12 U'usHlnn nioiimalns. n)'o jog. ' ' . 14 Fluid, rock. ,. 15 Social Insect. 16 Shoe. Answers to . l'le.yliius 1'iifle RRnehi THi3AjG o&bm EiIIbAR?bHNl oop iBNRWH o N E&T ,' ,' ' 6 BSndcFdKaTNOHN y 1" Her husband . l " Is King M 10 Kxlsts. 2H Oilkal glass. 21 To primp 24 (lift of charity 23 SovciitU note. 24 Measure of ntca. 25 Characteristic. 27 Moocnaln. 2S Neuter pro- Uuuu. 29 Sea englc. 31) Side of a liver: 31 Noise. 32 Frustrates. 34 Half nn cm. 35 Hees' homes, ill! ltnllnn river. 37 l'citnlnliiR to the check. 3SWhat Is her country? 42 Olio who atones. 44 Deaf anil 45 Mineral spring. 4i HotlKcpoilKo. 17 To huhltiiiilp. 4S Sehenip. 4? Sauefiiiko . illsh. ' ' CO What Is Ihe rnpllul nt her ' cohutiy'f VICKTICAI. J StriniKo. IT ipTOatBlllijm LEwifi hi i2 i I ' P'o 1 TT Tb WfTIff.ll 'l.. U I1' I ' . J. . .,' I., .. I. .' ' .' -v o'clock. Morning prayer with sermon begins at 11 o'clock. The musical program follows: prelude "Mountain Idyll" by Schmltt, offertory, organ 'solo, selected by Mrs. H. N. Ashby, postlude "Grand, Choir" hy Sedarleln. The Young People's Fellowship i meets at 6:30 p. m. (joKpel Mission (2201 North Fir street) Sunday services Include Sunday school at 0:46 a. m., morning war ship at 11 o'clock, Intermediate and young people's meeting at 6:46 p. m. and Sunday evening service at 7:30 oclock. Evangelist J. A. Prlnolc will speak on the subject "World's Greatest Need." He and his wife ore holding meetings every night at 7:30 p. m. except Saturdays with much Interest bolng shown in the meetings, Mrs. Prlnolc sings solo numbers each eve ning. Tonight there wl'l be a special healing service, for the sick. Gospel Mission (Lane Chapel) Sorviccs for Sunday begin with Sunday school at 10 a. m. followed by the morning service at 11 a. m. Evening service Is at 7:30 p. m. Bro ther Carpenter will fill the pulpit. Halvutlnn Army (211 Fir St.) A "freo and easy" meeting spon sored particularly by tlie young people will be held Saturday at 8 p. m. Sunday services follow: Sunday school at 2:30 p. m Young People's Legion led by Martin Winn at 6:30 o'clock, and at 8 p. m. Copt. Daniel O. Rody will speak on an Important The Sunday School, Jliesson in Rhyme By Cnrlos A. Wummer PAUL IN HOME . Acts, Oliuptera 27-28. Paul made his famous voyage to Rome O'er rolling waves white-capped with foam ' Through all the perils of the sea, A- Witness there for Christ to, lid. When from Fair Havens they set sail, There soon arose a boisterous gale: When fourteen days there 'tcmpestr tossed, The sailors thought all hope was lost. Ood's angel had revealed to Paul That Ood would spore. tile lives of ail, Arid when they all of hope dlspalred, Paul told them they would all be spared. About midnight they heard the roar Mi nrooKers pn an unknown snore: ; next morn they ran the smp aground, And so not one of them was drowned 4 shlprwreckcd prls'ner pp. an Isle, Paul still was busy all tlie while: The gospel news hej tliero revealed, And all the eland's sick were healed. When spring arrived, Pau went to Rome, Whero for two years he made his home; And ere his famous case was heard. To many there he preached the word. Some famed epistles there ho, wrote To churches then from him remote, He was acquitted. It Is said, And wont again Ood's word to spread. IS Sour. 20 Cut of meat. 21 Choosps. 22 To lpenij, 23f:i.stpri)s.' 2) To licip. 25 Til Idlp slriip, 27 More aslicti, 3D Her native country Is 31 To nhseond, 32 Jdver seerc . tlon. 33 Nnllres of Koine. 