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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1933)
PajfrFour LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER1, LA GRANDE. ORE. Monday, December 4, Vd'i'.l r.'Vi A. '21 1 E'l'.' ft TWO UNDEFEATED FOOTBALL TEAMS UPSET SATURDAY NEW YORK, Deo. 4 W Football tihllorni wre . packed away among tno mothballs today an joliowera of .tlie great tall sport settled down to review' perhaps tho most spectacular campaign on record. ' , ' No t ' l ii the memory' of the oldest Inhabitant has there been a season '' marked by so many upsets climaxed Saturday by the unexpected defeat ' Of both Army' and Duke. t,.When Saturday's results nod been written. . Into he record books,, the Prlhcetoii, Jigers, alone among major ! elevens, ,cou.UJ -boast ,,an . undefeated and untied season, and. on that basis, at, last, .could claim consideration I 0e tiie ijiyithlcal national champion- i ship Southern California had held i fas two years, . A study of the campaign reveals tjiit only tfyrco sectional champions . wep ,eble to retain outright their fure! of 1932, . Michigan, although tied and outplayed by Minnesota, j oln captured the big Ten chain jojiahlp; Nebraska, lor itho third au'ce6slye..year, was crowned Big Six . tltleholAer, and, Oklahoma A. and M. .,' repeated In the Missouri valley con ference. ' .' , Stanford and .Oregon shared tho ' Pnclllo, coost .t -throne , occupied Just year by . Southern California wlilla Utah, after winning .the Rocky Moun tain title qutrlght for flvo years In a row, was forced this season to. eharo 1 -with Denver and the Colorado Ag gies. The split-tip of the old southern' conference left two champions stand . Ing where only one stood before, Ala bama in the southeastern loon and Duto lit the southern. Last year be-! fore 13 or the 23 members had broken loose to form tho southeastern con ference, Auburn and Tennessee gen erally were recognized as southern conference champions. The southwest cohference situation stlU liunfili-jy In the tUr, bwaltliig a conference decision as to whether Arkansas, the actual winner, Bhould forfeit ait games in which the flazor backs used on Ineligible tackle. If Arkansas Is .penalized, then Texas Christian, the undisputed champion a year ego, will. share the crown With Batlbr'4 surorlstnK Bears. Tores' major games will bo played this Saturday; Tennessee playing toulsuma State at Baton Rouge; . Southern Mcthodlat (battling St, . Mary's at San Francisco, and Wash . lngton clashing with eouthorri Call- FIND IT HERE Copy for this Column must be in by 9 . m. On Sale One veok. only. Alcohol "per gal;'60c, Bolinonkump's. ' v ' : V " ' 13-1-0 t. fepeclal purchase of. .Oronoil wool two pound botts. Bite Tl"xUU", He, C. i, Ureler Co. ; i 13-4-1 t Currier's Takeul at Moon Drug Co. 11-8-1 m. , DID YOU KNOW THAT our- ouptain equipment finishes -cur-Utlns with straight edges and squaro corners? We'.U rotlnt, them for you If necessary. Phone Main 60. Stand ard Laundry. 12-4-2 t, -i;,-)' Moon's Pure yantila extract is bet ter and costs ess. 3 oss. 33o, B on, 62c, rr i Ptt I1.3B. ' 11-8-1 m. SPECIAL Table lambs' only $1.60 at Melville's. 12-4-1 t. BUY PEACOCK BLACK for your stokers. Oalthcr Ice and Fuel oi. . . . 