Wednesday, December 13, 1933 LA' GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, E7T GRANDE, ORE. Page Fifteen More than ever- It's Things To Wear This Christmas Men have always appreciated things to wear in preference to gadgets and fancy gee-gaws. This year many actually need new things of apparel. Many a young fellow has seen the price of longed-for Ties, Shirts, etc., invested in a dinner or the movies to keep up his entertainment of a lady friend. Now is the time to make it up to him and give him sensible, stylish and practical things to wear. And remem ber, it's all new, dependable merchandise here at Trotter's. Select Your Gift for Your Man from The Store Where He Likes To Trade Pajamas I Handk'cfs 10cto50c ! BROADCLOTHS . In middy or button style. Many attractive patterns. $1.25 $1.65 $1.95 SATEENS . ', Coat or lounging 'styles. Smart, new colorings. $2.45 - $2.95 All pure tfQ A p Rayons AJ All pure silks $5.95 Shirts You cim surely find the type, color and pattern of .shirt that will please front our wonderful assortments of nationally known makes. ! SHIRTCRAFT . . FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM GRAYCO or . ; VAN HEUSEN Range No. 1 Broadcloths and meshes. Fast colors. The famous "Everflt" collar. All wanted sizes and patterns ; . 98c Range No. 2 In this range you will find most any pattern and color that is desired. Splendid quality .shirts fe4 MfZ for the price asked -itJ 3 for . . . $4.00 Range No. 3 Lots of shirts to choose from In this price group. Poplins, Broadcloths and Madras. Patterns like others are the , . QCJ newest 3 for ..' . S5.50 Pure Silk Shirts Colors of blue, tan, gray and green and white. Radium or fltQ Qff crepe de chine $VvV Sweaters Many different styles In this price range of good quality washable sweaters. Turtle necks or crew necks. Zipper fronts among them. 85c to $1,65 Brushed Wool Sweaters $2.95 to $3.95 These come In the popular high crew neck style. A good variety of color selection. Coat Sweaters $2.95 -$3.45 to $5.00 Here Is the Ideal sweater gift for of fice or around the house lounging wear. Every one a value. A Wide Variety of Clothing and Accessories for Men's Wear All The New Styles Cossack Coats For Men and Women $5.95 For Men Leather suetfies In colors of cocoa or champagne. Truly a value buy at this price. See them. For Women Suedes in chestnut, brown, champagne and blue. Lined or unllned. At least $1 underprlced. WASHABLE COATS $8.95 In rich walnut color. A well-made and natty coat with lots of long wear in it. KORDO-HIDE WASHABLE $9.95 The king of them all. Unusually attractive and smart Clothing Prices Are Still Down at Trotter's Clothinp; prices at Trotter's are, in most in-' stances, no higher than those of last spring. This, despite a considerable . rise in the mar ket. Replacement of these suits and o'coats today would not allow us to sell at these prices but our store is filled from nook, to corner with clothing and all other accessories bought for this season before the rise, and we pass the savings on to you. SUITS O'COATS TOPCOATS' $17.50 Michaels-Stern Suits at $20 Up Hart Schaffner & Marx Sufts at $25 Up OVERCOATS All-wool, blue broadcloth'. Half belt or belt $13.95 all around. Stylish and attractive Lounging Robes The most popular style this year is the 100 per cent all wool flannel. We have them in solid colors, stripes, checks and plaids. $5.95 to $8.50 Lounging Robes of Rayon Silk $3.95 to $12.50 College CORDS $2.45 ' $2.95 and $3.50 Elephant and cream colors. And each group' is a good value at the price quoted. Campus CORDS This Is the champion of them all. A complete range of C1 A 5 wanted Blzes trXcTKV TWEEDS $2.95, $3.50, $5.00 The Famous Pendleton Blankets Wo hnvc a wonderful showing of l'cn clleton klnnketN, luul the price Is probably lower than you will nee for a long, long time. We rcutnro tlio I.OItANi: In solid color of rllvll deep shades. Ends arc tionnd with 4-lncli Mil In rllilion. Indlvldiuilly boxed. $7.95 This Is 1.70 under the market price. "WAUNA" BLANKETS Deep, fluffy nap. Two-tone, reversible colors and bound with 4-lnch satin border. Individually boxed. Our price 2.80 ffiO QJ- under market price J "I'KNUI.KTON" INDIAN ItOIIKS, COIK.'II t'OVHRS AMI AUTO HOURS "Holeproof" Hosiery for "Her Lot No. 1 Chiffon or Service ' weight. Pull fash ioned. A special value. 79c v Slippers Felts, Kids and Patent Leathers with soft or hard soles. Always an lc!al and acceptable gift. $1.25 to $3.50 Kumfort Slippers with sheep lining, $2.25 to $3.50 Luggage for "Him" Handbags, OlndBtonea and Suitcases. High ifratle merchandise at 20 off A ' good grade- of handkerchiefs I whether the low or lilghor price ot the group. Plain or with, border. Initialed Hdk'f s. 3 In A Box ' ' Highly mercerized with neat- BSgt ly hemmod border. The box ODl Pure Linen Hdk'f 8. 3 In A Box . Pure linen handkerchiefs with hand -rolled borders. These ' 01 OS are dandles - iplt&O 3 Pr. $2.25 Lot No. 2 Chiffon and Service wt. $1.25 OR 3 FOR $3.50 "HICKOK" SUSPENDERS 75c and $1.00 t . .', Dressy styles. Individually boxed. Nu merous plain and fancy patterns. FOOTWEAR THAT LEADS THE STYLE FOR MEN 'Fortunes' $3.50 and $3.95 "Bostonians" -; $5.00 and $5.50 The market price of these shoes Is 90.00 to $6.60. A nationally famous shoe known for stylo and service. , . A wide range of Btylea to select from. Built for comfort ba well as style. TheHo shoes are nationally ad vertised at $4.00 and (0.00. "Florsheims" At One dQ Price . . pO Most wanted styles In this slroe that Is known everywhere by men who cere. Na tionally advertised at 8.76. Overnight Cases or Fitted Cases for "HER" A variety, of some 25 cases to show you. All good grade, and a fine gift that will be highly op predated. 20 OFF It's NEW! Electric TIE PRESSER and One Good TIE BOTH FOR 98c Here Is a value and something, too, that every man will appreciate. Come see how it works. Mi en s oox Holeproof "Ironclad" 25c -50c -75c Lisles, silks andi silk and wool. Plain or fancy patterns In a wide selection. "De Voe" Alt Wool SOX Tho last word In sox. Soft, springy all wool, or pure silk 100 Per Cent Pure (J 1 PA , Camelshair Sox....tP J..IJU $1.00 Mens Ties LOT. NO. 1 A largo assortment of new, good-looking patterns In this lot 9f at a popular price LOT NO. 2 You'll bo surprised at tho quality in thlB lot, and the selection CAa is wide DUC LOT NO. 3 ' Tho famous "Grayco Unlock" make, and hundreds of them A AA to choose from vlivv 3 for . . . $2.75 LOT NO. 4 Beautiful, gorgeous patterns In theA ties of "arayco" and rt4 A "Cheney" 9 J..3U 3 for . . . $4.00 "Hickok" Belt Sets A nationally known brand for wear and service. None belter. Best grade of leathers. Good selection - $2.00 Other Sets as low as .. $1.00 i 2