35 Entrance fee to n trading Kiilld. 36 I'ertahiliiK to a pupn. 37Creatust hi decree, 3S Whirr. :I9 Kind of wren. Ill Pound (alibi'. ) 41 Small body or Imid. 43 BeveniKC. 44 To entitle. IS Postscript (iibUr.l. Itchers. 3 To devour. I Deity, r.fiod of lovo. C Quantity. 7 Neuter pronoun. S Cenus of auks. 9 Indiiit. 10 Kipinhle, - 1 1 Sujlnr. 13 Vocal sound. lll.Snsh. 17 Measure of lilTll. 2 P LA, GRANDE EVENING His Straw Broke Camel's Back Assistant qxectitioner to na tional prohibition was Franklin 8. Rlter, Salt Lake City attorney and delegate to Utah's repeal convention, shown here with the resolution be offered bis state's ilincliing ratification ol Ihr, 21sl. or ropenl. amendment.' subject "The Mark of the Beast." which has been discussed over the radio, from platroi-ma and talked uiuub bii over tne world. All are Invited. Praise meeting will be held Thurs. New Car License ; Hay He Displayed Effective Today PORTLAND, Dec. 16 m Oregon motorists today may legally' display the 1034 llcenso plates of aluminum gray with black raised numerals. ' The plutes are not aluminum, as some hdrj susposcd, but ore niajie of U19 samefShcyt nietav coverejl" with alumlntim paln(. The size apd gen eral shape Is unchanged. .' . The new plates may be used effec tive Dec. 16. A fiat 5 feo covers the license charge for al passenger cars. 1 ' Gold has been mined at Grass Val ley, Col., for 83 years. ' FIND IT HERE fopjf fur this Cojuiiiu" jut.' '' N W S s. m' 'j Sunday, Dec. 17, La Orange, pun club- . . jjj.jg.g t dinner tonight, 6:3Q tfl 7:p(). M. B. Ohurch, 35c. 13-1 5,1 tj. SCHOOL )ISTIICT Nl'MimU ONE, I W'WtKANTS CA,l.ij( ..Uj Scllool District No. 1. Union Coi'ifi. ty, Oregon warrants puinhercd 306p to 3618 luciusivo ai-e iiercby called and will bo paid, when presentee) at the offlpo of tho District Cierk In nie nign fscnooi nuuciing, La prande. Interest ceases on and after De. cember 16, 1033. R. O. WILLIAMS, District Olerk. 13-16-1 t. BID VOl! KNOW THAT fur-trlihmed garments receive expert treatment at tlie Standard Laundry? --tunc wimu ou, ana our rouieman will be glad ta call and quote) prices. 12-15-3 t. rEHMANKNT WAVES Lovone Williams, Model Beauty onop. mono 483-w. 12-11-6' t. Dry Box Factory Wood. Large truck ion( delivered 5.60 per load. Toljj phone orders collect. Ponclosa Piji? Lumber Co., Elgin, Ore. ' 12-14-2 t. Currier's Tablets at Moon. Drug Op. 11-6-1 m. Wouldn't thnt cock your pistol I Auctioneering by Jay Broshcars. Allcel. 12-8-1 pi IIAVB YOU SHUN IT? The new window of npeclals at 98c each at Richardson's Art nnd Gift Shop? You will Ilnd In this window articles suitable for every member of your family and friends for Christ mas oifui.' Values to as much 6.00 will he featured In this Special Gift Window during the next few days. It will pay you to watch this window at Richardson's Art and Gift Shop, "Th,o Chrlstmaa Shop." 12-13-t 1 SUNRKT TAVKKN 1 At Perry, Qre., 4 miles west of La Grande, under now management. Opening night Sttt. 10. Music day nnd nlght: 8 to 7 Pabst Blue Rib bon boor on draught and lunch. Dancing free, old-tlinp music. Frank Cable. Prop. 13-14-2 tp. STOCKIIOI.DKUS ANNUAL MKKT.ING Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bunk, of La Urantic. will bo held at their banking house in La Grande. Oregon, on Tues day. January 8th, 1934. at 10 o'clock A. M. At this meeting a Board of Directors will be elected to serve for the year 1934 and such other busi ness will be transacted as may be properly offered. 