11-27-1 in XMAS Oli-T HcTiOESTION.S mixing bowls, glassware, pyrox bak ing dishes, a good cbffoo pot, bread boxes, sots' of dished $3.06 and up at Melville's. 12-4-1 t. ' Crazy Crystals at Moon Drug Ct. 11-6-1 m. 1IBI.1' WANTED If you feah help In the selection o( Just the .right gift for your friends and loved ones and have the things wrapped and packed ready to mail you will be most pleased with the Bjec!at biti Service offered to you by niehardson's Art and out Shop. Tills sorvlce Is frco to you at lUolumlnon's Art and Gift Bhoi). "The Christmas Shop." 12-4-1 t. MESRENdElt RF.RVK'K Parcels delivered within city llihlls 16o. Over 100 lbs., extra. Phono Main 70S. 10-0-1 mp I'ltAMKS To fit every kind of picture In overy size and shape will be found In the wide variety of new Swing and Stand Fnuure, also wnlt frames modo to order In the newest styles and patterns of mouldings, nil at most reasonable prices, now at Rich arduous Art and Gift 8hop, "Tho Christmas Shop." 12-4-1 t. SCHOOL CHILDREN You can got scratch paper for school at the Observer. Now 2 pads 6c. -14-t t. ADJOCIINRD SlIAIIl'IIOI.llKltS MEETINO Notice Is hereby given that a spe cial meeting of tlie shareholders ol the First NaUonol Bank of 1m. Ornndc, Oregon. Is called to be hold at the City Hall at La Grande, Oregon, at 10:00 a, m., Saturday, December 0. 1033. This meeting Is called to determlno the policy of this bank relative to Federal Deposit Insurance and other matters Jwoperly coming before Uio stockholders. At the Direction of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THB FIRST NA TIONAL BANK OF LA ORANDE. (Signed) A. K. PARKER, Cashier. 12-2-0 t. AT THE it I ' It -J ' v -l , 4. PRIMO CARNERA , JACK DEMPSEY and MAX BAER. in,. THE PRIZEFIGHTER AND THE LADY Max Boer and Prlmo Camera staged their movie fight for "Tho Prize fighter and the Lady," the new Metro-Goldwyn-Maycr film showing cut the Liberty theatre, over a keg of dyna mite, and only the watchful Interest of Jack Dempsey prevented a major explosion, Dempsey, who roforecd the ton roimd duttlo, alone Know what- a strain ho was under. , , Jealousy und the demon of keen rivalry heat its black wings over thQ two ranking fighters as each, strug gled to outdo the other without pat ently opening hostilities. Several times one or the other came within a hair's breadth of landing a blow that would have caused a vol canic eruption. But each tlmo Demp- Jumped bebween them, murmur- Ing, "Now, now, boys, loVs take It cosy." And at one time the Manassa Mauler quietly but effectively leaped fornla at Los Angeles. ',7 Football scores Saturday included . Southern California 31, Georgia Q; Tulauo 7, Louisiana State 7; Notre pamo 13, Army 12; Georgia Tech 6, Duko 0; Couth Carolina la, Auburn 14; Florida 10, Maryland 0; Princeton ". UM a: huik Clara a, Ban Fran Cisco U. 0 (Sunday game). Willamette Will Have 6 Veterans L For Hoop Team SALEM, Dec. 4 (IF) With six rc turning lettermen, tlie Willametto university Boarcats will set about de fending their northwest conference unofficial basketball championship. Practice begins today with Couch Spec" Koono primarily concerned ovor developing close-range sharp- . snootcrs, Kaiser, Hartley ana Frantz, roturnlug lettormen at guiird posi tions, aro all Rood long shot artists.1 Lemon, forwards, ore tho other let termen. Coacl Kccne sold a1 number of Independent baskotball teams wit bo mot before tho Bearcats tacklo their collegiate schedulo. ' LIONS HOLD WEEKLY MEET AT SAC A J AWE A Two gucttt spoakors and two do- Ughtful piano selections ;by Miss Juunio Peterson nuulo un tho nro- brain of tho weekly Lions luncheon at tho Sncajawca Inn today. Max Sarvls, former Ln Gmnde Lion find now a resident of Boise, and A. Ileathorn, of Vancouvor, B. C, eodi sjioko briefly. CapUiin Itody, of the Salvatton Army, was announced as a new mem ber. Negro Convicted For Third Time In Attack Case DECATUU, Ala.. Dec. 4 UV) Con victed a third tlnw In lens than three years on a oliorKe of attacking a wldto woman, Hoywood Patterson, one of seven negro defendants in tiie "Scottaboro case" again was under sentence of dentil today. Unmoved, tho 31 year old Chat tanooga, Tenn., jirgro heard a Mor gan county jury return the ver dict, he had heard on two previous tK'cartlons -"Wo the Jury rind tho de fendant guilty m ohargtHt, and. fix his puuUthmeiit at death.' Patterson wnn convlrtc! on a cluuge of attacking Mrs. Victoria Price who, with Rlhy Hates was al leged to have been attacked by the negroes abound a freight train In Jackftou county, Alabama, on March '25. 