Friday, December 15, 1933 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE, ORE. Page Three v SOCIETY NOTES Society M1U Until : . m Mrs. H. M. Howard Hostess To Her Club Thursday At Dessert Bridge At Her Home Mra. R. M. Howard was hostess to members of her club yesterday at a cje&sert bridge at her home. De&sert was served at 1 :30 o'clock after which three tables were arranged for bridge. Mrs. Roger Hill was a guest and received the guest prize. Other prizes were presented to Mrs. T. R. Maxwell, first, and Mrs. George Singer, second. Mrs. Harry Lavey was named as hostess for the next party on Jan. 11. .''', Missionary Group ' Holds Meeting The" Women's Missionary society of the Methodist Church South held a combined social and business meet ing Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. W. Daugherty on Russell and Maple streets. A short devotion al service was presented on the Christmas spirit and appropriate hymns were sung after which Mrs. Robert Helvey and Mrs. Martha Gra ham led the prayers. Year books for 1034 were ordered during the business meeting and re porte were made for the quarter. Dues were collected and a donation made id the flower. fund. It was reported that 25 visits have been made to the sick and strangers during the past month and that several plants and bouquets of flowers have also been presented to the sick. Bible study on the 46th Psalm was led by Mrs. J. K. Charlton after which Mrs. Daugherty served refreshments. W. R. C. To Be Entertained home Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hoyt were Invited to complete three tables of bridge. Prizes at cards were awarded! to Mrs. O. Lawrence Graham and Wesley McDonald, high scorers. Refreshments were served at a late hour by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Riley will en tertain the club In two weeks. ;i ' . Pythian Sisters Meet Tonight The Pythian Sisters will meet to night at 8 o'clock at the Odd Fel lows hall to make plans for a Christ mas party and transact other busi ness. The party will be held next Friday evening. ( .. , Mrs. Elmer Benham Is Complimented Mrs. Elmer Benham, a recent bride. Yob complimented) Tuesday afternoon at a shower for which her mother, Mrs. William Wlnburn, entertained. Mrs. Benham was formerly Miss Vel ma Winburn. . Games were enjoyed' and refresh ments were served at a late hour. The guest of honor received many gifts. Guests were Mesdames W. B. Star mer, Ella Baker, Fred Young, Howard Ball, Prank Young, Frank Pool, Wil liam Ban ton, John McLaln, James Scully, Henry Wlnburn, Hoscoe Clark, Clarence Winburn, Floyd Moore, Del The Women's Relief Crops will be entertained at a luncheon and Christ mas program tomorrow' at 12:30 o'clock at the Odd Fellows hall. Miss Florence Nelson is In charge of the luncheon and Mrs. Effle Helvey, patriotic Instructor, of the program. Initiation services also will be con ducted during the afternoon. Home Department Is Entertained The home of Mrs. John' R. Garity was the scene of a meeting of the Presbyterian Home department Thursday afternoon. Assistant host esses were Mrs. Myrtle Broughton, Mrs. Grace Holland and Mrs. Ray Buell. . Mrs. H. H. Cleaver led the devo tlonals and Rev. J. George Walz fur? nlshed the prayer. Plans were made to send ( baskets of fruit to the needy, and also to furnish a missionary minister with a Oliristmas; box. . Refreshments were -nerved. , Mary Elizabeth Club Entertained A Christmas motif was carried out In the decorations Thursday when Mrs. Eva Wlssler entertained the Mary Elizabeth club at her home on Cedar street. Luncheon was served at one o'clock, the table decorated with Christmas candles. The afternoon was spent in games and conversation. Triangle Club Members Meet Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones enter- talned the Triangle club at their Friday, Dec. 15 5:30 Baked hoJn dinner, Meth odist church. Saturday, Dec.' 16 12:30 Women's Belief Corps, at the Odd Fellows hall. Monday, .Dec. 18 2:00 Art Research: club, with Mrs. H. H. Cleaver. 