12-9-lnx A. K. PARKER, Cashier. BHD CMHISTMAS CAN'lll.KS Shop all around for candles then como mid sec ours. You will be sur prised nt our low prli-cs. Cherry's r if" OBSERVER, LA GRANDL'. ORE. BcauUful yellow arW lavender chrysanthemums for Christmas. $3.00 doz. Order now. Cherry's Florists, Ino. ,, , .' ia-14-8 t Folnsettla plants lor Ohrlstnuut will be on display next Wednesday. Beau tiful plants at 'reasonable prices. Cherry's Florists, Ine. 13-14-3 t ' ' ATTENTION Special meeting of E. o. Oommand ery Friday night, Dee. IS at Masonlo hall. Work in Knights Templar. Din ner at hal! at 8:30 p. m. as guests M the OomrnsnJery. All resident and visiting Sir Knights welcome. By or. der of the B. O. O. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder. '" 12-14-a t. Moon's Pure Vanilla extract is bet ter nd costs Jess, a oa. 83s g oe. 82c, I. 1.3, , . ' . ii-8-i m. 980 QlfTS Dap Visit) Rlphardeon's ,4rt and Gift Shop and see the wonderful values for only 88o now on display In the window. This special winrtpvi will run every day with new and unusual values b it, at Rlchardsciri.'s Art and Gift Shop, "The. piulsfmai Shop." VMON COUNTY W-VUBANXS Are called as follows: G8NSRAL r'UND. series 1933, numbers 338-004 inclusive. Interest po above warrants Leases pn ana alter date of Dep. 14 itf. r 5LORBNOS BACON, Treasure? of Un. lfW Co,, ore, l-H- t FAKMBRSt 8BCOND ANNUAL BALL! Rex Hall, Elgin, Ore. Friday, Dec. 16 U-13-3 tp School District No. 15, Union Coun. ty, Oregon warrants numbered 9 to 31 Inclusive are hereby, called and the soma will be paid when presented at tne First National Bank, Union, Ore gon. Interest; on the above numbered warrants penwe after Dec. 13. 1933. . , . FANNTB B, CONKLIN, District Olerk. . 13-13-3 t ' BUY PEACOCK SLACK for your stokers. Oalther Ice and Fuel Co. - 11-37-1 rn Moke " your Christmas gifts with Crazy Crystals at Moon Drug Ct. '. ' 11-8-1 m Candy Canes, 3 for 5c: hard mix, 15o lb.; French creams, 20c lb. Cherry Blossom Candy Shop. 12-9-13t The gift to, please all the family Is a box of Cherry Blossom chocolates. 13-9-13t Wouldn't that hock your pistol I Auctioneering by Jay Bresheora, Alice! 13-8-1 rn SCHOOL cnn.DRBN You can get scratch paper for school at the Observer. Now 3 pads 6o. B-14-t f. NOTICE OF BHKKIFF'S SALE H. A. BLAIR, Plaintiff, ' y vs. '' J. H. CALLAOHAN Snd MARGARET L. CALLAGHAN, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and by virtue qf a writ of exe cution in foreclosure duly and regu larly issued by the clerk of the Cir cuit Court of Union county, Oregon, dated he 1st 'day of December, 1933', In that certain suit In the said Cir cuit Court wherein li. A. Blair Is plaintiff and' "j. H. Oallaghan and Margaret L. Calloghan are (defend ants, and wherelp. the said H. A. Blalf as plaiptlff recovered Judgment ana decree against saia J. H. uana- ghan and Margaret L. Oallaghan. as defendants, in the sum of $3000.00 together with interest thereon at the rate Qf 8 per cent per annum from the 20th day of November, 1930, plus the stun Qf 300.6q as attorney's fees herein and for his costs and disburse ments' Jiere'lri 'Incurred, which said Judgment and decree further provides that thi said sums of rnpney consrtl tuto a valid lien against the herein after described real property, with Its appurtenances, supcrloi to any claim of the said defendants, updn jiid property, and further provides and decrees that said property (be; sold" 'to satlsfr sold Judgment, attorney's fees ahld accruing costs' forrwiilch' said Judgment and decree was duly glven made and entered on the 24th day of November.' 