11)31. I Seated beside Patterosn as the ver- diet was read was Clarcnco N orris, kocoiuI of the defondanUn u bo tried ! at tills term of court. I Omaha sni;i:i' OMA1IA. Dee. 4 (U. 8. V. A.) Sheep: OfiOO; lam by slow; bids weak: asking fitronRer; sheep and lecdera steady: bids fel wooled lomtwt ip to 0.76: toost held above 7.00; cww up to; feeding lamtui up to W 'iQ. Joe Cronln, manager of the Wash ington fcienntont, )cnds his Sunday altemomin visiting Ban Francisco plnygroundR and watching young baseball players. For Growing Girls and Weak Women Portland. Ore. "Fur i!1 'JL mommrntl lr. lVic 's l-.itnilp l'irtili.ilon." i.l Mi. C. II li.Klrt of Vv, Mnl Me. "Wlira I w.n ilrvrlitp InK iutd woi'i.itllnHxl 1 VouM ko thru Agony cvrrv monlh. "llie iuim In my limbs were hock, 1 h.ul (ihim.-hii Waiiiir in and lifatUe'ic v tint in k on my frcl. 1 Uxk Dr. 1'iftve' tAvotitc I'ltNCiildloa uml no more irmililc." S'cw fciic tablet 50c; liquid JI.OOl LIBERTY Into a dangerous breach, throwing the full weight of his body on the enraged opponents' flashing arms. But the danger was over as quickly as It started. The opponents separ ated and nonchalantly walked each to his corner of tho ring, wise-cracking to the crowd, as If nothing had happened, as if thoy had only boon fooling anyway. Managers, promoters, studio offic ials, pnd everyone concerned heaved a deep and concerted sigh of relief When the big fight was finally filmed and the hwivywerjjHla suptuwted un til the time when, each will throw make-believe to the winds and seri ously clash, with tho championship as tho prime. W. 6. Van Dyke directed tho un precedented picture and Myrna lxy heads the cast, playing opposite Max Baer. Walter Huston. Otto Krugcr 'uml vlnco Barnett also have prom incut roles. L. H. S. CLASSES OPEN BASKETBALL PRACTICE TODAY Intcrmural, baakotball started at tho I,a Grande High school today with first practice called In tho gymna sium. Twelve class teams will play during the winter, three teams from each grade. Coach Ira Woodle is holding first team practice now In the h. D. 8. Recreational hall, with some 30 or 40 men trying out. Veterans from lost year include Btitt, Wobb and R. DeBoic, but several likely looking prospects appear In the squad. It Is eoubtful, however. If the Tiger bas ketball team this year will have the scoring power it developed last win ter to win the district championship. (Unlon will bo here Friday, Dec. 16 for tho first game of the scaHou. 16 STATES TO PERMIT SALE OF . SPIRITS (Continued From Page One) for off-premise consumption. Colorado Beer and wines ln res taurants, hotels aud 'cMnlng cars; hard liquor in packages for off proiniso consumption, Connecticut Deor in taverns; wine and beer in hotels and restaurants; hard liquor in packages. Delaware No bars; hotels, restaur ants and clubs may sell for consump tion ln dining rooms, tap rooms and bed rooms; grocery and delicatessen stores to sell In packages for con sumption off premises. Florida No. Georgia No. Idaho No. Illinois Unrestricted except in Chicago whero local oidinanco pro hibits perpendicular drinking; legis lature at work on control law. Indiana Rules not yet promul gated by commission. Iowa No. Kansas No. Kentucky No native drinking; distilleries operate for other states. Louisiana Anything goes. Maine No. Maryland No, tintll legislature acts, Massachusetts Unsettled: legis lature at work on