2:00 Waxellta club, with Mrs. Jack Brandt. 6:30 Annual family dinner, Eastern Star Social club, Masonic hall. 7:30 Daughters of Union Vet erans, with Mrs. Putman Yeck. 7:30 Recital club, at the Saca Jawea Inn. 8:00 Neighborhood Muslo club, La Grande hotel. Tuesday, Dec. 10 1:15 Sorosls club, with Mrs. Charles Blngaman. i -2 :00 Bridge club, with Mrs. Francis Greullch. 2:00 Second. Ward, Relief so- city, I,, D. S. chaipe!.:. 7:00 Neighbors of Woodcraft meeting, Odd Fellows hall, fol lowed by Christmas riarty at 8. Wednesday, Dec. 20 12:00 Parkdale club, with Mrs. R. A. Wllkerson. J 2:00 So-Ne-He club, with Mrs. Grant Swalberg. 2:00 Women's Home Mteslon ' ary society of the Methodist church, with Mrs. R. F. Tyler. 7:30 Crystal Rebekah lodge, Odd Fellows hall. . . Thursday, Dec. 21 - 2:00 N. B. B. club, with Mrs. W. B. Denny. 8:00 Bridge olub, with Miss Dorothy Klrby. Bronn, Carl Stoop, Jack McOhean. Eva Monroe, Walter Wlnburn, Martha Graham and Misses Florence and Lawanna Wlnburn. ' ... Mrs. Dick Lindsay Entertains Club Mrs. Dick Llndaey was . hostess to members of her bridge club Thurs day night. Mrs. M. L. Larson and Mrs. E. McManus were guests, the former .winning the high score. Mrs. Haskell Andrews was high scorer among the members and Mrs. Hardie Taylor was fourth. Refreshments were served. : Mrs. Andrew Loney Jr. will enter tain the group after the Christmas holidays, (the date to be set later. Riverside Ladies Aid In Meeting The day was spent quilting Thurs day when the Riverside Ladles Aid met at the Lane chapel for an all day session. A potluck dinner was enjoyed at noon by 15 members and one guest, Mrs. Carroll. Mrs. H. O. Hale, the president, was In charge of the business meeting and plans were completed to send out boxes to families for Christmas. The next meeting will be the elec tion of officers at the home of Mrs. R. E. McAnulty. Mrs. -O. B. Maxam will be the assistant hostess, the date of the meeting beelng Jan. 11, Grande until eight yean, ago when they moved to California to make their home. v Miss Oxner wore a brawn satin en semble for the ceremony. ' She was attended by Mrs, Ray .Wright and Mr. Wright acted as best man for Mr. Hastle.. Miss Oxner was given in tnarrlage by her father. Immediately after the .ceremony they left for Mr. Hastle's summer home In the Carmel mountains. After Feb, 1 they wlty make their home In ipugene, ore. . , The bride attended the University of Oregon and graduated from the Oregon Normal school. MRS. SHELLWORTH LAID TO REST IN BOISE CEMETERY Dance at M. I. Hall Tonight A. Onnolng will be enjoyed at the M. I. A. hall tonight following the La Grande High school-Union Hit school basketball game. The M. I. A. of the First Ward L. D. S. church will be hosts to the event. Mrs. Karther, Entertains Club . On Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Mrs. Charles Karther enter tained the L. A. L. club at her home. arranging three tables for bridge. Mrs. George McVey and Mrs. O. E. Wale completed the afternoon with the highest scores and received the awards. Mrs. George McVey will entertain in two weeks. Bridge Party At The Duncan Home EXPENSE ACCOUNT Union County Wheat Production Control Association for September, luaa Nsmo -Rox Roulet Emu Miller A. Tucker J. Brenshors Lee Chllders Merrell Conlcy J. Schroedor W. Zurbrlck S. T. Bailie E. H. DcLong Clyde Kiddle Robert French J. A. Gasklll J. McKlnnls H. Bingaman G. Courtrlght J. Brown Wm. Woodruff John A. Shaw Ben BlalB John Davis ' D. R. Choatc W. A. Bull . Clyde McKenzle Wm. Wallslngcr D. McDonald Harvey Elmer Rex Roulet Emll Miller A. Tucker J. Sohroedor W. Zurbrlck S. T. Ball lo John A. Shaw Ben Blnls John Davla O. Courtrlght J. Brown Wm. Woodruff J. A. Gosklll James McKlnnls H. Bingaman Clyde Kiddle E, H. DcLong Merrell Conlcy Wm. Wallslngcr Wm. A. Bull Title Com.Comm. Inclusive Dates Rate 0-1-30 9-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1 30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 9-1-30 0-1-30 9-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 9-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 9-1-30 9-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1-30 0-1 -30 63.