1933, " NOW, "THEREFORE, Pursuant to said ' execution', ' I ' will, on Tuesday, January 2d, 1034, at the front door of the Union oounty court house In the city of La Grande. Union county, Oregon, at two o'clock In the after noon or said day, sell at public auc tion to the 'highest bidder for cosh In hand, the following described real property, situate In said county and particularly described as follows: Lot number Four' " (4) Block Thirteen (13), In Grondy s Addi tion to La Grande, Oregon, ac cording to the recorded plat thereof, . or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy said Judgment and de cree, together with the costs which haya accrued or may .accrue under and uy virtue pi saici execution. Dated at La prande, vnion county. Oregon, this 1st day of December, 1033. JESSE SRESHEARS. Sheriff of Un ion vpunty, urcgon. Dec. 1, 8, 15 and 32 JOHNNY ROBINSON AnfJ His Broadcasting Orehestra from Los Angeles Will Play at PANS Saturday, Dec. 16th ZUBER HALL Admission Men 50c Ual&ny Has U. S. Job HrVw 'us' , rii iiimai'ii ii Miss Velda Morrow, assistant cor poration counsel of ' Seattle, has been named an assistant in the Washington, D. O.', office of Homer R. Oummlngs, United States attor- ney 'gerieral. GHKKN AND BROWN FAVOKEI BV CQUNT;ES . PARIS m The Countess Cava donga, bride of the eldest son of Al (piiso itll o? Spa(p, wore ii striking SP,'f fh jVijJ Pwn'1 ehsnh,le tj a rj &rt 'smai luncheon, 'it comDlnetl a slender 'short-sleeved frock: of soft green wool, a Jacket of the sarpe fab ric, and a waistcoat pi brown astrak han. The Jacket was fastened with, a green satin ijqw Plpse tp. the throat. AT THE LIBERTY ED WYNN yv THE CHIEF' For the flr3t and only time this yqar local audiences will be given an opportunity to see and hear Ed Wynn on the talking screen when The Chief" opens Saturday at the Liberty theatre, heralded) as Wynn's greatest talking picture entertain ment. Tlie Infectious giggle, tho hilari ous "So-o-o-o ', the screamingly funny stories that have made Wynn Internationally famous as "the silliest man In America" all these will be heard when Wynn steps out of his radio Invisibility and appears on the screen. x 4 Tq many, this wilt be their first glimpse of a personality who ranks with Will Rogers and Marie Dressier as one of America's outstanding hu morist. For a score of years Wynn has been one of the country's pre miere funsters. Tlie picture vns made at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios in California. Dorothy Mackalll, whose loveliness has adorned many successful screen plays, appears opposite Wynn. Charles "Chic" Sale, himself & comedy star In his own right, contributes to the fun. Wlllam (Sage) Boyd, Efflc Ellslcr and C. Henry Gordon 4iave prominent roles. Send In Your Fur Trimmed ' COATS " For Mld-wlnter CLEANING Our process safely cleans and re stores now Jlfe to your garment. QDOBLESS PRY ' CLEANERS HOT Washington Main 701 25c Ladies 23c isssmi ill i mm i ii i in unmimmmxsmmmi HEAVY SHIPMENTS ARE EXPECTED IN COMING QUARTER POOATELLO, Ida., Dec.. 15 VPl Estimated can load shipments for the first quarter of 