bill, Its house. op posing the presence of women in taverns. Michigan -aJ. until legislature, acts. Minnesota No. Mississippi No. Missouri No, until legislature acts. Montana State to vend liquor, not yet ready with stocks. Nebraska No. Nevada Anything goes exeept whero dry by local option. New Hiunp.shlre No. , New Jersey Saloons and bars un der commission control. New Mexico No bars; any firm under same management 3 years may Reli. New York No bars; drinking with or without meals In holies, restaur ants, or on vessels and dining- cars; licensed liquor mtorcs, engaged ln no ot her business, may sell up to three quarts of hard liquor or three gallons of wine per person. North Carolina No. North Dakota No, Ohio 3.13, until legislature acts. Attention Tmppcrs Raw Furs All Kinds of Ixgal Caught Furs Nought I Pay Best Prices CHRIS MILI.EU 1510 Adams Ave. TROJANS TO PLAY HUSKIES DEC. 9 LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4 () ; With ft tie or first place In the Pacific coast conference final standing as their objective, Southern California a Trojana have gone back to work in preparation for the final game of the season hero Saturday against tho University of Washington. The consensus of those wlio saw Troy thump Georgia's Bulldogs last week Is that Howard Jones' team has hit its peak and will be hard to stop In Its wind up performance. By win ning, the Trojans will earn a tlo for the top with Stanford and Oregon, In spite of Its scoreless tie perform ance against Oregon State earlier in the season. Jimmy Phelan's Huskies have a .600 average nov with three victories and the same number of defeats. The highlight, of an average, season was the fl-0 !Husky victory over Stanford. Ok lahoma No. Oregon Control unsettled. Pennsylvania State takes over sale of hard liquor ln packages on January 2; hotels and restaurants may sell In meantime. Rhode Island Drlnklhtr onlv with meals In hotels; licensed stores to sell package goods; drug stores limit ed to one-quart per. person. South Carolina One quart per month per person may be Imported on application, to county judge. South Dakota No. Tennessee No. Texas No. Utali No. Vermont No. Virginia No'. Washington State control unset tled; larger cities to control by or dinances. West VirginiaNo. Wisconsin Anyhow, anytime. anywhere until legislature acts at session beginning December 11. Wyoming No. U. S. Territories No, until con gress acts. PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. 4 (iPj Aside from its historical significance, Tuesday will be little different from any other Tuesday in the past four months for most residents of Oregon. Although legal prohibition will end- tomorrow', practical "prohibition", must be reckoned with, for there is ho available liquor except in drug stores, and these have been dispens ing medicinal liquor slnco'Aug. 1.'. BROADCAST TO FEATURE PL AY Tlie Eagles broadcast program will feature a 40-mlnutc play in addition to other musical numbers tonight at B o'clock at tho Eagles hall. Kenneth. L. "Tug" Wilson, North western university athletic director, has been elected president of -ills suburban ' country club for -. 'lour straight years.' " ' SV'-- I bought NowllcoulJjifkdej3 house tu - .3'W iiiihui ii 4 ; 1 low many lliousaiula of woiucn liavoi said that very thing? Of course you save motioy iloing your laundry the Maytag way. Hut until you own a Maytag you can't rcalizo tlie convenience the ilivp sntisfactioh of having that ilcpeiulahli' washer always hamlv to laun der one garment or a tuhful in les8 time than it takes to w rap up a liundle and make it phono call. Sec the Maytag. Leant tciy it is faster, more thorough, easier on clothes, more economical to operate. Then learn what a small down payment will place one in your home. TI1K MAYTAG CIOMI'ANY, NKWTON, IOWA I'miiuUil H193 l iWiitiiiarturrrs jl luytag still priced us low us PH0NKAI0UT OUR flUt MATTAQ H0MK DEMONSTRATION PLAN ia-a FITZGERALD Furniure Co. i.