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 For October, 1033 Com.Comm. lAllot. Comm Com.Comm. 10-1-14 10-1-20 10-14-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-3-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 10-1-30 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 No. of Days 25 !4 13 16 'A 11 10 12 12 26 1 2 6 VA 714 25 6!4 614 3 2 . 1 'A A 1 12 1 1 4 4 . 7 4 2 'A 'A 21 18 26 'A Travel at 5c Per. Ml. Meals Total 564 Ml, 295 Ml. 407 Ml. 238 Ml. 145 Ml. 100 Ml. 35 Ml. BO Mi. 124 Ml. 70 Ml. 120 Ml. 504 Ml. 160 Ml. 150 Ml. 43 Ml. 70 Ml. 70 Ml. 125 Ml: 640 Ml. 12 Ml. 30 Ml. 100 Ml. 75 Ml. 107 Ml. 146 Ml. 46 Ml. 100 Ml. 129 Ml. 35 Ml. 20 Ml. 7 Ml. 10 Mi. 00 Mi. 120 Mi. 12 Ml. 12 Ml. 30 Ml. 30 Ml. 75 Mi. 55 Ml. 65 Ml. 00 Mi. 100 Ml. 273 Ml. 525 Ml. 440 Mi. 25 Ml. W. T. Wnllslngcr Merrell Conlcy is. n. UCLjOng 248 Ml. 660 Ml. 121 Ml. 111.10 68.15 75.85 44.00 37.26 41.00 25.75 31.00 33.20 86.00 22.60 96.60 40.50 40.50 32.16 27.60 27.50 42.26 110.00 3.60 7.60 20.00 8.25 32.35 82.30 21.80 24.50 It 15.46 8.16 4.40 1.85 2.00 ' 3.00 42.00 3.60 3.60 13.50 13.50 24.75 14.75 8.75 1.60 19.00 85.05 87.45 100.00 2.75 It 46.40 107.80 63.85 M33 ... 77.35 .... 17.09 ... 20.00 2.10 For November lAllot. Comm.l 11-1-30 13.00 I 10 " " 11-1-30 3.00 22 " " 11-1-30 3.00 17 OFFICE EXPENSE AND ADVERTISING TO DECEMBER? -1st, Clerical Help - .- Postage Premium on Treasurer's Bond - Miscellaneous Office 8uDDlles - - Filing Case 38.36 Publication of Arrcnee and Allotments Eastern Oregon Republican - - - 44.60 North Powder News i - - 60.60 La Grande Evening Observer 141.04 Elgin Recorder - - 80.40 Eastern Oregon Review - 74.08 WE CERTIFY that the expenses of this association, as outlined above, are properly Incurred, that the services Indicated have actually been rendered in the business of the Association. We certify that the bin, Is correct and Just, and that payment therefor has not been received. ERNEST H. DELONO President, County Wheat Prod. Con. Ass'n. ' N H. O. AVERY Secretary, Co. Wheat Prod. Con. Asa'n. Mrs. L. V. Duncan arranged three tables of bridge for members and guests of the Diversity club Thursday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Charles Spaeth and Mrs. Otto Ofat were guests and the . former received the . guest award. Mrs. Claude Puckett was high scorer among .the members and Mrs. Joe Williamson scored fourth. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Lu- clle Price will entertain on Jan. 4. . Donalene Oxner Weds W. H. Hastie Mr. and Mrs. E. C. She r. worth re I turned last night from Boise,. Idaho where they attended funeral services for the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Campbell Shellworth. 77, which were held Tuesday afternoon. The following excerpt Is from the Boise ' Capital News: Death ended an eventful career, Sunday evening, , when Mrs. Mary Campbell Shellworth, 77, died at the family home at 1513 Hays street. "Bom in Texas of parents who were captured by pirates on their way to the New World from Holland, Mrs. i Shellworth was a southern "rebel" to the end. Likewise she was a staunch Democrat and could no vol quite reconcile herself to the fact that some of her children became Republicans. 'Mrs. Shellworth's mother was the sister of -the mother of John Nance Garner, vice president of the United States. Two of ' her brothers married two of Mr. Garner's sisters. She Is also the cousin of Nellie Tayloe Ross, former governor of Montana. . 'Mrs. Shellworth's father, her seven brothers and her husband were all In the Confederate army.t '.' Her childhood home was an 80,000 acre ranch separted from tho Garner ranchj by the Leon, river in Texas. ''Her grandparents, together with a shipload of immigrants, were cap tured by the pirate La Fitte, and marooned crffl the coast of Galveston, Texas. They settled in Texas, rather than New Orleans where they had In tended to make their home In the New World. . . ' . . From Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Shell- worth came to the northwest In 1889, locating In Boise in jl893. Oaptaln Shellworth became a member of the Boise police force- serving until 1010. 