1934 In the central western district Pit the United States will exceed actual 193a shipments for the same period by 3.8 per cent, a report made before the twenty-ninth regular, meeting of the central west ern shippers advisory board by ! commodity committee bos revealed. Tlie computating was made, frpm digest of estimates of six states, Col orado, Idaho, Nebraska, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. Where 241,018 cam were actually moved In this territory during' the first period of 1933,(249,636 car ship ments' or ah Increase of 8,017 cars are oxpectcdv' i during ' the first three months of .next year.' Transportation representatives and members of all phases of business lfe attending the opening oessloh of the board conference heard J. E Hutc.h.1. son, qf '$arVPranclsco, pacific coat representative, discuss what the fed ora! coordinator of transportation hod accomplished. Why Get VP Nights? Lax the llbulder With Juniper Oil, lluchu, Etc. Drve out the lrppurttles and excess acids that" cause Irritation, burning and 'freq'uen't' desire.' Juniper oil "Is pleasant' to' take In' the form of BU KETsthe bladder laxative) also con taining Buchu leaves,' etc. Works on the' bladder similar to 'castor Toll on the boweis. dot a' 25c box from'any drug1 store,'' After four days If iipt relieved of "getting up nights", ' go back and get your money. If you re bothered with backache or leg pains caused; from bladder disorders you are bound to feel better after this cleansing and you get your regu lar sleep., -Moop Drug Co., says "Bukets Is d (jest seller." Adv. BUS SERVICE For WALLOW. ENTERPRISE, JOSEPH and Way Popts! Leave La diande, Daily . 10:30 A. M. 4. rig p. M. For PENDLETON, Way Points Leave La Qrande, bally 10:30. A, M. C. P, Stage Depot, 1308 Adams Phone MAIN 49 " RODE'S MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS , i604'2' Adiims , . ; : Plione- Main 904 Pyirne Beef Roasts .. ...... . Veal Roast - Milk Fed Pork Roast Home Cured Bacon, pTZGERALP'Q Feature f Qr ChristmasM The Nw Poif- Sensation ':' : .,.-::?$W'-:..v.... PHI 1 iiSiY i i . I KQc '... ft happy Christmas for tiny tots NEW different thi fine character "stand-' up" doll aHraeti injtantly. All-rubber core ' molded with movable unbreakable head. Nat urdl Reh color beautifully decorated fea- ture. Easy to clean sanitary. Sonny Boy '. ' IP ,njhe high and come in a clever Cedar Chest play package that brings many joyful hours to the children you love. . .. s, fXCOMPLETE SELICTIOr. TO CHOOSE FROM Fitzgerald Furniture Co. ' Friday, December 15, walks a i'ipkk? : ' ' IIK'U MKB TO ll i EDINBURGH Scotland. tfP), Th Prince of Wiles has a ne.ijf diversion . learning) ta play the bagpipe. . .' . When the Earl of Elgin rjyealsd here that the prince, had bought a chapter, tlie finger-pipe on which the melody Is played, the prince 04hni.tjtl he had been learning "a tew tunes." While thp princp said he would 1 never give a solo, he said be would be "very pleased" If ever he was able to play In a pipe bond In Edinburgh,. QSB Better tires than the highest priced tires of rnapy Qthej '"pi's ' ya,m you get hecawse Goodyear builds the most tires fy inliori's. Lifetime Guaranteed 4.4Q-21 4.5Q-20 4.75-1?, 5 5.00-20 500 ten 5.25-18 ; 8.5Q-W 5Q10 Ofttrr, Size in proportion FATLAWD & SIMS Greenwood, ancf-Adafna Main joo , , COMPLETE WITH' CEDAR CHtiSf PLAY PACKAGE ciy''. 10c 16c V Florists, Inc. 13-14-3 t'