-m-jJ rhono Mtiin 770 DyaWantaPal? Try 'Chummy' mmmm US? You wouuitl t )icK nun lor a pal, even If Ills mime Is Chuiiimy." !it he hasn't an ounce of pep, Doc Valz, Hot Springs show man, indicates to a Los Angeles court, where the vigor and length ot the big python were at Issue In a suit. Courtroom spectators stood aghast as Doc gave'"Chummy" a near-kiss keeping a- tight grip on his , neck, Incidentally. CITY GREETS , 0. S. C. TEAM ON SATURDAY (Continued from Page One) this year. Coach Lon Stlner stopped off at Hastings,' Neb. and Assistant Coach Georgo Scott Btoppod off at Baker, Carl Lodcll, athlotlo director and for mer L. H. S. coach, spoke briefly for the team, expressing appreciation of the welcome. Also with tho team was Dr. R, L. Bosworth, team physician, and Bruco Sllclicr, senior student manager. - a MAYTAG to save monev For home na( har ing tltctr icily, any Maitaft may hr haJ v ilh Cuioiin fulti Motor at 'tight mJJitional ett. Adams & Fir Sts. CHICAGO BEARS TO DEFEND TITLE CHICAGO, .Dec. 4 Chicago's Bears will defend their national pro fessional football league title against the New York Giant in the. circuit's first title playoff game. Joe Carr, president of the league, said he would announce the date and place of the playorf tomorrow or Wednesday. The Giants clinched the eastern title yesterday . by ..trouncing Pitts burgh, 27. to 3. The. Pirates went into the lead in the second period when Mose Ketch kicked a field goal, but the Giants warmed up in the third end staged a three touchdown raid ln the fourth. Portsmouth, making Its final ef fort to stop the Bears, battled the defending champions to a. 7-all tie at half time, but could not with stand "the pace and went down 17 to 7. 2 Airplanes off course High, winds and storms during the weekend blew two of the airmail planes off their course yesterday. One plane going west from Boise to Pasco landed In Missoula, Mont., while one going east strayed over to Enterprise in the heavy fog but was able to re turn to the route and landed in Boise. The Maforsty oS People Know 4.50 X 20 $7-60 yJeGOLD STANDARD gTire Values the MASTERPIECE OF TIRE CONSTRUCTION For thirteen consecutive years the Indianapolis Races have heen ivon on Firestone C urn Dipped Tires. At today'slow prices you can have the same safety for your family that world famous race drivers demand. The griidUiug test of road and track have ivcn to Firestone all world's records for Safety, Speed, Milciige,and Endurance. Trade us your worn thin tires for the tire made with the extra features of Gunl-Dipping and 7'iro Extra Gum-Dipped Cord Plies Under the Scientifically Designed Tread. The Greatest Tire Ever Built. iaxasMtmgimsmiissxa Firestone Anii-Freeze PER GAL. $2.65 i4lTIt Hot Water HEATER $12-50 FeirMons Motto? Co. rhone Main 500 Does Not Want Referee In Go With Chandler There will be no referee ln the ring when Lowell Hutchinson, brilliant amateur middleweight of Union, at tempts to blast the Sostern Oregon 160-pound championship from the brow of Jimmy Chandler, flashy La Orande inan-mauler, if Hutchinson has his say when they collide In one of the feature bouts of the Eagles relief fund tourney of champions and near-champions at the Sacajawea arena on- Wednesday night, Dec. 13. Hutchinson Is to ask the La Grande boxing commission to omit the third man in the ring "so Jimmy and I can Just fight and find out who's the better man." the former middleweight champion of Oregon State announced last night. Little Bobby ( Dougherty, of Wal lowa, who