'Surviving Mrs. Sheuwoitn ore near husband, a daughter, Mrs. W. J. Wal lace of Boise, and! five sons, Harry O. Shellworth and Leslie Shellworth of Boise, Albert S. of Seattle, Edgar C. of La Grande and Will of Welser. She also has seven grandchildren and great granddaughter." Funeral services were noito ruesaay and burial was made in Elks' Rest, Morris Hill cemetery in Boise. Pall bearers were her five sons; her son In-law, Walter Ji' Wallace,! and jtwa grandsons. Leslie D. Shellworth and Walter Wallace Jr., of Boise. Miss Donalene Oxner, a member of a former prominent i La Grande fam ily, daughter of Frank E. Oxner, of Pacific Grove, Col., and the late Mrs. Oxner, became the bride of Walter H. Hastie, son of Mrs. B. T. Hastle, of Petal uma, Oal., in the Del Monte Episcopal chapel at Monterey, Cal Sunday, Dec. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Oxner and their daughter . lived In La Menus Of The Day rjfcw dm:.:- (M n Gu-u. to rnaJe - rf'N 'l " S k deal, to 1 I I j, 4 rruyinina urea, virhan ' r m- made . 'V!pn.,W4ooft ce $2.00 Per Gallon It is most economical. One fill lasts all Service includes tightening hose winter.Non-cotrosiveometal,rubber, connections, cleaning radiator, repai'- or lacquer. Does not evaporate. Will ing minor leaks. At all Union Service notclogradiator.CuarantccdbyUnion Stations, Inc., and hundreds of Inde- Oil Company. , ' pendent Dealers. ONE FILL LASTS ALL WINTER. FILL UP TODAY! Three Children Burned to Death WRANOELL, Alaska, Dec. 15 (IP)) Imprisoned In their blazing home, three children of Tony Hernandez, a Mexican, burned to death here Thurs day while their parents wore away from the house. The dead were Ju anlta, 4, Julia, a, and Tony, a baby. GINGHAM, BeorBtickor, voile or maurus may uu unuauii ioi charming model. DoBlgned In nlno slsea 38, 40, 42, 44, 40, 48, 60, 62 and 64 slzo 40 requires 4 7-8 yards or 32-Inch mutorliil plus 1-2 yard contrast for tho collur and cults. To secure u pattern and simple sowing chart ot this modal, tear out this sketch and mall It to Julia Boyd, 103 Park Avenue, Now York, N. Y., together with 16 cents in coin. Bo suro to enclose, on a separate sheot ot puper, your name, full address, your site, the num ber ot this pattern (No. 076.7x), and mcntlou tho name ot this news paper. - MERCURY HERE SLIPS DOWN TO FREEZING POINT The mercury droppedt to freezing point In La Grande last night, but went no lower than 32 nbove, so the unbroken string of days In which the weather here went no lower than freezing 'point, stood at ten today. Possibility that It would be lengthen ed was seen In the wenther predic tion today for moderate temperatures tonight and tomorrow. An Inch of snow fell during the 24-hours ending at o'olock this morning with a moleturo content of .It of an Inch. Only traces of the snow remained, however. EN ROUTE TO EVERSON, WASH. Miss Arta Lawrence, director of primary training at the Bnstern Ore gon Normal school, left this noon for Bverson, Wash., to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives. She will return late In December. M M I I " 1 K fjmJl ssV J 500 PAIRS PENIMAID Sure-snap All Rubber - Fleece Lined! iWives' Deaths Stir Murder Probe Uy Mrs. Alexander George V DINNER FOR THREES The Menu Escal loped Tuna and Celery Baked Sweet Potatoes Bread Butter Tomato Jelly Salad Peach Pudding Cream' Coffee THE RECIPES Escalloned Tuna and Celery (Serving Three) 3 tablespoons butter. 4 tablespoons flour. 3 cups milk. 2-3 cup tuna. 16 cup diced celery, cooked. 2 tablespoons chopped plmlentos. yA teaspoon salt. 4 teaspoon paprika. 