lost to Francis McClure, of La Grande but who won, a .trophy for being the gamest loser ln the re cent three-night tourney here, is ftp fight McClure for tlie cootie-weight championship. The tourney Is to be the last ama teur ring tourney for Eastern Oregon, and Eagies "officials announced they Intend ta.gOsthe -limit to make ft. the most colorful boxing attraction vet. Some 16 to; 20 exciting conflicts oK three rounds each will make up the program, the, first fight to start promptly at 8:15. e ' v mil s. QUALITY At the Same Price as Mall Order and Special Brand Tire FiRESTOiNE realizes that atty tiiahu facturer to be successful today and to continue to be successful must offer to the Public QUALITY and PRICE. There is ho reduction in the quality of Firestone Tires. . Today you can buy Firestone Quality at the same price you would aiiu apcctai. nranu ures. i THE NEW 4t Super Oldfield Mm TYPE . LI TKis tire is the ij eqtnti ot all stand- Km tirs ii Quality, ') Constrnctiun niitl Appearance. Soltt at n price tlmt alTords you rcul savings. FIRESTONfe OLDFIcLDTYFE This lire' is super riorinqiiuUly to first lino, special brand tirc oHerecl for. sale i by mnil order houses $ and mudc vithout tl the jtinnufnciurcr'sr namcnnduaruhtcoJlf; This is ktTlw TireM That Taught ThritW to Millions." m FIRESTONE SENTINEL TYPE . This lire is of bet ter Vitality, Con struction and Work- iu a n s h i p than second line speeiul brand I ires offered for sale by mail J order houses and ' others and mnde vilhoitt the manu facturer's name aud guarantee FIRESTONE COURIER TYPE This tire is of good Quality and Workmanship carries tho name tI,,ircslone"niid full i guarnnlec sold os I low as many cheap special brand tires manufactured to sell at a price COMPARE Contructlow, Quality and Prl Magnex Battery ' . 13-Plate $4-75 We Service All Makes of Cars FORD DEALERS Bent upon beating off the out-of- t town rlngmen who are to fight, thenj, v the amateur boxers of La Grande will go into training at the Eagles hai; at 7 tonight. The workouts are to be behind closed doors. , La Orande championship winners of (the three-night tourney who are to begin training tonight far the one night classic are: Stanley Bessey, heavyweight; jimmy Chandler, mid dleweight; Johnny - Zlgler, welter weight; Oliver Hammon, Junior wel terweight; Gerald Butcher,' light weight (several classy outsiders are challenging Butcher on the coming card); Orvllle Bowers, featherweight; Dave Larson, flyweight; Prank le Mc Clure, Johnny Rahn, and Jack Matot, cootlewelghts. Near champions of La Grande slated for action in, the one night event Dec. 13 end who. are to train tonight are: Bill . Zlvjtovlch, Boyd Standley, Roy Vermillion, Al Rimbey, Don Jennings, Glen Pope, Harry Stewart, Al. Walker, Lee Sulli van, Doug Burnett, Billy . Johnspn, Wlllnrd Johnson, Eddie Mocklln, Dean Severns, Jackie Talbert, Roy Bennett and others. NORTH POWDEB IN . NORTH POWDER, Ore., Dec. 4 Winners of an elimination, affair to be held here this week ore to go to La Grande to fight in the tourney of champions the night of Dec 13, Lee Slusher, promoter, declared today. Nearly all a person's muscles are exercised by a new four wheeled ma chlno that is propelled by operating levers with both the hanlds and feet. a xitv O Tlsey Can Buy and SERVICE liave to pay formal! order 5 4 n 4.40 x 21 $6.48 4.50 X 21 r..7;10 4.76 x 10 .....:. 7.66 6.00 X 20 8.35 5.25 X 18 0.00 4.40 X 21 $g.s5 4.75 x ii)... 6.00 x 19... 5.25 X 18... 6.70 7.20 8.10 1 1 4.40 x 21 I S4.98 - - 4.75 x 10 :..4s.66 5.00 X 19... 8.48 5.25 x 18 7.30 i 4.40 x 2i $3.60 30 X 3'4 3.4B 4.50 X 21 4.28 4.75 X ... 4.65 Firetlene Spark Plugs Sav Gasoline 50c Each In Sti If'e irifl vour Spark Plugs t'HES 4 th & Washington