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley, Melt butter and add Hour, when blended add milk and cook until creamy sauce forms. Stir constantly. Add rest of ingredients, pour Into buttered, shallow baking dish. Cover with crumbs. Crumbs cup crumbs. 3 tablespoons butter, melted. Mix Ingredients. Sprinkle over top of tuna mixture. Bake 25 minutes In moderate oven. Servo In dish In which baked. Peach Pudding V2 cups flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder, 4 tablespoons sugar. Y9 teaspoon salt. 4 tablespoons fat. 1 egg.' cup milk. Mix dry ingredients. Cut In fat with knife. Add rest of Ingredients. mixing lightly. Spread soft dough over peach mixture. Peach Mixture 2 cups peaches. 2-3 cup sugar. T teaspoon cinnamon. yK teaspoon cloves. teaspoon nutmeg, teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon flour. cup water or peach Juice. 1 teaspoon vanilla, fA teaspoon iemon extract. 1 tablespoon butter. Blend peaches with sugar, spices, salt and flour. Add rest of Ingredi ents. Pour Into buttered shallow pan, cover with crust and make 4 holes In top. Bake 30 minutes tn moderate J oven. Serve warm or cold. Senator Reed And Bride in Memphis MEMPHIS, Tcnn., Dec. 16 (IP) James A. Reed and his bride, the former Mrs. Nell Quinlan. Donnelly, were "honeymooning" hero today, having slipped quietly Into Mem phis last night. The 72-year-old former sonator from Missouri said he ond his bride, owner of a Kansas City dress manufacturing business, were trying to avoid pub licity, but he consented to an Inter view in which he criticized the Roosevelt program. ... 1 s l t $ Sizes for WOMEN MISSES CHILDREN Get Yours Today! Brown - Black Three of Carl W. Wickman's four wives have died in four years, and the; portly Donvor pharmacist faces a murder chargo as result ot the beating to death ot his most recent mate. His first wlfo divorced him and Investigations ot tho deaths of Ills second and third have been started. Wickman is shown lioro with his last wife, a Donvor nurse, whoso killing, polico say, he admits. Adult education classes In Los An geles are larger by 3,000 enrollments than a year ago, with 37,676 register ed. '! Stoneking's Grocery Open Evenings and Sundays ill Chi !4Vo!ue all uilliu Mrrr n ?uiuc Ib.rDLlitHSLljrrtt 40c 27c Bhasta, 2 lbs. Bhasta, 1 lb. Ouarantecd to Satisfy or your Money Back Give a Book for Christmas HEINZ SOUP 4 Cans and 4 W I Toy Truck J AeJ. I Vogan's Assorted Christmas Candles Are the Best. "We Have Them. SUGAR 20 lbs. $1.15 10 lbs. 58c Melrllle nidg. Phone 330-4 Free Delivery TED SCOTT FLYING SERIES - 50c Per Vol. THE TWIN SERIES 50c By Dorothy Wliitehlll Per Vol. LITTLE MEN 50c By Alcott BOBIjSEY TWIN SERIES 50c Vol. I!0Y SCOUT HAND BOOK 50c CAMP FIRE GIRLS HAND BOOK 50c AMERICAN BEAUTY - 75c By Forbor JUNGLE GIRLS 75c By Burroughs DEPUTY AT SNOW MOUNTAIN ., 75c By Marshall AN LIFE GOES ON -. 75c By Vlckl Bnum HOUSE OF ADVENTURE - 75c By Deeping EDUCATION OF A PRINCESS $1.00 By Orand Duchess Mario MARKS OF AN EDUCATED MAN . $1.00 By Wlggam NEW WORLDS TO CONQUER $1.00 By Hnllburton WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY $1.00 Limp Binding 0J0 IN OZ - - $1.50 MOTHER GOOSE $2.00 With pop-up Illustrations And Hundreds of Others by all Popular Authors La Grande Book & Stationery Store r HUE AIL . " drip coffee at last! Specially prepnrad for Mill. Schilling DRIP. Coffee is specially, blended, specially roasted, and specially ground for the immediate extraction of all its rich, fra grant flavor. Coffee intended for a percolator is not adapted for the drip process in which the water drips through the coffee but once. Filter papers In each (in. Crystal-clear Real Drip Coffee can be made only ly using a filter paper. For your convenience, filter papers are facked in cath Schilling tin. ' up lntroduvAitru Offer! Special mmlrl Drip Coffee Maker ffM Z3 and 1 lb. Schilling Drip Coffcn, JL . lit your firocnr,K. If he cannot supply you, send hi name and $1.20 to A Srhlllinir & Camnnnv. Snn Francitco. Moncybncl: in either cao if you an not talUfied. For Percolator use Standard Schilling Coffee CLASSIFIED ADS rilONR . MAIN 600